Weather in Finland. Average air temperature

The climate in Finland is much colder than in many other countries. However, the weather varies significantly depending on the time of year. In Finland, a lot of nature, and you can spend time in nature in any season. On InfoFinland website in the section Walking in Nature provides information on how to spend time in nature in different times of the year.


In winter, in Finland, snow is cold and falling. The earth is usually covered with snow throughout the winter. The air temperature is often lower than zero degrees Celsius. Daylight air may be, for example, -10 degrees Celsius, and sometimes even -20 degrees. In Northern Finland, frosts can even reach -30 degrees. When the ground is covered with snow and ice, then also slippery.

In winter, it is important to dress warmly. This means to wear well at least warm jacket, wool sweater, cap, gloves, scarf and shower in warm winter shoes. In cold weather it is recommended to wear clothes in several layers.

In winter, in Finland, it is often dark, because the sun rises only in the morning and enters the early evening. In Northern Finland, Darker than in South Finland. In the very north of Finland in winter, the sun rises at all for several weeks.

Winter months are December, January and February. In November and March, it can also be cold and may fall out. Snow usually melts in March or April.
Winter clothes finnish


Spring in Finland begins in the southern part of the country at the end of March and in the northern part - at the end of April. In the spring, often cool, but already warmer than in winter. During the spring, nature is very modified: the snow and ice melts, leaves appear on the trees, the vegetation comes to life.


In the summer, in Southern Finland, the air temperature on average is about 20 degrees Celsius, in the northern part of the country about 15 degrees. Summer months In Finland, June, July and August are considered in Finland. Most. warm month Is July, at this time the air temperature often exceeds 20 degrees.

In the summer, in Finland, even in the evenings and at night, because the sun goes late at night and rises very early. In Northern Finland, in summer, lighter than in South Finland. The brightest month is July. At this time, Ivannus is celebrated in Finland: Juhannus: the holiday of the midnight sun and summer solstice. At the very north of Finland, the sun does not enter the sun at the beginning of the summer.


Autumn usually begins at the end of August or in early September. In Finland, September and October - it is time for golden autumn. Many plant leaves and trees are replacing their color with green on yellow, orange and red. During this period, nature is especially magnificent and colorful.

Autumn on the street is cool, the weather is usually rainy and windy. In the fall also dark, because the sun comes earlier than in the summer. The first snow is usually falling in October or in November.

The edge of the midnight sun, "Country of thousands of lakes and islands" Finland is located north-west of Russia, its most part is behind the northern polar circle. Read our article at the Tour Calendar and you will learn why the best time for traveling to Suomi is the period of time from December to the beginning of March, as well as from June to the end of August.

Tourist season in Finland

Finland has long ceased to be associated with the Russians with the "Northern Cottages" of Pieters. To date, this is one of the most visited Scandinavian countries with a stable tourist flow over a whole year. First of all, in Suomi, they go beyond the magic of New Year's Eve in the company of genuine Santa Claus, behind the unique beauty of the Winter Nature of the Polar region, as well as for rest at full of democratic ski resorts. Contrary to the common stereotype that Finland is an exclusively winter destination, we hurry to disperse you: Summer holidays here is no less popular and fascinating. In addition to the inspection of numerous attractions, the age of which includes a few centuries, tourists makes good fishing, sea cruises, river thresholds, water and wellness centers with a "tropical" climate, as well as numerous international festivals.

High season in Finland

The tourist market of Finland is experiencing a significant rise twice a year: in winter and summer. During this period, about 2 million Russians visit the leading position among tourists at the Finnish direction visits the country. Many believe that the climate of this country is very similar to the climate of Russia, but in the meantime, many of our compatriots are sent to Winter Vacation in Finland. What is its attractiveness? Well, first, in addition famous fact Living in Lapland itself that neither there is a real Santa Claus leaves indifferent not only children, but also adults. After all, in the depths of the soul, it is absolutely everyone wants to believe in good, full of miracles a fairy tale. Secondly, get along the noisy company in the hot Finnish sauna, surrounded from all sides thick winter forest, and admire the most exciting natural phenomenon in the world, the radiance "Aurora Borealis" - nothing is comparable. And, thirdly, the new year's meeting can be combined with rest at ski resorts. As for the summer, it is a "hot time" of rest in the environmentally friendly areas of the country in the Lon of Virgin Nature among crystal lakes and "mushroom forests". And the most important thing. Prices for accommodation in high season Rise by 20% -40%, besides some cottages (very popular as a means of accommodation) are surrendered for a period of 1 week. As a rule, booking is possible strictly from Saturday, less often from Friday.

Low season in Finland

A much smaller number of tourists come to Finland from October to the beginning of December, as well as from February to the beginning of May. This is a magnificent time for budget recreation. In addition, in the low season in Finland is no longer colder than in Russia, but compared with its separate regions even warmer. Some are sent for fishing in the Finnish Gulf, others come to admire the "Northern Architecture" of Helsinki, others simply want to change the situation and see another country, but so that not far from the house. Given the geographical proximity, transport accessibility, as well as the European service and high standard of living, Finland really deserves more close to her dating.

Best time for excursions

In Finland, in addition to the vintage cities, huge areas of farms and amazing national parks, there are many other "interests". For example, the theme park island of the Mooma Trolley, the Santa Claus house in Rovaniemi, the Arctic Zoo "Ranua", located near him, and the Northern Light Museum in Pokhiyan-Krusu. The best time to get acquainted with cultural Heritage Finnish cities are late spring and early autumn. Summer can also be taken into account, but at this period there are abundant precipitation. A trip to Lapland should be planned for the winter. True, in the pre-holiday period wishing to get there quite a lot. At the same time, for the sake of the indescribable sensation of the magic and a fairy tale, which covers you from the first minutes of staying at the homeland of Santa Claus, you can easily close your eyes.

Beach season in Finland

In the summer, Finns preferably spend leave on the lakes: they catch fish, jested kebabs, sunbathe and, of course, bathe. Along the recreation areas there are hotels and cottages, so it is not necessary to go far. Beach season Opened in June, however, the water temperature at this time does not exceed +18 ° C. In July, it warms up to +19 ° C .. + 21 ° C. As for the coast of the Baltic Sea, then beach rest There is not in favor. Due to strong cold underwater flows in the Finnish Baltic, you can hardly swim.

Season of the Northern Light in Finland

The beauty of the Northern Lights to fully express in words is impossible, as they say, it is better to see once than hear. The most spectacular "" Light-Show "" - from November to March

Special piquancy, the color of Finland gives the fact that a quarter of its territory is located behind the polar circle, where the sun at a certain part of the year does not rise above the horizon line. Here, about 200 times a year, there is a beautiful spectacle - the Northern Lights. The so-called "season" of this natural phenomenon lasts from August to April. But the greatest probability to see him - in clear weather from October to March. There are several ways to observe the northern shine, but one of the most romantic is a glassy needle hotel in Lapland. By the way, in Japanese beliefs, children, conceived at the time of the glow of polar radiances, will have a happy fate.

Ski season in Finland

Finland does not boast a large set of blackways, high slopes and interesting descents, but comfortable, excellent equipped ski resorts with quite democratic prices in the country. Novice skiers and "middling" will feel more than great here. From additional entertainment - safari on motorcycle, riding on deer sledding, winter fishing, Finnish sauna. The ski season opens in mid-October (in some centers in early November) and lasts until April - mid-May. The amplitude of air temperature fluctuations during this period ranges from -3 ° C to -18 ° C.

Fishing season

Picturesque landscapes, environmental welfare of the country and rich in fish reservoirs attract here as a magnet, hundreds of thousands of avid fishermen. In addition, the Finns themselves - the nation that is impossible to imagine without a fishing rod. Aland Islands - True Mecca Fishermen. There are comfortable cottages, and rental items of the necessary gear. In principle, the fishing season lasts all 12 months, however, in certain areas of Finland there are its time. It is also necessary to take into account that one or another fish is best caught at a certain time of the year. In the southern regions of Finland on the float fishing rod, it is best to fish from mid-April to mid-May. On an artificial bait, rich cool will be in spring and autumn. The perch is good "goes" and in winter from underground, and in summer. The time of free fishing is Nalima, Harius and Pikes - January and February. Be careful, safe ice has a thickness of at least 10 cm! Marine fishing is also very popular. Fishing salmon method of trawling is particularly successful in the period from May to July, Sudak - from June to July.

Health season

Finland is famous for its balneological resorts or, as they are also called them, water and wellness centers. Some are located at ski stations, others - along the edge of the sea or on the shore of natural reservoirs, the third - in urban green areas. Here you will help to remove stress, lose weight, rejuvenate, get a powerful charge of cheerfulness for the entire subsequent year, as well as cure some chronic diseases. It is possible to come to the improvement at any time of the year, however, if you have time, it is best to plan this kind of rest to the late spring, summer and the first half of the fall, when the weather is pretty favorable.

Season navigation

Cruises in the Baltic Sea are bright impressions, "splashes" "emotions and indescribable atmosphere of romance

In Finland, you can arrive on the bus, by train, by plane, and you can also on a comfortable motor ship, most like a huge floating hotel. Every summer, from mid-May to the first decade of September, the passenger motor ship runs between the Finnish city of Laperand and the Russian Vyborg. Recently, a water link has been established between Vyborg and Hamina, the last flight is planned to be allowed at the end of September, but the exact time depends directly on weather conditions. During the New Year and Christmas holidays, festive cruises from St. Petersburg are being carried out with an occasion of Helsinki. As a rule, two more capitals of Scandinavia are subject to visit. Also, ferries are regularly sent from Peter, the cost of coaching tickets from July to the end of August is approximately 35% -45% more expensive than in winter. Cruises in the Baltic Sea from Helsinki are very popular. In the summer, from the Finnish capital, you can "flatten" in Tallinn or Stockholm for a couple of days through the Aland Islands.

Season Sales in Finland

In Finland, you can buy stylish and high-quality clothing, as well as good goods for the house. Twice a year, as in any european countryThere are ambitious sales. The most generous are the posturers starting from December 27. At this time, discounts can reach up to 70%. In the summer, they begin at the end of June and coincide with the holiday "Yuhannus". This is an excellent opportunity not only to update your wardrobe, but also purchase jewelry, all kinds of souvenirs and ceramics at affordable prices.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The festive calendar of Finland is very impressive, the following of them can be found to his main events: January 1 - New Year, January 6 - Baptism, February 5 - Day of the poet Runeberg, March 19 - Equality Day, April 27 - National Day of Veterans, April - Lutheran Easter, May 1 - WapPa / May Day, Secret Sunday May - Mother's Day, June 4 - Banner Day Finland Defensive Forces, June 12 - Day of the founding of Helsinki, June 20-26 (Moving date) - Yuhannus / Ivanov Day, which coincides with the Day of the Finnish Flag, November 6 - Day of Swedish Culture, November 8 - Father's Day, December 6 - Finland Independence Day , December 8 - the day of Jan Sibelius and Finnish music, December 25 - Christmas, December 26 - St. Stephen. Summer is the time of numerous festivals and concerts. In July-August, a large-scale opera festival is held in Savonlinna, in which the most famous opera performers from around the world take part. At the same time, a 2-week chamber music festival is arranged in the kitchen. Also notable for the colorful 4-day "Marine Festival" in Kotka, starting on the last Thursday of July, and the 10-day folklore festival "Youthiset" in Rovaniemi, passing during the "White Nights".

Climate in Finland

Finland - Nordic Country. Its extreme northern position, the presence of the Gulf of Finland and the proximity to the "Arctic Sea" contributed to the formation of cold climatic conditions. The continental type of climate is dominated in the north - wet and cool, the average daily air temperature is usually 5 ° C-10 ° C lower than on the rest of the country. In the south, the zone of transition from the sea climate to the continental. Summer is short and soft here. At this time of the year, the sun does not sit down at this time of year, the "white nights" are observed over 2 months. Winter in the north is long and snowy, the polar night comes a duration of about 50 days. Thanks to the influence of the Western winds, which are from the Atlantic, in Finland is much warmer than in other countries located on the same geographical latitudes. For example, in winter in the Finnish capital, the average daily air temperature is 10 ° C more than in Magadan or Yakutsk.

Finland in spring

In March in the coastal regions and in the south-west of the archipelago begins to gradually melt the snow. In the afternoon, at this time, it is often clear that the weather with weak winds is often worth it, but the cold nights melting water freeze, as a result of which an ice is formed in the morning on the roads. In April, the thermometer column is usually reached up to the mark in +7 ° C, this month on the coast is finally increasing snow cover. In May, it is observed up to +15 ° C - in the southern and central regions, a young grass makes his way through the abscessive crude land. As the sun is gradually returning to the north, it rises above the horizon more and above, resulting in days become warmer. However, there are sharp cooling for these areas, and even at the end of May such a chance is large enough. So, in some years in Lapland in March, the air temperature was recorded to -30 ° C, in April - to -20 ° C. At the end of May, the forest regions and the northern territories of the country are covered by Protlinins.

Temperature and weather in Finland in spring

Weather in MartaWeather in April.Weather in May.
Helsinki +2 +8 +15
Rovaniemi -3 +1 +3 +10 +2
Turku +2 +1 +8 +3 +15 +5
Levi. -4 +1 +8
Kuopio 0 +6 +14

Finland in the summer

In the summer in Finland, there is a moderately warm weather, the air temperature ranges from +19 ° C to +21 ° C, and July - the most "hot" month a year. In the south-east of the country, the highest average daily air temperatures are noted - in general, 3 ° C is larger, although sometimes tropical winds penetrate with the Atlantic, which lead to an increase in the thermometer's column up to +30 ° C. The coastal south-western part of the country is considered the most sunny area of \u200b\u200bthe entire Northern Europe. Light day during the "White Nights" for the polar circle lasts for 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, at night it is much darker, the level of illumination at this time resembles twilight. The early summer is pretty dry, but in July and August, the season of torrential rains comes, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Temperature and weather in Finland in the summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in Augustus
Helsinki +19 +21 +19
Rovaniemi +17 +7 +19 +12 +16 +14
Turku +20 +10 +22 +15 +20 +17
Levi. +16 +18 +16
Kuopio +19 +21 +19

- Country of Northern Europe. Its territory is mostly located behind the northern polar circle, so the climate here changes from the south to the north, from moderate to continental. Despite the geographical location of the country, warming comes to replace the Northern cold. Special warming is significantly in the summer.

Summer in this country pleases the locals and tourists with warm weather. Summer season here is not distinguished by unbearable heat. Very rare in June in the southern regions of the country, the temperature can rise to +27 degrees. In general, daytime temperatures can be +20, and the night decreases slightly. In the summer, the warmer is only in where the temperature of +22 degrees is fixed, but in the pawner it is a little colder - the air warms up to +19 degrees. In June, precipitation is characterized, about 44 mm per month. Sometimes the weather may differ in the cool northeastern winds, the speed of which is capable of reaching 5m / s.

The weather in Finland in the summer as a whole accompanies rest. June sediments stop at the end of the month and are coming clear sunny days July. Depending on weather conditions, bathing season Starts in mid-June or early July. Sea water And the shallow lakes warm up to about +19 degrees. Also an ideal condition for recreation is low humidity - only 20%. On July weather, the flow of Golf Stream significantly affects, that is why the climate is mild and moderately continental. We also directly depends on the division of the country by the polar circle. In July, partly cloudy is often noted. Sometimes sunny weather is replaced by thunderstorms. In July, southeastern winds can declare about themselves, who bring pleasant warmth with them. The coolest even in July remains Kouvola.

Weather in Finland in the summer is ideal for. The time spent with the fishing rod on the shore of the crystal pure lake will give an unforgettable impression and peace of mind. The temperature of the water in local reservoirs still saves +19 degrees. The lakes of this country are shallow and very quickly warming up. The weather varies significantly in August: the air temperature decreases sharply, the humidity rises, and the clear days are replaced by cliff and raininess. However, in August, the weather is also clear and sunny, and allows you to enjoy the rest.

Finland has always attracted tourists. The weather in this country is unpredictable, so it is worth it to turn warm things for cool evenings, an umbrella and a cloak for rainy days. In sunny weather, you can spend great time on the water, but in a cloudy - visit attractions, evaluate cultural programs and excursions.

The edge of the midnight sun, "Country of thousands of lakes and islands" Finland is located north-west of Russia, its most part is behind the northern polar circle. Read our article at the Tour Calendar and you will learn why the best time for traveling to Suomi is the period of time from December to the beginning of March, as well as from June to the end of August.

Tourist season in Finland

Finland has long ceased to be associated with the Russians with the "Northern Cottages" of Pieters. To date, this is one of the most visited Scandinavian countries with a stable tourist flow over a whole year. First of all, in Suomi, they go beyond the magic of New Year's Eve in the company of genuine Santa Claus, behind the unique beauty of the Winter Nature of the Polar region, as well as for rest at full of democratic ski resorts. Contrary to the common stereotype that Finland is an exclusively winter destination, we hurry to disperse you: Summer holidays here is no less popular and fascinating. In addition to the inspection of numerous attractions, the age of which includes a few centuries, tourists makes good fishing, sea cruises, river thresholds, water and wellness centers with a "tropical" climate, as well as numerous international festivals.

High season in Finland

The tourist market of Finland is experiencing a significant rise twice a year: in winter and summer. During this period, about 2 million Russians visit the leading position among tourists at the Finnish direction visits the country. Many believe that the climate of this country is very similar to the climate of Russia, but in the meantime, many of our compatriots are sent to Winter Vacation in Finland. What is its attractiveness? Well, firstly, the famous fact of living in Lapland itself that neither there is a real Santa Claus leaves indifferent not only children, but also adults. After all, in the depths of the soul, it is absolutely everyone wants to believe in good, full of miracles a fairy tale. Secondly, to get along the noisy company in the hot Finnish sauna, surrounded from all sides with dense winter forest, and admire the most exciting natural phenomenon in the world, the radiance "Aurora Borealis" - nothing with any comparable pleasure. And, thirdly, the new year's meeting can be combined with rest at ski resorts. As for the summer, it is a "hot time" of rest in the environmentally friendly areas of the country in the Lon of Virgin Nature among crystal lakes and "mushroom forests". And the most important thing. Prices for accommodation in high season rise by 20% -40%, besides some cottages (very popular as a means of accommodation) for a period of 1 week. As a rule, booking is possible strictly from Saturday, less often from Friday.

Low season in Finland

A much smaller number of tourists come to Finland from October to the beginning of December, as well as from February to the beginning of May. This is a magnificent time for budget recreation. In addition, in the low season in Finland is no longer colder than in Russia, but compared with its separate regions even warmer. Some are sent for fishing in the Finnish Gulf, others come to admire the "Northern Architecture" of Helsinki, others simply want to change the situation and see another country, but so that not far from the house. Given the geographical proximity, transport accessibility, as well as the European service and high standard of living, Finland really deserves more close to her dating.

Best time for excursions

In Finland, in addition to the vintage cities, huge areas of farms and amazing national parks, there are many other "interests". For example, the theme park island of the Mooma Trolley, the Santa Claus house in Rovaniemi, the Arctic Zoo "Ranua", located near him, and the Northern Light Museum in Pokhiyan-Krusu. The best time for exploring the cultural heritage of Finnish cities is the late spring and early autumn. Summer can also be taken into account, but at this period there are abundant precipitation. A trip to Lapland should be planned for the winter. True, in the pre-holiday period wishing to get there quite a lot. At the same time, for the sake of the indescribable sensation of the magic and a fairy tale, which covers you from the first minutes of staying at the homeland of Santa Claus, you can easily close your eyes.

Beach season in Finland

In the summer, Finns preferably spend leave on the lakes: they catch fish, jested kebabs, sunbathe and, of course, bathe. Along the recreation areas there are hotels and cottages, so it is not necessary to go far. The beach season opens in June, but the water temperature at this time does not exceed +18 ° C. In July, it warms up to +19 ° C .. + 21 ° C. As for the coast of the Baltic Sea, the beach holiday is not there in Favor. Due to strong cold underwater flows in the Finnish Baltic, you can hardly swim.

Season of the Northern Light in Finland

The beauty of the Northern Lights to fully express in words is impossible, as they say, it is better to see once than hear. The most spectacular "" Light-Show "" - from November to March

Special piquancy, the color of Finland gives the fact that a quarter of its territory is located behind the polar circle, where the sun at a certain part of the year does not rise above the horizon line. Here, about 200 times a year, there is a beautiful spectacle - the Northern Lights. The so-called "season" of this natural phenomenon lasts in the period from August to April. But the greatest probability to see him - in clear weather from October to March. There are several ways to observe the northern shine, but one of the most romantic is a glassy needle hotel in Lapland. By the way, in Japanese beliefs, children, conceived at the time of the glow of polar radiances, will have a happy fate.

Ski season in Finland

Finland does not boast a large set of blackways, high slopes and interesting descents, but comfortable, excellent equipped ski resorts with quite democratic prices in the country. Novice skiers and "middling" will feel more than great here. From additional entertainment - safari on motorcycle, riding on deer sledding, winter fishing, Finnish sauna. The ski season opens in mid-October (in some centers in early November) and lasts until April - mid-May. The amplitude of air temperature fluctuations during this period ranges from -3 ° C to -18 ° C.

Fishing season

Picturesque landscapes, environmental welfare of the country and rich in fish reservoirs attract here as a magnet, hundreds of thousands of avid fishermen. In addition, the Finns themselves - the nation that is impossible to imagine without a fishing rod. Aland Islands - True Mecca Fishermen. There are comfortable cottages, and rental items of the necessary gear. In principle, the fishing season lasts all 12 months, however, in certain areas of Finland there are its time. It is also necessary to take into account that one or another fish is best caught at a certain time of the year. In the southern regions of Finland on the float fishing rod, it is best to fish from mid-April to mid-May. On an artificial bait, rich cool will be in spring and autumn. The perch is good "goes" and in winter from underground, and in summer. The time of free fishing is Nalima, Harius and Pikes - January and February. Be careful, safe ice has a thickness of at least 10 cm! Marine fishing is also very popular. Fishing salmon method of trawling is particularly successful in the period from May to July, Sudak - from June to July.

Health season

Finland is famous for its balneological resorts or, as they are also called them, water and wellness centers. Some are located at ski stations, others - along the edge of the sea or on the shore of natural reservoirs, the third - in urban green areas. Here you will help to remove stress, lose weight, rejuvenate, get a powerful charge of cheerfulness for the entire subsequent year, as well as cure some chronic diseases. It is possible to come to the improvement at any time of the year, however, if you have time, it is best to plan this kind of rest to the late spring, summer and the first half of the fall, when the weather is pretty favorable.

Season navigation

Cruises in the Baltic Sea are bright impressions, "splashes" "emotions and indescribable atmosphere of romance

In Finland, you can arrive on the bus, by train, by plane, and you can also on a comfortable motor ship, most like a huge floating hotel. Every summer, from mid-May to the first decade of September, the passenger motor ship runs between the Finnish city of Laperand and the Russian Vyborg. Recently, a water link has been established between Vyborg and Hamina, the last flight is planned to be allowed at the end of September, but the exact time depends directly on weather conditions. During the New Year and Christmas holidays, festive cruises from St. Petersburg are being carried out with an occasion of Helsinki. As a rule, two more capitals of Scandinavia are subject to visit. Also, ferries are regularly sent from Peter, the cost of coaching tickets from July to the end of August is approximately 35% -45% more expensive than in winter. Cruises in the Baltic Sea from Helsinki are very popular. In the summer, from the Finnish capital, you can "flatten" in Tallinn or Stockholm for a couple of days through the Aland Islands.

Season Sales in Finland

In Finland, you can buy stylish and high-quality clothing, as well as good goods for the house. Twice a year, as in any European country, there are ambitious sales. The most generous are the posturers starting from December 27. At this time, discounts can reach up to 70%. In the summer, they begin at the end of June and coincide with the holiday "Yuhannus". This is an excellent opportunity not only to update your wardrobe, but also purchase jewelry, all kinds of souvenirs and ceramics at affordable prices.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The festive calendar of Finland is very impressive, the following of them can be found to his main events: January 1 - New Year, January 6 - Baptism, February 5 - Day of the poet Runeberg, March 19 - Equality Day, April 27 - National Day of Veterans, April - Lutheran Easter, May 1 - WapPU / May Day, the second Sunday of May - Mother's Day, June 4 - Day Banner of the Defense Forces of Finland, June 12 - Day of the foundation of Helsinki, June 20-26 (Moving date) - Yuhannus / Ivanov Day, which coincides with the Day of Finnish Flag, November 6 - Day of Swedish Culture, November 8 - Father's Day, December 6 - Independence Day of Finland, December 8 - Day Jan Sibelius and Finnish Music, December 25 - Christmas, December 26 - St. Stephen. Summer is the time of numerous festivals and concerts. In July-August, a large-scale opera festival is held in Savonlinna, in which the most famous opera performers from around the world take part. At the same time, a 2-week chamber music festival is arranged in the kitchen. Also notable for the colorful 4-day "Marine Festival" in Kotka, starting on the last Thursday of July, and the 10-day folklore festival "Youthiset" in Rovaniemi, passing during the "White Nights".

Climate in Finland

Finland - Nordic Country. Its extreme northern position, the presence of the Gulf of Finland and the proximity to the "Arctic Sea" contributed to the formation of cold climatic conditions. The continental type of climate is dominated in the north - wet and cool, the average daily air temperature is usually 5 ° C-10 ° C lower than on the rest of the country. In the south, the zone of transition from the sea climate to the continental. Summer is short and soft here. At this time of the year, the sun does not sit down at this time of year, the "white nights" are observed over 2 months. Winter in the north is long and snowy, the polar night comes a duration of about 50 days. Thanks to the influence of the Western winds, which are from the Atlantic, in Finland is much warmer than in other countries located on the same geographical latitudes. For example, in winter in the Finnish capital, the average daily air temperature is 10 ° C more than in Magadan or Yakutsk.

Finland in spring

In March in the coastal regions and in the south-west of the archipelago begins to gradually melt the snow. In the afternoon, at this time, it is often clear that the weather with weak winds is often worth it, but the cold nights melting water freeze, as a result of which an ice is formed in the morning on the roads. In April, the thermometer column is usually reached up to the mark in +7 ° C, this month on the coast is finally increasing snow cover. In May, it is observed up to +15 ° C - in the southern and central regions, a young grass makes his way through the abscessive crude land. As the sun is gradually returning to the north, it rises above the horizon more and above, resulting in days become warmer. However, there are sharp cooling for these areas, and even at the end of May such a chance is large enough. So, in some years in Lapland in March, the air temperature was recorded to -30 ° C, in April - to -20 ° C. At the end of May, the forest regions and the northern territories of the country are covered by Protlinins.

Temperature and weather in Finland in spring

Weather in MartaWeather in April.Weather in May.
Helsinki +2 +8 +15
Rovaniemi -3 +1 +3 +10 +2
Turku +2 +1 +8 +3 +15 +5
Levi. -4 +1 +8
Kuopio 0 +6 +14

Finland in the summer

In the summer in Finland, there is a moderately warm weather, the air temperature ranges from +19 ° C to +21 ° C, and July - the most "hot" month a year. In the south-east of the country, the highest average daily air temperatures are noted - in general, 3 ° C is larger, although sometimes tropical winds penetrate with the Atlantic, which lead to an increase in the thermometer's column up to +30 ° C. The coastal south-western part of the country is considered the most sunny area of \u200b\u200bthe entire Northern Europe. Light day during the "White Nights" for the polar circle lasts for 20 hours a day for 73 days. In the south, at night it is much darker, the level of illumination at this time resembles twilight. The early summer is pretty dry, but in July and August, the season of torrential rains comes, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Temperature and weather in Finland in the summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in Augustus
Helsinki +19 +21 +19
Rovaniemi +17 +7 +19 +12 +16 +14
Turku +20 +10 +22 +15 +20 +17
Levi. +16 +18 +16
Kuopio +19 +21 +19

Weather in Finland

Finland lies in several climatic zonesoh. Prevailing temperate climate. The coast is located in the sea climatic zone. Continental climate dominates in the northern regions. However, common climatic conditionscharacterized by thaws and the presence of sufficiently warm periods, much less severe than, for example, in neighboring Scandinavian countries.

The lowest temperatures are traced in February, when the thermometer column is lowered to -6, and in the north of the country, in Lapland - up to -16 degrees. Most of all hot days falls in July. The air temperature rises to +17 +19. And even in the north, the temperature in the summer is rarely lowered below the mark +12 +14 degrees.

Variety of country climatic zones

Finland with its snow-covered expanses, ice lakes, cold rivers attracts tourists from all over the world who prefer walking on skis or safari on deer sledding, swimming in the warm sea and sunbathing on sandy beaches. - These are comfortable ski resorts, hot Finnish saunas, treated fishing and long ski rides between snow-covered sills.

One of the most popular activities in Finland is fishing, thanks to a huge number of rivers, rivers and lakes filled with the most varied fish. And here are lovers of the process of fishing itself, when the amount of caught fish does not have. According to the rules of fishing, the fishermen must let go back into the water. You can relax after fishing in specially equipped on the shores of the reservoirs that provide everything you need for comfort and comfort.

Weather in Finland for months

Average t (o c) during the day

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