Learn photos. Description of the appearance of long-distance

Disclaimers are a small size from the adhesion of primates.

Previously, biologists have attributed them to the semoresens, and then began to consider these animals as representatives of the Sukhonian Monkey sublit.

The ancestors of Dolgovati consider the Omomyidae family. His representatives lived in North America and Eurasia.

Types of long precipitates and their habitat

Habitat Learning - Southeast Asia. Each of the species, and they were allocated, at least three, localized on the individual islands.

(Syritha) lives on Leite, Samara, Bochola and Mandanau. The first mention of it was made in the XVIII century. Catholic missionaries, they called him a "tiny Luzon Madushka."

However, the naturalist of Karl Linney gave this animal another name - "Monkey Syritha." The current name "Disclapyat" was assigned to him later.

Local residents still call this monkey with their invented names: "MAGO", "Magatilok-Iok", "Maomag", etc.

On Sumatra, Seracan, Bank and Kalimantane, you can meet the Bannan Discount (TarsiusBancanus).

And Tarsiusspectrum, the more famous, as long adversely, the cast, settled on the Big Sanahih, Sulawesi, Salaloire and Belero.

Exterior Dolglyatov

Disclaimers are small mammals from the detachment of primates.

The length of the body is on average 12-15 cm. It has a large, disproportionate body, a head that the animal can easily turn on 360 degrees, and rounded wrinkled eyes.

In the diameter of the eye can reach up to 16 mm. If you imagine a person with the same proportions, like a long-hence, then his eyes would be the value with an apple.

One of the most important parts of the body of this monkey-shop. It helps the animal to balancing and stick to the desired direction. The tail has long been longer than his body.

When the animal takes a vertical position, then very often the tail begins to perform the role of canes on which you can rely on.

Fur long adoption does not cover all his body. Practically naked armpits, tail and belly remain. Only on the tip of the tail there is a small brush.

Lifestyle, food and reproduction

Disclaimers prefer to live alone, or in a pair. In very rare cases, you can meet a group of these animals consisting of four individuals.

Little monkeys are predominantly a nightlife, constantly on the trees. According to them, long adopts help to easily move the pads on the paws, which perform the role of sucker.

Also, these animals are just amazing jumpers. They can jump to 1.6 meters in height, and more than 1 m. Length. The manner of jumps is like a frog manner.

Noticing production, long adopting makes a sharp jump, and overtakes it.

The greatest part of the diet of this little monkey is insects and small lizards. Thanks to long patches, it is possible to avoid the invasion of locusts. After all, Saransch is one of their favorite delicacies.

The greatest burst of the fertility of these monkeys falls for November - February. However, there is no clear binding to some month or period, and kids can appear all year round.

The females are usually 2-3 pairs of nipples. But she feeds the babies, she is only thoracic.

Believers about long weather

Because of the unusual appearance and glowing in the dark eyes, many believes are folded about these little animals.

Some people believe that they are pets domestic animals. Someone calls them enchanted creatures or evil gnomes.

Tiny, but very pretty animals long experts live on the islands South-East Asia, in the Philippine Islands and on the Malay Archipelago. These fluffy lumps can not help all lovers of wildlife.

He is so unusual and looks at us so surprising, as if we are exotic, and not he himself. Hiding animals in the jungle and bamboo thickets. True silky fur animal gray-brown.

They are trusting, curious, and at the same time very bugles. The local population mercilessly exterminates them to eat. Strange, because long adversies are so small.

The animal weighs from 80 to 150 grams, and the body length is from 8 to 16 cm. They have a long tail (13 - 27 cm), not covered with wool, only brush at the end. Tight body, short neck, big head and long limbs, and hind legs much more than the front paws.

On a round face, large rounded ears that are constantly moving, reacting to the sounds of nature, they are not covered with fur. Nose is small, but the eyes .... They are just huge for long adoption. Eyes still, when scared, the animal seems even more and screamed. Since he leads a nightlife, his eyes should see well in the dark, that's why they are, such large. This is an adaptation to the bad light.

His neck is mobile and can rotate almost 360 degrees, please, you and an extensive review, once pupils are still. The diameter of the eye can reach 20 cm, and the eye orbit is protected by bone. One eye is more of its brain. The mouth of the animal is wide, it seems he can smile. Front cutters are big and similar to the teeth of primates. The remaining teeth are small.

Paws of animal fat and long. Especially distinguished long thin fingers with a seal at tips and small curls. The front limbs resemble a man's hand. This baby is best of all of the primates hold on the tree vertically, due to their thickening - pillows on the fingers.

The hind legs of the animal are interesting to a strongly outstanding and elongated heel at the foot. An excellent repulsive support when jumping, which can reach in length 250cm, and in height - 175 cm. But how does it succeed, because he is so small? At the time of the jump, the paws are pulled out, it looks like a frog.

They live a couple or a small group. In the afternoon, they are hiding in crevices and dupes, less often sit, clinging to all the paws per branch. So they rest or sleep, and at night they go hunting. They do not descend on earth. Eating insects and small vertebrates. The most favorite food is cricket. Invisible branch hunters are sitting looking out attentively to the sacrifice, then the jump is jumping up and grabbing. First, the hunter bites her, and then he eats. Condiscories to talk among themselves with sounds similar to whistle.

Female pregnancy lasts six months. One young cub will be born, with open and vigorous eyes, dressed in fur. His weight is about 25 grams, and growth is 70 mm. The tail is long even in a born baby - up to 115 mm. The crumbs have a claws that he grabs for the mother's warm belly. Feeds on milk. Three days after birth, the cub can move.

Mom wears him with me, and when necessary, tolerates his teeth, holding him for the shkir. It will take 20 days, and the baby will be more independent. By the way, the rest of the group residents help in raising a small sibling to his parents. They even feed him, bringing delicious food.

If it were not for them, the Philippine Bochol would just be just one of the palm-coconut islands with azure wave and multicolored fish in the reef gardens; True, there are still chocolate hills - a millionth age coral reefsAs a result of the geological lift, the sedimentary layer did not have time to "disguise" them. The interesting thing happened - 1300 of the same hills lie Rovenko, precisely candy truffles in the box; But not all tourists are so interested in geological monuments of nature, right?
No, never acquire a bog of world fame, if they were not - Tarsera.
The name sounds courageously, as if it comes to medieval knights; And in fact, they are tiny - the torso is no more than ten centimeters in length - and is similar to long (this is the Russian version of the name) to the homemake of the cartoon. Although there is a version that the image of a master of iodine from "Star Wars" is inspired by Tarsier.
Disclaimers - night animals; In the dark, they hunt for locusts and other small literality, making trees in crowns in crowns in a few meters long (correlate with the size of the body!) And go through the night of insect pests in the amount of 10% of our own weight; And in the afternoon, it is dreamed in an embrace with some twig, desiccately folded under the chin, tiny long-haired handles and the cover of unrealistic huge eyes (by the ratio of the size of the eye to the rest of the rest, the record holders among all living beings, and in this capacity are entered in Guinness Book). Longly, covered with silk gray-brown wool, on the "face" there are mimic muscles, he can change the expression of the face, which makes the animal very "humane." The view of them at the same time touching, completely infant, and it is not surprising that these cute bells are such an effective bait for tourists.
The Philippine long proven scientists were first described at the beginning of the XVIII century, calling him Cercopithecus Luzonis Minimus ("Tiny Luzonsky Marty"). Then the great systematizer Karl Linney renamed the animal in Simia Syrichta ("Siricht Monkey"), a little later, was named by the general-time name Tarsius Syrichta ("Longly Siricht"), this name and preserved to the present. Tarsera (from the word Tarsus - ankle) - live on earth at least 45 million years, this is one of the oldest types of animals. Once they were also found in Europe, in Asia, and North America, and now they can be found only in remote corners of the planet - for example, in the Philippines. But in these parts, there are few of them: the locals, on the one hand, were afraid of long-sighs, considering their pets of forest perfumes (the proof was the head, "not attached to the body" (since the head of Tarsier can rotate almost 360 °)) But wondering these fears did not prevent them from killing long profits and eat. But the main factor of the rapid reduction in the number of long-distance is the destruction of its habitat.
For a long time, this problem did not attract the attention of the Philippine public employed much more pressing political and economic problems; But the era of tourism came, and it turned out that a charming alive symbol of Bochol could even make money. And this discovery, like any other, had ambiguous consequences ...
In 1997, the Filippine Discount Foundation (Philippine Tarsier Foundation Inc., www.tarsierfoundation.org) was founded on the island of Bochol in Tagbilaran. The foundation was acquired by an area of \u200b\u200b7.4 hectares in the Korölla Department (Corella) of the Province of Bohol, where the center of Dolghetov was created. The question of purchasing an additional 20 hectare to expand the security zone is raised.
The center for the high fence is contained about a hundred dollars, feeding, reproduction and demonstration of animals to visitors. Lifettes are free to leave the territory of the center that some of them are doing at night, moving through the fence to the next forest, returning in the morning. However, for the most part, debt is home, and everyone is committed to his beloved tree. This greatly facilitates the task of the guides of the Center: Here is our guide, a cheerful young guy, confidently leads us along a path, laid from one "Tarsier" tree to another, and almost always the owner of a tree is in place. For Tarsers on the trees, miniature "houses" (rather nipping) are made, and Tarsiers willingly enjoy them, hiding under the roof and from rain, and from bright sunlight, and (as explained by the guide) from the enemies: after all, a delicious little long-term long adapt From predatory birds to snakes and wild cats. But after all, the house is open, it may well get a snake in it, and the cat I ask; While she will fit, Tarsier will have time to escape - that's the protection, the guide is responsible, and, the musical, like all the Philipins, continues to Aria from Titanic, decorating it with great fioriths in one's own taste ... But we do not give a guy to pour intojecting: you are a guide , let's tell!
And he says that the maximum fixed life expectancy of the Philippine long distance is 13.5 years (in captivity), which weighs the animal of 120-130 grams, that long adopts sometimes create "married" couples that the female hatching the baby for half a year that the only cub appears on The light is quite developed, and moves along with the mother, clinging to the fur on her stomach, then she moves to her back, and a month later he can jump himself.
Excursion to the center, during which we go around one and a half dozen tarrsers, freely located on their trees, leaves us a wonderful impression!
But not everyone is watching long ads here, in the center. Along with the public center, where long-standing cannot be touched, there are many private benches, where you can touch long experts. And the meaning is that Disclaimat is an income, from the regular touch of human hands, he dies very quickly, as in general from high human attention (loud sounds, outbreaks of cameras, etc.). Cells he does not tolerate at all - can death to smash his head about the bar ... I read the reviews of compatriots who visited Bochol on the Internet: "... But in the state center of Tarsier do not give, and we are the main thing - to touch! And here we went there and there, and there, for a reasonable fee, we squeezed a sweet crumb of the Tarsierchik as much as I wanted ... "
Such a review of the next sentimental "blonde". Well, if she did not know that, the Tan Tarsierchik, took part in his killing with slow torture. That he will die soon, and in the hands of such "lovers to touch" the merchant will be to poke the next tiny suicide bomb ....
Or maybe he knew, but it stops her? "We are the main thing - to touch!". Just like under the water, most of the "teapots" -nirectors have enough hands each you liked the coral, and it is useless to explain that skin fat with your fingers - "death trail" on the dusts of coral polyps ... why so much in people a drastic desire to destroy - "consume" - What sees beautiful?
Not very clear and why the state does not stop such a Tarsier business - apparently, the law of the right is not published? Now in the markets of Manila Tarsier costs about 6,000 pesos, and in a variety of restaurants on the Loboy River, long adopts are completely open in captivity to attract visitors ... But they have long been declared specially protected animals, government financing is allocated to its preservation ...
The dual feeling leaves a date with long adoption. As Karlyto Picksarras says, a resident of Bocholy, a long-standing defender, famous for his nickname "Tarsier Meng": "Maybe my children and grandchildren will not see them at all" ...

Disclaimers, or Tarsius, are native primates, which is divided into at least 3 species. Previously, they were sublitted by the semi-esshyan, which is now considered outdated; Currently, they are considered one of the families of dry monkeys (there are highly developed monkeys and a person.

The smallest primates were obtained for very long ankles - "heels" - on the hind limbs.

Opinions of scientists about the number of types of long-ranges are divided - some believe that there are three such species, others believe, eight. In total, 11 varieties of long-ranges are known, among them - Western long adversies, Eastern Dongle, Philippine Dolly, Dwarc Dolly and Diang Diana.

A great impression is made long adopts on tourists. It is difficult to realize that there is an animal on Earth, whose head can turn around 180 and even by almost 360 degrees. There is something mystical, unreal.

Lifetime classification.

In the 18th century, the Philippine was first described for the first time. It was described by Catholic missionaries and called the tiny madushka. Later, Karl Linny discovered that he had been different from Martysheet and renamed him to Siricht's monkey.

And even later, this name was supplemented by the generic name and turned into a long adoption of Siricht. So the Philippine long proven is to this day.

The islanders have a set of own names of long-life, the most common of them - Maomag or Mago.

It is curious that long adopts have signs of both lemurs (semi-rotations) and real monkeys. In essence, they are a transitional link from lemurs to real monkeys.

With lemurs they relate to the weak development of both hemispheres of the brain (they do not cover the cerebellum) and claws on the second fingers of the rear legs, and with monkeys - the sockets separated by the bone partition from the temples and the rounded skull.

But some signs (the structure of the intestines or teeth) are generally not peculiar to modern primates, which indirectly speaks about the more ancient origin of long-sighs.

It seems that lemors have never been lemours, but may well be called monkeys. Such here are peculiar animals that break the familiar classification of animals.

There is also a very curious hypothesis, put forward in 1916 by Professor Frederick Wood Jones. According to this hypothesis, a person occurred from the ancient long-life, and not from man-like monkeys, as it was still considered to be. Here are the main provisions of the hypothesis:

· When moving along the horizontal surface, the body vertically holds a vertically - this could be the basis of human straightening.

· The proportions of the body of a person and long proven are similar - they have their hands shorter legs, while man-like monkeys are the opposite.

· The direction of hair growth and human hair is also similar, which cannot be said about human monkeys.

· Facial Skull Division shortened

· The structure of the clavicle and some muscles are very similar at long hence and man.

So long follows may well be our ancestor.

The habitat is the habitat.

The ancestors of long-life existed during the time of Eocene in North America and Eurasia, this is one of the most ancient types of animals in the Philippines, which is already at least 45 million years.

Now their habitat is significantly reduced and decreased only to several islands.

Mostly, long-life are island residents of Southeast Asia, they can be found on the islands of Sulawesi, Sumatra, Borneo and on other islands close to them.

Description external view Disclaimat.

Disclaimers are pretty small animals, a maximum of up to 16 cm. Long naked, with rare hairs, the tail varies in length from 13 to 28 cm and ends with a fluffy tassel. Mass medium animal from 80 to 160

The males are larger than the females, weigh an average of 134g, and the weight of females is approximately 117g. The hind limbs are longer than the front and allow them to jump on decent distances, up to several meters, in case of danger.

The head is quite large compared to the body long, it is capable of turning almost 360 degrees, the mouth is wide, with thick lips, and the neck is short. Longly has a good rumor and a fairly large brain.

These are the only known science of primates that are able to communicate with each other in ultrasound waves. They hear sounds with a frequency of up to 90 kHz and talk at a frequency of about 70 kHz.

It was noted that when discontent, something like the sound like a subtle pisch. The voice of the bank denotes the boundaries of their territories, call on partners, but in general, much less often use the voice than all other primates.

These cute animals have 34 tooth, located vertically, the top teeth are larger than the lower. They have funny very long fingers on all limbs ending with sucker thickening - such a finger design makes it easier for them on trees.

All fingers, except for the second and third, end with flat nails, in the second and third there are sharp claws that small animals are used to comb their fur. When climbing, the fingers are walked by a branch, setting together thumbs.

Ears naked round shapeare in constant motion and also very movable as small locators; Soft, pleasant to the touch wool of a grayish or brownish shade.

The most notable signs are large round yellow or yellow-brown eyes up to 16mm in diameter. If you relate the length of their body with the human body length, then their eye size will match the apple. In addition, they also glow in the dark.

By the ratio of the size of the eye to the size of the head and body, long experts are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. What is noteworthy, the weight of the eye is greater than the weight of the brain.

There are mimic muscles on the muzzle of long, therefore the expression of his face may change, which makes a little animal look like a little man.

Lifetime lifestyle.

The greatest activity of long-life at night is predominantly night primates. They live on trees, and in the afternoon, they are hiding among the thick vegetation or in the dupes, where, as usual, sleep sweetly until the evening.

In the trees they face very deftly, and can also jump like grasshoppers. The tail they use to achieve a balance, like small routine. The thick vegetation, the better them. Almost do not descend on Earth.

Disclaimers lead a single lifestyle, they can share not one kilometer in wildlife, each of them has its own territory. One male usually takes up to 6.45 hectares of forests, and the female - up to 2.45 hectares.

The density of animals per 100 hectares, as a rule, is 41 female and 16 males. During the day, it can easily go through the path of one and a half kilometers during the bypass of its extensive territory.

Make a male together with the female only in marriage, in the full moon of December-January. But in special reserves, longly can live in small bands.

Nutrition dongle.

The basis of the diet of long experts is representatives of the insect class as well as small vertebrates (lizards) and even small birds. The uniqueness of these primates is also that they are the only among primates do not eat vegetable food.

Such small, but still predators. They enjoy jumping to stun or stunning prey. Catching the insect, they bring it to the mouth of one or two paws.

Per day can eat up to 10% of their weight, i.e. From 8 to 16 g. Most of all, they like the locust types of insects, painting with them, the animals actually become "forest sanitary panels".

Reproduction of long profits.

Disclaimers do not build nests for their young. Pregnancy in females longly lasts up to 6 months., The cub is born quite developed, moant and with good grateful reflexes, it weighs at birth about 27 g.

Dolghov has the most slowly developing embryo, which for the time of intrauterine development is gaining only 23 grams! Born, the baby clings to the mother's belly, or the milf tolerates him, taking his teeth for the shake.

And, although the female long admisted there are several pairs of nipples, it uses only a thoracic pair to feed the cub.

The males of debt are not seen in the upbringing and feeding of the younger generation.

After seven weeks, the kid will finally go to meat food. And almost a month later, the cub can already jump. Young long experts become harsh to year. The life expectancy is unknown in nature, and in captivity is a maximum of 13 years - among well-known science.

Researchers are allegedly considered long-term monogamous primates, although this has not yet been proven.

Enemies long experts.

The main enemy of long profits are people. Destroying their life environment, cutting out forests, people deprive small habitat primates. Locals also hunt them, because of tasty meat.

All attempts to tame long experts ended with the death of animals after a short time. Kids can not get used to the capture and often break their heads about the bar of the cell, trying to escape.

Filipino long admits, lives only on several Islands of the Philippines and this moment It is under threat of extinction.

Painting birds (owls) and wild cats also contribute to the extinction of long experts.

That is why in 1986 this type of primates was assigned the status of a threatening of the disappearance. Dolghetov protects both local and international legislation, their purchase and sale is prohibited, which is very useful to know tourists.

Do not try to buy this animal - these you not only violate the law, but also put the life of a small animal, because to ensure that there is quite difficult insects in the insects. Better buy yourself a soft toy depicting long-life as a consolation.

In 1997, for the purpose of restoring and maintaining a natural environment to increase the number of long-distance funds, Filippine Fund was created in the province of Bochol. The foundation was acquired by the territory of 7.4 hectares and created the Center for Dolgotha.

There are no long-life in the conditions, the most similar to their familiar habitat, predators there are absent, animals are provided by feeding, they are shown to visitors.

But if you wish, the animals can always move through the fence, at night some do it, and by morning they return back.

Currently, there is a discussion of the possibility of acquiring an additional area in 20 hectares and restrictions on tourist access to small primates.

The role of long patients in culture and art.

In the past century, the peoples of Indonesia were afraid of long-standing and created various myths about them. For example, due to the ability to rotate the head almost 360 degrees, Indonesians believed that their heads were not attached to the body, and if they meet with them, then the same thing would happen to a person.

Disclaimers managed to get into the cinema - in the anime series "Animatrica" \u200b\u200bthere is a hand-held Baby (baby).

About 10 years ago in China, one farmer, cultivating the soil, discovered a skeleton similar to human, only amazingly small sizes. To establish that the skeleton belongs to the previously unknown type of primates, the paleontologists needed several years.

This discovery turned all the ideas about the genealogy of primates. It turns out disclaimy They lived on Earth another 55 million years ago, that is, 7 million years before the appearance on the planet of other types of monkeys.

Today, this funny animal can most often be seen in zoos. Since the range is very small, in conditions wildlife Meeting with him is almost impossible, in addition, small animals lead a nightlife and are not going to flock.

Once upon a time, long experts were widespread, they lived in Europe and in North AfricaAnd now there are only three types: Filippinsky, or Siricht, Disclaimed Bannan and Lifetime Ghost. To date, the animals live only in Southeast Asia, and every kind on a specific island.

So, siricht Lives in the Philippines (Islands of Mindanao, Samar, Leite, Bochol); bannan Dolgiat- on Sumatra, Kalimantane, Bank, Seracan; disclaim-ghost - on Sulawesi, Sapayar and neighboring atolls.

Lup-porosted long adoption

It looks like this animal is exceeding thanks to huge (only ten times less than the overall body size) yellow eternally surprised eyes located on a round wide facet. About such a scale, if human vision organs were a large apple. In the animal world, such glazers are only among Caracatians.

Lucky eyes glow in the dark and very much help him during the night hunting. It should be noted that the animal has mimic muscles, which allows him to change the expression of the face. And this is very similar to man. Large bare ears are in constant motion, and the head can be rotated 180 °, in any direction. Disclaim can easily look from the back of the back. The mouth of the animal is wide, V-shaped.

Longly can well fit into the palm of an adult, its growth is only from 8 to 15 cm, and about 140 years old, he reminds someone with a shaggy frog, only moves much more graceful than amphibian. Cute, cute animal, if it were not for a long naked tail, similar to the rat, but with a tassel at the end.

The front limbs of the animal is much shorter than the rear. Such a device of the foot helps the animal to perform jumps to a few meters long. The brush and stop is grabbing, with thin long fingers, at the ends of which there are pads that serve as peculiar suction cups for a more comfortable trip along the trees.

It is no coincidence that longly is called forest lifting, because its traces are almost impossible to find, as it walks, relying only on the fingers, so the trace turns off the invisible. Being among the branches, the animal often becomes rear paws to survive the surroundings.

From other views of the half-seamy of the animal distinguishes a number of signs: he has two sharp claws on the foot, which will be long followed to care for wool (toilet claws) and a set of 80 chromosomes.

A person occurred from ... long adoption?

Disclaimed in appearance so much reminds of man that the English Wood Jones and his Dutch colleague A. Hubrecht in 1916 put forward a hypothesis, according to which a person did not occur against man-like monkeys, but from the ancient long-life. The hypothesis was called "Tarzi-Alnaya Hypothesis" (the Otlassnsky name of animals - Tarsius) and justified the following criteria:

When moving along the horizontal surface, the body of long profits takes a vertical position;

Proportions of limbs (long legs and short hands) Close to a person, unlike man-like monkeys, who are the opposite;

The direction of hair growth in long weather and person is similar;

Shortened to the facial skull department;

In the external genital organs there are no bones;

Very similar to the structure of the clavicle and some muscle groups.

But modern science It completely rejects this hypothesis, at the same time, it is not excluding that man-like monkeys occurred from long adults, in whose environments a man appeared. However, the exact position of long-distance in the systematics is still not defined.


Lifetures live in tropical rainforests, during the day they sleep, hiding in the hidden places or in the voupel of the tree. Cling to all the limbs for the trunk of the tree, the head is lowered in her knees so that it is not visible, and the tail serves as a support. If, which is extremely rare, he does not sleep long, it moves slowly and lazily. Apled the day, the animals with the onset of the night go to their modest fishing.

And here already - where only their undelapped is - in the dark they become attentive and clever hunters. Big eyes allow to see well in the darkness, and sensitive ears, like ears battle, constantly in motion, they can hear at a great distance. Finally, they have excellent smell, which allows them to successfully hunt small animals.

It must be said that long adversies are the only primates that are completely carnivore. Of course, the animal can sometimes enjoy fruit, but its main diet consists of insects, lizards, small birds and mammals. Longly will not pass by bird nest with eggs, it will definitely ruin it. This pretty baby is actually a bloodthirsty robber.

Usually he sits in ambush and guard his prey. Seeing a lizard or insect, long adversely grabs them with his long fingers with velcro and in a matter of seconds bite her head. Then it becomes rear paws, leaning the tail for stability, and begins to eat trophies leisurely. At the same time, his head stops for a minute - tracking over the outside world is constantly being conducted. Satisfied, long followed by a water source. By the way, it does not drink water, but lacques like a dog.

We breed long experts regardless of the year. The female shelters a young 6 months, after which it is born with already open eyes and covered with wool. The cub is immediately clinging for the material belly to four paws and tail. It is surprising that he is capable immediately after birth to move around the branches on his own. If it is necessary to overcome a longer distance, the female transfers it for a shake like a cat of his kitten. A month after birth, he can already hunt alone.

If you are very dissatisfied with something, it makes a thin squeak. With the help of voice, they can communicate, report the boundaries of their territories and call on partners or a young. Disclaimers are single animals, occasionally occurring with each other in the intersection of possessions. The territory of one "individuals covers about 6.45 hectares of forests for males and 2.45 hectares for females, long-haired density is 16 males and 41 female per 100 hectares. Dolly per day can overcome until one and a half kilometers, bypassing its territory.

The maximum lifespan, for example, Filipino long, within 13-14 years. Of natural enemies This little creature has owls and people.

Gnome, devouring children

In the legends of Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia speaks of the gnome, devouring children, and sometimes adults. This is a monster living on the trees, Jara Ma-Ya-Ehho. Locals argue that he looks like a small toothless man, something like a frog. On the fingers of the gnome there are suckers, which he keeps his sacrifice, until it drinks all the blood out of it.

You can see Jara Ma-ya-in-eyed night, but not everyone will decide to go on a date with the monster. In the dark, it can be recognized on tremendous luminous eyes, but it is dangerous to approach him: wanders and drink blood. There is no doubt that the mysterious Jara ... No one else, as long as long. If you add to the described properties of the night lifestyle, you can understand why this rare animal was made by the subject of all sorts of superstitions.

However, it is known that in relation to people, long adopts do not show aggression and even more - they are not afraid if, of course, a person is not too noise. Disclaimers were repeatedly tried to keep at home, but these animals were too freedomed and did not leave attempts to escape from imprisonment. If they did not succeed, they died very quickly in captivity.

Galina Orlova

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