When is the Navy celebrated? Navy Foundation Day (Foundation Day of the Navy)

Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days.” This is one of the most beloved holidays in the USSR and then in Russia, which has the unofficial name of Neptune Day. The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the country’s urgent need to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries became the main obstacle to economic and social development Russian state.

From the history of the fleet

The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the country's urgent need to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries became the main obstacle to the economic and social development of the Russian state.

The first Russian warship was created under Alexei Mikhailovich. It was built according to the design of the Dutch shipbuilder Colonel Cornelius Vanbukoven. "Eagle" was a perfect vessel for those times. Its length was 24.5 m, width - 6.5 m, and draft - 1.5 m. The ship was armed with 22 cannons. The crew consisted of 22 sailors and 35 archers. The combat vessel received its name in honor of the state emblem.

Alexei Mikhailovich's son Peter I understood perfectly well that the successful solution of the primary and historically important task - access to the Baltic and Black Seas - depended only on well-organized joint actions of the army and navy. As a result, in an incredibly short period of time (from November 1695 to May 1696) in cities located along the banks of rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov, 36-gun ships “Apostle Peter” and “Apostle Paul”, 4 fire ships, 23 galleys, 1,300 sea boats, rafts and plows.

Thus, the Azov Fleet was formed. On July 19, 1696, the Russian army, with the support of warships, took the Turkish fortress of Azak (Azov). The first major victory in the war for access to the sea was won.

In October 1696, the decision of the Boyar Duma legally determined the creation of the Russian fleet and marked the beginning of its construction. " Marine vessels to be..." - such was the will of not only the young Russian Tsar Peter I, but also his associates, who well understood that without a fleet the state could not take a new step in its development.

At numerous shipyards scattered throughout Russia, ships of the Russian Navy of various classes were built. By the spring of 1700, 40 sailing and 113 rowing ships were launched. The Azov fleet was constantly replenished. Having successfully solved the southern problem, Peter I set himself the task of achieving access to the Baltic Sea coast at any cost. A long period of North War with the Swedes (1700-1721).

The enemy, well aware that he could undermine the power of the Russian army, decided to deliver his decisive blow to Arkhangelsk, the city where the shipyards where warships were built were located. But the enemy’s plan was well known to Peter I. He ordered the installation of batteries along the coastline, the construction of fortifications, the strengthening of the garrison and the control of foreign ships sailing in the White Sea.

The Novodvinsk fortress was built at the mouth of the Northern Dvina. On June 24, 1701, a Swedish squadron of seven ships under the command of Vice Admiral Sheblad, knowing nothing about the recently constructed Russian fortification, approached the mouth of the Northern Dvina. The battle lasted 13 hours. The surviving Swedes barely managed to go to sea on one galliot. Another major victory of the young Russian fleet was triumphant.

It was then that the famous Peter’s commandments were born: “They don’t count enemies - they beat them,” “The flag is not lowered before the enemy under any circumstances,” “Fight to the last, and at the last moment destroy the ship,” etc. They formed the basis of the fighting traditions of the legendary Russian fleet.

The naval battle, which took place on July 26-27, 1714 near the Gangug Peninsula (now Hanko), occupies a special place among the naval battles of Peter the Great's time. During the battle, Russian soldiers managed to capture 6 enemy galleys and 3 skerries. In May 1719, off the island of Ezel, the squadron of Peter I boarded 3 Swedish ships. The emperor himself called the Ezel victory “a good initiative for the Russian fleet.”

In 1720, near the island of Grengam, a detachment of the Russian rowing fleet, commanded by General M. M. Golitsyn, defeated a Swedish squadron consisting of battleship, 4 frigates, 3 galleys and 6 small ships. As a result, our fleet gained a foothold in the area of ​​the Åland archipelago and subsequently successfully conducted military operations against the enemy from here.

The Swedes, having suffered major losses in the war, were not even able to defend their own territories from the Russian landing. In 1721 they signed the Peace of Nystadt with Russia. The Northern War is over. As a result, the Russian state became a great maritime power.

During the period of his reign, Peter managed to do a lot for the Russian state, but in the list of his services to the Fatherland there is a title that he himself would appreciate most of all - “father of the Russian fleet.”

Thanks to Peter the Great, Russia became one of the strongest naval powers. It was the “father of the Russian fleet” who came up with the idea of ​​holding festive military parades. It is believed that the first such parade took place in 1699 before the Kerch campaign of ships from Taganrog.

This holiday has big story: 290 years - in August 1714, the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I won its first victory. Then the tradition arose on the occasion of victories at sea to line up ships and fire all cannons. In the Soviet Union, the “Red Fleet Week” was held since 1923. These days there were crowded rallies and meetings, labor cleanups, gatherings Money for the needs of the fleet. During times Soviet power The birthday of the Russian Navy was called differently - the Birthday of the USSR Navy. It should be noted that this holiday began to be celebrated in 1939 on the initiative of the outstanding Soviet naval commander, Hero Soviet Union, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. On July 30, 2006, it is celebrated for the 67th time.

Military sailors in the Soviet Union enjoyed special honor and respect. And they themselves enthusiastically celebrated their professional holiday— Navy Day. Submariners, marine paratroopers and other warriors whose battlefield is the sea will confirm that their work requires special training, a special state of mind, a special calling. It is no coincidence that for many decades emergency service in the navy it took as much as three years, while in other branches of the military it was a whole year shorter. The importance of the Navy today has not only not been lost, but has increased even more.

Before the First World War, the main tasks were carried out by surface ships, and they were the main branch of the fleet. During the Second World War, this role for some time passed to naval aviation, and in the post-war period, with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines established themselves as the main type of force. The Navy as a heterogeneous strategic association was finally formed by the mid-1930s, when the Navy included naval aviation, coastal defense and air defense units.

The modern system of command and control bodies of the Navy finally took shape on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. On January 15, 1938, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, the People's Commissariat of the Navy was created, within which the Main Naval Headquarters was formed. During the Great Patriotic War, the Navy reliably covered the strategic flanks of the Soviet-German front, attacked enemy ships and vessels, and protected Russian sea communications.

In the post-war years, the Russian Navy entered the ocean, became nuclear-powered, missile-carrying, highly mobile, capable of solving any tasks to protect the Russian state.

The Navy had its greatest combat potential in the mid-1980s. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Navy faced a number of problems: the most important elements of the fleet's basing in the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas were lost. The largest shipbuilding enterprises remained outside Russia. The number of ships, as well as the pace of construction of warships, was significantly reduced.

On modern stage One of the main tasks of the state is to maintain the technical readiness of the existing fleet and build new ships, since the presence of a well-equipped modern Navy in Russia is one of the most important tools for ensuring Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean.

The Navy has a truly heroic biography and glorious maritime and military traditions. He is rightfully a source of pride and love for Russian citizens. Its history is one of persistent military work, great discoveries and achievements, feats accomplished for the glory of the Fatherland. With the active participation of many generations of military sailors, during the harsh years of trials, our country defended its right to independence, sovereignty and prosperity.

Russia is a great maritime power. The right to be considered it has been won by generations of our compatriots, whose courage and dedication, brilliant victories in naval battles have gained unfading glory for the country and its Navy.

And today, in the new difficult political and economic conditions, Russian sailors are vigilantly keeping watch to protect the maritime borders of their Motherland and, as before, are ready for any storm warnings.

Today, the Navy successfully solves problems in the interests of ensuring the security and defense capability of the state. As before, the courage and dedication of military sailors helps them overcome difficulties and fulfill their military duty with honor. A clear confirmation of this is the high level of training of personnel, competent use of the combat capabilities of modern weapons systems, vigilant performance of combat service and combat duty, loyalty to the St. Andrew's flag and the military oath.

After all, the most modern technology will remain only a piece of metal without people capable of operating it - competent, trained, disciplined and dedicated people - officers, midshipmen, sailors, civilian specialists.

For the holidays that are part of military history Russia also refers to the Day of the Founding of the Navy.


The day of the establishment of the Navy is considered to be its official introduction by Peter I, but the origin of the Russian flotilla began in the 6th-7th centuries.

This is interesting:

  1. The first flotilla, which lasted only a year, was built in 1570 by order of Ivan the Terrible. In 1636, for the first time, a en is a three-masted ship of the European type, which was used by the Holsteiners.
  2. The first ship of Western European design was built in 1667. Together with Dutch and local craftsmen, a Russian double-decker ship was assembled on the Oka River, having three masts and capable of going to sea, but never did so. Several boats and a yacht were also built.
  3. The Don Cossacks had experience in naval combat, but the development of the Russian fleet began only with the onset of the 18th century. On October 30, 1696, on the advice of Peter I, the Boyar Duma decided to establish a regular Russian naval fleet.
  4. The establishment of the fleet contributed to the active development of shipbuilding, the creation of the Azov and Baltic fleets, which were later joined by the Caspian flotilla, the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea fleets.
  5. The first half of the 18th century became a period of geographical discoveries for Russian sailors, giving the world such great navigators as V. Bering, V. Golovin, E. Putyatin and others.
  6. In the second half of the 18th century, the Russian Navy ranked 3rd in terms of the number of combat ships. Continuously improving and training battle tactics, the Russian fleet won victories in many battles, imprinting admirals Makarov, Spiridov, Kornilov and other brave military men in history.

Continuous training of the fleet helped him during the Second World War in difficult conditions not only not to lose his positions, but also to defeat the enemy. Naval pilots, submariners and Marines worked as a well-coordinated mechanism, creating the maritime glory of Russia.

Now our fleet is developing, improving its skills, and is armed with the most modern equipment.


On the Founding Day of the Russian Navy, everyone involved in this responsible profession receives congratulations and awards. But most of the sailors spend this day at work. The St. Andrew's flag is raised on the ships and ceremonial formations are held. The authorities express their gratitude for the service.

On the hottest days of summer, when most people dream of relaxing on the water, namely on the fourth Sunday of July, the civilian population celebrates Neptune Day. This holiday arose from an ancient custom - before passing the ship through the equator, Neptune baptized newcomers with water. But this is a joke... But seriously, this is Navy Day. This holiday in Russia began to be celebrated in 1939 at the suggestion of Admiral Kuznetsov, as a tribute to all military sailors and their loved ones, as a memory of the historical glory of the Russian fleet, which won the right to independence and prosperity for their country. The Navy is the pride of the entire country with military traditions and a heroic biography. This holiday is celebrated not only by military sailors, but also by everyone who is proud of the fleet, who appreciates its heroic past and believes in its future.

On this great and proud holiday,
Navy Day,
I wish you to break records
And cope with difficult work.

To achieve all the peaks on the way,
Be an example and the pride of your loved ones,
Never give up on anything,
Conquer all problems and risks!

Happy Navy Day
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you a fair wind,
Calm weather, clear skies,
Safe roads, not in vain worries,
May you be in everything, everywhere and always
Your guiding star guides!

On Navy Day, I want to wish you a beautiful, amazing life, like the sea. May your health always remain strong, may happiness be limitless, may strength fill your body and spirit every day. I wish you good luck and success, I wish you to always maintain a high wave of confidence and stability in life.

You swam across the ocean,
He went to the seas and guarded his homeland.
Honor and glory shone under the sail,
You have opened thousands of roads for yourself.

Today is a holiday - Navy Day,
Pour and drink a glass of vodka.
And you won't go to work today,
Today you will drink to the lovely ladies.

Today you will remember the sea, oceans,
Expanse of roads and thousands of obstacles.
Navy Day is the main holiday in July,
I am very happy to congratulate you on it.

Honor and glory to the sailors
On this summer holiday.
Peace and health to you,
Joy and happiness.

We always wish you
Conquer the depths
Let all the trouble go away
Deep into the depths of the sea!

Conquerors of the seas, oceans and rains,
To the lords of all helms,
Sails and anchors
We only wish for calm,
And sail through life beautifully.
And without a compass to know
Where to moor yourself.
Let life be more comfortable
And more spacious than a cabin.
To wait at the pier
And they greeted us with a smile.
So that stray volleys of guns
Only on holidays you should listen.
And fireworks in your honor
So as not to over-read!

Our naval military fleet,
Behind you is like behind a wall!
We wish you prosperity,
In a life of well-being.

Let them come true everywhere
On land and on water
All cherished dreams.
Happiness, light, kindness!

Navy Day is a great holiday.
You can’t drink it in sips:
And ships, and fleet, and units,
And the flags are flying ahead!

Neptune's day is a day of honor and strength.
And these qualities cannot be taken away.
After all, the Navy is always united,
Although it is impossible to hug them.

All ships stand at attention,
Order to set sail on board.
May the day be bright and the pennant fair,
And let them love you at home and wait!

Navy Day - what a date!
Thank you for life, guys.
You are the honor of the country, its joy,
Everyone has their own reward.

Health, joy and happiness,
Let them not be touched by bad weather,
Love, smiles, kindness,
And let your dreams come true!

While we live and breathe -
We dream about sails.
For valor that is higher than all,
We honor Navy Day.
The river flows into the sea,
And the sea is in our souls.
In joy or in sorrow -
It can listen to us.
When the road calls
...then there is no stronger call!
Once there is an order, everything is strict!
We're going to sea again.

Congratulations on Fleet Day!
Very hunting on this day
For you, brother sailors,
Keep our fingers crossed for all of us.
Rejoice, do not be sad,
And win on campaigns.
May Neptune reward you
Will reassure, protect.
Strive for new achievements,
Take heart quickly -
Hurray for you! Forward! Fight!

The Navy as an independent branch of the Armed Forces Russian Federation took shape from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the country's urgent need to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries became the main obstacle to the economic and social development of the Russian state. The first regular formation of the Russian Navy was the Azov Fleet, which was formed from ships and vessels built in winter

1695-1696 and intended to assist the army in the campaign to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov.

On October 30 (October 20, old style), 1696, the boyar duma, on the proposal of Tsar Peter I, adopted the resolution “Sea vessels shall be...”, which became the first law on the fleet and official recognition of its foundation.

During the Northern War of 1700-1721, the Baltic Fleet was created, which promoted Russia to one of the major naval powers. The first warships for him were built in 1702-1703 at the mouth of the Syas River on Lake Ladoga and on the Svir River. In 1703, the base of the Russian fleet in the Baltic was founded - Kronshlot (later - Kronstadt).

During the Northern War, the main tasks of the fleet were determined, the list of which remains practically unchanged to this day, namely: the fight against the enemy’s naval forces, the fight on sea communications, the defense of one’s coast from the sea direction, assistance to the army in coastal areas, striking and ensuring an invasion of enemy territory from the sea. Specific gravity These tasks changed as material resources and the nature of armed struggle at sea changed. Accordingly, the role and place of individual branches of the fleet that were part of the fleet changed.

Before the First World War, the main tasks were carried out by surface ships, and they were the main branch of the fleet. During the Second World War, this role for some time passed to naval aviation, and in the post-war period, with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines established themselves as the main type of force.

Before the First World War, the fleet was homogeneous. Coastal troops (marines and coastal artillery), which existed since early XVIII century, were not organizationally part of the fleet. In 1906, submarine forces were born and began to develop as a new branch of the Navy. In 1914, the first naval aviation units were formed, which in 1916 also acquired the characteristics of an independent type of force. The Navy was finally formed as a heterogeneous strategic association by the mid-1930s, when the Navy organizationally included naval aviation, coastal defense and units air defense(air defense).

During the formation of the regular Russian fleet, its organizational structure and functions were unclear. In 1717, by decree of Peter I, an Admiralty Board was formed for the day-to-day management of the fleet. In 1802, the Ministry of Maritime Forces was formed, which was later renamed the Naval Ministry and existed until 1917. Organs for combat (operational) command and control of naval forces appeared after Russo-Japanese War with the creation in 1906 of the Morskoy General Staff. On January 15, 1938, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) and the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), the People's Commissariat of the Navy was created, within which the Main Naval Headquarters was formed.

Permanent groupings of forces in naval theaters were formed as decisions were made Russian state historical tasks related to the acquisition of access to the World Ocean, the inclusion of the country in world economy and politics. In the Baltic, the fleet existed continuously since May 18 (May 7, old style) 1703, the Caspian flotilla - from November 15 (November 4, old style) 1722, and the fleet on the Black Sea - from May 13 (May 2, old style) 1783. In the North and Pacific Ocean groupings of naval forces were created on a temporary basis or, without significant development, were periodically abolished. The current Pacific and Northern fleets have existed as permanent groupings since April 21, 1932 and June 1, 1933, respectively.

The fleet received its greatest development by the mid-1980s. At this time, it included four fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, which included more than 100 divisions and brigades of surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal defense.

The Navy of the Russian Federation is the successor to the Russian Navy and the USSR Navy, consists of naval strategic nuclear forces and naval forces general purpose. It includes surface forces, submarine forces, naval aviation and coastal forces, which include coastal missile and artillery forces and marine infantry.

Organizationally, the Navy consists of four operational-strategic formations: Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea Fleet, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying its fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transport, facilitating Ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, to land amphibious assault forces, to participate in repelling enemy landings and to perform other tasks.

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Vladimir Korolev, there are currently between 70 and 100 ships of the Russian Navy performing their functions.

Throughout its history, the fleet has played an important role in the fate of Russia. World history forever captures the legendary battles of the Russian fleet at Gangut (now the Hanko Peninsula in Finland), Tendra, Sinop, Chesma, the most important operations during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

The history of celebrations in honor of the fleet dates back to the time of Peter I. The reason for the first real naval parade was the victory won by the Russian fleet on July 27 (August 7, new style) in 1714 in the Battle of Gangut during the Northern War. She became the first Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet. The Gangut victory was solemnly celebrated in St. Petersburg. The celebration continued for several days. In his decree, Peter I ordered that the day of the Gangut victory be celebrated annually on July 27 with solemn services, naval parades and fireworks. This day has become a kind of holiday for the Navy. Later, the celebration of the victory was limited only to a solemn prayer service. In the middle of the 19th century, the tradition of the times of Peter I was revived: on July 27, parades of ships decorated with flags began to be held and gun salutes sounded.

In 1917 the holiday was cancelled. Since 1920, at the proposal of the Headquarters of the Naval Forces of the Baltic Sea, on the day closest to May 18, the day off in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) began to celebrate Red Fleet Day. On May 18 (May 7, old style) in 1703, the Russian regular fleet won its first victory in the Baltic. In the boarding battle, the Swedish boat "Gedan" and the shnyava (a small two-masted ship with straight sails) "Astrild" were captured. Subsequently, the date of this battle was accepted as the day of the emergence of the Baltic Fleet.

The Navy Day holiday in the USSR was first celebrated on July 24, 1939 on the basis of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated June 22, 1939, by which it was established. Navy Day was to be celebrated annually on July 24th. The date of the celebration of Navy Day was moved to the last Sunday of July by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days” and subsequent legislative acts.

Traditionally, the celebration of Navy Day begins with the ceremonial formation of the personnel of naval units and the ritual of raising the St. Andrew's flag and flags on ships. Naval parades and military sports festivals are held on this day in the locations where the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets are based, as well as the Caspian flotilla. Parades of warships on this day

The Russian fleet is a national treasure and the pride of Russia, which remains a great maritime power to this day.

The main naval parade on the occasion of Russian Navy Day on July 30 will be held in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. Parades in honor of Navy Day will also take place at all Russian naval bases, including in Syria.

History and traditions of the holiday

In the Soviet Union, military sailors enjoyed special honor and respect - Navy Day was established in 1939 and celebrated annually on July 24.

The initiator of the creation of the holiday was the outstanding Soviet naval commander, hero of the Soviet Union, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Yeshchenko

Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" in Severomorsk

In October 1980, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Navy Day was moved to the last Sunday in July.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday fit into the new Russian reality and became more revered over time. IN modern Russia The celebration of Navy Day was established by decree of the Russian President of May 31, 2006.

On Navy Day, memorial and solemn events are traditionally held throughout the country, military parades, including ship parades, meetings of veterans, concerts, folk festivals, fireworks and fireworks.

The holiday also has mythological roots - it is believed that on the hottest days of summer it is worth paying homage to the formidable god of the seas Neptune, so Navy Day is also Neptune Day.

The holiday arose from an ancient custom according to which Neptune doused novice sailors with water before allowing the ship to pass.

Origins of the Russian fleet

The first Russian warship was built several centuries ago according to the design of the Dutch shipbuilder Colonel Cornelius Vanbukoven during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

The Eagle, whose length was 24.5 meters, width 6.5 meters, and draft 1.5 meters, was a perfect vessel at that time. The crew of the ship, which was armed with 22 cannons, consisted of 22 sailors and 35 archers. The combat vessel received its name in honor of the state emblem.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

A Su-33 fighter takes off from the deck of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" off the coast of Syria in the Mediterranean Sea

Active construction of ships began at the end of the 17th century - the decision of the Boyar Duma in October 1696 legally determined the creation of the Russian fleet and marked the beginning of its construction.

"There will be sea vessels!" - such was the will of not only the young Russian Tsar Peter I, but also his associates, who well understood that without a fleet the state could not take a new step in its development.

Ships of the Russian fleet of various classes were built at numerous shipyards scattered throughout Russia. By the spring of 1700, 40 sailing and 113 rowing ships were launched. The Azov fleet was constantly replenished.

Peter I, having successfully solved the southern problem, set himself the task of achieving access to the Baltic Sea coast at any cost. The long Northern War with the Swedes began (1700-1721).

The Russian fleet under the command of Peter I won its first victory in August 1714. It was then that the tradition arose, on the occasion of victories at sea, to line up ships and fire all cannons.

© REUTERS / Norwegian Royal Airforce

Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

By the end of the 18th century, the Russian fleet was the third largest in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was decided to begin the construction of submarine fleet vessels, but the 1917 revolution made its own adjustments - everything was destroyed, and some of the ships were sunk.

Navy today

The modern Russian fleet, which consists of reliable, technically equipped ships, aircraft carriers, missile carriers and submarines, is intended for the armed defense of the country's interests and for conducting combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war.

The Russian fleet is divided into several parts: Baltic, Pacific, Northern, Black Sea. Each of them performs the most important task of defense and defense of the state.

The Navy is capable of inflicting nuclear strikes against enemy ground targets, destroy enemy fleet groups at sea and at bases, disrupt the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protect their maritime transport, assist the Ground Forces in operations in continental theaters of military operations, land amphibious assault forces, participate in repelling enemy landing forces, and perform others tasks.

The main symbol of the Russian Navy

Since the times of Peter the Great, the main symbol of the Russian Navy has been the St. Andrew's flag. This is a rectangular canvas, which depicts two intersecting blue stripes, which symbolize the oblique St. Andrew's cross.

The flag is named in honor of the patron saint of Russia - the first disciple of Jesus Christ, Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Christ was the first to call Andrew, a simple fisherman who hunted on Lake Galilee, as his disciple.

The Apostle Andrew, the brother of the Apostle Peter, was a great traveler and preacher of the Christian faith. He went on a journey through the lands inhabited by Slavic tribes and taught the pagan Slavs the Christian faith.

Andrew the First-Called is also considered the patron saint of sailors - according to legend, he resurrected forty people who hurried to him to hear the news of Christ, but died during a severe storm.

Tsar Peter I founded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - the main and highest award of Russia back in 1698, and 300 years later this award was revived and became the basis of the symbolism of the Russian Navy.

The material was prepared based on open sources

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