Short essay earth is my home. Essay on ecology on the topic: Earth

Man is not yet destined to understand that the Earth is a unique creation of the Universe, that it is a planet flying at enormous speed in space, flying along its given trajectory, a planet that lives and works according to the laws of the universe and is our common Home. Human, a common person sitting in his apartment, in his quiet, cozy apartment, can hardly, or rather, will never be able to understand, imagine and appreciate this Miracle! He simply fenced himself off from the Earth with an artificially created world, hid from all problems behind a wall of prosperity.
To feel and understand that the Earth is huge and powerful, that its forces as a planet are majestic, a person, or rather a man, so small and insignificant in size and strength, can only in one place - in the mountains - in the huge Mountains that rise to the skies, throwing down millions of liters of water in their waterfalls. Only in nature - virgin and untouched, impenetrable in its forests, mountains and swamps, can he realize the fragility human life and its complete dependence on global planetary events.
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about ecology and environmental problems, but very little is actually done. Calling on a person to save the Earth - his home from destruction, sometimes seems as impossible as it is impossible to imagine a barbarian reverently frozen in front of the marble statue of the great Roman sculptor and not breaking it.
And it seems that before calling a person to this - to preserve his Home, it is necessary that he realizes and accepts the idea of ​​how much a Man depends on the state of the planet - his Home. It is necessary for him to feel, experience on his own skin that “Disharmony in the house, and a person cannot see a calm life!”
I address the Earth with words that could become a kind of credo for every person, words that show his attitude towards it: “Live the Planet! Live my Home! Live the planet and prosper, live and give me the strength to live with you!
After all, our planet is a living system – it is a cosmic body. I don’t want to say the word “organism”; it belittles the essence of the planet, does not allow us to understand the depth, power and globality of its existence. The planet - our Home - absorbs and releases (the energy of space), gives birth and destroys (living organisms and all bodies), it is infinitely huge for us and infinitely small in the space of the Universe. She shows us her crazy power and insignificance before the myriads of stars of the Milky Way. It is harsh for lonely travelers and so defenseless against asteroids.
I urge you to respect her as your Mother and not betray her!
She must be Praised and Loved!
We must follow the principles and commandments:
- First love, then know!
– First recognize the greatness and power, and never dare to destroy its armor, parts and structures.
- Use its riches in moderation and distribute everything equally among us - people.
The earth is our mother - in its essence: chemical, physical and biological. Our refuge in the Universe, our Home - fighting with us and for us, saving and giving, accepting our mortal bodies at the end of life. This is our house!!!
Bless the Earth - homeland, mother and home! Save it for centuries and millions of years!
Earth...It is silent and unnoticeable for people hiding in the small boxes of their cities, but screaming loudly in tornadoes and tsunamis, tearing its surface with earthquakes and erupting volcanoes, warning of pain, suffering from bomb explosions and trials, from mockery of it subsoil, humiliated by the contempt of the insignificant applicants for her wealth.
I appeal to you, People!
Take back your Home and stop destroying it already!
Find yourself in your home!
After all, First there was the Earth! and only then... the Man came!

  • Category: Essays on a free topic

The earth is our home, and we are obliged to protect and protect it. But, while satisfying our needs, we forget about our duty.

Millions of industrial enterprises throw their waste into rivers, lakes, and seas. But bodies of water are the eyes of the planet. She looks at us with dirty eyes and asks when we come to our senses and remember about her. Unfortunately, man has managed to pollute not only the water, but also the air and land.

Huge areas of forest are being cut down for paper production. But the forest is the most important air purifier. Especially now, when every third person has a car. Exhaust gases accumulate in the atmosphere and are not absorbed by plants.

Many animal species are on the verge of extinction. In order to live in harmony with nature, we must live according to its laws, honor its orders. But man neglects this.

Many people live one day without thinking about their descendants. Let's imagine what will happen in 50-100 years. Mother Nature may become angry with the human race, and animals and plants, fish and birds will disappear from the Earth. Children will only see them in pictures and on TV; they will smell only artificial smells that are not similar to the smell of flowers.

The professions of doctor and gravedigger will be the most in demand, because what the former could not cope with, the latter will cope with. There will not be a single healthy person. And our children will curse us for not realizing it in time.

A terrible picture appears before us, incredible, like something out of a science fiction film, but quite possible. In the pursuit of technical progress, we forget about the eternal values ​​that we may lose.

If you look at our planet from space, you can see two huge spaces - a blue ocean of water and a green ocean of vegetation. Man lives on earth surrounded by plants and animals.

The amazing world of nature! It greets us with a sea of ​​sounds, smells, riddles and secrets, makes us listen, look closely, and think. We cannot imagine our life without forests, fields, rivers and lakes. But our planet is in danger!

Nature needs our protection, our help. Many people are thinking about this now. Why has nature conservation become so important and necessary?

People have polluted the seas, rivers, forests, air, plants and animals are dying. I read that on Earth one species of plants and animals disappears every day. This is more than new species appearing.

We should not break tree branches because trees are our friends. They release the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun also shines for us. What if all this doesn’t happen? What will happen to us?

If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We must make feeders and birdhouses for birds, fight garbage, help sick trees, plant trees and flowers.

I hope that all the people on the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home. Our Earth is beautiful, so let's appreciate and increase this beauty!

The feeling of awareness of the Motherland comes differently for everyone. But we are all united in one thing, that we are inseparable from our native land. Because on it we learned to take our very first steps and our children, and then our grandchildren, will take them. Since ancient times, our distant ancestors protected the earth and took care of its nature. Using her gifts, we understand that there will be much more of them if we take care of these riches. Today we all face an acute environmental problem. It arose due to the fact that man decided to become the full master of nature and subjugate it to himself. But nature does not forgive mismanagement and careless treatment of it.

To increase land for arable land, forests were destroyed. Old-timers remember what a beautiful place the reservoir in Kakhovka used to be, but now it’s unrecognizable, a complete stench. The dried up Aral Sea alone is worth a lot, and it’s all due to the fault of man - all the water was simply taken from it in order to irrigate dry areas. Our generation can only admire the beautiful drawings of the Aral Sea. The consequence of an irresponsible attitude was the Chernobyl disaster, the echoes of which are still heard in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Several hundred innocent people died in this large-scale accident at the nuclear power plant, many sick people remained, many cities and villages still have elevated background radiation. I personally believe that it is better to ban the construction of nuclear power plants, since they are so dangerous for the country. There are many examples of mismanagement of our Earth. Many cities and villages have embankments, but the rivers themselves no longer exist - their channels have been changed.

It’s a pity that now we have to revive everything, but was it really necessary to destroy it first? Why are we so careless about our Earth, because we, people, are a small part of it. Maybe we shouldn’t conquer it at such a pace, but rather learn to live in harmony with nature? Then you won't have to learn from your own mistakes.

Love and care for our native Earth - our home, concern for well-being - this is our patriotism. The Earth is our planet, and we are obliged to preserve nature for our ancestors, because such disasters and changes arise only from our wrong actions environment.

Only reasonable use of resources, care for natural resources will give us all the opportunity to survive and be a healthy nation. If a person is so cruel in destroying resources, then the Earth will not forgive. Nature needs to be preserved and not destroyed, because the Earth is our common home.

1 Essay “The Earth is our common home”

Head: Zhanturina Zhenisgul Kuanyshbaevna

Aktogay Secondary School

Earth is our common home

1. The earth is our nurse.

2.Protection of nature is the responsibility of every person.

Man is the owner and protector of the earth

Let us preserve and preserve the riches of the Motherland.

3.Attitude to the earth, to nature is one of the indicators of human culture.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals inside nature

Kill only the beasts within yourself.

(E. Yevtushenko)

Human life is inextricably linked with native nature, with the ground. The earth is our nurse. A person lives and works on it, shares joy and sorrow with it.

Homeland and nature, land are concepts that are inseparable from each other. It is symbolic that these words have the same root. For many of us, the concept of the Motherland is associated with home, with relatives, with the river where we spent our childhood. Mom’s hands, toys, fairy tales, the street, grass, forest, clouds in the sky and much, much more - this is our first idea of ​​the Motherland, of the complex big world, about the earth. We are the masters of the earth, the masters of all living and beautiful things that adorn our lives. But if we are the owners, then we must also be the defenders of the land, because one cannot only own without paying good for good.

Our land is great and rich. Its wealth is immense, but it is not infinite. You need to know how to take care of them. The time has come for all people to take care of preserving nature and the wealth of the earth.

How much joy the earth has experienced together with man, and how much pain soulless people who do evil deeds cause it! The native land can do everything for a person. She can feed you bread, give you clean water to drink, and surprise you with her beauty. But she can’t defend herself. Protecting our native land is the sacred duty of everyone. Man is part of nature. We should never forget that a person must take care of everything in the world. Today, one of the important problems is the threat of environmental disaster.

Man is a part of nature and by destroying it, he destroys himself. And at the same time he drinks contaminated water and eats food grown on poisoned soil. We rarely think about how all this will affect our health and the health of future generations.

Nature is also a source of inspiration. Probably, a poet will not become a real poet if he cannot love nature, cannot admire it the way the poet N. Rylenkov did. He believed that nature and man are inseparable, but we must remember that

She'll give us everything: boom, but don't freak out,

Known beauty for vain undertakings...

Nature and the Motherland, land and man, its riches are inseparable in Yesenin’s work. Yesenin’s nature lives, moves, listens, dreams.

Lovely birch thickets!

You are the earth! And you, plain sands!

Before this host of departing

I am unable to hide my melancholy!..

… I think:

How beautiful

Each of us must be not only the owner of the earth, but also a faithful friend of nature. Man should not fight with nature, that she is not his enemy, for he himself is a part of it, has now become obvious.

Attitude towards nature is one of the indicators of a person’s culture and upbringing. Everyone has a responsibility to take care of nature and the environment. Man and nature are connected to each other. Reasonable human participation in the life of nature is beneficial to both man and nature. We must remember that clean rivers and rich forests, animals and birds, fertile soil and pure water is needed not only by us living in the 21st century.

Our task is to preserve the wealth of nature for the future. Future descendants will not forgive us for our consumerist, thoughtless attitude towards nature. Everyone should think about the fact that nature can be saved only when we realize a simple truth: by harming the environment, we thereby harm ourselves.

I want to finish my essay with poetry

Oh, Kazakhstan, a free country,

A land of wonders and good fairy tales.

Always be independent

Be rich and fertile.

Live in peace and goodness,

In harmony, friendship, prosper

And in this fabulous country

Know no sorrow, no sorrow!

My friends, our union is wonderful!

Are you concerned about the health of our planet? What are you willing to do to save her? With daily bad news about global warming, shallowing oceans and endangered animals, it's hard to know where to start. You might think there's only so much one person can do, but there are actually so many ways to help our planet. Start by changing your personal habits, educate those around you, and you can make a significant contribution to saving Mother Earth.


Careful attitude towards water

    Be careful with water in your home. By using too much water, we have a significant impact on the health of the planet. You can start taking steps now to reduce your water consumption. If you live in a water-stressed region, this is even more important to the health and prosperity of your region. Here's what to do:

    • Check if you have any water leaks. If there is, fix it. A leaky valve can lead to waste. large quantity water.
    • Install water saving devices on valves and in bathrooms. Installing a shower head with reduced water flow is a good place to start.
    • Do not wash dishes with the water constantly on. Use a method that will use less water to wash dishes.
    • Shut off the water supply to the dishwasher to prevent leaks. It doesn't have to be on all the time.
    • Replace old toilets with new ones that reduce water consumption.
    • Dishwasher and washing machines should only be used when fully loaded. Otherwise, excess water will be wasted.
    • Don't use too much water to water your lawn.
    • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  1. Reduce the amount of chemicals used. The chemicals we use to bathe, clean the house, wash the car, and anywhere else are washed away and absorbed into the soil or grass, ending up in plumbing system. Because many people use strong chemicals, they cause significant harm to waterways and aquatic life. Chemicals are even more dangerous for people, so do everything in your power to reduce their use. Here are some ways:

    • Find out about alternatives to home cleaning products that don't contain dangerous chemicals. For example, a solution consisting of white vinegar and water (1:1) is suitable for almost all types of cleaning as well as store-bought products. Baking soda and salt are also cheap, non-toxic cleaning products.
    • If it is not possible to find an alternative chemical agent, try to use the minimum amount necessary to achieve the required cleanliness and disinfection.
    • Instead of using chemical-filled shampoos and soaps, try making your own.
    • Instead of using pesticides and herbicides, try getting rid of weeds and pests naturally.
  2. Dispose of toxic waste correctly. Paint, motor oil, ammonia, and many other substances cannot simply be washed off onto the ground or grass. They penetrate deep into the ground and end up in groundwater. Contact your local wastewater treatment plant to find out the location of your nearest toxic waste dump.

  3. Help find water pollutants. Even one person can do a lot to keep water clean. Very often, enterprises and industries are the culprits of water pollution. Citizens interested in protecting the environment should discuss the problem with the managers of such enterprises and find ways to protect themselves from pollution.

    • Join a local conservation organization to help clean up the water in your area, be it a river, lake, sea or ocean.
    • Contact your local government to discuss your views on keeping your water clean.
    • Volunteer and help clean up beaches and riverbanks.
    • Get others involved in cleaning up the waters in your area.

Help to protect animals

  1. Make your home a haven for flora and fauna. Due to human progress, many species of animals, from birds to deer and insects, have lost their homes. You may have seen birds swimming in oily ponds and deer wandering on the outskirts of settlements simply because they have nowhere else to go. If you have some free space, be hospitable to those animals that need help. You can make your home more pet-friendly by:

    • Plant shrubs, flowers and trees that can attract forest creatures.
    • Hang a bird feeder and waterer and always replenish them with clean water and food.
    • Don't kill snakes, spiders, bees, bats and other creatures. If they live near you, your ecosystem is healthy.
    • If there is free space, place a hive.
    • Use cedar chips instead of mothballs.
    • Don't use pesticides.
    • Use more humane traps rather than mouse poisons and insecticides.
    • Use an electric or manual lawn mower rather than a gas-powered one.
    • If you hunt, be it deer or squirrels, be respectful of the animals whose meat provides your food. Don't throw it away.

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