The value of the parts in the possessions of A.I. Kuprika

In his works, A.I.Kuprin widely uses coloropy. His palette of paints is quite diverse. Often the writer introduces into text not just classic colors: blue, red, black, etc., - but also completely unexpected color shades, most of which are metaphors or have some metaphorical shade: " silver-Steel», « fun blue», « gusto-Red», « silver-green», « bloody», « pearl», « lilovy», « olive», « lactic", color " copper Yari.», « black pearl", color " autumn sky», « apple Green», « penno-pink" etc. They transmit the uniqueness of the landscape and reveal the characters' characters, allow readers to penetrate the world created by the author, comprehending it with the eyes of an artist's words, a specially perceiving the surrounding reality and the life created by his imagination. Often in the color scheme of Kurpric there are such universal-color epithets as " multicolored herbs», « pestry carpet.», « rainbow divorces», « the sun played with all the colors of the rainbow", That promotes the creation of the brightest and lively picture. In all the variety of paints that the kennel uses, you can highlight your favorite colors of the author: red, black (dark), white (light), green, silver and gold and shades, - with the help of which he with the same success can transmit as joyful, light Feelings, happy paintings of life and anxiety, danger, sadness.

From the whole group of dominant colors I would like to highlight red and green. These two colors are not only more often found in the works of A.I. Kupper - the author gives them to some mystical sound and content, allocates from the total mass, makes a bright spot.

« Green grenades»Rare variety - Grossulla (" Pomegranate bracelet ") -" it has a property to inform the gift of foresight wearing his women and distinguishes heavy thoughts from them, men protected from violent death." Having gave this gem of faith Nikolaevna, yolks do it to death. Emerald - a precious green stone, the same name and a four-year stallion ("Emerald"). " Greens"It was necessary for a sick Sasha for life (" kindergarten "). Green color in the paintings in "Gambrinus" (" green meadow», « green jackets», « green swamp") - The only bright spot in the overall mud and dirty mass of the restaurant's regulars, but it gradually becomes a" glass green forest "from empty bottles. " Lodge with us - greens"Solomon says, remembering the beautiful, bright moments spent in the vineyard with Sullamify, filled with passion. It's green " smaragd - Favorite Stone"King Solomon, designed to protect and defend his beloved from all diseases and" black thoughts. " " Majestic green charm of boron, as a precious frame decorated ... serene love»Forest confunction of Olesya and" Young Barin "(" Olesya "). But not always the green color in the stories of Kurrick is associated with life and love. " Green long eyes»Rejected Queen Astis (" Sullamife ") express danger and undisguised threat. Green, in our opinion, was one of the favorite flowers of Kurpra, no wish the writer endowed this color to the secret magical force.

Another, equally beloved author was definitely red, which possessed a huge emotional-semantic spectrum, a clearly expressed emotional expressive color. Through the most diverse shades of red, Kubrin expresses love, passion, sadness, grief, hope. Red (often bloody-red) is a permanent satellite in his titles and stories. " Red-eyed maiden"Causes our hostility; " ten red tomatoes"And" red, like blood, juice"- the only food of stray artists (" white poodle "), here the red color embodies hope, salvation from hunger. " Redish fleshy kids"(" Kindergarten ") sharply different from the painful-pale Sasha symbolize health and well-being.

Undoubtedly, its special magic significance is becoming a red color in three captions: "Pomegranate bracelet", "Sullaph", "Olesya". In them, this color is associated not only with love, passion, life, but also with separation, sadness, sorrow and death. " Oley's red skirt ... highlighted a bright stain on a dazzling white, smooth snow background"- Red immediately distinguishes Olesy and gives her some charm, attractiveness. " Red radish", Which is happy to eat a ledger, his" red physiognomy"And" fire-red tie"Nikita Mishchenko - all this causes dislike, and red becomes anxiety symbol and anxiety. " Bloodded face»Olesya," long red abrasions"They cause a feeling of pity and, at the same time, the type of blood awakens anger not only in the soul of the main character, but also in the hearts of readers. " Thread of cheap red beads"Certainly, speaks of passionate, trembling love and sad separation. Red in the story "Sullaph" is not only a sign of wealth: valuable rocks " mahogany», « red lamb skin», « bars on red ribbons», « red granite slabs», « blood-red rubies", But also a symbol of tender, innocent sulaumf, bearing on the neck" homemade necklace from some red dry berries" The precious stones that Solomon gives their beloved, symbolize passion and love: " suspension from deep-red carbunculov", Sacred stone" anfraks - red as blood", Walked" around yourself love passions", Corals and" red Leather Sandals Baran" Sacrificial white pigeon with red legs", Burning" red fire"In the eyes of Astis cause fear, and the red color becomes dangerous, even sinister. " Scarlet blood», « purple Hiton"And" crown of bloody-red rubies»They symbolize love and death, passion and sorrow of Tsar Solomon and Young Sulami. A real symbol of love, dedication, passion and death red becomes in the "pomegranate bracelet". " Red plush case», « dense-red live lights», « exactly blood»Glowing in five" beautiful grenades-Cabochon"This is the love of Zheltikov, who appeared before his beloved in all its glory. The red rose is a symbol of love, the only one, the first and last gift of the faith of Nikolaevna to their hopelessly admissive fan.

Of course, red and green colors in the works of Alexander Ivanovich Kurrov play a special role, carry a large emotional-semantic load. With the help of these colors, the author reveals the power of the senses experienced by the heroes, their characters, prepares readers to the upcoming events.

Kuprin is quite widely used and white, which has several values. " White Poodle"- a symbol of joy and faith in good luck," white canvas expensive», « white dust»Are associated with bright future and hope. " White Wall", Fencing the kindergarten from the road and stray artists, is a symbol of a different world, an obstacle for freedom (paradoxically, the white color is originally color of freedom). In the story "Emerald" white color becomes a symbol of inevitable death. We see " white odorous chamomile flowers", Which are starred with stallion," white from Inea Wall Stables», « white familiar stallion», « white sheets of programs"" All this is an ordinary routine that sucks and kills an emerald. " " White slender sails», « star Flowers White Tobacco»Create an atmosphere of pure, serene happiness. " White Cloak will go to the king», « white lambs"-teeth, " pale and meek moonstone», « white lilies", Adorning the beds of Suulfi (a white lily has long been surrounded by a romantic halo, and she was attributed to her the mysterious properties of a probitive love potion), in all these examples, white is a symbol of innocence, purity and tenderness. At the same time in the images " white Pigeon», « boys in white chitons», « priests in white clothes", Hermit in" snow-white developing clothes"I sacrifice yourself, the purity of white color becomes a taller, unnatural: in fact, white color here is a symbol of madness, lust and death.

Probably, the most tragic color can be considered black. Kuprin allows black color to doll with all the shades of paints and feelings. " Black abundant clusters ... Heavyly hung between the dark, somewhere in the oharocated sun greens», « black wine», « black velvet», « black night"- In these paintings, the atmosphere of mysticity, romanticity and mysteriousness is created. " Black fluctuating tribune», « black mass of people», « black eyes with thin black mustache"(" Emerald ") - here black color enhances dislike and disgust to indifferent cruel people. Color epithet " dark»: « dark curly shrub», « dark loophole», « dark figure», « dark windows", Occurring on Sereza's paths (" White Poodle "), is a downstream, increasing the feeling of anxiety and fear. Surprisingly, " black tool", Emerged from the Taucasted musician of Sasha (" Gambrinus "), is a symbol of victory over circumstances. " Black tree from the country», « black slaves», « black stars», « black-breeding faces», « blackholder beauties», « black eyebrows», « black Pearl», « black lastove stone», « black eyes», « black mantle"- All this shows black as a color of luxury and elegant, captivating beauty (" Sullaph "). In turn, " black mantle»Isis," dark evil rumors"(In the meaning" black ")," black thoughts»Transfer the feeling of danger, anxiety and anger state.

Silver and Gold Color Most often in Kaprin are symbols of wealth and well-being: " golden Purpur.», « golden dish», « golden Apple», « golden ringing wrists», « golden nails», « golden light lady», « silver cells», « silver dress" Also gold and silver colors, found in the descriptions of nature and portraits of heroes, enhance the beauty and expressiveness of the depicted: " silver Light Moon», « silver served sickle of a young month», « silver dust in the sky», « golden dust», « silver Green Olive Leaves», « golden shine pours Solomon's eyes», « his head is pure gold», « golden Sun and Silver Moon" It is not surprising that most often these "precious" colors are found in the lead "Sullaph", as they are necessary to create images of the luxurious palace and the wisest, the strongest King Solomon.

In general, the symbolism and frequency of use of the listed colors in the "Olesya" standards, the "pomegranate bracelet" and "Sullamife" can be represented as the following table.

Table 1.

Dominant color gamma

But, in addition to the above dominant colors, there are other, no less interesting and important and important to penetrate the artwork in the writer's color palette.

Table 2.

Rare colors

Color Basic symbolism Examples
Blue / blue Creating a soft romantic landscape « Blue Sea Atlas Embedded with a dark blue velvet ribbon»
Clean, innocence « blue eyes», « blue veil»
YELLOW More often color dislike « bony, Yellow Body», « yellow teeth»
solitude color, longing Yolkov
BROWN Old age, disgrace « brown skin», « brown wrinkled face»
PINK tenderness « pose sky», « snow-white with pink, slightly noticeable streaks»
Meet more than 50 times
The most rare colors, color shades
Color adjectives Color metaphors
crimson, gray, redhead, gray, brown, purple, lilac, bronze, purple, cornflower, olive, crimson, malachite, crimson, milk moon, multicolored, pearl, colored, misty, transparent, gray, ripple, rusty, dirty, chocolate, fiery, snowy, dark, violet, autumn, color of copper yari, autumn sky color, wave color
Meet more than 60 times

It is quite interesting to study coloropy as one of the artistic techniques of expressiveness used by A.I.Kuprin for the disclosure of the images of heroes.

Table 3.

The role of coloring in the creation of images of heroes

Form Color

The work is devoted to the study of the forms of artistic incarnation of the author's position in the trilogy of love A. I. Kurin ("Olesya", "Sullaph", "Pomegranate bracelet")

The sign and symbolism of these works is considered, the skill of Kurpra in the image of the world of human feelings was revealed, figurative means were investigated, symbols for understanding the copyright position in the trilogy of love.

Universal and uniting all the plot solutions in the writers of the writer is the motive "love-parting".

The coloring gives a special tonality of the narrative, as the Kubrin uses a certain color range: red, gold, silver (the symbolism of the most frequently used color is disclosed)

Through the symbolism of colors: Lily, Narcissus, Mac, Rose, etc. - the author transmits the mental state of heroes.

Using sound images, Kuprin helps the reader not only to see, but also hear the song of triumphant love, understand life throughout its diversity.

Special attention is paid to the symbolism of precious stones, as precious stones are used in all three poses.

The structure of portraits of the main characters, the names are undoubtedly carrying one of the most important loads in the disclosure of the author's position - the one who loves.

Using the principle of mirror reflection in the organization of events, the KUPER is strengthened to the limit of the leitmotif of all the associations of the trilogy: love wins death, transforms a person, protects his world, opens the ability to self-sacrifice.

In each of the leads, there are life covenants with their beloved - key phrases symbols that once again confirm that love raised heroes over a vulnerable world that this is the finest feeling on Earth.

In all three works, the relationship between the iconic system and the development of the plots is clearly traced. Figy-stylistic agents, symbols, details, the names of the main characters, the structures of portraits and events play a significant role in the disclosure of the author's position and understanding the topic of love as one of the sublime human feelings.


1) Coloring and color liqueur.

2) Symbols of colors.

3) sound images.

    Symbols of precious stones.

    Structure of portraits. Names.

    Composition symmetry, mirror.

    Key phrases symbols.





In the literature lessons, we raise the issues of morality, its roles in complex human relationships. Love is a phenomenon in which the psychology of a person and its moral bases are particularly inseparable.

Love as a force capable of transforming the world has always attracted a junk. His inquiries can be called a singer of sublime love, created by the amazing and powerful examples of ideal feelings, going to the depths of centuries ("Sullaph"), looking in the camork in love with a loving hermit ("Pomegranate bracelet"), climbing the wilderness of the Volyn province (" Olesya ").

In this paper, all the leaders of the trilogy about the love of Kuprin are investigated, raising the problems that will always worry humanity. The purpose of this work is to consider the iconic system and the symbolism of these works, to show the skill of A.I. Cook in the image of the world of human feelings, to identify the forms of artistic incarnation of the author's position in the trilogy of love.

    Explore biographical information, monographs on the work of the writer, critical literature;

    Analyze the works "Olesya", "Sullaify", "pomegranate bracelet", find images, details that acquire symbolic importance in the works;

    Explore image-stylistic agents, and symbols for understanding the author's position in the trilogy of love.

Thematic generality of the ages.

The thematic community of all works of trilogy about love is the power of love, the ability of people who have experienced real feelings to self-sacrifice. Different relations of the main characters. Moreover, the sooner the events described said, the greater the ability of people to real and pure love. For example, "Sullamp" shows mutual feelings, mutual happiness of people enrolled by fate. In the "pomegranate bracelet" the feelings of Yolkopkov were not mutual, but their strength was able to resurrect faith from mental lethargy. In Oles, the main character is so attached to the city everyday and the text that even the sacrificial love of Olesy is not able to change his mental limitations.

Universal and uniting all concrete plot solutions in the writers of the writer is the motive "Love - parting".

It is impossible to understand the romantic concept of love in the work of the writer, without reading all three stories.

Figy-stylistic agents.

The attitude of the jurisdiction to love is revealed through figurative means, such as blooming, symbolism of colors and sounding.

1. Flower and color symbol.

The unusualness, the wonderless of the love of Suulfi and Solomon in the works of "Sullaify", Olesi and Ivan Timofeevich in the work of "Olesya" and the love of Yoltykova in the "pomegranate bracelet" is emphasized with a variety of figurative-stylistic means. Pay attention to some of them. First of all, this is a coloring and a color-liqueur, which is brighter is shown by Kuprin in Sullamp.

Yapok, colorful, picturesquely coloring the earthly world. But with attentive reading it can be seen that Kubrin uses a completely defined color scheme.

By examining the text, I came to the conclusion that the I -VII chapters use more red and its shades - 27 times, gold - 24 times, white 12 times, black - 11 times, blue - 8 times. In the following chapters in the same ratio in the first place color red and gold.

Kubrin uses saturated, deep, bright and contrast paints; Fixes in the surrounding world, in the bright items, striking. The world created by the writer is colorful, solarous, a little PEST: he pleases the eye, "fun" heart.

When describing the reign of Solomon, red, purple, gold, silver colors are actively used. Symbols are so. Red scaffolds right, strength, courage, courage; Purple - highbody, dignity, greatness, power; Golden - supremacy, greatness, respect, splendor, wealth; Silver - wisdom. Functional and black, because (except traditional instructions for death, mourning) it means constancy, modesty, peace, peace.

Descriptions of the love of Solomon and Sulamp are accompanied by a certain color scheme. Permanent red color - love color. Silver color in this context is important because it means purity, innocence, indispensability, joy. The symbol of heat, life, colors, activities and energy is the image of a fire that arises in the portrait sketches of SulamiMi with its "fiery curls" and "red-haired hair". Not accidental, of course, green in landscapes and statements of heroes: He symbolizes freedom, joy, babysitting, hope, health. And, of course, white, blue and pink colors cause well-defined associations from the reader, filled with metaphorical meanings: gentle and beautiful, clean and elevated the love of heroes.

And in the story "Olesya" the main color, which several times during the story, the author draws attention - red: "Red skirt", "Red scratch", "Red scarf", "thread of red beads". In various sources, this color is symbolized in different ways. To this text, the development of events is a suitable such description of the value of red color: "Red - the color of life, love and mercy. People, in clothes or the choice of color gamut of which prevailing red, brave and purposeful, they are more than other inherent in the soulfulity, power and faith in their feelings, mental wealth. " Such before us and appeals Olesya.

Note that in the pomegranate bracelet, the red grenades surrounding the little green pebbles surrounding the little green pebbles are also burning.

The coloring in the works of Kupper attaches a special tonality of the narrative: the author sings the anthem of eternal and beautiful love.

2. Symbols of colors.

The impression of the colorfulness and brightness of the world surrounding the heroes of the legend is deepened by a constant description of the colors: "As a flower Narcissa", "the king is beautiful, like Lily of the Saronian Valley!", "Pomegranate trees, olives and wild apple trees, ahead with cedars and cypresses, bought it" , "The aroma of the flowering grapes is a thin aroma of the rested", "Two Flowers of Scarlet Poppy", "Two little sulfies who graze between lilias", "Where the green grass will be a pesting narcissus", "how the blooming color of the garnet", "are similar to color on cornflowers in Wheat "," Related color on the early violets, blooming in the forests "," Zlatocellum and lilias covered his bed "," Among the white fragrant flowers "," exactly the Wheat, surrounded by lilies. "

Flowers mentioned in the legendary narration are also symbolic. Lily is a symbol of purity and innocence. Narcissus is a symbol of youthful death, besides, Narcissus is an ancient vegetable deity dying and resurrection. Grapes - a symbol of fertility, abundance, vitality and cheerfulness.

As in the "Sullamp", the Kuprin when creating the image of the faith of Nikolaevna in the "pomegranate bracelet" uses many colors. In the I Part I, when the image of faith only appears, the Kuprin chose exactly such a surroundings for it: "The flower beds were excavated and had a disorder. Multicolored terry cloves have flown, as well as left in colors, and half in thin green jars, smelling cabbage, pink bushes were still given - three times for this summer - buds and roses, but already crushed, rare, exactly degenerating. But it bloomed with its cold, arrogant beauty dahlia, peonies and asters, spreading autumn, grassy, \u200b\u200bsad smell in sensitive air. Flowers symbolize the fading of the soul of faith, the fact that her life passes monotonous and ordinary. But the omnipotent love Yolkolkov, regardless of the circumstances, helps faith to rise from mental lethargy, and other eyes look at the world surrounding it. This is stating a large red rose left by faith late yolk.

There is no doubt that the symbolism of flowers plays its definite role: in Sullamps - to create an eastern flavor, in the "pomegranate bracelet" helps to transfer the mental state of the heroine.

3. Sound images.

The world of the heroes of the Kuprin legend "Sullamife" not only picturesque, he is full of sounds that the person enjoys.

The joy of life, pleasure, fun of life - these feelings are emphasized in the legendary narration by numerous sound images: "Play on the harp, lutes and flutes under the accompaniment of the Bubne", "Sweet music", "loved to listen to the roar of wild animals," "Cute female voice, Clear and clean, "" The simple and gentle motive pours to yourself, like a ringing stream in the mountains, "" She laughs so begging and musically, exactly silver degrees falls on a golden dish, "" Birds are loudly echoing among the trees, "" sharp copper sound suddenly swept over Jerusalem. He shuddly trembled and hesitated in the air. "

In the "pomegranate bracelet", the spiritual revival of faith is also transmitted through the sounds and smells: "Light wind flew and<…> Sake with leaves. A sharper smelled tobacco stars ... "All this is accompanied by" amazing music ", which he wanted yolks.

The development of the relations of the main characters in Oles is transmitted by the sounds of nature, changing their tonality, depending on the mood of lovers. For example, after dating Ivan Timofeevich with Olesya: "Burious streams", "frequent ringing drops", "Sparrows shouted loudly and excitedly" - unexpected spring as a sudden pure feeling that came to the monotonous life of Ivan Timofeevich. The lively streams as a sign of something new, not yet tested by the hero. With the further development of relations, nature is enlivened even more: "Vorobev's progress is becoming louder." And finally: "The glass was trembling and glass ranks - the last meeting of Ivan and Olesy, accompanied by not only sounds, but also in color - Fullba closed the black cloud<…>but the sun is still shining<…>, and in this mixing color was something ominous. "

Using sound images, Kubrin helps the reader not only to see, but also hear a song of triumphant love, life in all its diversity.

Symbols of precious stones.

In the II chapter of the story, "Sullaph" contains a detailed portrait of the king and a detail, an extremely important thing to motivate events. . On the indicated finger of the left hand, Solomon hemma from the blood-red asterix was carried. Many hundreds of years were this ring, and on the reverse side of his stone was cut out the inscription "Everything passes," - the words that survived them, and the people who spent the masters, the words that the love of King Solomon enters the dispute itself and The narration is a song about this love, magical and unearthly.

Predated Asterix ascribed healing properties. One touches to the sick place of man, this stone displays the whole ride. Thus, the Ring with Asterix strengthened the gift to heal people, formerly from Solomon. The legend says that the ring gives the king power and power. Thanks to his magical ring, Solomon became the master of spirits.

A story about Solomon's addiction to precious stones, which in the legend of Kurrick poured into a spots monologue of the king about the properties and beauty of precious stones, gives the narrative of a kind of eastern flavor. Consider some of them.

In the "pomegranate bracelet", Kuprin also has invested a lot of meaning in the use of precious stones.

Structure of portraits.

Kubrin found another artistic technique to help produce his definite attitude to the readers from the reader. These are special structures of portraits of the main characters thanks to which the hero with his feelings and thoughts perceives not so much a specific and unique individual, as a person, the appearance and character of which reached the descendants in the "cultural refraction", through the prism of the visual art, historical narration, legendary legend.

Similar perception of the image of the king Solomon in the story "Sullaph" is motivated by an indication that His "believed" historian Iostat: "... Truly, the king, like Lily of the Saronian Valley, was perfect!"

Pale was his face, lips - exactly bright Alay ribbon; Wavy hair of black iscin, and in them - the decoration of wisdom - gloss gray, like silver threads of mountain streams; Sedna sparkled and in his black beard, curled, according to the customs of the kings of Assyrian, right small rows.

In the description, comparisons were used: "The king's eyes were dark, like the darker agate, like the sky in a moonless summer night, and the eyelashes, expressing the arrows of the tops down, looked like a black rays around black stars ...", "... In the eyes of the king, For sure sparks in black diameters, warm lights of gentle, gentle laughter ... "

The stylistics of the Ancient Fine Art in the descriptions of the king is viewed in a calm rhythm, in the idealization of the king's image, as well as in the portrait color (pale face, scarlet lips, black hair), in the selection of eyes through a comparison. It is not lost here and such a detail: "Beard, enforced by the right small rows."

An orientation on ancient artist verbal art manifests itself in hyperbolization ("And the zipper of anger in the eyes of the king was plunged by people to earth"), the system of comparisons ("like Lily of the Saronian Valley", "like the darker agate")

In the stylized description of the exterior of Solomon, various aesthetic traditions are connected, various cultural layers are reflected. This creates a feeling of "epic time", the feeling of the historical distance, at the beginning of which - the era of the king, at the end - the time of the modern reader.

When describing the appearance of sulaumfies, the focus on an ancient cultural and aesthetic tradition is combined with indications of the perception of Heroine Solomon.

The portrait of the heroine is perfectly and quite skillfully. Kubrin combines "sound" and a picturesque description. First, Solomon hears the "cute female voice, clear and clean ...". Then the general picture arises: "The girl in a light blue dress walks between rows of vines<…>. Red hair is burning in the sun.<…> She sings it<…>" Characteristic of the Ancient Fine Arts are indications of ease, grace: "Clear and pure voice", "in a light blue dress", "Easy climbing the mountain."

In his works A.I. Kuprin paid great attention to the details. The main function of this reception is to reject the feelings of heroes, to reveal their inner state more fully.

In the story "Olesya" the main event in the life of the hero as if "prepared" by the state of nature: "The wind beyond the walls of the house, like an old chopped naked devil. In his roar, moans, screech and wild laughter were heard. Blizzard in the evening was even stronger. Outside, someone fiercely threw in glass windows of small dry snow. The nearby forest Ropaltal and buzzed with a continuous, cashed, deaf threat. " The hero is preparing that "indefinite anxiety" expects him ahead. Anxious mood is enhanced at the lexical level, in particular, the use of words: screech, wild laughter, a deaf threat. As a result, before the string of the plot and the hero, and the reader expect a tragic junction, which becomes inevitable, as well as the fight against the elements.

In the story, almost all events occur on the lap of nature, therefore, the landscape is constantly present in the work and reflects everything that happens between heroes, as well as their inner state: "We at this time were just in the middle of the long, narrow and straight, like an arrow Forest rates. High, slender pines overturned us on both sides, forming a giant, outgoing in the corridor with a vault from fragrant branches. Naked, the raging trunks were painted by the Baghrous Decommunication Dawn ... "Despite the lucky explanation of lovers, the internal tension remains due to the use of epithets: naked, lulled, crimson. Next, the anxiety is maintained: "Correct trunks", "curved bumps". Describing the character of the heroes at night the author uses a certain color gamut: "Iscin-pale stains", "thin trunks of Berelles", "silver, transparent ... coverings were twisted. These colors make the impression of some ghostly and the unsubstantiated explanation.

A certain symbolism can be detected in the following passage, during attempts the hero will explain with the Olesy relative to their future: "She threw a branch of a hawthorn with a lush nest of white flowers and stuck in her hair." Hawthorn - Symbol Chastity, Hope. During the wedding rites, the Greek girls decorated their heads woven from the branches of hawthorn wreaths. The heroine seems to be preformed by the further proposal of Ivan Timofeevich and subconsciously agree, despite the external refusal. Thus, nature turns out to be an involuntary participant in the life of heroes.

The landscape has a certain meaning and in the story "Sullaph". Solomon and Poor Girl Sullami is going on on a grape field. A.I. Kubrin, based on the original text of "songs", selects the vineyard's place. Grapes are a symbol of fertility, cheerfulness and vitality, which later finds his reflection in the nature of the main character, which does not know fear and is ready for everything for his love.

Meetings of lovers begin in nature among the "silver-green" olive, the "greenery of the juniper", "where the green grass is militant than a narcissus." The choice of green writer is ignored. He symbolizes the origin of the new, hope, joy - everything that heroes feel at the time of becoming their love.

In his works A.I. Kubrin uses a rich color palette, but the author's prevailing color is red and its shades. No exception and tale "Sullaify": "Heavy, thick dark red hair, in

which she stuck the two flower of scarlet poppy ... "," self-made necklace from some red dry berries "," Purple, Baghnant and Vison, flashed gold. " (Red - value) In the image of the Sulamith itself there is a shade of red, the author emphasizes her red hair, introducing a symbol of fire - warmth and vitality, which heroine personifies. In the aggregate, all symbols create a single image of the eternal love of the heroes. He opposes the "Sunny" energy of Sulamymi A.I, the darisp on the dark power of the jealous queen Astis, depicting her with blue hair (to see blue color)

In the story "Pomegranate bracelet" the author continues the tradition of color symbolism, leaning on red and green. (quote about grenades). The bracelet itself due to the presence of a green grenade personifies the hope of the hero in his love. In combination with the rarity of green grenades A.I. Kuprin emphasizes the exclusiveness of the Hero's High Love. Red color appears and at the end of the story - during the goodbye princess of faith with Yolkovoy: (quote about rose) Add about red

In this story, as in all its work, the writer recreates a landscape, reflecting the deeper inner state of heroes. The "pomegranate bracelet" is such a description of the conversation of two sisters. Here the writer shows the perception of nature faith:

"I understand you," the older sister said thoughtfully, "but I somehow don't look like you." When I first see the sea after a lot of time, it worries me, and I am glad, and amazes. As if I first see a huge solemn miracle. But then, when I got used to him, it starts to press me with his flat void ... I miss him looking at him .. "

"But you just see what beauty, what a joy is just an eye will not be saturated. If you knew how I am grateful to God for all the wonders that he did for us! "

The ratio of faith to nature is shown more cold and restrained. She appears in front of the reader calm and peaceful, satisfied with his own life. It seems that the enthusiastic attitude of the sister to nature is somewhat alien. However, the faith immediately notices: "I love the forest ... Can he ever borrow? Pines! .. And what kind of mosses! .. and amansor! Exactly from the red atlas and embroidered with white beads ... ". Minor, at first glance, the item allows you to see clearly her inner life. She's not as cold. As it could seem first, she is not alien to the feeling of natural beauty.

The landscape appears again at the end of the story, after the death of YOLTKOV and the realization of the faith that the real love "passed by her". It was at the time of the highest shocks of the soul, under the sounds of Beethoven Sonatas, faith Nikolaevna runs to the street and hugs the barrel of acacia. Kuprin directly declares the interaction of the nature and soul of man: quote with. 557 - the wind sympathizes). Nature as if it becomes a participant in the events taking place in the life of heroes.

A special detail of this story is the Appassionate Beethoven - the music becomes an integral part of the course of the work and the turning point in the perception of faith. Music passes through all the work - declared in the epigraph, it appears in the suicide letter of YOLTKOV and is the final point at the end of the work.

In the last, considered work of the "wheel of time", the color gamut varies somewhat. Here on the foreground comes out pink color. At the beginning during a conversation with an Italian, the narrator, describing his inner state, says: "I already felt like a long-familiar pink gas in my head - cheerful and terrible ...", "Pink gas in my head was gustling and was made red." The pink color is associated with the hero and with his beloved: "Suddenly it was so he had praised," so Porozovka, "and in the morning, when she was still sleeping, I saw that indescribable-pink gentle shade on her face, which happens on Flamingo's feathers before moving to White color". Pink color symbolizes sophisticated love, tenderness, immaturity, weakness, timidity, sentimentality. This color becomes not so much the color of the heroine, how many feelings of the hero tested during the love of her. And the very love of the hero associates with this color: "In the first pink days of our love."

In the "Wheel of Time", unlike the previous works under consideration, images of animals that personify the heroes appear. Throughout the whole novel, Maria compares Mischik with a bear (this similarity is emphasized by the name of the main character): "But I adore bears!", "My adorable bear!", "However, pretty, my bear."

The hero compares himself in his love with a clumsy penguin, while Mary is painted with his feeling: "But, comparing himself in this sense with Maria, I would say that she had two snow-white, long swan wings, I flew like penguin. " Mischik explains this similarity as follows: "I first, I am very acute and, perhaps, even with the offend, I felt her spiritual air superiority I need me and my own earthly burden."

Completing the parallels between the heroes and their intrinsic state of the birds, the author introduces the images of Peacock and Flamingo (their significance writer emphasizes the name of the heads to the same name). Peacock initially symbolized immortality and longevity. A.I.Kuprin uses later connotations - talkativeness, discouragement, vanity. The hero asks Mary about those things about which she does not consider it necessary to speak and repeatedly forces her to leave the answer. Vanity is expressed in his attitude to the work of Mary: "The most words" handmade "seemed to me some very prosaic, everyday, miserable, suitable for Schaw and Portnica."

The image of the pink flamingo is associated with the heroine and its special, elevated sacrificial love: "Flamingo is adorable, extraordinary color of the plumage: it is not pink and not red, it is special." Here the motive of a new life appears here, which will begin soon at the heroine: she is going to portray the canvas in the canvas, soon she will decide to leave the hero in spite of her love.

I.A. Bunina and A.I.Kuprina


Color Quotes from the works of I.A. Bunin Symbolic meaning Quotes from the works of A.I.Kuprina Symbolic meaning
Green "And the fields ... brightly greasy frills with frills ..." flourishing, life update, harmony "Greens", necessary Sasha for recovery Symbol of life, health
"The bed is arranged in the slash ... Green Samovar ..." withering, old age, death "We have greens of the bed" Love, passion
Red "Just satisfying, painted and excited ..." Welfare, pleasure "Redish fleshy children" Health, well-being
"Dark fire sparkled ruby \u200b\u200bcross ... The genus of peccum from Punchy Velvet was captured on the left shoulder with Ruby Agraf" Elimination of cardiac experiences, grief "Purple Hiton", "Crown of Blood-Red Ruby" love, passion, sorrow due to loss of beloved
White "There was a white naked street, white pavement, white houses" Approach of misfortunes, danger "White canvas road" Light Future, Hope
"Boys in white disadvantaged shirts and short defects, with white open heads" Sensation of the praz-deck, joy, carelessness "Priests in white clothes", "Boys in white chitona" death, lust, madness
The black "Cells of his bird eyes", "Cherkhel Little, briefly cutting a head" Negative feeling, dislike "Black eyes with thin black mustes" Dislike, disgust
"Black Borzoy, Loves of Arseny Semench", "Dress of Black Atlas" Opt, wealth "Black Slaves", "Black Pearls", "Black-rich Handsome" Luxury, beauty, wealth
Gold "[Books] with golden stars on Safian roots"; "Cup with gold edges" wealth "Golden dish" Good luck
Blue "Liquid blue sky", "spread a long lane bluish smoke" Easiness, harmony, beauty of nature "Blue Atlas fused the dark blue velvet ribbon" Softness, romanticism
Yellow "Something Mongolian was in his yellowish face" Dislike "Bony, yellow body", "Yellow teeth" Dislike

Table 18.

The main symbolism in the works of I.A. Bunin Color The main symbolism in the works of A.I.Kuprina
The favorite color of the writer, most often carries a negative load, is used to create portraits of negative heroes. Black is a color with "unearthly power", reflecting the invisible effect of time on people and things. Black (icons in "Sukhodol") shows the influence of the forces opposite to the light and God The black One of the favorite colors of Kurrov. Black has an unknown force, gives the environment of mystical, mysteriousness. Black color - "Eternal" satellite evil in the works of the writer: all negative, negative features of the character of heroes Konprin "Colors" black
Red, the author attracts the attention of readers. Red, mostly plays the role of "positive" color. It accompanies mumbling feelings, easy changes in the mood of heroes, in the description of love, long and passionate is not used. Aggression and negative power of Bunin shows dark shades of red. It is often given a red and black contrast to show in the subtext of tension, danger and negative features of the characters of heroes, the true state of the hero or negative evaluation of events Red Red is the personification of strength, victory, hobbies. Red shades, the author highlights the main characters and the main events, the role of certain things. This color is transmitted to the smallest, barely noticeable excitements of the soul of the hero, and at the same time deep, exciting consciousness of feelings, passion, love. At certain moments in red, the Kuprin emphasizes the attention of readers in order to cause anger, dislike.
White is the only color used to describe deep love affection. Options "White" and "Light" are described in detail "positive" moods and feelings. Bunin paints a white landscape, surrounding the situation, showing monotony, boredom, predestination. White color is not used to describe negative heroes. Transfering positive feelings, symbolizes heavenly power, perfection White White color from the juro has different, even contradictory values. Often it accompanies the image of love, attachment, sympathy. In the landscape, white conveys hope for the best future. He often becomes a satellite of madness, lust, death, carries a strong negative charge
Silver color never found in the studied works, but its contextual synonyms were identified: "glitter of cold lazuries", "steel" color, etc. These shades transmit sadness, loneliness, longing. Gold color illuminates the image of the time. It shows the eternity and value of time. Golden is also used to show wealth, limitless opportunities. Gold Golden and silver colors are most often symbols of wealth and well-being. The beauty and uniqueness of the landscape is transmitted by these colors, the feeling of the superiority of the hero above the life circumstances is enhanced. Golden and silver colors belong to the number of frequently used churches
It is rarely used, mostly in nature descriptions. Shows the update, the bloom of nature. And the "green" landscapes are preparing readers to qualitative positive changes in the character of the hero or the approach of the fateful events Green Green color gives a feeling of mysticism, mysteriousness, the presence of otherworldly power. Mostly, he personifies life, love, stormy passion. Green also expresses anxiety, danger

Comparative analysis of the role of light in works

I.A. Bunina and A.I.Kuprina

Table 19.

Quotes from the Bunin works Quotes from the works of Kpen Symbolic value, comments
"With a shining look of dressed light eyes" Happiness, kindness, number of intentions "Brilliant eyekeeper" Light mysteriousness, beauty, kindness
"Shining eyes" "light eyes" joy, carelessness; Wisdom, pacification "Clear eyes" Openness, cleanliness of intentions and views
"The face of his pale" Description of the negative hero "Turned pale" "pale face" pronounced negative emotional color
"Black Human", "Will darken in the house" Negative emoti-onal coloring, danger approximation "The hut was very dark." Sensation of mystery, mystics
"Baghiro Flame Four Paint Stars" Negative emotic-onal coloring ("Like in the corner of hell") "Baghrov otlblecom" Feeling unknown negative power, mysticism
"Pale moon and loneliness" Loneliness, sadness "Lights of the Moon", "In the lunar light" Negative coloring; Positive emotion. Color
"And the road, rolled ... by carts, grilled and glitters" Hope for the best future, desire for happiness "Track, such a light"
"Slightly seemed from behind ... The sun illuminated the tops ..." The only "glimpse" in the story, hope for the best day "Golden Sun" shined, "This is the light of the Sun" Positive emotional coloring
"And someone's black, exactly carved silhouettes from the black tree" Mystery, Danger Approach "In the dark figure" frightening unknown

We note the following identified features of the use of the Sieve:

1. Positive heroes writers endow " brightening, clear, sparkling " Eyes, negative characters have " dark, black, with cold reflections"Eyes. It is noteworthy that the eyes of the "live" heroes: for their description they use communion and verbs, which indicates the exclusive value of the eyes showing the inner essence of the hero.

2. " Pale person»Have negative heroes, this pallor is associated with poor well-being, disease or fright, anxiety. The abundance of negative associations seems to be readers that the actions of the hero contradict the norms of morality and morality.

3. Negative emotional coloring have dark rooms: houses, rooms, etc. Often it is associated with the tension of the events. Kapurp to these values \u200b\u200bcan be added a sense of anxiety, and at certain points the presence of mysticism, mysteriousness.

4. Light descriptions of the moon in writers are different. Bunin uses " shine of the Moon"Essentially to cause negative sensations. " Light months»Kurprin can show to create a romantic situation, strengthening the impact on readers of positive heroes. The moon is a solitude satellite and longing or happiness and love.

5. The sun differs exclusively "good" light, which shows the readers that occur events or enhances the positive characteristics of the heroes.

6. The image of a light road symbolizes the brilliant future, hope, peace and peace.

7. Dark figures scares its unknown, a feeling of danger, anxiety is created.

8. Analysis of the frequency of tightness use shows that Kubrin uses it much more often than the riot.

The painter artists who can be considered to be Alexander Ivanovich Kurrina, and Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, thanks to the workshop of using the game of color and light, unusually juicy, bright or rich-gloomy shades can revive any sketch. The landscape becomes more realistic if its description is saturated with light and color. Images of the heroes of works become visible, alive thanks to the verbal color palette of the writer, portraits of heroes with the help of coloropies completely disclose their character, and also indicate an internal condition of the character. To create one or another atmosphere and inspire certain feelings experienced by the heroes in this situation, the writers also resort to the help of color, so it is possible to assert with complete confidence that the color and light have a huge symbistic value and carry a greater semantic load.

Analysis of works A.I. Kuprina and I.A. Bunin allowed to identify other than rare colors, there are in their literary texts and dominant - red and green (from Kurp), red and black (at Bunin). It is not surprising that it is the red color that is so often found in the works, because it is associated with the theme of love, which, in the opinion of writers, should be the tragedy, and the theme of death, actual or death as the death of love. Detailed study of the AI. AI Kuprina "Sullaify", "Olesya", "Pomegranate bracelet", as well as the stories of "Antonovskaya apples", "Mr. from San Francisco", "Raven" and the story "Sukhodol" I.A. Bunina made it possible to determine the role of color and light in the artwork ( scheme 1.).

Only due to the brilliant abilities of these greatest Russian writers who entered the treasury of Russian and world literature, having a painter talent, readers can deeper the secret meaning of art details, understand the author's intent, enclosed in artistic images. Thanks to their ability in the smallest details of seeing the world, the color and light of each work of Alexander Ivanovich Kurrina and Ivan Alekseevich Bunin surprises readers of his bottomless depth throughout the century.

A.I.Kuprin "Olesya"

The wealth of the inner world of the heroine of the story "Olesya" and her tragic fate

  1. Why did the author entitle the story with the name of the heroine?
  2. What is the value of the story?
  3. What role does the landscape play in the story? Give examples.
  4. How does the Kuprin draw the image of the main heroine?
  5. Why for most locals, peasants - the neighbors of Olesya, she is a sorceress, "Witcher"?

The word "sorceress" is multi-valued. It means not only the evil witch, but also a kudesnitsa, a good wizard, Charovnitsa.

  1. For Kuprick Olesya - Witch, who seduced Ivan Timofeevich, or the wizard, who opened the hero of the beauty of love? Prove your point of view.
  2. Does the name of the heroine of her witchcraft mean? What is the meaning of the word "sorceress" it is more suitable?
  3. Why do neighbors hate and pursue Olesya? Who and why did the author chose to compare with Olesya?
  4. Why did the comparison facility become "Panych"? What attracted the heroine in Ivan Timofeevich?
  5. The profession to which Ivan Timofeevich seeks - a writer,- did she happen to give the author to his hero?
  6. Is there a common writer and sorcerer in the skill?
  7. What is the feature of the image of the narrator?
  8. Did you like Olesya? For that, in essence, Dicarka, far from civilization, loved the Winged Barin Ivan Timofeevich?
  9. What did Olesya brought with him to the hut, at the time of her first appearance? What kind of human qualities of Olesya does this scene say?
  10. What quality did Olesya valued the most in a person? Do you agree with its assessment?
  11. Why does Olesya actually correspond to the refusal to the offer of Ivan Timofeevich? After all, the dream of any girl at all timesit was to hear the recognition and proposal of the hand and heart from the loved one of the person?
  12. Will Olesya preserve his love for Ivan Timofeevich for the rest of his life?
  13. Why is Olesya so ruthlessly characterizes Ivan Timofeevich: "Your goodness is not good, not heart. Word your own Mr. Do you like the top over people? Do you have a cold heart, lazy "? Do you agree with her conclusions?
  14. Is it correct to argue that, without waging for his happiness, Ivan Timofeevich simply betrayed his and Oresin love?
  15. Read the episode of visiting Oley Church. Why Ivan Timofeevich, who understood how for Olesi could end this trip, did not stop, did not save the beloved girl?
  16. Why does the author call the relationship between his heroes of the "naive charming fairy tale"? Fairy tales should have a happy end. And what is the end in this work?
  17. What color accompanies the image of Olece? What do you think, why?
  18. Rate the role of the details in the narration on the example of red beads in the work finals. What do they personify?
  19. Why did the happiness of the heroes turned out to be so short?
  20. What do you think the idea of \u200b\u200ba story?
  21. What remains of the love for Oles in the soul of Ivan Timofeevich?
  22. And in your soul after reading the whole story?

"Garnet bracelet"

The work is based on a real fact - the story of a modest official to a secular lady, mother of writer L. Lyubimov.

From the memories of L. Lyubimov:

"In the period between the first and second marriage, my mother has becometo receive letters, the author, without calling himself and emphasizing that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed in love for her. Letters have remained for a long time in my family, and I read them in youth. Anonymous in love, as it turned out - yellow (in the story of yolks), wrote that he serves on the telegraph (Kuprika Prince Shein is jokingly decides that it can write so a telegraph), in one letter he reported that under the guise of The Polotier penetrated into the apartment of my mother, and described the situation (Khroud Shein again tells the joke like yolks, changing the carbus and embroils the soot, penetrates the boudoir of the princess of faith. The tag of the messages were herself, then he was angry. He was angry with her mother , I thanked her, even though she did not respond to his clarification.

At first, these letters were enjoyed everyone, but then (they came almost every day for two or three years) My mother even stopped reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening the next message of the telegraph in love in the morning.

And so there was an omission: an anonymous correspondent sent a grenade bracelet mother. My uncle<...> And the Father, then the former groom of my mother, went to the yellow. All this happened not in the Black Sea city, like a Kupper, but in St. Petersburg. But yellow, like yolks, lived really on the sixth floor. "The playing staircase," writes Kurprin, "smelled with mice, cats, kerosene and washing" - all this corresponds to hearing from his father. Yellow junteled in the poor mansard. He was found for the preparation of the next message. Like Kuprinsky Shein: Father was more silent during an explanation, looking "with bewilderment and greedy serious curiosity in the face of this strange person." Father told me that he felt in yellow some secret, a flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle, again, as Kubrinsky Nikolai Nikolayevich, was hot, there was no needless. Yellow took the bracelet and disgust promised not to write more of my mother. It all ended. In any case, nothing is known to us about further fate. "

L. Favorite. In a foreign land, 1963

  1. As artistic transformed the Kurin of the real story, heard infamily of a high-ranking official Lyubimova?
  2. What social barriers (and only they alone?) Move the love of the hero inthe sphere of inaccessible dreams?
  3. Is it possible to say that the dream of the ideal, unearthly feeling was expressed in the "pomegranate bracelet"?
  4. How does Kerper paint the main character of the story, the princess of faith Nikolaevna Shane?
  5. What technique uses the author to make brighter to highlight the appearance in the story of YOLTKOV?
  6. What gifts got faith? What is their meaning?
  7. How does Yellowkova gift look like on this background? What is its value?
  8. How does love theme in the story develop?
  9. How is the author of yolks and his love? What kind of traditional Russian literature develops the topic?
  10. What is the image of the hero after his death?
  11. What mood will the story finals imbued?
  12. What role is music playing music in creating this mood?
  13. Comparison the understanding of love in the works of Kurpric and Bunin (on the material of the Kubrinskaya "Olesy", "fight", "grenade bracelet" and the Bunin stories "Sunflow" and a clean Monday ").
  14. What brings together and what are the sharply different different writers of the peer in other components of creativity - processing the vital material, the degree of prose metaphoricity, "plug-building", the nature of conflicts?

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