Dark green discharge before menstruation. What is normal discharge before menstruation?

Discharge from a woman's genital tract appears as a result of the work of glandular cells of the cervical epithelium. They are needed to protect the walls of the genital tract from cracks, injuries and bacteria. The amount and nature of discharge varies depending on the level of sex hormones in a woman’s blood and the period of the menstrual cycle. The most noticeable discharge is before menstruation and during ovulation. Also, the nature of vaginal mucus changes when various infections and pathological processes in a woman’s body.

Why does discharge appear before menstruation?

If pregnancy does not occur, a couple of days before menstruation, the level of progesterone in a woman’s blood begins to decrease. During this period, estrogen production increases. The glands of the epithelium of the woman’s genital tract begin to produce more mucus, which will come out. The swollen endometrium in the uterus gradually begins to be rejected, and the first particles of blood may already appear, which can give the usual mucus a reddish tint.

Every woman must know which discharge is normal and which may indicate a disease. Women know their bodies well, and distinguishing the symptoms of the disease is not difficult.

Normally, vaginal mucus does not have a strong odor; it is practically unnoticeable. The amount of mucus before menstruation may increase slightly compared to the rest of the cycle. But under no circumstances should the discharge cause discomfort, pain, discomfort or burning.

Normally, vaginal mucus has a moderately viscous consistency and is a bit like raw egg white. The color of the discharge may vary. Transparent mucus and whitish mucus with a slightly yellowish tint are considered healthy. It is difficult to determine the normal amount of mucus that is released before menstruation. If we compare the amount of mucus at different periods of the menstrual cycle, then in the days before menstruation the discharge is more abundant.

It is worth noting that in women the nature of discharge in each month is almost identical. Of course, there may be some differences, but the discharge is still similar.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only the color characteristics of the mucus, but also the dynamics of its changes in each cycle. If a woman has never had discharge before her period, and then suddenly begins to appear, this may indicate changes in the genitals.

In some girls and women, two days before menstruation, the mucus from the genital tract may take on a reddish tint. You may also see small dark streaks of blood or small clots in the vaginal mucus. These kinds of symptoms are precursors to menstruation. The fact is that the endometrium does not separate from the walls of the uterus at the same time, and some particles may exit through the cervix a little earlier than others. Again, the discharge should not cause the girl any discomfort.

What is normal discharge on the eve of menstruation?

A healthy woman must secrete regular leucorrhoea between regulae, formed from mucus, which is produced by certain glands located in the vestibule of the vagina. In addition, this secretion contains dead epithelial cells of the vaginal mucosa. The main function of this secretion is to moisturize the vagina and protect its surface from injury and infection. During the cycle, the character of the leucorrhoea, its structure and acidity change, thereby ensuring normal conditions for the maturation of the female reproductive cell and its fertilization. The appearance of such leucorrhoea is due to changes in hormonal balance throughout the entire cycle. The nature of the discharge determines the ratio of estrogens and progestogenic sex hormone in the body.

During ovulation, at the moment of maturation of the female reproductive cell, the level of estrogen is at its peak, during this period the discharge should be the strongest and most liquid, which facilitates the passage of sperm into the fallopian tubes to meet the female reproductive cell. If fertilization does not occur, then the amount of discharge decreases, at first it becomes like snot, and on the eve of menstruation it becomes thick like jelly and odorless.

The color of the vaginal secretion depends on the hormonal balance, coagulability and composition of the blood, metabolic processes and other factors. Normal discharge on the eve of regulation can be transparent, whitish, have a yellow or beige tint, and there should not be any uncomfortable symptoms, such as burning or itching.

With reduced blood clotting or with increased concentration estrogen in the 2nd half of the leucorrhoea cycle may contain bloody streaks, and a couple of days before menstruation occurs, they may turn pale brown.

Let's look at what leucorrhoea should be normal at different periods of any woman's life:

  • in adolescence. Girls experience their first menstruation at the age of 12-14; a year and a half before this, the body begins to prepare for menarche, and hormonal changes provoke the release of copious secretions. It may be clear or cloudy with a slight sour odor. After the first menstruation, the formation of the cycle occurs for about two years, during which time the character of the leucorrhoea may change. If the color and consistency of the discharge has changed, but there is no burning, itching and the temperature does not rise, then there is no need to worry;
  • premenopause. After the age of forty, the level of estrogen in the body gradually decreases, the regularity of menstruation is disrupted, and after a few years, with the onset of menopause, they stop altogether. Hormonal surges on the eve of menopause also cause changes in the characteristics of discharge before regulation. The cervix produces less mucus, and the elasticity of the vaginal walls decreases. Leucorrhoea before regula becomes less abundant, sometimes pink or brown;
  • reg. delay Random hormonal changes due to stressful situations, moving or a shift can cause a delay in menstruation. climate zone, pregnancy, sudden weight changes and pathological factors. If everything is fine with a woman’s health, then the nature of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstruation should not change;
  • ovulation. At this time, the discharge may have a pinkish or pale brown tint; this occurs a couple of weeks before the regular discharge. During ovulation, the follicle ruptures, as a result of which a little blood is released, which stains the leucorrhoea;
  • pregnancy. If the delay in menstruation is caused by pregnancy, differences in the discharge before the expected regulation will depend on the quality of consolidation of the fertilized egg. If the embryo is well established in the endometrium, small bloody spots may be visible in the leucorrhoea. If the fertilized egg exfoliates for any reason, then after a delay the woman may begin to bleed heavily;
  • postpartum period. About 1.5-2 months after giving birth, a woman experiences postpartum discharge and lochia. Depending on the type of feeding of the baby, normal periods after childbirth appear in young mothers at least 2 months after the birth of the baby. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the first symptoms after childbirth come much later, after a year or more. When a woman’s body fully recovers after pregnancy, the menstrual cycle also normalizes, and the discharge between periods is normal.

What does secretion depend on?

The nature of leucorrhoea before regulation depends on many factors:

  • age indicator. In adolescents, shortly before their first menstruation, various changes occur in the body and hormonal background, which may result in discharge of different composition and intensity. Over the course of 1-2 years after menarche, hormonal “swings” also occur, which often provoke the secretion of mucus of varying characteristics, especially during ovulation and on the eve of regulation;
  • sexual activity;
  • balanced diet and bad habits;
  • the presence of diseases in acute and chronic form;
  • general state of immunity and hormonal balance;
  • taking hormonal medications and hormonal contraceptives, both systemic and emergency contraception.

Since there are many factors that affect the color and consistency of discharge before regulation, the norm will be individual for each woman.

2 weeks before your period

Discharge before menstruation is normal. They are observed at all phases of the cycle, but have a different character. If immediately after menstruation the secretion is liquid, then closer to ovulation the mucus secretion becomes like snot.

The volume of leucorrhoea increases. They are light, sometimes grayish-gray, but more often translucent with a white tint. Normally, they are stretchy, mucous and have no odor.

Closer to menstruation

The secretion, which begins to be released 10 days before the critical days, changes. Normal discharge before menstruation has a creamy consistency. Their number is decreasing. This is a thick, sparse, scanty discharge.

The color of the mucus varies from white to light beige. 4 days before your period, there is very little leucorrhoea. Even during this period, premenstrual discharge has no odor.

1–2 days before your period

Discharge 3 days before menstruation becomes less abundant. They still have a creamy consistency. Their color is white with a beige tint.

On the eve of menstruation (2 days before or just a day before), there may be a small amount of blood in the leucorrhoea. Such changes are considered normal. The discharge becomes scanty a few days before menstruation.

No discharge before menstruation

Doctors say that absolutely every representative of the fairer sex experiences discharge before menstruation. They can be scanty or abundant. If there is no mucus, there may be a feeling of discomfort in the vagina, itching and irritation in the genital area.

The reason for the lack of discharge may be an infection or the use of intimate hygiene products. Some gels and foams dry out the vaginal mucosa. This may cause discomfort.

The presence of discharge indicates that the woman’s reproductive system is functioning properly. This also applies to pathological cases, since the body still reacts to the problem present. It’s another matter when there is no discharge before menstruation, and not only before it, but also after it, in particular, even throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

It goes without saying that such a situation is anomalous. The absence of secretions that protect the uterus and vagina from infections, as well as provide hydration, can lead to very serious problems. A persistent feeling of dryness, tightness, burning, etc. appears. The woman feels discomfort. Irritation of the tissues of the genital organs may also occur.

Why is there no discharge? Medicine knows a sufficient number of provoking factors:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • stressful situations, depression;
  • excessive, pathological intimate hygiene, as a result of which all secretions are artificially washed away, and a new one does not have time to form;
  • taking antihistamines;
  • lactation period;
  • allergic reaction to panty liners;
  • problems with the glands responsible for the production of cervical mucus.

When answering the question whether discharge before menstruation can disappear, one cannot fail to mention the hormonal background. Sometimes the body begins to produce too many gestagens, which can inhibit progesterone. Against this background, vaginal dryness appears.

Menopause is also important. The arrival of menopause means huge changes in the female body. Among other things, this also leads to a decrease in the functionality of the endocrine system. Fewer hormones are produced, which means there is less discharge. This is a normal process that cannot be avoided - it can only be facilitated by taking special pharmacological agents.

It happens that there is mucus, but at one point it disappears for some reason, but there are no visible pathological changes in the body. The reason may lie in incorrectly selected intimate hygiene products. Under no circumstances should you use regular soap, especially alkaline soap. Only special products that protect the vaginal microflora and prevent the leaching of natural secretions.

Pay attention to what contraceptives and lubricants you use during intimacy. Some of them can change hormonal levels, others can dry out the vagina. All together, this leads to a significant deterioration in the nature of the discharge or even its complete disappearance.

Signs of pregnancy

The expectant mother begins to feel changes in her body 13-20 days after conception. Symptoms of pregnancy appear in the form of characteristic discharge before menstruation. During ovulation, clear mucus appears, and a week before your period you may notice bloody marks. Some women mistake them for the onset of menstruation. If they are released for several hours and then stop altogether, this means that pregnancy has occurred. This occurs due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Pink discharge during pregnancy lasts no more than one day. The amount of blood is insignificant, almost imperceptible. Some women do not experience pink mucus at all. All other discharge before menstruation is not a consequence of the egg implantation process. Sometimes streaks of blood in the leucorrhoea indicate a possible miscarriage.

If discharge before menstruation alarms a woman, its character has changed, or unpleasant sensations have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. Some diseases can lead to serious health problems and need immediate treatment. It is difficult to independently determine the cause of their changes.

Signs and causes of pathological discharge

Mucus from the vagina can be a symptom of a genital disease or a manifestation of infection. Girls and women should know in which cases vaginal discharge is a signal to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Signs of pathological discharge:

  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • sharp unpleasant smell of mucus;
  • yellow, green and brown mucus;
  • impurities of pus and blood;
  • curd discharge;
  • severe pain during discharge;

Itching and burning in the vagina bother women with vaginitis and vulvovaginitis. It can also be the cause of improper care of the intimate area.

Curdled discharge from the genital tract is a symptom of vaginal candidiasis - thrush. Candidiasis is almost always accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations in the vaginal area. Thrush is a serious gynecological problem and requires immediate attention to a specialist.

Pathological leucorrhoea most often has a pronounced color; due to various diseases, green, yellow, grayish, burgundy, dark brown and scarlet discharge can be observed. The consistency of the secretion also changes; it may have lumps, blood clots or foam; the mucus may contain an admixture of pus and blood with an unpleasant odor. The release of secretions in the event of the development of an inflammatory process provokes pain in the external genitalia and lower abdomen. The leucorrhoea itself can be small or abundant, thick or thin, depending on the existing disease of the genital organs.

The appearance of pathological discharge is provoked by the following factors:

  • hormonal disorders due to endocrine diseases, neoplasms in the ovaries (cysts, polyps, tumors) and as a result of taking hormonal drugs;
  • inflammatory process and infections in the genital organs;
  • cancer tumors, diseases of the uterus and its cervix (endometriosis, fibroids, erosions, etc.).

On the eve of menstruation, girls and women may experience some discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen. The pain occurs due to minor inflammation of the uterus before menstruation. If the pain is short-lived and does not cause impairment in activity, then there is no need to worry about it. But you shouldn't endure the pain. Usually, discomfort in the lower abdomen is well relieved with mild painkillers. If the pain is too intense and prolonged, then, regardless of the nature of the vaginal discharge, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Various selection options

Based on the nature of the discharge on the eve of the regulation, one can draw a conclusion about the woman’s state of health; based on its color and consistency, specialists determine possible deviations from the norm, and allow the diagnosis to be confirmed modern methods diagnostics

Let us consider in more detail what discharge occurs in various pathologies and conditions in women before their critical days.


White jelly-like discharge in women occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They include secretions produced by the glands of the cervical canal and vagina, lactobacilli and opportunistic microflora, as well as dead cells of the epithelial layer, which give the mucus a whitish tint.

Normally, there should not be a lot of these secretions, a maximum of 5 mg per day. After the release of the egg, when the level of progesterone increases, there may be a little more of them. Leucorrhoea is especially abundant before the regula while taking hormonal medications.

There are diseases that cause pathological discharge white before menstruation:

  • candidiasis. This disease is caused by yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. The woman is bothered by copious discharge of a curd-like nature, white in color with the smell of sour milk; before menstruation, the illness worsens, itching and burning appears in the area of ​​the external genitalia and in the vagina. After menstruation, this discharge does not disappear;
  • diabetes. Shortly before the arrival of the regulus, a white mucous secretion is released, causing itching in the vagina;
  • cervicitis. Inflammatory processes in the epithelial layer of the cervix, in addition to white discharge, cause dull pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • bacterial vaginosis. The disease is provoked by a violation of the vaginal microflora, while the number of opportunistic microorganisms significantly increases. Discharge from vaginosis has a grayish-white hue and the smell of rotten seafood.


Pink discharge before menstruation can be considered normal if it is not accompanied by itching and burning. This color of secretion may occur on the eve of ovulation, when the follicle ruptures.

In some cases, such discharge may be a sign of endometriosis or endocervicitis. If, in addition to the pink secretion, the body temperature increases, pus impurities and a strong odor appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. If pink leucorrhoea becomes mucous, profuse and interspersed with pus and blood, oncology may be the cause.


The answer to the question may vary depending on the circumstances. Yellow discharge before menstruation should normally be painless and not have an unpleasant odor. This demonstrates the body’s readiness to remove the functional layer of the endometrium from the uterine cavity. Diseases that are accompanied by yellow premenstrual discharge require immediate treatment:

  • Nonspecific vulvovaginitis. Mucus spreads an unpleasant odor;
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The woman feels weak, has abdominal pain, and has an elevated body temperature. The discharge has a foul odor;
  • Cervical erosion. If it is still small, mucus before menstruation is still combined with pain during sex;
  • Venereal diseases. The discharge takes on the appearance of a yellow-green foam with a putrid odor, and the external genitalia itch.

Yellow and even orange discharge can be considered normal if there is no discomfort or unpleasant odor in the perineum. The reason for this coloration of the secretion may be taking certain medications, especially non-herbal ones, an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear materials, lubricants and hormonal changes.

If the yellow discharge has the consistency of egg white, it may be due to an infection. In case of heterogeneous consistency of the secretion, the doctor may suspect the presence of urethritis, salpingitis, erosion, cervix, vaginitis or other sexually transmitted diseases. An exacerbation of symptoms occurs on the eve of the regulation; impurities of pus may be added to the secretion.

If the cause is sexually transmitted diseases, then not only yellow, but also greenish discharge with a pungent odor may occur. Such a secretion can be released during gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydial infection and genital herpes.

Brown, black

Brown or black secretion means it contains clotted blood. Blood acquires this color after oxidation with oxygen. During ovulation and at the time of implantation of the embryo during the period of conception, brown spotting may occur; this is a normal variant. A secretion of the same color may be released for several months after the installation of an intrauterine device or after starting to take oral contraceptives.

The presence of brown discharge on the eve of the regulation may be a sign of existing gynecological pathologies:

  • endometritis, endometriosis;
  • cervical erosion. It is characterized by the appearance of mucous discharge with blood streaks before and after regula;
  • endometrial polyps. Brownish leucorrhoea is provoked by the swelling of the endometrium, which puts pressure on the neoplasm;
  • uterine fibroids. A benign neoplasm can provoke the release of a dark secretion, sometimes with clots before and after regulation.


Bloody discharge before menstruation (red) is most often a sign of pathological processes in the body, due to which small capillaries in the mucous membranes or tissue are injured:

  • endometriosis, adenomyosis. Pathological growth of the endometrium provokes its premature rejection in the uterine cavity, which causes thick bleeding shortly before the regula and uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • erosion and dysplastic changes in the cervix. As a result of this disease, cracks and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane of the neck, damaged tissues bleed, which causes a bloody smear from pinkish to dark brown;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms. Any tumors provoke disruption of the menstrual cycle, increase its duration and change the nature of both menstruation and discharge on the eve of the regular period. In severe forms of the disease, uterine bleeding occurs.

Bloody leucorrhoea on the eve of menstruation may be normal in the following cases:

  • if a woman takes hormonal drugs;
  • a conception has occurred that the woman is not yet aware of;
  • there is trauma to the vagina due to rough sex;
  • allergies like by-effect from taking certain medications.


When taking oral contraceptives on the eve of menstruation, there is discharge of a watery consistency. This is considered a variant of the norm. If, in addition to liquid discharge, itching, burning, problems with urination, swelling and redness of the external genital organs appear, then there is an infection or inflammation in the body.

Smelly leucorrhoea

A sign of pathology can be not only a change in the color of the discharge on the eve of menstruation, but also an unpleasant stench from it. A sharp, smelly smell from menstruation may mean that pathogenic microflora has grown in the body or there is an inflammatory process. A preliminary diagnosis can be made by the smell that the secretion exudes:

  • leucorrhoea with the aroma of rotten fish occurs with trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis;
  • the sour milk smell comes from leucorrhoea due to candidiasis;
  • the secretion of a chlamydial infection stinks of onion, garlic or rotten meat;
  • Leucorrhoea smells like pus and putrefaction during inflammation and putrefactive processes in the tissues;
  • a persistent smell of iron indicates the presence of blood in the secretion or an inflammatory process.

Should you be afraid of pink discharge?

Like any other color of mucus, pink may be normal during this period or a sign of a disease of the reproductive system. There is no need to be afraid if its appearance coincides with:

  • When starting to take any medications. This may cause a side effect;
  • With the installation of an intrauterine device. For three months, the body produces a similar reaction of addiction to the contraceptive;
  • Happy first days of pregnancy. Pink discharge before menstruation occurs in small quantities when the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus.
  • The most common cause of harmless pink discharge is a harbinger of menstruation.

Such mucus is pathological in nature when:

  • Endometritis. It occurs during intrauterine interventions and is also characterized by fever, pain in the groin, putrid odor of discharge and long, heavy periods;
  • Endocervicitis. The disease is caused by bacteria, so the discharge is purulent in nature and has a corresponding smell. They are complemented by aching pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • Endometriosis. With it, the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation is noticed before and after menstruation, which becomes longer and more abundant. The woman also feels abdominal pain;
  • Myoma. Benign neoplasms also make themselves known by bleeding in addition to menstruation. And necrosis of tumor nodes is manifested by pink discharge mixed with brown and a bad odor;
  • Malignant tumor of the uterus. Initially, the discharge is transparent and has a liquid consistency. Later, blood is added to them, from which the mucus becomes pink color. A woman does not feel pain if the disease is not advanced, but she also experiences uterine bleeding.

Bloody discharge: what does it mean?

Bloody discharge before menstruation has the right to exist only 2-3 days immediately before menstruation. As a rule, this occurs when using an intrauterine device. The discharge is quite scanty and can also continue after menstruation. Before menstruation they are scarlet in color.

A large volume of bloody mucus is a pathology. If it is liquid and intense in color, we may be talking about bleeding, in which the woman needs prompt professional help.

Thick bloody smear before menstruation is also a sign of ill health. The reason for this is all the same diseases of the female genital area:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Polyps;
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.

If their absence is proven, the reason may be:

  • Severe stress;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Use of emergency contraception.

This is also possible during pregnancy, which the woman barely knew about. This symptom indicates the possibility of miscarriage if accompanied by:

  • Pain;
  • Weakness;
  • Abnormally low blood pressure;
  • Pallor;
  • Intense sweating.

Should I smear before menstruation?

It should be understood that the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium does not occur simultaneously. And if you apply it before your period, you feel some discomfort and mild pain in the lower back, this means that the process will begin in the near future. This is typical at a very young age and premenopausal age. Changing hormonal levels in both cases make this phenomenon normal.

Women with an established cycle may mistake the onset of menstruation for spotting before their period. In such cases, you should pay closer attention to the calendar.

All pathological causes of premenstrual spotting are discussed above. If you are attentive to your own characteristics of the cycle, its regularity, then any changes are easy to notice.
A dangerous symptom in some cases is spotting a week before menstruation. A woman may not worry if it occurs in the first 12 weeks of taking hormonal contraceptive pills or installing the IUD. Pregnancy can also make itself felt by small discharge during this period of time, when the fertilized egg is fixed.

But if the spotting lasts longer, you should consult a gynecologist, because this is how endometriosis and polyps show themselves. Their sure signs in this case are gripping pains and cycle failure.

Any little detail regarding the menstrual cycle can be important in planning pregnancy and a woman’s entire life. Any doubts in this regard should be discussed with a gynecologist. Everyone should know what discharge before menstruation is typical for her. Then, if you need to contact a specialist, it will be easier to identify the disease and you will be able to get rid of it faster.

Accompanying illnesses

Dark brown discharge is a warning to a woman about the development of a serious pathological process in her body.

  1. Endometriosis of the uterus or cervix. Along with brown discharge, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen and pelvic area on different days of the cycle. In a neglected state, a woman experiences black menstrual discharge. Most often, these anomalies occur after abortion, cauterization of the cervix and injury to the organ itself.
  2. Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which is of infectious origin, is expressed in bloody discharge before menstruation. In the chronic form, dark brown discharge occurs. The woman feels weak, dizzy, and an unpleasant odor spreads from the genital tract.
  3. STD. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections transmitted from a sexual partner can lead to black menstrual discharge. Additional signs of the disease are burning, itching, pain when urinating.
  4. Malignant and benign formations- the most dangerous causes, the first symptom of which may be black menstrual discharge. In a small number of women, additional signs are cramping pain in the pelvis, menstrual irregularities and the appearance of spotting on any day of the cycle. But most often, a woman learns about the presence of a tumor only during a routine examination with a gynecologist; the symptoms go away without pain.

Brown discharge can appear due to many reasons, some of which are quite serious. It is important to recognize symptoms in time and undergo examination.


If discharge on the eve of menstruation is physiological and is considered normal, then this condition does not require special treatment. It is enough to adhere to personal hygiene standards, and if there is excessive secretion, use panty liners.

To maintain their health, it is advisable for women to visit a gynecologist’s office at least once a year. Especially when she periodically has uncharacteristic brown or black discharge before her period. You should seek help from a antenatal clinic if vaginal discharge is combined with pain and an unpleasant odor. Inaction in this case threatens with serious consequences, such as infertility, the development of cancer and removal of the affected organ. With early diagnosis, modern medicine can reduce, and, in some cases, even eliminate the occurrence of consequences.

When treating dark brown discharge, the doctor starts from the general clinical picture. Infectious diseases must be treated with antimicrobial drugs (vaginal suppositories, ointments and medicinal solutions for douching). Inflammatory processes in the female genital tract are treated with anti-inflammatory suppositories and similar tablets - Hexicon, Betadine and others. Hormone therapy is designed to stabilize reproductive function by raising estrogen levels.

IN folk medicine To eliminate smears before menstruation, medicinal herbs are used - St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula. You can use one type of herb, but it is better to take decoctions of all at once. with their own beneficial properties gifts of nature improve metabolic processes in the body and help you feel a surge of strength. These herbs act on women's health as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing agent. A woman can even douche with chamomile decoction 10 days before the start of menstruation. This will eliminate inflammation and the appearance of pathological discharge.

Treatment of pathological leucorrhoea is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, after carrying out diagnostic measures and establishing an accurate diagnosis. If the cause of the abnormal secretion is inflammatory processes, douching with herbal decoctions of oak bark and chamomile may be prescribed. But for infectious diseases, douching, on the contrary, is strictly prohibited, as it can provoke the spread of infection throughout the body.

If fungi and pathogenic bacteria are found in vaginal smears, then they can be suppressed. drug treatment using suppositories, suppositories, ointments and creams.


To prevent discharge before menstruation from causing the development of any pathologies, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics and change it regularly;
  • do not engage in intimate relations during regulation;
  • wash your face at least 2 times a day, using products that do not dry out the delicate skin of the intimate area;
  • change panty liners every 3-5 hours, and in case of excessive leucorrhoea at least once every 2 hours;
  • use condoms during casual sexual contacts;
  • visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes;
  • Do not engage in treatment on your own, without consulting a specialist. Douching without the permission of a specialist is especially dangerous.

Hygiene during menstruation

Every woman should carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital tract. Care should be especially delicate during menstruation. For intimate hygiene, you should not use regular soap or shower products. The fact is that the acidity in a woman’s vagina is much lower than the pH level of other parts of the body. Conventional detergents disrupt the acid-base balance of the vaginal mucous membranes. The vaginal mucosa becomes dry and small cracks form on it. A dry mucous membrane cannot fully protect a woman’s reproductive tract.

Under no circumstances should you use antibacterial hygiene products for intimate hygiene. Antibacterial agents destroy the normal microflora of the vagina and in its place pathogenic microbes and fungi begin to multiply.

To care for the genital tract, it is best to use special gels for intimate hygiene. They usually contain lactic acid, which maintains the natural acid-base balance of the vagina.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs have a very good effect on the health of the vaginal mucosa. Herbal decoctions are used for washing.

Medicinal herbs for washing:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • Birch buds;

As for douching, you should not get carried away with this procedure. Douching is a therapeutic measure that, if necessary, should be prescribed by a gynecologist.

During your period, it is best to wear natural cotton underwear. Don't wear synthetic panties too often.

A couple of days before the onset of your period, you can use panty liners. When using personal hygiene products - pads and tampons - you need to follow some rules. Pads should be changed at least every 3-4 hours. Panty liners should be changed approximately every 2-3 hours. The maximum permissible time for using a tampon is approximately 6 hours. The fact is that blood is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. Before changing hygiene products, you must wash your hands with soap. Tampons should not be inserted with dirty hands. If possible, after removing the tampon before inserting a new one, wash it.

Vaginal discharge can be observed throughout the entire cycle, but before menstruation it usually changes qualitatively and quantitatively. During this period, secretions from the breast may also appear. Which discharge can be considered normal, and which indicate problems? Let's talk about this.

Vaginal discharge is a natural occurrence. They provide protection to the genitals from infection. A few days before your period, as a rule, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. This is due to the fact that during the period of ovulation, the cervix begins to actively produce mucus to create the optimal microflora necessary for the union of the egg and sperm.

If before your period you notice not only discharge, but also itching of the genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of infection or inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Discharge before menstruation: normal

We figured out why discharge appears before menstruation, now let's talk about what gynecologists consider normal. The female body always gives signals about the presence of pathological processes. Therefore, you need to know what kind of discharge that occurs before menstruation is considered natural, and whether small deviations are acceptable within normal limits.

At different phases of the cycle, the nature of the secretion changes as the level of hormones changes. Before your period, normal vaginal discharge is either clear or white. They are quite thick, slimy, and odorless. A change in secretion can be observed a couple of days (two to three) before menstruation; if the discharge becomes dense and profuse a week before menstrual bleeding, then you should consult a doctor.

Yellow discharge can also be considered within normal limits; in many women, before menstruation, the secretion acquires a yellowish color. Such discharge should begin immediately before menstruation and end immediately after it. Normally they are not too abundant and odorless.

When using an intrauterine device for contraception, spotting brown or yellow discharge is considered normal. However, if they appear, it would not be a bad idea to go to the gynecologist, since the secretion is often painted in such colors due to pathologies.

Heavy discharge before menstruation

Vaginal discharge usually increases before menstruation. During this period, the body is most vulnerable to various kinds of diseases, so it actively creates a protective barrier. However, if heavy discharge appears before menstruation, then this signal cannot be ignored, especially if the secretion has acquired an uncharacteristic color or smell. Too much discharge, which acquires a specific consistency before menstruation (thin, watery, mucous with streaks), indicates diseases of the reproductive system. Most often, this phenomenon is observed with cervicitis and cervical erosion. Inflammatory processes can also be recognized by the characteristic color of the discharge: they usually become greenish or bloody.

A significant increase in discharge does not always indicate pathology: before the expected menstruation, secretion is produced more actively if pregnancy has occurred. When everything is in order with the body, the discharge indicating pregnancy can be confused with premenstrual discharge. They are colorless and odorless. In case of pregnancy pathologies, the discharge turns into uncharacteristic colors and an unpleasant odor appears.

No discharge before menstruation

When asked whether it is always normal to have discharge before menstruation, gynecologists answer in the affirmative. The secretion is secreted throughout the entire cycle, it can be almost unnoticeable, but during the period of ovulation and immediately before menstrual bleeding, its amount increases. Normally, before menstruation, you can observe both heavy and scanty discharge. The main thing is that they should be present and their quantity, color and smell should not be alarming. The complete absence of mucus can cause irritation of the genitals, resulting in a feeling of discomfort, burning and itching.

The reason why there is no discharge immediately before menstruation may lie in the presence of an infection, so such a symptom, like too much discharge, should alert you. Violation of vaginal secretion often occurs due to incorrectly selected products for intimate hyena. They can dry out the mucous membranes, causing discharge to disappear and discomfort to appear.

Everything in the female body is individual. If during the cycle the discharge is practically unnoticeable, then before menstruation its amount may increase slightly. This will also be considered the norm.

Discharge from the breasts before menstruation

Often before menstruation there is a slight discharge from the breasts. This is due to the increased levels of hormones that occur before menstruation. Normally, discharge can be seen a few days before menstruation; nipple secretion may be whitish or transparent. The discharge should not be abundant - just a few drops. They can appear as a result of taking hormonal drugs, and as a result of the development of the disease. If this phenomenon repeats from cycle to cycle, before the critical days the breasts hurt a lot and swell, but you need to make an appointment with a mammologist. Serious pathologies (mastitis, intratributary papilloma, fibroadenoma) are indicated by the unpleasant odor of the secretion, uncharacteristic color and consistency.

Vaginal discharge is a completely natural phenomenon, familiar to every woman - of course, if it is not the impact of diseases and stressful situations. During certain periods of life, secretion can intensify; a change in its color and consistency may indicate pregnancy or approaching menstruation. You don’t always need to panic, but when the secretion is accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, soreness, and unpleasant odor, a visit to the doctor becomes a necessity. In order for a woman to feel more confident, she should understand the reasons under the influence of which various changes occur during menstruation, before and after it.

What does discharge look like before menstruation?

Before talking about pathologies, let's consider normal discharge in women, and what natural changes should be under various conditions. Often women have a question about whether the discharge before menstruation is similar to mucus. Such a secret is not a pathology; in this way the body protects itself from bacteria that can penetrate the genitourinary system. Typically vaginal secretions:

  • white or with a yellow tint, somewhat cloudy;
  • the consistency of the discharged leucorrhoea can be viscous or liquid;
  • despite possible changes in volume, the amount of secretion should not be more than a teaspoon;
  • discharge is too abundant before the menstrual cycle, during sexual arousal or after intercourse with a partner;
  • The smell is also normally absent or there is a slight sour tint.

In many ways, the properties of vaginal secretion depend on the woman’s age category and hormonal background - for example, the abundance of discharge before menstruation increases, which can be understood by the moist labia. The secretion can also change under the influence of oral contraceptives taken, which also cannot be considered a pathology. For girls, before their first menstruation in their lives, the secretion also appears for the first time, but it is not too abundant, it can be thicker or thinner.

When pregnancy occurs, a secretion that has already changed is released - if during ovulation it is a mucous mass that is transparent, then about a week before the expected menstruation, bloody impurities appear in it. Such a daub can be mistaken by a woman for regulation, but then the fertilized egg is removed into the uterine cavity, and the secretion stops. However, brown secretion a few days before full regulation is a normal indicator for almost every woman. The same phenomenon is often observed two days after menstruation has ended. The spot can be not only brown, but also pink, scarlet or dark red, to black, and such shades are not pathological.

Conclusion. We can say that vaginal secretion at various periods of a woman’s life is considered normal if it is not accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations and stench.

Why do leucorrhoea appear before menstruation?

Discharge in the form of leucorrhoea, which cannot be mistaken for ordinary spotting, is considered pathological. Such discharge a week before menstruation can be in the form of bloody clots, mucus or foam. Their appearance is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands. Additional symptoms – unusual color in combination with an unpleasant odor, the consistency of the secretion may also change. Let's look at why pathological vaginal discharge appears before the regula:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system or kidneys.
  • Hormonal imbalance, prolonged uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.
  • Impaired functionality of the endocrine system.
  • The presence of gynecological problems - for example, cervical dysplasia, the development of endometriosis or the formation of endometrial hyperplasia can change the nature of the discharge.
  • Oncological processes and already emerging malignant neoplasms.

Causes may include diabetes mellitus, the development of which will result in profuse discharge of thick leucorrhoea, impaired acidity in the uterine cavity, and a weakened immune system.

Hormonal imbalance can be caused not only by taking birth control pills, but also by installing an IUD. In this case, until the body gets used to the foreign body, a very dark, almost black smear will be observed for approximately three months, which is not considered a pathology. However, if such a secretion appears for four months, you should be concerned and consult a specialist - inflammation, pathology of the reproductive system, or changes in the vaginal microflora may develop.

Leucorrhoea in various diseases

Let's consider what kind of discharge before and outside menstruation, when certain pathologies develop in the genitourinary system, while simultaneously assessing other symptoms:

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Name of the diseaseHow does leucorrhoea change?Associated symptoms
Cervicitis, which forms during inflammatory processes in the mucous layer of the uterine cervix.Copious discharge of a watery nature with an unpleasant odor. Their color may not change, but the secretion contains pus. In the active phase, yellow-green or green discharge is often observed.Pulling pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse, dysuria, ulcerative lesions on the cervix and its vaginal part.
Vaginitis, provoked by inflammatory processes in the mucous layers of the genitourinary system.Due to the increase in the number of leukocytes, discharge before and after menstruation is characterized by abundance, liquid consistency and a yellowish tint.A burning sensation that occurs in the labia area, pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral area.
Endometritis, which occurs when there is inflammation of the upper layers.A few days before menstruation, the discharge of cloudy leucorrhoea with a disgusting odor increases. If the inflammation spreads to the fallopian tubes, greenish leucorrhoea is observed.During urination, a pain or burning sensation occurs. Colic appears in the lower abdomen and body temperature rises.
Bacterial vaginosis.Accompanied by yellow leucorrhoea with the smell of rotten fish.A burning sensation in the vaginal area that increases during sexual intercourse.
Urogenital candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida.Strong white curdled discharge before and after menstruation. Curd leucorrhoea may acquire a yellowish tint, but is always accompanied by an unpleasant sour odor.Irritation occurs in the genital area and noticeable itching occurs.
Erosion of the uterine cervix accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mucous layer.The appearance of white discharge before menstruation may be a sign of this pathology. If the mucus takes on a scarlet hue, damaged tubules of the uterine cervix may be suspected.In 90% of cases, there are no symptoms; a woman can find out about erosion only during a routine examination or during examination in connection with other diseases.
Trichomonas colpitis.Green, foamy leucorrhoea with a repulsive odor appears, and there may be some pus in it.A feeling of dryness appears in the vagina, itching develops, and a burning sensation occurs.

The appearance of bloody secretion before the onset of menstruation

Scarlet secretion before menstruation can be caused by various pathological factors, and at the same time, its appearance 2 days before full periods can be a natural phenomenon. For example, when installing an intrauterine device, scanty bloody discharge does not indicate a problem if its volume does not exceed approximately two milliliters. Surgical interventions can cause dark scarlet spotting leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation, but this phenomenon can be observed for one or two cycles, after which the condition should return to normal. If this does not happen, you need to contact the clinic.

The scarlet substance, after which menstruation begins on the second or third day, can be a consequence of constant stressful situations and emotional overload.

Fact. It has been proven that the intense rhythm of life with constant psychological fluctuations negatively affects the body, as a result, the functions of the reproductive system are temporarily suspended in order to protect against stressful conditions. more strength. The result is a bloody secretion before menstruation.

Another reason why there may be discharge before menstruation is a woman’s weight, or rather, its sharp fluctuations. In an effort to gain the shape of a fashion model and get rid of extra pounds, many representatives of the fairer sex so zealously go on diets and deprive themselves of food that the hormonal balance is inevitably disturbed. As a result, 2-3 days before menstruation a bloody spot appears.

But it is much more dangerous when the onset of bleeding a week before menstruation, or on any other day, is provoked by various pathologies or factors that should be treated with increased attention:

  • An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied not only by a suspicious secretion, but also by increasing pain. At the same time, the appearance of bloody discharge before menstruation may be the norm - the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall manifests itself in a similar way. In this case, implantation can damage small blood vessels, hence the phenomenon in question. However, implantation is not accompanied by pain, and if discomfort in the lower abdomen appears along with spotting, it may be a spontaneous abortion.
  • Most often, the cause of bloody leucorrhoea lies in endometriosis, when the uterine walls grow beyond the organ, which can result in infertility. Then the discharge at the end of the cycle and before menstruation becomes dark brown and sometimes black, the amount of menstrual blood is increased, and this symptom is accompanied by abdominal pain.
  • With endometritis, the rejection of the endometrium occurs incorrectly; as a result, brown leucorrhoea occurs before, after and between cycles; the same manifestations can be observed after intercourse.
  • Very dark, almost black leucorrhoea up to regulation is often provoked by diseases transmitted through unprotected sex - chlamydia, gonorrhea and genital warts.
  • Brown leucorrhoea mixed with blood immediately before regula without other negative symptoms often indicates uterine fibroids.
  • Could bloody vaginal leucorrhoea that occurs on any day of the cycle indicate more serious problems? Yes, malignant neoplasms manifest themselves in this way.

Discharge from the genitals for several days before menstruation is common. For this reason, many girls are very worried, because they do not understand what is normal and what is pathology.

You should know that one of the most common signs of inflammation in the genitals is yellow and green discharge. This is especially true when they have a bad odor, cause a burning sensation or sharp pain when urinating. You can find out information about whether a woman has inflammatory processes in her body through examinations and smears.

The menstrual cycle is an important component in a girl's life. All phases of the cycle play a special role in this matter. Sometimes a woman may notice various spots on her underwear or protective equipment, which may indicate gynecological pathologies. To confirm or refute this information, it is important to contact your personal gynecologist.

Transparent discharge before menstruation appears in girls during the period of ovulation. This condition is considered normal.

You can verify this after taking a smear. The resulting inflammation may be indicated by noticeable pathogens and an increase in the number of white blood cells. Without conducting an examination and taking smears, it is simply impossible to examine the female body.

Should there be?

Before menstruation, every girl feels discomfort. The most common symptoms are:

  • slight enlargement of the mammary glands and;
  • need for sweets.

A change in discharge before menstruation is considered a common phenomenon that occurs in all girls in at different ages. What exactly is a pathology and a norm can only be determined by a doctor based on a survey of the patient, examination and diagnosis.

Any discharge from the genitals in women is called leucorrhoea. Each day of the female cycle they can change color. All this happens due to hormones. During the release of the egg, the discharge looks like egg white, and before menstruation it changes its color and appearance.

Many people are interested in what discharge should be before menstruation, and what its concentration is normal. You should know that before the onset of menstruation, the mammary glands may become enlarged, abdominal pain and mood changes may occur. Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, girls can experience hormonal changes. Watery spots on underwear before menstruation are considered normal, so ladies should not worry too much about this. They can also change composition and color due to hormones.

Discharge before menstruation

Girls are interested in what kind of discharge before menstruation is considered normal? However, to do this, you need to know that mucous discharge from the vagina can be variable. But they are present throughout the entire cycle due to hormones. During ovulation, they look like egg whites. And before menstruation they get a special consistency.

You can often notice yellow discharge before your period, which can be dangerous. Due to hormonal imbalances, they often change. Some ladies notice that at the end of menstruation they become thick.

Normally, they are odorless and have no additional symptoms. Before menstruation, their number increases, so the girl may notice constant moisture in the genitals.

When should you worry?

In some situations, discharge is considered a sign of serious gynecological problems. If your girlfriend discovers them, you need to see a doctor.

Pathological discharges include the following types:

  • Purulent spotting discharge– first sign venereal diseases. They have a bad smell and are liquid in themselves. When examined by a gynecologist, you may notice inflammation of the vagina and erosion of the cervix. The girl may suffer from severe itching, chronic fatigue, pain and poor sleep. Cystitis is also often associated with these symptoms.
  • Small discharge before menstruation a week may appear due to hormonal imbalance. This constantly leads to menstrual irregularities, which subsequently leads to infertility. This discharge is normal only when a girl takes hormonal medications.
  • Green discharge appear in women due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Scarlet transparent discharge with blood appear during erosion. They occur even after sexual contact. If they are not treated in time, serious inflammatory diseases can occur.
  • Curd thicka clear sign. They have a sour smell and a burning sensation in the genitals. With this disease, white cheesy plaques always form on the genitals.
  • Red discharge with odor can be considered both the norm and talk about pathology in the female body. Often such problems occur in women who have an intrauterine device installed. If there are a lot of them, then this is a sign of hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids and ovarian dysfunction. Sometimes this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Do I need treatment?

You shouldn’t diagnose yourself, because the right decision is to see a gynecologist. It should be urgent if a woman has:

  • abdominal pain;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort and irritation;
  • elevated body temperature.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor who may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Vaginal smear examination.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Examination of the cervix.
  4. The doctor conducts a survey about hereditary diseases that have been suffered and asks questions related to sexual life.

Based on all of the above tests, it will be clear whether the symptoms that appear are considered pathological or normal. If a pathology is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for the patients, after which they will have to strictly adhere to it so as not to have more big problems with health.

In the video about possible discharge before critical days

The first sign of a violation of female reproductive health is a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. Women should know what they are like normally and why deviations occur. This will help you understand when you need to see a doctor, find out whether treatment is required or the pathology is temporary, everything will go away on its own and without consequences. Sometimes a change in the nature of discharge before or after menstruation is one of the few symptoms of a serious illness that occurs in a latent form. This manifestation must be treated carefully and undergo examination in a timely manner.


What is normal discharge before menstruation?

Discharge that appears between menstruation (leucorrhoea) is normal for every woman. They are formed by mucus, which is produced by special glands of the uterus and vestibule of the vagina, and also contain particles of dying epithelial tissue of these organs. The function is to moisturize the vagina, providing lubrication that protects its surface from damage and infection. In addition, by changing the consistency and acidity of leucorrhoea, conditions are created in the body for normal maturation of the egg and fertilization.

All processes in the reproductive system occur in full accordance with changes in hormonal levels during the cycle. The condition of the mucous membranes and the functioning of the glands in different phases of the cycle depend on the ratio of estrogen and progesterone.

In the middle of the cycle (at the time of ovulation), when the egg is mature, the estrogen content is maximum, and the leucorrhoea is the most abundant and liquid. This makes it easier for sperm to pass into the fallopian tubes, where they can meet the egg. If fertilization does not occur, the volume of leucorrhoea decreases; before menstruation, it acquires the consistency of thick jelly, which does not have a strong odor.

The color of normal discharge in every woman is determined by individual characteristics its hormonal levels, blood clotting and composition, metabolism. Discharge before menstruation is considered normal if it is transparent, white, possibly with a yellowish or creamy tint. In this case, the woman should not have symptoms such as itching and burning in the vagina, as well as other signs of discomfort.

If blood clotting is reduced or the estrogen content in the second phase of the cycle is slightly higher than normal, the discharge may contain traces of blood. Therefore, 2-3 days before menstruation, leucorrhoea turns pale brown.

Normal leucorrhoea before menstruation in girls

The first menstruation appears in girls at the age of 11-14 years. Hormonal changes in the body begin already 1-1.5 years before, and therefore discharge appears before menstruation, and it is quite abundant. Leucorrhoea can be clear or cloudy with a slightly acidic odor.

Within 1-2 years from the beginning of puberty, periods come irregularly, with long breaks. Accordingly, the nature of the discharge differs from the norm. If a girl does not experience pain in the lower abdomen, there is no burning or itching in the genitals, and the body temperature does not rise on the eve of menstruation, then there is no reason to worry.

Normal discharge before menstruation in women at the beginning of menopause

After 40-45 years, premenopause occurs, a gradual decrease in estrogen content in the body. Menstruation becomes irregular and stops after a few years. Due to the occurrence of hormonal imbalances, discharge before menstruation is also unusual and inconsistent.

The amount of mucus produced by the cervix gradually decreases, which leads to deterioration of the vaginal walls. On the eve of menstruation, both regular leucorrhoea (more scanty than before) and spotting pink or brownish discharge may appear.

Normal leucorrhoea before a missed period

The reasons for a delay in menstruation may be:

  • random hormonal abnormalities arising due to stress (anxiety, climate change or habitual living conditions);
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • diseases of the genital or endocrine organs.

If a woman is healthy, then a temporary delay in menstruation does not lead to a change in the usual character of leucorrhoea.

A pinkish or slightly brown color may appear in the leucorrhoea about 2 weeks before menstruation, when the so-called ovulatory bleeding occurs. This is due to the fact that when the follicle ruptures, a little blood is released.

Before menstruation (presumed), discharge of the same nature may mean that fertilization has occurred, the embryo has penetrated into the endometrium, which led to the appearance of drops of blood in the leucorrhoea. If for some reason the ovum is detached, the pregnancy is terminated, and the woman experiences heavy menstruation after the delay.

Normal leucorrhoea before the onset of postpartum menstruation

After childbirth, during the first 6-8 weeks, women experience lochia, which gradually turns into normal discharge. Menstruation can appear after 2 months or after 1 year, depending on whether the woman is breastfeeding or not, what the feeding regimen is, and the total duration of the lactation period.

After restoration of all body functions in a healthy woman, before menstruation, the discharge has a normal appearance.

Video: Changing the nature of discharge during the cycle

Signs and causes of pathological discharge

Pathological leucorrhoea differs from normal ones in that it has a pronounced color (green, yellow, gray, dark brown, scarlet). The leucorrhoea may contain lumps, clots or foam. The mucus contains impurities of pus or blood. There is an unpleasant odor. Painful sensations occur in the external genitalia or lower abdomen. Such discharge can be copious and liquid, or scanty, thick, and spotting.

The reasons for the appearance of such leucorrhoea before menstruation are usually:

  1. Hormonal imbalance as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system, ovarian diseases (formation of cysts, polyps, tumors). Hormonal imbalance can also occur during long-term use of hormonal drugs.
  2. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Tumor and hyperplastic processes in the cavity and cervix (endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, erosion, cervical dysplasia, malignant tumors).

Note: If a woman starts taking birth control pills or an intrauterine device is installed, then in the first 2-3 months her body adapts to changes in hormonal levels, as a result of which she begins to experience spotting, bloody and even black discharge before menstruation. If they do not disappear with the onset of cycle 4, this is already a pathology.

What explains the appearance of pathological discharge of various types?

Based on the nature of the pathological discharge before menstruation, one can make an assumption about the reasons for its appearance. Laboratory tests are required to confirm the diagnosis.

White discharge

They are usually observed constantly, regardless of the phase of the cycle, and cause severe discomfort.

Thrush. With this fungal disease, a woman is bothered by copious white discharge that resembles a curdled mass and has the smell of sour milk. Before menstruation, an exacerbation of infectious diseases most often occurs, as a result of which the symptoms of thrush (discharge, vaginal itching, irritation of the external genitalia) intensify. The peculiarity is that with thrush, such discharge does not disappear even after menstruation.

Diabetes. As a rule, before menstruation, the patient experiences white discharge consisting of liquid mucus, causing painful itching in the perineum and vagina.

Inflammation of the cervical epithelium (cervicitis). In addition to increased discharge before menstruation, a woman experiences dull pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, a woman develops a grayish-white copious discharge with a characteristic fishy odor. The pathology is associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora and the predominance of pathogenic bacteria in it.


The appearance of such leucorrhoea indicates the presence of diseases in which small vessels in the mucous membranes are damaged or tissue damage occurs.

Endometriosis, adenomyosis of the uterus. The growth of the mucous membrane covering the uterine cavity leads to disruption of the structure of the endometrium, the entry of its particles into the tubes, ovaries, vagina, and pelvic organs. Rejection of the endometrium can begin prematurely, which leads to the appearance of thick, spotting brown discharge before menstruation and the occurrence of uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Erosion, leukoplakia, cervical dysplasia. These diseases are associated with damage to the mucous membranes, the formation of ulcers, cracks, and growths on the surface. The result of tissue damage may be pink to dark brown discharge.

Cysts, polyps, ovarian tumors. All these pathologies cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle, prolongation of menstruation due to the appearance of spotting the day before and after it. In severe cases, dangerous bleeding occurs that is not menstruation.

Malignant tumors uterus and appendages.

Warning: The risk of cancer is increased in women of menopausal age. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the origin of the bleeding, a woman should immediately undergo a gynecological examination.

Yellow and green

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Brightly colored discharge before menstruation, with a putrid odor, always indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina (colpitis), uterus (endometritis), and appendages (adnexitis). They have a liquid sticky consistency and are accompanied by painful sensations in the pubic area. In the chronic course of diseases, such leucorrhoea may appear periodically during exacerbations.

Venereal diseases. Foamy yellow-green discharge with a gray tint with an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection with sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, chlamydia).

To determine the cause of pathological discharge, a blood test is carried out, as well as a smear from the genital organs for the presence of infections, inflammatory processes and other pathologies. Numerous instrumental and hardware examination methods are used.

Video: Discharge in gynecological diseases. Diagnosis of pathologies

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