Tarot Page of Cups: meaning and combination with other cards. The meaning of the page of cups tarot card in tarot layouts the meaning of the cards for love page of cups

All Pages are "servants" and heralds of their suit, foreshadowing some events related to it. The Page of Cups serves the "realm" of emotions, relationships and feelings and portends some events or chances in this area. As a rule, these are pleasant experiences - fresh feelings, new acquaintances. This may be something new in the existing relationship - a gift, a declaration of love, a marriage proposal, or news of pregnancy ... other cards of the alignment can give a hint.

Like the Knight of Cups, the Page can indicate what is coming good news, a tempting invitation, a sincere compliment, or someone showing affection, a person who will show us open friendliness and concern. The ancient meaning of this Arcana is help, service, a person who will help, will serve an important service in the affairs of the questioner, and will do this, as they say, not in service, but in friendship.

According to tradition, the Page of Cups is a young man or woman, someone perceived by the questioner as a son or daughter, a younger brother or sister. Modern tarology usually considers the portrait of the Figurative Arcana in an expanded way. The Page of Cups is someone who shows a sincere disposition towards us or tries to charm us. In any case, his appearance in the layout is a good sign. He usually reports that we have a "support group", people who readily empathize with what is happening to us and welcome our undertakings. If the questioner is concerned about how his initiatives, business or romantic, will be accepted, then the appearance of the Page of Cups is a confirmation of good assumptions.

The Page of Cups is the bearer of a loving or at least just a kind-hearted impulse, a friendly gesture. Sometimes the Page of Cups in a layout indicates longing for someone and desire be together. One of the ancient meanings of the card: "sweet dreams", a surge of love feelings, a promising beginning of a romance, someone's declaration of love.

The Page of Cups carries a desire to smooth out tormenting contradictions, reconciliation in tense situations, or, at least, signals the possibility of taking the first step, the fundamental existence of the possibility of agreeing and reaching mutual understanding.

If nothing contradicts, then the appearance of the Page of Cups in the layout promises a filled, joyful, carefree life. He reports the emotional fullness of the situation, the openness of the heart to love impulses. Together with other favorable Arcana, it can indicate the fulfillment of a cherished desire, receiving what the "soul asks", something long-awaited and desired.

All Pages can designate children in the layout, and in the case of the Page of Cups, the image of a “little fish in a bowl” transparently hints at pregnancy and the appearance of a newborn. Sometimes "pregnancy" is symbolic - the card reflects a certain creative idea, an idea that the questioner dreams of realizing.

It may turn out that the Page of Cups is a person who is indebted to the questioner (sometimes dependent on him).

Otvyazno-bohemian and romantic-poetic. Daydreaming, which interferes with coping with the realities of this world, poetic languor and charm. This card carries a striking, “childish” softening of the soul that has hardened in the field of life. It becomes a pity for those whom in another time we would not have honored with thoughts, let alone feelings. I want to take care and be the object of care. I want to caress and be caressed. Kindness, responsiveness, caring, without thinking about what such behavior will lead to.

The Page of Cups is very emotional and trusts intuition. This is a friendly, contact, carefree and eminently charming personality. He is characterized by tenderness, grace and softness. The Page of Cups is a comrade playful, charming and seductive. In the Venetian Tarot, it is Casanova himself. Without a mask. Real. His instinctive nature is characterized by purity, kindness and openness. This is a tender heart, ready to enjoy life and please others without a second thought (which will surely appear with the Page of Swords). The Page of Cups wants to trust and pour out his soul, he is a good listener and confidant.

This is a card of a spiritually developed person with a pronounced intuition and excellent creative potential. It captivates with its inner light and subtle emotionality. The Page of Cups can be both a sensitive girl and a soft, gentle man. The important thing is that next to them the soul softens and it turns out that the heart is not a stone. This is one of those miracles that occur near all representatives of the suit of Cups (Water). Suddenly it turns out that someone is interested in us, someone is ready to listen to us just like that, and not because he needs something from us (or us from him). This is the very “happiness when you are understood, and the very luxury of human communication, with which life is not so often abundant. The Page of Cups has an exceptional ability to provide moral and spiritual support by his mere presence, due to his kindness, receptivity and ability to tune in to another.

The flip side of this gift is that it is difficult for the Page of Cups to defend their positions. He lacks proper self-respect and often seems to be superior to others. He is trusting and often puts himself in a vulnerable position. He is attractive and amorous, and his sweet coquetry serves as a bait for internally hardened people who seek through him to "reclaim their soul." According to the Page of Cups, we really begin to listen to our desires and aspirations again, and this can be experienced as a “return of the soul” and inspiration.

The Page of Cups takes you far from the shores of everyday life (at least for that brief moment when an emotional listener leaves a grateful comment on a good song on the Internet).

The archetype of the Page of Cups is the muse, the inspiring dreamer. The Page of Cups helps to manifest and resonate with some previously hidden aspects of the soul. A curious fish peeping out of the goblet symbolizes the images of the subconscious, “peeping out” from there into the consciousness (and trying to survive there). The Page of Cups on the map regards it favorably and thoughtfully. His figure personifies the diligent contemplation of the visions generated by the unconscious, mediumistic cooperation. Fish - a creature living in the depths of the sea, is symbolically associated with the unconscious. This card symbolizes creative contemplation, meditation on the contents of one's own soul - fantasies, feelings, ideas, images. They are drawn to draw, write down, reflect in music or capture in some other way. The Page of Cups has the richest inner world, and he likes to dive into its depths for the next "catch". For him, dreams are more real and more valuable than omnipotent reality.

At the same time, the Page of Cups embodies the "land of Water". Under its influence, there is a gradual crystallization of internal values ​​and the disclosure of the inner world for reality. According to legend, Undine (the female spirit of Water) received an immortal soul after she found a husband among people, a companion (and sacrifice) of flesh and blood. Our unconscious holds old truths deep, and the only sure tool to bring them to the surface is the physical body. It is truly married to the soul and often becomes its victim, "responding" with gastritis, migraines and insomnia for its languor and anxiety. At the same time, this Arcana helps to realize the wisdom of the body as a necessary starting point for returning to spiritual heights. In a mystical sense, he embodies the desire to find a connection with the cosmos, the desire to find something more than love itself, to plunge into an endless source.

Another archetype of the Page of Cups is the dreamy inner child. He is the only one of the Pages who is more concerned with the inner world than with the outer one, and his dreams, desires, dreams refer precisely to the inner success, called happiness. He dreams of that kingdom of the Grail, of eternal ideal love, which is run by his symbolic father, the King of Cups. Therefore, the Page of Cups draws, plays music, reads, writes poetry and composes songs about love - this is how his soul lives - while the Page of Swords learns to monitor others and "split" riddles, the Page of Wands - to impress and achieve success, and the Page of Pentacles - to master practical skills and doing something “real and useful”. Like other Figures of Water, the heart of the Page of Cups is selflessly given to something unattainable. According to tradition, he personifies an innocent child, a virgin princess, open to everyone and inaccessible to anyone. At the level of consciousness, Arkan corresponds to the ability to be a conductor, a medium. The Page of Cups symbolizes the gift of foresight. He is able to very sensitively predict the first signs of personality changes long before they actually happen to us. One of the archetypes of the Page of Cups is Eros, a divine child with a bow and arrow, capable of producing radical changes in the human heart, inflicting a "wound" on it and making it receptive to what previously left cold. In this sense, the Page of Cups is the messenger of the Wounded King, the King of Cups, the senior Figure of the "water" suit.

The Page of Cups has long been considered a trustworthy worker, a useful person, eager to offer his services and make efforts to achieve a specific goal. His old attestation: "hard-working soul." It is only important that the deed be in tune with this soul. Then he experiences positively for everything, for every aspect, delves into and strives to improve.

In business situations marked by the Page of Cups, partners are ready to take a step forward or formulate some kind of attractive offer. This is a map of willingness to cooperate. In general, he patronizes rather non-commercial projects, but does not exclude business success, especially when confirmed by other alignment cards.

In the Page of Cups, just as in the case of other Figures of Cups, a lot of emotion goes into the work. This is a card of true instinct, trust in your feelings.

The Page of Cups patronizes all pursuits that require imagination and an aesthetic approach. He can be an excellent florist, draftsman, event music specialist, wardrobe purchase consultant. Intuition, receptivity, sensitivity and taste help him to properly tune in to the customer.

Artistic creativity, humanities, various arts, including the art of divination, psychological counseling. The Page of Cups can decorate a stage or various events.

It is believed that the Page of Cups is a good student, and that the card speaks of diligence and diligence in the sciences. The student mode is generally characteristic of the Pages. The Page of Cups connects to the subject with his heart, he learns only what resonates in his soul.

Advice: open your feelings, fulfill your cherished desires, trust your intuition.

Card trap: have no self-respect, do not trust themselves and trust others without any reason. Naive self-deception.

Naivety in financial matters. Overconfidence. Insufficient ability to manage capital. It may indicate a lack of legal support, non-compliance with all the details of the transaction due to amateurism, ignorance of the rules and subtleties.

The Page of Cups is not yet a victory on the love front, but, so to speak, an “arrangement” for this front (a chance for love offered by external circumstances). This is undoubtedly a card of tender feelings. It carries the desire for rapprochement and connection, mutual understanding, truce. This card has an exceptional note of sympathy and empathy. It describes an affectionate and responsive attitude, the ability to rejoice and please the other. She is in charge of emotional and spiritual intimacy and gratitude, the revival of feelings.

The card describes a dependent partner, emotionally, financially or otherwise fueled by his "dominant" (gender does not play a role here). But this, as a rule, is not prudent exploitation - the Page of Cups really feels affection. If the card describes a lover, then one about whom you want to say with a smile “Child!”, As he is young, slightly naive and very receptive. He may be inexperienced or inept, but this does not spoil the impression at all - he is so gentle, affectionate, unselfish. One of the ancient meanings of the card: "children's love" (both as a person and as an event).

The Page of Cups, like no other, runs the risk of getting "the bitter experience of young days" because of his naivety and vulnerability. If the Page of Swords usually does not let anyone near him, even after a long sniffing (“And yet no!”), Then the Page of Cups gives himself without a trace and without looking back, without really understanding the partner. He is inclined to take emotional risks, not always even conscious of it and diving into the maelstrom of emotions with his head, and this is not the best basis for gaining a strong relationship (as Mary Greer puts it, “slavish submission to the first impulse of love”, which is only at the level of the Queen Chas becomes a unique ability to feel any partner).

At the same time, the Page of Cups corresponds to a demonstration of feelings (a fish sticks out of a goblet, unable to remain hidden in it), a sincere love impulse, the beginning of a novel. It can be thoughtless flirting without thinking about the future, or a prologue to something serious - other cards of the layout can give a hint. The disadvantage of the situation described by the Page of Cups is that it is still unknown what will be revealed when the first romantic fog clears and the contours of reality begin to emerge from it - the more ideal everything was at first, the greater the risk of a subsequent mismatch of outlines. However, the Page of Cups perfectly expresses the spirit of the mocking saying: “Whatever the rake teaches, the heart believes in miracles!” Such miracles are entirely in the power of the Figures of Water (or Cups).

The reversed Page of Cups resembles a small soap bubble. It is similar to the vanishing experience that we experience when we impulsively make an unnecessary purchase. This card may indicate that emotions are not deep, that everything is very unsteady, vague and will soon change.

Traditionally: windiness and promiscuity in love, sliding down an inclined plane. Deception, swindle, falsehood and flattery, treason, heartache. Other traditional meanings: loss of innocence, loss of trust, attraction to the "wrong person", feminine youth, easily influenced by others and at risk of being used. In a modern interpretation, it can also hint at an attraction to children. One of the ancient meanings of the card is addictions that threaten to destroy a person's life, pathological inclinations, very strong passions and temptations.

The card can indicate self-doubt, "buried talents" (like the reversed Page of Pentacles), and fear of love, an attempt to become emotionally invulnerable. A person does not hope for anything (“Do not offer a hand and a heart”).

Refusal to reconcile or offer, unwillingness to listen, make contact, go on a date. Rejected confessions and gifts.

The card can also describe a vulnerable, ridiculed child who finds it difficult to stand up for himself. Mary Greer also points to escapism, the desire to "retreat to a private inland kingdom populated by imaginary friends and slam the door on oneself."

Relationship breakdown, engagements, invitation withdrawn, social event canceled, date rescheduled.

Some ancient meanings attribute to the Page of Cups such manifestations as style and luxury, taste and various addictions. It can also be futile attempts to "do everything as in dreams", empty hobbies, the pursuit of " soap bubbles like unrequited love. Sometimes “bubbles” turn out to be not such love, but futile attempts to exchange and forget it ... In any case, the inverted Page of Cups indicates some kind of “emotional hole” in the astral body of the questioner (however, once the presence of such a hole was considered in young man almost obligatory, poetized and even glorified).

With the Two of Cups - marriage (from an old interpreter)

After the Page of Wands - a dangerous rival in love

Reversed with Nine of Cups - cooling, disappointment

Ondines, mermaids, naiads, nereids, souls of the dead (since ancient times, one of their symbols was small dolphins).

"Escaped Beauty"

The meaning of the symbolism of the Page of Cups or Chalices is not difficult to remember. Look carefully at the image of the card - we see a young man with a goblet in his hand. He is richly dressed, with an intricate turban on his head, and a bowl in his hand. He offers to join in the fun, to drink from the goblet of joy and delight. This is how the classic Ryder-Waite sees the Page of Cups.

In this article

The meaning of the Page of Cups in a broad sense

Most often, the picture depicts a young man, but some authors draw a page in the form of a girl. Such symbolism has the right to exist and does not change anything sacred meaning cards.

Page of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

When Cups appear in the layouts, I consider this a good sign. A positive shift is planned in the life of the questioner. Neighboring cards can be anything, even very gloomy, but the Cups give hope, promise joy and emotional upsurge, regardless of the severity of the situation.

The suit of Cups is responsible for the sensual side of being, gifts, good news, good news. The appearance of the Page of Cups in the layout guarantees a positive outcome. Depending on the question, he promises sensual pleasures, material wealth, exciting moments. But all events are with a plus sign.

The page stands on the seashore, we see that the water is restless, but this is not a formidable storm, but a breeze that will bring amazing and wonderful changes to life. The young man is easy-going, does not know how to be sad for a long time, he does not know grief and sadness.

Depending on the purpose of divination and the question, the card means:

  • boy or girl;
  • joyful emotions, experiences, pleasant excitement;
  • good news;
  • love adventure;
  • valuable gift;
  • marriage proposal for a woman;
  • positive response for a man;
  • friendship, support, empathy.

In the Tarot-93 deck of Nikolai Kolesov, published at the beginning of the 20th century, the card is called the Herald of Cups.

Herald from the deck of Nikolai Kolesov

In modern versions, you will see different pictures, it all depends on the imagination of the artist who worked on creating the image, his esoteric views, attitude.

Be sure to study the instructions for the deck, because each author puts his own experience into the symbolism. For beginners, I advise you to use the classic tarology - the Waite deck.

Meaning of the Page of Cups upright

The upright position of the Page of Cups is always positive. It means new emotions, feelings, good mood, love of life, interesting acquaintances.

The Messenger of Cups promises the fulfillment of cherished desires, the help of loved ones, and positive changes.

If the question concerned the implementation of creative plans, be calm - your ideas will come true. We dreamed of meeting a person according to our hearts, you know, he is already close.

Reversed meaning of the Page of Cups

If the card fell out in a reverse position, don't be alarmed, it does not carry a negative charge. Remember that everything is changing very quickly, nothing is stable - that's what the inverted Messenger of Cups will tell you.

Unfinished action, abandoned cases, petty quarrels, resentments and troubles. Postponed dates, unfulfilled hopes for a new job, thwarted vacation plans.

But don't take them to heart, says the Reversed Page of Cups. And also look at the neighboring cards - they will tell you what will not go according to plan. For example, you proposed to a girl, but you didn’t get married, this also happens in life. Make an effort and switch your attention to something else, get distracted.

Clients ask me if it is possible to make a new alignment if they are not satisfied with the answer. Understand that if you are told the result, then it is final. Take it for granted, learn a lesson, reconsider your attitude to the situation. A new alignment is made no earlier than in a month (depending on the issue).

The meaning of the Page of Cups when divining for business, work, finances

IN upright position The lasso symbolizes an emotional approach to business. The work inspires the fortuneteller, he creatively fulfills his duties, avoids routine and boredom.

If the question concerns mutually beneficial cooperation and support, then feel free to get down to business, do not hesitate. In this case, the cards guarantee the green light for any undertakings and projects. The Page of Cups is an enthusiastic, creative nature. He is a source of non-standard solutions, easily settles conflicts and quarrels, deftly bypasses obstacles, gets along with colleagues and superiors.

In financial matters, the card promises prosperity. But only if the work is to the liking of the questioner. Otherwise, he will be disappointed, uncertain about the future, painful thoughts about the future. The Page of Cups does not know how to make money in the truest sense of the word, he is not a financier, but a creator, a generator of ideas. Such people are contraindicated in leadership positions. Lack of business acumen will destroy and bankrupt the entrepreneur.

In matters of professional orientation, the Herald of Cups means people working with beauty. These are stylists, compilers of flower arrangements, bouquets of sweets and toys. They love and know how to work with their hands, but at the same time they have an artistic flair.

In the reverse position, the card warns of emotional problems. Probably, the fortuneteller has exhausted his reserves of fantasy, he needs rest. The inability to manage money in the inverted position of the Arcanum takes on the proportions of a disaster. A person spends more than he receives.

Under the inverted card, there are also failures to meet deadlines, burnout, apathy, quarrels due to broken promises.

Informative video to fix the topic of the meaning of the card in the upright and inverted position:

Regardless of the purpose of the alignment and the wording of the question, I always look at the predominance of one or another suit. In general, the Cups paint a positive picture of the future, but, for example, in a reverse position, they increase the negative influence of the Moon. She makes us sad, cry, miss.

The meaning of the card in relationships

In a direct position, the Page of Cups means a connection that brings mutual pleasure, affection, tenderness, spiritual unity.

Modern interpretation of the image of the Page of Cups from the Witches Tarot deck

In the presence of favorable cards, the appearance of the Herald promises long meetings. A partner may offer to live in the same territory and legalize relations (most often after the birth of a joint child).

In the reverse position, it means flirting, a frivolous, but very pleasant relationship between a man and a woman. Do not expect far-reaching consequences from the union, it is unlikely that it will end in a full-fledged marriage, but you will have a good time with a new partner.

Under the inverted card, only casual acquaintances pass, which quickly get bored, do not stand the test of time. If the fortuneteller wants to know the character of the person he is in love with, and the Messenger of Cups falls out to him, then you should not count on sincere feelings. A partner easily changes his attitude towards a loved one under the influence of emotions or the opinions of others.

A master class for beginner tarologists is dedicated to the meaning of the card in relationships:

People and places of the Page of Cups

Joyful, resilient, impulsive and open - that's what they say about the person to whom this Arcana fell out as a significator.

This is a creative nature that does not tolerate encroachments on its own freedom; he is constantly bombarded with new ideas.

He is a true connoisseur of beauty, sensual pleasures, good food and wine.

Objects that pass under the map:

  • art workshop, jewelry salon;
  • flower and gift shops;
  • chic restaurant;
  • antique shop;
  • a boutique selling expensive alcohol.

Psychological state and Page of Cups

In the upright position, the card speaks of the unstable emotional state of the questioner. Outwardly, he looks like an adult, but in his soul he remains a child, capricious, stubborn, wayward.

PsychoTarot - an innovative approach to cards

The Messenger of Cups takes all problems to heart, does not filter information, and suffers losses and defeats hard.

Such people do not know how to pretend, this is the main trouble, they do not wear a mask, their nerves are bare, anyone can offend with an unkind word or look.

In the reverse position, the Page of Cups does not know how to focus on the main thing, it is distracted from the goal. Easily suggestible, so he gets into unpleasant stories.

IN love relationships the inverted Page of Cups behaves cautiously. Probably, he has already burned himself and is afraid that the unpleasant situation will happen again.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

Using simple examples, let's consider how the appearance of the Major Arcana next to it affects the value of the Page of Cups.

Page of Cups with Major Arcana

  • The jester announces a frivolous offer that should not be accepted.
  • The magician is a good idea, it is worth taking note and putting it into practice. Option: the creativity of the questioner is great, take advantage of the moment.
  • The High Priestess advises sharing knowledge. Option: improve your skills, sign up for courses, learn a new specialty.
  • The Empress means pregnancy for a woman.
  • The emperor advises to legitimize relations with a partner.
  • Hierophant guarantees that the offer of cooperation will be profitable. Don't miss the opportunity that will be presented to you.
  • Lovers - begins new life you are on the verge of happy change.
  • The chariot symbolizes a project to be completed, but a lot of effort will have to be made. The cards say that you should take control of the situation.
  • Strength - show perseverance, patience, diligence. You will work hard, but the result will meet expectations.
  • Hermit - refuse the offer.
  • Wheel of Fortune - new project implementation of the planned plans. Option: the result is unpredictable, rely on the will of providence.
  • Justice is litigation.
  • The Hanged Man predicts strange incidents, dubious situations. Literally: between heaven and earth.
  • The Death card advises you to reconsider your attitude to life. Option: It's time for a change.
  • Moderation - do not rush, approach the solution of the problem with the mind, discard emotions. Act rationally.
  • Devil - they want to deceive you, set you up. Do not fall for deception, even if the business promises huge dividends.
  • The tower predicts failure in business and in love.
  • The star traditionally symbolizes hope. How real it is, you will be shown neighboring cards.
  • Moon - delusions, illusions, painful fantasies. You are wishful thinking.
  • The sun literally means the birth of a new life, the appearance of a child in the family. In an allegorical sense, Arkan portends the end of a difficult stage in fate, the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Peace is a well-deserved, hard-won reward.

By own experience I know that there are layouts where not a single picture from the Major Arcana falls out. Do not try to spread the cards again. Work with what has been presented to you from above. The absence of high characters does not affect the prediction accuracy.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the Page of Cups card from the point of view of socionics:

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Herald of Cups and cards of a similar suit: what do semantic pairs mean. Consider examples.

Page of Cups with cards of their own suit

  • Ace and Page of Cups is a great combination that every woman is waiting for. If the question was about marriage, be prepared for a marriage proposal. Option: cohabitation and serious plans.
  • Two of Cups - mutual love, consent, happy life.
  • Troika - a celebration, a feast (most often on a family occasion).
  • Four is not a very pleasant offer from a friend or girlfriend.
  • Five - an insult that you have to come to terms with.
  • Six advises to offer help to those in need.
  • Seven - empty words, not supported by deeds. Don't believe what they say.
  • Eight means categorical refusal.
  • Nine - a gift awaits you.
  • Ten advises to take part in a common holiday.
  • Knight - an offer of cohabitation.
  • Queen for women means pregnancy.
  • King - believe what you are told.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles and Page of Cups - how the cards of these Arcana interact.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Pentacles

  • The Ace of Coins portends a good profit. The main thing is that the partners clearly discuss the terms of participation in the transaction.
  • Two means a precarious financial situation.
  • Three - good cash prospects.
  • Fourth - consider the proposed.
  • Five - spending, expenses.
  • Six - charity.
  • Seven - do not believe empty promises.
  • The Eight of Pentacles promises a business proposal.
  • Nine - feel free to invest money, they will bring income.
  • Ten - share interests with family members.
  • Page of Pentacles and Page of Cups - research the market thoroughly before you start.
  • Knight of the Denarius - the plan will come true, but not as soon as you want.
  • Queen - your ideas are promising and will bear fruit.
  • King - money that you have to part with without regret.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Water and Air - what does the synergy of these elements promise the questioner.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Swords

  • The Ace of Swords says that your idea is interesting, but you will have to work hard on the implementation.
  • Two promises discord. It can be disagreements in the family or conflicts at work. Depends on neighboring cards.
  • Three - love failures, losses, depression, an oppressed state of mind associated with an unhappy life. Option: news that will bring sadness.
  • The Four of Swords signifies a temporary truce.
  • Five - admit defeat, abandon current plans.
  • Six - you have to travel, you may have to move to another country.
  • Seven is a bad offer.
  • Eight - forced consent under the pressure of circumstances.
  • Nine - bad news, take heart.
  • Ten - give up your dreams, do not have illusions, they are useless.
  • Page is a dubious alternative.
  • Knight - plans are not destined to come true.
  • Queen means divorce, breakup, painful separation.
  • King - complaints, squabbles, paperwork. The cards advise against arguing with the mighty of the world this. You will still lose.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

How Staves influence the interpretation of the meaning of the Page of Cups.

Page of Cups with cards of the suit of Wands

  • The Ace of Wands promises a tempting offer that should be accepted without delay.
  • Two - think carefully before you get down to business. You have many opportunities, but do not miss the main thing.
  • Three - it's time to start decisive action.
  • Four promises an addition to the family.
  • Five advises the questioner to seek help from knowledgeable people.
  • Six guarantees success in business, career advancement, when it comes to work. In love matters, he promises a positive answer from his beloved.
  • Seven - dubious adventures, treason, mutual claims and insults, cunning on the part of a partner. Be careful, you are being misled.
  • Eight - quick marriage, marriage.
  • Nine - unclear prospects.
  • Ten - the plan will not be realized. Postpone things until better times.
  • Page of Staves - carefully calculate each step.
  • Knight - plans will change, the usual course of events will be disrupted.
  • Queen of Wands - female happiness.
  • King is a creative project.

The combinations of cards above are relevant for the classic Waite deck. This is not a complete list of possible values. Each master creates his own decoding system, which is close and understandable to him.

The meaning of the Page of Cups when divining for health

In the upright position, the card does not carry a negative semantic load if it falls in the layout for a state of health.

The maximum that the questioner complains about is a lack of appetite and a headache.

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes depression and apathy. There are problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The appearance of the Page of Cups in the layout is an occasion to think about how dependent a person is on emotions. Perhaps it is worth looking at things realistically, not worrying about trifles, not thinking about the past, but boldly moving forward.

Reflection is not bad, but excessive sensitivity gets in the way. Turn on your mind as soon as you feel that you are losing control of your life.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Tarot cards are an amazing magical tool that allows you to lift the veil of future events, and also guides you in making important life decisions. If you want to discover the magic of Tarot cards, first of all, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each arcana. In this material, we will reveal to you the meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card.

The reverse position of the lasso indicates a vague foresight of future events, an incomprehensible feeling, the need to clarify information, a person is inclined to flaunt his feelings.

  1. The card indicates a difficult child, unsociable, withdrawn, unsure of his abilities and abilities, notorious, he is unlucky in the love sphere.
  2. What events are evidenced by: receiving unpleasant news, unsuccessful attempts, lies, a person sacrifices himself for the sake of his offspring (and it is completely meaningless), is distinguished by emotional immaturity.
  3. There are difficulties in business due to the fact that a person is lazy, prone to fraud, deceit, faces various obstacles.
  4. In the field of health: suffers from childhood pathologies with a severe course.
  5. The Page of Cups in the Tarot in a relationship: the card in the reverse position speaks of frivolity, do not rely on the promises of your partner.
  6. The Page of Cups of the Tarot advises you to break off unpromising ties, to stick to a more cunning position in life.
  7. Warns you not to try to disturb other people.
  8. The final answer to your question is no, cunning people can take advantage of you.

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The general meaning of the lasso Page of Cups Tarot

Along with the other three jacks, the Jack of Cups is the personification of some kind of impulse, push or chance. In this situation, it may indicate that you will be invited to take part in a pleasant affair. They will also love you and give you positive emotions, perhaps they will want to make peace with you. In any case, the initiative will come from others, and you should accept it joyfully and gratefully.

The lasso is the personification of the beginning of the world after a conflict situation, it speaks of the sympathy shown towards you in the difficult hours of your life. Occasionally, it may indicate someone's emotional outburst, which will turn into love for you. For the most part, these impulses are distinguished by purity and sincerity, and only in those situations where the fallout of other arcana points to the opposite, you need to be wary and think.


In this area, the drop of a card promises you a novelty that will be not only useful for you, but also pleasant. You are likely to receive a bonus at work, recognition, you will earn the praise of your superiors, or other people will appreciate your abilities. You may also be invited to a party with friends. In very frequent situations, the Page of Cups will predict that you will receive reasonable advice or friendly help, which will make it easier to solve your problems.

In the realm of consciousness

You encounter friendly impulses and ideas that help you become more aware of the situation at hand. At a difficult moment in your life, someone will comfort or support you, sympathize. Cups belong to the element of water, which will also indicate the receipt of wise advice or a message that opens up to you in the process of meditation practice or other types of appeal to higher beings.

Page of Cups Tarot meaning in a relationship

Your partner will be the first to reconcile. After a time of quarrels and conflict situations, there will come a time of calm, when one soul is strongly attracted to another. At the level of events, the appearance of a lasso promises that very soon you will be offered a hand and a heart.

Combination with other cards

It is not enough to know what the card itself means, you need to pay attention to which cards fall out with it in the layout.

  • With the lasso "Jester" - receiving a meaningless offer.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - you will be offered a new idea.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - an offer of knowledge.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - the combination speaks of pregnancy.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - your chosen one will call you in marriage, it is also possible to get a job.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - they will make you a good offer.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - you will be offered to live together, start a family.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - modifications to the project will be required.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - you will have to work hard on the project.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - you will refuse the offer.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - your project will begin to unwind.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - the combination indicates the filing of a petition with the court.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - you are engaged in a business that hinders your development.
  • With the lasso "Death" - a project that needs updates.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - you can solve your problem.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - you will face temptation, a set-up.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - the combination indicates a financial pyramid, a collapsed project.
  • With the lasso "Star" - you hope that your offer will be accepted.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - receiving an incomprehensible offer.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - pregnancy, a happy child will be born.
  • With the lasso "Court" - everything will be rewarded according to merit.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - a new person, project or family will be born.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - receiving a tempting offer.
  • With the lasso, the Two of Wands is a matter that requires careful planning and thought.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - instead of words, you will have to do business.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - your family will be replenished with a new member.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - the proposal will not receive support.
  • With the "Six of Wands" lasso - the beginning of a successful project, your plans will move forward.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - you will face claims.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - you will be offered to marry.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - getting a "pig in a poke."
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - your project will not be able to be realized in life.
  • With the Page of Wands lasso, a proposal that needs to be carefully studied.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - the appearance of momentary plans.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - pregnancy.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - the beginning of a serious creative project.

The main meaning that the Page of Cups card has is reconciliation, which inevitably ends any war. No matter how offended each other by the warring parties, over time they will have to step over their ego and restore the broken connection.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The person will arrive in a romantic mood.


The fortuneteller expects love or a revival of feelings.


Children's pathologies can let you know about themselves. The map also indicates psycho-emotional disorders.


Everything goes on.

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✚ For the future

The card is a little contradictory, however, at first glance, it fully describes the positive characteristics of a person and a situation. It is important to understand that the next stage will be bright, so expect pleasant surprises, as well as dreamy relationships with the opposite sex. Work will bring only joy, which is irreplaceable by other areas of life, which is full of inexplicable events. It is very important that labor activity inspires a person for further development.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

Relationships in which there were bumps and pits will even out and become happy, no external extraneous factors can change this. If there were no problems up to this point, then you should not wait for them, misunderstanding and quarrels are definitely not what can be seen in such a relationship. If the person on whom the layout is being made is wondering about the closest relationship, then very soon they will manifest themselves. You will meet an interesting person, it is difficult to say how long this relationship will last, but you can be sure that the emotions from them will only be positive, and the memories will remain in your memory for a long time.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Dreams, inspiration, good news and a certain kind of romanticism. The card indicates a creative approach to business, the beginning of an interesting project and initiative from others; lack of experience in money management. There are no serious health problems, but some emotional experiences and upheavals, mental disorders are possible. In the love aspect, you will find a new acquaintance, the emergence of feelings, flirting and falling in love. You are a very sensitive and dreamy person. Always use the chances and do not blindly believe all the promises and praises!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A lasso symbolizing a proposal. It can be a gesture of reconciliation, an offer, to enter into any relationship, any offer that brings joy to the questioner.

Tomorrow, the questioner will have a pleasant offer that you won’t want to refuse. It can be anything from an offer to get a puppy to a marriage proposal. Some kind of joint planning, a pleasant stay or the future.

In the professional field, the questioner may be offered a promotion, a transition to a more interesting and better paid position, some interesting business trip.

In love can symbolize an offer to move on new level relationship, an invitation to a date, or someone confesses to the questioner in sympathy or love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

You have long read books about love, watched melodramas and in a good way envied women who receive gifts, surprises and attention from their beloved men. Your partner did not like such things, so he never tried to please you in the evening by candlelight. But now the time will come when he will make concessions and begin to do romantic things for you. It will open up to you from a new side, every day will pamper you with various pleasant surprises. Now you will become the heroine of a romance filled with beautiful courtship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Try to avoid unnecessary quarrels. Conflicts without a reason will negatively affect the fulfillment of desire. Think a hundred times before entering into a conflict. Do not forget that intuition and logic are on your side, use them while you can. A period of emotional renewal and rebirth begins, so feelings should also be trusted. On the other hand, you are now ignoring some important message. Consult with loved ones, especially the advice of the child will help.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

New knowledge or news directly affects current events. Favorable time for gaining new knowledge. You make thoughtful decisions. Good news, new goals and opportunities are expected. A good set of circumstances, but without high-profile victories.

Beware of false praise and promises, excessive flattery. Strive to acquire new knowledge, including trying to learn something new about yourself. Use every chance!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

A way out of a long conflict that slowly destroys feelings promises you the Page of Cups. A period of harmonious relationships is coming, which will bring them to a completely new level. You will learn to understand each other, love, respect and listen, and this is the most important thing! At such a pleasant time, the question of the offer will be raised more than once, but the outcome will be yours.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Genuine interest mixed with caution. A person watches with great attention what is happening, but is in no hurry to act, fearing a trap.

The Guardian Angel warns against hasty conclusions. You need time to comprehend what is happening, to clear the grain from the chaff and with a clear mind to comprehend the true state of things. Try to see the situation as it is, getting rid of other people's influence and subjective opinion.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Your chosen one is a sensual, emotional and romantic person. It will create for you an atmosphere of love and simple female happiness. Now the emotional sphere is the main one, unforgettable feelings of joy and youth will completely renew your life. Your family is undergoing a period of emotional rebirth. If the relationship is just beginning, then expect good news from your young man.

A full description of the map is available at

The loss of the Tarot card of the Page of Cups in the layout is a positive sign. The surrounding people are friendly to the questioner, he has a chance to receive help, recognition, assertion of authority, victory. In relationships, it is a fresh stream of emotions, innovations, initiative. A pleasant streak of events is outlined, favorable circumstances, whatever it may concern. The fortuneteller expects happiness and fulfillment of desires.

The meaning of the Tarot Page of Cups (Bowls) is lightness, sincerity, dreams, the emergence of new feelings, a love message, positive changes. The card represents joy, harmony, positive; a young man or girl capable of evoking strong emotions, people under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Description: a page with a goblet in his hand is on the ocean shore; in the goblet - caught fish. Water is a way of thinking, dreams, emotions; fish is a symbol of the idea that has come.

Character cards mean a specific person in the life of a fortuneteller; character traits of the questioner or the roles he plays in life, qualities that need to be developed; the attitude of others; events in the future; Seasons. In an inverted position, these are the shadow sides of a person or actors in a particular situation.

The value of the card in a direct position:

  • reconciliation; conflict resolution;
  • reunion; meeting; Love;
  • new acquaintance; invitation; communication with a friend;
  • An offer of marriage;
  • new idea; enthusiasm; inspiration;
  • conception, childbirth;
  • news, prospects; development of creativity;
  • sensual personality, with a rich inner world;
  • high sensitivity; tenderness;
  • guidance of impulses and desires;
  • intuition, paranormal abilities;
  • versatility; education; training;
  • homosexuality; introversion; meditation;
  • enjoyment of working alone;
  • making talismans.

Situation and advice: news about a newborn, engagement, preparation for the wedding is likely. Expects a period of emotional rebirth, renewal of romance, meeting a nice person. With the transition to a new job, attention should be paid to colleagues and partners. Children can have a significant influence on the position of the questioner in the situation.

Reversed Page of Cups

The card indicates the unreliability of the situation, illusions leading nowhere. A person lives in dreams, unwillingness to realize plans, his qualities are infantilism, inability to adapt to reality.

Other values:

  • uncertainty, doubt;
  • wasted time, laziness;
  • wrong principles; deceit, flattery, falsehood; conversations behind the back;
  • narcissism, limited imagination; insulation;
  • selfishness; impudence;
  • reconciliation for a while; frivolity, infantilism; spoiled;
  • unhappy child;
  • drugs, alcohol.

Situation and advice: at present, a fortuneteller may be worried mental condition child, his spoiled, indiscipline, restlessness. Sometimes, in an attempt to cope with the problem, a desire to forget with the help of alcohol visits. Relationships can be in a fading state, the number of friends decreases.


The person in the description of the card is an actor by vocation or profession, playing in life and on stage. A person who reveals talents to the public, a character with an unsurpassed imagination; medium; harmonious inside. The people described by the card are: young; soft, artistic; artists, poets, teachers, inspirers; friendly, dreamy, passive; students; trainers; sometimes with homosexual inclinations. Those who prefer to achieve results alone.

In a different sense - a swindler, an amateur, dispersed in many directions, he will have to face many trials before he adequately evaluates himself.

The Page of Cups is a card of the element of Water and represents the sensual and emotional sphere.
The card depicts a young man in elegant clothes with a goblet in his hand. In some cases, he holds the cup as if he is serving it to someone. In others, as if he wants to drink from it the birds that were nearby. In the goblet there is a caught fish, which means success or easy prey.

The young man is usually depicted with a smile on his face with a very pleasant and charming appearance. The first impression of him will always be positive. He looks accommodating and friendly. Usually the young man is depicted against the backdrop of calm and measuredly swaying waves.

The Page of Cups is an actor or a person of a creative profession. He loves the attention and loves being on stage. This is a kind of poet eager for public recognition.

This person has great inner charisma and a vivid imagination. He is able to transform into different images and change a large number of masks. He is a charming swindler who is very pleasant to trust. In other decks, this card may be called and depicted differently. For example: “Princess of the Waters” or “Lotus of the Palace on the Waters”.

Card upright

Any pages in the layout indicate new events taking place in the life of a fortuneteller. The Page of Cups serves the realm of emotions and is its messenger. Usually it means new acquaintances and feelings associated with this person.

This card always indicates novelty and freshness in a relationship. The Page of Cups is a messenger of good news who valiantly carries out his service. In the traditional sense, the Page of Cups carries the image of a young man or woman. Such a character can often mean the son or daughter of the questioner.
The Page of Cups can also hide under the guise of a charming young man who sincerely wants to win the heart of a stranger.

It is generally believed that the appearance of this card in the layout is a lucky sign. It portends new acquaintances and good friends who are nearby who are always ready to help.

The Page of Cups is a kind-hearted and positive person. He is trying to make a good impression on you and sincerely hopes for reciprocal feelings in his address. He knows how to look after well and appreciates romantic deeds. Also, this card can indicate a life without worries and problems. A person enjoys life and lives it as his heart tells him.

Reversed card

In a negative sense, this card may indicate excessive gullibility and naivety. A person takes everything too close to his heart. He often treats people too well. He is not picky in communications and is often prone to deception. In other areas of activity, this card indicates excessive absent-mindedness, and not the ability to gather the right moment.

The meaning of the lasso Page of Cups in different areas of life

The lasso changes its meaning in the layout, depending on which area you are interested in.

Personal relationships

If you see the Page of Cups in the layout of the relationship, this does not mean that you have already won. This card represents tender feelings between partners and sincere motives. It brings partners together and adds sensuality to their relationship. Both partners treat each other with special awe and tenderness. Also, this card can indicate first love. Where feelings are so vulnerable and bare as a wire. Feelings are heightened and childishly naive. Such love is full of youthful maximalism, pain and tears, but it is pure and naive like morning dew.

inverted meaning

In an inverted meaning, this card can indicate a person dependent on relationships. A person is so dissolved in his beloved that he forgets about his own own desires which often leads to loss of self. One of the partners (often the Page of Cups points to a fortuneteller) is too naive and gullible. He should be more attentive to the words and actions of his partner.

professional situation

The Page of Cups is a conscientious worker. He loves to work and ignores laziness.
People of creative professions are most strongly favored by this card. Singers, artists, poets - all these people are somehow connected with creativity. The Page of Cups promotes them through the ranks and helps them achieve the greatest success in their fields. The Page of Cups is a charming and charismatic person, and therefore he conveys all these qualities of the questioner through the alignment. This card adds a fortuneteller confidence in their abilities. It gives a vivid imagination and boundless fantasy, which often leads to the creation of masterpieces.

inverted meaning

Reversed, this card indicates blurred boundaries and closed perspectives. A person is lazy and cannot concentrate on one activity for a long time.


This card indicates a positive state of health. However, she warns that you should not get involved in alcohol.

inverted meaning

This card indicates experiences and psychosomatic deviations. This may be due to the fact that a large amount of stress associated with experiences or with hard work without rest.
Also, this card may indicate unrequited love, which leads to a depressive state and loss of immunity in connection with this.

Map of the day

Today you should spend the day in a creative atmosphere and take advantage of the enthusiasm that this card gives you. Put laziness aside and think about new activities and hobbies that can bring you maximum pleasure and benefit in the near future. Spend time in good company with close friends and family. Share your ideas. Perhaps among them you will find like-minded people.

In the love sphere, today will be filled with romance and sensuality. You will want to express your feelings for your partner in a very romantic and non-trivial way. A positive reaction from a partner will not make you wait long.

If you are a person of a creative profession, then this card promises you great success. You should think about your style and promotion in the future because you have every chance to become successful and famous.

Page of Cups combined with other cards

The card changes its meaning in combination with other cards.

  • Page of Cups - Fool
    It is possible to receive an absolutely meaningless offer. At first, it may interest you greatly, but it will not bring you any benefit.
  • Page of Cups - Mage
    This combination of cards carries with it the receipt of a profitable offer or idea that in the future will be of great benefit to you and the acquisition of new skills. The proposal may come from a very close acquaintance or friend. Don't miss this opportunity. There is an opportunity to create something truly interesting.

  • Page of Cups - High Priestess
    This combination may indicate the development of new knowledge and skills. The High Priestess can act as a teacher who teaches her student. This is a great time to absorb new information.
  • Page of Cups - Empress
    This combination indicates pregnancy or the birth of a new life. In some cases, the combination may indicate a big push in business.
  • Page of Cups - Emperor
    For young unmarried women, this combination of cards may indicate a marriage proposal. Your chosen one is serious and ready to make you his wife. In other cases, this may indicate a profitable offer in the professional field.
  • Page of Cups - Lovers
    In a love relationship, this combination of cards can indicate a sensual and emotional connection. Your partner is ready to create a strong and lasting alliance with you. Wait for marriage proposals.
  • Page of Cups - Chariot
    At the moment, you should look at your project and make adjustments there. Not everything is as smooth as you think. You may need to look from the side to remove rose-colored glasses.
  • Page of Cups - Strength
    You have to make a lot of effort and work to achieve new goals.
  • Page of Cups - Wheel of Fortune
    Soon all your hard work will pay off. It takes a little effort and patience.
  • Page of Cups - Justice
    This combination indicates a subpoena. If this meaning does not apply to the court, then this may mean that the person with whom you are in conflict will begin to slander you. Be careful when you let people you don't know into your environment.

  • Page of Cups - The Hanged Man
    The business that you are currently busy with does not bring you any benefit. It has only ghostly dreams, but it does not continue and does not give any development.
  • Page of Cups - Death
    You are working on a project that is long outdated. You have to make a deep transformation there and freshen it up. Take a break to think things through and start from scratch.
  • Page of Cups - Temperance
    If the alignment concerns the completion of any business. Then with a combination of these cards, it will end successfully.
  • Page of Cups - Devil
    You should be careful. Because this combination in Tarot means a person or a company of young people who are pulling you to the bottom. In the beginning, you may feel light fun and enjoyment from communicating with these people, but after that you will see that they communicate with you not from the best of intentions.
  • Page of Cups - Tower
    This combination of cards indicates the destruction of the financial pyramid or the collapse of dreams and goals.
  • Page of Cups - Star
    You are in a state of expectation that your offer will be accepted. Be patient and wait for the right time. Don't be the first to take the initiative.
  • Page of Cups - Sun
    This combination of cards indicates the birth of a child healthy and happy. On a sunny and happy day.
  • Page of Cups - Last Judgment
    All your merit will be rewarded. Be patient and your project will take off.
  • Page of Cups - World
    This combination of cards always indicates the birth of something new, be it a project, a song, a child, or just an idea. This is the start of something new.

And, in conclusion, a short video about the lasso of the Page of Cups.

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