Husbands of Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts. Arntgolts left her husband for antipenko Tatyana arntgolts and Grigory antipenko together last

The popular actress Tatyana Arntgolts, who divorced her husband Ivan Zhidkov at the beginning of the year, left her husband for a reason. They say that the artist was carried away by her colleague actor Grigory Antipenko.


Grigory Antipenko is famous main role in the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful". Then the actor started an affair with a colleague in the picture, Yulia Takshina, and soon they had two sons, and they also have a son from their first marriage. However, a few years ago, Antipenko and Takshina broke up. Now information has appeared that Grigory began to meet with Tatyana Arntgolts, with whom he plays in the same theatrical production. According to Express Newspaper, Antipenko played an important role in the Arntgolts divorce.

Allegedly, it was Grigory who pushed Tatyana to divorce, since he does not like lies and omissions. The publication cites the words of a certain Margarita Werner, a connoisseur of theatrical backstage: “Is it a secret for someone that Arntgolts and Antipenko are together? They have already decided to buy housing in Croatia. Takshina takes her children there every summer. Grisha and Tanya decided that it was more convenient to have their own than to invest in rent. For two, the couple has four children - three boys, Grigory and Tanya have a girl. Antipenko, I know, she really wants a daughter. I have no doubt that soon we will hear good news ... " Meanwhile, Tatyana Arntgolts and Grigory Antipenko themselves do not comment on rumors about their romance.

Recall that Tatyana Arntgolts filed an application for termination of relations with her husband, actor Ivan Zhidkov, on the eve of the New Year. Most likely, Arntgolts and Zhidkov divorced by mutual agreement and asked not to give them time to think. Ivan Zhidkov admitted that their family had broken up, and he and Tanya had been living separately for six months now. "Yes, Tatyana and I divorced six months ago, but we are now in excellent relations, remained friends. We communicate, raise our daughter Masha together and live happily on, each on his own ... It's just that the roads parted. It happens ... "- Zhidkov admitted in a recent interview.

Tatyana and Ivan are raising their daughter Masha. This year the girl will be five years old. Now the child equally spends time with both parents, each of them takes her with him on trips and travels. Tatyana Arntgolts secretly married at the end of 2008. She met Ivan Zhidkov shortly before the wedding. The girl never wanted a luxurious celebration with a magnificent dress. Therefore, their ceremony was very modest: the bride and groom were in jeans. The ceremony was attended by ten friends of the couple.

// Photo: Elena Rostunova / photo bank Lori

No wonder they say that twins have similar fates. Both married actors for the first time, both had daughters, problems in families appeared at about the same time - a year and a half ago. Only Olga and Vakhtang Beridze were able to save the family, and Tanya filed for divorce from Ivan Zhidkov and began to build relationships with her colleague Grigory Antipenko. This 2015 was a turning point in the personal life of the sisters.

point in relationship

Six months ago, Olga Arntgolts and Vakhtang Beridze parted ways. Two-year-old daughter Anna stayed with her mother. “I’m absolutely not sorry that they broke up,” the father of the sisters, Albert Arntgolts, shared with StarHit. “They have had communication difficulties for a long time. So it's all for the best. Of course, now the daughter is very worried. But she has us - a strong rear. Olya recently came to visit with her granddaughter. It’s a pity that it was only for a few days, but they managed to take a break from the hustle and bustle and gain strength.”

According to close friends, the reason for the separation of the spouses was hobbies on the side - the loving Beridze was often seen in the company of young companions. " Last months they were no longer a family, Vakhtang didn’t even really appear at home, ”Dmitry Severinov, a friend of the couple, told StarHit. - Gone is the romance that used to be. Love just passed, and both at the same time. A year and a half ago, they parted, but then they decided to try to save the family for the sake of their little daughter. But it did not work out ... Vakhtang could not give up parties, parties with friends. And Olya has the opposite - constant shooting, work, success. In the end, of course, it turned out that she earned more. And what kind of man likes that a woman provides a family. Yes, and a woman wants to be weak at least sometimes, but Olya simply did not have this opportunity. She tried to help her husband solve problems with work, but last years he had only one main role in the series, which was shown only in Ukraine.

On September 9, Arntgolts filed for divorce and division of property with the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow. Last Thursday, both spouses were called by a judge, and they confirmed the decision to dissolve the marriage. Olga intends to achieve the payment of alimony - a quarter of Beridze's income. After parting, his career went up - now he is filming in the series "Bunch of Grapes" for Channel One. And in the summer he began to earn extra money as a wedding host.

New romance

The relationship between Tatyana Arntgolts and Grigory Antipenko was short-lived. Recall that their romance began last year during the rehearsals of the play "Two on a swing." The actor moved to Tanya's apartment on Nizhegorodskaya Street in the southeast of Moscow, neighbors often saw him taking out the trash in a tracksuit, walking on the playground with Masha, Arntgolts' daughter. But, according to colleagues, the passion quickly passed, and the lovers broke up.

“They quickly realized that they made a mistake by confusing friendship with love,” says Anna Kovaleva, a colleague of the actors. - When they broke up, we immediately noticed it: for a couple of weeks they hardly spoke to each other, worked and went home. And then everything calmed down, and they began to get used to the new relationship status. Now they can even walk together, nothing personal - no hugs and touches, just friendship.

After parting, Antipenko moved to a bachelor odnushka in Solntsevo, Tatyana and her daughter also changed their place of residence - in April of this year, the actress acquired a two-room apartment of 63 square meters. m in an elite house near the center of the capital. Tatyana was not alone for long, now her beloved man is next to her, far from the world of cinema and show business. Arntgolts tries once again not to "shine" a new lover. “He is not jealous and completely trusts her, even lets her go on tour,” they say about Tatyana’s new lover at the Modern Enterprise Theater. “He often comes for her by car to the theater.”

The actress has already introduced her new chosen one to her parents. “They are very suitable for each other,” dad Albert Arntgolts told StarHit. - Tanya came to visit him several times already. I know that he quickly found mutual language with her daughter Masha. We are happy for our daughter."

The twin sisters Arntgolts, apparently, have entered an anti-marital period. , and her sister, 33-year-old Tatyana Arntgolts, meanwhile broke up with 40-year-old Grigory Antipenko.

In 2013, Tatyana Arntgolts broke off her marriage to Ivan Zhidkov after 5 years of marriage. And her partner in the play "Two on a Swing" Grigory Antipenko became her new lover.

According to people in the know, the couple became close during rehearsals for the production's numerous love scenes. They rehearsed and rehearsed, until they suddenly discovered that they were no longer playing. Which, however, facilitated further work on the stage - a real passion flared up, which did not have to be portrayed.

At one time they did not advertise their relationship. But then Antipenko and Arntgolts began to go out together in public.

However, in two years the couple managed to cool off towards each other.

“They quickly realized that they had made a mistake by confusing friendship with love. When they parted, we immediately noticed it: for a couple of weeks they hardly spoke to each other, worked and went home. And then everything calmed down, and they began to get used to the new relationship status. Now they can even walk together, nothing personal - no hugs and touches, just friendship, ”said Anna Kovaleva, a colleague of the actors.

Tatyana Arntgolts has already managed to find a new boyfriend. He's not in show business. With a new lover, Tatyana is already living together and making plans for the future. The actress even introduced the man to her parents, who really liked him. Tatyana's chosen one found a common language with her daughter from her first marriage, 4-year-old Masha.

As for Grigory Antipenko, nothing is known about his affairs on the personal front. But, presumably, such a prominent gentleman and promising groom also does not get bored and does not sit alone.

Recall that the actor lived for six years in a civil marriage with Yulia Takshina, with whom he starred together in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful. They have two sons - Fedya and Vanya.

Twin sisters Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts were born in a family of actors from Kaliningrad Albert Arntgolts and Valentina Galich. Parents named them after the Larin sisters from Eugene Onegin, hardly suggesting that the personal life of their daughters would be as difficult as that of the heroines of Pushkin's novel in verse. And although the sisters' search for their soul mates turned out to be tortuous, according to family tradition, the husbands of Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts are also associated with the stage.

Husbands of Tatyana Arntgolts

Tatyana Arntgolts, who is considered more active and successful than Olga, showed these qualities already in her youth, when friction began to arise between the sisters because of men. In the circle of the drama theater, the girls could still walk with the future actor Artem Tkachenko, and even both of them slept next to him in the hostel. However, later the sisters had to come to terms with the idea that each of them would have their own chosen one.

Tatyana Arntgolts' first notable romance is said to have happened with Anatoly Rudenko, a colleague on the TV series Simple Truths. Tatyana knew that her sister Olga liked the aspiring artist, which did not stop her from dating him.

Tatyana Arntgolts and Anatoly Rudenko

Tatyana Arntgolts and Ivan Zhidkov

A couple of years later, Tatyana Arntgolts met her future husband Ivan Zhidkov, a native of Sverdlovsk, who graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. At that time, he had already gained fame thanks to his roles in the series Storm Gates and the movie Kilometer Zero. The actors met by chance - thanks to mutual friends who came to meet Tatyana at the airport and took Ivan with them.

Tatyana Arntgolts and Ivan Zhidkov got married in the fall of 2008, and a year later their daughter Maria was born.

It is noteworthy that, being pregnant, Tatyana, paired with Maxim Stavinsky, participated in the TV show “ glacial period- 2". It is not known how Tatyana Arntgolts' husband reacted to the fact that his wife and Stavinsky were recognized as the "most romantic couple" of the project, but it can be assumed that he was very jealous. Zhidkov admitted that he did not like the way other men treat Tatyana, "even the audience."

On the basis of jealousy, quarrels often broke out between the spouses, during which Zhidkov threatened to divorce his wife. Their relationship ended in divorce in the summer of 2013 - however, Tatyana, not Ivan, filed documents with the court.

The ex-husband of Tatyana Arntgolts spends a lot of time with his daughter. He remained on friendly terms with his ex-wife.

Tatyana Arntgolts and Grigory Antipenko

After parting with Zhidkov, the actress found herself a new man - a partner in the production of "Two on a Swing" by Grigory Antipenko. The love scenes of the performance grew into a tender feeling. However, this civil union, which aroused considerable interest from the press and fans, did not last more than a year. Arntgolts and Antipenko broke up, realizing that they had "confused friendship with love."

Last romance and loneliness

Some fans suggested that the actor Sergei Peregudov became Tatyana's new chosen one, but she dispelled the rumors, saying that after Antipenko she found herself a man who was not connected with the world of art. The actress said that he is not jealous, takes her from the theater by car and willingly lets go on tour.

However, the personal life of Tatyana Arntgolts did not work out this time either. Some time ago, during an interview, she refused to answer questions regarding her relationships with men, as well as with ex-husband and daughter. And at the end of 2017, the actress admitted that she was left alone.

Tatyana is in no hurry to look for the second half among her colleagues in the profession. According to her, she resigned herself to the unpredictability of fate and strives to live according to the biblical commandments.

Husband of Olga Arntgolts

The personal life of Olga Arngolts is surprisingly similar to the fate of her sister. At the dawn of her career, she experienced an affair with Alexei Chadov, and in 2009 she married actor Vakhtang Beridze, with whom she played together in the play Khanuma. In this marriage, her daughter Anna was born, but the appearance of the child did not make Vakhtang an exemplary family man.

Divorce with Vakhtang Beridze

As the father of the twin sisters, Albert Arntgolts, told, Olga and her husband began to have “difficulties in communication”, which eventually led to a divorce in 2015. Friends of the acting couple told about the reasons for this situation. According to them, in the life of the spouses “love passed”, and Vakhtang began to prefer parties and gatherings with friends to his family. A man brought up in Caucasian traditions was also stung by the fact that Olga Arntgolts spent a lot of time on the set and earned more than him. Beridze himself in those days could boast of only a few roles. The accumulated disagreements ended with the fact that Olga Arntgolts's husband finally left the family, leaving his daughter to his ex-wife.

Subsequently, the actor refused to comment on his relationship with his ex-wife. Olga Arntgolts, on the other hand, stated that in her first marriage she “made a lot of mistakes”, but received “colossal experience”.

Olga Arntgolts and Dmitry Petrun

While still married, the actress took part in the filming of the series "Officers' Wives", with the director of which Dmitry Petrun she began an affair. Filming took place in Ukraine, which was engulfed in political unrest at the time. To protect the actress, the director spent a lot of time with her after work. It is noteworthy that earlier, in 2011, when Olga starred with Petrun in the TV series Pandora, their relationship was not so smooth, and the director's remarks sometimes brought the actress to tears. Because of the experiences, Arntgolts was even ready to quit her profession.

Despite the seven-year age difference, now Olga and Dmitry get along well with each other, and she appreciates “male wisdom” in him. Both love peace and are prone to romance. In addition, the actress admitted that Petrun looks like her father, he has the same green eyes. On December 21, 2016, the actress gave birth to Dmitry Petrun's son, who was named Akim.

It is noteworthy that due to financial difficulties, soon after the birth, Olga had to return to active work. The actress considers the birth of her son an "incredible adventure", which strengthened her and Dmitry's feelings for each other. The man said that now Olga will need to love her eldest daughter even more.

Attentive Grodno residents were somewhat surprised last week. On Friday, walking around the regional center… Grigory Antipenko and Tatyana Arntgolts, stars of Russian theater and cinema. In our city, they twice, on April 4 and 5, gave a non-repertory performance "Two on a swing." Therefore, before the second show, they managed to get to know Grodno better, accompanied by colleagues from the regional drama theater, to visit the puppet theater, the Holy Intercession Cathedral, the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, the gallery "At the Maistre". The guests were impressed by the tour. They talked about this and many other things in an interview with Grodzenskaya Pravdze.

Belarusian-Armenian blood
Did the weather ruin your mood?
Gregory: - What are you, we are not old people to respond to her whims (smiles). Pressure, thank God, no one jumps. Although walking on snowy porridge, of course, is not very pleasant.

: – It would be interesting to see your city on a sunny day.

– Is this your first time in Grodno?
Gregory and Tatiana: - Yes.

– During a recent tour in Yerevan, Gregory spoke about his Armenian roots. Maybe Belarusian blood flows in your veins?
Gregory: – I definitely have it. My father was born in a small village near Mogilev. It's actually my small home. Every summer I went to my grandmother, grazed cows, harvested hay. When strangers see my skills, they are amazed. I visit Mogilev region from time to time even now. There are no relatives left in the village, but the memory is alive in the soul. This summer, I’ll probably also drop in, I’ll bring my mother.

: – The only thing that connects me with Belarus is the work of my parents. I won't say in what year, but they came to your country on tour with the Kaliningrad Drama Theatre. I remember well stories from my childhood at home and about Grodno. It is possible that my mom and dad also performed on the stage of your drama theater.

- The play “Two on a swing”, in addition to the Russian one, has already been watched by Armenian, Israeli and Belarusian spectators. Is the perception different?
- Perhaps, it was the most difficult to perform in Israel.

Gregory:- I would not say that about the country as a whole. It's just that Jerusalem has a very difficult audience - religious, unemotional, hard to perceive humor. It is almost impossible to tell from the audience whether the audience likes the performance or not. The question involuntarily arises: why do they go to the theater at all? And in Tel Aviv, Haifa, we were received warmly. By the way, reception in Minsk and Grodno also differed somewhat. The inhabitants of the capital, whose theatrical life is richer, reacted more vividly to the performance.

On stage and in the hall
- Tatyana, you can often be seen on the screen, and Gregory has a diverse cinematic and theatrical life. Much to learn from him?
Tatiana: – Yes, I studied a lot and still study every performance. In general, I try to extract the maximum professional benefit from everything. We have a wonderful director Alexei Kiryushchenko, who is so attentive to the production that he comes to every show whenever possible, and then we discuss and analyze it for a long time. And the play is so inexhaustible that you can grow and grow in it.

: - The theater is good because it requires constant work of actors on themselves. Come back in a year and see a completely different performance.

– Will you come to us in a year?
Gregory: – If you are invited, we will definitely come. “Two on a swing” was brought to Minsk for the second time.

- I won’t ask what you like more - theater or cinema, but I’ll ask: which is more difficult?
Tatiana: - Of course, in the theater it is more difficult, but also much more interesting. Realized it just now. When, after the premiere of The Swing, I got into active shooting, I caught myself missing it. There was a feeling that I was wasting my time, losing it without gaining anything in return. And now I look forward with interest to what my future theatrical life will be like, what the directors will offer, if possible, what material.

Gregory: - Now, unfortunately, the cinema is not going through better times. There are no big serious directors. Those that were before, do not remove anything. Therefore, other motivations for participating in films are often included, for example, a good cast. If there is none, you refuse to shoot. Why waste time on a passing movie when there is a theater? Although, of course, you do not flash on the screen for a year or two, and the viewer forgets, stops turning around on the street. But just for the sake of it, it's not worth filming. For myself, I decided this finally and irrevocably.

- As a spectator, do you often go to the theater yourself? Which of the works of your colleagues have impressed you lately?
: - Just shocked the play "Enemies. Love Story" directed by Israeli director Yevgeny Arye. Chulpan Khamatova, Alena Babenko, Sergey Yushkevich work very worthily in it. It is good that Chulpan Khamatova does not have serial roles, while her colleagues are also forced to act in serials. You watch their work on stage and you understand that if they were in good director's hands, it would be a completely different movie.

: - I was greatly impressed by "Medea" with Yulia Rutberg and Grisha in the lead roles. A chamber performance for 60 spectators, I tried to get into it for a long time. I think that Julia is an actress of great magnitude, which you can look at indefinitely in any image. Grisha also plays great.

I love you - what more?
- Tatyana, your parents named you and your sister Olga after Tatyana and Olga Larin. Tatyana in "Eugene Onegin", as well as your heroine in "Two on a Swing", is the first to confess her love to her chosen one. Do you think this is the right move?
“Situations and circumstances are different. But in general, we need to talk about love. Not everyone gets to meet her. And if you were lucky, then why be silent?

- Grigory, how do you feel about confessions? Did women often make them first?
- Quite often, and it immediately repulsed me. I think saying “I love you” is too easy. A thinking and sensitive person does not need to say anything, he himself will understand everything. I am not a supporter of verbosity at all, but this is exclusively my position. If Pushkin were like that, there would be no poetry.

- Over the years, do the ideals of a man and a woman somehow change for you?
Tatiana: - Of course, but this topic cannot be covered in one interview.

Gregory: - From childhood loves to today's conscious feelings - a huge distance. You see, the actors are all aggravated. Not only do we, like everyone else, have to go through certain stages, difficult situations in life, but every time we take on the burden of the image that we play. It is not surprising that we become seasoned predators, including in love.

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