How to strengthen your nails at home. How to strengthen your nails at home with simple recipes

Nails, like skin and hair, also need special care - give them at least half an hour a day, alternating our recipes, and very soon you will be able to boast of a perfect manicure without separation or brittleness.

Milk bath

While Sharon Stone takes baths with milk and honey according to Cleopatra's recipe, we offer you a more modest way to become a little more beautiful - a milk bath for nails. Milk is a source of calcium, and this is what our nails often lack. If you have brittle and dry nails, then buy whole milk (not skim milk), heat until comfortable warm temperature and dip your fingers in it for 20-30 minutes. Carry out the procedure every day for a week, and very soon you will notice a positive result.

Paraffin mask

Paraffin or wax are excellent nail growth stimulants; in addition, they make the nail plate smooth and moisturized. Buy cosmetic paraffin, melt it in a water bath, add a few drops of olive oil and generously apply this mixture to your fingers. Ideally, you need to put gloves on top of the mask and spend at least 2-3 hours in this state. You will have to not use your smartphone for such an unbearably long time!

Jojoba oil mask

We have already talked about the healing properties of cosmetic oils, but it is a mask made from jojoba oil that works wonders when it comes to nails. Nails that are damaged after gel polish and washing dishes can be brought back to life by rubbing slightly warmed jojoba oil directly into the plate and cuticle area. It is best to apply the product at night and do not wash your hands afterward.


Vitamin cocktail

Nails, like the whole body, need vitamins, so make a “vitamin bomb” for them - buy vitamin A and vitamin E in capsules at the pharmacy, mix their contents and cover your nails. This product is suitable for every day - avoid applying varnish for 1-2 weeks during treatment, and then repeat the course once every 1-2 months.

Gelatin bath

Gelatin can restore weakened nails after polish, it adds shine and nourishes. You can buy gelatin suitable for the procedure at the grocery store, but make sure it is colorless and without dyes. Dissolve one tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of hot (but not boiling water!) water; when the water has cooled slightly, dip your fingers in it for 12-20 minutes.

Iodine coating

In order not to scare others with your yellow nails, conduct a healing session before bed - cover your nails with a layer of iodine with a cotton swab and let them dry. Don't try to wash it off - just go to bed. Overnight, the solution will be absorbed depending on how damaged the nail plate is - usually the driest nails will already absorb all the iodine by morning. We recommend conducting this therapy session at least once a week.

Olive and castor oil bath

An emergency remedy will help restore your nails to their former shine and also strengthen them - pour olive and castor oils in equal proportions into a deep bowl, mix and dip your fingertips. Olive oil will nourish the nail plates with vitamins and moisturize, while castor oil will restore elasticity and accelerate growth.

Chamomile and oatmeal mask

A medicinal composition for nails can also be prepared from dried chamomile flowers and oatmeal. Mix them in equal proportions, brew with boiling water and let cool. Then grind it in a blender and give your nails a gift - this mask will definitely bring them back to life even after removing the gel polish.

Mask made from cottage cheese and vegetable oil

This mask is ideal for nails that lack calcium. Mix any natural fatty cottage cheese in a blender along with olive or any other vegetable oil - the consistency should resemble sour cream. Apply the mask to your nails for half an hour and repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Strengthening varnishes

And finally - after any of the procedures described above, it is better not to do a traditional manicure, but to limit yourself to only a strengthening coating. It will protect the nail plate from negative influences environment, and will also make it denser - it is much more difficult to break such a nail!

The main thing you need to do to keep your nails strong is firstly, stick to proper nutrition, that is, to take care of the body “from the inside.” Secondly, provide care from the outside - with products created specifically for this purpose: for example, oils.

Let's look at each method in more detail, and then consider other options that will help consolidate or not worsen the result.

How to strengthen your nails with proper nutrition?

To strengthen your nails through nutrition, include the following foods in your diet.

  • Fish. Salmon contains nutrients that are responsible for strengthening nails. It is especially rich in vitamin B12, a deficiency of which can lead to dryness or darkening of the nail plate. Salmon also contains vitamin D, which is vital for bone growth.
  • Include eggs in your diet, they are also one of the sources of vitamin D. The protein in eggs makes your nails strong, plus it is more easily absorbed by the body - unlike the protein found in meat. In addition, eggs contain vitamins B12, A and E, iron and biotin. The latter is responsible for the thickness of the nail plate, and also prevents brittleness and delamination.
  • Eat more legumes - they also contain biotin, which, in addition to the above, is responsible for the integrity of the nail plate.
  • Love oatmeal? Great. Oatmeal contains copper and zinc, which are important for healthy nails. Among other things, it contains manganese and a complex of vitamins B, which are important for strengthening bones.
  • To this list, perhaps, it is worth adding sunflower seeds. Firstly, they contain magnesium, one of the most important ingredients for bone structure. Secondly, manganese and copper, which the body needs to strengthen connective tissue in the bones. And thirdly, they are rich in vitamin E and zinc, which overall promote healthy nails.

Cuticle oil: which one to choose?

Another common way to strengthen your nails is to use cuticle oil. Which one to choose? We have prepared a small cheat sheet for you.

  • To strengthen nails and care for cuticles, for example, lavender oil is suitable. It will provide the moisture she needs and protect her from the negative effects of the environment. Apply lavender essence to the cuticle (literally three drops are enough for all nails) and massage it for five seconds.
  • Another option is lemon essence. She is mainly responsible for brightening the nail plate. It contains vitamin C, which nourishes the cuticle and strengthens the nails. How to make a nail bath out of it? Mix five drops of lemon essence with two to three tablespoons of olive or argan oil. Thoroughly clean the skin of your hands, then place them in the bath for at least five minutes.

How else can you strengthen your nails at home?

Do you know how else you can strengthen your nails at home? Leave a comment.

Beautiful, well-groomed nails are one of the indicators of the overall health of the body. If they peel, become thin, brittle, grow poorly, or have white spots on them, it’s worth finding out how to strengthen your nails at home.


Nails are modified claws that provide mechanical rigidity to the fingertips. They allow you to pry something, scratch it, eliminate itching.

Matrix– bottom (base). Special epithelial cells contain onychoblasts. After keratinization, they form a translucent nail plate from hardened sulfur (cysteine ​​amino acid), selenium, copper, and phosphorus.

Its strength is determined not only by nutrition, but also by heredity. With a high content of cysteine, nails are strong from birth.

The longer the matrix, the thicker the nails. Those who have them naturally thin will no longer be able to change their thickness. When thinning thick nails, determine the cause and choose a method of strengthening.

Lunula– white semicircle at the bottom. It is the most sensitive due to the minimal thickness of the nail plate.

Nail bed lined with special epithelial tissue that holds and at the same time sets the direction of nail growth, otherwise it would grow perpendicular to the finger. Pink color– from translucent capillaries.

Cuticle– connection of the nail plate and matrix. Thick skin protects against infection.

Pterygium- a skin growth that continues the cuticle and grows along with the nail plate.

Lateral nail folds located on the sides. Their damage forms painful hangnails.

Nail sinuses– the junction of the side rollers and the bed.

How to strengthen your nails with proper nutrition

Nails are weakened by a lack of vitamins and microelements, frequent and strict diets.

White spots do not portend gifts, but signal a deficiency in the body of calcium and sodium.

Magnesium strengthens nails, eliminates white spots, prevents gray hair.

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp. sea ​​in a glass of warm water.

Soak your fingertips for 15-20 minutes. Dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream.

Instead of water, use natural wine:

  • Dissolve table salt in warm red wine at the rate of 1 tbsp. for a glass of wine.

Place your fingertips in the bath for 15 minutes. Blot with a napkin and apply cream.

Take salt baths to strengthen nails for preventive purposes once a week. In case of delamination, thinning - 10 days in a row, repeat the course in a month.

Strengthening nails with wine

For peeling, brittle nails, use fortified red wine. It stimulates growth, moisturizes and nourishes, and counteracts fungus.

  • Add 2 tsp to a quarter glass of wine. sea ​​buckthorn oil (or chop 3 tablespoons of fresh berries).
  • Leave in a sealed glass container for five days in a cool, dark place.

Apply with a cotton swab. After 45 minutes, rinse off and apply cream. The course of daily treatment is 14 days.

Another recipe for treating and strengthening thin, brittle nails:

  • Add 4 tbsp to half a glass of white wine. any vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. vinegar, mix thoroughly.

Place your fingertips in the wine bath for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat after a week break.

Green tea baths

To eliminate brittleness and splitting of nails, strengthen them and grow them, prepare a medicinal composition:

  • Add 2 tbsp to half a glass. .

In the evening, soak your fingertips in the bath for 10 minutes, and put on cotton gloves at night.

Another homemade recipe:

  1. Brew 400 ml boiling water 2 tsp. , 1 tsp. green tea, leave for 10 minutes, strain.
  2. Add 1 tsp. alcohol tincture eucalyptus.

Keep your fingertips in a warm bath for 20 minutes.

Lemon masks to strengthen nails

  • Wash, cut off the peel and some of the pulp.

Dip your fingertips into the mixture for 10 minutes, blot with a napkin, and apply nourishing cream.

  • Add 5 ml of lemon juice to 100 ml of heated vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.

Hold fingertips for 10 minutes, blot off excess with a napkin.

  • Grind egg yolk with 10 ml lemon juice, add 1 tsp. fine salt, mix thoroughly.

Apply cream to strengthen the nail plates.

Strengthening nails with homemade creams

Cream for treating the nail plate:

  • Add 30 ml of aloe juice, 30 ml of oil, 40 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 50 ml of burdock oil to 40 ml of cream (fat content 30%) and mix thoroughly.

Rub into weakened nails and surrounding skin. Store in a cream jar in the refrigerator.

Strengthening cream for weak, flaking nails:

  • In 1/2 tsp. of any nourishing cream, add 1 drop of eucalyptus, lavender, thyme oils, mix thoroughly.

Rub the cream into the nail plates.

Home Recipes

Recipe 1. Bath for restoring and strengthening brittle, peeling nails:

  • Dissolve 1 tsp in 200 ml of warm water. table salt, 4 drops, 3 drops of alcohol tincture.

Keep your fingertips in the bath for 10 minutes, and when finished, dip them into slightly warmed vegetable oil.

Recipe 2. Vitamin mask to strengthen nails:

  • Add one drop of vitamins A, E, D, alcohol tincture to 10 ml of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

Apply to nail plates. After 20 minutes, blot with a napkin.

  • Rub the nail plates with a grapefruit peel with a small amount of pulp, rinse, and apply cream.

The method nourishes and strengthens the nail plates.

Recipe 4. Nails are strengthened by juices diluted with water, black or red currants, table vinegar:

  • Take nail baths every 2-3 days.

Recipe 5. Bath to eliminate brittleness and strengthen nails:

  • Add cedar or fir essential oil (10 drops) to warm olive oil (100 ml).

Hold your fingertips. After 10 minutes, wash with soap, dry, apply nourishing cream.

Modified: 06/27/2019

Experts have developed many targeted drugs. However, it is not necessary to spend money on buying them, since you can strengthen your nails yourself so that they do not peel or break. We suggest considering the TOP 20 effective means, which you can easily prepare at home. Remember that in any business the main thing is systematicity.

Effective ways to strengthen nails - 20 recipes

Today we will look at how to strengthen your nails folk remedies and gel at home. You can make all the simple recipes yourself. First, we will highlight home cosmetology products, and then we will bring step by step instructions strengthening the plates with bio-gel.

Recipe No. 1. Oil with iodine

So far they haven't come up with anything better than targeted oil baths. As a base, take 200 ml of olive, sunflower, corn or burdock oil. Mix with the same amount of water, juice of half a lemon, 10 drops of iodine. Heat to 30 degrees, dip your fingers into the solution. Wait at least a quarter of an hour. Recovery therapy is carried out three times a week.

Recipe No. 2. Glycerin with lemon juice

This product is used as a mask. Combine heated glycerin (40 ml.) with lemon juice (30 ml.), salt (10 g.). Apply the composition to the nail plates, wait half an hour. It is advisable to wear plastic gloves to create a greenhouse effect. Finally, wash your hands. Application is possible every day.

Recipe No. 3. Pure iodine

Surely everyone knows how to strengthen nails with iodine. If you achieve results so that the plates do not peel off or break, purchase a jar of iodine at the pharmacy. Its use at home is as follows: soak a cotton swab in the preparation and thoroughly lubricate each nail. Therapy is carried out at night, in the morning there will be no trace of iodine left. The frequency of manipulations is 1 time every 6 days.

Recipe No. 4. Pharmacy vitamins in ampoules

Vitamins in liquid form can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Each ampoule contains 1 ml. funds, this will be enough for you. Buy vitamin E (1 pc.), vitamin A (1 pc.), vitamin D (1 pc.). Mix them together and rub well into your nails. Wait for absorption, after half an hour, get rid of excess with napkins. Do not wash your hands for 2 hours. The product can be used daily.

Recipe No. 5. Dill with parsley

Greens strengthen nails in the best possible way, and they also have a whitening effect. Take one bunch of parsley and dill, chop and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with sunflower oil 1 to 1, apply to the nail plates. Wait at least half an hour. Therapy is carried out every other day.

Recipe No. 6. Red pepper

If you are interested in how to strengthen your nails, we recommend using red hot pepper. It will not only ensure that the plates do not peel off or break, but will also accelerate their growth. At home, we proceed as follows: mix a teaspoon of ground pepper with water until it becomes a porridge, pour in 10 ml. any oil and add 10 g. hand cream Distribute over your nails, put on gloves and wait a quarter of an hour. The composition should not be used more than once every 6 days.

Recipe No. 7. Honey and butter

Warm up 40 gr. honey to 35 degrees, add 30 ml. any vegetable oil. Lubricate your fingers, in particular the nail plates. It is advisable to insulate them with film or foil. Wait about half an hour and wash off. You can make masks every day.

Recipe No. 8. Banana with cabbage

Among natural ingredients, banana is the leader. Mash half the fruit into porridge, mix with the juice from two cabbage leaves. Add a spoonful of honey, 60 ml. milk or cream (heat in advance). Dip your fingers into the mixture and wait a third of an hour.

Recipe No. 9. Soda

Baking soda has always been popular due to its ease of use. Make a solution of 300 ml. warm water and 50 gr. soda powder. Dip your fingertips and enjoy the procedure for a quarter of an hour. Then do not rinse your hands for another hour. It is advisable to do such baths 2 times a week.

Recipe No. 10. Gelatin

A gelatin bath is a fairly simple option, since you can strengthen your nails with it in a short time. To prevent your nails from peeling or breaking, prepare a remedy at home: mix 15-20 grams. gelatin with 250 ml. hot water (but not boiling water). Infuse until an acceptable temperature, lower the handles into the composition for a quarter of an hour. It is allowed to carry out restorative procedures once every 2 days.

Recipe No. 11. Vinegar with lemon juice

If you want to combine nail strengthening and whitening, this option is suitable. Pour warm water (400 ml), lemon juice (50 ml), vinegar (30 ml) into a container. Place your fingertips into the solution and leave for a quarter of an hour. You should not do such baths more than 2 times a week.

Recipe No. 12. Honey and salt

When deciding how to strengthen peeling nails, you can use a milk bath at home. All simple recipes are effective, here is one of them: heat 200 ml. milk, add 30 g. honey, 50 ml. lemon juice, a handful of salt. Stir, keep the hands in this solution for a third of an hour. Finally, rinse them, and after half an hour, apply iodine over the entire surface of the plates.

Recipe No. 13. Dry white wine

For many years, girls have been using dry white wine to strengthen their nails. Mix 150 ml. alcoholic drug with 50 ml. vinegar (preferably apple) and 100 ml. sunflower oil. Handles are kept in this composition for at least 10 minutes. Recovery therapy is carried out 3 times a week.

Recipe No. 14. Lemon juice with iodine

Boil a glass of water and cool until comfortable temperature. Before holding the pens in liquid, you need to pour 60 ml into the water. fresh lemon juice and 1 ml. iodine concentration not more than 5%. Leave your fingers in this product for 5 minutes. You should not use the bath more than 2 times every 8 days.

Recipe No. 15. Paraffin therapy

Before strengthening your nails using this recipe so that they don’t peel or break, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin or wax. Warm it up in a water bath at home, apply it to your nails and fingertips in several layers. Wear gloves and wait all night (or at least 3 hours).

Recipe No. 16. Pure lemon juice

This option is effective only if the procedures are carried out frequently (every day or every other day). Squeeze the lemon juice and generously brush each plate with it. Alternatively, rub citrus slices on your nails. Don't wash it off.

Recipe No. 17. Dry red wine

Dedicated to red wine lovers. Mix 140 ml. noble drink with 20 gr. sea ​​salt, heat to a comfortable temperature and keep the phalanges in the solution for a quarter of an hour. Then remove the residue with napkins and apply cream.

Recipe No. 18. Vitamin A

Pure vitamin A restores not only nails, but also hair and skin. Buy several ampoules at the pharmacy so that you have enough for daily use within 2 weeks. Apply the composition to the nail plates 3 times a day, rub until absorbed.

Recipe No. 19. Salt

Salt baths are easy to make. You can use both table and iodized salt. Make a moderately concentrated solution of 240 ml. hot water and 30 gr. salt. Soak your fingertips in the product for about 15 minutes. After treatment, do not rinse your hands for another hour.

Recipe No. 20. Medicinal plants

When wondering how to strengthen your nails so that they never peel or break again, we recommend using medicinal plants. Buy them at the pharmacy and then use them at home. Dry chamomile, sage, oak or birch bark, plantain, St. John's wort are suitable. Prepare an infusion from a handful of herbs and 600 ml. boiling water After 40 minutes, dip your fingers into it and wait for half an hour.

Strengthening nails with gel

Before strengthening your nails with gel, read the instructions. If you have all the materials and tools, you will not have any difficulties.

1. At home, as well as in the salon, manipulations begin with treating fingers and hands with an antiseptic. For these purposes, peroxide or vodka is used.

2. If necessary, move the cuticle to the base of the plate and cut it off. Adjust your nails according to their shape (oval, square, arc, etc.).

3. Treat the plates with a degreaser (dehydrator), then apply a thin layer of primer and seal the edges.

5. Remember that 4 nails are processed first. They are dried for 1.5-2 minutes in a lamp. Then the nails are covered separately with gel. thumbs, by analogy, are kept in a lamp for 1.5 minutes.

6. To make the strengthening more effective, make another layer of bio-gel. Dry again. Apply the finish, remove the sticky layer with a degreaser, and you're done!

Before strengthening your nails using any of the chosen methods, so as not to peel or break, read the instructions. At home, everything is extremely simple and transparent. If you have a bio-gel, use it. Good luck!

A woman’s hands are always visible, the condition of the skin and nails on them inevitably leaves an imprint on the impression when meeting and communicating. To give them a well-groomed appearance, beauty salons offer not only various options manicures that hide some imperfections, but also procedures to restore a healthy state and strengthen the nail plate. These include hot manicure, paraffin therapy, wax sealing, whitening, and biogel coating. Women who don't have time or extra money can strengthen their nails at home using natural products.


Causes of nail problems and methods of their prevention

The structural basis of the nail plate is the protein keratin, whose molecules are connected by disulfide bonds. These bonds are formed between two sulfur atoms that make up the amino acid cysteine, and they provide the strength and hardness of the nail. Between the layers of keratin there are thin layers of fat and water, giving elasticity and shine. The nail plate also contains minerals: calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and chromium.

The strength and health of nails depend on genetic characteristics, nutrition, proper care and frequency of exposure to adverse factors (detergents, cold, decorative varnishes and nail polish removers, mechanical damage).

Interesting: Nails grow quite slowly. In a week, their length increases by about 1 mm, and complete renewal takes about 6 months.

To strengthen your nails at home, prevent their delamination, slow growth, dullness and brittleness, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • include in your diet foods rich in vitamins (A, E, D, C, group B) that are good for nails and minerals (Ca, Mg, Na, S, Se and others);
  • minimize the use of decorative varnishes;
  • do not file your nails with files metal coating;
  • wear protective rubber gloves on your hands when washing dishes or performing other work in which the skin of your hands comes into contact with aggressive household chemicals;
  • wear mittens or warm gloves when going outside in frosty and cold windy weather.

Protective and strengthening agents, commercially available or prepared with your own hands, should be periodically applied to the nail plates.

Nail baths

Nail baths are considered one of the best strengthening agents. To prepare them at home, you can use cosmetic and essential oils, herbal infusions, sea salt and other available ingredients.

Oil bath

Eliminates brittleness and dryness, effective for restoring nails after extensions or long-term use of gel polish.

Olive, grape, castor, almond oil– 40–50 ml
Essential oil – 2–3 drops
Oil solutions of vitamins A and E – 3 drops each

Heat the cosmetic oil until warm in a water bath. Add essential oil and vitamins and mix. Dip your fingertips into the resulting mixture so that your nails are completely covered with the oil mixture. Leave for 15 minutes, then wipe your fingers with a dry cloth. It is best to perform such baths at night, putting cotton gloves on your hands until the morning after removing excess oil.

When choosing essential oil the peculiarities of its action should be taken into account. For example, lemon and bergamot oils slightly whiten nails and remove the yellow tint, tea tree oils have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and lavender, ylang-ylang and rosemary prevent delamination of nail plates.

Bath with olive oil, honey and egg

Strengthens nail plates, makes them smooth and shiny, helps with splitting, softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands.

Olive oil – 30 ml
Honey – 2 tbsp. l.
Egg – 1 pc.

Heat the mixture of honey and olive oil while stirring in a water bath. Add the beaten egg. Place your hands in the resulting warm bath. After 20 minutes, rinse them with warm water and dry with a soft towel.

Sea salt bath

Strengthens flaking nails, saturates them with minerals and stimulates growth.

Sea salt – 50 g
Water – 200 ml
Iodine solution – 2 drops

Dissolve sea salt in warm water, add iodine. Immerse your hands in the saline solution and leave for 20 minutes. After time has passed, rinse running water and apply moisturizer. When splitting nails, the course is 10 procedures, which can be performed daily or every other day. For preventive purposes, it is enough to do such a bath once a week.

Bath with medicinal herbs

Strengthens nails, relieves inflammation and irritation around the nail plates.

Chamomile flowers – 1 tsp.
Burdock root – 1 tsp.
St. John's wort herb – 1 tsp.
Water – 500 ml

Mixture medicinal plants pour boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Then dip your fingertips in the resulting infusion for half an hour. After the time has passed, blot your hands with a dry cloth. Apply 2 times a week.

Gelatin bath

Nourishes and strengthens nail plates, gives them shine, and restores them after frequent varnishing.

Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.
Water – 200 ml

Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Let cool slightly and place your fingers in the resulting gelatin bath for 15 minutes. Wash your hands with water.

Nail masks

Masks for nails and hand skin are applied with light massage movements. It is most effective to make them at night and leave the composition until the morning, wearing cotton gloves on top. The simplest option for a nail mask at home is to rub cosmetic oils (olive, almond, peach and grape seeds, jojoba and others) into the nail plates and cuticles.

Mask with oils and honey

Nourishes, moisturizes, helps with nail splitting.

Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Cocoa and coconut oil - 1 tbsp each. l.

Mix these ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply onto hands with massage movements and rub generously into nails. After 10 minutes, remove any remaining product with a napkin.

Lemon mask

Helps with brittleness, dryness and flaking, whitens yellowed nails, slows down cuticle growth.

Cut the lemon in half and dip your fingertips into each half. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse your hands with cool water. Apply nourishing cream or oil. Perform 1-2 times a week.

Red pepper mask

Stimulates blood microcirculation and cell regeneration in the nail area, activates their growth and improves color.

Ground red pepper - 1 tsp.
Hand cream – 1 tsp.

Mix the pepper powder thoroughly with the cream until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Distribute the composition in a thin layer over the surface of the nails. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply cream to your hands.

Creams and ointments

Using regular hand cream or baby cream, you can prepare nail strengtheners that are useful for your nails.

Ointment with calendula oil, yolk and beeswax

Nourishes, increases strength and stimulates nail growth.

Calendula oil – 40 ml
Boiled egg yolk – 1 pc.
Beeswax – 5 g

Melt the wax in a water bath, then add the mashed yolk and calendula oil. Heat in a water bath while stirring until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Apply the mixture to your fingers, put on gloves and leave overnight.

Warning: Before using a prepared homemade nail care product for the first time, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to its components by applying a small amount of the composition to the inner bend of your elbow.

Aloe juice cream

Strengthens nails, softens cuticles, moisturizes skin.

Heavy cream – 40 ml
Freshly squeezed aloe leaf juice – 30 ml
Calendula oil – 30 ml
Sea buckthorn oil – 40 ml
Burdock oil – 50 ml

Mix the listed components thoroughly until smooth. Rub the mixture into weakened nails and surrounding skin. The prepared product is suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Video: Nail care tips from a home care expert

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