Unified form 6. We issue an order for vacation at our own expense

Used to draw up a local regulatory act (order) on granting leave to an employee; form No. T-6a is used to draw up leave for a group of employees. The form of this form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment” dated 01/05/2004. Since January 1, 2013, unified forms in the field of personnel accounting are not mandatory forms for enterprises (information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. PZ-10/2012 dated December 4, 2012), however, their use has already become part of business practice and has established itself as a convenient way of collecting and storing information in the field of personnel accounting.

Form of the unified form T-6

Sample filling

In the upper right corner, the unified T-6 form contains two codes - the OKUD code, which is always filled with the value “0301005”, and the OKPO code (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations), which must be indicated along with the full official name of the organization (in particular, the form property must be indicated in full and not by abbreviation). Next, the document header indicates the document number, which is also recorded in the journal of outgoing documentation, as well as the date of its preparation.

The text of the order must indicate the personnel number, full last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, the structural unit in which the employee is registered, as well as his position. Next, indicate the type of vacation, its duration in calendar days and its start and end dates.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the following types of leave:

  • Basic paid leave provided to employees every year (28 days, with the exception of certain categories of employees). Employees engaged in hazardous or hazardous work, employees with a specific nature of work (for example, teachers), and employees of enterprises in the Far North are provided with additional vacation days. Also, if the employee signed a collective agreement, which stipulated that the working day for a given position is non-standardized, then the employee is granted three additional days of vacation);
  • Additional paid leave, in particular educational leave (the employer, at his discretion, can pay an employee for educational leave, two days can also be provided to the employee as paid leave for blood donation, etc.);
  • Leave without pay (the number of days of leave at your own expense is not limited and is determined based on generally accepted practice for each specific employer or in individually for each specific employee);
  • Maternity leave (seventy calendar days before childbirth and seventy calendar days after it, and in the case of multiple pregnancies, the number of days of leave before childbirth increases by two weeks);
  • Child care leave (this type of leave can last until the employee’s child turns 1.5 years old or 3 years old; the amount of payments for this type of leave is different for these intervals).

The order may indicate several types of vacation with different dates, so next you should indicate the total number of calendar days of vacation and its dates. For example, if an employee goes on annual main paid leave for two weeks, and then takes study leave for three days, then the total amount of leave confirmed by the order will be 17 calendar days from the start date of annual main leave to the end date of educational leave.

Sample of filling out the unified form T-6

Signing procedure

Two copies of the order must be signed by the head of the organization, indicating the transcript of the signature and the name of his position. After this, the employee gets acquainted with the order, which is also confirmed by his signature and date.

The first copy of the unified form T-6 is sent to the personnel department, the second is sent to the accounting department for calculating vacation pay.

Will an employer be punished if he uses his own form of order to provide leave to employees? After all, there is a unified form for ordering leave. How not to make a mistake when choosing an order form?

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Is it necessary to use the T-6 form?

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Now, when drawing up vacation orders, you should be guided by Federal law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, which establishes a set of mandatory details for this kind of orders. Thus, if a company decides not to use a unified form, then its independently developed order form should contain:

date of creation of the document, its name;

name of the legal entity;

description of personnel action and its measurement in kind and (or) monetary equivalent;

names of positions of responsible persons and their signatures (interpretation of surnames and initials).

Although the legislation gives the employer the right to develop and use their own forms, the unified form is still more convenient to use. All required details and information are provided there; it is more familiar to the views of experienced personnel officers and municipal employees.

Unified order form for vacations approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia - document dated 01/05/2004. It is much easier to find a sample “Form T 6”, download the form for free and use it in your work by filling out the required fields. This is especially true for organizations where there are no specific specifics, and employees are registered on vacation according to standard scheme, without the specifics of a particular company’s business process.

Features of filling out form T 6 (form)

Form t 6 (form) allows you to draw up provision of two holidays one document only if they follow one after another (without interruption). After all, the law allows for the provision of several leaves to employees - maternity leave, unpaid leave, educational leave, and regular paid leave. And order form T 6 does not allow you to enter information about several vacations if they are not consecutive (and there is a gap of at least one day between them). This point should be taken into account when using a unified form.

Another common mistake when filling out is entering information in the wrong column (by type of leave). So, if an employee consistently takes two types of vacation, and none of them are paid annually (for example, an employee first goes on study leave and then takes maternity leave), then data cannot be entered into point “A”. To blank form T6 was filled out correctly, it is necessary to divide paragraph “B” into two subparagraphs, and then enter one type of leave into each subparagraph, summing up their total duration in paragraph “C”.

You can download the vacation order form for free and see what form T 6 looks like, you can download the form .

Type of order - form T-6a

Form T-6a is even easier to fill out than form T-6: it is enough to enter data from the personal cards of employees going on vacation at the same time (or with a maximum interval of 2-3 days), indicate the types of vacation, and also indicate the total number of calendar days and general vacation period. Like the T-6 form, such an order is drawn up in two copies - for the personnel department and for transmission to the accounting department.

What the T6 form looks like, download the form for free, as well as everything about the T-6a form can be read in the material .

The procedure for issuing orders - form T6and t6a

The types of orders under consideration are issued and come into force by analogy with other types of orders: a project is prepared, then it is agreed upon and signed by the manager, and the employee gets acquainted with it and signs it. From now on the order form t 6 acquires legal force and becomes mandatory.

The vacation order is issued and the employee gets acquainted with it against signature before the start vacations. Based on the order, the HR specialist makes an entry in the employee’s personal card, and the accounting department calculates the payment due to the employee for vacation.

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An employee’s leave must be formalized in full compliance with accepted standards and norms. It is important to complete the appropriate form to officially grant leave. The key official paper recording the granting of leave is a special approved and unified form T-6. This order is issued by the manager.
At the local level, orders are handled by authorized officials, for example, the head of the personnel department.


Distinctive features of the document

Let us pay attention to the standards in accordance with which orders for employee leave are issued. All relevant documents should be drawn up according to the existing template. An employee of the personnel department or any other authorized person fills out the order form. Then the form must be submitted for approval. For a document to be valid, it must be certified by the signature of the head of the organization or department.

Important! When the order has already been approved, the employee also signs. You should also enter information about the vacation into the employee’s personal card. Data is entered based on the order. Also, no later than three days before the first day of vacation, payments must be made, if any.

There is also a list of papers attached to the order. The following official papers are prepared:

  • , where he writes about his desire to get a vacation.

Remember! The employee is obliged to notify of the need for leave in advance. A specific deadline is also defined: the information is provided by the employee at least 15 days before the first day of the proposed vacation. Calendar days are taken into account.

There are a number of other documents that can be attached to the order in the T-6 form.

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Help-call from an educational institution.
  • Certificate of work experience.
  • Certificate of incapacity for work.
  • Certificate of death of a close relative. It is needed if time off is provided to organize a funeral.

How to write an order correctly

Now we will look in detail at how to correctly compose an order. First of all, the date of preparation is indicated, you need to write down the number of this official document, enter the name of the organization or department.

Orders begin with the wording “provide leave.” It is indicated who exactly goes on vacation. IN dative case write the employee's last name, first name, and patronymic. For example: Vakhrusheva Maria Nikolaevna. Then, in the appropriate fields, write down the name of the department and the position held by the employee. Indicate his specialty, profession. If you use the personal card of a working citizen as a sample, all information will be as accurate as possible.

Then you need to pay attention to the line where the specific working period is indicated. Lines A, B, C should be filled out in accordance with the type of vacation planned. We have the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, any employee has the opportunity to rest every year, while receiving monetary compensation, for 28 calendar days. The issue is resolved by the manager individually if the employee has not worked for 12 months. For example, bosses are often ready to give their subordinates paid time off if they have worked for at least 6 months. Then this must be indicated under the letter B. In our example, the most common option is annual basic paid leave (letter A).

Then all that remains is to sign the document. The order is certified with signatures not only by the manager, but also by the employee himself. The document is sent to the accounting department, human resources department, so it must be executed in two copies.

Registration of leave when wages are not maintained

It is very important to issue such an order correctly, since it plays a big role not only for reporting, but also for accounting. It is necessary to confirm that the employee is going on vacation on his own initiative and agrees to take a vacation at his own expense. In this case average earnings is not paid, that is, the organization does not need to compensate for downtime.

It is worth noting that it is advisable for organizations to protect themselves in advance from the likely claims of employees. It is important to have adequate proof that the employee voluntarily asked for unpaid leave. Experts advise thinking about the employee application form. Some companies practice filling out applications for unpaid leave on forms that have already been developed and printed. And the employee only has to sign the finished document. This is not a very good solution. Sometimes problems arise with such statements in the future, and employees file claims for compensation for downtime and moral damages, citing the invalidity of the statement. A signature is easy to forge, but it is more difficult to verify and confirm its authenticity.

What should management do? The best option is to ask employees to write an application for unpaid leave in their own hand. Such a document is already a more reliable confirmation, since the examination will accurately determine its author from the rather large handwritten text.

Please note that leave at your own expense can be provided simply at will, as well as for any valid reasons. When an order is issued, it must be written in column B: rest is provided, but payments and salary retention are not provided.

Order for maternity leave

Remember that here it is also extremely important to correctly fill out the order. A pregnant employee not only gets the opportunity to rest in accordance with it, but also has the right to monetary compensation. This right is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The very fact of pregnancy, the upcoming birth of a child is not yet a reason for rest, because everything must be officially confirmed, a corresponding application must be registered, and an order must be issued.

An order for the leave of a pregnant woman is drawn up in form T-6 based on a set of papers. The expectant mother must first submit an application in which she asks to be given maternity leave and to receive cash payments. An official document indicating the planned date of birth of the child is also required.

A woman gets the opportunity to go on vacation 70 calendar days before the expected date of birth of the child.

You need a corresponding certificate from a medical institution - a antenatal clinic, as well as a certificate of incapacity for work. Any such documents future mom will receive it without any problems at the institution where her pregnancy is being managed.

Let's consider a few important points. Pay attention to the name of the vacation. It is customary to call it maternity leave, but you need to use the official name given in the Labor Code: maternity leave.
This wording fits into line B.

Then you need to indicate the duration of the vacation. When a woman is pregnant with two or more children, complications arise, it is 192 days. In this case, the standard maternity leave period is most often used - 140 days. Be sure to indicate the start and end date of the vacation.

Often women decide to use the period of annual leave that they have left. You can apply for both vacations in one document T-6. In column A they write about the main leave, and then enter in line B the data about maternity leave, after which in line C they summarize the information about the two periods of rest.

Parental leave in form T-6

A young mother has the opportunity to take a break from work to care for her child. The leave will be paid until the child is one and a half years old. Before three years the right to take leave at your own expense remains. Payments are not due for one and a half years.

Point B is filled in. The last, first day of rest is reflected, the total period is indicated in calendar days.

It is important to ensure that supporting documents are provided.

The child's birth certificate must be submitted. You need a document from the place where the spouse works that he did not receive appropriate leave to care for a child.

When both parents are not on vacation, the grandparent can arrange the vacation. In this case, documents must be provided from both parents from their places of work to record that they did not use their opportunities to rest and care for the child.

Employees also take out vacations followed by dismissal at will. The employer has the right to issue monetary compensation for vacation, but not to issue the vacation itself.

Unified forms T-6, T-6a: purpose

Through the T-6 form Russian organizations arrange local regulations(orders) on granting an employee leave (annual, maternity, educational). In commercial organizations, its use must be approved by management, in government organizations - by the provisions of budget legislation.

Form T-6a is used instead of T-6 in cases where an organization issues an order to provide one or another type of leave to several full-time employees at once.

Read more about some of the nuances of employers providing vacations in the article “There can be one leave: either annual or for child care” .

When using the unified form T-6, as well as the unified form T-6a (which can be downloaded from the link below), they are drawn up in one copy by a personnel service employee and signed by the manager. The employee must sign for familiarization with the order, after which the order remains with the personnel service to make changes to the employee’s personal card, and a copy of it is transferred to the accounting department for calculating leave.

Where to download the unified form T-6 (T-6a)

You can download the form of the unified form T-6 presented in Word format, as well as a correctly completed sample of it, on our website. Forms T-6 and T-6a are given by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in the regulation published by this department “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. Form T-6 corresponds to number 0301005 OKUD, and form T -6a - number 0301019 of this classifier.

Since 2013, organizations have the right to use their own accounting forms instead of standardized forms of primary documents (including forms T-6 and T-6a) (information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10/2012). In this case, those related to personnel records. However, due to the convenience of the T-6 and T-6a forms, as well as due to established business customs, many Russian organizations continue to use them.

Among the most noticeable advantages of the appropriate form:

  • the structure of the form contains several columns in which you can record a specific type of leave (regular, maternity, educational, etc.);
  • in the form you can indicate the total duration of all employee vacations (if there are several of them).

This form assumes the inclusion of all necessary information, characterizing the employee’s position: the name of his position, the structural unit of the company, as well as the period of work in the organization for which he receives leave.

Employees of an economic entity are guaranteed by law their right to rest. The enterprise annually approves a schedule for the next period according to which employees go on vacation. The provision of this rest period is carried out on the basis of a written order from the head of the company, issued on the basis of an application from the employee.

Leaves are divided into basic annual and additional, without pay, for child care, educational and others. The main document documenting this period at the enterprise is the vacation order. The law provides for a standard T-6 form, which a company can use or develop its own form based on it.

The order form T-6 is drawn up by the personnel department and endorsed by the director of the organization. Paid vacation is equal to 28 calendar days. Moreover, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is entitled to 2.33 days of rest for each month of work. If more than half of the month is worked, it is taken as one, otherwise it should be discarded.

For the first time, an employee has the right to leave after 6 months from the date of his employment in accordance with that established in the organization. In this case, the employee also needs to write 2 weeks in advance. All this information The personnel officer must collect and process, and after that only draw up the vacation order form T 6.

Before the start of the employee’s rest period, the company administration must notify him of exact dates vacation and duration. If a vacation order is issued at least 2 weeks before its start, then instead of drawing up a notice, you can use the order itself, which contains all this information.

Additional leave is granted for special working conditions. They are also included in the schedule and formalized by written order of the director.

Also paid leave is time for caring for children, which begins after maternity leave and can follow each other for up to 1.5 and up to 3 years, respectively.

Upon application, the employee is granted a period of leave without pay, but with preservation of his job.

Together with the order, the HR department for accounting can write out to determine the payment amounts.

Order on granting leave to an employee sample filling

Filling out the document begins from the top of the form. There you need to write the full name of the company and enter the code according to the OKPO classifier.

Then the serial number and creation date are entered. Under this number, the order is registered in special order books for the enterprise.

After this, personal information about the employee is entered. In the appropriate columns you need to write down his full name, personnel number assigned at the enterprise, job title and designation of the structural unit (if used).

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