She gave birth to a son at the age of 60, let them say. Sensational discoveries of scientists

Muscovite Galina Shubenina, who buried her only son, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 60. This year, Cleopatra Khrustaleva will be three years old, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports. Parents have already begun to prepare for the holiday: they bought a children's guitar, the girl has good musical abilities.

Galina Shubenina:

He loves Kirkorov very much. He listens to his songs, sings. And she is also a very flexible girl. My husband and I are engaged in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Klerochka with us. She performs on the floor with enthusiasm. Moreover, she doesn’t let me and my husband dance, she demands that I only be with her. All attention - only to her.

Three-year-old Cleopatra spoke little, worried parents already took their daughter to the doctors, and then decided to send her early to the garden, where she could communicate more with the children.

Galina Shubenina:

As soon as you say to her in the morning: "It's time to go to kindergarten," she instantly jumps up. Although he can go to bed at two in the morning. We don't force. Now we are studying letters and syllables with her. At home, Cleo has a desk, a high chair. She takes care of herself. We are happy about this, because we have so much to do now. Recently, our grandfather died, my husband's father. He was 90 years old. Now Cleopatra has neither grandfathers nor grandmothers. But aunts, nephews...

Galina said that this year she and her husband decided to move to a larger apartment - a one-room family no longer fits. Parents are ready for anything in order for Cleopatra to have a happy childhood.

Galina Shubenina:

Recently, my classmate died, 63 years old. I somehow inadvertently thought that someone was already leaving, and my husband and I were just beginning. Cleopatra keeps us in good shape. I would like to see her grow.

55-year-old husband of Galina Alexey

Galina and her daughter participated in popular talk shows. Andrey Malakhov has already become a friend of the family.

Galina Shubenina:

Yes, they invite you from time to time. Cleopatra is familiar with Andrey Malakhov - he is her friend! Klerochka clockwork, sociable. Actor Ivan Krasko played with Cleopatra, praised - what a cheerful girl. He said: I envy that you have such a wonderful daughter, I would like the same. But I think 60 years is the maximum when you can become parents. It's no longer worth it. Here, Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-young wife offered him to have a child - well, where at his age ?! And we saw Krasko with his young wife - they look like a happy couple.

Doctors do not agree with Galina's opinion. Doctors recommend that women give birth before the age of 35.

By the age of 45, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is more than 3%. Further - even higher. Doctors recommend that women give birth before the age of 35. And when they give birth with the help of IVF at 50 and older, these are crazy risks! First of all, for a woman in labor - said Elena Uvarova, head of the department of gynecology of childhood and adolescence of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician Kulakov.

For the birth of a child at the age of 60, as a rule, donor eggs are used, which reduces the risk of mutations. At this age, pregnant women are at risk of stroke and heart attack, and bones become more fragile, and fractures are possible.

Psychologists say that a child in the future may be ashamed of the age of his parents.

A three-year-old child does not feel the difference how old his mother is, he does not compare his parents with others. Difficulties arise when parents grow old, and the child, on the contrary, socializes and matures. He may begin to be shy - at some point he will notice that his parents are akin to grandparents. There may also be some difficulties in mutual understanding - people of too different generations, which can affect the difference in interests, mentalities, in part it is more difficult for them to find mutual understanding. It is difficult for such parents to be an authority, - said psychologist Anetta Orlova.

However, experts say that older mothers may not always face such problems. If a woman is cheerful, and the family has a comfortable psychological climate, then the child will develop normally, no matter how old the mother is.

Three years ago, the case of a Muscovite Galina Shubenina garnered a lot of backlash. The only son of a woman died at the age of 29, when she herself was almost 50. It was not easy for Galina to survive the loss of her only child. Despite her age, the Muscovite firmly decided to try her luck again.

When asked if it was difficult get pregnant at 60, an unusual mother just shrugs her shoulders: they say, no more difficult than 40 years ago. But the doctors, who received a unique patient, were extremely surprised!

Galina says that she did not immediately decide to become pregnant. She and her husband discussed this issue for a long time, pondered all the pros and cons, but in the end they came to an agreement.

The woman underwent a complete diagnosis of the body in order to understand whether she is in a form suitable for pregnancy and childbirth. And when she became pregnant, she hid her growing belly from most of her relatives.

Shubenina's 52-year-old husband was delighted to learn that he would soon be a dad again. For both Galina and her husband, this marriage was the second.

When the 27-year-old daughter of Alexander from her first marriage was told the news, she was very happy. It turned out that the girl had dreamed of a sister since childhood!

Galina and Alexander have no doubt that they will be able to teach and raise the baby. Unusually young for their age, the couple look to the future with optimism.

When a couple is asked what their secret is, the parents of the crumbs willingly answer: dances serve as a cure for age. By the way, it was at the dances that they met at the time!

Three years have passed since the birth. The baby, whom her parents named Cleopatra, grows up active, independent and inquisitive. She loves to go to kindergarten, and the teachers say that the girl has a good ear and there are pronounced musical data.

Happy father and mother admit that the daughter "keeps them in good shape." Psychologists say: mature age parents are not always a disadvantage.

The main thing is not to allow overprotection, but otherwise everything should be fine. If you want to know more about the history of Galina Shubenina, below you will find a news release dedicated to her.

Many still believe that giving birth at 60 was not the best idea. However, even inveterate skeptics admit: for her age, this unusual mother is in excellent shape. And her attitude to her daughter speaks without words: a good childhood for little Cleopatra is guaranteed!

A few years ago, this high-profile story was discussed by the whole country: Muscovite Galina Shubenina, who had previously survived the death of her only son (he died at 29), gave birth to a daughter at the age of 60.

Then the woman broke the previously set record - before Shubenina, the 57-year-old mother was considered the oldest woman in labor in Russia. A Muscovite and her husband Alexei, who at that time was 52, were happy with the appearance of their daughter. At that time, skeptics predicted a savory childhood for the baby with older parents.

On January 13, Cleopatra Khrustaleva (the girl bears her father's surname - ed.) will be three years old. Galina Shubenina told reporters how their family lives now.

According to the woman, the daughter is growing active and inquisitive. For Cleopatra's birthday, for example, they will give a child-sized guitar with strings.

“Clera likes to act like a rock musician: she hangs her guitar over her shoulder and pretends to play,” says her mother. - She has good musical abilities, hearing. He loves Kirkorov very much. He listens to his songs, sings. And she is also a very flexible girl. My husband and I are engaged in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Klerochka with us. She performs on the floor with enthusiasm. Moreover, she doesn’t let me and my husband dance, she demands that I only be with her. All the attention is on her."

Galina adds that Cleopatra likes to do everything herself, does not eat sweets and does not beg for toys in the store.

The girl was sent to the kindergarten early so that she would speak faster:

“Cleopatra still says little. I even took her to a neurologist. We decided to send her to the kindergarten earlier so that she could communicate more with the children. And then why is she with us at home? Dad is at work (he works at the Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS). I'm doing business. Apparently, Cleo lacked communication. And she began to go to the kindergarten - she started talking.

As soon as you say to her in the morning: "It's time to go to kindergarten," she instantly jumps up. Although he can go to bed at two in the morning. We don't force. If he doesn’t want to get up, I say: “Nikita is waiting for you there, otherwise he has no one to bite.” She immediately jumps up - and pack up. She has a friend in the kindergarten, since he bit her.

At home, Galina also works with the baby: “We study letters with her, syllables. Cleo has a desk, a chair.”

In addition, the aged mother and daughter have time to attend various talk shows on television:

“From time to time we are invited. Cleopatra is familiar with Andrey Malakhov - he is her friend! Klerochka clockwork, sociable. Actor Ivan Krasko played with Cleopatra, praised - what a cheerful girl. He said: I envy that you have such a wonderful daughter, I would like the same. But I think 60 years is the maximum when you can become parents. It's no longer worth it. Here, the ex-young wife of Dzhigarkhanyan offered him to have a child - well, where at his age ?! And we saw Krasko with his young wife - they look like a happy couple.

Galina admits that her little daughter adds vitality to her.

“Recently, a classmate of mine died at 63,” the woman sighs. - I somehow inadvertently thought that someone was already leaving, and my husband and I were just starting. Cleopatra keeps us in good shape. I want to see her grow."

In the coming year, the family plans to move from a cramped one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow to Sokolniki. Galina and Alexey, according to them, are ready to do everything so that "Klerochka has a happy childhood."

Contrary to the statements of skeptics, psychologists believe that at such a respectable age of parents there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, it even has its advantages.

“Mature parents are good for a child because they are already socially adapted, they have some material wealth and spiritual baggage,” explains psychologist Anetta Orlova. - They are much more tolerant of children's pranks, pamper more. An older mother tries to devote as much time to her child as possible. For her, communication with him may be more valuable than for a 25-year-old mother. At the same time, adult parents are more worried about their children, and hyperprotection is also possible. Often it is difficult for them to maintain the rhythm of the child - to walk a lot, to be in time everywhere.

A three-year-old child does not feel the difference how old his mother is, he does not compare his parents with others. Difficulties arise when parents grow old, and the child, on the contrary, socializes and matures. He may begin to be shy - at some point he will notice that his parents are akin to grandparents. There may also be some difficulties in mutual understanding - people of too different generations, which can affect the difference in interests, mentalities, in part it is more difficult for them to find mutual understanding. It is difficult for such parents to be an authority.

In general, children of older parents may not face as many problems as it may seem. It all depends on psychological climate families. If the mother “over 40 and older” is cheerful, active and her psychological age is young, then the child will develop normally. And it happens that at the age of 25, a mother is depressed, constantly worrying that her husband will leave for another woman. In this case, the child will develop poorly even with a young parent.

The story of a 60-year-old woman in labor was discussed by the whole country. Many condemned the woman for such a bold act. Galina decided on this after the tragic death of her only 29-year-old son. Raising Cleopatra, Shubenina is incredibly happy, Galina is not at all afraid of her age. She does not have a soul in her daughter.

“Clera loves to act like a rock musician: she hangs her guitar over her shoulder and pretends to play. She has good musical data, hearing. He loves Kirkorov very much. He listens to his songs, sings. And she is also a very flexible girl. My husband and I are engaged in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Klerochka with us, ”Galina told reporters of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

With all the love for their daughter, parents do not spoil Cleopatra. They try not to give the baby a lot of sweets. Shubenina admitted that Cleo is growing up as an obedient girl and does not ask for sweets and toys in the store, like many other children.

Galina is actively involved in raising a child, they are already trying to learn letters and syllables. At first, parents were worried about the development of Cleopatra. The girl did not speak for a long time, but when she went to kindergarten, everything changed.

Soon Galina Shubenina with her husband and daughter are planning to move to Sokolniki. The family is often invited to various talk shows. The baby has already managed to make friends with Andrei Malakhov and get acquainted with Ivan Krasko. The actor incredibly liked Cleopatra and he even admitted that he was jealous of her parents.

“The clerk is groovy, sociable. Actor Ivan Krasko played with Cleopatra, praised - what a cheerful girl. He said: I envy that you have such a wonderful daughter, I would like the same. But I think 60 years is the maximum when you can become parents. It’s no longer worth it, ”Galina admitted.

Do you think it's too late to have a baby at 60?


Muscovite who gave birth at 60: “I’m not Alla Pugacheva, I didn’t want any hype”
For a whole month we lived quietly until we began to draw up documents, - says Galina Shubenina. - This is where the calls and questions began. And I am not Alla Pugacheva and did not want to know about it. We didn’t even inform our relatives until the birth itself.

But no matter what Galina says, such a case cannot be hidden. It's no joke - at the age of 60 she gave birth to a healthy baby Cleopatra weighing 2830 grams and 49 cm tall! The miracle happened on January 13th.

Looking at Galina glowing with happiness, I can’t believe that she is 60. She looks, of course, not young, but many 30-year-olds would envy her energy.
- 10 years ago, mine died The only son- says Shubenina. - He was 29 years old. He didn't have children. I was left alone, and so I wanted to have a full-fledged family.

In 2008, Galina met 45-year-old Alexei Khrustalev. Both went to a dance club for pensioners, together they lit up a fast foxtrot. Both of them could not even guess what they would “dance to”.
“We got married in 2010, and four years later I got pregnant,” the woman recalls.

She told her husband about the good news at breakfast, he was silent at first, and after that he could only say: “How?”
The same question was asked to Galina and journalists. “How did you get pregnant at this, excuse me, age? Eco?"

But she subtly dodged the question. They managed, they say, on their own, and if they had decided on artificial insemination, they would not have told the journalists anyway.

The pregnancy proceeded so well that Galina, with a rounded belly, planted vegetables in the country and danced rock and roll.

Galina reached the whole term and we performed a caesarean section on her,” said obstetrician-gynecologist Nestor Meskhi. - Three days later they were discharged with the baby.

During the interview, Cleopatra, who was named after her father's 96-year-old grandmother, was sleeping peacefully in a crib.

My daughter does not bring me trouble at all, - Galina smiles. - I'm breastfeeding her, no formula. Husband works. By the way, we are thinking about whether to give birth to another child.

Now Cleopatra is already 3 years old.
The girl grows up active and inquisitive. She likes to do everything herself, does not eat sweets and does not beg for toys in the store.

“Clera likes to act like a rock musician: she hangs her guitar over her shoulder and pretends to play,” says her mother. - She has good musical abilities, hearing. He loves Kirkorov very much. He listens to his songs, sings. And she is also a very flexible girl. My husband and I are engaged in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Klerochka with us. She performs on the floor with enthusiasm. Moreover, she doesn’t let me and my husband dance, she demands that I only be with her. All attention - only to her, - says my mother.
The girl loves to go to kindergarten.

As soon as you say to her in the morning: "It's time to go to kindergarten," she instantly jumps up. Although he can go to bed at two in the morning. We don't force. If he doesn’t want to get up, I say: “Nikita is waiting for you there, otherwise he has no one to bite.” She immediately jumps up - and pack up. She has a friend in the garden, since he bit her, - the woman laughs.

An older mother is actively involved with the baby: she teaches her to read and write. A woman is constantly invited to television and she agrees.

At home, Galina also works with the baby: “We study letters with her, syllables. Cleo has a desk, a chair.” In addition, the aged mother and daughter manage to attend various talk shows on television. Galina admits that her little daughter adds vitality to her.

Recently, my classmate died at the age of 63, - the woman sighs. - I somehow inadvertently thought that someone was already leaving, and my husband and I were just starting. Cleopatra keeps us in good shape. I want to see how it grows, - says the mother of the child.

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