How to cook beef meat. Boiled beef - recipes

The three most common meats are beef, pork and chicken. Cooking beef is more difficult than pork or chicken. Despite this, beef is the most popular meat in many countries and is used in all sorts of recipes. This is due to its multi-faceted flavor, wide range of varieties, and great health benefits. One of the main problems for novice cooks and housewives is cooking soups and dishes with boiled beef.

Choice of beef and preparation for boiling

To cook beef correctly, you need to know not only how long to cook the meat, but also how to choose it. Therefore, knowing how much to cook beef until cooked is not enough - you should learn how to choose this beef and how to prepare it for boiling. Different parts of the beef carcass have different amounts of fat, different taste and characteristics. And also the taste of meat is affected by the age of the cow, the features of her physique, diet and much more.

Beef varieties and places of purchase

In order not to get confused in all these features, you need to know the main thing: beef is divided into three varieties, and the higher its grade, the tastier it is, the more dishes you can cook from it. The main quality by which the varieties are divided is the presence and percentage of connective tissues:

First and second grade beef is great for stewing, boiling and cooking minced meat. Second grade it is better to cook in large pieces - this is due to a greater concentration of connective tissues. Third grade meat much tougher, so it is best for cooking soup or broth.

It is precisely because of the differences in the volume of tendons and cartilage, in the structure of muscles and the characteristics of their formation, that the question of how much to cook beef so that it becomes soft cannot be raised. However, there are muscle groups best suited for boiling. These include neck, sternum, tenderloin.

The meat of these parts is very tasty and tender, it contains a high concentration of nutrients, in terms of the structure and volume of connective tissues, it is ideal for boiling.

It is best to make a purchase from a familiar butcher or farmer, this is how the most delicious and fresh meat will get to the table. In the market, sellers try not to risk their reputation, so buying there is more reliable than in supermarkets. In supermarkets, you can often stumble upon frozen meat brought from distant countries under the guise of a domestic or European farm product.

The secrets of choosing good parts

A few tips for finding a good piece:

Preparation for boiling

Conditionally trained can be divided into three stages: defrosting, washing and cutting. Exist two ways to defrost: cold and fast. The choice of method affects how appearance of the future dish and on juiciness, taste, rigidity.

During cold defrosting pieces of beef are placed in a pot filled with cold water. Meat juice has time to be absorbed back, but this method takes much longer. The pot of cold water can be replaced with the positive section of the refrigerator. The broth from such meat may become cloudy and the foam will have to be monitored much more carefully, but if the meat is going to be served without broth, this method is preferable, as it retains juices and nutrients.

With fast defrosting a piece of meat is either left on a tray in a cold place, or dipped in boiling water. It is advisable to use a colander.

With this method, the broth will be cleaner, the number of calories will be reduced, it will be easier to keep track of it, but the beef will lose more juice. If the meat is thawed on a tray, drain the juice.

After that, you need to give a piece of beef dry off. Next, you need to remove the film, cut off excess fat, remove cartilage and tendons.

Features of cooking beef

The volume of water needed calculate from the mass of meat. For 1 kg of beef you need 1.5 liters of water. The pan should be selected with a slightly larger capacity, so that when foam appears, it is convenient to collect the foam with a slotted spoon or spoon without spilling water on the stove. Cooking time varies depending on the weight of the beef, the power of the stove, the size and material of the pan.

Then you need to put the stove on the most powerful mode and wait until the foam appears. Foam can be removed slotted spoon, ladle and fork, but the best way to do this is with skimmers. There are special devices that collect the foam, eliminating the need for the cook to stand and watch the pan. The main thing - do not leave the pan unattended for a long time, as in this case the foam will curl up and turn into gray flakes.

There is two main cooking methods, and the choice between them depends on how rich the broth should be. If you need a thick and rich broth, you should cook the meat longer, adding water as the boiling water in the pan evaporates. If you want a clean, dietary broth, you should change the water in the middle of the process, and add spices, roots and other additional ingredients towards the end.

Boiling time

The answer to the question of how much to cook beef broth depends, first of all, on the characteristics of the meat. Knowing the age, grade and place from which the piece was cut from the carcass, you can use the following list:

Since the cooking time depends on a huge number of factors, it is best to check the beef for doneness. To do this, you need to pierce the largest piece in the thickest place. If there is blood, the beef is not ready yet. The safest thing is to pull out the largest piece and cut it. The flesh of the finished meat is easy to pierce with a knife, unprepared to cut and pierce harder. Professionals recommend boiling the broth for 2-3 hours over low heat. If there is beef in the soup, then it will have to be cooked for the same amount of time as beef broth, since it is the meat in these dishes that needs to be subjected to a long heat treatment.

One method to reduce cooking time is marinating. To do this, you need to prepare the marinade in advance. It will need vinegar, onion, salt, pepper, garlic and spices to taste. The finished marinade is covered with a piece of meat and put in the refrigerator. Marinating has a positive effect on the juiciness of beef. It is necessary to salt the meat very carefully, since salt will also be added to the soup, and salted meat can significantly reduce the taste of the soup.

To make the meat as juicy as possible, you need to take into account the following recommendations:

To prepare tasty, thick and hearty soup you can apply an unusual recipe:

The recipe is unconventional, but thanks to the roasting, the soup will sparkle with new facets of taste, and the beef will be softer and retain more juice due to the presence of a crust.

Attention, only TODAY!

Beef is large meat cattle widely used in cooking. The common carcass is cut into several parts, which are used in the preparation of a variety of and delicious dishes - this is tenderloin, brisket, thigh, rib eye, rump, shank and other parts.

Based on this butchering, beef meat is divided into three categories. The first grade includes the brisket and sirloin, as well as the back; the second grade includes the shoulder part and shoulder blades; the third grade includes the hind and fore shanks.

The meat of young animals is usually called veal. It has a milder taste.

You can cook beef different ways: stew, cook, fry, bake in the oven, smoke. A piece of meat can be ground into minced meat, from which to cook cutlets, dumplings, burgers, meat sauces for pasta. Also excellent broths, soups, borscht and cabbage soup are obtained from beef.

Beef, cooked properly, is not only quite tasty, but also healthy. It is dietary and is recommended not only for adults, but also for children.

Cooking beef the right way

To cook beef so that it becomes tasty and soft, you need:

  1. First of all, defrost a piece of meat weighing about half a kilogram and wash it thoroughly in a cool running water.
  2. Cut the meat, removing large bones, tendons and removing the film from the piece.
  3. The finished piece of beef should be placed in a small saucepan, which is slightly larger than the piece itself. This method allows you to cook the meat in a small amount of water, so that the taste of the beef will be very tender.
  4. It is necessary to boil water in advance and pour boiling water over a piece of meat so that the beef is completely under water. Above a piece of meat, there should be about a centimeter more water.
  5. Put the meat in a saucepan over medium heat and cover with a lid.
  6. A few minutes before the water boils, you need to open the lid and remove the foam from the water. If you do not have time to do this in time, then it will settle in flakes to the bottom of the pan and the broth will turn out to be cloudy.
  7. After the water boils, add a teaspoon of salt to the pan and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  8. The lid of the pot must be closed again, but watch the meat so that it does not rise to the surface of the water. If this does happen, you need to turn the meat over and add a little more boiling water to the saucepan.
  9. The exact cooking time is determined based on the degree of rigidity of the meat, the size of the piece and the variety. You can check the readiness of the beef with a knife. You need to poke a piece of meat - if the knife easily enters the pulp and just as easily gets back, then the meat is ready.
  10. Approximately half an hour before readiness, a small peeled onion, a couple of black peppercorns and a few bay leaves should be added to the broth.
  11. When the meat is ready, the pot of beef must be removed from the stove, but do not remove it from the broth for about 15 minutes.
  12. Then the beef can be taken out, cut into portions and served with any sauce or side dish.

How long to cook beef

Depending on the type of meat, the age of the animal and the size of the piece, the cooking time can vary greatly. On average, until fully cooked, the meat should be cooked for about two hours after boiling water over low heat under the lid. Also tasty and soft is beef cooked in the "stewing" mode in a slow cooker for 2.5-3 hours.

Beef, unlike pork, is in great demand in many countries, since it is less fat, it is used to prepare many meat dishes, but at the same time it is more difficult and longer to cook, in particular, to cook, so in this article we will understand how to how long to cook beef in a saucepan or slow cooker so that the meat turns out juicy, soft and more tasty.

How long to cook beef for?

The cooking time of beef is quite long, since cow meat is tough and in order to become soft, it must be cooked for a long time (for soup or borscht, or as a ready-made product for consumption). The speed of cooking beef depends on which part of the carcass the meat is taken from, as well as on the size of the piece itself (a whole piece is cooked or cut into small pieces). Let us consider in more detail how much to cook beef meat until cooked in various ways:

  • How much to cook beef so that it becomes soft and juicy in a pan? A whole piece of beef must be boiled in a saucepan for 1-2.5 hours after boiling water (cooking time depends on the size of the piece).
  • How long to cook beef in small pieces? Beef cut into small pieces can be cooked in a saucepan for 1 hour after boiling water.
  • How long to cook beef for soup on the bone / without the bone? To get a tasty and rich broth for soup or borsch, beef meat must be cooked for an average of 1.5-2 hours after boiling water in a saucepan.
  • How long to cook beef in a slow cooker? In a slow cooker in the "Stew" mode, a piece of beef can be cooked until cooked in 1.5-2.5 hours.

Having learned how much time it takes to cook beef, we will further consider the cooking process itself, as well as various tricks and secrets of cooking beef meat so that it turns out juicy, soft and tasty.

How to cook beef in a pan so that it is soft and juicy?

  • Ingredients: beef - 1 kg, water - 1.5 l, salt - 1 tsp, bay leaf - 1-2 pcs, black peppercorns - 3-4 pcs, allspice peas - 1-2 pcs.
  • Total cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes, preparation time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calories: 254 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: meat dish. Servings: 4.

The most common way to boil beef deliciously is to cook it in a saucepan, while in order for the meat to turn out soft and juicy, and the broth to be light and rich, you need to know certain secrets of its cooking. Let's take a closer look at how to properly cook beef in a saucepan on the stove:

  • If the meat was frozen in the freezer, then the day before cooking it must be thawed by moving it from the freezer to the common compartment of the refrigerator, while it is advisable to leave it in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out.
  • Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the piece of meat in cold running water, then cut out the veins, film and bones (if any) from it and divide it into several parts if the piece of beef is large.
  • We choose a pot that is suitable in size, pour cold water into it in a proportion of 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of meat and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Add spices (bay leaves, black and allspice peppercorns) to boiling water, salt to taste and, if desired, add a whole peeled onion and carrots so that the broth is more fragrant in the end, and put the prepared piece of beef.
  • Further, it is important to monitor and remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon in time (before the water boils again in the pan), because if it is not removed, the broth will not be transparent and more cloudy.
  • After boiling the water in the pan again, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil much and cook the beef meat for 2-2.5 hours (if the piece of meat is large) or 1-1.5 hours if the meat is cut into small pieces. Cover the pot while cooking.
  • As you cook, we monitor the water level in the pan (with long cooking, the water may boil away, so you will have to add hot boiled water as needed).
  • At the end of cooking, we check the meat for readiness by piercing it with a knife (if the meat is cooked, it will be soft and the knife will easily cut through it, and there will also be no blood on the cut).
  • Ready-cooked beef meat is recommended not to take out their pans for 15-20 minutes after cooking (after the pan is set aside from the stove), so that the meat is infused and more tasty, soft and juicy.

Note: After cooking, the meat will be juicier if you cook it in a whole large piece, and not cut into small pieces.

How to cook beef in a slow cooker?

It is convenient to cook a small piece (pieces) of beef in a slow cooker so that it evenly has time to boil and become soft and tasty. The sequence of cooking beef in a slow cooker is as follows:

  • We prepare the meat for cooking (defrost it in advance, if it was frozen, rinse, remove the veins and film, and also cut into small pieces).
  • We put the prepared meat in the bowl of the multicooker, fill it with water so that it completely covers the meat and turn on the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” mode, set the timer for at least 60-90 minutes.
  • After the water boils in the slow cooker, open it and remove the resulting foam, then add salt to taste (on average, a teaspoon), and spices (bay leaf, peppercorns).
  • After a beep at the end of cooking, we check the beef for readiness by piercing one of the largest pieces with a knife and if it is ready, we take it out of the slow cooker, if not, set it to cook for another 20-30 minutes.

Answers to popular questions on the topic, how to cook beef?

  • What is the best part of beef to cook? More tender after cooking will be meat from the back, shoulder blades, neck of the cow.
  • Do I need to drain the first broth when boiling beef? The first broth when cooking beef is drained if they want to get a more dietary broth + it is believed that if it is drained, harmful substances that could be contained in the purchased piece of beef leave.
  • How much does beef boil when cooked? Beef is on average boiled down by 40% after cooking.
  • Why dark broth when boiling beef? When boiling beef, a dark and cloudy broth is obtained if at the very beginning you do not remove all the resulting foam from the surface of the water, which eventually settles and makes the broth darker.
  • When to salt beef meat when cooking? When cooking beef, it is better to salt the water in the pan at the beginning of cooking (after the meat was placed in water, the water boiled and you removed all the resulting foam), this is especially true if a large piece of beef is cooked (the meat will have time to salt during cooking and will not fresh taste).
  • Why is beef red after cooking? In this case, if the meat is red inside, then it has not yet been cooked, and if it remains completely red after a long time of cooking, then something is wrong with the meat and it is better not to eat it.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to cook beef correctly and how much to make it soft and juicy, you can cook delicious dietary meat for any side dish or rich and fragrant soup broth. Your reviews and helpful tips, how much time and how tasty it is to boil beef in a piece or parts (for soup, broth, as a ready-made dish or for salad), leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

I am not a fan of meat dishes. I prefer fish and vegetables to any barbecue. I cook meat mainly for the male part of the family. But there is one type of meat dish that I love very much. This is cold boiled beef. Cut it into the thinnest slices ... into a piece, with a salad or pickled vegetables ... mmm ... The best cold appetizer! Cooking delicious and tender boiled beef in broth is easy. But the meat must be of the highest quality, preferably tenderloin. For lovers of beef dishes, I can recommend recipes and these are favorites on my family's menu.


  • Beef - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons without a slide

How to cook tender boiled beef in broth, step by step recipe

I have a luxurious piece of beef tenderloin. Rinse the meat in running water, remove films and fat.

I want to cook delicious meat that I will use as a cold snack. So, the whole piece of beef must be put in boiled water. (If our goal is a rich broth, then on the contrary, put a piece of meat in cold water). There is not much water, it only covers the beef. Bring to a boil over medium heat and remove the resulting foam.

We remove the foam not only for the transparency of the broth, it is believed that antibiotics, growth hormones, salts of heavy metals, and other harmful substances contained in meat are collected in the foam. Remove the foam, reduce the fire to the very minimum, it is necessary that the surface of the broth only sway slightly, I just move the pan to the side from the gas burner. Put the whole carrot and onion in the peel.

Boil beef from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. The time varies greatly depending on the age of the animal, it is difficult for a non-professional cook to determine the cooking time in advance. Therefore, after 40 minutes, we begin to taste the meat. To determine whether the boiled beef is ready, you need to pierce a piece of meat in the thickest place.

Boiled beef is ready if it is soft and reddish juice does not stand out from the puncture site. Salt beef at the end of cooking. (The broth is salted immediately after removing the foam).

Boiled beef and broth

Remove from heat and leave covered until cool. Then the meat can be pulled out of the broth, wrapped in parchment and stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. I take beef sandwiches to work, add boiled beef to salads.

Boiled beef for sandwiches

The broth is also delicious, of course. I like to cook on it or, replacing water with beef broth.

Cold beef for sandwiches

From boiled beef, you can prepare the filling for pies, which perfectly complement the broth. A simple recipe for dough for boiled beef patties. But even without pies, sandwiches with cold beef and hot beef broth with an egg are a complete and very tasty lunch.

Boiled beef with broth

A wonderful cold appetizer, a first course and a full meal, three in one for a very simple recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Boiled beef is a very versatile product. It can be used as a base for other dishes or served on its own. There is a wide variety of dishes from boiled beef: all kinds of salads, casseroles, cereals. If you still can’t decide what to cook from boiled beef, then use it instead of sausage for sandwiches for breakfast. We will share with you a few secrets on how to cook delicious and tender beef.

Boiled Beef Recipe

We need: pot.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for cooking boiled beef

You can clearly see the whole process of cooking boiled meat (beef) in the next video with a detailed recipe.

Boiled beef for sandwiches

Cooking time: 105-110 minutes.
We need: foil, bowl


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 3-3.2 liters of water into the pan, add 2.5 tablespoons of salt and let it boil completely.

  2. We spread 1.5-1.6 kilograms of beef in boiled water and cook over low heat for 60-65 minutes. Do not forget that you need to periodically remove the foam.

  3. Add washed, but not peeled onions (1-2 pieces) and carrots (1-2 pieces).

  4. Pour 6-7 peas of allspice, 1-2 bay leaves and 2-3 unpeeled cloves of garlic and cook until the meat is fully cooked.

  5. When the finished beef in the broth has cooled slightly, transfer it to a sheet of foil and sprinkle with one and a half teaspoons of suneli hops on all sides and rub the spices into the meat.

  6. Wrap a piece of beef in foil and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

  7. After that, the meat will be ready to eat as a completely independent dish.

Video recipe for cooking boiled beef for sandwiches

In great detail in the next video you can see how boiled beef is prepared for sandwiches.

Boiled beef with parsley

Cooking time: 155-160 minutes.
We need: saucepan with a lid.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for cooking boiled beef with parsley

Beef cooked with parsley is very aromatic. In order not to miss anything important from the cooking process, watch the following video.

Beef is considered a very healthy meat. Therefore, it is not surprising that a lot of dishes are prepared from it. For example, you can cook. They are especially juicy if you use batter.

If you prefer less fatty foods, we recommend. And from the most delicious steaks are obtained. From there is the opportunity to cook many interesting dishes.

Broth-boiled beef is a fairly versatile product, as a huge variety of dishes can be prepared from boiled beef. We told you about the most affordable ways to cook meat. When you have the opportunity to make beef according to one of our recipes, be sure to share your impressions in the comments.

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