Salaries in medicine: innovations according to the road map. Salaries in medicine: innovations according to the “road map” Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on social policy

In order to further improve state social policy, I decide:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

an increase in real wages by 1.4 - 1.5 times by 2018;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in educational institutions of general education to the average salary in the corresponding region in 2012;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013;

bringing by 2018 the average wages of teachers and industrial training masters of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, workers of cultural institutions to the average wage in the corresponding region;

increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;

increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers;

creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit, before September 1, 2012, to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop and approve at least 800 professional standards by 2015;

e) in order to develop uniform principles for assessing the professional training of workers:

prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers;

create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent from the average salary in the corresponding region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;

establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups;

increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers;

develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including the determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop, by October 1, 2012, a draft Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and providing profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015;

include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation;

provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as the placement of films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet;

to ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art;

ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018;

increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors;

to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and people with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin



In order to further improve the public administration system, I decide:

1. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure the achievement of the following indicators:

a) the level of satisfaction of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) with the quality of provision of state and municipal services by 2018 - at least 90 percent;

b) the share of citizens who have access to receiving state and municipal services on the “one window” principle at their place of residence, including in multifunctional centers for the provision of public services, by 2015 - at least 90 percent;

c) the share of citizens using the mechanism for receiving state and municipal services in electronic form, by 2018 - at least 70 percent;

d) reducing the average number of requests from representatives of the business community to the government body of the Russian Federation (local government body) to receive one state (municipal) service related to the field of entrepreneurial activity, to 2 by 2014;

e) reducing the waiting time in line when an applicant applies to a government body of the Russian Federation (local government body) to receive state (municipal) services by 2014 - up to 15 minutes.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure the implementation of the following measures:

a) before September 1, 2012, form system disclosure of information about draft regulatory legal acts being developed, the results of their public discussion, bearing in mind:

creation of a single resource on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Internet) to post information on the development of draft regulatory legal acts by federal executive authorities, the progress and results of their public discussion;

the use by federal executive authorities of various forms of public consultations, including departmental resources and specialized resources on the Internet, for the purpose of public discussion of draft regulatory legal acts;

providing at least 60 days for public consultations;

mandatory generalization by federal executive authorities - developers of draft regulatory legal acts of the results of public consultations and placement of relevant information on a single resource on the Internet;

b) by September 1, 2012, ensure increased information openness of self-regulatory organizations, including determining the composition of information subject to mandatory publication and establishing liability for failure to comply with the stipulated requirements;

c) approve before September 1, 2012 concept"Russian public initiative", providing for:

creation of technical and organizational conditions for the public presentation of citizens' proposals using a specialized resource on the Internet from April 15, 2013;

consideration of these proposals, which received the support of at least 100 thousand citizens within one year, in the Government of the Russian Federation after the development of these proposals by an expert working group with the participation of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and representatives of the business community ;

d) before July 15, 2013, provide Internet access to open data contained in the information systems of government bodies of the Russian Federation;

e) before January 1, 2013, ensure the implementation of measures aimed at further improving and developing the institution for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts, including:

establish requirements for the regulatory impact assessment procedure in relation to draft regulatory legal acts in the field of customs and tax legislation;

establish mandatory for federal executive authorities order, providing for their assessment of the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts and their public discussion at all stages of preparation of these projects;

establish deadlines for procedures for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts, including public consultations and the preparation of opinions, sufficient to ensure the completeness and objectivity of such an assessment;

to ensure the development at the regional level of procedures for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts, as well as the examination of existing regulatory legal acts, bearing in mind the legislative consolidation of such procedures in relation to public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - from 2014, local government bodies - from 2015;

submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals for conducting an assessment of the regulatory impact of bills regulating relations in the field of business and investment activities prepared for consideration by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the second reading, within the time frame provided for such an assessment;

f) together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ensure the provision of state and municipal services on the “one window” principle, while providing for:

preparation of proposals to amend the regulatory legal acts governing the provision of state and municipal services, in terms of eliminating regulations that impede the provision of such services on the “one-stop-shop” principle - before July 1, 2013;

organization of the phased provision of state and municipal services on the “one window” principle - until January 1, 2015;

g) by January 1, 2013, ensure the replacement in certain sectors of the economy of redundant and (or) ineffective administrative mechanisms of state control with alternative market mechanisms, including liability insurance;

h) before September 1, 2012, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law providing for the expansion of the list of elective municipal positions;

i) before January 1, 2013, ensure the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation providing for:

establishing criteria and order assessments by citizens, including using information and telecommunication networks and information technologies, of the effectiveness of the activities of managers: territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, their structural divisions; local government bodies; unitary enterprises and institutions operating at the regional and municipal levels, as well as joint-stock companies, a controlling stake in which is owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipally owned, providing services necessary to ensure the livelihoods of the population of municipalities;

application of the results of this assessment as a basis for making decisions on early termination of the performance of their official duties by the relevant managers;

j) before September 1, 2012, ensure the introduction of administrative punishment in the form of disqualification for gross or repeated violation by state and municipal employees of standards for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as for gross violation by them of the procedure for conducting inspections and other activities in the exercise of control and supervisory functions;

k) before September 1, 2012, submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals for the development of new mechanisms for the formation of public councils under government bodies of the Russian Federation, providing for:

refusal to form such councils by state authorities of the Russian Federation independently and mandatory participation of public chambers in their formation;

mandatory participation in the activities of public councils of experts and representatives of interested public organizations independent of the state authorities of the Russian Federation;

m) determine by September 1, 2012 compound normative legal acts and other documents, including program documents, developed by federal executive authorities, which cannot be adopted without prior discussion at meetings of public councils under these federal executive authorities;

m) before October 1, 2012, submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals to expand the participation of citizens and organizations in the formation of standards for the provision of public services and monitoring their implementation;

n) within the framework of reform and development of the state civil service:

provide for the possibility of participation on a parity basis by representatives of public councils under government bodies of the Russian Federation in the activities of competition and certification commissions of these bodies - until September 1, 2012;

submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals for improving the remuneration system for state civil servants, allowing them to take into account the state of the labor market, including for individual professional groups, and stimulate their anti-corruption behavior - before December 1, 2012;

organize advanced training for state civil servants involved in the provision of public services - until February 1, 2013;

o) before July 1, 2012, submit in the prescribed manner proposals providing for the introduction of a new procedure for nominating candidates for the positions of Chairman and auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, forming a list of members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation;

p) before July 1, 2012, submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals for the introduction of new principles of personnel policy in the state civil service system, providing for:

creation of objective and transparent mechanisms for the competitive selection of candidates for positions in the state civil service, including conducting remote exams using information and telecommunication networks and information technologies and the formation of a unified database of vacancies;

expanding the practice of using a probationary period when filling positions in the state civil service;

formation of personnel reserves through the selection, training and career development of candidates for positions in the state civil service and their active practical use;

formation of a list of qualification requirements for filling positions in the state civil service based on a competency-based approach - depending on specific job responsibilities and functions, as well as on membership in certain professional groups;

expanding the use of the rotation mechanism in relation to state civil servants filling positions in most categories and groups of positions in the state civil service (every 3 - 6 years);

development of the institution of mentoring in the state civil service;

establishing a special procedure for remuneration of state civil servants depending on the achievement of performance indicators of professional service activities, as well as a unified approach to the payment of bonuses to state civil servants for completing particularly important and complex tasks based on work results;

application of a system for comprehensive assessment of the activities of state civil servants using key performance indicators and public assessment of their activities, including on the basis of social networks and taking into account the opinions of online communities;

improving the system of material and moral motivation of state civil servants, bringing the level of remuneration for their labor to a competitive level in the labor market, increasing the share in the remuneration of state civil servants determined by the real efficiency of their work;

introduction of a system of professional-functional groups in the state civil service, providing for the classification of positions in the state civil service, taking into account the characteristics of the activities of state bodies, reflecting the sectoral structure of public administration;

on adjusting the lists of positions in the federal civil service and positions in state corporations, the replacement of which is associated with corruption risks;

to establish additional requirements for the disclosure by persons holding these positions of information on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature, as well as other information that allows assessing compliance with the restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to federal civil servants holding these positions, including including after dismissal from public service;

on the implementation of a system for monitoring the performance of official duties by federal civil servants and employees of state corporations whose activities are associated with corruption risks;

r) before September 1, 2012, take measures to increase the accessibility of justice for citizens, organizations and associations of citizens when considering disputes with government bodies of the Russian Federation, ensuring the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation providing for the improvement of administrative proceedings;

s) before January 1, 2013, submit in the prescribed manner proposals aimed at improving the system for posting court decisions using the Internet and ensuring access to these decisions;

t) before November 1, 2013, submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals on the possibility of broadcasting court hearings using the Internet and publishing reports on them;

x) before December 1, 2013, provide for the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at ensuring the right of public associations to apply to courts of general jurisdiction or arbitration courts in defense of the interests of their participants;

v) before December 1, 2012, take measures to introduce changes to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at increasing the budgetary security of local budgets, ensuring the stability of the volumes of regional funds for financial support and co-financing of municipalities;

w) before December 1, 2012, as part of the work to increase the budgetary security of local budgets, take measures providing for:

improving special tax regimes to ensure priority transfer of revenues to local budgets;

optimization (reduction) of federal benefits for regional and local taxes based on their inventory and efficiency analysis;

directing 100 percent of monetary penalties (fines) for non-compliance with the rules for landscaping the territories of settlements and urban districts to the revenues of the budgets of settlements and urban districts;

the possibility of transferring revenues from corporate property taxes to local budgets;

w) before September 1, 2012, submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to prohibit the establishment by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local government bodies and linking the financing of local government bodies with the implementation of these indicators.

3. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

Changes in the healthcare industry, developed by regional authorities in accordance with Government Resolution No. 2599-rr, adopted on December 28, 2012, are designed to increase salaries for medical personnel and at the same time significantly improve the efficiency of workers, primarily through financial incentives.

High salaries according to the “road map” in medicine are not the only priority task of the adopted Presidential Decree No. 597 and Government Resolution No. 2599-rr. The goals of forming an action plan are also:

  1. Organization of a competitive environment.
  2. Establishing a direct relationship between wages and the volume of services provided to the population, as well as their quality.
  3. Conclusion of effective contracts under which the salaries of doctors are established according to the “road map”. Employee contracts must contain performance evaluation criteria, as well as indicators, the achievement of which will allow the employee to receive incentive payments.
  4. Careful development and adoption of regional health programs that make changes to the existing system.

How will it affect wages and for whom?

Having answered the question, “road map” - what is it in salary, you should decide how the work of medical staff will be paid when implementing the developed action plan. When implementing the program, salaries according to the “road map” in healthcare should increase by 2 times for employees classified as middle and junior personnel, and by 3 times for qualified doctors.

However, not all medical workers can qualify for a salary increase through incentive payments. Salaries according to the “road map” in healthcare will not increase:

  • from the heads of medical institutions engaged exclusively in administrative work. An exception is made for employees who combine medical practice and a leadership position;
  • for medical personnel whose activities fall under the federal Health program:
    • doctors involved in childbirth, as well as caring for newborn babies;
    • family doctors;
    • local pediatricians and therapists, as well as junior medical staff working with them;
  • from doctors providing high-tech services.

The “road map” for the salaries of medical workers does not apply to persons who do not have a document confirming receipt of specialized education. An obstacle to receiving additional funds is the employee’s lack of health insurance.

What to do if wages are not increased

Even for medical workers who do not fall into categories that are not covered by Presidential Decree No. 597, and who know what the “road map” is in medicine, their salaries do not always increase. The fact is that wages increase mainly due to incentive payments, which are assigned by a special commission when assessing the following employee performance indicators:

  • number of diseases found in patients;
  • the presence of complaints and positive reviews - the degree of satisfaction of patients served by the doctor;
  • the specialist’s desire to constantly improve his qualifications, study the latest work methods, and professional achievements;
  • the presence of complications and untimely hospitalizations;
  • accuracy when working with reports and other documentation.

If the employee’s salary has not changed after the quality check, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the expert assessment report and find out the number of points accrued to the employee, on the basis of which the bonus to the monthly salary is formed. Next, you should refer to the regulatory documents of the healthcare institution regulating the process of calculating additional payments. If an employee is constantly and, in his opinion, unreasonably deprived of an allowance, he should contact a judicial authority for protection.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597
"On measures to implement state social policy"

In order to further improve state social policy, I decide:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

an increase in real wages by 1.4 - 1.5 times by 2018;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in educational institutions of general education to the average salary in the corresponding region in 2012;

bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013;

bringing by 2018 the average wages of teachers and industrial training masters of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, workers of cultural institutions to the average wage in the corresponding region;

increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region.

increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers;

creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit, before September 1, 2012, to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the development, approval and application of professional standards;

e) in order to develop uniform principles for assessing the professional training of workers:

prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers;

create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent from the average salary in the corresponding region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region;

establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups;

increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers;

develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including the determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop, by October 1, 2012, a draft Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and providing profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015;

include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation;

provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the Internet, as well as the placement of films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet;

to ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art;

ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018;

increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors;

to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and people with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

President of Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

On the progress of the implementation of the action plan (“road map”) for the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science”

The slide presents the main indicators of the regional “road map” by level of education.
Particular attention to such indicators as:

ratio of the number of students per teacher;

on the coverage of students in educational programs;

for certification of teaching staff for the 1st and highest categories.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region dated May 8, 2014 No. 435/1, the Action Plan (“Road Map”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science” was approved, which contains a schedule for coordination between the Ministry of Education of the region and municipalities of municipal Action Plans "road maps", reporting forms and reporting deadlines for the implementation of the Action Plan ("Road Map").

The slide shows that not all municipalities have agreed on and adopted the legal act ensuring the implementation of the road map.

And on indicators for concluding effective contracts with managers and employees of educational organizations. The slide shows that for preschool education, 100% of contracts with the heads of educational organizations must be completed by 2018. The conclusion of contracts with teaching staff should be completed by 2016, with the rest of the employees of preschool organizations, effective contracts should be concluded in the period 2017-2018.

In general education, a line of concluding effective contracts from 2013-2018 is presented. The conclusion of contracts with teaching and other employees will be carried out in the period from 2014 to 2018.
In additional education for children, the conclusion of effective contracts is planned as follows: with managers - 2016-2018;

with teaching staff - 2014-2016; with other employees - 2017-2018. I draw the attention of the heads of municipalities that are the founders of educational organizations that by September 1 of this year. Each municipal entity must have a separate plan for the transfer to an effective contract in the context of types of educational organizations, managers, teaching and other employees of organizations with share indicators by year, starting from September 1, 2014. We developed recommendations for transferring workers to effective contracts and sent them to municipalities back in 2013. The work should be intensified due to the fact that the next academic year is now ending and the process of load distribution and other activities begins.

The main direction of Decree No. 599 is to ensure 100% accessibility of preschool education for children aged three to seven years by 2016.

In 2014, work continues in the field of preschool education to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 599 of May 7, 2012 regarding achieving 100% accessibility of preschool education for children aged 3 to 7 years by 2016. As of June 1, 2014, there were 3,865 registered children aged 3 to 7 years. In 2014, it is planned to introduce 3,763 places.

In addition, work continues in the municipalities of the Kaliningrad region to introduce new places in preschool institutions. In total, in January-May 2014, 1,182 new places were introduced (31% of the obligations assumed), including the commissioning of a kindergarten for 150 places in the city of Svetlogorsk, a kindergarten for 150 places in the city of Pionersky, a kindergarten for 397 places in the Northern residential area of ​​Kaliningrad. The reconstruction of the Berezka kindergarten in Guryevsk for 150 places has been completed.

In accordance with the Action Plan (“Road Map”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science,” in 2014 it is planned to create 3,763 places in the preschool education system of the Kaliningrad region. The introduction of new places is planned through the use of internal reserves existing in preschool educational institutions - 411 places in 96 preschool educational institutions (11%), reconstruction of preschool educational institutions - 670 places in 4 buildings (18%), construction of new preschool educational institutions - 2544 places in 10 preschool educational institutions (of which 3 are already open) (68%), increasing the number of places in CP groups - 95 places (2%), expanding alternative forms - 43 places (1%).

On this slide, you see in which municipalities it is planned to introduce new preschool places.

To create conditions that correspond to the implementation of new federal state standards in the region’s education system and improve the quality of education, construction and reconstruction of educational facilities are underway.
The slide presents construction and reconstruction projects in 2014 by municipalities.
The main problems of implementing activities:
GO "City of Kaliningrad":

The issue with a permanent connection point to the power supply of the kindergarten on the street has not been resolved. Aldanskaya;

The issue with a permanent connection point to the power supply of the kindergarten on the street has not been resolved. Belanova;

Positive conclusions of the state examination and verification of the reliability of the estimated cost for the 3 kindergartens reopened in 2014 on the street were not received. Levitana, st. Aksakova, st. Oktyabrskaya.

Municipal Municipality "Polessk Municipal District":

The construction of block “B” of the school under construction has not been completed, the development of estimates for work not taken into account in the project (low-voltage networks, automation) has not been completed, the issue of construction (reconstruction) of the stadium has not been resolved, the schedule for acceptance of premises has not been met (according to the schedule of 06/02/2014 acceptance block “D”, 06/09/2014 acceptance of block “A”).

Municipal Municipality "Krasnoznamensky District":

Estimates for the implementation of additional work and the purchase of equipment have not been developed and submitted to the State Autonomous Institution KO "RTsTSS".

Municipal Municipality "Svetlogorsk District":

The deadline for completing the reconstruction of the children's art school is constantly being postponed, there is a lag behind the schedule, but claims work is not being carried out with the contractor.

Municipal Municipality "Pravdinsky District":

Construction of an extension to the municipal educational institution secondary school - lack of workers at the site, accordingly, low pace of work;

reconstruction of the boarding school building for a kindergarten - no tenders have been announced for the installation of shade canopies, documents have not been submitted to the State Administration for Social Sciences.

Municipal Municipality "Baltiysky Municipal District":

Construction of a kindergarten on the street. Senyavina - very few workers on site, low pace of work;

Reconstruction of kindergarten No. 6 - the issue of allocating 24.8 million rubles to complete the reconstruction has not been resolved.

Municipal Municipality "Ozersky District":

Low pace of work.

In order to test federal state educational standards for preschool education, the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region has identified 10 municipalities in which 32 preschool institutions are implementing the federal state educational standard for preschool education. In 2014, 7,338 children began to master preschool education programs in accordance with the new standards. As part of the standards, it is planned to change the organization of the educational process, change curricula, change the educational environment, which will affect the requirements for advanced training of teaching staff and heads of preschool institutions. In this regard, a lot of work is planned to retrain teaching and administrative workers of these organizations. Since 2014, phased work has begun to improve the qualifications of all teaching staff of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which will be implemented within three years. First of all, managers of preschool organizations undergo retraining. Training will be carried out jointly with the Moscow Pedagogical State University, most of the training will be implemented in the form of internships.

In addition, there is an increase in competition for teaching specialties at the Baltic Federal University. I. Kant. In 2013, the competition for teaching specialties reached 14 people per place. And in order to improve the quality of training of specialists, a regional pedagogical institute is being created on the basis of the pedagogical college. The first intake for his specialty will be carried out in 2014 - 100 people.

A system of electronic queue (registration) of children for a place in a preschool educational organization at the regional level has been introduced.

Measures to introduce new educational facilities are also important for us because Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2014 No. 294 introduced changes to the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the field of education, a new indicator “proportion of students per shift” has been introduced. The slide highlights municipalities in which the share of students per shift today is below 100%. It is necessary to once again reconsider all plans of educational organizations for the rational use of premises to increase the proportion of students studying in one shift. By 2018, it is necessary to ensure the growth of this indicator.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 599, another important indicator is that by 2020, the coverage of children aged 5-18 years with additional education should be at least 70-75%. In this regard, in 2014, in accordance with the “road map”, the following are being implemented:

municipal programs for the development of additional education for children, organizational and economic mechanisms for the accessibility of children's education, the use of non-state sector resources, a quality assessment system in additional education for children, an effective contract with teachers and managers, monitoring the quality of additional education for children in preschool educational institutions.

In order to analyze the dynamics of changes occurring in educational organizations of additional education, monthly monitoring of the performance of indicators (effective contract, advanced training, improvement of the regulatory framework, coverage of additional education programs) is carried out.

As of June 1, 2014, the share of children enrolled in additional education programs was 61.5% - that’s more than 79.0 thousand people.

Due to the opening of clubs, sections and studios in new areas in additional education organizations in the period from September 1 to October 1 of the new 2014-2015 academic year, as well as changes to municipal assignments in terms of increasing the number of recipients of educational services, it is planned to increase the share of children enrolled additional education programs by 1.5%.

These activities will make it possible to achieve the indicator stated in the road map of 63% in terms of the enrollment of children in additional education programs, which will amount to 81.0 thousand children, including 76.0 thousand children who will receive this educational service free of charge.

The slides present data on the enrollment of children in additional education programs by municipalities. At the same time, the situation with the coverage of children in additional education programs varies by municipality. So in Bagrationovsky, Krasnoznamensky, Ladushkinsky, Zelenogradsky districts it is below 40.0%.

A number of municipalities are more successful in meeting this indicator, for example, Baltiysk, Gvardeysk, Kaliningrad, Mamonovo, Pionersky, Svetly, Svetlogorsk and Sovetsk.

Based on the results of the first half of the year, as part of the implementation of targeted programs of the Kaliningrad region, competitive selections of municipalities and educational organizations were held to disseminate innovative models of technosphere development aimed at developing scientific, technical and educational research activities of students.

The winners are presented on the slide.

The winning municipalities will receive financial support in the amount of 1.0 million rubles each from the regional budget for the implementation of the presented projects, and the winning educational organizations will receive 500.0 thousand rubles.

Regional budget funds are used to purchase equipment, software, furniture and consumables, and improve the skills of specialists. The municipality, in turn, provides premises, makes the necessary repairs, and selects qualified teaching staff.

Thus, by the end of the year, 6 innovative institutions of additional education will operate in the region (Gurievsk, Baltiysk, Sovetsk, Kaliningrad, Gusev, Gvardeysk).

An important element in increasing motivation for scientific, technical and research activities is the annual holding of a regional exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth.

The “NTTM” exhibition was held in three age groups: students in grades 1-4, grades 5-8, grades 9-11 in the following nominations: “Best Technical Creativity Project” and “Best Research Project”. More than 200 young technicians and researchers took part in it and presented their work at the II regional exhibition of NTTM.

In 2014, Kaliningrad schoolchildren, winners of the regional exhibition, successfully participated in competitions and tournaments on technical creativity, entered the Russian national robotics team and won the prize “For the best design of a robot” (VI All-Russian robotics festival “RoboFest-2014”, Moscow). As of June 1, 2014, 3.9% of children enrolled in additional education programs are engaged in technical creativity; by the end of 2014, it is planned to increase this figure to 6.0% through the creation of new resource centers for technical creativity (Gusev, Gvardeysk).

By the end of 2018, it is planned to cover at least 15.0% of children studying additional education programs with technical creativity.

Important indicators that need to be achieved this year are the Unified State Exam indicators. In 2014, the Ministry of Education made organizational decisions to achieve maximum transparency and objectivity of the Unified State Examination procedure, so all 30 examination points are equipped with video surveillance systems, stationary or portable metal detectors. More than 150 public observers monitored the objectivity and transparency of the examination procedure. In addition, monitoring the objectivity of the procedure was carried out by federal observers through the website “See the Unified State Exam”. In 2014, one can note better preparation of students for the state final certification in the form of a unified state exam in the Russian language and German, the average score in these subjects became higher than in 2013. As of June 16 of this year. 15 guys received the maximum number of points - 100. One graduate received 100 point results in two subjects - Russian and English. School graduates showed good results in the mathematics exam. The results for other subjects are not yet known.

In the 2013/2014 academic year, in order to develop a support system for gifted children, the Center for the Development of Gifted Children was created, on the basis of which an educational complex for gifted children is being developed, uniting the efforts of 20 flagship schools in the region, coordination work is being carried out, programs and teaching methods are selected and adapted, and programs are being implemented. for gifted children, a permanent physics and mathematics camp is held for students of basic schools, technical creativity is developed through conferences, tournaments, etc. The activities carried out are aimed at the formation and development of physics, mathematics and engineering education in the Kaliningrad region, holding specialized camps, developing technical creativity, holding conferences, olympiads, symposiums and other forms of scientific work for children interested in physics and mathematics subjects. In order to ensure new high-quality results, since September 2013, 15 support sites have been opened in the Kaliningrad region for the implementation of the linguistic direction. In preparation for the implementation of this area, laboratory equipment was purchased, and 290 English teachers (55%) were trained in the preparation program for the Cambridge TKT exam (Teaching Knowledge Test). The training ended with passing the international TKT exam with the issuance of a certificate confirming knowledge of the basic concepts and concepts of modern methods of teaching English. Obtaining such certificates is a procedure for independent assessment of the professional level of teachers.

Work has been organized to attract young teachers to schools. Opportunities have been created for young teachers to purchase housing through mortgage lending, as well as professional development through course training and teaching skills competitions for young teachers.

From June 24 to June 28 this year. The region will host a Forum of Young Teachers, which will be attended by 100 people, including teachers from other regions of Russia, the goal of which is to support the community of young teachers and develop the club professional space. The objectives of the Forum are to assist in the adaptation and professional development of young teachers, provide aspiring specialists in the education system of the Kaliningrad region and other regions of Russia with the opportunity to develop professional competencies and leadership qualities, and increase the prestige of the teaching profession.

Also, the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region has prepared additional indicators for inclusion in the State Program in accordance with the instructions given at the meeting of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region on June 10, 2014, as part of stimulating teaching and management staff in their proficiency in foreign languages, and based on the results of their students, which in our opinion will generally influence the efficiency and quality of work of the educational organization.

The share of managers and teachers (who do not teach a foreign language) who have international certificates to establish the level of proficiency in a foreign language;

The share of students (at the level of secondary general education) who have international certificates to establish the level of proficiency in a foreign language, or have passed the state final certification in a foreign language, and received a result of at least 60 points.

To implement activities that, in accordance with these indicators, will be included in target programs, additional funding will be required for retraining, advanced training, and certification of teachers and students.

The average salary of school teaching staff in the region for January - May 2014 was 27 thousand 745 rubles or 98.6% of the planned values. In relation to the average wage in the regional economy, the indicator is exceeded and amounts to 106.5%. The target average salary for the regional economy is 26,060 rubles.

The average salary of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions in the region for January-May 2014 amounted to 25 thousand 812 rubles or 101.5% of the target for 2014. The ratio of the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education for this period was 102.6%.

Obligations to increase the wages of teaching staff in institutions of additional education for children within the framework of Decree No. 599 are carried out as planned by municipalities.

The average salary of teaching staff at institutions of additional education for children in the region for January - May 2014 amounted to 21,051 rubles or 93.9% of the planned values.

Solving the problem of providing personnel in accordance with the innovative nature of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region is planned, among other things, within the framework of public-private partnership.

This work is built on the basis of improving the quality of professional training and vocational education; functioning of a network of organizations, taking into account the creation of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications; updating the staff of educational organizations implementing vocational education programs.

Decree of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region No. 232 dated April 24, 2014 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Decree of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region No. 890 dated November 23, 2011” was adopted, according to which the target program of the Kaliningrad Region “Development of Vocational Education for 2012 – 2016” » the event “Creation of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications” is included. For the above purposes, the regional budget for 2014 allocated 5.5 million rubles.

In addition, in order to ensure the right of persons with disabilities to receive vocational education, the above program includes the measure “Creation of an accessible educational environment for people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education.” For these purposes, the regional budget for 2014 allocated 5.5 million rubles.

Currently, the vocational education system of the Kaliningrad region is multi-level, continuous, open and accessible to different segments of the population of the region. It covers more than 60 thousand people receiving various types of vocational education. As part of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599, measures are being implemented aimed at creating and providing ample opportunities for various segments and groups of the population to acquire the necessary skills and qualifications throughout their working life.

There is a positive trend in the coverage of the population with additional vocational education programs.

Thus, the existing system of vocational education in the region is ready to provide professional training and retraining of personnel that meet the needs of enterprises in the real sector.

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