A real mother-in-law: Timati's mother showed a true attitude towards Anastasia Reshetova. Why young mothers are attractive My mother prefers young ones online

While by the age of thirty with a penny, many still send their children to first grade, start taking them to kindergarten, or even at all - they are just going to give birth, some mothers already wear one size of clothes with their first-born and are discussing with might and main fashion trends or problems of the world economy.

Three young mothers of adult children tell about what pluses and minuses they see in the fact that they gave birth at 16-19 years old.

Julia, 34 years old, daughters Victoria - 15 years old:

“It’s not that I was very eager to give birth so early. Rather, it happened. Once I came home in the evening and carefully told my mother: “Mom, I think I am getting married ...” To which the shrewd mother, without thinking for a second, replied: “And I think I will soon become a grandmother!”

But there was no doubt that it was necessary to give birth. And, thank God, no one tried to dissuade, calling to remember about a career, education and other things that girls at that age should think about. Because for all these years I have not regretted for a minute that I had a daughter quite early.

I don’t remember any particular difficulties with a small child - somehow everything went like clockwork for me. Plus, I instantly matured: this change manifested itself literally immediately after I left the walls of the hospital with a bundle in my arms. There was a responsibility for his family, for his actions and words, I became very combative– I learned to defend my rights all around: in clinics, in kindergarten, in stores... These qualities have been preserved in me to this day: I consider myself a rather strong and persistent person, despite the outward fragility.

In addition, I was always very pleased that I was everywhere and everywhere the youngest mother among mothers of the same age as my Victoria. And now that we're the same height and build, no one believes that we are mother and daughter. We often think that we are sisters. And this not only amuses me very much, but also pleases me: it means that, despite my rather extensive life experience, I am still young and beautiful. In addition, my daughter and I often change clothes, and this allows me to stay up to date with youth fashion.

Due to the not particularly big difference in age, Viktosha and I understand each other perfectly, we speak heart to heart, we largely have the same tastes and interests ... But the most pleasant thing is that my daughter is really proud that she has such young and energetic mother!

Zoya, 29 years old, son Vlad - 13 years old:

“I realized one single thing: no matter what age, a child is a great happiness, no matter what! Yes, at the age of 16, like me, it’s too early to give birth, because at this age you still want to take a carefree walk with your girlfriends, flirt with boys, sleep as much as you want ...

I found out about the pregnancy, barely unlearning the 1st year at an art college. My loved one is in the army. And my mother, having learned about the upcoming replenishment, took me to the gynecologist, where the doctor ... persuaded us to have an abortion! I was amazed, and my mother was at a crossroads. But as soon as they showed me my baby on the ultrasound, I was ready to go against the whole world, but give birth to this baby at all costs.

I gave birth with one kidney, myself. In the ward of the maternity hospital, I flew on the wings of happiness when my baby was brought to me! It’s bad that the doctors, who, in fact, were supposed to support you, on the contrary, reproached and condemned you openly, without even being embarrassed! But not all, my attending physician (I don’t remember the name now) said: “You are so young, you still have ahead of you - you just have to be patient, and everything will be fine!” And how right he was!

At home, I, like a mother hen, did not let anyone near the baby. She swaddled, fed, jumped up at night ... Of course, when I took my son to the garden, they looked at me with surprise, but it was nice to feel that you were still just a girl, and you already had such a big son. I always heard compliments addressed to me from educators and teachers. In addition, the son always proudly told how his peers asked him: “Is this really your mother ?!”

Now my son is already taller than his mother and speaks Basque, but he loves me dearly, and we can always talk about anything! There have already been such moments in my life when my son argues not childishly correctly and becomes a real support and support for me. And what could be more valuable than this?

Often people, looking at us, think that we are brother and sister (after all, such a difference - 16 years - is also quite common)! There was even a funny case when an unfamiliar guy asked me at my relatives’ birthday party: “And who is this boy to you?” I answered: "Son." After a short pause, he clarified: “Godfather? ..” I laughed and said that my own. He was dumbfounded! And I had a lot of fun!

Never, not once have I regretted having a son. And now, when my daughter was born, Vlad helps me a lot with her. He cares so touchingly, teaches new words, how to climb the stairs on the playground ... Yes, and next to him I try to keep myself in good shape, not to sit still, but to move forward! And, by the way, many notice that mischievous children's lights are burning in my eyes! So an adult son is the best incentive to always be young, active and cheerful!”

Julia, 32 years old, daughter Polina - 13 years old:

“Actually, by the age of 32, I had already given birth to three children, but my very first daughter, Polina, appeared with me at 19. And to today she is already a couple of centimeters taller than me! .. And, of course, acquaintances of my age, who either do not have children yet, or are much younger than my Polina, are very surprised to see us together.

Of course, I see many advantages in this state of affairs. For example, I (and I think my daughter too) really like the fact that Because of my young age, I am not a conservative, but a very democratic mother. I don’t forbid her much, I don’t impose anything, I help her somehow manifest herself, develop and learn to stand out from the crowd.

I care about her appearance(and her mine, by the way, too). Therefore, we almost always go shopping together, and she chooses things for me in bright, youthful colors, which helps me look great, and I, in turn, try to instill in her concepts of elegance and taste. And she listens to a lot, which would hardly be possible if I were five or ten years older than her. And so, it turns out that the difference in age is not so big: I still quite remember what it is like to be a teenager. And proceeding from this, I build my relationship with my daughter. And this is a huge plus! And it’s also very cool that, being already quite an adult girl, she sees me raising her two younger brothers (the little one is not yet a year old), and for her motherhood will no longer seem something terrible and unknown. I think she will be a great mom!

Someone might think that because of the rather early birth, I missed something in my career plan. No. I have been running my own newspaper for several years now. Everything can be done with three children, and not just with one child. It seems to me, on the contrary, that children do not let you relax: you should be a model for them, an example to follow. They should be proud that their mother manages to do everything, enjoys authority in society and at the same time looks great. How else?

But there are also downsides, of course. I believe that when people give birth at a very young age, not all of them are ready to mentally endure such responsibility and really feel what it is to be a MOM little man. At the age of 16-19, we are still rushing somewhere, we want to do some of our own business, often handing over the child to the hands of grandparents. I had such moments with Polina, and if I had not given birth to more children later, I would be very sorry that, by and large, I missed all these most beautiful moments in my life, when the child sniffed softly at your chest, smiled at you for the first time, pulled the handles ... Then, on the contrary, I wanted everything to happen faster: so that my teeth erupt faster, my daughter started walking, talking faster, went to kindergarten and school ... To make it easier.

And now, with experience, I see that at this time, when your children are small, on the contrary, you need to try to plunge with your head, with your whole being, - after all, this is what a woman's happiness consists of.


Scottish Tressa Middleton became the youngest mother in the UK. The girl became pregnant by her 16-year-old brother Jason in 2006.

She had been sexually abused by her brother since the age of seven, but was afraid to confess to anyone.

Her mother had enough problems without her, the girl thought. Tracey Tallons was then struggling with alcohol and drug addiction and had no time for her children.

At the age of 11, Tressa became pregnant and gave birth to a girl.

The baby was taken to an orphanage, and James was put behind bars for four years. The fact that the father of the child's brother, Tressa was able to tell only after 2 years. A DNA test confirmed James' paternity.

After these terrible events, Tressa could not recover for a long time. She suffered from depression, used alcohol and drugs.

In 2011, the Girl met her love and future husband Darren.

Tressa resorted to the help of a specialist and adjusted her life. She had a miscarriage a year later. Three days later, her mother died of pneumonia.

Having survived these tragic moments, Tressa found strength in herself and again thought about the child.

Arianna was born four years later. Tressa regrets that her mother did not see her granddaughter.

After all, at the birth of her first child, Tracy supported her daughter.

It was hard to lose a child and a mother in one week. It's also hard to think that my mom will never meet Arianna. I know that she would love her granddaughter and be proud of her. She was with me when I gave birth to my first daughter, and when Arianna was born, I was sad that my mother was no longer around. I think about her all the time, and there are many moments that I wish I could share with my mom, like when Arianna laughed for the first time.

Arianna admitted that she is very happy with the birth of her daughter, but the thought of her first child haunts her.

I felt pure joy the moment Arianna was born. There were times when I thought I would never have a baby again, as if it wasn't meant to be. But I also feel guilty, because Arianna is with me, but my eldest daughter is not. My morning begins with the thought of her, and the last thing I think about when I go to bed is how she is there. I love her and I will always be her mother. I cannot be happy without her. It pains me to think that Arianna will grow up without an older sister.

Tressa hopes that someday the sisters will meet and be together. In the meantime, the mother had only memories and some things of the baby. Tressa left her daughter's handprint, her clothes and a lock of hair as a keepsake.

Arianna will always know that she has an older sister. I am already talking about this with her, although she still does not understand anything. They are complete opposites. Arianna is smiling and calm, and the first daughter was so noisy. I tell Arianna that if her sister were here, they would play together. I joke that Arianna would tail her and they would most likely piss each other off. I really hope that one day they can meet. It means a lot to me.

Tressa will try to provide her daughter Arianna with a happy childhood, which she herself lacked. But the girl does not condemn her mother.

I want Arianna to have a normal childhood where she knows she is loved and safe. I loved my mom and she tried her best, but she was losing the fight. From time to time I just wanted to have a routine, watch TV and go to bed on time like other families. I could not talk to her about everything that happened to me, because she had enough problems of her own. God forbid Arianna had to go through what I had to go through. I wish she didn't keep secrets from me.

Tressa will always remember her first daughter. The last time she saw her was when she was three years old.

I didn't realize that was the last time I would see her. She didn't recognize me and was scared. I couldn't hug her, I had to move away to talk to her. Worst of all, when she cried and called for her mother, she did not mean me, but her foster mother. I was not even allowed to say “mother loves you” so as not to embarrass her.

Now the girl is 11 years old. Tressa sends her birthday and Christmas presents every year, but there has been no response for three years. The girl hopes that the adoptive parents did not tell the child scary story mother.

I hope her adoptive parents don't tell her I got pregnant because Jason raped me. I don't want her to read about it in the paper. I think I should tell her myself. I want to explain everything to her when she is old enough to understand. As for Arianna, I'd rather she didn't know the details of my past. She must have her own life and she is my new beginning.

We hope that Tressa will someday be able to see her first child. Share this story with your friends.

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