Folk remedies for nails at home. Strengthening nails at home

Women's hands are always visible - that is why it is so important to take care of their beauty and youth. Of course, first of all, this is a manicure, but what if the nails are so thin and prone to splitting that even with the help of professional tools and cosmetics it is impossible to give them the correct shape and attractive appearance? How to restore health and strengthen nails at home? We will talk about this in this article.

Traditional recipes for strengthening nails

  • One of the best means to strengthen nails - nourishing baths. Procedures of this type can be carried out as preparatory procedures before a manicure, or as independent therapy. Baths with sea salt nourish the skin best. You can buy it at the pharmacy; cosmetic bath salts are also suitable. Salt added at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 250 ml. To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice, a few drops of iodine or liquid vitamins. The water should be pleasantly warm; you can take the bath until it cools completely. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hands with clean warm water.

  • An excellent remedy for strengthening nails is decoctions and infusions of herbs. You can brew any mixture, but chamomile and burdock are the best to solve the problem of fragility. For the bath, prepare 200 ml of a strongly brewed herbal mixture. It is infused for several hours, after which it is diluted hot water to a suitable temperature and perform the procedure. You can also add herbs to boiling water and boil for several minutes, then leave to infuse.

  • For dry, slow-growing nails, baths made from vegetable oils are suitable. The most effective is considered to be olive oil, to which, if desired, you can add a few drops of essential or lemon juice(at the rate of 1 tablespoon of juice per 5 tablespoons of oil). Sandalwood and tea tree oil have a very good effect on nail health. You can add a little honey to the oil bath. The main requirement for the procedure is that the nails should be immersed in warm oil and after the session, remove the oil with paper napkins, do not wash it off. The procedure will give the best effect if done at night.

  • You can strengthen your nails at home using natural juices. It is best to use a mixture of unsweetened berries. The following vegetables are also suitable - beets, radishes, radishes. Dip the tips of your nails into the squeezed juice and hold for 15 minutes. Be careful, the natural dye can be absorbed into the skin; therefore, fresh juice baths are not recommended on the eve of important events.

Cosmetics for strengthening nails

If your nails grow slowly and are very flaky, you can always get extensions. This is a tempting way to instantly become the owner of a chic, low-maintenance manicure, but let's remember the downsides. Both gel and acrylic make it difficult for nutrients and oxygen to reach the nail plate. In addition, no matter how careful your master is, severe mechanical damage to the nail occurs during extensions and corrections.

The most important thing to start with and what helps strengthen nails at home best is your diet. The diet should be balanced, preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, dairy products and lean meat. If you have serious problems with your nails, try starting to take a vitamin complex. You shouldn’t grab the most expensive and fashionable ones; complexes like COMPLIVIT or ALPHABET are quite enough.

Beautiful and healthy nails are easy - don’t forget about regular nutrition and care, as well as timely protection. We hope that the above tips will help you, and very soon you will become the owner of beautiful and healthy nails.

How to strengthen your nails at home? What products should I use to prevent my nails from peeling and breaking? If you are asking these questions and want to strengthen your nails at no extra cost and at home - this is the place for you!

Hello, friends, Svetlana Morozova is with you. Remember the commercial where the girl used her fingernail to open a tin can? Unfortunately, more and more the opposite is happening: you can’t even close the zipper, and your nail immediately breaks.

Friends, read the article further, there will be a lot of interesting things in it! And those who want to: restore their health, get rid of chronic ailments, start feeding themselves properly and much more, starting with today, go to this one and get FREE video lessons from which you will learn:
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  • Why do you need protein?
  • Causes of cancer cells.
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  • Causes of sclerosis.
  • Is there an ideal protein for humans?
  • Is vegetarianism acceptable?

Tired of brittle, dull, peeling nails? The problem is solved quite simply, and today I will tell you how. Proven and effective recipes, analysis of the causes of weak nails, tips for nail care - read this and much more further in the article.

Why do marigolds lose their strength?

It is a mistake to think that nails are just a layer of keratinized cells that were once skin. Nail plates are a whole structure that requires care and nutrition.

And the first thing you need to strengthen them is to eliminate the reasons that deprive the nail of vitality:

  • and minerals from food. What the health of our nails depends on: calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, vitamins A, D, E and C. Nails especially begin to deteriorate if you are on an unbalanced strict diet.
  • Illiterate nail care. Nail plates are injured if you hold the file incorrectly (or use it too hard), treat your nails with incorrect movements (back and forth, not in one direction), use low-quality varnishes and care products, or neglect folk remedies(masks, baths, oils, etc.).
  • Aggressive environment. Firstly, these are such household “little things” as cleaning the bathtub or washing the floor with various chemicals, but without special gloves. Secondly, occupational hazards: hands are often in heat (cold), humid environment, dry air or, again, in contact with chemicals.
  • Love for false nails and gel polish. Such a manicure degreases the nails, blocks the access of oxygen to them, and is then removed with acetone and mechanical action on the upper layers of the nail plate. Therefore, after gel polish (or shellac - it’s the same thing), they dry out, become thinner and require special care.
  • Bad habits. Habitual intoxications such as smoking or alcohol abuse - of course. But nothing spoils your nails more than the habit of biting them and constantly picking them. And of course, a painful passion for sweets: excess sugar prevents calcium from being absorbed normally.

If you notice a couple of “sins” from the list, you need to do something urgently.

To be fair, I will say that not all causes of bad nails can be radically changed. For example, if you genetically have little cysteine, you will have to constantly strengthen your nails and hair. Or if you have any chronic digestive disorders, etc.

In autumn-winter, nail plates also become thinner due to hypovitaminosis and frequent cold. What you can do to help yourself here is to monitor your diet more carefully and nourish your skin and nails in every possible way.

How to strengthen nails at home: directions of struggle

So, how do we save our marigolds:


What foods are especially useful for the growth of a healthy and strong nail plate:

  • all kinds of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, bran, wheat sprouts;
  • legumes and grains;
  • greens and vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, peppers, potatoes, beets, onions);
  • lean protein - meat, fish, caviar, seafood, cheese, cottage cheese.

Avoid starvation diets and be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes in winter and spring.

Care and protection

If you do your own manicure, you need to follow several rules:

  • Choose a soft file, ideally glass. Metal ones are the most aggressive;
  • File the nail with strokes strictly in one direction, moving from the corners to the edge. No “back and forth” - the nails will peel;
  • Steam your nails before manicure in a warm bath;
  • Carefully push back the cuticle, without putting unnecessary pressure on the base of the nail - this is its most sensitive part.

Don't forget about protection: be sure to wear rubber gloves when cleaning and doing housework, including routine washing of dishes. If you work in harmful conditions, apply cream daily, cover your nails with high-quality protective varnish, and cover your cuticles with a special nail oil.

And, of course, don't bite your nails. This bad habit not only spoils your nails, but also forces you to collect hordes of pathogenic microbes from under your nails into your mouth.

Additional care products

First of all, this is covering the nails with a wax mixture, biogel, special medicinal coatings and acrylic to strengthen the nail plate. It is better to apply gel in trusted nail salons, where you are sure that the master will be experienced and the material will be of high quality.

And, of course, strengthening nails at home. These are simple well-known recipes for strengthening baths and masks. And now we’ll talk about them in more detail.

Affordable care from the people

In fact, The best way quickly strengthen nails - use regularly traditional methods, perfectly strengthen nails and help accelerate their growth. Here is a list of the best.

Firming masksfor nails:

  • Lemon. We will need 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and a third of a teaspoon of salt. Mix (you can use a saucer) and apply to the nail plates with a brush. After half an hour, wash off the residue with warm water. And, by the way, in addition to strengthening, it also perfectly brightens nails and gives them shine.
  • Oily. In 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream, add 3 drops of rose and orange (grapefruit) oil. Apply the mixture, put on rubber gloves and leave for 3 hours.
  • Olive. You will need pure, unrefined olive oil. Rub a drop into each nail, cuticle and surrounding skin; after 15 minutes, blot the residue with a napkin.
  • Iodine. We take a cotton swab and draw a mesh on the nail plates with iodine. But only the mesh is an alcohol solution, it is important not to overdo it so as not to dry out the nails. No need to rinse off. After an hour, you can crush the Aevit capsule and rub it into your nails.
  • From berries. The simplest sour options are suitable: currants, cranberries. Crush about a dozen berries and apply berry puree for 10-15 minutes. Berry acid brightens, helps soften the cuticle and grow nails.


But the baths have one base: saline solution. It can be in its pure form, or you can add lemon or berry juice, various oils, a couple of drops of iodine.

How to do it: pour a glass of warm water into a bowl, dilute a tablespoon of salt in it and dip the nail phalanges of the fingers for 20 minutes. Afterwards, you don’t have to rinse it off, but simply pat your hands dry with a towel.

That, it seems, is all about how to strengthen your nails at home.

Take care of yourself and take proper care of yourself. Have strong nails!

Leave comments, share your recipes and experiences.


In this article we will tell you how to properly do a hygienic manicure. to improve the appearance of nails, and you will also learn how to strengthen nails at home using external means (baths, oils, ointments, medicated masks) and with additional vitamins and microelements to strengthen the nail structure. This material also contains tips for beginners that will allow you to protect from external factors and keep your nails intact, making them healthy and strong.

Tip 2

It is advisable to have a hygienic manicure at least once every few weeks. After the manicure, it is advisable to strengthen your nails with gel;

Tip 3

To thoroughly whiten and strengthen the nail plates on your hands, removing yellowness, treat your nails with a slice of lemon 2-3 times a week;

Tip 4

It is important to remember that acetone dries the nail plate very strongly, so get rid of nail polish using a high-quality liquid for this procedure that does not contain acetone;

Tip 5

If your fingernails are constantly splitting, it means there is a lack of calcium in your body. Take calcium in addition to your diet - preferably in oil and with the addition of vitamin D (so that calcium is better absorbed);

Tip 6

If your nail problem is chronic, be sure to take strengthening nail baths every day before bed;

Tip 7

When performing household work, be sure to wear special gloves on your hands to protect the skin of your hands and manicure.


How to strengthen your nail plate with a homemade bath. Video recipe:

A recipe for effectively strengthening nails in 7 days! Watch the video:

The secret to improving the condition of the nail plate and growing healthy nails. Video recipe:

Those with thin and brittle nails believe that a beautiful long manicure is not for them. But today there are many ways to strengthen the plate and make it more durable. And most importantly, after the procedure your nails look natural. Moreover, some materials are used for medicinal purposes.

Read in this article

Causes of deformation of the nail plate

Despite all modern methods, you should first find out the cause of brittle nails. Often, simply by eliminating these factors, you can significantly improve their health. The reasons why nails become brittle, thin and peeling can be internal or external in origin.

  • These include:
  • Heredity. One of my relatives also has thin nails.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Poisoning by toxins as a result of taking medications, illness, or being in a harmful environment. Unfavorable ecological situation
  • , impurities in drinking water.
  • Constant exposure to harsh chemicals, especially if it is work-related.
  • Use of poor quality varnishes.
  • Improper manicure.

Bad habits, unbalanced diet.

It is almost impossible to fight some factors, such as heredity and poor ecology. But others are completely fixable. side effect, like detachment. Nail coating is done as follows:

  • Before the procedure, fingers are disinfected. The first step is processing the cuticle. In order for the wounds to heal, this must be done a couple of days in advance.
  • Immediately before coating, you need to give the nail the desired shape. Then sand and level the surface. After this, the plate is degreased.
  • Apply biogel and let it dry in the lamp for 15 - 20 minutes. Repeat layers if necessary. In this case, the edge of the nail must be sealed.
  • Finally, apply topcoat and dry for two minutes. A special product removes stickiness, and the cuticle is treated with oil.


This method of strengthening nails is somewhat controversial. Of course, under gel polish they become stronger. But on the other hand, it has no therapeutic effect. Therefore, the result is present only while the nails are covered with varnish.

Also, girls often complain about the deterioration of the condition of the nail plate after removing the coating. This may be due to a violation of technology or the use of too aggressive a substance to remove gel polish. But one way or another, one should not hope for a lasting effect from such strengthening. This is not a medical, but an aesthetic procedure.

But you can strengthen your nails with special products that are applied under the varnish. For example, acrylic powder.

Acrylic Powder

This method of eliminating brittle nails is the simplest and most popular. Thanks to the powder, the wearing period of gel polish increases. In addition, acrylic is a more durable and strong material and is easy to use. Acrylic powder has the following advantages:

  • Makes the coating stronger.
  • It has a transparent color, so it does not affect the final result of the coating.
  • Makes the surface even and smooth.
  • Prevents the formation of cracks from injuries or aggressive environments.

Acrylic Powder

In addition to additional strengthening from gel polish coating, acrylic powder can be used independently to give nails hardness. However, you should not hope for a therapeutic effect. After removal, the nails will not become stronger and stronger.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Carrying out a regular hygienic manicure with treatment of the cuticle and removal of the shiny layer of the nail. The surface is degreased.
  2. The base coat is applied and dried in a lamp.
  3. Powder is applied to the nail with a fan brush and cured with ultraviolet light. If as a result it is not so even and smooth, then the plate needs to be sanded with a buff.
  4. The surface is covered with topcoat and dried in a lamp for a couple of minutes.

Over the course of 3-4 weeks, your nails will have a healthy shine and a presentable appearance.

To learn how to strengthen your nails with acrylic powder, watch this video:


For this procedure to produce positive effect, you should trust your fingers to professionals. The benefits of strengthening nails with gel are:

  • The manicure lasts for about a month. Nails have a well-groomed appearance and a beautiful shape.
  • The master, at the client’s request, can make either a plain or transparent coating, or apply a fantasy solution.
  • The correction procedure does not take much time.
  • The client has the opportunity to grow the length.
  • Thanks to the increased thickness of the nail, the likelihood of breaking it decreases.
  • If desired, you can give it any shape.

But when strengthening your nails with gel, you need to be more careful about your manicure. Namely: Avoid contact with household chemicals, keep your hands in hot water or under jets of air for too long.

Also, do not worry about the gel having a negative effect on your nails. On the contrary, after removal they begin to grow even faster and become stronger. And if you want to remove the gel it is very easy - you can cut it off.

Paraffin therapy

All of the above methods of strengthening have one significant drawback - they do not affect the further growth of healthy nails. The effect is observed only while the plate is covered with the composition. After removal or regrowth, as a rule, the nails have the same deplorable appearance.

Paraffin therapy allows you to strengthen nails at the stage of their growth, nourishing and saturating with vitamins, activating blood flow and improving the supply of useful substances. This procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home. Although it’s easier in the cabin, because wrapping the other with one hand is not so convenient.

During paraffin therapy, the nail plate is covered with several layers, in other words, it is sealed. The products used are rich in vitamins, microelements and minerals. Experts advise paraffin therapy if the nails are peeling, breaking and are very thin.

Nutrient layers are applied to the plate, then they are sanded. Cream and oil are applied to the cuticles, nails and hands and rubbed in with light massage movements. The result is stunning shine. The nutrients last for about a couple of weeks. By the way, there is no need to seal the layers with varnish.


In order for your nails to grow strong, it is important to review your manicure technology. It is best to avoid trimming and hard filing. In this case, European and Japanese are suitable, in which the cuticle is not cut off, but simply pushed back and treated with oil. It is also necessary to replace the rough metal file with a glass one.

Also, regular manicure is very important. It needs to be done at least once every couple of weeks. And removers should not contain acetone; varnish should be of high quality. You also need to use it not too often, giving your nails a rest. It is better to use medicinal varnishes as a base. And finally, when working with aggressive and toxic products, you need to wear gloves.

How to strengthen your toenails

As for toenails, they often suffer from brittleness. However, not all women pay due attention to pedicures. Although strengthening your toenails is very important. This helps, for example, prevent ingrown hairs.

To make your toenails healthy and strong, they use all the same methods - from oils to gels. However, experts still advise doing correction with varnish or gels in the summer, because the fingers are open and breathe. And thanks to well-groomed legs, a woman feels more confident. But it is important to understand that when strengthened with gel, the length does not increase, only the desired shape is given.

And in order for your nails to grow healthy, you should take baths with oils and sea salt once a week. This is a good way to relieve fatigue and swelling from the feet. And massage improves blood circulation and the supply of nutrients.

Thin and brittle nails can seriously ruin a girl's life. But don't despair. Modern technologies offer many solutions to the problem. Everyone can choose the most suitable option.

Useful video

To learn how to care for your nails, watch this video:

Two news for those with brittle nails: good and simply excellent. The good news is that the most fashionable manicure is short, rounded nails. This means you don’t have to worry about brittle nails and the need to carry a nail file with you everywhere. But even better is that you can strengthen your fingernails and not hide their brittleness, but get rid of it. Then your hands will look well-groomed and neat, no matter what trend prevails in fashion. Moreover, there are many opportunities to strengthen your fingernails and for every taste and budget: at home or in a beauty salon, quickly or thoroughly.

The best way to strengthen your fingernails in each specific case depends on the causes of brittleness and your capabilities. We tried to find out and select the most effective methods– and the choice is yours. Just keep in mind that a combination of several procedures is not always more effective than one, but suitable recipe. Overloading your nails with care is no less harmful than not caring for them enough. The optimal solution: regular and gentle support, which will both strengthen your fingernails and prevent them from returning to their previous weakened state.

Causes of brittle fingernails
Nails are the keratinized part of the epidermis designed to protect the fingertips and are therefore strong and hard by nature. Healthy nails should be strong and shiny, and certainly not brittle and brittle. If the nails peel, break off and crumble, it means that there is an external or internal reason that prevents them from developing normally and performing their main function. Analyze the state of your body and/or lifestyle to find out why your nails are peeling:
How to strengthen your fingernails?
Our congratulations if you have not discovered any of the above-mentioned causes of brittleness - you can only sincerely rejoice at the health of your nails! But most likely everyone will find one or more of their shortcomings on the list. And this is a reason to strengthen your fingernails, based on the information received:

  1. Nutrition. You need to balance your diet not only for the sake of a manicure - but you will immediately notice an improvement in the condition of your nails. To begin with, give up “empty” calories and useless foods: industrial sweets, fried in oil and too fatty foods, as well as excess salt, flavorings and preservatives. Fill the empty space in your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits (fiber, vitamins), lean meat and poultry (protein), fish and seafood (healthy fats). Drink clean water without gas. Take a multivitamin or mineral supplement twice a year after consulting with your doctor.
  2. Health. Brittle nails help to find the cause inside the body, your task is to get rid of the problem. An endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or gynecologist will help solve it. The branch of dermatology – onychology – deals with the diagnosis and treatment of nails.
  3. Environment does not give in to our desires, but we have the power to resist its harmful effects on the nails. In winter, do not go outside without warm mittens, and do cleaning, laundry and washing dishes only with household gloves. Protect your nails from cutting and piercing objects that can damage the base of the nail and its root.
  4. Bad habits Everyone knows: to stop biting your nails, call on your willpower and use special varnish coatings. Train yourself to regularly do hygienic manicures and compensate for traumatic work with a massage of your hands and fingers, which restores blood circulation.
But you can’t argue with genetics: if nature has given you weak nails, you’ll have to take extra care of them. Fortunately, this can be done in different ways, depending on desire, availability of time and financial capabilities.

Salon treatments to strengthen nails
The easiest way to quickly strengthen your fingernails is to contact a manicurist. Modern cosmetology has a wide range of products, from the simplest to the truly revolutionary:

  1. Wrapping nails with silk stickers. Gluing to the nail plate, these thin flaps completely merge with it and become invisible. A nail in such a “winding” cannot break. You can repair and strengthen all nails in this way (prevention) or one broken nail (repair).
  2. Paraffin therapy for nails consists of applying concentrated compounds that are absorbed into the nails and form an invisible protective film on their surface. This film is washed off over time, but the nail plate becomes stronger and looks healthier.
  3. Keratinization consists of two stages. At the first stage, the nails are polished and nourished with amino acid cocktails. On the second, they are covered with a protective film. The effectiveness of this method is high, but you will have to complete a full course of 5-7 procedures.
  4. Biogel It is applied over the nail plate in a thin layer and looks very natural. At the same time, thanks to ultraviolet sealing, this coating retains its strength and protects the nail from brittleness.
  5. Building up– a radical method of strengthening nails. Gel or acrylic nail extensions are very durable, but it is advisable to place them on a healthy nail base. Therefore, the method is suitable for those whose nails break after growing to a certain length. Everyone else will have to be treated first and then have their nails extended.
Nail treatment in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic is a correct, thorough, but not cheap approach to strengthening nails. It can be done from time to time or as urgently needed, and the rest of the time you can take care of the strength and health of your nails at home. With systematic self-care, intensive salon procedures may not be necessary.

Homemade recipes for strengthening nails
Traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of recipes that help strengthen fingernails at home. To begin with, just remember to keep your nails well-groomed and short by doing a hygienic manicure 1-2 times a week. After finishing your manicure, strengthen your nails by alternating the following methods:
To strengthen your fingernails at home, never file or cut them after washing your hands - wet nail plates are susceptible to mechanical damage. When you have a free moment, massage your hands with moisturizer, paying attention to your nail beds. Any vegetable oil is useful for strengthening nails, especially if you add vitamins A and E to it (they are sold in capsules in every pharmacy and are cheap). And, if you consider that an adult’s nail is completely renewed in approximately 6-7 months, then after six months of regular procedures you will be able to strengthen your fingernails and forget about their fragility.

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