Skyrim most expensive potions recipes. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Alchemy

I didn’t go into much detail, but here I will tell you in great detail how to create the most effective weapon step by step. I love running with the classic shield + sword pair, and we will create a masterpiece using the example of a one-handed sword.

We will need enchanting elixirs and blacksmith elixirs. Therefore, we will start by creating a set of things that improve the alchemist's skill.

Alchemist Item Set

Alchemy will help us in creating elixirs. If in your travels you were unable to find a potion that increases enchantment, then with an enchantment skill of 100, you can create a set of 4 items that gives you a total of (25 x 4) 100 units of alchemist skill. Using this kit you will create enchanting potions. It is advisable that you have 100% alchemy.

Using the created potions, you will temporarily enhance your enchanting abilities and again create a “young alchemist” set. A new set of items will have an even greater effect, so an enchanter's potion brewed in a new outfit will be even more effective. This will allow you to create an even better alchemy kit.

As a result, the maximum efficiency that I managed to achieve was creating an alchemist set with items that give 29 units of alchemy skill. In total (29 x 4) 116 units. This set of items allows you to brew an enchantment potion that improves your skill by 32 units.

What is needed to create the “young alchemist” kit.

Four items - ring, amulet, helmet (mask, tiara, etc.), gloves (bracers, etc.). 4 soul stones filled with souls no worse than the great ones (Grand). A couple of enchantment potions to enhance the skill. Hand-brewed potions usually last for 30 seconds. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

Ingredients for an enchantment potion.

Don't forget to equip the Young Alchemist kit if you've already created one. The potion will require two ingredients from the following list −

  • Hagraven Claw
  • Snowberries
  • Blue Batterfly Wing

In the game you can find potions that give up to 25 skill units.

Blacksmith Item Set

The ideal alchemy kit (created before this) allows us to move on to the next step - creating a set of items for the blacksmith, as well as creating a blacksmith's elixir.

What do you need for a blacksmith kit?

To create, you again need four items - a ring, an amulet, a breastplate (cuirass, dress, blacksmith's apron, etc.), gloves (bracers, etc.). 4 soul stones filled with souls no worse than the great ones (Grand). A couple of enchantment potions to enhance the skill.

We should get a set that gives a total of (29 x 4) 116 units to the blacksmith skill.

Weapon Making

When creating the base of a weapon, you can have neither a blacksmith’s kit nor a blacksmith’s elixir. We will need all these items when sharpening. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you yourself created the appropriate basis for our formidable artifact or accidentally found a weapon somewhere during the game. Before sharpening, it doesn’t even matter what blacksmithing skill you have.

Sharpening is affected by the presence of blacksmith perks, which allow you to sharpen weapons made from the appropriate materials twice as well. Before sharpening, make sure you have enough sharpening materials. Put on the “young blacksmith’s” kit, drink the blacksmith’s elixir, and go ahead.

Blacksmith's Elixir

Before creating, do not forget to put on the “young alchemist” kit. You will need two ingredients from the following list −

  • Blisterwort (Fierce Mushroom)
  • Glowing Mushroom
  • Saber Cat Tooth
  • Spriggan Sap

The elixir I received improved my blacksmith skills by 130 points! At the same time, I did not find blacksmith elixirs with a value of more than 50 in the game.

Improving weapon skill

« It is not the sword that makes the man, but the man is the sword.»

The final, very significant touch will be the enchantment of an “everyday” set of items to increase weapon skill. Again you will need enchantment elixirs, 4 items and 4 soul stones with souls no worse than Grand. In my case, this is the skill of using one-handed weapons and the following items: ring, amulet, gloves and boots.

Thanks to elixirs and developed enchantment skill, it is possible to increase the mastery skill by (47 x 4) 188 points.

Because enchantment will most likely allow you to apply two effects to each item, then think in advance what you need in addition to the basic weapon skill. The picture shows an example of gloves that, in addition to the skill with one-handed weapons, improve the skill with a bow, which I also often use.

Enchant weapons to deal extra damage

It would seem much more? But there is no limit to perfection. In addition to leveling up the enchanting skill itself, it would be a good idea to take a perk that allows you to apply two effects at a time. Next is a matter of taste.

I looked at magical effects in terms of maximum damage. Three elements (fire, cold, electricity) give three pairs of possible combinations. At the same time, the damage of the “Fire + Electricity” pair was less than for the remaining two pairs. This is due to the magic of the school of destruction, in which I took a perk that increases cold damage. The fire itself deals 1.5 damage (damage immediately upon impact and half from setting the enemy on fire). Therefore, I opted for the “fire + cold” pair.

Damage from each element added 36 points to weapon damage. In addition, we will add 18 points from the subsequent burning of the target and 36 points of endurance. Endurance can no longer be counted, because “dead people don’t sweat.” Total Damage magic health will be up to 90 points.


I did not take the blacksmith perks from the tree related to heavy armor metals (Ebony, Daedric, etc.). That. The best material with double sharpening turned out to be Glass - glass. Of course, there is a mod for Skyrim that adds many additional items to the forge list, including weapons made from dragon bone, and I could use the Dragonbone Sword as a basis, but I won’t consider this option for ethical reasons :) here.

Each, cough, cough, science has its own subtleties. Alchemy is no exception, no matter what gentlemen magicians say about it. I have a list here. Where, where is he... Oh, yes, I found it. So, this document will help you live, survive and make money in the vastness of Skyrim. Listen, and keep your head up. And try to remember - I won’t give bad advice:

The cost of manufactured potions depends on several factors:

  • Alchemy skills. The strength of the effect obtained and the price of the potion directly depend on it.
  • Perks (abilities):
    • healer (+25% to the power of potions that restore HP, mana and stamina);
    • pharmacist (+25% to the strength of positive effects of potions);
    • poisoner (+25% to the strength of poisons).
  • Kind of an effect. The most valuable and expensive of them are:
    • paralysis;
    • magic damage;
    • invisibility;
    • slowdown;
    • increase in carrying weight.
  • Number of effects: the more there are, the more expensive the manufactured drug will be.
  • The presence of both positive and negative effects. Such potions are cheaper.
  • Different ingredients with the same effect have different effects on the potion's cost. The price relationship is not direct (a more expensive component can make the potion cheaper and vice versa).

Below are the combinations of ingredients that produce the most expensive potions:

  • Giant's Finger + Bearded Moss + Bear Claws;
  • Giant's Finger + Blue Butterfly Wing + Blue Mountain Flower;
  • Giant's Finger + Creeping Vine + Wheat.

Alchemy is the easiest way to get rich in Skyrim. It is enough to follow a few simple rules - and the ringing of gold coins will regularly delight you:

  • With leveled up alchemy, ingredients are easier to buy than to collect. As you know: time is money, and selling just a couple of potions will more than pay for the cost of the components.
  • Learn the Merchant perk. Then the buyers will pull out an impressive pile of alchemical ingredients from the caches. For example, bear claws without this perk cannot be found on sale.
  • Do not sell potions via barter. Drink them before trading - it's much more profitable.
  • If you completed the thieves guild branch, then the ideal place to get rich: The Ragged Flagon tavern. There is a merchant here who has 4000 coins in stock. Nearby you can find an alchemy table and an ingredient seller.
  • If you have a well-developed alchemy skill, don’t waste time selecting “expensive” recipes - make two-component potions: it will be more profitable.

Also, all vampires with the Necromage perk receive a 25% bonus to potion power when consumed.

Alchemy will be useful for a character of any kind. In most cases, the most basic thing will be enough - a potion of restoring health, magic or stamina, and poisons will allow the weapon to deal more damage. With a better understanding of the properties of ingredients, you can brew potions that mimic the effects of many (though not all) magical spells and enchantments. Although there are a variety of potions available for sale, knowing alchemy will give you the ability to create potions that are more powerful than store-bought ones.

Making potions

Alchemy in Skyrim can only be practiced in places specially designed and equipped for this purpose - alchemy laboratories (Alchemy Labs). To create a potion or poison, you must combine two or more ingredients that have the same magical effects. If their common property is beneficial (for example, restoring health), then you will create a potion, if it is negative (for example, damage to health), then you will create poison. Potions with multiple effects can be created if the ingredients being mixed have more than one effect matching.

Each ingredient has a total of four effects. Eating an ingredient always reveals its first property; taking the “Experimenter” perk allows you to discover other properties when eaten, depending on the rank of the perk (see the perk table below). The effects can also be revealed through experimentation if the combination of ingredients successfully creates a potion. When you select one ingredient, all the others that you previously tried to combine it with and failed will appear grayed out. Unlike Oblivion, here your character's Alchemy level does not affect which effects can be unlocked and used.

The amount of Alchemy skill, alchemy perks, and skill increases by equipping enchanted items determine the strength of any potion or poison your character creates. In turn, practical training in mixing potions and poisons causes an increase in the Alchemy skill.

You can brew potions using recipes found in the game, or simply combine different ingredients randomly. In addition, you can look around and find similarities between the ingredients - plants growing close to each other often have similar effects (for example, purple mountain flower and thistle, lavender and red mountain flower), as well as insects that feed on flower nectar. Additionally, placing ingredients side by side in kitchens, retail counters, and laboratory benches usually indicates that they go together.

  • +5 to skill given to: Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer and Khajiit.
  • Lami, specialist (1-50), Morthal, Thaumaturgist's Hut;
  • Arcadia, expert (1-75), Whiterun, Arcadia's Cauldron;
  • Babette, Master (1-90), Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
  • De Rerum Dirennis:
    • North of Evergreen Grove;
    • Falkreath, "Poultices for the Dead" (Grave Concoctions);
    • Black Reach, Sinderion's Field Laboratory, Blackreach;
    • College of Winterhold, Midden (The Midden Dark, College of Winterhold);
    • Clearpine Pond, on the alchemist's body (Clearpine Pond);
    • Castle Volkihar, Valerica's study (Valerica's Study, Castle Volkihar, Dawnguard);
  • A Game at Dinner:
    • Dead Crone Rock;
    • Forgotten cave, in the room with the White Vial (Forsaken Crypt);
    • Harmugstahl;
    • Honningbrew Meadery, in the upstairs bedroom (Honningbrew Meadery);
    • Windhelm, New Gnisis Cornerclub, Windhelm;
  • Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim:
    • Whiterun, "Arcadia's Cauldron, Whiterun";
    • Boulderfall Cave;
    • Journeyman's Nook;
    • Markarth, “The Hag's Cure, Markarth”;
  • Mannimarco, King of Worms:
    • Evergreen Grove, on the altar (Evergreen Grove);
    • South of the Stormcloak Camp in Haafingar (Haafingar Stormcloak Camp);
    • Nightcaller Temple;
    • Southeast of Winterhold, near the body of Rundi (Winterhold);
    • Southeast of Winterhold, in the apothecary's bag there are about two skeletons (Winterhold);
  • Song of the Alchemists:
    • Anise's Cabin;
    • In the library of the Solitude College of Bards, after taking the quest from Lamy to find this book (Bards College).
  • +1 for finding the Ring of Pure Mixtures for Frida of Dawnstar;
  • +1 for finding the book “Song of the Alchemists” for Lami from Morthal;
  • +1 for finding Finn’s lute, according to the quest Inge Six Fingers from the College of Bards;
  • +5 (as well as all other thief skills) if you choose "Path of Shadow" when reading Oghma Infinium.
Alchemy Skill Perks

The Alchemy perk tree consists of 9 perks, requiring a total of 15 perk points. The perks of this skill allow you to unlock more effects when eating ingredients, increase the effectiveness of created potions and poisons, remove positive effects from poisons and negative effects from potions, and collect twice as many ingredients from plants.

In Skyrim, a character at any level of Alchemy skill can brew a potion from any ingredients, but full disclosure of all the properties of the ingredients is possible only with the “Experimenter” perk. This means honest discovery in the game, without using third-party tips like this ;) The trial and error method will allow you to discover the rare and most powerful effects only after great effort and expenditure of ingredients.

The Herbalist perk allows you to collect additional ingredients from all plants (except for Nirn root plants), from clusters of sea acorns, from nests with bird eggs, but not from various creatures, including passive ones (fish, butterflies, bees, dragonflies , fireflies, birds).

Those who are very interested in increasing the power of mixed potions and poisons should definitely take the following perks - “Alchemist” from ranks 1 to 5, “Healer”, “Provider” and “Poisoner”. At the same time, having things enchanted to increase your Alchemy skill will be an additional plus to the above perks. And if your character actively uses poisons in battles, then the “Concentrated Poison” perk will also be useful to you.

Note: before the release of the official patch 1.9, to take the “Purity” perk, you did not need the “Snake Blood” perk; you had to take the “Experimenter” perk. In patch, this error was corrected; now, to take the “Purity” perk, the “Experimenter” perk is not needed, development proceeds according to the perk tree (see the picture on the right).

Perk Rank Description ID Skill Size Requirements Required Perks
1 Potions and poisons you make are 20% stronger. 000be127 - -
2 Potions and poisons you make are 40% stronger. 000c07ca 20 -
3 Potions and poisons you make are 60% stronger. 000c07cb 40 -
4 Potions and poisons you make are 80% stronger. 000c07cc 60 -
5 Potions and poisons you make are twice as powerful. 000c07cd 80 -
Your potions that restore health, magicka, or stamina are 25% more effective. 00058215 20 Alchemist
Potions you create positive effect additionally increases by 25%. 00058216 30 Healer
1 When you eat an ingredient, you will learn its first two properties. 00058218 50 Pharmacist
2 When you eat an ingredient, you will learn its first three properties. 00105f2a 70 -
3 When you eat an ingredient, you will learn all its properties. 00105f2b 90 -
The poisons you create are 25% more effective. 00058217 30 Healer
Concentrated poison
Concentrated Poison
Poison applied to a weapon lasts twice as many times. 00105f2f 60 Poisoner
Green Thumb
You get two ingredients from plants. 00105f2e 70 Concentrated poison
Snake blood
50% resistance to all poisons. 00105f2c 80 Experimenter or Concentrated Poison
The potions you create have no negative effects, and poisons have no positive effects. 0005821d 100 Snake blood
Cost of potions and experience gained

The increase in experience when practicing Alchemy proportionally depends on the cost of the created potion, that is, the more expensive the potion, the more experience the character will get. The amount of experience gained is greatly affected by increasing the skill by equipping enchanted items (the maximum that can be equipped on a character is: gloves, a headdress, a ring and an amulet). Thus, +100% to Alchemy means receiving twice as much XP for each potion brewed as usual. Therefore, it’s worth leveling up your Enchanting skill first in order to acquire enchanted items. You should also take the Alchemist, Healer, Pharmacist and Poisoner perks as early as possible.

The most expensive effects (using common ingredients) are paralysis, magic damage, invisibility, and slow. However, potions with a large number different effects may be more valuable in gold terms than potions with one expensive effect. You also need to take into account the fact that from some special ingredients you can create potions with exactly the same effects, but much more great force and cost. For example, a giant's finger produces a health-increasing potion that costs 5.9 times more than other ingredients with the same effect. Such a potion of increasing health is more valuable than a potion of paralysis. The most expensive potions you can create are:

With the giant's finger:

Bearded Moss + Bear Claws + Giant's Finger or Blue Butterfly Wing + Blue Mountain Flower + Giant's Finger

Without the giant's finger:

Glow Dust + Glow Mushroom + Bearded Moss or Creeping Vine + Large Horns + Betta Fish

Special Ingredients

Some ingredients have magical effects with non-standard magnitude values, and accordingly, they produce potions of unusual strength and cost. For example:

  • Betta Fish (2.5 x Magnitude): Health damage potions created with these fish will be 2.5 times stronger.
  • Nirnroot (12.6 x Value): Health damage potions mixed with Nirnroot will cost 12.6x more.

When using non-standard ingredients in potion making, the final strength and cost of the potions are determined by the highest priority of the ingredients. In the list below, ingredients are listed in descending order of priority, so the top one always determines the properties of the resulting potion. That is, if you combine betta fish and nirn root, the potion made from them will have exactly the same properties as a potion created from betta fish and poison bell or betta fish and falmer ear. Ingredients with reduced magnitude values, such as ectoplasm and nightshade (skill boost: Destruction), only have an effect when combined with the same ingredient with reduced magnitude. Ectoplasm when combined with any ingredient other than nightshade produces a standard Destruction boost potion.

  • Cure Disease:
    • Charred Skeever Hide - 0.36 x Value;
    • Hawk Feathers - 0.36 x Value;
  • Damage Health:
    • Jarrin Root - 100 x Magnitude;
    • Betta (River Betty) - 2.5 x Magnitude;
    • Nirnroot - 12.6 x Value;
    • Deathbell - 1.5 x Magnitude;
  • Damage Stamina:
    • Crimson Nirnroot - 3 x Magnitude;
  • Skill Upgrade: Fortify Block:
    • Briar Heart - 0.5 x Magnitude;
    • Honeycomb - 0.5 x Magnitude;
  • Skill Upgrade: Fortify Destruction:
    • Ectoplasm - 0.8 x Magnitude;
    • Nightshade - 0.8 x Magnitude;
  • Fortify Health:
    • Boar Tusk - 5.9 x Value (Dragonborn);
    • Giant's Toe - 5.9 x Value;
  • Increased Stamina (Fortify Stamina):
    • Boar Tusk - 1.25 x Magnitude, 5.9 x Value (Dragonborn);
  • Ravage Stamina:
    • Deathbell - 2.1 x Value;
  • Resist Poison:
    • Beehive Husk - 0.5 x Magnitude;
    • Thistle Branch - 0.75 x Magnitude;
  • Restore Health:
    • Fierce mushroom (Blisterwort) - 0.6 x Magnitude;
    • Demon Mushroom (Imp Stool) - 0.6 x Magnitude;
  • Restore Stamina:
    • Netch Jelly - 2 x Magnitude (Dragonborn);
    • Bear Claws - 0.8 x Magnitude;
    • Salmon Roe - 0.4 x Magnitude (Hearthfire);
  • Waterbreathing:
    • Salmon Roe - 15.4 x Value (Hearthfire).
Quickly level up your Alchemy skill

In your list of available ingredients, find a pair with the same most beneficial and expensive effect (you can use the SkyrimAlchemy alchemical calculator to select). Try to avoid rare ingredients or those that you will need later (for example, with the effect of increasing Enchanting or Smithing). Select a third suitable ingredient to match another additional effect, and brew the potions.

There is no need to think about what ingredients to buy; it is best to buy all the ingredients in any alchemy shop, except for the most expensive ones (Daedra hearts, frost salts, void salts), since the money made from selling ready-made potions will allow you to sweep everything off the shelves ingredients that the merchants have, and all the gold from their pockets too (ingredient stocks in alchemy shops and gold in merchants are replenished every 48 hours). Thus, the secret is simple - we buy and collect various ingredients and create all kinds of potions to maximize XP.

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