Why rain with bubbles for a long time. Why appear bubbles on the puddles during the rain

Unusual weather phenomena attract people's attention and have their meaning. According to the folk summary, bubbles on the puddles during the rain predict strong shower or, on the contrary, the improvement in the weather. This phenomenon has a scientific explanation that prefers to trust daches, gardeners and those who want to always be aware of meteorological change. What bubbles actually appear, could unmistakably determine our ancestors.

Scientific explanation of the appearance of bubbles on the puddles

Scientists explain rain with bubbles on the puddles from a scientific point of view. Such a phenomenon is observed when the atmospheric pressure drops because it regulates the movement of cold and warm air fronts. On this basis, you can determine how long the bad weather will delay. If the pressure level dropped, and on the street, the rainy, most likely, the rain will be long and long.

In addition to the pressure to form bubbles, it is necessary that the raining drops are large. Falling, they break through the tension of water and form a funnel, from which water comes out. Under the edges of the funnels, air particles fall, as a result, bubbles appear on the puddles, their dimensions depend on the size of the drops. The reason for the formation of balls also lies in the absence of wind. When drops fall vertically and clap water, they disintegrate not immediately, and for a few seconds turn into large and dense bubbles.

British scientists are discarding something with the solution of this issue, and this is exactly their scope of application of interest. In their place immediately in the first experiment put in the middle of the puddles with distilled water.

The bubble made only from the water is unstable and quickly burst. In order to stabilize its condition, in water dissolve any surfactants, such as soap. A widespread misconception is that soap increases the surface tension of water. In fact, it makes just the opposite, reduces the surface tension of about a third of the surface tension clean water. When the soap film stretches, the concentration of soap molecules on the surface decreases, while increasing the surface tension. Thus, soap selectively strengthens the weak parts of the bubble, not allowing them to stretch further. In addition to this, soap protects water from evaporation, thereby making the lifetime of the bubble even more.

A large drop of rain falls on the surface of the water and forms a deep funnel. The funnel "shallows". And now on the surface there was a bubble with air enclosed in it. The walls of the shell of the bubble "hold" due to the forces of the surface tension of water. These forces increase, for example, when the water is soap. If it was raining a drip on soap puddle, then not just rainbow long-lived soap bubbles would have been formed, and foam.

Other fate of smaller raindrops. They also form a deepening on the surface of the water, but not so deep, and they do not "collapse." Sometimes there are "water nails" - vertical thin fountains arising in the center of the recesses. "Water nails" looks in heavy rain at night with a bright lightning outbreak.

The view of all bubbles are approximately the same. The bubble shell is similar to the hemisphere. The spherical form is explained by the fact that the sphere of all volumetric bodies has the smallest area, and the lowest area requires the principle of a minimum of potential energy (any system in equilibrium is in a state in which its energy has a minimum value).

The spherical shape and surface tension affect the overpressure, which forms air inside the bubble compared to atmospheric.

Folk sign "Bubbles on the puddles - to the protracted rain" is absolutely fair. From the walls of the bubble all the time there is evaporation of water. During a strong shower or when overcast air humidity is close to 100%, evaporation of water from the walls of the bubble is insignificant. This circumstance prolongs the lives of large bubbles, which is much during a good summer rain. When the air humidity is small, water quickly evaporates. In the dry air, the thin layer of the water bubble wall would almost instantly disappear.

To form more - less stable existing for a few seconds in puddles, a combination of two factors is necessary, the first as fairly above is the size of the drop (the bubble is formed. The back "drops, but for this drop should be sufficiently massive). And of course, in order for the existence of the bubble to be sufficiently needed 100 percent air humidity. (It happens always).
In addition to these main facts, the existence of bubbles in principle can affect such factors such as the depth of the puddles, its composition, the presence of factors of destroying bubbles (wind with sand, for example, near children's sandboxes, seen.).
In the autumn small rain, there will be no bubbles. In the summer in a thunderstorm - yes.

In principle, everything that is written above is true. I would also add the fact that in order for bubbles to appear (and / or were resistant, i.e. there was a noticeable time for us) it is necessary to stabilize them. Stabilization can be achieved with the help of surfactants contained in the water of the puddles. What are them more - the easier the bubbles are formed and the longer they exist. In one pool, more surfactants, and the other, respectively, will be more respectively in the first bubbles (the surfactant content may be a whitewash, but the effect of this is large - since the surfactant molecules are concentrated on the surface of bubbles, and those surfactants that are in The volume of the big role is not played). Recall that water with a dissolved washing powder is easily foaming when the usual is practically not foaming. And if you put a pelvis with a solution of washing powder under the rain, the bubbles in it will be much larger than in any natural pool.

If the wind is not, and the cloud is still, the drops fall vertically, and in this case there are good large bubbles, and if the wind falls at an angle to the surface of the water, and then the bubbles may not be: and the blowing energy is smeared, and the irrigation of the height of the walls Before collapses.

Biggest soap bubble

Water should not be tough !!! To reduce salt, water should be well boiled and give to give.

Recipe number 1, the easiest:
- water, soap (domestic economic or glycerin) rub on the grater, the proportion is: 10 parts of water to 1 part of the soap, the proportion is approximate, of course. For strength to this water solution Glycerin or sugar solution with gelatin is added.

Recipe number 2.
- 100 gr. any means for washing dishes,
- 300 ml of water,
- 50 ml of glycerol.

Recipe number 3.
- 300 ml hot water,
- 150 ml of glycerin,
- 10 drops of ammonia alcohol,
- 50 gr. Any powdered detergent.
All this is mixed and leave to appease for 2-3 days. After the solution has been pulled and put it in a refrigerator for 12 hours.

Recipe number 4.
- 50 ml of an ordinary transparent shower gel,
- 50 ml of water,
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar.

How to check high-quality soap bubbles, or not? A bubble with a diameter of 30 mm should live at least 30 seconds, or to dip the finger into the soap solution and quickly pierce the soap bubble, if the bubble did not burst, then the solution has turned out correctly.

Folk signs and beliefs often help people predict the weather. Such predictions were and checked for centuries and therefore it is quite possible to trust them. One of these predictions is the sign of bubbles on the puddles during. This belief refers to the category of weather, and it can be useful as gardeners and summer houses and those who like to spend time in nature and want to know in advance whether the bad weather will last long.

Folk signs about puddles bubbles

Many people argue whether the formation of bubbles on the puddles about the protracted rain, or on the contrary, it means that the bad weather will end soon. According to, rain with bubbles will be protracted, and in the extreme case and can last not last one day.

Our ancestors knew that the formation of such a phenomenon as a bubble, promises only the protracted bad weather and were absolutely right, because for his education requires a certain atmospheric pressure, which happens when the rain clouds do not think to be dissolved. And this means that precipitation will fall out long. Atmospheric pressure that regulates the movement of warm and cold air fronts, and explains whether the bad weather will last long. If two extended and sedentary front collided, wait for the sun and heat not soon.

So the sign of bubbles on the puddles has a scientific rationale and not even one. In addition to atmospheric pressure, it is necessary for the formation of a bubble that the rainy drop is large enough. Only in this case, it can break through the surface tension of water. Large drops, as a rule, are under shrins and thunderstorms, and this in itself says that the bad weather can delay. Although there are exceptions from this rule, for example, in the southern regions, bad weather often begins suddenly and ends quickly.

Rain is beautiful at any time of the year. In the summer, we are glad to enjoy the cool and freshness after the shower, the autumn heat, brings peace of mind and confusion, sitting by the window with a cup of beloved hot drink, we immerse yourself in dreams and meditation. There is no such person who has never wondered - why the bubbles on the puddles during the rain? The answer is still from childhood - this is the right sign of a protracted shower. Is it so, no one because no one because different sources report to accept quite differently.

Long ago, people began to march natural phenomena And bind them with events in life. The inability to give a clear justification for the appearance of bubbles on water stroits - people were timed to the number of signs of protracted rainfall or fast cooling. So what do these bubbles appear and does it affect the time at which this "mysterious" phenomenon occurs?

Modern look

AT modern society It is not customary to pay attention to the signs, for us they are the remnants of the past. You can explain everything from a scientific point of view. There are bubbles on water or not, depends on many different factors.

  1. When the rain is finely dried, it does not happen bubbles at all. The largest droplets are only after the air temperature drop on the street, mixing warm and cold fronts.
  2. In the summer, large bubbles can always be seen in the thunderstorm. In the afternoon, the Earth warmed heavily, so warm air flows come from it, then the opposite is cold, then the shower will be strong, but will not delay for a long time.
  3. When the pressure of the atmosphere is low, then there are many bubbles, and they are not in a hurry to burst.
  4. The size of the drops - the biggest, the stronger they are fighting about the water, forming a kind of funnel, into which the air falls.
  5. Lack of wind - a strong hurricane blossoms droplets, interfering with them to hit the surface of the water.
  6. Due to the increased atmospheric pressure, the drops are bouncing from the puddle, and splashes are obtained.

Believe or not?

What are the beliefs are related to such a phenomenon of nature? One sign reads about the debt and protracted rain, but there is a direct opposite statement, so to believe? Note is true in both cases, but with different components. Bubbles during the rain will be if:

  • low pressure;
  • the weather was hot;
  • parished all day.

Bubbles should not be expected: if the effect of the atmosphere or strong wind is observed.


Rain is needed to all: both nature, and man. Everything comes to life after watering water, it is important to understand - where does the rain clouds come from? Solar rays are capable of turning into pairs with its heat. Evaporation occurs from everywhere: from rivers, seas, lakes, ordinary puddles.

Droplets, turning into pairs, rise highly, reaching the highest mark - merge into the cloud. Clouds, steaming above the earth, expect their time as soon as the drops are so much so much that they will not be able to keep in the sky, go on the ground.

Effect of prediction in different pores of the year

As you know, all natural phenomena of the people are associated with the signs. I would like to know the general signs of bad weather in order to prepare for surprises in advance. Often, in the summer period there are short-term rains, and in the autumn-spring bad weather has a protracted character. And yet - how to do without weather forecasters, and most predicted the further development of events? The notes of our great-grandmothers will come to the rescue associated with the balls on the rains during the rains.

Large, beautiful bubbles forelightened thunderstorms, small long non-bucks - bad weather will be long. If bubbles are solubular and a lot of them, as much as a week, no less. Large, quickly disappearing bubbles - foreshadow cooling for the next few days.

In the fall to the big bubbles that appeared on the puddles, we treat the landscape - this is a sure sign of bad weather, the duration of which will be delayed for a long time. It means that it is time to get umbrellas, hats and broken books from the shelves, an excellent time for depressive personalities, loving to watch the autumn drip. In the summer, bad weather only in joy, there is an opportunity: it is kidden and frozen under warm water. Measure how in childhood all puddles.

Hacupping rainy days

Even before the rain, you can clearly find out how much bad weather will last and when there will be a thunderstorm, we will be given tips: animals and birds.

  1. Swallows, low flying over the ground, foreshadow rain for the evening, and the next day. In fact, birds do not know about the upcoming bad weather, just midges that birds eat, begin to fly closer to the ground.
  2. Sparrows that bathe in the sand make such procedures on the eve of precipitation.
  3. Pay attention to pets - cats, for example, before the prail will sleep all day, and dogs with sad views sit at the door.

Summer, warm rain always causes many positive emotions. Washed road dust, it dilutes a hot-stense day by cool and freshness. During such torrential rain on the puddles, bubbles appear, and this turns out to be a folk sign.

General interpretation

Large bubbles on the puddles of the comment predict a protracted bad weather. It can increase or slow down, but it will have to wait long.

For our ancestors it was a direct indication to strengthen the dams, make a canopy for the beveled hay, repair the roof of the house. Many have seen in this opportunity to do household goods requiring accuracy and leisure. Girls at this time could enjoy knitting, sewing and all kinds of needlework.

Modern person such a sign can change plans for rest. After all, I do not want a summer weekend to spend in the crude tent on wet grass. Those who were going to a long car business trip, it will be a warning to observe the high-speed mode and be prepared for erosion of the crossing through the rivers. In general, in the foresight of Typhoon it is better to refrain from traveling and come up with a business in the office.

Hoping for the cessation of precipitation costs if they saw the rainbow in the sky to dinner - in the evening the rain will stop. Rainbow in the morning - the sediments will be held in one day. And heard the singing of birds during the shower - wait for an unexpected sun.

Spiders behave very actively, then it is starting to weave the web - it means a warm and dry climate will be restored.

They were pleased with the bubble dirty puddle and stained badly - get ready for a series of troubles that will chase you twenty-four hours. But it is not necessary to dump everyone, learn to stand up for yourself and declare your infringent rights.

If the water in the puddle is clean and sat down - soon your gloomy mood will change to the opposite. The reason for this will be a pleasant moment donated by fate. Use the succession of good luck and implement the planned one. If there are no ambitious plans, be sure to create them and resolutely embody.

Go to the bubble puddle with dry shoes and fully wet them - a good sign for those who are looking for a new or additional source of income. Material well-being from this day will begin to grow in geometric progression.

Hand in a wastewater ditch to dots or sneakers and noise - it will be a reason to invite guests to the house. The company of friends will not bring a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the dwelling, but you are pretty wanted and hungry.

Bubbles on the puddles - what does the sign mean for men and women

A young man or a girl to fall into the puddle, bubble bubbles - it is worthwing to fear of bad companies. Note indicates that you can easily succumb dangerous people. The pressure on you can be rendered so hard that you will not be able to cope alone. Do not neglect the help of loved ones and relatives. Indicate your problem and ask for support.

A business person to jump over the emerged natural stream - it means to cope with a risky situation that could threaten the loss of reputation and ruin. A girl with such a scenario will be able to avoid friendship with mercantile and a disjieved person in the future. You will understand His mercantile interest in you and remove the sound dryer.

Start with bare feet in a puddle and feel cold - your today's joy can turn into a big grief and disappointment. Do not experience excessive dizziness from fleeting success if you are a public person. The more modest and the restraint will be your image, the less effects of the consequences during adversity.

The young special sandals can be pleased with dirty and ice water - this is a harbinger of coldness in a relationship with a loved one. Your sad denomination of the novel will end indifferently and contempt to each other.

To see a huge puddle, which is bubble from the rain, and not to have a chance to circumvent it - soon you will have to get into a difficulty position, it will require you to be seamless, assertiveness and optimism. You will not have anyone to rely on, so hope solely on your own capabilities and potential of strength.

To be standing in a puddle and not even notice how it happened - beware of the real state of affairs in a situation. Perhaps your business has long been declining, but for the fuss of everyday trouble you just missed it.

A married woman rub clothes from mud droplets of rain - a great probability to get under suspicion of treason to the spouse. The reason for this is your frivolous behavior and actions that will be a reason for gossip and turning.

A girl in search of a lover, such a sign warns from a dishonest man. Do not believe beautiful compliments and seductive speeches, in your case it can end that you are used in their lowest interests.

With children's joy and fun to jump on puddles in the shower - wait for a long-awaited vacation and a pleasant pastime. A band of obstacles and adversity easily will be easily changed with carefree and easy life. Enjoy the minutes spent in a circle of loved ones and relatives, guide the parents. After all, soon again will have to get together forces and move towards new goals.

Watch the poverty over the window glass and see the summer rain instantly fills the puddles - according to reference, you will have to regret the missed opportunities or benefits. But the past will no longer return, live in real, boldly and persistently embody what you believe and what to seek.

Puddle bubbles are becoming more and more larger - your capabilities will exceed all expectations. Planning something, do not underestimate the bid. Ambitious goals are what you deserve. Your experience, knowledge and qualifications will be enough to become successful and financially secured.

Run and stumble into the shower, but on time to feel someone's strong hand help - a good sign. You will not be alone in a difficult minute of your life. Native, close and friends are your reliable and proven circle of communication. Appreciate and value them.

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