One hundred thousand how and why. "Five thousand" Where ", seven thousand" How ", one hundred thousand" Why

In your home, in your house, the ovens are drunk every day, the primus is lit, potatoes are boiled.

You may be perfectly able to pull the oven or cook potatoes. But try to explain: why the firewood in the stove crack? Why is the smoke goes into the pipe, and not in the room? Where does the soot come from when Kerosene is burning? Why is the roasted potato, there is a crust on top, and the boiled is not?

I'm afraid you can't explain to explain. Or, here: why water carries fire?

One of my friend answered: "Towness is because wet and cold." Why, because Kerosene is also wet and cold, and try the fire to put out kerosene!

No, it is better not to try: there will be a fire trip. See, the question is simple, and it is not so easy to answer it. Want, I will make you even twelve mysteries about the simplest things?

1. What is warmer: three shirts or a triple thick shirt?
2. Are there walls from the air?
3. Does the fire having a shadow?
4. Why does the water burn?
5. Can water blow up the house?
6. Why is the stove buzzing when it is token?
7. Why is beer hits and foams?
8. Is there a transparent iron?
9. Why is bread pulp all in holes?
10. The stove warms because it is drowning. Why warm the fur coat?
11. Why do the cloth dress stroke through the wet cloth?
12. Why can I skate on ice, and it is impossible by the floor?

One of ten readers will be answered for these questions. About things that surround us, we know very little. Yes, and something often happens.

You can get a book about the locomotive, about the phone, and where to find a book about the baked potatoes or about a kocherge?

There are such books, but you need to read them very much to answer at least our twelve riddles. But such mysteries can be made no twelve, but one hundred thousand.

Each thing you have in the room - a mystery.

What, how, why is it done? How long have it been invented?

Here you have a fork and knife on the table. They always together, as if brother and sister. Do you know that the knife is at least fifty thousand years older than fork? The knife was still at primitive people, the truth is not iron, but a stone, and the fork began to use only three hundred years ago.

People know when and whom the phone and light bulb are invented, and ask them: has a mirror hand invented long ago, a handkerchief has long been soaping long ago, have a potato?

These questions will be very few answered.

We read about traveling on distant, unexplored countries and do not guess that two steps from us, and even the unfamiliar, amazing, mysterious country, which is called "Our Room"

If we want to explore it, we can go on a trip to any minute. No tents, rifles, conductors we do not need. Map does not need.

In the way we will not get lost.

Here are our stations:
Water tap. Stove. Table and stove. Shelf with saucepans. Buffet. Cupboard.

The first station. Water tap

How long have people wash?

Rarely in which city there is no water pipeline. Each of us spends on the day the buckets of ten and twelve water. And in the old days, in the XV-XVI centuries, a resident of such a city, like Paris, spent only one bucket. So I'm counting, whether he could wash and whether he spent a lot of water laundry and cleaning the rooms.
Yes, and not wonder that the water was spent not enough: there were no water pipes. In some places, there were wells on the squares, and the water had to carry buckets, like now in small cities. In the wells often found corpses of cats and rats.
In the old days, people not only disadvantaged water, but lacking and cleanliness. Every day, people have become completely recently.
About three hundred years ago, even the kings did not consider it necessary to wash daily. In the luxurious bedroom of the French king, you would find a huge bed, such a big one that it was impossible to be paid without the help of a special tool - "bed stick". You would find a lush canopy on four split columns, similar to a small temple. You would find there gorgeous carpets, Venetian mirrors, opening hours best masters. But no matter how much you are looking for, you would not find a washbasin there.
Every morning the king was served a wet towel, which he wiped his face and hands. And everyone found that this is quite enough.
We have people were clean. Foreigners who came to Moscow was struck by the fact that the Russians often go to the bath. Physician Collins wrote:
Baths here are very used and bring big income, because faith obliges Russian to go to the bath. When the furnaces flare up, they usually splash on them with cold water. Some run out of the bathhouse, lying in the snow Nagi and then return again.
But back to Paris. Parisian underwear has rarely changed: once a month, and even two. Then they thought not that the shirt was clean, and that lace on the cuffs were more expensive and the chest is better embroidered. At night, the shirt was filmed along with the other dress and slept Nagish.
Only two hundred years ago reached the fact that the underwear began to change more often.
The handkerchief also appeared quite recently. He is only two hundred and three hundred.
At first only a few. Among the most notable and important people, there were many people who considered the nasal handkerchief with an unnecessary luxury.
Magnificent canopies over the beds were arranged not so much for beauty, as in order to escape from insects that have fallen from the ceiling. In the old palaces, such umbrellas are still preserved. Klopov even in the palaces was apparently invisible.
Baldakhins helped little. The bugs were arranged in their folds with great convenience.
There was no sewage. In Paris, we poured straight on the street from the windows. Dirty water flowed into the ditch, diverted in the middle of the street. Stenar from the ditch was so strong that passersby tried to keep closer to the houses.
The dirty was and our Moscow, when in Moscow in 1867 they laid gas pipes, found the remnants of wooden bridges of the XV-XVI centuries under the ground. On top of the most ancient pavement lay on Arshin layer of dirt, then the pavement was again - later - and on top of it again layer of dirt.
It is not wonderful that in the old days people hurt much more than now. No one knew then that where dirt, there and infection. It happened that whole cities died out of terrible diseases - plague, black smallpox. From ten children lived to ten years only five. At every corner, the beggars were crowded, disfigured with smallpasses and leprosy.
What made us healthier and stronger? Water tap, slice of soap, clean shirt.

Why wash water?

Why water flushes dirt? Maybe she simply takes her with him how the river takes the abandoned chips?
But check. Hold dirty hands under the crane. Will they become clean from it?
I am afraid it is not. After all, no one is wrong. When we wash, we definitely three one hand about another. And for what? In order to erase, scrape the dirt.
The same with the linen. Bundoras are not just put underwear in the water, but erase it, work with hands and even brushes.
Were lingerie this and means to wash the dirt from it, it seems that we are erased by a rubber band written on paper. And when the dirt is considered, water is really difficult to carry it away.

How did a man work soap bubbles?

But here we forgot one thing, without which you never erase.
What is this thing?
If we were erased underwear or washed without soap, we would always go dirty. Soap is the strongest enemy of dirt. Here, for example, soot. It is especially difficult to wash. Suits are tiny pieces of coal with sharp, uneven edges. Such a corner will take into the deepening of the skin, cares, it does not scratch it from there.
But take soap in your hands, wash them well.
Soap will be painted on South, pull out and will fade it from all pores and folds.
How does it do it?
And let's think.
What soap is better washes - that which gives more foam, or that which almost does not fance?
The one that gives more foam. So it's about the foam.
What is foam?
Look for her. It is made up of small soap bubbles, from small balloons, whose shell is made of water. And these bubbles are grabbed and carry out soot. Sight particles stick to foam bubbles, and foam it is easy to wash.
The same makes the same on the factories when they want to separate, wash the ore from the "empty breed" from the stone. And ore and stone in the water are drown. But in the foam, if they are crushed, they are not drown. Poam bubbles are very big power. Bubbles raise and slices of ore, and slices of stone and endure them upstairs. And then the selection begins. Pieces of the breed can not hold on to bubbles for a long time and fall on the bottom of the device. And the ore particles do not fall. In the end, the crust of ore is obtained, which is easy to remove.
So, soap bubbles are suitable not only for fun. Man Chiter - He and soap bubbles made him work.

Why drink water?

Here again a simple question. Such a simple thing that seems to ask no need to ask.
And ask, and it turns out that out of ten people only one knows why they drink water.
You will say: Drink water because I want.
Why do you want?
Because it is impossible to live without water.
And it is impossible to live because we are all the time we spend and we need to replenish it.
Dark-ka on cold glass. The glass is noticeable, covers water droplets.
Where did the water come from? From your body.
Or, say, you sweat up on a hot day.
Where did the sweat come from? Again, from there - from the body,
And since you spend water, we lose, you need it from time to time.
For a day, a person loses whole twelve glasses of water. So, he needs to drink or eat as much.
Does the water eaten?
The fact of the matter is that they eat. In meat, in vegetables, in bread - in every water meals much more than solid material, In the meat of water, three times more than a solid, and the cucumber, so it consists of water almost entirely.
Yes, and in you the water itself almost as much as in the green cucumber. If you weigh 40 kilograms, then you are 35 kilograms of water and only 5 kilograms of solid material.
The body of an adult contains water less: about three quarters of weight.
You ask:
- Why do not people spread along the floor as Kisel?
The whole thing is that it is not so important that the thing is built. The most important thing is how it is built.
If we look at a microscope a piece of meat or cucumber, we will see a set of cells filled with juice. This juice does not fall out of the cells because they are closed on all sides. That is the secret.
So, water is the main material from which our body is built.
It is not surprising that a person can live for a long time without food, and without water can not live and several days.

Can water blow up the house?

Water seemingly innocuous substance. And it happens that water explodes, as if powder. Yes that powder! Water times at twenty more dangerous powder, if you do not know how to contact her.

There was a case when the water blew up a whole house in five floors and killed twenty-three people.

It was in America the forty years ago.

How could this happen?

The fact is that there was a factory in this house.

In the lower floor, the smeared was in a large stove huge boiler. Water in it was placed as much as in a large pond.

When the stove was treated, the water in the boiler was boiling, and the pair went through the pipe into the steam machine.

Once the driver was glanced and did not stripped on time. In the water boiler there is very little. And the stove continued to rush. From this wall of the boiler fucked. The driver did not think about it - I took and let the water in a hot boiler.

Do you know what happens when you pour water on the hot iron? She immediately turns into steam.

The same thing happened here. The water all turned into a pair, a couple in the boiler accumulated too much, the boiler could not stand and burst.

It happened even worse: in Germany, one day twenty-two boilers immediately exploded. All houses around were destroyed. Waves of boilers were lying at a distance of a half kilometer from the explosion site.

This is what a terrible thing of water vapor!

You also have several thousand steam boilers every day every day, only not large, but small ones. When firewood in the stove crack, it means that they are exploding. There are no dry firewood, water in firewood is always there. From severe heat, the water turns into pairs and breaks the fibers of the tree with a crash.

Solid water

Solid water - ice - also sometimes explodes.

Steam explodes at home, and the ice destroys the whole mountains. It happens so.

In the fall, water falls into the cracks. In winter, it freezes - turns into ice. But the ice takes more space than water, the truth is not much - only one tenth. Under the pressure of the ice distributed in all sides, the strongest stone cracks.

Therefore, water pipes are bursting. So that they do not burst, they need to seal them for the winter - to bite something, for example, felt.

Why can not skate on the floor?

One boy I asked why you can not skate on the floor, replied:

Because the ice is slippery and very hard, and the floor is not so solid and not slippery.

But it happens the stone floor; It is slippery and hard, and it is impossible to ride on the stone floor.

When we ride on ice, ice under pressure skates melts. A layer of water is formed between the skates and ice. Do not be this layer of water, it would be as difficult to ride on the ice, like on the floor. Water, as if oil in the car, reduces friction between the skate and ice.

The movement of glaciers from the mountains is due to the same reason. Under the weight of ice the lower layers of his melting, and the ice river slides on the mountainside, like your skates on the rink.

Whether opaque water and transparent iron

Every person will say that water is transparent. And in fact it is transparent only in a thin layer. At the bottom of the oceans night, because the sun's rays cannot go through the whole water.

But not only water - all substances in a thin layer are transparent, but in the thick there. Take, for example, a piece of white, transparent glass and look at it from the rib. Glass will seem likely to you and not transparent.

Recently, one scientist prepared a plate with a thickness of one hundredsmifted millimeter from iron. This plate is transparent as glass, and almost quite colorless. Putting it on the page of the book, you can easily read the smallest font.

The same transparent records scientist prepared from gold and from other metals.

Station Second. Stove

How long have people learned to extract fire?

How fun crack in the firewood stove in the winter evening! When you look into the fire, it is easy to imagine many amazing things - burning cities, precipitated fortresses. The cracks of the Finev reminds the volleys of the guns, and the flames of the flame seem to be soldiers running along the fortress wall.

In the old days, people thought that small fiery lizards live in the fire - fire spirits. And there were those who considered the fire the deity and built in his honor the temples. Hundreds of years burned in these temples, not fading, lamps dedicated to the fire of fire.

The custom to maintain a non-day-free fire is one of the most ancient on earth. Many tens of thousands of years ago, people did not know how to mine fire. They did not get the fire, and found how they find gems. It is not wonderful that the fire then shouted like treasure. If he had to go out, there would be no other to get anything: after all, people did not know how to get fire.

It happened that zipper lit a tree. People with fear looked at the fiery beast, who devoured a tree, breaking the bruising bruising and licking the tongue of Cour. It was terrible to come closer, but I did not want to leave: it was warm and fun around the hot tree around the cold night.

Primitive man was a brave creature. He often had to enter into battle and with a huge cosmatic mammont, and with a powerful cave bear. In the end, the foreheads who were not afraid to approach the fooling fire.

It is not known who the first one decided to grab the burning bitch and bring home this outland. Probably did not one person, but several in different places. Whatever it was, there were bold, inventive people who tamed fire, as wild animals tame.

The invention of Edison, which made the first electric light bulb, nothing compared to the invention of these coated wool, long, closure people. Do not be fire, and now there would be few difference from Orangutans or Gorillas.

Bright fire illuminated the caves and strawberries of primitive people. But many more thousands of years have passed before people learned how to mine fire.

Having learned to extract the fire, a person could not be afraid of losing him. If the storm or shower was quenched, it was always possible to ignite the new one.

But for a long time in the temples, the restless lamps were burning, reminding about the time when the fire was not able to do when the fire was rare and precious finding.

Oddly enough, the most ancient way to mining the fire is preserved to our time. Primitive people mined the fire by friction of one wooden stick about another.

We also produce fire by friction - matches about the boxes.

But there is a difference, and very big. Loop the match is a matter of one moment, and to light a piece of wood, even very dry, you need to tinker for about five minutes, or even more. Yes, and you should be able to. A match will light up all sorts, and try to get the fire at a primitive way. I strongly doubt you anything happens.

Why are matches ignite?

The primitive person did not have such tools that we have. He did not have a saw or a tank.
He saws and planed with sharp stone or bone. It was not easy to work as a tool. I had to rub too much and roll out that the tree was warmer and sometimes flashed. It probably made a person guess that the fire can be obtained by friction.
In order for the tree flashed, it is necessary to heat it very much. So, and rub one wand about another need for a very long time.
Another thing is matches. The matching head is made of material that lights up even from a small heating.
It is enough to touch the match to the hot iron, for example, to a hot furnace door so that the match flashes. And if you touch the door to the other matches, there will be no flash.
That is why the match does not have to rub about the boxes of five minutes. It is worth clearing - and she will light up.

Did people have a match for a long time?

Matches invented quite recently. In 1933, the first matched factory was exactly a hundred years. Until that time, the fire was mined in another way. Instead of a box of matches, people who lived a hundred years ago, wore a small drawer with three strange items in his pocket: a piece of steel, a small pebble and a piece of something like a sponge. If you asked what it was, you would have been told that steel was a fire, pebbles - it's flint, and a slice of a sponge - a clutch.
A whole bunch of things instead of one match!
How did the fire then mined?
Look at this fat man in a motley bathrobe, with a long tube in your teeth. In one hand, he keeps fire, in another flint and a clutch. He hits the fire of flint. No result! Again. Again nothing. Again. Spark pops out of the fire, but the clutch does not light up. Finally, in the fourth or fifth times, the clutch flashes.
Actually, this is the same lighter. In the lighter, too, there are pebbles, there is a piece of steel - wheels, there is a clutch - fitlek, soaked in gasoline.
The fire was not so easy to carve. At least when European travelers wanted to teach the Greenland Eskimo to produce fire, Eskimos refused. They found that their old way is better: they mined the fire with friction, like primitive people, - rotating the strap wand put on a piece of dry wood.
Yes, and the Europeans themselves were not averse to replacing the flint and lightly by something better. All sorts of "chemical fire" appeared on sale, one of the other wisers.
There were matches litter from touch to sulfuric acid; Then there were matches with a glass head, which it was necessary to crush with forceps, so that the match flashes; There were finally whole devices made of glass of a very complex device. But they were all uncomfortable and expensive.
So it lasted until phosphoric matches invented.
Phosphorus is a substance that lights up with the lowest heating - only 60 degrees. It would seem that the best material for matches cannot be invented. But phosphoric matches did not go anywhere compared to our.
They were very poisonous, and most importantly, they light up too easily. To light a match, it was enough to clean it about the wall or even about the top. When the match came up, an explosion took place. The head scattered into parts, like a small bomb. Skrugov, the match left a bad memory in the form of a nasty sulfur gas. In addition to phosphorus, there was still a sulfur in the head, which, burning, turned into a sulfur gas.
About sixty years ago, finally "safe", or "Swedish", matches that we use and now appeared. There are no phosphorus in the heads of these matches, it is replaced by other combustible substances.

Why water does not burn?

Some things light up when they are very hot. Others flarelves even from weak heating. And there are those who do not burn at all.
Water, for example, does not burn.
Would you like to know why?
Yes, because why the ash is not lit.
The water itself turned out from burning.
What should I burn to get water?
Gas hydrogen, the one that fills balloons and airships.
Now they began to fill the airships also with another gas - helium. Helium does not burn, therefore and fly on such airships is safer.

Where are the firewood, when the stove is token?

They brought heavy knitting of fire from the barn, threw it with a roar near the stove. Length strong, healthy. The smell from them is like a Christmas tree brought.
Flooded the stove. We look, in an hour or two, nothing left of Khpanka. Only a wet spot on the floor from the monstering snow and in the stove handle-two ashes.
Where did Khpanka come?
And what is - burned?
It is necessary to investigate this. So the candle, too, when burns, disappears. What - does she completely disappear or it just seems?
Let's make such an experience. Take a spoon and candle. Put a spoon over the candle. The spoon will be blurred, covered with water droplets.
Where did the water come from? It is clear that from the candle, no more else.
Now extract the spoon and put it over the flame. A spoon will be covered with soot - pieces of coal. Where did the coal come from? Again from the candle.
Why used to be seen before coal?
Yes, because why not visible in the house of beams or nails. Beams, nails, bricks become visible only during a fire. Also here: coal becomes noticeable only when we arrange a small fire - we light the candle.
Oh well. When the candle burns, it turns out water and coal.
And where are they going?
Water flies in the form of a couple. This pair and sits on a spoon when we keep it over the flame.
But where is the coal?
When the candle smokes, coal flies in the form of a soot - small pieces of coal - and sits on the ceiling, on the walls, on the surrounding things.
But if the candle burns well, there is no soot - the carbon is all burning.
What is - burns?
The whole story begins first. Where is the coal going when he burns?
One of the two: or it disappears, disappears at all, or it turns into some other substance that we simply do not see.
Let's try to catch the invisibility.
To do this, we will need two jars from under the jam and the candle grid.
Candle's grinding should be placed on a wire so that it is more convenient to lower it to the jar.
And in the glass it is necessary to pour lime water.
We will prepare this water as follows: take a bit of negated lime, webly tear it in water and leak through the wreaking paper. If the solution is muddy, we are a permanent again, so that it is completely transparent.
Now I'll light the beam and lower it carefully on the bottom of the empty banks. Sparrit-pogrit and go out. Withdrawing it, light and lower the bank again. This time the bead will go out right away, as if it was immersed in water.
So, in the bank now something is, which prevents the candle to burn.
What can there be there? After all, the type of bank is completely empty.
Let's do that. Add to the bank of lime water. Water grips - it will become white. And if we are licked lime water to another bank, where there was nothing, water will remain transparent. So, in that bank, where he used to burn a candle, there is some invisible gas that makes muddy lime water.
Scientists called this gas with carbon dioxide. They found that carbon dioxide is obtained and then when coal is burning.
Now we can answer the question where the candle is going. It turns first in coal and water. Water flies, and coal burns and turns into carbon dioxide.
The same happens with firewood. Firewood is also converted to coal and water. Coal burns, although not all: a little unlawful coal always remains in the stove. And burned carbon, that is, carbon dioxide, flies together with a water vapor into the pipe. White smoke that brings in winter from the pipes, it is a water vapor, thickened in the cold in the water droplets. And if smoke is black, then the stove smokes; In the smoke there remains a lot of unlawful coal - soot.

Why is the stove, buzzing when hesides?

On a winter day, as soon as the stove is flooded, the music begins in the room. The stove buzzes and sings like a large pipe in the orchestra, and the furnace doors ring and rattle, like copper plates.
Where does this hum and the ringing come from?
So that the pipe thickened, you need to pour into it.
And who blows to the stove?
The point here is what. When we calm the stove, the air is heated in it. And the warm air is easier cold. It rises up, and the cold air is made to the vacation place. It turns out a traction - the air flow passing through the stove from the bottom up.
It is easy to check. Put several small pieces of paper on the postcard, so so that they are at the very edge.
Apply the postcard to the hole in the furnace door. Pack of paper one after another will fly into the stove.
What did they suffer there?
The jet of air that flows from the room to the stove. The air broke fell a piece of paper, as the river carries the chips abandoned into it.
So, no one blows into the stove, and the air itself enters there.
But is it true that when the air is heated, he rises up?
You can see it with your own eyes. Place a burning candle or lamp on a sunny day. You will see the shadow of the flame on the windowsill, and over her flowing shadow of the rising air. That is why the flame is always upwards: the air rises and carries the flame behind him.
Now do you understand why they do holes in the furnace door? For air. But why do you need air?
In order for firewood in the stove burned.
Without air - for example, in a closed tightening stove - firewood will not burn. The better the thrust, themes burn better. You yourself probably noticed: When the thrust is strong, the firewood burns well, and when the rod is bad, the firewood burns barely.
Scientists examined the air in the laboratory. They found that air is a mixture of gases. Most of all in it nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is this gas that is needed for burning.
When the firewood in the stove is burning, this is what. From coal, which is in firewood, and from oxygen, which comes with air, carbon dioxide is obtained. And water is obtained from hydrogen and oxygen.
So, during your trip, the air is completely changing during your trip on the route "The stove - smoke trumpet". Oxygen in it remains smaller, but in return, he takes in the stove and takes water and carbonate gas into the pipe.

Why water carries fire?

If you lower the candle in the water, it goes out. And why?
Because for burning candles, air is needed, not water. That is why the water and extinguishes the fire: it does not give air to approach the burning item.
You can and other way to smear the fire: cover it with a blanket or fall asleep with sand. Blanket or sand will not allow air to approach fire, fire and go out.

Riddle about the stove.

Sold up a riddle.
The stove is token, and there is no fire. Where the air enters, from there and smoke comes out. What it is?
This is a man.
After all, when we breathe, we breathe air, and exhale water and carbon dioxide. Just like a stove.
You can easily check it. Fuck to a spoon, it is notice. Here you have water. Now pour through the straw in the limestone water. Water grims. Here you have carbon dioxide.
The nose serves us and the door, which enters the air, and the chimney.
And burns in our stove what we eat. From this, our body is always warm.

Children are very inquisitive from nature, their endless "why?", They put even parents in a dead end with experience, which is already talking about young parents. Most often, adults can only answer for few questions correctly and essentially. They do not want to answer for some questions to be honest, you have to lie, hide or ignore them. Meanwhile, it is important not to leave the questions of the baby without an answer so that there is no knowledge of knowing interest.

Why are these "why"?

Barely passes the period of incident when the crumb defends his "me" all valid (and not very) methods, as not far from the mountains, the new era of the kid development - the age of "integrity" . Baby join it in different ways - someone in 2.5-3 years , Someone closer to 4-5 years. In fact, this age is not terrible phenomenon, but incredibly interesting! The baby grows, develops, strongly speech, expands vocabulary, and unknown, mysterious the world Little by little opens my secrets ... and begins! What ticks in hours? Why the cat's mustache? Why does the wind blowing? Why does the sky day blue, and at night - black? Where does the sun go to sleep? The kid like a wannae from the fairy tale of Kipling wants to know about everything in the world. Even the crocodile is eating at lunch. Remember?

I have a seven servants,
Prompt, removed,
And all that I see around, -
I know everything from them.
They are my sign
Are in need.
Name them: how and why
Who is that when and where.

Yes, all these "What" and "why" is nothing more than a way of knowledge of the world. And this method for the kid is still almost the only one. It will later learn how to use reference literature, draw information from books, TV shows and the Internet. In the meantime, the main source of information is close people, mom with dad. Now they are smarter for the baby and the significantness of all scientists and professors combined. And such high confidence needs to be justified!

The baby discovers the law of constancy for himself, and the answers to questions give birth to new questions. Each new knowledge expands the boundaries of the world, and in it there is still so much interesting and unexplored. So the best for the development of children's curiosity is to carefully answer the baby's questions. Right now in The age of "integrity" is laid by the love of knowledge (that is, that very curiosity) , research interest, and this is the basis of further successful school education .

How to destroy children's curiosity

It is easier than simple! Do not answer a couple of times. Cut off "I'm busy wait, then, not now, another time, I do not know ..."). A couple of times laughing at the told by the child absurdity. A couple of times the question "Why?" reply "On Kachan!", better "Kachan and cabbage!". And the most suitable answer will be weighty "Why? Because!". Just do not be surprised if a little later, too, will also get "on Kachan" in response to some kind of question ...

Without receiving answers to questions, the child sooner or later will cease to ask them at all. Curiousness - the norm for the child, the sign of its gifting. And if he asks questions - it is very good! Much worse, if not asks! Take care of patience, enlist the support of grandparents, explain to them how important it is to answer each "why", even if your baby sets the same question for the tenth time, in no case come off and, of course, do not shift on the baby. After all, the easiest way to kill curious in the child, and sooner or later he will find someone who tells him a lot of "interesting", but it will not be you.

How to answer children's questions

On this occasion, a very old joke is remembered:

There are dad and a five-year-old son, son fats an apple:

- Dad, why does an apple darkens?
- You see, son, our atmosphere contains free active oxygen. At the same time, the apple contains calcium, magnesium, and, which is especially important - iron. Iron react with free oxygen. As a result, the oxide of a triumphant iron, which has a characteristic brown color.
There is a long pause.
- Dad, and who have you talking to?

So let's not like to be like this dad, but will answer the questions of kids in such a way that it would be clear to the croching.

For example, consider the children's question "Why does not fall the sun?" And as you can answer it.

Dummy answer

"Well, because it does not fall and everything."

"Because. You're still small and you will not understand."

"Go ask my grandmother."

"You'll understand when you grow up".

Answering in this way, we are talking to the child that he asked a stupid and uninteresting question, and we calm myself with the fact that it seems to be answered, they did not ignore the question completely. In fact, we do not justify the hopes of the child and gradually lose their credibility in his eyes. The child is quickly learning, and soon he will understand that it is better not to ask you about complex things.

"Why do you think it should fall?"

"Why doesn't land fall in the sun?"

Such an answer is better than the previous one, but only if you are ready to continue the conversation. So you offer the child to think, to strive, search the answer together. You incite children's curiosity and it's great. But be prepared that answering the question of the question, you provoke a wave of new questions. On the other hand, you win the time to find the appropriate answer yourself (look into encyclopedia or other sources).
Reply with reference to the universe

"So the world works."

"The laws of physics do not give him to fall."

"So God wanted."

An adult such an answer seems very smart and even philosophical, and for a child it is a dummy again, because, in fact, you did not explain anything. And the main child is no food for reflection. In children of life experience, there are still few, so he has nothing to argue about it and ask further, too, like nothing.
Scientific, too long answers "The sun more land According to linear dimensions of approximately 109 times, and in terms of volume - 1.3 million times, the sun holds the earth with tremendous forces with huge forces ... " The example is exaggerated, but the essence is clear: giving an exhaustive response from the point of view of scientific knowledge, we seem to say everything right, but most of the children will not understand us. In addition, such an answer simply will not leave a child a chance to feel something, come to some kind of conclusion. Children's curiosity quenching, and you turn into a walking dictionary for a child. In some cases, this answer is good because children's questions will end on this topic. Such an answer will like the child with a logical warehouse of the mind, which itself requires the most accurate data. On the other hand, if so responsible for each question, it will be quite boring - from birth to live in the world, where everything is already described and studied.
Fabulous and anthropomorphic answers

"Because sun glued to the sky with special glue. "

"Because it rays keeps behind the sky. "

Such answers are good for the little ones. They love fairy tales, and in fairy tales, all animals and the phenomenon of nature are thought well. The problem of such an answer is to be in his wrong. Yes, and this answer will arrange a "lap" only for a short time, so getting ready to correctly adjust the knowledge in the children's head soon.
Answers with variations

"Some people think that it is only not yet falling, but once the earth with the Sun will encounter."

"And some people are confident that ... I now think that ... and on the Internet it is written that ..."

Excellent option Answer to an ambiguous question. Responding to such images, we show the child what is different opinions. We are expanding the horizons of the child and encourage it to independent conclusions and reflection. The problem is that you cannot avoid a counter child question: "And who is right?".
Laconic answer essentially

"The sun can not fall."

"It is a huge and very far from us, just seems small."

"And only what is close to the earth can fall."

This is a thoughtful, short and fairly truthful answer, which is already in itself - good. You answered essentially simple words. Most likely, this child wanted. Just do not forget to leave a place for children's fantasy, a little shortness that will interest, intrigues and after some time will spur towards new research.

Yes, you need to answer children's questions. But ... not on everything.

This does not mean that you should go away from the answer. Simply there are many questions to which the child and himself can well answer if he thinks a little. Learn to allocate such questions from the squall of all sorts of "why" and "why". You will serve my son or daughter good service, taking them to thinking, help you make an important conclusion: it is not possible to know everything, but there are many things and phenomena that can be understood and realized yourself. For example, the baby, like a small prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery, asks, why the colors need spikes. Agree, quite an ordinary children's question. And we can easily satisfy children's curiosity. And the baby will know the answer to his question. But does this know a lot of knowledge bring him a sense? And what if you carefully ask: "Do you yourself think?" The baby will start to put forward its versions, perhaps very fantastic. And maybe very faithful. And our task is now to follow his arguments, and slightly push them into the right channel with the subjects. Joint efforts will be found easily and quickly. It makes sense to say after that: "You see what you are well done! I did not know, but I thought - and I myself found an answer! " And it does not matter exactly what you summed up to this answer. It is important that the child is aware of their capabilities, will understand that by reasoning, it is really possible to figure out a lot! But it is not always possible to give a simple answer, especially if the child asks about quantum theory, having heard on TV and remembering the sonorous phrase. Or how do you like the philosophical question about where the very first Ikrinka came from?

Children - the creatures are amazing that they would understand them, you need to become a little more child yourself, try to put yourself in the place of the baby, look at the world by his eyes. The child is something similar to aliens. Every day he opens up new laws that we, adults, long ago are known and understandable. And we even forgot that once didn't know all this.

If you are difficult to translate something from an adult to the children's, pick up a few good encyclopedias for the smallest with clear pictures and affordable children's understanding texts. True, if you still have good pictures, you are more complicated with the texts. Encyclopedia are written by adults! And authors, just like us, parents, often difficult to find simple words For difficult things. This is sometimes "translating" even kid encyclopedia. But to master the children's language, I am sure everyone can. It is only necessary to want to very much, come down from the height of your adult and intelligent vision of the world to a small sprout of the child. In fact, even complex things can be explained simple language. Just do not confuse simplicity with the primitivism! The child - the little man is very clever, thoughtful, in something even wise. He is very much able to understand and comprehend.

Even senseless children's questions actually carry a certain meaning. Perhaps the baby just misses you talk a little with him, and he wants to communicate. So he is looking for ways somehow "hook" you. He knows a little psychologist, knows perfectly that it is withdrawing mom from the state of equilibrium! It is often poured into a chain where every next question clings to the answer. "What are you doing?" "Wash the dishes". "Why do you wash the dishes?" "Whatever clean was." "Why would it be clean?" "What would be pleasant from her." "Why was it nice?" Well, etc. Familiar? Here and you can at the very beginning of the dialogue instead of the answer to ask the baby: "What do you think?" And then lead the topic of conversation a bit into another bed. Sometimes it makes sense to answer the question for which the child knows the answer, with the share of humor. "What are you doing?" "Dance!" "No, mom, you wash the dishes!" Together laughed, and no irritation ...

For an adult, it is very important to learn how to understand children's questions correctly, to delve into their essence. This is sometimes not easy: child thinking is arranged quite differently than an adult. Often, children ask inaccurate questions, saying one, and implying completely different. Here is a simple example.

Masha 3.10, asks for a walk: "Mom, why do this topop of the branches such long and in different directions grow?" What is there to answer? Such this poplar is the form of branches, such a nature created ... But the daughter does not suit the answer and she says his own: "No, tree root pulls water and food from the ground, so he has a branch!"

Do not be afraid of situations when the kid asks the question to which you, unfortunately, do not know the answer.

Frankly admit the child in this, but promise to find out or suggest to understand everything together. It will only strengthen your authority in the eyes of the child, will show him that mom or dad can everything. In every way to encourage the interest of your baby to the world around him, ask him counter questions in response by continuing to develop a given topic. All children adore riddles, with their help you can teach a child to think, expand his vocabulary, develop a sense of humor.

How to teach children ask questions

The ability to ask questions is the art we learn all your life. Each of us has come across us many times with questions and tactless, and stupid and frankly stupid. We check the baby a good service if you teach it to correctly set questions and not be afraid of doing this. Someone may seem strange, but there are many adults who are afraid to ask something incomprehensible or ask the interlocutor of the question. And as a result, make a lot of errors that could be easily avoided. Such people are often obtained from children who, in childhood, scored a desire to ask or simply not taught. Therefore, it is very important to convince the baby that I don't know something - this is not ashamed. I am ashamed not to look for an answer if you can find it. And, of course, never, under any circumstances, do not laugh at children's questions, no matter how naive they seem to you! For a child can be very important what he asked. And adult with his ridicule not only destroys trust relationships, but also deeply offends the child.

In order for the baby, he was not afraid to ask, arouse him to ask all the questions in the game. Try to play simple and funny gamewhere you first ask you, and the child responds to them, and then change places: "What is your mouth? What is your nose? Why do we need ears? "

Answers can be both serious and comic: "Nose is needed to breathe. Nose is needed that the dad would kiss him. Nose is needed to sniff flowers. " This game develops fantasy and the speech of the baby, shows that often on the same question can be found a lot of different answers. Play in the "Accidentation" on the contrary, asking questions by the "chain": "Why do you need a bike?" "What would ride" "Why ride?" "Because I like" "Why do you like?" etc.

Suggest the baby to play "Interview". Let him try to ask you a series of questions about some event. For example, about your work. Or about how you were small. Or a grandmother. And be sure to praise the baby for successful questions. Your little so much deserves it!

Today at 12:05. 10 (6)

As it was possible to notice, I was three days in fraternal Belarus (there they call themselves Belarus, but this difference is not fundamentally). And as noted by the commentators of my speech on the radio, there were several things there, which caused an active response. Well, more precisely, sharp. For this reason, I would like to say a few words about the specifics of any radio ester who is not news

The purpose of such a broadcast is not to bring strict and clear facts to listeners. It is simply impossible: detailed description Every serious fact is sometimes of hundreds of pages quite complex text. Those who read our political reviews, these texts see, they are generally impossible to understand the first time, without being prepared. That is, it is necessary to read the first, second, third and, finally, from the string of individual episodes, fragments, new and old characters, begins to form a picture ... Actually, if we talk about the global economy, then I have had such a picture for a long time, but to describe it entirely Physically impossible, too complicated and great task. You can only withdraw individual fragments and tell about them.

Such fragments certainly cannot be forecasts, nor even parts of the forecasts, these are the separate elements of virtual scenarios eliminated from the context. Which are absolutely not necessarily implemented in one way or another.

There is another option of radio arguments. This is just an opening of individual elements of those hundreds of pages that I have already spoken above. The fact is that when people in the heads are drunk some specific version of the events, they tend to forget that it is built on some facts, speculations, reasoning and frank people, which can be carefully considered. An experienced person immediately sees the stretch and simply says: "I do not believe!" (I immediately see the governments focused on a simple ordinary man), less experienced may not understand what is the matter, but it feels that something is wrong. Well, a manual, especially if it is under the control of the propaganda car, there is no such moments.

But now you need to return to a specific gear and, in fact, its main topic, incl, the great principality of Lithuanian. Why did I generally spoke about it and what, in fact, wanted to achieve? And I wanted to achieve several goals. First. Display the scale of the upcoming changes. Wild noise raised around the Crimea created large number People, especially those who respectfully refers to the propaganda of Brussels (in the sense of the European Union), the feeling that this cannot happen. And I was fundamentally important to show that the Crimea is only the very beginning of the grandiose process of changing the boundaries that we have to be in a fairly close future.

Second. It is natural to counter the propaganda of the EU. It is for this reason that an example is chosen, which, from the point of view of this propaganda, is generally unacceptable. But the scenario described by me, theoretically, it is quite possible and even (today) does not seem so exotic. This is when I first described it (a few years ago), he seemed to be enchanting and fantastic, and today ... as soon as a person begins to think on this topic, he immediately realizes that the likelihood of such developments is quite positive. Another thing is how positive it is.

Third. The example itself is selected relevant from the point of view of listeners and still for today in any case, is not the most likely. But its scale (from the point of view, not even disregarding borders in Europe, and from the point of view of changes in mentality and geopolitical ideology) indirectly indicates how serious changes in the world in general and Europe in particular. Well, of course, implicitly departs the main question: if today the EU is categorically against such scenarios, can the EU exist at the time when such scenarios will be publicly discussed?

This, in fact, is the main task that I set myself before the transfer: so that people who listened to themselves, and whether those forces that have recently been recently considered the dominant in the world are not what Europe, actually defining the "Rules of the game" today? Are they so strong, are they still controlled. And if they do not control, then who then leads the game or she, even stronger and stronger rolling into chaos. Well, by the way, they would think about why Putin's rating and Trump in the world grows, and Merkel and Mei falls (no hint of gender difference here).

I was not going to answer this question in the transfer at all. And because its format is limited, and because it is focused on people who are not familiar with our position and our logic. But the Soviet school will still have to know about himself. By the way, in this sense, a very difficult situation with young people: because of its total illiteracy in history and geography, it is often not able to determine a deliberate lie than often the malicious propagandists are often used.

In general, in conclusion, I repeat once again: the purpose of my gear is not so much bringing any specific facts and related circumstances, how much an attempt to show aspects or options for developing events that will show that, firstly, Well-known propaganda versions are not entirely correct (in order not to say at all), but, secondly, that there is some mandatory list of questions that need to ask yourself when you read some geopolitical or just political analysis. How there, in Kipling: "Five thousand" Where ", seven thousand" How ", one hundred thousand" Why "!

As it was possible to notice, I was three days in fraternal Belarus (there they call themselves Belarus, but this difference is not fundamentally). And as noted by my commentators, there were several things there, which caused an active reaction. Well, more precisely, sharp. For this reason, I would like to say a few words about the specifics of any radio ester who is not news

The purpose of such a broadcast is not to bring strict and clear facts to listeners. It is simply impossible: a detailed description of each serious fact is sometimes hundreds of pages quite complex text. Those who read our political reviews, these texts see, they are generally impossible to understand the first time, without being prepared. That is, it is necessary to read the first, second, third and, finally, from the string of individual episodes, fragments, new and old characters, begins to form a picture ... Actually, if we talk about the global economy, then I have had such a picture for a long time, but to describe it entirely Physically impossible, too complicated and great task. You can only withdraw individual fragments and tell about them.

Such fragments certainly cannot be forecasts, nor even parts of the forecasts, these are the separate elements of virtual scenarios eliminated from the context. Which are absolutely not necessarily implemented in one way or another.

There is another option of radio arguments. This is just an opening of individual elements of those hundreds of pages that I have already spoken above. The fact is that when people in the heads are drunk some specific version of the events, they tend to forget that it is built on some facts, speculations, reasoning and frank people, which can be carefully considered. An experienced person immediately sees the stretch and simply says: "I do not believe!" (I immediately see the governments focused on a simple ordinary man), less experienced may not understand what is the matter, but it feels that something is wrong. Well, a manual, especially if it is under the control of the propaganda car, there is no such moments.

But now you need to return to a specific gear and, in fact, its main topic, incl, the great principality of Lithuanian. Why did I generally spoke about it and what, in fact, wanted to achieve? And I wanted to achieve several goals. First. Display the scale of the upcoming changes. The wild noise raised around the Crimea created in a large number of people, especially those who respectfully apply to the propaganda of Brussels (in the sense of the European Union), the feeling that this cannot happen. And I was fundamentally important to show that the Crimea is only the very beginning of the grandiose process of changing the boundaries that we have to be in a fairly close future.
Second. It is natural to counter the propaganda of the EU. It is for this reason that an example is chosen, which, from the point of view of this propaganda, is generally unacceptable. But the scenario described by me, theoretically, it is quite possible and even (today) does not seem so exotic. This is when I first described it (a few years ago), he seemed to be enchanting and fantastic, and today ... as soon as a person begins to think on this topic, he immediately realizes that the likelihood of such developments is quite positive. Another thing is how positive it is.

Third. The example itself is selected relevant from the point of view of listeners and still for today in any case, is not the most likely. But its scale (from the point of view, not even disregarding borders in Europe, and from the point of view of changes in mentality and geopolitical ideology) indirectly indicates how serious changes in the world in general and Europe in particular. Well, of course, implicitly departs the main question: if today the EU is categorically against such scenarios, can the EU exist at the time when such scenarios will be publicly discussed?

This, in fact, is the main task that I set myself before the transfer: so that people who listened to themselves, and whether those forces that have recently been recently considered the dominant in the world are not what Europe, actually defining the "Rules of the game" today? Are they so strong, are they still controlled. And if they do not control, then who then leads the game or she, even stronger and stronger rolling into chaos. Well, by the way, they would think about why Putin's rating and Trump in the world grows, and Merkel and Mei falls (no hint of gender difference here).

I was not going to answer this question in the transfer at all. And because its format is limited, and because it is focused on people who are not familiar with our position and our logic. But the Soviet school will still have to know about himself. By the way, in this sense, a very difficult situation with young people: because of its total illiteracy in history and geography, it is often not able to determine a deliberate lie than often the malicious propagandists are often used.

In general, in conclusion, I repeat once again: the purpose of my gear is not so much bringing any specific facts and related circumstances, how much an attempt to show aspects or options for developing events that will show that, firstly, Well-known propaganda versions are not entirely correct (in order not to say at all), but, secondly, that there is some mandatory list of questions that need to ask yourself when you read some geopolitical or just political analysis. How there, in Kipling: "Five thousand" Where ", seven thousand" How ", one hundred thousand" Why "!

. Many questions (usually used as curiosity characteristics). / I\u003e goes back to the poem of R. Kipling "Six Servants". BMS 1998, 468.

  • - In Chinese symbolism, the number of 10,000 was considered innumerable, all in the material world, all the results of the interaction of the two initial forces Yin and ...

    Dictionary of symbols

  • - a contract, signed by the Russian state-owned company "Rosvooruchiya" and the Ministry of Defense of Kuwait for the supply of BMP-3 infantry combat vehicles to this country, has effect ...

    Encyclopedia Technics

  • - 1) about. See Saint-Pierre and Miquelon 2) O-Va. Virginian ...

    Geographic Encyclopedia

  • - hyperbole Wed. Ugh, Lord forgive! The same thing is told. Griboedov. Mount from the mind. 2, 2. Famuses. Cf. Sexcenti - six hundred times - a lot; Infinite number. Cf. Cicer. Platus and others. See forty ...
  • - From English: The Upper Ten. The Upper Ten Thousand. The expression entered into the circulation of an American journalist and writer on-Tanyel Parker Willis in the meaning of "Monetary, Financial Aristocracy" ...

    Vocabulary winged words and expressions

  • - Get rich Wed. ... You must have won two hundred thousand ... Because it is necessary to live something ... Markevich. Forester. eleven...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - A hint of the lack of simplicity in the relationships of people Wed. Shulgin. Ancient history. See ceremony ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - cf. For a high transfer of orders of the authorities, they jump, in all directions, "", which will continue a durable memory in the comedy of Gogol. Leskov. Man on the clock. eleven...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - Two thousand thousand winning to get rich. Cf. ... you should be two thousand won ... Because it is necessary to live in a day ... Markevich. Lѣsnik. eleven...
  • - Ten thousand thousand Chinese ceremonies. Lovel. Hint on the absence of simplicity in relation to people. Cf. Shulgin. Ancient Eastor. See ceremony ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - The forty thousand 'brothers is a lot of cf. I love her, how the forty thousand brothers can not love. Cf. Ostrovskiy Lѣs. 4, 6. Wed Offelia loved, how to love not in the power were the forty thousand 'brothers ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - Forty thousand, courier. Cf. For the joint transmission of orders the bosses of the jacket, according to all the director, "Soroky Thousand Couriers", which will continue the long-distance dossine in Comedia Gogol. Lѣskov ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - SUBS., Number of synonyms: 1 Darkness ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Strongly, all the fibers of the soul, with all my heart, alone, deeply, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - South., Number of synonyms: 1 Philippines ...

    Synonym dictionary

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