Characteristics of the rune uruz. Strongest runes: Rune Uruz Rune of the day Uruz meaning

Rune name: Uruz, Urus

Name in Latin: Uruz, Urus

Rune type: Scandinavian

Basic meaning: Acquisition new form

Uruz (Urus): General meaning

Direct position

Uruz is a fiery rune with unbridled strength and uncontrollable power. It symbolizes certain forces that cannot be tamed, but you can achieve their location. It portends the coming changes that cannot be avoided.

The rune at the same time, as it were, hints that the world is real and there is nothing artificial in it. Uruz can also be defined as a force that can overcome any ailment, successfully burns it. Another designation is the healing of diseases.

Uruz can also be designated as a sign that there is a lot of unnecessary things in a person’s life and it’s time for him to get rid of all the rubbish. If, in the scenario, Turisaz is located next to her, the rune reminds of how strong and significant the human will is, and if a person wants something, he will definitely get it through painstaking work. In combination with the Ansuz rune, its meaning is interpreted as the ability to verbally influence what is happening more effectively.

Reversed position

The inverted Uruz in speaks of a favorable moment that was missed due to one's own inattention, fear of the future. The rune says that a person lacks the desire to implement his plan.

Or he does not mind transferring duties to someone else: but there is a condition - the person who fulfills them must be much stronger in spirit than himself, then you can safely step aside and wait for the result with folded hands.

Of course, nothing sensible will come of such a redefinition of duties, and such assistance will not be able to solve the difficulties. If, next to the inverted Uruz, there is a Gebo rune, then most likely, a similar situation will turn out big problems already for both.

In combination with Vunyo, they simply interpret the final failure of the plan, since the unwillingness to accept responsibility turned out to be higher. The rune also has another specific context, a predisposition to the depletion of one's own vitality, ill health, or a disease that is coming soon. Moreover, most likely the alleged ailment will be extended to both physiological and sexual plans.

Uruz (Urus): Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

If Uruz lies straight, the rune will tell about increased, but real and pure sexuality. In most cases, she portends a man or great power love and desire, which is not characteristic of women. In cases of any doubt of a fortuneteller about how strong his relationship with a partner is, then you can not be afraid, because in upright position Uruz speaks of fairly firm and open intentions.

In addition, the rune can become a harbinger of some important definition of the stage of a relationship (engagement, long romance, etc.). If the purpose of the alignment was a certain person to get the location of which there is no chance, then Uruz says the opposite: the chances are quite high, with some effort and perseverance, it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

Although sometimes he speaks of excessive attachment, from which it is high time to free yourself. To be more precise, the desired person only seems necessary, in fact, there are more impressions and more significant people in the future, it will be better to open your living space for them than to wish for the unrealizable all the time.

Therefore, a place for them can be made free only by getting rid of attachment to an unnecessary person. In combination with Teyvaz, the rune will tell you that you need to be more confident in your abilities and not be afraid of rivals, because with sufficient demonstration of your passion, competitors will simply be a few steps behind. If the girl was guessing and Berkana lies next to Uruz, then this is a hint to use the trick so that the desired man stays nearby forever.

Reversed position

If the rune fell out in an inverted position, then the fortuneteller (or the one to whom they are guessing) is absolutely not sure of himself, in the relationship he is precisely the follower. If the alignment was made for a certain male, then he, in turn, does not have sufficient stress resistance, has mental problems.

When combined with the Isa rune, the alignment hints that the relationship is doomed due to the passivity and coldness of the partner. In combination with Nautiz - on the contrary, he advises to go only in front without any doubt. With a strong desire, it is quite possible to achieve someone specific, although you will have to be patient and act.

Uruz (Urus): Significance in career and work

Direct position

Uruz portends a successful development of events in cases where some risk is required to advance in a career. But to achieve the desired results, you will need to apply enough a large number of efforts. But the rune still says that there is nothing to be afraid of, no matter how difficult it is, there will be enough strength and they will be fully justified.

The main designations of the career rune portend financial success, the effectiveness of the efforts invested, and the maximum result. Also, the rune can predict a quick career growth or participation in a new, more profitable occupation. But still, it must be borne in mind that with career growth, new responsibilities will come.
Reversed position

If in the layout the rune has taken an inverted position, then it speaks of insufficient motivation in this area financial activities, and also warns of an upcoming opportunity that can be missed.

In addition, the inverted Uruz, in the layout of professional activities, can be interpreted as a warning about future changes, from which nothing good can be expected and it is better to avoid them altogether. In addition, there is another characteristic - the council will turn to more knowing person, to solve the problem.

Uruz (Urus): The use of the rune in magic

In runescripts, the Uruz rune is usually used as a kind of source for increasing one's own vitality, both physical and psychological endurance, and the treatment of diseases. Uruz is considered to be one of the most powerful runes applicable for the purpose of one's own healing. If a person feels his own powerlessness, and there are no other resources for recovery, a special ritual can be performed to help solve this problem.

Use a transparent glass filled exclusively clean water, on it, with the help of visualization, they draw the Uruz rune, while helping themselves with the thumb and forefinger. While the hand draws the rune, it is required to imagine how the rune lights up in a fiery red color while charging a glass of water in the same way.

Such an image must be held in thought for at least a minute. Then water should be drunk. Water even gives off a little metal, which indicates the success of the ritual.

Since Uruz is often closely associated with the physical plane, it will also be most effectively applied in spiritual development.

If a person wants to constantly feel the effect of Uruz on himself, recharges from it all the time, it is also worth activating the talisman of the Uruz rune. They make such a talisman from wood or metal, carve it on a stone - the main thing is that it be natural.

After that, an image of a rune is applied to it, preferably red, because in this case, the talisman is dedicated to the power of fire. After manufacturing - the amulet must be activated. As in the ritual with water, imagine how the rune is charged with red light and focus on this state. The talisman is ready!

Each person has a great potential hidden from the eyes, therefore he is capable of great deeds. What you have conceived, everything that you intended to do and what you aspired to achieve deserves respect. Therefore, fate will definitely find a way for their implementation. You will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient. But the end result is definitely worth it.

Uruz rune in translation means "strength". Even in ancient times, this rune was respectfully treated as a Deity, and its magical essence was feared. The symbol contains both male and female energy at the same time. Therefore, for men, it brings power and confidence, and for women, mystery and beauty.

The meaning of Uruz astrology is very diverse. Appears so different natural phenomena: hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, tsunamis. The description and interpretation was given by many people, but everyone unequivocally agrees that it symbolizes strength, maturity and change.

Strong, powerful energy is able to charge any person for further actions that strengthen the spirit.

Not everyone is positive about change, and not everyone is ready to just go with the flow. The power of this sign is so great that if something in your life needs to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. It often happens that you are acting incorrectly, have chosen the wrong path, and that is why everything around you is collapsing.


In divination, it symbolizes a new stream of powerful energy. You will find perseverance, perseverance and victory, despite great difficulties.

Talks about the following:

  1. In the period of six months waiting for a profitable job offer. Your career will go uphill, a promising position awaits you.
  2. Diseases will not be a huge obstacle in achieving the intended.
  3. You have a hidden potential that needs to be developed.
  4. Expect an unpleasant situation that you will still come out with your head held high.
  5. Use your makings for more.

Upside down

As a rule, the sign carries a negative designation. It means that a person is not advancing, that is, frozen in place. Problems and past experiences do not allow him to move forward, so you need to change your outlook on life. Also symbolizes:

  1. Failures, and big troubles.
  2. Dependence bad habits which leads to self-destruction.
  3. A barrier that is difficult to overcome: psychological, moral or any other.
  4. Depression that is difficult to overcome.
  5. Loss of energy to advance.
  6. Change for the worse, ordeal.
  7. Immediate contact with medical institution. Pathological manifestations are possible.

In business and work

In terms of career and work in general, this is a good result. It is likely that career advancement awaits, but this can only be achieved if efforts are made.

The Uruz rune has the same meaning if it appears in combination with other symbols. The following options will be interesting:

  • In combination with Fehu or Otala, it speaks of financial gain. If the signs are reversed, then you need to be very vigilant and not miss your chance.
  • Together with Evraz, the interpretation is not very positive. He talks about circumstances that can interfere with career advancement and good earnings. Including they may warn of a great risk, so it would be better if you have a partner, and you will not decide things on your own.

The inverted option indicates a lack of desire to move on.

There is a high probability that you will miss an opportunity that occurs only once in a lifetime. The advice would be to find a companion - a professional in his field.

In love

In love and relationships, the deepest context is seen. More often

rune Uruz in a relationship means deep feelings that can turn your outlook on life.

It also encourages action. Forcing to conquer the person you like.

There are combinations that have an extended interpretation in love:

  • Together with Tayvaz. They need to be carefully considered and remembered. With this alignment, you should not be afraid of rivals, because your potential is much higher and more significant.
  • C Berkana advises women to use their charm and female cunning, thanks to which you can save love.

Runa Uruz in a relationship calls to get rid of the burden that you pull. After all, partners are not always ideal, sometimes the person in whom you do not have a soul is simply not suitable for you. It is best to free your heart for the new, the unknown and the mysterious.

An inverted Uruz indicates that the person next to him is a sissy who has serious psychological problems.

At home

Interaction with others is important for everyone, and it is this rune that allows you to maintain and not break any ties. Life's difficulties fade into the background or completely disappear from life. Those who love nature often go to the forest, the mountains are undoubtedly influenced by this symbol. This rune is a real assistant to scientists, thanks to it new discoveries in science often occur.

Health impact

Thanks to the Uruz rune, positive changes in health occur:

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • The work of all body systems is harmonized.
  • Physical intuition appears. A person begins to understand when he needs to drink or eat, and when he should not.
  • Increases vitality and energy.

Where apply

In magic, the rune is used for:

  • Strengthening health and treating terrible ailments.
  • Restoring relationships with people.
  • Attracting good luck and success in life. Opening up new perspectives.
  • The emergence of the proper environment, and new circumstances that will lead to the disclosure of opportunities.

In traditional magic, not only the rune is used, but also the symbol itself. Amulets, talismans and amulets take on a special meaning, which gives the owner strength and endurance.

The strongest impact will be if such a sign is applied in the form of a tattoo. But before you do this, you need to consider what impact such an act will have on life.

The name of this rune comes from the word URUZ of the Old Norse alphabet and means "primitive bull" in translation. It is depicted as the inverted horns of a bull, bent down. One of the most powerful energy runes, carries the power of the primordial flow of energy.

The rune URUZ (Urus, Uruz) is in second place in the German runic series of the Elder Futhark, associated with the god of thunder, the son of the earth - Thor. Carries an elemental stream of fire directed at the Earth. The symbolic color of this rune is green.

The direct position of the rune Uruz

Basic meaning

She embodies the indomitable strength, the powerful energy of life, the flow of fighting inspiration. Striving for inevitable, irreversible change. The rune combines two contradictory beginnings of Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine. As a result of this merger, there are changes in the physical and subtle worlds which means the transition from the old to the new. Runa Uruz is a symbol of harmony and integrity.

According to its magical properties, this is a very strong rune. Her description says that he adds energy and inner strength. Helps to cope with ailments and defeat them.

In the upright position, the Uruz rune means that the time has come for new beginnings and changes for the better, although this requires perseverance and willpower. Next to positive runes, it carries a positive meaning and good luck in love relationships. Do not be afraid of unexpected changes, everything happens as it should be.

Variations of the correct spelling of the rune

Love and relationships

The layout of the relationship rune Uruz in a straight position symbolizes unbridled strength and sexuality. She carries male energy, an excess of feelings and strong temperament. This may overwhelm your partner. It is worth thinking about this and trying to pacify the raging energy.

If you have any doubts about the feelings of a loved one, then here you should not doubt and not trust your partner. Next to you is a reliable, sincere and devoted person who is ready to change your life for the better. Perhaps an important event in your life will happen (engagement, marriage, etc.).

If you have friendly relations and you want to change them to closer ones, then Runa Uruz suggests that nothing is impossible, everything is in your hands, you just have to make enough efforts and the desire will come true.

If coldness reigns in your relationship and your feelings have faded Runa Uruz indicates that it is time to let go of such a relationship, free yourself from old obligations and take a step towards a new one.

Work and career

In the upright position, the interpretation of the rune carries a positive meaning. Helps to be successful at work. It indicates that the time has come to change something in your life, to get rid of dissatisfaction. You need to throw off the shackles that prevent you from being realized. Runa Uruz will give you the vitality you need. It means the end of any action and the beginning of a new stage in development, the desire for new opportunities, career growth.

Rune Tip: If the Force has entered your life, then change is inevitable and you should not resist it. The movement of the Force does not tolerate stagnation. Do not stop, do not interfere with the movement, apply your inner strength and then you will come to victory and success.

The inverted position of the rune Uruz

Basic meaning

Inverted Runa Uruz means weak will, lack of desires and aspirations, fear of difficulties that have arisen as a result of stagnation in relationships, unused opportunities, loss of faith in success.

Disappointment and depression. May mean dependence on bad habits (alcohol, smoking), sexual and psychological problems in relationships.

Love and relationships

The inverted position of the Uruz rune means stagnation in relationships, lack of new impressions and, as a rule, cooling of feelings. It can talk about painful dependence on another person, low self-esteem.

When dealt with a man, the rune indicates that a weak-willed, spineless person is next to you, unable to take responsible and serious steps in a relationship. Do not waste time and part friends.

Work and career

In an inverted position, it indicates that the situation at work has come to a standstill. Nothing depends on you, and you cannot influence it. In material terms, there may be financial losses.

There is a chance to miss the chance to realize their professional opportunities. In order to change something, it is worth listening to the advice of a close friend or work colleagues.

Tip Runes Uruz upside down: an imbalance has arisen in your life between your inner world and the environment. It is necessary to understand yourself, to find out the cause of this conflict, to analyze the current situation.

You need to save your spiritual strength, otherwise it can lead to nervous strain and stress. It is important to stop in time and hear the received alarm and warnings. Do everything possible to keep the situation under control and change it for the better.

The magical use of the Uruz rune

The rune Uruz has great magical energy, so it must be used very carefully. Uruz carries the strength and power of Mother Earth. She is able to destroy any obstacles that have arisen in her path. This magical rune is suitable for those who need a change in the situation, but do not have the spiritual strength for this, who want to get the desired result in a short time.

It is also used in love magic, to revive fading feelings, to attract the opposite sex. For men, this stipulation adds masculinity and physical strength, and for women it gives sexuality and attractiveness.

This rune has a strong healing energy, it is often used to heal the sick with serious illnesses. It helps to restore lost strength and improve health.

Runic talismans and amulets

Amulets are usually made on small wooden bowls or small stones. They are applied images of the selected rune, and then activate it with the help of a magical ritual. For success in love affairs, they sew a pouch of green fabric on any Friday, put an amulet with the image of the Uruz rune there. Recovery family relations you need to embroider the Uruz rune on the pillowcase with green threads on any Friday.

To achieve certain goals, sometimes images of runes are applied to the body in the form of tattoos. Contrary to popular belief, runic tattoos can be applied. Only at first you need to find out about its safety, so as not to harm and cope with the energy sweat of this rune. Many runes of Scandinavian origin have a different meaning, usually the opposite, occurring upside down. This should be taken into account when applying to areas of the body to avoid negative effects.

Uruz symbol tattoo promotes new beginnings, moving forward and upward. In combination with other runes, the impact of the Uruz power increases. A tattoo with the Uruz rune is applied on the arm, fingers, wrists, as well as on large areas of the body, on the back on the left side. The rune is applied to the body in a certain state of harmony of soul and body, in the absence of aggression and anger. You need to clearly know why and for what purpose this rune is applied. A person changes over the years, his life position, views, the world around him changes. Experienced people do not recommend tattooing on the body.

Formulas with the rune Uruz

  1. DAGAZ-FEKHU-URUZ-ODALA. It means the end of the previous stage and the beginning of a new one, an increase in the well-being of the family, successful career, change for the better.
  2. FEHU-URUZ-OTALA-DAGAZ. The formula is similar to the previous one. It is used when reaching the next stage is difficult or impossible, then this runescript helps to complete what has been started with maximum success.
  3. TEYVAZ-URUZ-GEBO-DAGAZ. Works well in business, and on the other hand, ensures success in love. Has dual uses.
  4. KENAZ-URUZ-INGUZ. Helps with health problems, in the absence of strength, physical exhaustion.
  5. URUZ-NAUTIZ-BERKANA. It helps to protect oneself from intrigues, magical influences and from severe psychological pressure.
  6. ANSUZ-URUZ-YERA-ANSUZ. Attracts good luck and happiness. Consists of 4 magic words.
  7. LAGUZ-ANSUZ-URUZ-KENAZ-ANSUZ-ALGIZ. Translated as "wild onion" in ancient times was considered a plant with magical powers. Brings protection to the wearer.
  8. TEYVAZ-SOULU-URUZ. The amulet brings its owner strength and energy. Helps to overcome the crisis and achieve victory.
  9. GEBO-URUZ-DAGAZ. An ancient magic word for the preservation of male power. Brings success on the love front.
  10. ANSUZ-LAGUZ-URUZ. Means magical power and power. It plays the role of a protective spell, helps in love, enhances other formulas.

List of all Scandinavian runes:

Uruz is the second rune of the Scandinavian Futhark. What is the rune Uruz? What is the meaning (interpretation) of the direct and inverted runes in divination for love and relationships, how to learn to meditate on Uruz, how to draw (write) or apply the rune on the body correctly, how to activate and practically apply its potential. The essence of the 2nd rune personifies the life force, it is the densified energy of the Earth, thanks to which we can exist in physical reality and have good health.

German name: Uruz (Uruz)
Anglo-Saxon name: Ur (Ur)
Old Norse name: Ur (Ur)
Phonetic match: U (U)

The wise man must carefully show his strength; He who fought often will be convinced that there are also the strongest. (64) (Elder Edda. Speeches of the High One)

Traditional fit:

  • primeval bull;
  • Taurus;
  • earth energy;
  • instinct;
  • natural manifestations (storm, hurricane, heavy rain)


  • the child grows up;
  • a person gains weight;
  • the male sexual organ is excited;
  • hairline increases in volume;
  • a girl puts on a magnificent dress;
  • when contracted, the muscle fills with blood;
  • the tree grows;
  • in spring, the buds swell;
  • the gap deepens;
  • clouds connecting, create a thundercloud;
  • the gauze creeps along the canyon;
  • due to heat treatment, rice increases in size;
  • the fire starts to burn with the help of special means;

Description of the rune Uruz straight (wild bull):

The very first meaning of the Uruz rune is the achievement of a new form (image). The energy quality of the rune is a flow from Mars to Earth. This rune is an inclusion in the egregor of Mars. It represents the impermanence of things - everything has its end and beginning. The beginning of a new one always follows at the end of the previous one. The completion of any action or process always serves as the opening of new opportunities and perspectives. Since the movement of the Uruz force and stagnation are incompatible. The power is always in motion. By creating barriers in the movement of the Force, we thereby create a stupor in development. You need to understand that at the end of any period, a pleasant moment in life, the beginning of new opportunities is born that will bring a lot of pleasure, development, and career growth. The main thing is to support the movement of the Uruz force. Do not succumb to sadness in moments of transition from the end to the creation of a new one.

The energy of the Uruz rune is Yang potential, an involuntary flow of energy that emerges and manifests all its power in a specific image. In the Uruz rune, the primordial energy of the Earth is imprisoned - a great desire to exist, the shaping energy of nature, which tends to stay alive, in any situations, and despite all attempts to destroy it and wipe it off the face of the Earth. Wearing out old forms, it transforms into new structures. This makes us understand that the energy of Uruz is an invincible, brute, unpretentious and extremely powerful force.

The results of the creation of the Uruz rune are:

  • success;
  • health;
  • excellent mood;
  • the right attitude towards life;
  • unexpected, inevitable changes in a positive perspective;
  • high risk, high returns.

Rune Uruz symbolizes:

  • courage;
  • feminine and masculine;
  • vitality;
  • perseverance;
  • endurance;
  • resilience and ability to adapt to changing conditions;
  • self-control;
  • moderation;
  • birth;
  • a reserve of a new order arising out of disorder.

Uruz Rune Council– do not keep your usual form and let the Force create a new image for subsequent manifestation.

On a higher plane, Uruz expresses the energy of healing - the procedure for reviving the physical body and restoring strength.

In the world around us, the power of Uruz manifests itself in the very bloom of spring, when a surge of strength is felt, which portends a new stage of development. The energy of the Uruz rune is expressed during the period when the kidneys swell and are almost ready to open up - to turn into the fruits of the creation of nature. At such moments, they release and make clear and feel the power of Uruz in young foliage.

With the help of the Uruz rune, you can very easily and quickly renew your strength and internal energy.

The meaning of the inverted rune Uruz

Depression, disinterestedly squandered power, or “imprisoned” the power in themselves, afraid of change - thereby depriving it of movement.

The main theses of the reverse rune Uruz:

  • weak willpower;
  • ailment;
  • uncontrollability of their actions;
  • disappointment;
  • weakness in the usual life cycle;
  • waste of internal reserves;
  • unused opportunities;
  • loss of sight of success;
  • lost opportunities.

To determine where you lied to yourself, and why you have a flight of Force through the formed crack in the etheric body. To do this, you need to analyze your state and the relationship of your inner and outer worlds. In order to determine what is the cause of this crack. Reconsider your attitude. Communicate with your body without any deception. Finding out the situation, realizing where you let the Force go. A clear understanding of where you really need to let it go so that it benefits and works for your well-being.

It is necessary to catch and immediately decipher alarm signals on the go in order to root out the irrational depletion of energy and strength of Uruz.

Tips rune Uruz (upside down):

  • choose the right outcome for events;
  • kill the stereotypes of your thinking;
  • seek to understand what you do not want to understand at all.

The good news is that by understanding red flags in a timely manner, huge setbacks and disappointments are often bypassed.

It is not known, based on what motives, but the force does not want to follow your needs and desires. Surely in the near future you are in wait, or maybe you have already overtaken, disappointments and defeats:

  • On the material board, this is a huge loss;
  • at the emphatic level - weakness.

They can be both serious and minor. It all depends on your self-control.

The inverted rune Uruz directly speaks of a strong addiction:

  • bad habits (use of drugs, alcohol);
  • vice;
  • financial dependence on someone;
  • sexual dependence on a particular partner;
  • Problems in sex with a loved one.

Everything that surrounds us in the outer world is a mirror of inner being. To overcome the confrontation of the external world, it is necessary, first of all, to deal with oneself. Find harmony within yourself and then the world adjust to you.

When an individual constantly competes with himself, then he will be surrounded by fickle people who, at the most crucial moment, will simply ruin the whole situation with their inconsistency.

Set a goal for your inner strength to cooperate with you and help in all situations. To do this, you need to study your inner personality well.

Uruz in love and relationships

The rune improves intuitive thinking and increases one's own sexuality, making a person more attractive to the opposite sex.

This rune will not heal the heartache associated with the breakup of a relationship or the loss of a loved one, but it will help you find and build new relationships.

When a person's problem is related to another person, don't jump to conclusions. If Vasya does not like Masha, then the problem should not be solved only by forcing Vasya to love Masha. As a rule, Vasya is karmically called to "educate" Masha. After karmic cleansing, Masha, as a rule, ceases to be interested in Vasya ...

Using an amulet with the Urus

Wearing an amulet helps to more clearly tune into the energy of Lv. Such a person acquires the properties of a wearable rune: this is the “stubbornness of a bull”, an increase in body endurance, and the disclosure of physiological potential. It is advisable to make an amulet with your own hands.

How to draw a rune

To properly apply the rune, you need to concentrate on the runic sign and enter a meditative state of consciousness. Uruz must be written in one motion without taking your hands off, starting from the lower left corner.

Combinations with other runes

Element Ur - earth, in combination with:

  • Fehu (fire): small rewards
  • Turizas (fire): stopping activity
  • Ansuz (air): help from above
  • Raidō (fire): a fateful journey
  • Kano (fire): ?
  • Gebo (air): good partnership
  • Vunyo (ground): ?
  • Hagalaz (water): health problems
  • Nautiz (fire): ?
  • Isa (air + water?): depression
  • Jera (time): being late
  • Eyvaz (water): difficult circumstances
  • Perth (Water): Burden
  • Algiz (fire): recovery, outside help
  • Soulu (fire): working off karma
  • Teyvaz (fire): victory in a physical competition
  • Berkana (earth): attracting a partner for procreation
  • Evaz (air): movement towards the goal
  • Mannaz (fire): ?
  • Laguz (water): success in a new business
  • Inguz (earth): longevity
  • Dagaz (time): mentoring
  • Otila (earth): rupture of ties, the beginning of a new stage
  • Wyrd (?): old age, wilting, degradation,

Rune formulas

  • Dagaz-Fehu-Uruz-Othala. Beginning of a new cycle. Increasing the productivity (efficiency) of labor for the benefit of your family. Decrease in external resistance, reality becomes more malleable to your intention.
  • Tiwaz-Uruz-Gebo-Dagaz. Achievement of the goal in business, love success for both men and women.
  • Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz. Improving health, replenishing strength, opening a "second wind"

Meditation on Uruz

For runic meditation on Uruz, choose a quiet place, preferably in nature. Create an intention, i.e. clearly formulate your thought form, what do you really want? . Having reached the desired state of consciousness, close your eyes and try to clearly imagine Uruz in front of you. Concentrate on the image of the rune. Stay in this state for as long as you need. Open your eyes and take a Exit.

Rune practice

Uruz is the power of the Martian egregor. Force field. Primal fire. Eternity. Reincarnation. Doctoring. Knowing yourself.

This Rune contains the Force of the Martian Egregor. The symbol contains the original energy of the Big Bang of the Universe.

Thus, in this Rune the past time is concluded. The consciousness of a person tuned to this Rune is shifted back in time. When working with this Rune, a person recalls past lives. By moving back in time, a person can restore his health. Human consciousness, shifted back in time, returns to the primary incarnation and primary consciousness.

Pose Description

The magician who creates the Rune is in a low posture with crossed legs. The body is straight. Hands at chest level. Energy goes from feet to hands.

Description of Mantra

Mantra - Yuss. The sound of this Mantra activates the formation of a protective field bubble. The Magician's Consciousness tunes in with the relict radiation of the Universe and begins to slide in reverse time.

Gesture Description

The right hand of the magician creates a Rune Gesture. The fist is clenched. The thumb and little finger are pointed forward.


Heals the body, gives protection and evokes memories of the past.


The deity of this Rune is the Mind of the planet Mars.



Based on materials: B. Monosov "Magic of Runes"

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Runa Uruz is one of the most powerful runes. She is "charged" with a powerful flow of energy. A person who uses Uruz receives a lot of strength and opportunities to realize his goals.

Photo runes Uruz:

By the way!
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  • Uruz is pure energy. Not a single action in the world can occur without energy - they depend on it. human life health, relationships, professional activity and everything else. Therefore, Uruz is a lifesaver for people who are not able to fill up with energy, accept and give it away.
  • The symbol is considered a very strong and powerful energy rune, which literally "charges" a person, makes him incredibly active, active, striving for progress. In ancient times, people revered this runic symbol very much, but they were also afraid.
  • Uruz is the unification of the male and female principles, the merging of opposites, yin and yang. Remarkably, it helps a woman become more feminine, a man more masculine.
  • Helps to correct the gender imbalance in couples when the responsibilities of husband and wife are mixed up. For example, the wife provides for the family, and the husband stays at home and brings up the children. In such a situation, there is no energy exchange, because none of the pair performs its functions, but only takes on strangers.
  • It helps to improve health, both physical and mental. IN magical rituals It is used for the speedy recovery of the patient, recuperation after a major operation, injury. Moreover, the rune does not affect the physical shell of a person - it harmonizes his inner world, due to which the physical body is healed.

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Meaning in divination


Uruz is change, challenge, riot of energy, power, strength. In divination, Uruz most often means that a huge and very powerful flow of energy, circumstances, and opportunities has arisen in your life. And in which direction this flow will be directed - it depends only on you.

The time has come for dramatic changes, the transition from the old, regressive reality to a new, progressive and leading to success. Uruz is perseverance, perseverance, the desire to win, no matter what.

When in divination the rune Uruz falls in a straight position, its meanings are as follows:

  • In the near future, the fortuneteller will receive excellent opportunity for career growth
  • Your health is strong enough, in the near future, diseases will not interfere with the planned activities.
  • You have great potential that will lead you to success if you develop it
  • Some difficult, unfavorable situation will soon arise, but you will have enough strength and energy to get out of it without loss.
  • You have all the makings to achieve great success in life. But it is up to you whether you can use your abilities

Tip for the loss of the rune Uruz in the upright position: it's time to let go of the past. Do not hold on to familiar things, people, work - let go. Life gives you a chance to succeed and stop treading water in one place. Changes are coming, and if you open up to them, you will radically change your life for the better.

Upside down

As a rule, in an inverted position, any rune acquires a negative meaning. If Uruz fell out, this may indicate that the person is "frozen" in place and cannot move forward due to the burden of past circumstances. He needs to change his worldview, get rid of the attitudes that limit progress and the programs embedded in the subconscious.

Uruz in a negative sense is disappointments and failures, dependence on bad habits and vices, material dependence or a huge, drug addict craving for another person who is indifferent to you. This is everything that pulls you down and prevents you from moving forward. What you need to get rid of so as not to destroy your personality.

Very often, an inverted Uruz falls out at a time when a person, due to a huge burden of problems and failures, is on the verge - ready to abandon his plans, a little more - and not far from depression. At this point, it is important to explain to him that there is a way out, and with the right actions, things will go smoothly.

In an inverted position, the meaning of the Uruz rune is as follows:

  • In the near future, in some difficult situation, you will not be able to find enough strength in yourself to overcome difficulties.
  • Changes for the worse are coming - prepare for the blows of fate
  • Your health is at stake - treat it especially carefully in this period of life
  • There will be many obstacles on the way to the intended goals.

Advice for Uruz in an inverted position: It is time for a deep analysis of the current situation in which you feel uncomfortable. Now your inner self is in conflict with outside world, that's why you feel so bad. Understand yourself, don't solve problems. As soon as there is harmony inside, everything will change for the better and outside.

The use of the Uruz rune in magic

In the occult, the Uruz rune is used for the following purposes:

  • To improve health or cure the sick
  • To restore and consolidate friendships or love relationships
  • To bring to life good luck, luck, new opportunities and prospects
  • In order for a favorable environment to arise in life, new circumstances have appeared in which you can reach your full potential.

Rune Uruz can be used in all kinds of magical rituals, divination. Amulets, amulets and talismans with the image of a rune have a powerful energy that "charges" the owner of the amulet with vitality.

Also, runes are often used for tattoos - it is believed that in this way the rune affects a person most strongly. Uruz, in principle, is suitable for this purpose, but be extremely careful and think carefully - the influence of the symbol will be very great.

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