Fitness by blood type. What load is effective for you? People with different blood types have different nutritional needs

Scientists have determined that blood type affects the sensations you get in the gym. Based on this, it has been established what type sports activities should be practiced by people of one blood group or another.

Scientists have conducted research and found that your blood type affects how you feel in the gym and, based on these studies, they have determined which sport is best for people with a particular blood type.

I blood group

Born leaders are prominent representatives of this blood type. They are sometimes haunted by the desire to be first in everything and determination. Therefore, both in life and during training, they try to be on time everywhere and everywhere. Despite the fact that these people achieve a lot, very often they are fussy, making unnecessary and unnecessary movements.

Advice: the body simply needs active types of training. Individual sports, aerobics, mountain biking, and strength exercises are most suitable. In addition, sports equipment, on which exercises cause the release of large portions of adrenaline, are also useful. Such equipment includes a sports trampoline, the load on which even professionals cannot withstand for more than 10 minutes, but what an adrenaline rush!

II blood group

Representatives of this group prefer to work in a team. They, as a rule, are always sociable, know how to find a way out of conflict situations, and worry more about other people than about themselves. Leaders are often found among people in this group. However, for the most part, they are conscientious performers. Only under someone's guidance can they join some kind of sport.

People with the second blood group are very susceptible to stress, sometimes they do not allow the body to completely relax, and are predisposed to physical inactivity.

Advice: without a doubt, sports training is very important and necessary. Team sports, Chinese gymnastics, swimming, hatha yoga, Pilates, and stretching are suitable.

III blood group

People with this group are considered individualists. These are completely unpredictable people, either in sports or in life. More often they live by the principle: “No need to teach! I know it myself!” Sometimes, at the most crucial moment, they can let you down without blinking an eye. However, the other side of the coin is also inherent in them: they are able to find a way out of the most seemingly hopeless situation, when they were not counted on.

Tip: It is best for people with this blood type to engage in dynamic exercise. Among specific sports, tennis, athletics, martial arts, aerobics, Chinese gymnastics, jogging or yoga are most suitable for them.

IV blood group

This blood group includes people with a calm and balanced character, who are sometimes too slow. Representatives of the group, as a rule, move a lot, so they are hardy and always in good physical shape.

A lot depends on a person’s blood type, including nutritional needs, character traits, reaction to stress, etc.

In this regard, scientists believe that each blood group is suitable not only for a certain diet, profession, lifestyle, but also for physical exercise.


Type: Psychologists consider people with the first blood group to be especially energetic and sociable. They usually have good health And strong will. Trainers in sports clubs note that representatives of this group regularly go to training and do not miss a single lesson, as they are distinguished by great determination. When they come to the gym, they quickly master everything and exercise technique.

SUITABLE FOR THEM: power training, aerobics, dance training, cycling (the most active is mountain biking), as well as team sports: volleyball, basketball, water polo.

BY THE WAY: Sports psychologists are sure that training is simply necessary for people with blood type O, otherwise they will begin to mope and gain excess weight.


Type: Carriers of the second blood group A are diligent and committed people who love harmony and order. One of their most important qualities is friendliness and calmness. Although these people are prone to leadership, they are most often only conscientious performers. They are characterized by stubbornness and an inability to relax. Coaches note that representatives of this group are inclined to play in a team because they have excellent contact with people and are able to smooth out rough edges in conflict situations, root not only for themselves, but also for others.

SUITABLE FOR THEM: team sports, as well as swimming, fast walking and stretching. Long-term cardio exercises, dance aerobics (bellу danse), Pilates, yoga and tai chi. The preferred sports are athletics, gymnastics, orienteering, and skiing. Strength exercises and full-impact sports are less suitable.

BY THE WAY: According to experts, these people need sports, but they need to join fitness with a trainer. It’s better to go to the gym with friends, otherwise they will quickly get bored.


Type: According to psychologists, delicate, impressionable and calm owners of the third blood group are creative people, with a rich imagination and huge demands on themselves. Being individualists, they behave unpredictably in life and sports, doing as they please. At a crucial moment they can let the team down or, conversely, save the situation when they are no longer counted on.

SUITABLE FOR THEM: single sports: cycling, figure skating, tennis, equestrianism, martial arts. Workouts that provide a combination of physical and mental balance: Chinese gymnastics, Pilates, yoga, tai chi, exercises to develop flexibility and plasticity. Well suited for power loads and circuit training. Team and team sports are contraindicated.

BY THE WAY: Thanks to good endurance and a strong immune system, they can achieve amazing results in almost any of these sports.


Type: Owners of this rare blood group are for the most part very calm and balanced people - philosophers and seekers. These are spiritual, multifaceted individuals who strive to try everything in life and achieve maximum heights. Trainers note that they are characterized by two extremes - they are either too mobile, or, conversely, they quickly get tired or are lazy to do exercises,

All types of fitness with moderate load are SUITABLE FOR THEM (aerobics, yoga, modern ones are best), cycling, as well as all summer sports, for example, beach volleyball. Game sports will not let them get bored, and the results will serve as a good incentive to continue training.

Monotonous strength training and training on simulators are contraindicated.


These people should not confine themselves to the walls of a fitness club, but rather train in the fresh air. They should pay attention to strengthening the muscle corset and training. At the same time, overwork should not be allowed: the load should be quite intense, but moderate.

Choosing a type of fitness based on blood type

Do you know that in Japan employers hire based on blood type?

From it you can learn a lot about the applicant - susceptibility to disease and stress, performance, personal qualities, character. This technology has not yet reached us, but there are already some progress in this direction. For example, experts increasingly advise choosing the level of physical activity and its intensity, taking into account not only general state health, age, but also blood type. This approach to training gives more possibilities to strengthen the body.

Blood type I

People with the first blood group are usually energetic, sociable, have good health and a strong will.

They are very mobile, not always balanced, very independent and purposeful. Trainers in fitness clubs note that people from this group rarely miss classes, give 100%, and quickly master new equipment and exercises.

What to choose? People with the first blood group respond best to heavy physical activity, and in the absence of it, they quickly gain weight. Dance and strength aerobics, strip lifting, cycling, Afro-latina, swimming, yoga are recommended. Team sports such as basketball and volleyball are also suitable.

Blood type II

Psychologists consider people with the second blood group to be diligent, calm, responsible and friendly.

They are prone to leadership, but more often they still become diligent performers. Negative qualities include stubbornness and inability to relax. Coaches believe that people with this blood type are inclined towards team sports; it is important for them to work as a team, otherwise training will quickly become boring.

What to choose? People with blood type II need to do stretching exercises (to relax muscles). Team sports, brisk walking, swimming, long-term cardio exercises in interval mode, dance aerobics, yoga, Pilates are suitable. However, aerobics, Pilates and yoga should be done under the supervision of a trainer. All “wear and tear” workouts and strength exercises are absolutely not suitable.

Blood type III

These are people with huge demands on themselves, impressionable and calm, very delicate.

They are ascetics by nature, individualists and adapt very quickly. But in life and sports they behave unpredictably - they can either let the team down or save the day. Coaches believe that such people cannot be relied upon, so team sports are not for them.

What to choose? People with the third blood group have a very powerful immune system, so they can choose any direction of fitness and engage in any sport. But the combination of mental and physical balance is considered optimal for them. These are Pilates, yoga, tai chi classes. You can only choose individual sports - tennis, cycling, walking, tennis, horse riding.

Blood type IV

People with such a rare blood type are very calm and balanced, they strive to achieve maximum heights in life and try everything.

They know how to have fun and entertain, move a lot, maintain good physical shape and follow all the trainer’s recommendations exactly.

What to choose? You need to pay attention to increasing the endurance of the cardiovascular system and strengthening the muscle corset. Suitable for all types of fitness and active sports. But there should be no overwork; the load should be selected so that it is intense, but moderate.

Before you start training, determine your blood type and take a fitness test

If exercise stress will be chosen correctly, then even with a whole “bouquet” of diseases, you can train quite effectively and without harm to health.

Below is the diet for blood type 1.

Diet according to blood type. This is the oldest blood group. The rest of the groups evolved from it in the process of evolution. 33.5% of the world's population belongs to this type. A strong, self-sufficient leader.


The digestive and immune systems are designed to efficiently metabolize and retain nutrients.

Weak sides

  • Difficulty adapting to changes in diet and conditions environment.
  • Sometimes the immune system is too active and acts against the body itself (allergies).

At-risk groups

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Inflammatory processes - arthritis.
  • Increased stomach acidity - ulcers.
  • Allergies.
  • High protein diet - meat eaters.
  • When following a blood type 1 diet, the following are recommended: meat (except pork), fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits (except sour), pineapples, rye bread, in limited quantities.
  • Limit: cereals, especially oatmeal, wheat and products made from it (including wheat bread). Legumes and buckwheat are ok.
  • Avoid: cabbage (except broccoli), wheat and all products made from it; corn and all products made from it; marinades, ketchup.

Drinks for this blood type diet:

  1. Recommended: green tea, herbal teas from rosehip, ginger, mint, cayenne pepper, licorice, linden, seltzer water.
  2. Neutral: beer, red and white wine, tea from chamomile, ginseng, sage, valerian, raspberry leaf.
  3. Avoid: coffee, hard liquor, aloe, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, strawberry leaf.

Weight control program

  1. Exclude: fresh cabbage, legumes, corn, wheat, citrus fruits, ice cream, sugar, marinades, potatoes.
  2. They help: seaweed(brown, kelp); Fish and seafood; iodized salt; meat, especially beef, lamb, liver; greens, salads, spinach, broccoli, radishes; B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, manganese, iodine.
  3. Avoid: vitamins A, E.

Physical exercise

To maintain good physical shape for people with blood group 1, especially in a weight loss program, very intense exercises: aerobics, skiing, running, swimming.

  1. Weight loss program. For type “0” the main problem is low metabolism. There are factors that can increase your metabolic rate and thus reduce weight:
  2. Remove wheat and all products made from it, corn, legumes, and lentils from your diet - they block insulin production and thereby slow down metabolism.
  3. During the diet for blood type 1, you need to exclude from the diet all types of cabbage (except broccoli) and all products made from oats - they inhibit the production of thyroid hormones (hormones thyroid gland) and slow down metabolism.
  4. Increase the consumption of foods containing iodine - seafood, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach, broccoli), iodized salt, as well as foods that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones - radish, radish, daikon. It’s good to juice them half and half with carrots.
  5. There is meat (red), liver. These foods also increase your metabolic rate.
  6. Intense physical exercise.
  7. To solve the problem of blood clotting (if any) - foods containing vitamin K: greens, salads, seaweed, meat, liver, cod liver oil, eggs. Avoid yeast foods; if the balance of intestinal bacteria is imbalanced, take bifidobacteria.
  8. Be careful when taking aspirin (it increases acidity and thins the blood) and Gingko Biloba (the effect of increasing blood circulation is due to its thinning).

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