Omar Khayyam saying about wine. Rubaiyat about wine - lobster khayyam and alcohol in the lives of great people

When you lust, don’t hide your desires.
Your desires will fade away in the clutches of death.
Until we become lifeless dust
Cupbearer, give me some living water to drink!
Oh wine! You are stronger than any rope,
Tightly entangle the drinker's mind with you.
You treat your soul like a slave.
You force her to become herself.

The rose has not yet dried out after the rain.
The thirst in my heart has not yet died down.
It’s too early to close the tavern, cupbearer,
The sun is still shining through the window panes!
My pure spirit, you are a guest in my earthly body!
I'll refresh you with pure wine in the morning,
So that you do not languish in the abode of dust,
Before you say goodbye to me before going to bed.
Oh wine! You are living water, you are the source
Inspiration and happiness, and I am your prophet.
I glorify you in accordance with the Koran:
After all, Allah said that wine is not a vice!

Hurry up and drink wine: over sixty
Will you be able to cross? I don't think so.
Until your skull was turned into a jug,
Don't part with the jug of wine, brother.
Drink wine, for bodily joy is in it.
Listen to the chang, for the sweetness of heaven is in it.
Trade your eternal sorrow for joy,
For the goal, unknown to anyone, is in him.
Wine cures all heart ailments.
The eternal torment of the mind is cured by wine.
Elixir of oblivion and consolation
Do not be afraid, crippled ones, wine heals!
A poet should not renounce drinking wine.
There is no excuse for those who break their vows.
The nightingales are straining, the roses are open...
Is it possible to take a vow of abstinence?!
This paradise, with murmuring streams, -
Why doesn't the promised paradise look like you?
Roll on the silk grass as much as you want,
Drink wine and look at the gentle houris!
We sin by wasting wine. This is true.
The tavern is thriving because of our sins.
May the merciful Allah forgive us! Otherwise
How will God's mercy manifest itself?
Shawwal has arrived. Wine, a muffler of worries,
Let the cupbearer pour our cups.
Muzzle of strict fasting, bridle of prayers
The good Shawwal will rip these donkeys' muzzles off.

To wash my body, bring wine,
Irrigate the head of the grave with wine.
Want to find me on Sunday.
Look for my corpse in the ashes of the drinking house.
You are the creator, and as I am, I was created by you.
I am in love with golden wine, and strings, and songs.
In the days of creation, this is how you created me.
So why am I now doomed to burn in Gehenna?
Rejoice! Once again a joyful holiday has arrived for us!
The table sparkled with silver, crystal and wine.
The month in the sky has faded, become thin and bent,
As if he himself was tired of continuous feasts.
When they snatch an escape from life without pity,
When the body turns to dust forever -
Let them make a jug from these ashes
And they will fill it with wine: the man will come to life!
Without me, gathering for a drunken feast,
Continue to shine with your beauty and intelligence.
When the cupbearer fills the cup with wine
Remember the departed with pure wine!
Saki, my melancholy screams furiously in a fit.
How to cure it, if not with drunken stupor?
A gray beard doesn't stop me from drinking:
Your wine gives birth to spring in an old heart.

So that wine gives immense joy,
I am destined to hold the cup in my hands forever!
Don't just look at what the hand has,
And look how it controls me!
When the roses bloom, you need to have money,
You must constantly hold the cup of wine!
Do not be proud, oh venerable one, of your intelligence or title -
We must be able to live generously in this world!
Sing the wine with a sonorous song of all strings,
It is a sin not to listen to the speaker.
And never be lower than a beast of burden,
The kind of water you are destined to drink only when you whistle.
How long will you endure grief?
To succeed in business in two days of life?
Drink wine! Stop being selfish and greedy!
Where is Karun and where is the treasure? - answer this!
Where is the heart that would reject the passion of wine?
Where is the eye, in what faith is unbelief equal?
A man who could renounce the earth,
Where is he, who only sees the grain of Truth?
"Drink wine -

The famous Persian poet, philosopher, astronomer and mathematician Omar Khayyam is known throughout the world not only for his scientific works or philosophical reflections, but also for his light works - rubai. ABOUT Many quatrains have been written, because there is no doubt that Omar Khayyam loved wine and did not miss the opportunity to taste this noble drink. After all, only a person who really knew a lot about wine could So write about him. See for yourself - we offer you the most famous rubai about Omar Khayyam's wine.

Omar Khayyam's best rubaiyat about wine

I am near the wine like a willow near a stream:
A foamy stream waters my root.
So God judged! Was he thinking about anything?
And if I had stopped drinking, I would have let him down.

When the clouds cry in spring, don’t be sad.
Order yourself to bring a cup of wine.
This grass, which pleases the eyes,
Tomorrow will grow from our ashes.

Instead of fairy tales about heavenly grace
Order us to serve the wine quickly.
The sound is empty - these houris, roses, fountains...
It’s better to drink than to wonder about the afterlife!

You will part with your soul soon, believe me.
A secret door awaits behind the dark curtain.
Drink wine! For you are from nowhere.
Have some fun! It is unknown - where to now?

Early in the morning, oh tender one, pour a glass,
Drink wine and play the chang more cheerfully,
Because life is short, because there is no return
For those who have left here... Therefore, drink!

It's better to please your heart with a cup of wine,
Why mourn and praise the past.
A sober mind puts shackles on the soul.
Intoxicated, she breaks the shackles.

Bring wine - I'm tired of water!
Years fill the cup of my life,
It doesn't suit an old man to pretend not to drink,
If I don’t drink wine today, when will I?

May the wine be inseparable from you!
Drink with any friend from any cup
Grape blood, for in black clay
The firmament turns people blue.

Today the scales will not measure my thirst,
I’ll dip my mustache into a vat of wine today!
I will divorce book learning and faith,
I will choose the daughter of the vine as my wife.

I drink wisely: I never get rowdy when drunk.
I drink greedily: I am not greedy, but the thirst is strong.
You, a saint and a teetotaler, are busy with yourself -
I forget myself when I get drunk on wine!

Let the crystal glass and the sediment at the bottom
They announce the day that is coming to me,
This wine is sometimes called bitter.
If so, then the truth is hidden in wine!

I'm young again. Scarlet wine,
Give joy to your soul! And at the same time
Give bitterness both tart and fragrant...
Life is a bitter and drunken wine!

No matter how many editions of Omar Khayyam’s books there are, no matter how many copies they come out, his poems are always in short supply. Russian readers have always been drawn to his amazing wisdom, expressed in elegant quatrains.
You can find poems from him both for difficult moments in life and for joyful ones; he is an interlocutor in thinking about the meaning of life, in moments of utmost sincerity alone with oneself and in moments of a cheerful feast with friends. He takes us into space and gives us vital everyday advice. For example, such

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot.
Remember two important rules to get started
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

In addition, Omar Khayyam was also an astronomer, an outstanding philosopher and mathematician; in his works he anticipated some discoveries of European mathematics of the 17th century, which during his lifetime were not in demand and did not find practical application. Khayyam wrote the book “Algebra”, which was published in the 19th century in France; experts were surprised by the poet’s mathematical insights. Let us remember that Khayyam lived in the 10th century.
Khayyam wrote poems in Farsi in the form of rubai. It was thanks to him that this form became known throughout the world. Rubai is an aphoristic quatrain in which the first, second and fourth lines rhyme. Sometimes all four lines rhyme...

Khayyam’s lyrics are philosophical in nature; in it one can feel the intense, beating thought of a restless, searching person. It is simple in its images and language, understandable and accessible to everyone, but in each rubaiya there is a hidden meaning, which can only be understood by penetrating the atmosphere of Khayyam’s work. His bold rebellious thought is sometimes interrupted by calls for pleasure and tranquility, sometimes it becomes sad and desperate, but Khayyam never loses hope in life, considering it a gift from the Almighty. He accepts and appreciates life with all its troubles and all known endings, without separating it from such phenomena as love and wine, which are in an inextricable symbiosis for Khayyam.

The language of Khayyam’s poems is conventional and is a technique of Persian poetry.
He who has ears will hear. The central symbol of Khayyam is WINE...

Khayyam’s symbol “love” is very close to “wine”, with the difference that “love” is for the Heart, and “wine” is for the Spirit. We can say that “love” is that attitude of the Heart in which it is capable of supplying the Spirit with the sublime joys of Existence. In order to awaken the Spirit, the Heart must please it with “wine”, and for this it must first enter into a constant state of love - love intoxication. “Love” is openness of view, freshness of perception, greedy craving for everything beautiful, constant readiness to rejoice and please others. In love, true humanity is to rejoice and please others. It is love that concentrates in a person a force comparable to the power of the gods, it is it that strives for the most noble deeds, it is the basis of the creativity of many artists, poets, musicians, it is it that makes a person more sublime and beautiful.

Khayyam identified wine with love. The intoxicating intoxication of love is supported by a drink made from the juice of grapevines. Like wine, love excites the blood and is associatively represented as something scarlet, crimson, pomegranate, like wine.

Khayyam values ​​life and cannot share it with wine, considering the wisest and most correct state to be between sobriety and intoxication, the eternal state of falling in love:

They run after a moment, a moment, and a spring after spring;
Don't send them off without songs and wine.
After all, in the kingdom of being there is no good higher than life,
As you spend it, so it will pass.

Khayyam imagines true harmony and earthly paradise in the arms of a luxurious beauty with a jug of wine, surrounded by blooming spring gardens:

At one time, Omar Khayyam wrote many poems about wine, where wine is a symbol of inspiration, a drink from the source of wisdom or “intoxication from the knowledge of truth.” Is this why many people in creative professions drink alcohol without abusing it in abundance, but take it for inspiration... The frequent glorification of wine in poetry also looks rebellious. After all, wine is prohibited by the Koran. One reader once convinced me that in fact Khayyam does not mean ordinary wine, but wine in a certain philosophical sense. Maybe philosophically too, but let’s read it carefully again...

"Drinking wine is a sin." Think, don't rush!
You yourself clearly do not sin against life.
Sent to hell because of wine and women?
Then there probably won't be a soul in heaven.

Wine plays like the drink of eternity,
Drink of what brings joy to the world,
Although wine burns us like fire,
But, like living water, it resurrects!

"Mad from the Chalice" is my name,
The worship of wine is my calling.
I am the soul of all the brothers of the drinking house,
The image of the world as it is, the content is mine!


Whose conscience would be clear.

Kravchiy! Give me the cup, God helps us,
In His mercy, God forgives us everything.
Forget about the ritual, God doesn’t need it!
Drink wine! God himself knows about our deeds.

I am intoxicated with the wine of the magicians, everyone thinks - yes, I am like that.
They call me a reveler, an idolater - yes, that’s what I am.
Let everyone think about it as they want, I don’t care:
I know myself what I really am - this is who I am.

I asked the cup, pressing my lips to it:
“Where is the series of nights and days leading me?”
Without lifting his lips, the bowl answered me:
“Oh, you won’t return to this world again. Drink!”

Where witchcraft goes around the circle of wine cups,
My whole nature is drawn into the circle!
There are friends here, there are flowers, and wine in abundance!
My whole being will not allow me to make a vow!

They will call me drunk - truly so!
A wicked man, a troublemaker - truly so!
I am who I am. and tell yourself what you want:
I will remain Khayyam. Truly so!

How long will you reproach us, you nasty hypocrite,
Because we burn with true love for the tavern?
Wine and honey make us happy, and you
Entangled in rosaries and hypocritical lies.

I walked sober - I was looking for fun and wine,
I see: the dead rose is dry and black.
“Oh, unfortunate one! What were you guilty of?
“I was too cheerful and drunk...”

The prohibition of wine is a law that takes into account
Who drinks, and when, and how much, and with whom.
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.

How long will you mourn and grieve, friend,
Lament that life is slipping from your hands?
Drink intoxicating wine, indulge in pleasures,
Having fun, complete the destined circle!

Mortal, there is no need to think about tomorrow,
Let's start thinking about happiness, about light wine.
God will never grant me repentance.
Well, if it gives it, why do I need it?

Let the cunning ones, conspiring together,

Listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

To the melody of a flute sounding nearby,
Immerse your lips in the cup with pink moisture.
Drink, sage, and let your heart rejoice,
And a teetotal saint - even gnaw stones!

A beggar imagines himself to be a Shah after drinking wine.

The day will flash a little clear blue in the window,
Transparent wine is the moisture I desire.
Since it is generally accepted that the truth is bitter,
I conclude that the truth is guilt

When the violets pour out their fragrance
And the spring wind blows,
The sage is the one who drinks wine with his beloved,
Breaking the cup of repentance on a stone.

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love,
We will sit with you in the meadow and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

I always desire a cup of pure wine,
And I would listen to the moans of gentle flutes tirelessly.
When the potter transforms my ashes into a jug,
Let it be constantly filled.

Who sits at the cup and does not spare souls,
Who repeats prayers and looks at Mecca -
All of them, being ignorant, are dozing,
And only One monitors the world order.

I staggered down to the cellar yesterday.
The drunken old man could not get up from there.
“And aren’t you ashamed, old man, to get drunk?”
I asked. He replied: “God will have mercy!”

Only with the wise the cup is not forbidden for us
Or with a cute idol at the appointed hour.
And talk less about how much you drank,
Drink a little. Drink occasionally. Not for show.

Isn't the vanity of the world funny to you?
What is a broken jug to us if the cup is full?!
There is a potion of melancholy in the heart, healing is in a bottle,
Woe to those who do not drain it to the bottom!

Again, as in the days of my youth,
I will fill the cup, for happiness is in it.
Don't be surprised that the wine is bitter
It contains the bitterness of all my past days.

May the wine be inseparable from you!
Drink with any friend from any cup
Grape blood, for in black clay
The firmament turns people blue.

A sober day is a barrier to joy for me<
And drunkenness clouds the mind, what a shame!
Between sobriety and hops the state -
Here is an incomparable joy for the heart!

Come quickly, full of enchantment,
Dispel sadness, breathe in the warmth of your heart!
Pour a jug of wine into the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by a potter.

Until fate took over us,
Let's pour some wine and have a good drink!
The star dome is inexorably circling,
Look, he won’t even let you take a sip of water.

Your gifts, O life, are despondency and darkness,
The cup of intoxication is only dear to us.
After all, wine is the blood of the world, and the world is our bloodsucker.
So how can we not drink the blood of our blood enemy!

Life's lead into golden dust.

What life is a caravan! He walks away.
We can’t hold on to happiness - it’s leaving.
Don't be sad about us, cupbearer,
Hurry up and fill the cup - the night is leaving.

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still, put away the wine and put the glass aside.
I always drank wine - I looked for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now that I'm drunk with you?

Think less about the evil of our fate,
From morning to evening, do not part with the cup,
Sit down to the forbidden daughter of the vine - she
More beautiful than your permitted parent.

For those to whom knowledge of secrets has been given,
Both joy and sadness - is it really the same?
But if good and evil pass without a trace,
Cry if you want, or drink wine.

I found paradise here, over a cup of wine,
Among the roses, near my dear one, burning with love.
Why should we listen to talk about hell and heaven!
Who has seen hell? Has anyone returned from heaven?

A gentle woman's face and green grass
I will enjoy it while I'm alive.
I drank wine, I drink wine, and I probably will
Drink wine until your fateful moment.

Reason gives praise to this cup,
The lover kisses her all night long.
And the mad potter made such an elegant bowl
Creates and hits the ground without mercy!

To grow an escape of despondency in the soul is a crime,
Until the entire book of pleasure has been read.
Seize the joys and drink wine greedily:
Life is short, alas! Her moments fly by.

When they snatch an escape from life without pity,
When the body turns to dust forever -
Let them make a jug from these ashes
And they will fill it with wine: the man will come to life!

Since death will still not give me mercy -
Let the butler give me a cup of wine!
Because life is short in this temporary world,
Sorrow for a mortal heart is unnecessary ballast.

The moisture of the good vine - after all, it is innocent! - don't spill it!
Don't spill anything but the blood of a holy liar!
Spill the blood of two thousand stupid hypocrites, if you want,
I beg you of one thing: don’t spill a drop of wine!

Among the beautiful houris I am drunk and in love
And I give a grateful bow to the wine.
Today I am free from the shackles of existence
And blessed, as if invited to a higher palace.

Bitter about what? Do I care?
Whether I live in need, it is given to me to live in poverty.
I'll fill the cup! After all, every sigh
Perhaps destined to be the last.

We will kill the sadness of hearts with a cup weighing mana,
Let's enrich ourselves with jugs of wine.
Having divorced consciousness, title, faith three times,
We will marry the daughter of the vine later.

Heart! Let the cunning ones, conspiring together,
They condemn wine, saying it is harmful.
If you want to wash your soul and body -
Listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

When all these conditions are met,
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.

Seven and four you are arbitrary,
He tortured his family and four of himself.
Drink wine, friend! After all, they said hundreds of times:
There is no return: once gone, gone.

If you don't drink wine, at least abstain
Boast of strength in front of those who are weak.
Don't be a hypocrite, you are guilty of a hundred things,
Before whom wine is only a small slave.

What a morning! Pour it for me without delay,
What was left in the jug at the bottom from the night?
Feel the beauty of this morning with your soul -
Tomorrow you will become an insensitive stone in the wall.

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!

Holding a jug in my hand is a joy;
She doesn’t need to touch the sacred scrolls:
I got wet from the wine; not for me, dry prude,
Not for me, but for you, the flames of hell are dangerous.

Dawn threw a sheaf of fire onto the roofs
And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the cup.
Sip the wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
The call of love, drunken the universe.

A beggar imagines himself to be a Shah after drinking wine,
A fox becomes a lion if it is drunk.
Drunk old age is careless, like youth,
Intoxicated youth, like old age, is smart.

Filling life with the temptation of bright days,
Filling the cup with the flame of passions,
Does God require renunciation? Here's the cup
It's full. Bend down and don't spill!

We were a drop and from the heat of passion
Appeared in the world - not by our power,
And if tomorrow a whirlwind scatters us,
Find at least a glimmer of happiness in the wine cup.

Those to whom life was given in full measure,
Intoxicated with the intoxication of love and wine.
Having dropped the unfinished cup of delight,
They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

Drink if you want, but don't lose your mind when you're drunk,
You're drunk, old man, don't lose your senses.
Beware of offending a noble drunken man.
Do not lose the friendship of the wise over a cup of wine.

Give me some wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses from my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
The violence of passion is like her hair.

Having delivered two mana of wine, don’t regret it, -
Drink yourself and treat your friends to your heart's content.
After all, the Creator of the world does not need
In your mustache and in my beard.

My pure spirit, you are a guest in my earthly body!
I'll refresh you with pure wine in the morning,
So that you do not languish in the abode of dust,
Before you say goodbye to me before going to bed.

Cupbearer, my cup is empty again!
Dry lips thirst for pure moisture,
For we have no other friend left,
Whose conscience would be clear.

It’s better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Why seek salvation in fasting and prayers?
If there's a place in hell for lovers and drunkards,
Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?

I am sick, spiritual illness torments my body,
Giving up wine truly threatens me with death.
And it’s strange that no matter how much I took medicines and balms -
Everything is bad for me! Wine alone doesn't hurt.

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine -
This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

The cupbearer sees right through you and me,
Stop showing off your nobility in front of him.
As custom dictates, drink a full cup -
And you’ll probably believe in table brotherhood.

So that wine gives immense joy,
I am destined to hold the cup in my hands forever!
Don't just look at what the hand has,
And look how it controls me!

Everything you see is only one appearance,
Only the form - but the essence is not visible to anyone.
Don't try to understand the meaning of these pictures -
Sit quietly aside and drink some wine!

Cupbearer, prepare a bottomless jug!
Let the blood flow from the neck tirelessly.
This moisture has become my only friend,
For everything changed - both friend and love.

There were no husbands left whom I could respect.
Only wine continues to please me.
Do not withdraw your hand from the handle of the jug,
If in old age there is no one to shake hands with.

I don’t drink for the sake of the forbidden love of drinking,
And I don’t drink for the sake of spiritual joy,
I drink wine because I want to forget myself
Forget the world and your unhappy lot.

Drink with wise and eloquent old age,
Drink with your smilingly beautiful youth.
Drink, friend, but don't shout about what you're drinking,
Drink occasionally and secretly - in a happy moment.

If he drank wine among us, the proud man would soften,
I saw how the knot, tight from wine, unraveled,
And if the hater Iblis drank wine
He would have bowed to Man two thousand times.

Time will not have mercy. Why grieve?
Cry blood and tear your heart with anguish?
Drink wine, try to forget about your sorrows,
You and I cannot break this circle.

From the lilac cloud to the green plains
White jasmine falls all day long.
I pour a lily-like cup
Pure pink flame - the best of wines.

We perform prayers over the edge of the bowl,
We elevate our spirit with purple wine;
The hours that were spent in mosques to no avail,
From now on we decide to catch up at the tavern.

Here is the wine in the cup of immortality - drink it!
Fun is dissolved in it - drink it!
The larynx burns like fire, but grief washes away
It is living water, drink it!

They say that I am always ready to drink, - I am like that.
That I am a rind and that I honor idols as gods - that is what I am.
Let everyone have their own opinion, I won’t argue.
I know them better about myself, this is what I am, this is who I am.

Give me intoxicating moisture that strengthens the spirit,
Let me get drunk and my eyes go blank.
Give me a cup of wine! For this world is a fairy tale,
For life is like the wind, and we are like fluff...

Since our intelligence is at a low price,
Since only a fool is completely serene -
Let me drown the rest of my sanity in wine:
Maybe fate will smile on me too!

Cupbearer! Bring the melted lal,
Moon-faced! Place your lips in the cup,
For the hot lips of the beloved and the cup
With this fiery moisture - in a blood connection.

The month of Day gives way to the blooming spring,
The book of life comes to an end in silence.
Drink wine, don't worry! The sorrows of the world -
The poison is deadly, and the antidote is wine.

I love a full glass of a cheerful look,
I love the sound of harps, which ring pitifully.
A prude, to whom the joy of hops is alien,
When it is a hundred miles away, hidden by mountains, I love it.

We were confidants at the cup of wine -
And we needed a secret when dating -
How afraid they were to disgrace themselves in their actions!

When the clouds cry in spring, don’t be sad.

Order yourself to bring a cup of wine.

This grass, which pleases the eyes,

Tomorrow will grow from our ashes.


Instead of fairy tales about heavenly grace

Order us to serve the wine quickly.

The sound is empty - these houris, roses, fountains...

It’s better to drink than to wonder about the afterlife!


You will part with your soul soon, believe me.

A secret door awaits behind the dark curtain.

Drink wine! For you are from nowhere.

Have some fun! It is unknown - where to go now?


Early in the morning, oh tender one, pour a glass,

Drink wine and play the chang more cheerfully,

Because life is short, because there is no return

For those who have left here... Therefore, drink!


The shine of a tiara, a silk turban -
I will give everything - and your power, Sultan,
I'll give it to the saint - with a rosary to boot -
For the sounds of the flute and... another glass!
The prohibition of wine is a law that takes into account
Who drinks, and when, and how much, and with whom.
When all these conditions are met,
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.
God gives, God takes - that’s the whole story for you,
What's what remains a mystery to us.
How long to live, how much to drink - measured by eye,
And even then they strive to underfill it every time.
Wine is not only a friend - wine is a sage:
With him, disagreements and heresies are over!
Wine is an alchemist: transforms at once
Life's lead into golden dust.
I don't care about trochees, amphibrachs and iambics,
I sometimes get stoned, and sometimes I get drunk!
I like debauchery, I like outrage -
I'm basically Omar! And Khayyam in nature!

Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant, For the secret essence of things is not visible." LobsterKhayyam.

It is known how great the diversity of people is, how diverse and sometimes significant their individual qualities are. A person’s individuality is manifested by many signs. The components of individuality are certain mental qualities. Emotions have a great influence on the state of our psyche. Thanks to emotions, a person strives for everything that gives pleasure and satisfaction and is useful for the body. Sometimes the initial feeling of displeasure caused by some sensation gradually turns into a feeling of pleasure. Thus, the bitterness of beer is initially unpleasant, but with frequent consumption it becomes pleasant. In Greece, wine, as a result of being stored in tarred skins, acquires an unpleasant taste for anyone who tastes it for the first time, but for those who are accustomed to such wine, the absence of the smell of tar is unpleasant. In these cases, the feeling caused by the unpleasant taste is suppressed by the feeling of pleasure. After a series of combinations of unpleasant taste sensations with a feeling of pleasure from alcohol, a switch occurs, and the same taste begins to cause pleasure.

Feelings decorate our life, making it more meaningful. They stimulate a person’s aspirations and creativity. Emotions and feelings determine one or another attitude of an individual to external or internal stimuli. A change in the emotional sphere in the form of euphoria (passion, impulse) occurs as a short-term phenomenon. Euphoria also occurs with simple alcohol intoxication.

If we analyze the life of the great people of civilization, for whom it was emotional, then many of them consumed alcohol in varying quantities. For some, this led to tragic consequences, for others, one way or another, it affected their creativity and lifestyle. It is difficult to judge what was primary - the use of alcohol contributed to the manifestation of talent or a talented personality needed to relieve mental stress, after which the work was easily created.

Even Aristotle Stagirite (384-322 BC), the ancient Greek philosopher-encyclopedist and scientist, the great ancestor and teacher of all philosophers, noted that under the influence of a rush of blood to the head, “many individuals become poets, prophets or soothsayers. People with cold people with abundant blood are timid and narrow-minded, but people with hot blood are active, witty and talkative.”

Why do people even drink? Undoubtedly, this is connected with the most intimate aspects of brain activity, where all our desires and aspirations are formed. In particular, alcohol affects the structures of the deep parts of the brain responsible for our vital behavioral reactions, such as emotions, feelings of love, hunger, etc.

Today it has been proven that small doses of alcohol accelerate the processes of transfer of excitation, and large concentrations complicate this process. At significant concentrations of alcohol, the functioning of brain vessels is disrupted and their permeability increases. At the same time, the flow of alcohol to nerve cells increases, exacerbating their functional disorders. The brain function of a person who drinks alcohol for a long time is disrupted, and mental disorders may occur, including

Some writers admitted to alcohol abuse in their works. Thus, Tasso, in his work “The Messenger” or “Messiah,” confessed several times that he had lost his mind due to the abuse of wine and love.

A. Hoffmann, the most bizarre of poets, showing remarkable abilities not only for poetry, but for drawing and music, suffered from heavy drinking and admitted this in his diary many years before his death. Hoffmann was so sensitive to atmospheric phenomena that, based on his subjective feelings, he compiled tables that were completely similar to the readings of a thermometer and barometer. This is due to the fact that people who abuse alcohol often suffer from high blood pressure, so they are particularly sensitive to changes in the weather.

It has been noticed that the paintings of alcoholic artists tend to have a predominance of yellow paint. There is, for example, a known case when an alcoholic painter, having lost all ability to distinguish colors, painted pictures (in the intervals between periods of hard drinking) mainly with white paint and achieved such skill in this that he became the first artist in all of France to paint northern winter scenes. landscapes.

Many of the great people abused not only alcoholic beverages, but also drugs. Thus, Galer consumed enormous amounts of wine, and Rousseau consumed coffee; Tasso was a famous drunkard, like the writers Kleist, Murger, the poets Gerard de Nerval, Musset, Mailat, Prague, Rovani and the most original Chinese poet Lo Tai Ke, who even received the nickname “poet-drunkard”, since he drew his inspiration only from alcohol and died as a result of its abuse. Asne wrote with no other way than with a glass of wine in front of him, and drank himself to the point of delirium tremens, which drove him to the grave. Lenau also consumed too much wine, coffee and tobacco in the last years of his life. Baudelaire resorted to intoxication with opium, wine and tobacco. Cardano himself admitted to alcohol abuse, and Swift was an ardent visitor to London taverns. E. Poe, Lenau, Southey and Hoffmann suffered from heavy drinking.

Cesare Lombroso noted that the great alcoholic writers have their own special style, the characteristic difference of which is cold eroticism, an abundance of harshness and unevenness of tone due to the complete fragmentation of fantasy, which moves too quickly from the darkest melancholy to the most indecent gaiety. They also show a greater tendency to describe madmen, drunkards, and the darkest scenes of death. Baudelaire writes about E. Poe: “He loves to paint his figures on a greenish or bluish background in the phosphorescent light of rotting substances, to the sound of orgies and the howling of a storm; he describes the funny and the terrible out of love for both.”

It can be said about Baudelaire himself that he was also partial to similar subjects and to describing the effects of alcohol and opium.

The unfortunate Prague, who died as a result of chronic alcohol poisoning, often praised wine, drunkards, etc. The painter Sten, who suffered from heavy drinking, constantly painted drunkards. With Hoffmann, drawings usually turned into caricatures, stories into descriptions of unnatural eccentricities, and musical compositions into cacophony. Murger praised women with green lips and yellow cheeks, although for him this was probably the result of a kind of color blindness caused by drunkenness, which, as we have seen, is especially sharply expressed among painters.

In the biographical works of most authors, attention is not paid to such a side of the life of writers, poets and artists as their love for wines or alcohol, which subsequently affects their abilities, and subsequently on the manifestation of talent (a combination of various human abilities), as well as on the character and lifestyle. Basically, biographical works note their creativity or love affairs.

Of course, doctors - psychiatrists or narcologists - should study the influence of alcohol on the lives and destinies of famous people, but they avoid this delicate topic. Whether they want to raise these issues or not, the influence of alcohol on the expression of talent undoubtedly exists.

Thus, in the works of A.S. Pushkin, various themes and especially love are well explored. Doctors-writers and domestic psychiatrists turned to the complete collection of the poet’s works to illustrate certain sexual states. The famous writer and doctor V. Veresaev found a physiological description of sexual intercourse in his work “Gabriiliad”. Some authors have explored the reflection of same-sex love in Pushkin's poetry, in particular, pederasty.

Another professor and writer S. Trombach conducted a detailed study of the theme of plague and cholera in the poet’s work. The above examples are proof that anyone who loves Pushkin, with a strong desire, can find a reflection of his life interests in the poet’s work. However, we will not find discussions among numerous researchers about the influence of wine on the poet’s work and its role in the life of Alexander Sergeevich. The author of the presented material did not set such a task for himself, but simply tried to extrapolate Pushkin’s lines about wine and its possible participation in the poet’s work.

In his works, young Pushkin praises wine and advocates for cultural drinking. In his work one can note the lyceum period (1811) of his life, when he had his first poetic experiments. Before entering the lyceum, he was a withdrawn, unsociable child. He wrote his first poems at the age of 13 and 14. At this age, along with puberty, mental individuality begins to form, liberation from parental authority and from the influence of the closest family environment occurs, and the transition to the independence of an adult occurs.

The social environment has a decisive influence on the direction of aspirations and the content of mental experiences of youth. At this age, the character of the young poet began to change: he became so restless and active that he was called a fidget and a cricket. The boy became sociable and sharp-tongued. The gloomy childhood was replaced by a sparkling, rapidly flowing youth, which allowed the poet to develop his creative abilities. In the first verses traces of apprenticeship and school are visible. But over time, as a result of the influence of the lyceum poetic fraternity and the free atmosphere, when he participated in youthful revels and mischief, poems appear in which the features of the poet’s originality are noted. He began to drink wine, and it served as a “tool” for friendly communication.

In his early poems, Pushkin sings of joy, wine, fun, and this sounds and lives in his poems not as a tribute to literary tradition, but as an expression of personal, lyrical recognition, as an expression of the seething and overflowing youthful fullness of life. As V.S. Deryabin noted in his book: “Not everyone, of course, is characterized by an outburst of vivid emotional experiences in their youth, but those whose youth passed without a violent boiling of strength often turn out to be people of little value.”

Pushkin entered the Lyceum as a child, and left it six years later as a young man. There his stormy creative youth began. If the fate of A.S. Pushkin had decreed differently and he would not have gotten into the lyceum and his stormy, cheerful youth would not have existed, then the question arises: would he have been able to show his talent?

The poem he wrote in May 1815 (“To Pushchin”) reflects the Lyceum period of his life:

Having moved to St. Petersburg, Pushkin continues to lead a cheerful lifestyle. This period is reflected in the poem “Town,” written by the poet in 1815:

In 1816, A.S. Pushkin dedicated an entire poem “The Healthy Cup” to wine:

A.S. Pushkin was already a famous and popular poet, and wherever he came, he was always invited to evenings and holidays. He loved balls, accompanied by an abundance of wine and champagne. As Pushkin’s old friend P.A. wrote. Vyazemsky: “He was not a monk, but was a sinner, like everyone else in his young years.” It is not surprising that in Pushkin’s library there was a book by K. Brill-Kramer “On binge drinking and its treatment. As an instruction to everyone, with the addition of a detailed explanation for non-doctors about the method of treating this disease.” The book views binge drinking as a disease, the proximate cause of which is a “morbid state of irritability of the brain,” which in turn often stems from drinking wine.

According to researchers of Pushkin’s life, this book was purchased as a gift to his brother Lev, as evidenced by the inscription on it “To the Gracious Sovereign Brother Lev Sergeevich Pushkin.” The poet's younger and dearly beloved brother Lev, talented and frivolous, a carouser and a spendthrift, caused the poet a lot of worries and troubles. No wonder their mutual friend, the famous wit S. Sobolevsky, once remarked after Lev’s next major loss: “Alexander Sergeevich will have to feed him. Feeding is not a problem, but giving him water is expensive.”

Whatever statements are made about the poet’s use of books in his library, there is no doubt that this work was not accidental and to some extent reflects his interest in this problem. Otherwise the book would have to be in his brother's library.

There was also talk about Alexander Sergeevich's tendency to drink. The poet himself denied these rumors, and in a letter to his wife he wrote: “Do you know what they say about me in neighboring provinces? This is how they describe my activities, how Pushkin writes poetry: in front of him stands a glass of the most glorious tincture, he pops a glass, another, a third - and he’ll start writing!”

Apparently there was something to these rumors. They could not have arisen out of nowhere. As the popular saying goes, “There is no smoke without fire.” Pushkin’s love for wine went with him throughout his entire life.

Similar examples can be found in the biographies of scientists, composers, great commanders, etc. Thus, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, an Austrian composer (who lived only 35 years), was fond of wine, and composed one of the greatest works of world classical music, “Requiem,” after frequent bacchanalia.

P.I. Tchaikovsky was often nervous, twitchy, and complex. Music and alcohol helped him find a way out of this state. He wrote in his diary: “I don’t feel calm until I drink a little too much. I’m already so used to this secret drinking that I feel something like joy from just looking at the bottle that I always have at hand. It is believed that drunkenness is harmful, which I am willing to agree with. But a person exhausted by nerves simply cannot live without alcoholic poison... I, for example, am drunk every evening and simply cannot live otherwise.”

The founder of the natural test, Swede C. Linnaeus, was a lover of Russian vodka and reflected this in his treatise “Vodka in the hands of a philosopher, a doctor and a commoner. A curious work and interesting for everyone,” where he comprehensively substantiated its undoubted usefulness:

“This drink has this wonderful power... This wine is a fortifying wine, which gives strength to the weak: only when brought to the nostrils, it awakens those who have fainted. I work, exhausted by labor and other hardships, very soon renews my strength with an intoxicating drink, which after many I wouldn’t return the watch with food.”

One of the hobbies of Peter I (the Great) - drinking alcohol - led to changes in Russian feasts, when vodka flowed like a river at royal receptions. In his letters to Catherine while recovering her health with healing waters from the German resort town of Bad Pyrmont in 1716-1717. Peter I wrote: “Never to this day have I been so offended: I always drank a lot of wine, but now mostly water, and very little wine.”

Vodka, as is known, was “respected” by the luminary of Russian science M.V. Lomonosov (it is believed

that he loved her too much) and obtained this product in his laboratory. Friedrich Engels also showed interest in the intoxicating effect of alcohol, reflecting it in his famous work “Potato Vodka in Germany,” written about the unfavorable nature of intoxication among the German working class in the second half of the 19th century.

The great and brilliant commander Alexander the Great, according to modern researchers, did not die from a fever, but simply after another sumptuous feast, having taken more than he could stand. Here is what researcher F. Shakermayr writes about him in the book:

“From time immemorial, the Macedonians valued noisy feasts and drinking bouts above all else. At Alexander’s feasts, two traditions came together - Macedonian and Greek. They began in Greek, that is, they were accompanied by music and conversation, but ended with the Macedonian custom of drinking wine. the Macedonian nobility preferred undiluted wine to Balkan beer and honey, especially since in their own country and in neighboring Thrace there were enough premium grapes. Often such feasts ended in the most unbridled drunkenness. He spoke a lot of wine and willingly, talked about his plans, his speech was brilliant, captivating, sometimes even filled with bragging, and he recited passages from “Andromeda” by Euripides. The king drank and got drunk with everyone.

In such nightly festivities, he managed to overcome the self-will, arrogance and arrogance of his companions. Frequent receptions of ambassadors from Mediterranean countries were accompanied by magnificent receptions and drinking bouts. At the end of his life, Alexander became addicted to undiluted wine. He liked to get very drunk, once he even challenged the most inveterate reveler and drunkard, his childhood friend, Proteus, to a competition to see who could drink the most. He seemed to be striving for the danger that every person is exposed to when he weakens himself with alcohol in the feverish, sultry Mesopotamia. Doctors warned him against the consequences of bacchanalia. As always with Alexander, before the start of any enterprise, solemn sacrifices were made and feasts were held. And this time, before his last campaign, Alexander feasted all night with his retinue. The feast continued all morning. After a short rest, in the evening, the king again drank to the health of his companions. As a result of another bacchanalia, he developed a severe fever and soon died."

Alexander the Great died thirty-three years old (356-323 BC), having reigned for only thirteen years. It should be noted that for several years Alexander’s tutor and teacher was the son of the court physician of the Macedonian king Amina, the outstanding philosopher and healer Aristotle (384-322 BC), who noticed that under the influence of hot flashes in the head, many people experience abilities for poetry, divination, etc.

There are many examples of famous writers, poets, artists and actors who loved to drink and this played a certain role in their lives. The English poet George Noel Gordon Byron (1788-1824) died at the age of 36; in his youth he often spent time in London clubs with a pipe. Andre Maurois in the book “Byron” describes that D. Byron eliminated his irritability with wine, sometimes drinking up to 3 bottles per evening. When Byron was 28 years old, his wife Lady Byron sought advice from a doctor about George's mental state. In addition, he suffered from epileptic seizures.

Russian poets who loved to drink and spent their turbulent youth: Sergei Yesenin - committed suicide (hanged himself at the age of 30), Vladimir Mayakovsky - shot himself at the age of 34 with a Mauser gun, being in a depressed psychophysiological state. Here is what Yu. Krotkov described about the lives of other poets and writers in his memoirs: “I grew up among Georgian poets such as Titian Justinovich Tabidze (1895-1937), Paolo Dzhibraelovich Yashvili (1895-1937), Nikola Mitsishvili , Galaktion Vasilyevich Tabidze (1892-1959), etc. They all drank a lot and wrote magnificent poems. Once I saw the national poet of Georgia Galaktion Tabidze lying on the street drunk, which is something Georgians never even lost the Order of Lenin. somewhere in the dukhan on a drunken occasion. His voice was always slightly hoarse, “drunk.” At the age of 66, Tabidze committed suicide and jumped out of the window of his house.” Krotkov also reports that the Soviet writer Alexander Aleksandrovich Fadeev (1901-1956) drank, drank a lot, often, binges sometimes lasted two or three weeks, until Stalin’s next call, and this, of course, helped him get along with himself. On May 13, 1956, A.A. Fadeev shot himself in the heart with a revolver. The Pravda newspaper reported that Fadeev’s suicide was a consequence of the writer’s illness, i.e. alcoholism.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky (1910-1971), Olga Fedorovna Berggolts (1910-1975), Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960), Valentin Vladimirovich Ovechkin (1904-1968) and Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov (1903-1964). The latter, in a conversation with Krotkov, said: “Listen, old man, is it possible to be sober in this life?” According to the same Krotkov: “Once Valentin Ovechkin came to Moscow, stayed at the Moscow Hotel and, after getting drunk, undressed and tried to jump out of the window. After that, he was transported from the hotel to a hospital for the insane.”

The poet Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov (1936-1971) abused alcohol. His unofficial wife, Henrietta Menshikova, said: “To be honest, N. Rubtsov loved to drink. He always brought wine and oranges with him to the village of Nikolskoye and treated the villagers.” In her opinion, excessive alcohol consumption led to his tragic death. In January 1971, N. Rubtsov was strangled by his partner.

The famous actor Evgeny Vestnik was friends with the famous doctor A.L. Myasnikov (Soviet therapist, 1899-1965) and when the young actor discovered some problems with his heart, he turned to the doctor with a request for recommendations on drinking alcohol. Alexander Leonidovich replied: “You should drink vodka like this: your weight, converted into grams, multiplied by two, do not eat or snack for 45 minutes. This replaces an enema, glucose, antibiotics.” When Myasnikov was asked: “Doctor, how much do you allow yourself?”, he replied, “I drink these 150 g daily, and then... then I have no desire to stop.” Of course, drinking vodka in such quantities and with such frequency leads to the development of a disease - alcoholism.

Soviet poet, actor and bard V.V. Vysotsky was fond of drinking, sometimes got drunk and often wrote poetry after regular pleasure orgies. An imitator and singer of his songs, film actor Nikita Dzhigurda (who played in the well-known films “Love in Russian” and “Ermak”) admitted that on tour alcohol flowed like a river, and he loved to drink vodka.

American writer Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) shot himself at the age of 61. In his youth, he loved to visit bars; with the help of alcohol, he expressed himself as a person. Alcohol gave him courage. With age, the writer became irritable, often fell into apathy, eventually he became a chronic alcoholic and was treated for delirium tremens.

Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley were addicted to alcohol, and Marilyn Monroe (real name Norma Baker, 1926-1962), as a result of strong emotional experiences that were no longer relieved by alcohol, committed suicide by taking a large dose of sleeping pills.

The list of great and famous people who had friendship with the “green serpent” can be continued. If the reader wants, he will always find similar examples in the lives of his favorite heroes.

There is no doubt that drinking alcohol in small quantities affects the deep parts of the human brain and contributes to the manifestation of his creative abilities. Each person initially contains a number of abilities and inclinations, but this does not mean that drinking alcohol will necessarily awaken and develop them. Wine is just one of the factors contributing to the awakening of talents. In order for talented individuals to be able to demonstrate their talent in society, it is necessary to create certain social conditions.

Omar Khayyam

The day will flash a little clear blue in the window,
Transparent wine is the moisture I desire.
Since it is generally accepted that the truth is bitter,
I conclude that the truth is guilt

When the violets pour out their fragrance
And the spring wind blows,
The sage is the one who drinks wine with his beloved,
Breaking the cup of repentance on a stone.

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love,
We will sit in the meadow with you and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

I always desire a cup of pure wine,
And I would listen to the moans of gentle flutes tirelessly.
When the potter transforms my ashes into a jug,
Let it be constantly filled.

Who sits at the cup and does not spare souls,
Who repeats prayers and looks at Mecca -
All of them, being ignorant, are dozing,
And only One watches over the world order.

I staggered down to the cellar yesterday.
The drunken old man could not get up from there.
“And aren’t you ashamed, old man, to get drunk?”
I asked. He replied: “God will have mercy!”

Only with the wise the cup is not forbidden for us
Or with a cute idol at the appointed hour.
And talk less about how much you drank,
Drink a little. Drink occasionally. Not for show.

Isn't the vanity of the world funny to you?
What is a broken jug to us if the cup is full?!
There is a potion of melancholy in the heart, healing is in a bottle,
Woe to those who do not drain it to the bottom!

Again, as in the days of my youth,
I will fill the cup, for happiness is in it.
Don't be surprised that the wine is bitter
It contains the bitterness of all my past days.

May the wine be inseparable from you!
Drink with any friend from any cup
Grape blood, for in black clay
The firmament turns people blue.

For me, a sober day is an obstacle to joy. And drunkenness clouds my mind, what a shame!
Between sobriety and hops the state -
Here is an incomparable joy for the heart!

Come quickly, full of enchantment,
Dispel sadness, breathe in the warmth of your heart!
Pour a jug of wine into the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by a potter.

Until fate took over us,
Let's pour some wine and have a good drink!
The star dome inexorably circles,
Look, he won’t even let you take a sip of water.

Your gifts, O life, are despondency and darkness,
The cup of intoxication is only dear to us.
After all, wine is the blood of the world, and the world is our bloodsucker.
So how can we not drink the blood of our blood enemy!

Wine is not only a friend - wine is a sage:
With him, disagreements and heresies are over!
Wine is an alchemist: transforms at once
Life's lead into golden dust.

What life is a caravan! He walks away.
We can’t hold on to happiness - it’s leaving.
Don't be sad about us, cupbearer,
Hurry up and fill the cup - the night is leaving.

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still, put away the wine and put the glass aside.
I always drank wine - I looked for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now that I'm drunk with you?

Think less about the evil of our fate,
From morning to evening, do not part with the cup,
Sit down to the forbidden daughter of the vine - she
More beautiful than your permitted parent.

For those to whom knowledge of secrets has been given,
Both joy and sadness - is it really the same?
But if good and evil pass without a trace,
Cry if you want, or drink wine.

I found paradise here, over a cup of wine,
Among the roses, near my dear one, burning with love.
Why should we listen to talk about hell and heaven!
Who has seen hell? Has anyone returned from heaven?

A gentle woman's face and green grass
I will enjoy it while I'm alive.
I drank wine, I drink wine, and I probably will
Drink wine until your fatal moment.

Reason gives praise to this cup,
The lover kisses her all night long.
And the mad potter made such an elegant bowl
Creates and hits the ground without mercy!

To grow an escape of despondency in the soul is a crime,
Until the entire book of pleasure has been read.
Seize the joys and drink wine greedily:
Life is short, alas! Her moments fly by.

When they snatch an escape from life without pity,
When the body turns to dust forever -
Let them make a jug from these ashes
And they will fill it with wine: the man will come to life!

Since death will still not give me mercy -
Let the butler give me a cup of wine!
Because life is short in this temporary world,
Sorrow for a mortal heart is unnecessary ballast.

The moisture of the good vine - after all, it is innocent! - don't spill it!
Don't spill anything but the blood of a holy liar!
Spill the blood of two thousand stupid hypocrites, if you want,
I beg you of one thing: don’t spill a drop of wine!

Among the beautiful houris I am drunk and in love
And I give a grateful bow to the wine.
Today I am free from the shackles of existence
And blessed, as if invited to a higher palace.

Bitter about what? Do I care?
Whether I live in need, it is given to me to live in poverty.
I'll fill the cup! After all, every sigh
Perhaps destined to be the last.

We will kill the sadness of hearts with a cup weighing mana,
Let's enrich ourselves with jugs of wine.
Having divorced consciousness, title, faith three times,
We will marry the daughter of the vine later.

Heart! Let the cunning ones, conspiring together,
They condemn wine, saying it is harmful.
If you want to wash your soul and body -
Listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

The prohibition of wine is a law that takes into account
Who drinks, and when, and how much, and with whom.
When all these conditions are met,
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.

Seven and four you are arbitrary,
He tortured his family and four of himself.
Drink wine, friend! After all, they said hundreds of times:
There is no return: once gone, gone.

If you don't drink wine, at least abstain
Boast of strength in front of those who are weak.
Don't be a hypocrite, you are guilty of a hundred things,
Before whom wine is only a small slave.

What a morning! Pour it for me without delay,
What was left in the jug at the bottom from the night?
Feel the beauty of this morning with your soul -
Tomorrow you will become an insensitive stone in the wall.

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!

Holding a jug in my hand is a joy;
She doesn’t need to touch the sacred scrolls:
I got wet from the wine; not for me, dry prude,
Not for me, but for you, the flames of hell are dangerous.

Dawn threw a sheaf of fire onto the roofs
And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the cup.
Sip the wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
The call of love, drunken the universe.

A beggar imagines himself to be a Shah after drinking wine,
A fox becomes a lion if it is drunk.
Drunk old age is careless, like youth,
Intoxicated youth, like old age, is smart.

Filling life with the temptation of bright days,
Filling the cup with the flame of passions,
Does God require renunciation? Here's the cup
It's full. Bend down and don't spill!

We were a drop and from the heat of passion
Appeared in the world - not by our power,
And if tomorrow a whirlwind scatters us,
Find at least a glimmer of happiness in the wine cup.

Those to whom life was given in full measure,
Intoxicated with the intoxication of love and wine.
Having dropped the unfinished cup of delight,
They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

Drink if you want, but don't lose your mind when you're drunk,
You're drunk, old man, don't lose your senses.
Beware of offending a noble drunken man.
Don’t lose the friendship of the wise over a cup of wine.

Give me some wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses from my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
The violence of passion is like her hair.

Having delivered two mana of wine, don’t regret it, -
Drink yourself and treat your friends to your heart's content.
After all, the Creator of the world does not need
In your mustache and in my beard.

My pure spirit, you are a guest in my earthly body!
I'll refresh you with pure wine in the morning,
So that you do not languish in the abode of dust,
Before you say goodbye to me before going to bed.

Cupbearer, my cup is empty again!
Dry lips thirst for pure moisture,
For we have no other friend left,
Whose conscience would be clear.

It’s better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Why seek salvation in fasting and prayers?
If there's a place in hell for lovers and drunkards,
Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?

I am sick, spiritual illness torments my body,
Refusing wine truly threatens me with death.
And it’s strange that no matter how much I took medicines and balms -
Everything is bad for me! Wine alone does no harm.

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine -
This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

The cupbearer sees right through you and me,
Stop showing off your nobility in front of him.
As custom dictates, drink a full cup -
And you’ll probably believe in the brotherhood at the table.

So that wine gives immense joy,
I am destined to hold the cup in my hands forever!
Don't just look at what the hand has,
And look how it controls me!

Everything you see is only one appearance,
Only the form - but the essence is not visible to anyone.
Don't try to understand the meaning of these pictures -
Sit quietly aside and drink some wine!

Cupbearer, prepare a bottomless jug!
Let the blood flow from the neck tirelessly.
This moisture has become my only friend,
For everything changed - both friend and love.

There were no husbands left whom I could respect.
Only wine continues to please me.
Do not withdraw your hand from the handle of the jug,
If in old age there is no one to shake hands with.

I don’t drink for the sake of the forbidden love of drinking,
And I don’t drink for the sake of spiritual joy,
I drink wine because I want to forget
Forget the world and your unhappy lot.

Drink with wise and eloquent old age,
Drink with your smilingly beautiful youth.
Drink, friend, but don't shout about what you're drinking,
Drink occasionally and secretly - in a happy moment.

If he drank wine among us, the proud man would soften,
I saw how the knot, tight from wine, unraveled,
And if the hater Iblis drank wine
He would have bowed to Man two thousand times.

Time will not have mercy. Why grieve?
Cry blood and tear your heart with anguish?
Drink wine, try to forget about your sorrows,
You and I cannot break this circle.

From the lilac cloud to the green plains
White jasmine is falling all day long.
I pour a lily-like cup
Pure pink flame - the best of wines.

We perform prayers over the edge of the bowl,
We elevate our spirit with purple wine;
The hours that were spent in mosques to no avail,
From now on we decide to catch up at the tavern.

Here is the wine in the cup of immortality - drink it!
Fun is dissolved in it - drink it!
The larynx burns like fire, but grief washes away
It is living water, drink it!

They say that I am always ready to drink, - I am like that.
That I am a rind and that I honor idols as gods - that is what I am.
Let everyone have their own opinion, I won’t argue.
I know them better about myself, this is what I am, this is who I am.

Give me intoxicating moisture that strengthens the spirit,
Let me get drunk and my eyes go blank.
Give me a cup of wine! For this world is a fairy tale,
For life is like the wind, and we are like fluff...

Since our intelligence is at a low price,
Since only a fool is completely serene -
Let me drown the rest of my sanity in wine:
Maybe fate will smile on me too!

Cupbearer! Bring the melted lal,
Moon-faced! Place your lips in the cup,
For the hot lips of the beloved and the cup
With this fiery moisture - in a blood connection.

The month of Day gives way to the blooming spring,
The book of life comes to an end in silence.
Drink wine, don't worry! The sorrows of the world -
The poison is deadly, and the antidote is wine.

I love a full glass of a cheerful look,
I love the sound of harps, which ring pitifully.
A prude, to whom the joy of hops is alien,
When it is a hundred miles away, hidden by mountains, I love it.

We were confidants at the cup of wine -
And we needed a secret when dating -
How afraid they were to disgrace themselves in their actions!
Disgraced now - the rumor is not terrible!

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still, put away the wine and put the glass aside.
I always drank wine - I looked for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now that I'm drunk with you?
Why must we strive for paradise here?
My Eden is wine and wine, everything else in the world is perishable.
There, in paradise, there is wine and kravchiy, here it is given - wine and kravchiy,
So let wine and wine reign in two worlds forever.

We highlight 100 facts and personalities that were important to the construction of the history of wine, from ancient times to the present day. The reports that will be found in this area contain information about the first vineyards planted in the world, about the origin of the first clos, about the turning of the bottles, about the growth of Cabernet Sauvignon and about the first evaluation of wines in Brazil.

The oldest cultivated grapevines in the world were found in Georgia, in the Caucasus region, and date back to the Stone Age. Scientists believe that these are the first signs of viticulture, that is, an artificial garden. It is believed that wines appeared during this period, although the first presses and other wine-making equipment were found in Armenia in 2000 BC.

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!
If you don't drink wine, at least abstain
Boast of strength in front of those who are weak.
Don't be a hypocrite, you are guilty of a hundred things,
Before whom wine is only a small slave.
Why do I need the bliss of heaven - “later”?
I want it now, cash, wine!
I don't believe in credit! And what do I need fame for?
There's drumming thunder right under your ear...

First works on wine

The first book of the Bible, Genesis, says that Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard. The Talmud, the Jewish holy book, also talks about wine. Amphora, in Greek, means something that can be carried by two people. Historians note that it was an invention of the Canaanites, a people who inhabited the Middle East region and who introduced this auspicious vessel for transporting wine to Egypt around 500 BC. Amphoras were used to transport and store wine for centuries until almost the Middle Ages.

His epic tales, both the story of the Trojan War in the Iliad and the adventures of Ulysses in the Odyssey, chronicle the consumption and production of wine at the time. The Adventures of Ulysses, for example, mentions the wine of Maro, sweet and strong, which the hero used to stun the Cyclops Polyphemus.

There are boundaries in the fields. Creek. Spring is all around.
And the girl comes to me with wine.
Wonderful moment! And start thinking about the eternal,
And it’s over: I’d put my tail between my legs like a puppy!
Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”:
It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation.
If these four conditions are met
All sane people are allowed wine.
O sage! If God gave you a loan
Musician, wine, stream and sunset -
Don't grow crazy desires in your heart.
If you have all this, you are immensely rich!
If I don't drink wine, it means I'm not ripe,
If I always drink, then shame is my destiny.
A sage, a shah, a tramp, can drink,
So don’t drink if you couldn’t become one of them!
Man is the truth of the world, the crown -
Not everyone knows this, but only a sage.
Drink a drop of wine so you don't think
That all creations are based on one example.
A series of dull autumns passed over us,
And the days of our life were dispelled by falling leaves.
Drink! After all, the sage said that only wine is dope
We can overcome the anguish of spiritual poison.
The wine is a transparent ruby, and the jug is a mine.
The vial is flesh, and the wine in it is the spring of the soul,
Fire wine sparkles in a crystal bowl, -
It is a shower of tears that arose from the blood of grapes.

One of the most famous plays about the god Bacchus, or Dionysus, Bacchantes was written by the Greek theotologist Euripides and debuted posthumously. The work is dedicated to the revenge of Dionysus, which he will reject by his human family. It is also the first work to connect God directly with wine.

Julius Caesar and the birth of novels

Julius Caesar, one of the greatest military strategists of all time, expands the Roman Empire into Brittany. At that time, the emperor also defined agrarian law and presented lands in Gaul, a newly conquered region, to his generals. From here arose the Burgundian vineyards called Romanes, for example, Romanes-Conti.

The prohibition of wine is a law that takes into account
Who drinks, when, and how much, and with whom.
When all these conditions are met,
Drinking is a sign of wisdom, and not a vice at all.
Enjoy wine every day, no, every hour:
After all, only it can make us wiser,
Whenever Ivlis once got drunk on wine,
He would have bowed before Adam two hundred times.
Although the wise Sharia condemned wine,
Although it is saturated with tart bitterness, -
It’s sweet for me to drink with my dear. No wonder it says:
"We reach for what is forbidden to us."
Allah did not order me to drink! who can't drink
With just anyone who dares to drink without memory,
And not to wise men who observe moderation,
Those who have an unconditional right to drink!
Leaves of the tree of life given to me
In the winter cold they also burn in the spring fire.
Drink wine, don't worry. Follow the wise advice:
Drown all your worries in sparkling wine.
Let your heart be troubled by passion.
Let the wine forever foam in the cup.
The creator gives repentance to sinners -
I will refuse: I have no use for it.

Lucius Columella and the basics of viticulture

Lucio Columella, a Spaniard from Cadiz, wrote the most complete manual on agriculture until then, De Re Rustica, on the subjects of the field. Everything about viticulture in your book. In it, the author argues that the vineyard is the most profitable form of agriculture and details all processes, from pruning to harvesting. Many of the methods described are still in use today.

First compilation of wines

In chapters on agriculture, he discusses the great wines of Rome, winemaking techniques, and the medicinal qualities of the drink. He also articulates one of the first visions of terroir, saying that unique places can produce unique wines. His book can be considered the first compilation of the world's wines, and also contains the first reviews, because Galen told how to evaluate wines, store them and age them. Amphoras were replaced only by barrels in the transport of wines already at the end of the Roman Empire, at the beginning of the Middle Ages. It is believed that wine barrels were invented by the Celts when they began selling wine to Italy.

Wine of Omar Khayyam: texts of poems - rubai about wine and truth: Omar Khayyam

Cupbearer, prepare a bottomless jug!
Let the blood flow from the neck tirelessly.
This moisture has become my only friend,
For everything changed - both friend and love.

Cupbearer, pour fire into my cup!
The boastful friends are tired of chatter.
Give me a jug full of this fiery moisture,
Before they make a jug out of me.

They announce the day that is coming to me,
This wine is sometimes called bitter.
If so, it means that the Truth is hidden in wine!

As soon as I wake up, I will press my lips to the jug.
May my face be the color of wine.
I will drink, and the annoying mind,
If there's anything left, I'll splash it in your face!

The art of co-operation has changed little over time, and today the structure of barrels is very similar to that of the first casks. Charlemagne was the main name of the Middle Ages. He helped "organize" northern Europe, which had become fragmented after the end of the Roman Empire. Among his achievements, he passed agrarian laws, especially those related to wine, with strict production standards. Moreover, he personally grew vineyards in certain places. A great landowner, he named vineyards such as Corton-Charlemagne in Burgundy.

Although Islamic commandments prohibit wine, some Arabs “revolt,” like Omar Khayyam. He was one of the greatest scientists of the time, able to develop a much more accurate calendar than the Gregorian calendar. But for the world of wine, his great contribution was the work of the Rubaiyat, a long series of quartets in honor of the drink.

You will part with your soul soon, believe me.
A secret door awaits behind the dark curtain.
Drink wine! For you are from nowhere.
Have some fun! It is unknown - where to go now?

It's better to please your heart with a cup of wine,
Why mourn and praise the past.
A sober mind puts shackles on the soul.
Intoxicated, she breaks the shackles.

Bernardo de Fontaine founded the order that revolutionized the vineyards of Burgundy, the Cistercian monks. His students were young and dedicated to hard work, so much so that the life expectancy was 28 years. They have been dedicated to viticulture since their founding, receiving their first vineyard in Meursaux. It is believed that they were the first to plant Chardonnay in Chablis.

It definitely marks the history of Bordeaux. Many years later, the merchants of Bordeaux began to supply wine to the British court under the rule of John the Landless son of Eleanor. Constant quarrels between France and England over the region continued for centuries, until the end of the Hundred Years' War, when Bordeaux finally returned to French rule, but by then their wines had already reached England.

My cup will kill all my sorrows,
Wealth, fun and joy live in him.
Today I take the daughter of the vine as my wife,
And I will give a complete divorce to reason and faith.

If I get drunk and fall off my feet -
This is a service to God, not a vice.
I can’t break God’s plan,
If God intended me to be a drunkard!

Give me something to drink so I won’t drink anymore.
So that your face fills with ruby ​​color!
After death, wash my body with wine,
And weave a stretcher for the coffin from vines.

At that time, he wanted to know what the best wine in the world was, and that his envoys drank drinks from all over the world. The influence of the Cistercian monks in Burgundy was decisive. A royal decree in Germany allowed and regulated the addition of sulfur to wine for the first time. The practice to aid in the preservation and purification of wine was ancient, well known, and likely in use since the Roman Empire. However, this was the first time it was "normalized" by law.

Spanish and Portuguese settlers began to arrive and bring vineyards with them because the wine from Metropolis could not survive the long journey from Europe to America. One of the first conquerors, Hernán Cortés, asked landowners in Mexico to plant vines. For many years, wines from Mexico and Peru were supplied to the Spanish colonies.

I will drink until the end of my days,
So that it smells like wine from my grave.
So that a drunk who comes to my grave
The smell of wine made me twice as drunk!

O fool, I see you have fallen into a trap,
In this fleeting life, equal to a day.
Why are you rushing about, mortal? Why are you fussing?
Give me some wine - and then keep running!

The enterprise did not work very well, so he climbed the mountain ridge and the first vineyards worth mentioning were cultivated near Taubate. Although the first glass bottles were quite old, it was not until the Industrial Revolution that the first series were well produced and cheap enough to transform the wine industry. There was a surefire way to seal the drink.

The monk was a perfectionist and, in order to bring in more income with the wine, he improved production by creating many rules with the goal of providing greater quality to the product. Despite the success of champagne bubbles, Pérignon really wanted to avoid bubbles. However, by introducing standards of cultivation and vinification, he is considered the father of Champagne. It became Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite wine before he faded into oblivion.

I drink wisely: I never get rowdy when drunk.
I drink greedily: I am not greedy, but the thirst is strong.
You, a saint and a teetotaler, are busy with yourself -
I forget myself when I get drunk on wine!

Not from those who threw the state into dust -
Only drunk people have souls that rise upward!
You should drink: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday,
On Sunday, Friday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Wine bottles had already been produced, and it was already known that cork was the best way to seal them, but the method of removing them remained rudimentary. Before the corkscrew was available, the cork was not fully tucked into the narrow space so that it could be picked up by hand.

Nicholas-Alexandre, Marquis de Segur, was the most powerful ruler of Bordeaux and became the owner of some of the most famous properties of the time, such as Lafite, Latour, Mouton, Calon-Segur and others. The results helped scientists better understand life in the Roman Empire, as well as the history of wine, as jars and even the sites of possible vineyards were found.

Since our intelligence is at a low price,
Since only a fool is completely serene -
Let me drown the rest of my sanity in wine:
Maybe fate will smile on me too!

Sober, I withdraw myself like a crab in its shell,
When I get drunk, my mind becomes weak.
There is a moment between sobriety and intoxication.
This is the highest truth, and I am its slave!

Early in the morning I hear the call of the tavern:
"O madman, wake up, for life is short!
The cup of the skull will soon be filled with earth.
Let’s fill the cup with drunken moisture for now!”

However, thanks to the Marquis of Pombal, the country yields. Most wines did not support transatlantic travel well, but it was by chance that some fortifications, such as Madeira, not only did not spoil, but actually improved their travel to Indy. The concept of late harvests arose for the production of naturally sweet wines, an important milestone in German winemaking.

On his travels inland, he began to appreciate and record the best wines he tasted, dividing them into categories, outlining what would, years later, become classifications. His passion led him to order large orders of the major French wines of the time for the US government and try to develop winemaking in the United States.

May the wine be inseparable from you!
Drink with any friend from any cup
Grape blood, for in black clay
The firmament turns people blue.

I have never been sober in my life, and to God for judgment
On the Day of Judgment they will bring me drunk!
Until dawn I kiss the cup of health,
I hug the dear vessel by the neck.

A fledgling wine industry is buried here. The French Revolution completely transformed France, causing political upheavals that also affected the world of wine. Major changes included the expropriation of vast ecclesiastical properties, including the confiscation of vineyards by the state, especially in Burgundy, to be sold to French aristocrats. The Napoleonic Code, with its new law of inheritance, also left traces in the Vitiliculture of France, with the result that properties were divided among all children.

This year, after several weak seasons, the comet's passage was hailed as a blessing, and several farmers put harvest dates on their labels. This year is believed to be the first vintage for regions such as Champagne, where wines are typically made from different blends.

Cupbearer, pour wine into my cup!
I’ll get drunk with this healing moisture,
Before my fragile flesh is
Turned into jugs by potters.

Surrounded by friends, at a merry feast
I will drink this moisture until I die!
I will drink from beautiful pottery,
Before serving as raw material to the potter.

A gentle woman's face and green grass
I will enjoy it while I'm alive.
I drank wine, I drink wine, and I probably will
Drink wine until your fatal moment!

There were several producers who influenced the production of Champagne, but none like the widow Nicola Barbe Cliquot Ponsardin. It was she who developed the reclamation system to remove dead yeast deposits from the bottle and keep it a secret until it was only after this technique was known that Champagne became a real industry.

For many, André Jullien was the world's first wine critic. His work includes five varieties of wines and contains not only European, but also Asian, African and American drinks that are practically unknown. Antonia Adelaide Ferreira, known as Ferreirinha, was the grand dame of Portuguese wine. When she was widowed, she decided to invest in her estates in the Douro, planting vineyards, purchasing new farms, controlling pests, hiring employees, etc. he created an empire, but, above all, helped in the development of the Douro, respected for his deeds of mercy and philanthropy.

Today the scales will not measure my thirst,
I’ll dip my mustache into a vat of wine today!
I will divorce book learning and faith,
I will choose the daughter of the vine as my wife.

Drink with a worthy person who is no more stupid than you.
Or drink with your moon-faced beloved.
Don't tell anyone how much you poured.
Drink wisely. Drink wisely. Drink in moderation.

Omar Khayyam about Wine: Poems about wine by Omar Khayyam:

The first Brutus was born, but they had about 30 grams of sugar, twice what they have today. Until then it was a sweet wine without any prestige. At the time, Marques Falleti Barolo hired French winemaker Louis Oudart to change this. He helped transform Barolo into a dry drink that could age for years, in the style of Bordeaux.

Before phylloxera, European vineyards were already threatened by another plague that was devastating the viticultural landscape. Although it didn't last long, it did have a great run, favoring Cabernet Sauvignon over Merlot in the region.

I drink wine, for I will soon rot in my grave.
I drink wine because I don't believe lies
Not about eternal torment in the afterlife,
Not about eternal bliss on the grass in heaven.

I said, "The cupbearer is like an executioner.
There is blood in the cups. I don’t want to be a bloodsucker!”
My wise drinking companion exclaimed: “You’re kidding!”
I poured it and replied: “Of course, I’m kidding!”

Drink if you want, but don't lose your mind when you're drunk,
Feelings of proportion are drunk, old man, don’t lose,
Beware of offending a noble drunken man,
Do not lose the friendship of the wise over a cup of wine.

I am unhappy and disgusted with myself, I admit.
But I don’t whine and I’m not afraid of heaven’s punishment.
Every single day, dying from a hangover,
I demand a full cup, not pray!

It's good to drink wine if there's spring in your heart,
If Guria is nearby, she is tender and passionate.
In this ghostly world, where there is decay and ruins,
The treasured cup is given for oblivion.

I don’t drink to annoy a prude
Or, without further ado, cheer the heart, -
I wish I could breathe deeply and freely just once,
And for this you need to fill up the memory.

To hell with fasting and prayer, the mosque and the mullah!
Let us give a full cup of praise to Allah.
Our flesh in its endless transformations
It turns into a jug, then into a bowl.

Let the crystal glass and the sediment at the bottom
They announce the day that is coming to me.
This wine is sometimes called bitter,
If so, it means
the truth is hidden in wine!


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