Independent calculation of cbm. OSAGO discounts: how to get, find out, check and other questions

Many years have passed since the introduction of compulsory civil liability insurance in 2003.

During this period, each driver has accumulated a certain driving history. Except, perhaps, newcomers who recently received a driver's license.

Someone had an accident, someone was recognized as the culprit of an accident. There are also drivers who have been driving without accidents for several years.

In order for the cost of the OSAGO policy to take into account the history of driving and the presence / absence of accidents, a separate correction factor was introduced - KBM.

What is the essence of KBM? How is it calculated and what does it affect? Let's figure it out.

What does KBM mean for OSAGO?

MBM is the bonus-malus ratio. This coefficient affects the cost of the policy - increasing or decreasing depending on the accident rate in previous periods.

primary goal given coefficient demonstrate to drivers the economic benefits of careful and accident-free driving.

If the driver is attentive to his driving style, does not violate the rules traffic and does not become the culprit of an accident, then every year the cost of the OSAGO policy will decrease for him. This will happen due to an increase in the discount on the KBM.

And vice versa, drivers who prefer an aggressive or careless driving style, leading to frequent accidents, will face the fact that the OSAGO policy for them can significantly rise in price for the next year.

There is a story related to the bonus-malus coefficient that happened in Germany. The driver of an old Mercedes got stuck at a railway crossing - bald tires skidded on the rails. A train was moving along the tracks. We will see a stuck car, the driver applied emergency braking. As a result, the train derailed and damaged the dam located next to the railway. The water gushing from the damaged dam flooded the entire holiday village. For all this damage, the insurance company had to pay, where the liability of the owner of the Mercedes was insured. The amount was in the tens of millions of euros. And as a result, the car owner simply received a 10% surcharge to the OSAGO policy, for not replacing the tires in a timely manner.

CBM size

The value of the bonus-malus coefficient is determined on the basis of a table approved within the framework of OSAGO tariffs.

The final value of the coefficient is tied to the class of the driver. Which in turn varies depending on the number of accidents in the previous year.

Initially, drivers who were not previously insured under OSAGO are assigned class 3 and KBM = 1.

The general table of classes and sizes of KBM is shown in the table below:

As can be seen from the table, a disciplined driver who does not get into an accident through his own fault can annually accumulate a 5% discount to the total cost of the OSAGO policy.

Example. The driver has been driving for 5 years without an accident. The insurance company did not make payments for accidents that occurred through his fault. Therefore, when concluding a contract for 6 years, the driver will be assigned class 8. For class 8, the KBM coefficient is 0.75. Or a 25% discount to the cost of OSAGO. Example 2. At the beginning of the policy, the driver had class 7 and a 20% discount on CBM (CBM = 0.8). During the year, the insurance company made 2 payments for accidents caused by this driver. We get that when applying for OSAGO for a new period, the driver will be assigned class 2. KBM in this case will be 1.4. That is, the previous discount has turned into a surcharge of 40% to the cost of OSAGO.

What is the maximum discount on CBM that can be accumulated?

The limit value of the bonus-malus coefficient is 0.5. Which corresponds to a 50% discount on the cost of the OSAGO policy.

Such a KBM is received by drivers who are assigned class 13. Drivers who have not been involved in accidents through their own fault for 10 years in a row can reach this class.

After receiving class 13 and KBM in the amount of 0.5, the driver can no longer improve his accident-free rate and save even more on OSAGO.

What is KBM tied to - a car or a driver?

Initially, the binding of the KBM to the car was prescribed in the OSAGO legislation.

More information about OSAGO legislation can be found in the section -

This caused a lot of controversy. Since car owners who sold their old car and bought a new one were faced with the fact that their accumulated discount for trouble-free operation was reset to zero. KBM was equated to 1 (one).

Therefore, since 2008 the approach has been changed.

Now KBM is tied to the driver. And changing the car does not affect the amount of the discount for accident-free.

Moreover, the transition to linking the KBM to the driver made it possible to more accurately determine the cost of the OSAGO policy, where more than one driver is included in the list of persons admitted to driving.

How is the CBM calculated for multiple drivers?

For OSAGO policies, in which the list of drivers admitted to driving includes several drivers, a separate procedure for determining the KBM applies.

The fact is that each of the admitted drivers has their own unique insurance history and by the time the OSAGO policy is issued, they have accumulated their own amount of KBM.

But in the calculation of the OSAGO premium, only one KBM value is used.

The value of the final coefficient "bonus-malus" is determined by the worst driver. To do this, the classes of drivers are compared, and the minimum class is selected.

Example. The policy includes 3 drivers: class 10 (CBM=0.65), class 4 (CBM=0.95) and class 8 (CBM=0.75). The minimum class is class 4 (KBM = 0.95). Therefore, when calculating the final cost of the OSAGO policy, the CBM equal to 0.95 will be applied.

In practice, this means that it is not profitable for car owners to allow inexperienced or inaccurate drivers to drive a car. Because in this case, you will have a larger premium for OSAGO.

How is the KBM calculated for an unlimited number of drivers?

OSAGO rules allow car owners to issue an OSAGO policy with an unlimited list of drivers.

This option is not very common, but in some situations it can be useful.

With an unlimited list of drivers who can drive a vehicle, the size of the KBM is determined by the owner of the car.

If the owner of the car does not have his own history, then the calculation is made on the basis of class 3 (KBM = 1).

Where is the history of KBM stored?

To date, all information about the bonus-malus coefficients assigned to drivers is stored in a single database - AIS RSA.

Insurance companies are obliged to transfer information about the applied CBM within 1 day after the conclusion of the insurance contract.

And when issuing the next OSAGO policy, insurers are required to obtain information about the size of the drivers' MCV from the AIS RSA, and not from their own databases.

Read more about how to independently check the KBM for OSAGO online using the PCA database, read the article -

For drivers, this means that they can freely change the insurance company without fear that their accumulated accident-free history will be reset to zero and instead of a discount for a new period, they will set the BMR equal to “one”.

* - title photo

The bonus-malus ratio (BMC) is one of the main indicators for determining the cost of a compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) policy. Its use reduces the price of insurance for careful drivers and increases it for car owners with a risky driving style. KMB is closely related to the class of insurance assigned to the driver. The rules for assigning classes and calculating the KMB are spelled out in the current version of Appendix 2 of Instructions of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 N 3384-U on the amounts of base rates and coefficients of insurance rates.

What is KBM in OSAGO

The "bonus-malus" discount system changes the price of an insurance policy depending on the insurance history of a particular insured. The Latin word "bonus" literally translates as "good", and means a bonus, a gift.

For a year of driving without an accident, resulting in insurance payments, insurers encourage insured drivers with a 5% reduction in the cost of insurance for the next period. This is a bonus. And, on the contrary, the perpetrators of frequent accidents, leading to payments from insurers, are punished with additional charges. This is a malus (from Latin "bad").

What is driving class?

The Bank of Russia has developed special table, linking the number of accidents made by the driver for the year that required insurance payments, with a numerical multiplier (the "bonus-malus" coefficient). You can also get acquainted with it on the official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA).

Table of KBM OSAGO based on RSA - discount class

The more accidents, the lower the class of the driver and the higher the coefficient used to calculate insurance. In total, there are 15 insurance classes that provide for the use of KMB.

For 10 years of careful driving, the driver reaches the 13th class, the highest, and OSAGO costs him 2 times cheaper, since the accumulated discount is 50%.

Upon receipt of the lowest, class "M", the price of the insurance policy is 2.45 times higher than the base rate. In order to return from the worst class to coefficient 1, the driver will need 5 years of accident-free driving.

How to calculate the bonus malus coefficient

How to calculate KBM on the basis of PCA? The discount or surcharge that must be applied when determining the final cost of the insurance policy is calculated by subtracting from the unit the coefficient corresponding to the class assigned to the driver and multiplying the result by 100%.

So, the CBM for the 7th grade is 0.8, and the discount is (1 - 0.8) x 100% = 20%.

Initially, the driver, in the absence of an insurance history, is assigned the 3rd class, which sets the coefficient 1, the price of the insurance policy is equal to the base rate. With each accident-free year, the class assigned to the driver increases, and the KMB decreases by 5%, respectively increasing the discount provided by the insurer. Conversely, the class will be lowered, and the cost of the policy will increase depending on the number of accidents that occurred last year.

HOW to correctly calculate the OSAGO KBM on the PCA base? If during the year the driver has not made a single accident that resulted in an insurance payment, the 3rd class assigned to him initially is increased to the 4th, with a KMB of 0.95 and a 5% discount. In case of one accident that resulted in an insurance payment, from the 3rd class of the driver it will decrease to the 1st, from KMB 1.55, which means that the policy will cost the careless driver more than the standard by 55%. In case of two or more accidents, insurance will be almost two and a half times more expensive than the base rate, because the premium will be 145%.

For an experienced driver who has a high driving class, for example, 8th, the insurance for the first accident will not increase much, since his class will only go down to 5th, and when concluding an insurance contract for next year will receive a 10% discount instead of the 25% discount he had in 8th grade.

Checking the KBM drivers in the OSAGO database

How to check the driver's KBM according to the PCA database online? To check the Bonus Malus RSA coefficient online, you need to visit the official website of the RSA, where you just need to enter the series and number of the driver's license (VU), as well as the driver's personal data: last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. You will also need to enter the date of conclusion of the OSAGO agreement.

The service is free and valid for drivers - citizens Russian Federation . You will first need to confirm your consent to the processing of the provided personal data by ticking the appropriate box.

Many insurance brokers on their websites along with online calculator OSAGO also offer a free check of the driver's KMB based on the PCA.

Subtleties of application

The KMB purchased by the driver is retained when changing the car or the insurer who draws up the OSAGO contract for the next year. Since all data is recorded in a single electronic database of the PCA. This is especially beneficial for experienced careful drivers who are guaranteed to be able to use their benefits. How to find out the OSAGO driver class online is described above.

1. Making changes.

When changing the driver’s data entered in the OSAGO policy, for example, as a result of replacing the VU, in order to maintain the previously assigned KMB, you must inform your insurer in writing about this.

In accordance with clause 1.10 of the Rules for Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners, the insurance company, having received changes in the information specified in the OSAGO agreement, enters them into the insurance policy of the insured, and then, no later than 5 working days, into the PCA information system.

If these changes are not made to the policy before its expiration date, the driver's KMB can be restored using the number of the previous driver's license indicated in the new VU in the "Special Marks" field.

2. If the discount is "lost".

  • 2.1. It is important to determine at what point and which insurer the KBM was reset to zero. This can be done by inquiries indicating the start dates of all insurance periods on the KMB verification page on the PCA website. It's a good idea to find previous insurance policies. Even those where the driver appears among the drivers of other cars will do, if there are special marks about which class he was assigned.
  • 2.2. Next, a complaint is drawn up and sent to the insurer who made a mistake in calculating the KMB. With absence positive results the complaint is duplicated in the RAMI and the Central Bank of Russia, then filed statement of claim to court.

3. OSAGO with and without limitation of the circle of persons admitted to management.

  • 3.1. If the car is driven by a limited number of drivers, the total MSC for concluding an OSAGO agreement is determined by the driver with the lowest insurance class. But in the automated information base of the RSA for those listed in insurance policy drivers retain the insurance classes individually assigned to them with the corresponding KMB.
  • 3.2. If driving is allowed to an unlimited circle of persons, the insurance class is assigned to the owner of the car specified in the OSAGO agreement.
  • 3.3. If the owner vehicle changes the previous policy without limiting the circle of drivers, to a new one with a restriction, and at the same time was not the culprit of accidents in the previous period, the insurance company assigns him a lowering KBM.

The use of a rating system of discounts / surcharges with the assignment of an insurance class to drivers, which determines the coefficient for calculating the cost of an insurance premium when issuing OSAGO, allows insurance companies to reduce their risks when working with drivers who often get into accidents due to inexperience or aggressive driving style. And for experienced and careful drivers - take advantage of the favorable insurance rate.

Bonus malus system- a posteriori pricing system depending on the frequency of insured events during the validity of previous insurance contracts with a particular insured. Or in simple words- system of discounts for the absence of insured events.

KBM is the only coefficient due to which you can save on the cost of the policy. For each year of accident-free driving of the insured, it rises.

For newly acquired KBM rights, 3 classes are established. When extending the contract for accident-free driving, the KBM decreases. For example, if you have insured your car with a CBM value of 1, then if you drive without accidents, a coefficient equal to 0.95 will be applied to you next year.

But if you have made 1 accident through your fault and 1 insurance payment has passed, then next year you will be subject to an increasing CBM = 1.55, with 2 or more insurance payments, the maximum CBM coefficient will be applied to you.

Table KMB OSAGO 2019

Class at the beginning of the annual insurance period

Coefficient value (KBM)

Class at the end of the annual insurance period, after N insurance payments

Insurance payments

Insurance payments

Insurance payments

Insurance payments

Insurance payments

Check KBM OSAGO online?

At the moment, each driver can calculate the KBM for OSAGO for himself using. The request is sent on a specific specified date, do not forget to tick the consent to the processing of your data.

Quickly enough you will receive all the information on your KBM, which is in the database of the Russian Union of Insurers. The information may not correspond to reality, therefore, before applying for a compulsory insurance policy online, check whether the data in the database is up-to-date or not. If you have Last year there were no accidents, perhaps the data on the KBM needs to be updated.

On the site, you can check the driver's KBM on the AIS RSA database for the subsequent execution of an OSAGO agreement. In addition, using the PCA database, you can check the OSAGO policy for authenticity.

Click the button below to open the RSA database.

The CBM is checked online using the official database of the PCA website, so you can calculate the CBM around the clock and for free! You can look at KBM to know the discount on OSAGO.

Frequently Asked Question:

How to restore KBM in the AIS RSA database? - see the recovery procedure at the link.

Checking drivers by KBM

The check of the KBM takes place on the official website of the PCA, taking into account the following parameters.

  • A unique KBM Request Identifier is provided,
  • It is possible to determine the KBM of individuals and legal entities,
  • It is possible to check the KBM policy without restrictions on the list of drivers,
  • The program displays data on the previous OSAGO policy, shows the name of the insurance company, as well as the current number of losses.

To make a KBM request online, you must enter data into the KBM verification form:

  • choose the number of drivers to check their cbm (no more than 4 at the same time);
  • specify the date to be checked. To check the current coefficient, you need to select the appropriate date. To determine the discount for a future policy, indicate the day following the end of this OSAGO agreement;
  • enter your full name through a space without regard to case (for example, "Petr Petr Petrovich");
  • indicate the date of birth;
  • indicate the series of the driver's license in a case-insensitive manner;
  • enter the VU number;
  • press the button "show KBM";
  • write down the KBM that will appear at the bottom of the form.

What is KBM in OSAGO insurance?

What is KBM OSAGO? Bonus-Malus Coefficient (MBM) is a state-established discount for OSAGO for driving without accidents, which is determined by the corresponding class of KBM for OSAGO. The calculation of KBM depends on the volume of insurance payments of the previous year and allows you to significantly save money when purchasing an OSAGO policy. You can get the CBM coefficient of the driver specified in the OSAGO right here on the site and even without registration. The number of applications for the calculation of KBM is not limited.

Features of calculating discounts for OSAGO

When selling OSAGO, the insurance company takes data on KBM in the national automated database of the AIS RSA, owned by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. If the required information is not available in the system, the insurance is calculated with the initial "bonus-malus" value equal to 1. The class of the driver (owner of the vehicle) is determined once during the validity of the annual insurance. This means that in case of payments due to the fault of the owner of the car, the KBM increases only when the next contract is drawn up.

When an insurance policy limits the list of permitted persons, the driver who expects a discount must appear in the contract from the very beginning of its validity. If a person is added to an already existing OSAGO policy, then next year for him the KBM for an incomplete period is not taken into account.

The driver receives a “bonus-malus” coefficient based on the accident rate of his driving under the previous OSAGO agreement, from the completion of which no more than a year has passed. If there is no insurance history, the base CBM equal to 1 is taken into account. The discount accumulated by the driver is retained by him when renewing insurance with any insurance company. The driver (or owner of the vehicle) receives a discount when the previous "accident-free" OSAGO is completed before the entry into force of the new contract.

Check CBM Size

Is KBM checked against the AIS database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers? Since 2013, it has been impossible to obtain an OSAGO policy without checking the KBM against the PCA database. In order to correctly check the KBM, correctly determine the KBM class according to OSAGO, it is required to indicate in the AIS request the date that follows after the end date current policy OSAGO.

RSA - Russian Union of Motor Insurers

The Russian Union of Automobile Insurers (otherwise RSA) is a professional non-profit association of all domestic OSAGO insurers on the principle of compulsory membership. The purpose of this organization is to ensure mutual cooperation of all auto insurance companies to form general principles professional activity with compulsory insurance. The concept of the KBM coefficient and its application in the calculations of the OSAGO autocitizen originates from 2003. Electronic database The PCA for OSAGO includes data on car insurance since the beginning of 2011.

You can find out the KBM on the PCA database in a specialized form higher. The verification is carried out on the basis of the official website of the PCA. KBM will be calculated strictly on the specified date!

New opportunities:
Buy OSAGO online - registration and payment of the policy via the Internet.

Additional service:
Download the contract of sale of a car - a sample and standard form of the DCT.
Check the technical inspection according to the EAISTO database online.
OSAGO calculator online - calculation of the cost of the policy.

Ask questions and write a comment / review about the official KBM service in the comment box, which is located below.

On our website, you can make a request for KBM online for free and in a convenient form

Checking the KBM through the RSA database

(The service interacts directly with the Russian Union of Motor Insurers)

How to order an OSAGO policy from us?

All experienced motorists know that the cost of an OSAGO policy differs depending on the length of service of the driver and accidents that occurred through his fault (if insurance payments were made for damage). In order to calculate OSAGO discounts, a special CBM coefficient (bonus-malus) is applied. It should be noted that today this is the only factor that allows you to reduce the cost of insurance.

What is KBM

The bonus-malus coefficient is determined depending on the presence or absence of payments in case of insured events during previous OSAGO contracts. Simply put, these are CMTPL discounts for accident-free driving, and for each next year of driving without accidents, the cost of the policy for a careful driver is reduced by 5%.

Previously, KBM was applied to a specific machine. Then, after its sale, the discount disappeared, and the car owner had to start all over again. Now this coefficient depends solely on the driver and belongs to him, regardless of what car he drives.

The discount is retained even when changing the insurance company, but it is necessary that the break in insurance is less than a year. Having carried out a check of the KBM through the AIS RSA, now you can easily find out the insurance history of each driver.

How are OSAGO discounts calculated?

If the driver draws up an insurance contract for the first time, then he is immediately assigned class 3 with a coefficient of 1.0. Each subsequent year of accident-free driving brings a 5% discount on insurance. For example, after three years of driving without accidents due to their own fault, the driver will receive a 15% discount on OSAGO.

If the car will be driven by several drivers, then the minimum coefficient will be applied. For example, if your discount is 20%, and the discount of the second person in insurance is 10%, then the rates will be calculated with a 10% discount. If one of the drivers is inexperienced, the cost will also be calculated, taking into account his data. Therefore, it is unprofitable for neat car owners with a long experience to include people with a low coefficient in their policy.

What is punching on the PCA database for?

Since the beginning of 2013 all Insurance companies in Russia, before calculating the cost and issuing documents, they were obliged to check policies in order to check what kind of KBM the client has. Since then, in the event of an accident, non-compliance with this requirement can turn into significant problems for the insured.

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers has made a lot of efforts to make the bonus-malus system work in full force. The bases have been carefully developed. Now, thanks to the commissioned check of KBM, drivers who have committed accidents will no longer be able to prevent an increase in the cost of insurance even if they change insurance companies. Previously, many unscrupulous car owners used this method, since insurers could not check their history in a common database.

Now, every auto insurer can check the KBM of any driver using the PCA database. Automated system includes about 100 million contracts that have been concluded over the past 2 years.

In the event that the insurance agent did not have access to the database, and the client gave him incorrect information, this will still be revealed in the future. Such a violation will lead to an increase in the cost of the policy by 1.5 times. Information about this client will be included in the database of all auto insurers. However, insurance companies are also required to provide timely information to the PCA that they have concluded an agreement with the driver. They have 15 days to do so. For errors and incorrect calculation of the coefficient, the PCA applies penalties to insurers.

How else can you use AIS SAR

In addition to checking the CBM for OSAGO, an automated information system can help customers control the policy if they are not sure about the integrity of the insurance company. To protect yourself from forgery, you can check the document for free by the ten-digit number of the form on which the policy will be issued.

Can I check my KBM online?

If you are going to renew the OSAGO policy, then you can find out your coefficient by sending a request to KBM. The data obtained will show how much you are entitled to the cost of insurance.

To get this information, you only need to specify:

With or without restriction;
Full name of the driver;
His full date of birth;
Series and number of driver's license;
The expiration date of the previous OSAGO policy, if any.

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