Eggs with onions. Eggs stuffed with fried onions How to cook scrambled eggs with onions

Scrambled eggs with onions are the simplest breakfast dish. Everyone, without exception, can prepare this dish.

A common misconception is that scrambled eggs are a dish of European cuisine. Everyone has always fried eggs, except perhaps for peoples who preach vegetarianism.

I am sure that even in ancient times, when people did not think about “cooking” food, some “armless creature” dropped a fresh egg, just removed from the nest, onto a hot stone and received for this not a stone to the head, but the encouragement of its relatives for a delicious breakfast.

Scrambled eggs, in our understanding, are eggs fried in a hot frying pan. It is desirable that the yolk does not spread, but remains intact. This dish is prepared all over the world. In the British Isles, scrambled eggs and ham are a traditional breakfast, along with oatmeal. Scrambled eggs in a flatbread, in Spanish, in Bulgarian cuisine “eggs-on-ochi”, in Russia fried eggs, etc.

All sorts of additives are added to scrambled eggs, making them much tastier - onions, mushrooms, bacon, cracklings, tomatoes, cheese, sausage. Unlike an omelet, scrambled eggs are not made from beaten eggs, but simply thrown into a hot frying pan.

It's hard to imagine a simpler breakfast. The simplest food, only tea is simpler, but even that takes time. Morning scrambled eggs with onions - quick and easy. And delicious!

Scrambled eggs with onions. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (1 serving)

  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Onion 1-2 pcs
  • Dill 2-3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, ground black pepper taste
  1. Like any other egg dish, scrambled eggs should be prepared only from fresh eggs.

    Eggs and onions

  2. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan. While the oil is heating, peel the onion and cut it into large strips. Place the onion in a frying pan, add salt and pepper to taste.

    Peel the onion and cut it into large strips

  3. Fry the onion, stirring, over medium heat until soft and golden brown. Do not cover the frying pan; the onions should be fried.

    Fry the onion, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until soft and golden brown.

  4. It is important that the onions are well fried and not just soft. Since childhood, I remember that well-fried onions become slightly sweet.
  5. While the onion is frying, finely chop the dill. When the onion is ready, use a spatula to form two indentations in the onion. Gently and carefully break the egg shell so as not to damage the yolk, and pour the contents of the egg into the recesses. This will prevent the eggs from spreading.

    Pour the contents of the egg onto the onion

  6. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking.

    Reduce the heat under the frying pan to low and continue frying

  7. If you want the yolk to remain liquid, you can turn up the heat and wait until the white has curled before serving. If you cover the pan with a lid, the white on top of the yolk will turn white and the yolk will become dense. Here - as you like.
  8. It is important that the protein does not burn. Eating burnt eggs is still a pleasure.
    Usually the egg is fried over low heat for 4-5 minutes.

Scrambled eggs with onions are the simplest breakfast dish. Everyone, without exception, can prepare this dish.

A common misconception is that scrambled eggs are a dish of European cuisine. Everyone has always fried eggs, except perhaps for peoples who preach vegetarianism.

I am sure that even in ancient times, when people did not think about “cooking” food, some “armless creature” dropped a fresh egg, just removed from the nest, onto a hot stone and received for this not a stone to the head, but the encouragement of its relatives for a delicious breakfast.

Scrambled eggs, in our understanding, are eggs fried in a hot frying pan. It is desirable that the yolk does not spread, but remains intact. This dish is prepared all over the world. In the British Isles, scrambled eggs and ham are a traditional breakfast, along with oatmeal. Scrambled eggs in a flatbread, in Spanish, in Bulgarian cuisine “eggs-on-ochi”, in Russia fried eggs, etc.

All sorts of additives are added to scrambled eggs, making them much tastier - onions, mushrooms, bacon, cracklings, tomatoes, cheese, sausage. Unlike an omelet, scrambled eggs are not made from beaten eggs, but simply thrown into a hot frying pan.

It's hard to imagine a simpler breakfast. The simplest food, only tea is simpler, but even that takes time. Morning scrambled eggs with onions - quick and easy. And delicious!

Scrambled eggs with onions. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (1 serving)

  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Onion 1-2 pcs
  • Dill 2-3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, ground black pepper taste
  1. Like any other egg dish, scrambled eggs should be prepared only from fresh eggs.

    Eggs and onions

  2. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan. While the oil is heating, peel the onion and cut it into large strips. Place the onion in a frying pan, add salt and pepper to taste.

    Peel the onion and cut it into large strips

  3. Fry the onion, stirring, over medium heat until soft and golden brown. Do not cover the frying pan; the onions should be fried.

    Fry the onion, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until soft and golden brown.

  4. It is important that the onions are well fried and not just soft. Since childhood, I remember that well-fried onions become slightly sweet.
  5. While the onion is frying, finely chop the dill. When the onion is ready, use a spatula to form two indentations in the onion. Gently and carefully break the egg shell so as not to damage the yolk, and pour the contents of the egg into the recesses. This will prevent the eggs from spreading.

    Pour the contents of the egg onto the onion

  6. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking.

    Reduce the heat under the frying pan to low and continue frying

  7. If you want the yolk to remain liquid, you can turn up the heat and wait until the white has curled before serving. If you cover the pan with a lid, the white on top of the yolk will turn white and the yolk will become dense. Here - as you like.
  8. It is important that the protein does not burn. Eating burnt eggs is still a pleasure.
    Usually the egg is fried over low heat for 4-5 minutes.

    You will need:

    Eggs 2 pcs.

    Onions 1-2 pcs.

    Greens 1 tbsp. chopped greens.

    Heat a frying pan on the stove, pour oil, chop the onion, put the onion in the frying pan, fry until golden brown, break an egg into this frying pan.

    8-10 minutes the egg is fried

    Place on a plate, maybe sprinkle with herbs or spices) Done!

    Scrambled eggs with onions are hearty, tasty and aromatic.

    Frying such scrambled eggs is not difficult at all.

    Peel the onion and cut it into cubes or half rings, whatever you like.

    Place the onion in a hot frying pan with a small amount of oil, fry until golden brown, so that the onion gives off its aroma and becomes softer.

    You can include any vegetables in the onion fried eggs and also fry them sequentially one after another (tomatoes, peas, asparagus, green garlic arrows, pieces, eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower and etc.).

    Or do without vegetables.

    When the onion is browned, beat the eggs into the frying pan without touching the yolk so that it is even and whole. Fry the eggs until the whites become white and thick and firm. Some people like their eggs almost cooked, so that the white thickens, but does not completely curdle, and the egg is runny. Then the scrambled eggs are ready a little earlier. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add chopped green onions. If you like well-fried eggs, you can also cover with a lid so that the egg is steamed from the inside - the yolk will be like eggs in a bag or boiled eggs.

    Place it on a plate carefully so that the yolk is still intact and does not leak out.

    It is very tasty to serve scrambled eggs with lettuce leaves. You can top it with ketchup and strips of mayonnaise.

    Bon appetit!

    This is the most complex dish, but I’ll try it briefly. Go to Africa, look for an ostrich, then watch it, find its roosting place, wait until the ostrich falls asleep, steal its egg and quickly run away so that it does not wake up. Then get on a plane and fly to Greece and buy shallots there. Back on the plane and on butter to Vologda, buy oil and get on the train. You come to your homeland, go home, turn on the burner, put on the frying pan, throw in a piece of Vologda butter, quickly chop the onion from Greece and throw it into the frying pan, fry it a little, break the ostrich egg, pepper and salt to taste, cover with a lid and bring to full readiness. Bon appetit!)))

    Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount. When the onion turns golden, break the eggs, add salt and mix everything. There are two ways to finish frying. 1. Sprinkle with herbs, cover with a lid and fry over low heat. 2. The same thing, only with the lid open, stirring constantly.

As a child, this dish was one of my favorite dishes. Dad always cooked it, our mother doesn’t eat it, but I love it.
Moreover, dad always improvised and added various additives, such as pieces of lard (always finely chopped, fried, it turned out to be cracklings). Scrambled eggs with onions in lard had a very appetizing aroma and taste. As I remember now, the remaining fat from the scrambled eggs was never thrown away, my dad waited for it to harden, and then spread it on bread, and ate it with a satisfied face, snacking on garlic.
Sometimes the input would be a piece of sausage lying around in the refrigerator, or the remaining small portion of meat or ham.
The most important thing in preparing a dish is never overcook the onion, it loses its beneficial features And taste qualities. It must be fried until slightly golden or translucent. I’m posting a photo of my dad cooking. Because it's summer now bell pepper, and we also found lard in the refrigerator. Dad first fried lard, and then added diced onions and sweet peppers. And as always, it turned out to be an indescribably delicious healthy breakfast. And due to the fact that the eggs are homemade, with a rich yellow yolk, it turned out very beautiful:)

Cooking products scrambled eggs with onions:

  • Eggs 3-5 pieces (depending on the number of eaters)
  • Onions 2 medium onions
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Recipe for cooking scrambled eggs with onions:
We clean the bulbs and rinse with water. Cut into halves and thinly slice into half rings or cubes.
Pour odorless vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
Add chopped onion. Lightly fry, it is important not to overcook the onion, do not leave the stove, stir constantly.

Beat the eggs into the onion mixture, add salt and ground black pepper; if desired, you can add chopped dill, dried herbs, paprika, turmeric and other spices.

Stir until fried eggs it won't set, it takes about half a minute. You can fry it heavily, or you can leave it in a semi-liquid state, as you prefer.

Variants of cooking scrambled eggs - great amount. Most often it is served for breakfast, as it is a fairly satisfying and quick-to-prepare dish. I present to your attention scrambled eggs with onions recipe. Despite its simplicity, the dish turns out very tasty and will appeal to many, try it!


To prepare scrambled eggs with onions you will need:
chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
onions - 1-2 pcs.;
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
sugar - a small pinch;

greens for serving (optional).

Cooking steps

Peel the onions, cut into quarters, and then cut each quarter into thin slices. In a frying pan, well heated with vegetable oil, fry the onion with a pinch of salt and sugar.

Fry the onion over medium heat for 4-5 minutes (until golden brown), stirring.

Break the eggs into the pan so that the yolks are in the center of the onion mixture. It is desirable that the yolks remain intact.

Cook the scrambled eggs for about 3-4 minutes over low heat (the whites should be completely set). At the end of cooking, add salt and ground black pepper.

If you wish, you can sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with onions with finely chopped herbs (I sprinkled with chopped green onions). The dish turns out to be nourishing and quite tasty; it will perfectly diversify your daily menu.

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