I dreamed that they give red roses. Why dream of roses, red, white, pink or different colors, to see many roses in a dream at home or in the snow, to see rose bushes in a dream - why dream

A third part of his life a person spends in a dream and dreams. They can be pleasant, kind, disturbing or scary.

Have you ever had something good after sleeping with a red rose?

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Dreams in which red roses appear are always associated with love relationships, passion, mystery and romance.

Such dreams can tell about a secret admirer, warn of betrayal, prophesy marriage and a happy life. What red roses dream of can be learned from various interpreters of dreams.

Miller's dream book

A bouquet of red roses presented in a dream symbolizes passionate love and passion. In the near future, you can expect a declaration of love and even marriage proposals. A stormy and long romance is possible, filled with bright events and happiness. Fragrant red roses are harbingers of great joy. The larger the bouquet, the stronger the feelings of the lover.

Bright, fresh, undamaged petals mean that the nascent relationship will be strong and reliable. The crumbling buds of red roses prophesy deceit and disappointment. Dew drops on flowers portend that love will not do without tears.

If roses are presented in a dream spring - luckily, in winter - the novel will be bright, but very short. A red bud in a hairstyle warns of betrayal and betrayal of a partner.

IMPORTANT! When interpreting dreams according to Miller's dream book, you need to be able to connect real events with dream stories. Through associations, you can understand what to do in order not to make mistakes and achieve your goal.

Wangi's dream book

According to the dream interpreter of the Bulgarian seer Vanga, the red rose is also a symbol of love, purity and devotion.

I dreamed of a bouquet of fresh roses - a bright relationship filled with happiness and romance is expected in the near future. A person who gives flowers can become a partner for life.

Red roses affected by pests indicate that there is a person nearby who is unworthy of love and attention. He takes a lot of warmth and strength and will never appreciate what they do for him. All efforts will be in vain and will not lead to the desired result.

To be pricked with thorns - a shameful act can no longer be hidden. A loved one and the surrounding society will find out about him.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

For Muslims, a red rose in a dream means great passion and boundless love. The richer the color of the rose, the brighter events are expected. The presented bouquet is a sign of an imminent wedding.

If in a dream red roses bloom in the garden on lush bushes, then life will be comfortable, you don’t have to worry about financial well-being. Broken flower stems mean wrong actions that need to be analyzed and changed. The emphasis on thorns in a dream warns that in order to achieve reciprocity, many obstacles and trials will have to be overcome.

Who dreamed of a red rose?

The correct interpretation of dreams largely depends on who dreams about them. A red rose can be dreamed of not only by the female sex, but also by men.

unmarried girl

For a girl who is not married, a dream with red roses may portend an imminent marriage. Love will be sincere and pure, and the chosen one will be faithful and loving. A heat of passion is possible, which will only strengthen love relationships.


Red roses dream of a woman if she is expected romantic relationship that will be remembered for a lifetime. Events will be full of vivid impressions, emotions and experiences. The chosen one will fill life with new colors and bright events. Such relationships do not always end in marriage, but in the soul they leave an indelible mark.


Dreaming of red roses for a woman expecting a baby means replenishment in the family.

There is a high probability that a lovely girl will be born.

Flowers also symbolize fidelity, devotion, self-sacrifice and sincere love of a husband. Family happiness will last a long time and nothing can overshadow it.


If in a dream a man gives red roses to a girl, then he is ready for family relations. It is this chosen one who deserves his attention and sincere love. With her, he will experience happiness and true pleasure. Romantic relationships will develop into serious ones, which will lead to the creation of a strong and friendly family.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

Some details help to decipher dreams even more accurately. Accurate interpretation eliminates many errors in the interpretation of dreams.

One red rose

Romantic relationships, recognition and love are possible. But such a relationship will not last too long, and even more so it will not end in marriage. One red rose in a dream can also mean a secret admirer who does not dare to come up and confess his feelings.

Bouquet of red roses

Always means passionate love, filled with violent emotions and passion. A stormy romance unfolds, which will most likely lead to marriage. Events are filled with happiness and vivid impressions.

Bush with red roses

Symbolizes financial well-being and family happiness. The more blossoming buds there are on the bush, the richer life will be.

gave roses

The presented red roses mean a declaration of love and the rapid development of romantic relationships. The partner treats his chosen one with all seriousness, for him this is not flirting. In the near future, it is worth waiting for a marriage proposal.

Giving red roses to someone

This means that you should pay attention to the donee. This is exactly the person who is destined by fate. Life with him will be happy, filled with joy and love.

cut roses

For a girl, this means a quick marriage union with a loved one. The more flowers she cuts, the faster the event will happen. The marriage will be long and happy.

withered rose

A dreaming dried flower is a bad harbinger. Do not place vain hopes, the chosen one does not experience serious feelings. Relationships will be fleeting and they will not lead to marriage. It is worth paying attention to your health, worrying less and eliminating stressful situations, then fate will give you a new chance.


A red rose most often dreams of pleasant events, the beginning of a romantic relationship, or even a wedding. Sometimes a flower in a dream can mean a betrayal of a loved one or a short-term romance.

In order not to be mistaken in deciphering dreams, one should carefully study the dream books, and take into account who had the dream and interpret it in detail. This will help to avoid many mistakes in life, to foresee the future and prevent negative events.

Dream interpretation Red roses

Flowers are almost the most beautiful natural phenomenon that we are given to admire and give their beauty to our loved ones. Each plant has its own character: roses are famous for their capriciousness and sensuality, lilies of the valley remind of innocence, and daffodils evoke associations with selfish personalities.

Why dream of red roses? The color of passion and fire, intertwined with the alluring beauty of an elegant plant, cannot be a trifling sign. Leading psychologists and seers will tell you why to see such a gift in your dream.

Gender of the dreamer

Starting to analyze what a bouquet of red roses is dreaming of, it is advisable to take into account the gender and age of the dreamer. A similar nuance will help clarify some points.


If you dream of red roses

For a woman, such beautiful flowers and even individual red petals are an ambiguous omen. It is necessary to take into account what exactly awaited in a dream. So, if a girl dreamed of roses that she cuts or plucks with her hands, then this is a very important sign. There is a person in your environment who is very serious about you. It is quite possible that in the near future you will hear from him a marriage proposal. It is up to you to decide what decision to make, however, the dream book claims that the marriage union will be unusually strong and full of love.

In general, a scarlet-colored plant means the speedy fulfillment of the most cherished desires that you have been working so hard for all this time. This is especially true for those cases when you received such a gift. Well, if it withered, deteriorated, then this means that you are desperately looking for a soul mate, but in this moment the search is in vain. The feeling of loneliness, spiritual emptiness eats you up from the inside and immerses you more and more in gloomy thoughts. Do not be discouraged and remember that a loved one will definitely be found someday.


Did a man dream of such beautiful images? Auspicious sign, portending imminent joy, triumph and fun. The dream interpretation notes that you will share pleasant moments with the closest people.

Had a chance to give a big and chic bouquet to a girl? Most likely, it is with this companion that you will have a sincere relationship full of tenderness and warmth. Do not exclude the fact that she can become your future wife. It is also an indicator that this person is worthy of your love and favor.

Did you see not a single flower, but a whole bush? Feel free to count on replenishment in the family circle. It will bring you long-term, genuine happiness, enriching your life with even greater meaning.

To weave such a beautiful plant into your hair - to the deception and lies of the closest people. You have to be careful and at the same time wise.

Observation or interaction?

In a dream, a certain role is prepared for us, which we have no right to resist. Did you only see beautiful petals or did you have to plant a whole bush? The final interpretation depends on these small but important factors.

be an eyewitness

If the roses were on long stems

So, you were lucky to see flowers that filled the atmosphere with their beauty in a dream. The dream book will tell you what they dreamed about.

  1. In the trash can. It is not necessary that a whole bouquet be in the garbage bag. Even when they were separate petals of a fiery color, that is, there is a threat of a break in relations. Your chosen one has noticeably cooled off and if nothing is done, then a very painful break is possible. Talk heart to heart with your soulmate, be patient and look for a compromise that will suit both.
  2. Long stems. But such an episode suggests that you are eager to assert yourself with all your might. However, such a peculiar race can harm other people whose interests you ignore.
  3. Broken stems, fallen petals. You have noticeable difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. Due to internal complexes and fears, it is not possible to establish contact in any way, as a result of which you miss life-changing chances. The dream book advises you to work on yourself and be imbued with self-confidence.
  4. Bouquet in someone else's hands. It doesn't matter if it was a mysterious stranger or a loved one. Seeing such a picture is an exciting and unforgettable journey. You will gain invaluable experience and many vivid memories.
  5. Flowers in the garden. Seeing them in an open area - to inner harmony and peace of mind. You have been moving towards peace of mind for a long time, and henceforth no one will be able to interfere with you and bring an imbalance.

Participate in a dream

Sometimes we are destined for the role of not only a silent observer, but also an active figure. What did you have to do in the arms of Morpheus?

Red and large buds are harbingers of a noisy feast, but small petals promise a passionate and fleeting love affair.

Other interpretations

In order for the interpretation to be as correct as possible, it is necessary to turn to other sources. Seers and psychologists have spent many years of their work in order to explain why this or that phenomenon visited us.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The great soothsayer focused on the role of whom she happened to act in a dream.

see flowers

If the roses withered

Vanga believed that roses themselves are a symbol of mystery, chastity and all-consuming love. This means that soon your soul will be filled with the brightest feelings, never seen before. However, in the event that they were withered or withered, you should be careful. Someone is trying to manipulate you, insincerely talks about their feelings and uses them for personal gain. Take a closer look at your surroundings in order to understand what kind of person this is most characteristic of.

Are your roses attacked by all sorts of pests? Unfortunately, this is an unkind sign, indicating that you spent your strength and warmth on the wrong person. Despite all your efforts, this person will never appreciate what you do for him.


Have you wandered around the garden, inhaled a delicate aroma, but at the same time pricked yourself with a thorn? So, in your life there was an unpleasant incident, because of which you feel guilty. It is also worth noting that it will be very unpleasant for a loved one to learn about this act. It is up to you to decide whether to clear your own conscience by shifting your anxieties onto someone else's shoulders or to keep your experiences a secret.

In a dream, did you cut the stems? This detail characterizes you as a very kind and generous person. You will always take care of your relatives and friends, as well as help any person who asks for help and support.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a bouquet

The psychologist claims that roses seen at night, in which both petals and stems are fragrant, are harbingers significant events. It is also an indicator that the chosen one is faithful to you and pure in her thoughts. Perhaps now is the time best time in order for the relationship to grow into something more than it is now.

Is the dreamer collecting a large bouquet? Soon he will receive recognition and respect from a person who is authoritative for him. However, for this you need to continue to work hard and try to be a worthy person in all respects.

Do you get a bouquet of scarlet roses? An ambiguous symbol depending on what time of year it happened. Spring will bring long-awaited happiness and fulfillment of cherished desires, but winter will bring unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

French dream book

What did this source give us? He claims that such plants are an auspicious sign, especially if they bloomed and delighted with their beauty. You are waiting for pleasant emotions that will be shared with you by all family members.

If the flowers withered before your eyes, then there is a high probability of all sorts of losses on the love front. So that there is no sad outcome, the interpreter advises now to smooth out all the sharp corners in the current relationship. But presenting a gift to your beloved companion is a sign that your union will be strong and lasting. You are not mistaken by linking your life with this person.

The Jewish interpreter believes that fiery roses are a harbinger of a dizzying romance filled with passion and ardor.

At all times, the red rose was considered the queen of flowers. She personified beauty, showed the diversity of the world.

There are many legends about the rose flower. The works of world classics also explain why it turned red. The flower turned scarlet from the spilled blood of the nightingale on its thorns. She blushed, thanks to the poet's heart pressing her to his heart. The red rose symbolizes flesh and blood. At the same time, it is a symbol of life and sadness. Roses are loved because they give a person energy.

Why dream of these beautiful flowers? What does the dream book say about this? Red roses in dreams do not bode well. On the contrary, such dreams are favorable, because a blooming red rose is associated with youth, love, happiness and beauty.

The general meaning of a red rose in a dream

In most cases, when a person sees roses in a dream, his soul is waiting for change, passionate feelings and passion. Everyone wants to be given new love experiences. In various dream books one can find a unanimous interpretation of a bright symbol of sensuality. It is worth paying attention to the details in order to correctly interpret the dream and be aware of upcoming events.

An unblown bush of bright red roses dreams of material well-being. Blooming flower buds speak of the justification of family hopes.

Red rose for lovers

We leaf further dream book. in a dream of a man in love, they mean a passionate date. There is no doubt about reciprocity. The feelings of the second half are very strong, it will be very difficult to break them. The dream promises a long relationship.

If a young man gives a blood-colored rose to an unmarried girl in a dream, a tempting offer awaits her, which it will be difficult for her to refuse. Pre-wedding chores are not far off.

A scarlet rose in a dream can be a harbinger of a dream come true, fulfillment of desires, positive emotions.

Red rose for a girl

What interesting things can the dream book tell about this? Red roses for unmarried girl can mean a lot. Cut roses - get married successfully. The darker the rose, the stronger the love. Fragrant flowers hint that a joyful event is coming soon. Inhale the divine aroma - fortunately.

Withered red flowers indicate that the chosen one is not alone.

If in a dream a girl decorates her hair with a red rose, this is a bad sign. She can be deceived and betrayed by a loved one. The cherished desires of a woman will not come true in the near future.

Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of red roses

A bunch of beautiful roses is the dream of any girl. The appearance of a bouquet of red roses in a dream means that a faithful and loving admirer will soon appear. This is a harbinger of imminent marriage, which will happen in the near future.

What else will the dream book tell about this? A bouquet of red roses was presented to a girl, and she, having taken the desired bouquet in her hands, feels pain, being pricked by thorns. This speaks of insincere feelings of the chosen one. Behind his promises lies a simple temptation. The seer Vanga claims that this is a hint to the girl about the sins of extramarital sex, which cannot be hidden.

Family dream book predicts the one who collects a bouquet of flowers. Buying a bunch of roses for a man promises disagreement with his beloved.

We look further dream book. A bouquet of red roses in a dream means reciprocity and sincerity of feelings, and the larger the bouquet, the better. it gives hope for a meeting with the second half in the near future. Married and married can count on a passionate intimate life, new emotions and sensations.

Roses in a vase

What else can tell in a vase? A dream will tell about insatiable female desires when a girl puts scarlet roses in a vase. Dream Interpretations recommend a woman not to commit rash acts. The upcoming date can only ruin her reputation. Do not trust the first man you meet in a fit of passion.

The Eastern dream book has a slightly different interpretation. Such a dream portends family joys and home comfort.

Two red buds in a dream are a symbol of femininity. This is a sign that the end of loneliness has come. A loved one will appear soon. Beautiful and graceful artificial buds in a dream have a bad meaning. Sleep warns of upcoming health problems. We must not despair and take care of ourselves.

Give flowers in a dream

What will the dream book tell us about this? Give red roses in a dream by people who can play leading role in the dreamer's life. If you receive a bouquet of flowers in a dream, you should pay attention to the one who gave them. Perhaps you will connect your fate with this person.

Freud's dream book claims that a woman is very brave if she gives red roses to her chosen one in a dream. Such a girl knows how to please a man.

If a young man receives a bouquet of roses in a dream, then in reality he has a secret admirer. The dream also suggests that the end of his bachelor life is near.

What else can the dream book tell? Red roses were presented in a dream in the spring - this is a harbinger of happiness. A bouquet presented in dreams in winter brings with it futile expectations.

Interpretation of a dream about roses according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Of great importance in the interpretation of a dream about a red rose are the emotions that a person experienced with her in his dream. It all depends on how she dreamed. In general, the red rose represents the energy of the Earth.

If a person in a dream is disgusted with roses, he cannot receive earthly energy. It becomes the cause mental illness And nervous disorders. An excess of impressions after a walk near a flower bed with bright red roses in a dream indicates overexcitation and an excess of passion in real life. It is very bad when in reality we do not feel the problems that have fallen on our heads. Close people can also stay away from our troubles, which will lead to the collapse of relationships and common affairs. A dream with red roses in some cases means that a person has a responsible and important business in which he will have to sacrifice himself.

A dream is considered bad, where red roses died or were pulled out. This indicates the loss of heavenly and earthly energy. A dream with a dried bouquet of flowers carries the same meaning. If the person who presented the bouquet in a dream is known, relations with him will soon deteriorate. He is playing a double game. He has bad intentions in mind instead of friendship.

A dream with presented roses is considered very favorable. This is especially true for roses collected with their own hands. This speaks of the strong feelings of the giver. Having presented a bouquet of bright roses in a dream, a person gives away a piece of his soul. It can't happen without a reason.

A dream in a cemetery speaks of an abundance of generic energy. Ancestors are supportive, luck will not leave. A dream with wilted flowers has the opposite meaning. The lack of energy of the kind will bring a lot of trouble. It is worth reviewing the burial places of the deceased relatives. Perhaps there is a mistake somewhere.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

A presented rose is a harbinger of trouble and death. Presenting such a gift in a dream, deep down a person wishes trouble for others. Red flowers dream of grief, because of which you will have to shed tears. If a person smells flowers, then love will be associated with pain. Planted roses are self-created problems. Laid on the grave hint at a sense of guilt.

Gypsies consider a dream with a rose to be very happy. Blossoming speaks of devoted friendship. An opened flower is a joyful and happy life. A withered rose suggests that you should not neglect an old friend. The red rose is also considered a symbol of contentment.

Why dream of red roses? This question is often asked by people who saw attractive flowers in night dreams and dream of understanding the secret meaning of the picture.

Why dream of red roses? This question is often asked by people who saw attractive flowers in night dreams.

A dream in which a person sees beautiful flowers usually carries a pleasant meaning, promises some kind of pleasant event in the near future. But in order to correctly interpret the dream, it is important to remember the small details: the variety of plants, their number, color, etc. It is very difficult to cover everything at once, so you only need to answer one question, what is the red rose dreaming of.

If a dreamer is presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses in the cold season, then such a picture can promise disappointment in real life, saying that hopes will not come true.

If in a girl’s dream a young man who is attractive to her presents a chic bouquet of red flowers, then this is a sign that in real life an unexpected meeting awaits the beauty, which can turn everything upside down. Most likely, a woman will meet true love. In such a dream, you need to pay Special attention shade of flowers.

A dream in which a person sees beautiful flowers usually carries a pleasant meaning, promises some kind of pleasant event in the near future.

Cut red buds in a dream for an unmarried girl is a sign that she will soon find her happiness, become the wife of a decent guy.

Loneliness and longing will be promised by a dream in which a person collects wilted flowers with practically fallen off buds. Moreover, it will be difficult to get rid of this aching feeling in real life.

Breaking red roses in a dream is a serious quarrel with a loved one, it is possible that a quarrel will lead to a break in relations.

If in a dream a person plants flowers, takes care of them, then in real life the dreamer may have disagreements with his beloved, so you need to show maximum patience and prudence so as not to destroy everything.

Those who dreamed of red roses should rejoice: usually such dreams promise pleasant changes, gaining true love. For a girl, large and beautiful bouquets are a symbol of an imminent wedding. True only if the flowers are not the main characters of the dream.

Those who dreamed of red roses should rejoice: usually such dreams promise pleasant changes, finding true love.

A very good sign - to see in a dream White flower. It is a symbol of purity, purity, sincere feelings. Depending on the details, such a dream can characterize both the dreamer himself and the person who will soon meet on his path.

If you dream pink rose, then this is a symbol of romantic relationships, shrouded in tenderness. In some cases, flowers of a voiced shade may hint at the dreamer's material stability in the future. Pink flowers can dream of something good, kind.

Seeing in a dream plants on which buds are barely blooming - to a new stage in relations with a loved one. Perhaps the girl will receive a marriage proposal that has been waiting for a long time.

Why do roses dream (video)

Modern interpretations of sleep

Watch red roses in a dream in large numbers- to new love relationship. If in life up to this moment there were some difficulties, despondency, then all this fades into the background. The dream promises positive changes, many new emotions and fun.

As already mentioned, seeing red roses in a dream is a very favorable sign. For girls who are in a long-term relationship, night dreams will bring stability with a loved one, mutual understanding. Communication will move to new level, there will be confidence in each other. A dreaming large bouquet of flowers prophesies a wedding.

If a girl puts flowers in a vase in a dream, then this indicates her secret desire to be loved, attractive. Ladies who are soon going on a date should be more careful after such a dream: the meeting can negatively affect their reputation.

Watching red roses in a dream in large numbers - to a new love relationship

If we interpret a dream where there are pink flowers, from the standpoint of relationships, they symbolize light flirting, a pleasant, but short-term relationship. It can turn into something serious, but the chance is negligible, because pink is a symbol of tenderness and fragility, one wrong step and everything will end.

A large bouquet made of white roses is a symbol of respect, fidelity, purity. If the dreamer smells flowers, then this is a sign hinting at a long-term relationship with a loved one.

It is considered not the most favorable sign to see wilted roses in a dream. white color. Such a dream is a warning signal. A person must look into himself, most likely, he has a mental struggle, a conflict with others and himself. The dreamer should rest and try to understand himself, otherwise the consequences of such a difficult state of mind can be the saddest.

Giving or receiving black roses is a bad sign. Such a dream promises sadness, sorrow, grief. Perhaps in real life, someone in a person’s family will become seriously ill or die.

You can take any dream book, red roses are considered in almost all a good sign. Of course, for a detailed interpretation of a dream, you need to remember all the nuances, otherwise you won’t get reliable information.

A bouquet of roses in a dream (video)

Attention, only TODAY!

Red roses in our minds are consistently associated with passionate feelings, passion. When they are seen in a dream, the soul trembles in anticipation of change: what can they dream of, if not new love experiences? And what do dream books say about this?

The interpreters of dreams show rare unanimity in the interpretation of this striking symbol, but details and details do not escape their attention that can completely change the view of future events.

Shades of color

None of those who dreamed of these magnificent flowers will resist the temptation to find out what they are dreaming of for him, whether this is really a sign of changes in his personal life, how favorable he is.

Of great importance for interpretation is the color of rose petals, according to Vanga's dream book - a symbol of innocence and devoted love. Reds are the embodiment of fiery, fatal feelings.

If you dreamed of pink and red roses, this is a sign that the nascent romantic relationship will develop rapidly and be drawn into a pool of sweet and painful passion. Even if the heart is free, then remember the charming acquaintance who was present in the dream - it is with him that intriguing predictions can be associated.

White and red roses are to some extent antagonists - some represent innocence, others a vicious passion, why do they dream together? The predictions of dream books cause envy to those who saw this white and scarlet splendor in a dream, absolute spiritual and physical harmony in relationships awaits them, which will connect them with their loved one for many years.


Who has not dreamed of receiving a bunch of roses as a gift? Even in a dream, this causes a storm of emotions and symbolizes the appearance of a devoted admirer. Such a dream is a premonition of a marriage proposal, which is destined to come true.

However, for those who take a bouquet in their hands in a dream, it is useful to know why it hurts to prick on thorns in a dream - in reality courtship and promises will be insincere, pursuing only temptation. Vanga's dream book claims that this is a reminder of past sins that cannot be kept secret.

According to the dream book For the whole family, collecting a bouquet is a romantic date, and a man buying it in a dream is a quarrel with his beloved.

A large bouquet is a sign of reciprocity of feelings. It gives hope to the lonely. If dreamed of by those who are married or married, they will experience a surge of emotions, a new level of pleasure in the intimate sphere.

Accept or donate

It is important what role is assigned to the dreamer in a dream. According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed that a woman gives red roses, this indicates her courage in relationships, the ability to give pleasure. To understand why you dream of accepting them as a gift, you need to pay attention to who it is from - it is with this person that a new romance will begin.

A man who was presented with scarlet flowers has a secret admirer in reality; giving them himself means a readiness to settle down, say goodbye to a bachelor life.

Bright forebodings come from fresh, fragrant flowers. Withering, dried petals predict fatigue, health problems.

There are also mercantile interpretations. A family dream book predicts profit for those who were given flowers - any, except scarlet. Red roses warn against a deal, no matter how promising it may seem - except for losses and problems, nothing can be expected from it.

Two buds in a vase

Putting red roses in a vase in a dream means an unquenched desire for a woman, it is a symbol of female nature. However, dream books warn against rash steps: the upcoming date is risky and can harm your reputation. Eastern dream book says that soon the lady will have the opportunity to surround herself with family joys and comfort.

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