Alena Apina's family. Alena Apina's daughter is being carried by a surrogate mother

Recently, 51-year-old Alena presented a fresh photo shoot in a swimsuit on the Internet, demonstrating her toned body and incredible femininity.

The young singer, who was under the care of Alexander Iratov, did not get into “The Voice” due to a spinal injury

The former soloist of the group “Combination” Alena APINA (nee LEVOCHKINA), who gained popularity in the dashing 90s with such hits as “Accountant”, “Ksyusha”, “Knots” and “Electric Train”, unexpectedly found herself in the center of everyone’s attention. The existence of the artist was prompted by rumors spreading on the Internet about her divorce from producer Alexander IRATOV, with whom she had been happily married for 25 years.

I was introduced to Sasha Iratov in the late 80s in the Sochi “Pearl” by my old friend Valerka Spiritus, nicknamed Spirit, with whom we once speculated on musical equipment,” recalled corporate event organizer Konstantin Shcherbinin. “You know, I’m now done with all the old things,” he told me. “But I’ll introduce you to speculator number one.”

And he led me to a guy with a chain two fingers thick and a huge cross on his stomach, like a priest or a thief in law. This was Sasha Iratov. He worked as the director of Slava Malezhik. He made a lot of money at left-wing concerts. And invested them in “business”. “Well, what do you have there?” - he reluctantly began the conversation. And at that time, miners began to go on strike throughout the country, and in order to calm them down, a decree was signed allowing them to conduct free trade.

Cars, televisions, refrigerators fell to us in Kuzbass like manna from heaven, washing machines and other goods. The miners were given coupons for their purchase. But they were afraid that they would be robbed or cheated. And they brought these coupons to me. And I bought goods and took them to other cities.

I offered these goods to Iratov. “Do you have any white nines?” - he asked. At that time it was considered a cool car. “Yes,” I replied. "What is the price?" - Iratov became interested. Then the price of the “nine” was 35 thousand rubles. But I thought that he was very arrogant. And he told him a higher price - 40 thousand. For this money you could then buy an apartment.

I thought that Iratov would bargain. But he immediately said: “Let me give you 42 thousand! But so that in a week, when I return to Moscow, the car will already be there.” This is how my collaboration with him began.

I sent him various goods by cargo planes. Iratov sold them and brought me money in bags. At that time, he still lived with his first wife - the mother of his son Andrei. Alena Apina appeared in his life only in the early 90s. I remember that after a long absence I arrived in Moscow, and he stunned me with the news: “Have you heard the song “Ksyusha, Ksyusha, plush skirt”? This is my new wife!

IRATOV and APINA have long gained a reputation as almost an exemplary family, so Alena’s statement about their divorce came as a bolt from the blue for many

Someone else's secret

Alena is a very smart, educated person,” said the author of many hits “Combinations” and Apina, composer Vitaly Okorokov. - I studied at the conservatory. Which of our singers knows Prokofiev's music? And she can play you all his sonatas, all his symphonies. I know Alena very well. She and I grew up together since childhood. We had our first “carrot love”. Well, you know what happens when you're 15 years old.

Then she married the artist Valery Apin. They wanted children. But they didn't succeed. I know what the reason was. But I have no right to reveal someone else’s secret. I can only say that these are purely women's affairs. There are some diseases with which nothing can be done. Even artificial insemination does not help. As a result, Apin left Alena.

In “Combination” she was a little lonely and lost. I wanted love, big and pure. I met Iratov, who gave us tours. And he took her away from the group.

Naturally, she wanted to work solo. In any group, everyone secretly wants to have a solo career. I then gave her the song “Ksyusha”. This song made her a star.

In principle, you could take any Manya Siskina or Shura Murina, invest some money in broadcasting this song, and it would become a hit. I didn’t understand this then. And Iratov immediately realized that this might be his only chance in life.

I remember he listened to “Ksyusha” and said to me: “So, Okorokov! Don’t show this song to anyone and don’t tell anyone that it exists.” The arrangement was loaded that same night. And two days later the video was ready. The recording of the song and the shooting of the video went on simultaneously. I have never seen anything like this anywhere else. I simply bow to Iratov for how quickly he worked.

On tour, the singer is accompanied by her stepson Andrey

"Life is wiser than us"

For a quarter of a century, they tried to separate Apina and Iratov more than once. Then Alena was credited with an affair with singer Murat Nasyrov, with whom she performed the song “Moonlit Nights” in a duet. Then Alexander was declared the lover of actress Renata Piotrovsky, who starred with him in the film company “Igla” in the series “Girl from the North.” But the star couple did not even think about breaking up.

Moreover, despite the above-mentioned medical problems of Apina, in 2001 she and Iratov had joint child- daughter Ksenia, whom she carried surrogate mother. One would think that the current divorce rumors are just another hoax,” if the singer herself had not confirmed them.

Yes, I’m filing for divorce,” Apina wrote on her Instagram page. - This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and for many of you very beautiful. But life is much wiser than many of us. Alexander and I do not have any homewreckers and there is no big global reason for this step. It's just time. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And try to discuss it less. Today the most important thing is to cause as little problems as possible for our daughter. Everything else cannot be changed. And life doesn’t end there.

In truth, this post raised many more questions for everyone than it answered. One could not help but get the impression that Alena was being dark and was not telling something.

An appeal to long-time acquaintances of the star couple did not clarify the situation. Even for them, the singer’s sensational confession came as a complete surprise.

“I don’t know anything about the reasons for Apina and Iratov’s divorce,” producer Alexey Muskatin threw up his hands. - We have known Sashka since the days of our “troubled youth.” But like many of our generation, he has long been nowhere to be seen or heard. The last time we met was several years ago. He then took care of a young girl. And at our studio they wanted to make a musical project out of it. We studied vocals, dances, etc. with her. No, no, she was not Iratov’s mistress.

Only for big money

It was just the daughter of some of Alexander’s acquaintances,” Muscatin continues. - Sasha’s son from his first marriage, Andrei, constantly came to classes with her. He made sure that she was not offended. Unfortunately, all this did not end in anything. In principle, the girl sang well. But it was something average. She was not up to the second Zemfira. And we have always set quite high standards for our wards professional requirements. If something didn’t work out, they said directly: “You don’t sing, you quack. Why do you even need to sing? This is not your profession." The girl, apparently, could not stand it and eventually left us. Then I called her. I wanted to send her to “The Voice” or to the “Main Stage”. But it turned out that she went somewhere on vacation and injured her spine.

And Iratov, as I understand it, moved to Spain and recently lived almost constantly in this country. I tried to make a movie there several times: some were successful, some were unsuccessful. And with Apina, his son Andrei went to concerts as a director. As for their divorce... It's all very strange. Sashka is already a grandfather. He and Alena have a daughter. I don't understand why they should get a divorce. Maybe, of course, Apina decided to remind herself in this way. But, by and large, she doesn’t really need it. Her songs are already played on the radio. And if tomorrow she wants to go on tour, I think it won’t be difficult for her to gather an audience. Only she doesn't want to tour. This summer I met her at an event in Dolgoprudny. “When they give me a lot of money, I come,” said Alena. “But I’m not interested in working for pennies.”

The pop diva became famous under the name of her first husband - Valeria APINA

Tired of each other

If something happened between Lena and Sasha, then, apparently, quite recently, suggested singer and composer Andrei Kosinsky, who wrote “Seed Glass” and other songs for Apina. - Two years ago we went to the Spanish city of Marbella for Lena’s 50th birthday, where they bought a house (which of the stars still has property in Spain - read here). And Sasha then organized all her anniversary celebrations. It was such a blast that words cannot describe it. He was also present at her last day birth, which she celebrated on August 23 at her home in Peredelkino. And there seemed to be no signs that anything was wrong in their family.

On the contrary, they talked about each other very Nice words. “I owe everything that is in my life to Sasha,” Lena emphasized. Maybe they're just tired of each other. Maybe there was no longer the same spark between them. As far as I know, Sasha has long stopped producing Lena as before. She got a job as a music teacher at school. I helped her make a musical based on Beatles songs with her students.

I find it difficult to even answer where Sasha worked these years. By latest information, which reached me, he directed the concert hall at the Cosmos Hotel. Once I approached him with a proposal to write a new song for Lena. “No, no, no, I don’t do this anymore,” Sasha waved it off. “I am a statesman.” Yes, Sasha’s son helps her with concerts. But in fact, Lena has been living on her own for a long time and rules everything on her own.

Alena Apina is one of the most famous performers of the late twentieth century. In particular, she was known as part of the popular musical group “Combination”. Many people remember such songs performed by her as “Accountant”, “Ksyusha” and some others. They became real business cards singers. And the song “These Moonlit Nights,” performed in a duet with Murat Nasyrov, was able to bring her even greater popularity. What was Alena’s path to popularity, and how did her creative and personal life turn out in the early 2000s, when the well-known and beloved group “Combination” broke up?

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Apina

Singer Alena Apina, almost from the first day of her appearance on the music scene, was able to gain popularity and love from fans. Many fans often watched her, gave her gifts, and young girls even tried to imitate her. And over time, the singer did not stop performing. So it’s not surprising that there are still fans of Apina from the nineties who are interested in learning something new from the artist’s life. In particular, what is her height, weight, age now. It’s not difficult to calculate how old Alena Apina is. She was born in August 1964, which means that she is already 54. And with a height of 164 centimeters, Alena weighs 54 kilograms - this only means that she looks great, and the woman definitely has something to be proud of.

Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

Few people know, but the singer’s real name is Elena Levochkina. And she was born in Saratov. The girl’s father, Evgeny Levochkin, worked as an engineer, and her mother, Lyubov Levochkina, worked as an ordinary salesman. Lena was an only child, and therefore she received all the attention of her relatives alone.

At the age of five, the little girl began studying at a music school, which she adored. And she became the best in the piano class. Back then, in childhood, future star decided to connect my life with music. After school there was also a music school. Later, he entered the conservatory. The biography and personal life of Alena Apina took an unexpected turn when the girl decided to listen to her friend and go learn folk singing.

In 1987, Alena started working part-time during the holidays. And there her voice was heard by the producer of the “Combination” group, who was just recruiting the composition of the new team. He appreciated her voice and offered Lena a job, which she happily accepted. Around the same period of time, the girl married graphic artist Valery Apin, but the marriage did not last even six months. And from her ex-husband, Alena left only her last name “as a keepsake.” Tours and countless concerts began. With the advent of Alena, the group acquired a completely new sound and even greater popularity. “Combination” attracted entire stadiums. There were even plans to release the album in the USA. But it was at this time that Alena Apina decided to leave “Combination” to make a solo career.

The reason for her leaving the group, as it turned out, was a love story. Or rather, the man she met on tour in Tashkent, and who eventually became the producer of her solo career. And later on as a husband. The marriage with Iratov lasted fifteen years. Together, the couple even raised a little girl, who was carried and given birth to by a surrogate mother for Alena. Therefore, when the tabloids began publishing articles on the topic: “Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov divorce,” fans initially decided that this was another “duck” of the press. Until the artist herself posted a photo of her and Iratov torn in half on her Instagram and personally announced that she was filing for divorce. However, after breaking up they managed to maintain friendly relations. Iratov visits Apina from time to time and spends time with his daughter.

Apina is known in the domestic show business not only as a pop performer. For example, she staged the play “Limita”. Which was staged with the assistance of M. Tanich and D. Astrakhan. The production was such a stunning success in both capitals of the country that the domestic Diva even wrote a review on her own behalf, which happens very rarely. And some time later, they filmed a television version of the sensational theatrical production, which created even more noise and only added to Apina’s popularity.

Twice the popular artist of the nineties became the winner of the Ovation Award. Twice - the prestigious Golden Gramophone award. And she was once the winner of the Star Award. Apina has repeatedly become a finalist in the famous Song of the Year festival. And in 2002, the singer was finally awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. It is known that Alena Apina is currently popular not only in Russian Federation, but also abroad. For example, she successfully performs in America, Germany, Ireland and France. She is greeted everywhere with delight and well-deserved applause.

In addition to her concert activities, Apina also tested her talent in the film industry. The woman performed main role in one of the episodes of the domestic TV series “Emergency”. The game turned out to be so successful that the newly minted actress subsequently starred in several more TV series. Among them were “Parallel Love” (by the way, Apina’s song was also the title soundtrack for this series), “Girl from the North”, “Provincial Passions” and, among others, “Kill Bella”.

Today, this charming singer and actress has plenty of offers not only for concerts and performances, but also for filming in films and TV series. However, Alena ignores most of them, claiming that her real calling is music, and she is unlikely to ever change it.

Family and children of Alena Apina

In Apina’s life, she did not want to develop relationships with men. She had enough romances in her life, but not a single relationship became strong. The woman was married twice and both times unsuccessfully. So now Alena Apina’s family and children are in one person - this is her little daughter Ksyusha, in whom the woman dotes. The girl was born at a time when Alena was still in her second marriage. At the present time former star not married and not planning any relationship. She is quite happy with living only with her daughter. And in her current performances, Apina plays the role of a strong and independent woman.

Daughter of Alena Apina - Ksenia

Alena Apina's daughter, Ksenia, was born when the singer was married to her second husband, Alexander Iratov. The artist herself was treated for infertility for several years, and for a long time I tried to get pregnant on my own. Until, finally, I decided to seek the services of a surrogate mother. The birth of a girl cost Apina 25 thousand dollars. The baby was born a couple of months earlier, but this did not stop her from surviving and growing up as a healthy, full-fledged child. It is known that the baby was named by Iratov’s son. There is also an opinion that the girl was named Ksyusha in honor of the song of the same name performed by Apina.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Valery Apin

Ex-husband Alena Apina - Valery Apin. He became the very first husband of the performer. They met and got married when Alena had just started her musical career. But she was married only a few months. And Alena doesn’t like to talk about this experience in public. What is known is that Valery was a graphic artist, and after a quiet divorce, the woman decided not to return her maiden name. The man himself once graduated from the capital’s art university and got a job as a teacher at an art school in Saratov. He has also previously collaborated with several book publishers.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Alexander Iratov

Alena Apina’s ex-husband, Alexander Iratov, is the singer’s second husband, also related to show business. They met in Tashkent when Apina was already a member of the Combination and the group came on tour. Remaining dissatisfied with the organization of their accommodation (they were placed in a nursing home) and some other details, Alena started a scandal. Iratov turned out to be responsible for everything. In the future, it was he who suggested that the talented girl make a solo career. And he even provided all possible assistance by becoming its producer. And, over time, my husband. The couple lived together for fifteen years, but ultimately ended in divorce.

Photo by Alena Apina in Maxim magazine

First of all, it is worth noting that Alena Apina’s photos in Maxim magazine, as well as in other similar magazines, have never been published in her entire career. And that’s all, because the artist’s popularity came at a time when it was not accepted to show naked bodies in public magazines. But even despite the fact that she didn’t have a single naked photo, the singer still remained in demand, popular and even desirable. Already these days, on the artist’s social media pages you can see rare photographs of Apina in a swimsuit, when the singer was vacationing on the sea coast in Crimea or Sochi. But recently she stopped publishing such photos.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina

Despite the age of the artist, who will soon celebrate her next anniversary, fans still do not lose interest in her! In particular, they monitor such resources as Alena Apina’s Instagram and Wikipedia, which are publicly available. The singer’s Instagram profile already has almost six hundred photos and videos, including personal ones. And more than eighty thousand subscribers who closely follow all updates. And in the Internet encyclopedia you can find out short biography Apina, some details of her childhood and complete lists of all her creative works– not only in the musical field, but also in the field of cinema. After all, a talented person is talented in everything!

At the end of last year, the singer became a mother thanks to another woman

Russian singer Alena Apina and her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, have been living together for ten years. All these years the couple dreamed of a child. Alena especially suffered - she really wanted to become a mother. The singer was treated for infertility for a long time, but all in vain. After another failed attempt to get pregnant, doctors suggested she use the services of a surrogate mother. Apina did not dare to take the child from the orphanage, she wanted to have her own and she agreed that another woman would carry and give birth to her baby. A girl was born ahead of schedule, seven months old, but healthy. Although Alena did not give birth to a child herself, she claims that her maternal feelings are no less because of this. Only after the birth of a child in her family did the singer feel truly happy.

“We named our daughter Ksyusha in honor of the song with which my career began”

Alena, tell us how you saw your daughter for the first time? How did you feel?

Our incubator mother's labor began suddenly. I flew to the city of N. and was in the hospital two and a half hours after the girl was born. What did I see? The most beautiful child in the world! That is, of course, all babies are born the same - a red face, narrow eyes, but for every mother this is exceptional beauty! For me as well…

And how soon did you pick up the baby from the hospital?

On the fifth day. The fact is that we did not have time to prepare for her appearance at all - our daughter was born at seven months old. So I rushed to Moscow, and my husband and I started buying things, a stroller, a crib. At this time, the child received vaccinations and completed documents. And then she and I flew home on a plane. She was even given a separate ticket. We saved it for Ksenia Alexandrovna Iratova! We arrived in Moscow - minus 18 here! But my daughter bravely endured the plane and the cold.

Why did you decide to name her Ksenia, since you initially planned to call her Natasha?

We fooled the registry office workers for a long time - we still couldn’t make up our minds. When I looked at the girl, I realized that she was no Natasha - she had a very mischievous expression on her face. Then we thought about Tanya, because we have many good friends with that name. But Tanya didn’t suit her either. Then Sasha says: you started your career with a song about Ksyusha, let our daughter with this name begin her life.

Who does Ksyusha look like?

Friends say it's my husband.

What about character?

And his character: he only screams when he wants to eat. When he thinks about it, he makes his eyebrows into a house, like dad. I tried to play with my eyebrows in the same way, but it didn’t work.

Do you have anything from you?

I look forward to seeing what appears. I listened to the service on TV at Christmas. Ksyusha was lying nearby and suddenly started sing along. And it turned out so smoothly!

Who helps you take care of your daughter?

Husband. As soon as he comes home from work, he immediately takes Ksenia away from me and feeds me himself. I have two more nannies. But they only work during the day. And at night I’m on my own. With this I compensate for my debts to my daughter - for the fact that I did not bear her myself.

“Ksyusha was separated from her surrogate mother immediately after birth”

Was it difficult to get into the rhythm of a nursing mother?

My friends really intimidated me. They said that every mother has moments of irritation when she wants to throw her own child out the window. I kept waiting for myself to go so wild. But no - it didn't happen. I was confused only on the first day, when I had just brought Ksyusha to Moscow. I even asked a doctor friend to spend the night with me and tell me how to treat the child. And now I can do everything myself: I feed with formula, swaddle... Once, however, I stayed with my daughter in the room to spend the night - I’m afraid that I won’t hear her calling me! - and didn’t sleep all night! I listened! The child groans and sneezes - I rush to call the doctor. But then I calmed down.

Does little Ksyusha already have any preferences?

But of course! From the piles of toys that were given to her, she chooses the scariest ones. Her favorites, for example, are a creepy pink bear with bulging eyes. I would never like one like that. And Katya Semenova gave her a strange, gloomy picture from the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling.” I hung this picture above the changing table. My child can look at it for hours. Here she is, great power art!

Does she like music?

Mozart did not inspire her. But from the song “Winnie the Pooh lives well in the world!” is delighted. In short, she likes rap!

Alena, have you changed in any way during the month of living together?

I think so. I didn't expect maternal feelings to be so strong. I manage to miss my daughter while she sleeps for four hours. She wakes up - I, joyful, run to her, as if I hadn’t seen her for a week. I kind of forgot that I didn’t bear it myself Previously, we had everything: a house, a car, work, abroad. But the main thing was missing - there was no cement in the family. And now everything has fallen into place for us. We used to live wrong. And now we are like all normal people…

Do you communicate with Ksyushina’s surrogate mother?

No. As soon as Ksyusha was born, we transferred her to another ward. The incubator mother is very tired. We fulfilled our financial obligations to her and separated. It’s a pity, of course, that Ksyusha has never tried the real thing. human milk. But I think she will forgive us for this.

Have you shown your daughter to your friends or are you hiding it from everyone out of superstition?

I am not a superstitious person, and Ksyusha’s friends saw him. New Year My husband and I met together. We drank champagne and went to bed on duty. And on January 1, about thirty people came to us - our friends, musicians. I gave them a tour - I took them to Ksyusha’s room.

“I went through artificial insemination nine times”

Alena, did you undergo treatment for infertility in Russia or abroad?

Everywhere I went through everything. I was treated by the luminaries of science. They did everything right, but the pregnancy did not occur. Infertility for a woman is a terrible tragedy, I am convinced of this It’s the same as if a man would not have a penis at all. I had nine miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy. When I was in hospitals, I saw enough of this. There are women who walk, give birth, and leave their children under the fence. For me, all this is beyond the realm of reality. For 10 years all I did was try to get pregnant and keep the child. I constantly took hormonal pills, but this was just preparation. Then - a course of treatment, which included 30 terribly painful injections in the stomach and another 30 in a soft place. I was either gaining weight from hormones or losing weight It was a nightmare. Nobody understood what was happening to me. Colleagues suggested Thai pills; They were surprised when I refused. Then, under anesthesia, the cell with the husband’s sperm was inserted into the uterus. She had to be fertilized there and gain a foothold. But these are all flowers! Berries - when a woman goes to the clinic, takes a pregnancy test, and the doctor tells her: “Nothing happened.” I've experienced this nine times. I know a woman who went through this 25 times, and on the 26th she became pregnant and gave birth. I only had enough for 9. I cried, became depressed, and felt like I was slowly going crazy. My husband was terribly worried about me, saying that he could no longer watch me suffer.

Why should I do this? Some say: “Maybe for taking Iratov away from the family?” I didn't take him away! When we met, he had already been alone for two years. He didn’t get divorced, but he left the family and lived in another apartment. When I showed up, he filed for divorce and we got married. I don't have this sin!

How did you choose a surrogate mother? I can imagine what a problem this is…

Huge! I have a friend, a general practitioner, who helped me find such a woman in another city. Young, healthy; she has a husband and two children of her own. She and her husband are research workers and earn little. The woman agreed to become a surrogate mother to earn money.

If it's not a secret, how much did the surrogate mother earn? - asks AIDS-info.

We do not disclose this, but not tens of thousands of dollars, much less.

Do you know her?

I saw her twice. The first time she came was to get acquainted. She lived in a hotel and came to see me for a few hours. I liked her. Sweet, calm, friendly. But her husband did not meet her. Said: “Why? I want to associate my child only with my wife.”

In this article I would like to talk about the singer, actress and poet Alena Apina, who managed to unite several generations with her creativity. Not a single disco was complete without her compositions, and her songs were heard from every window. The most interesting thing is that she achieved everything herself. She is a performer of such popular songs as: “Accountant”, “Ksyusha” - these hits are still listened to by both older people and young people. Let's find out the history of this talented person, find out what she lived and how she worked.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Apina

As soon as the first songs sounded from the TV screens, the country simply fell in love, lost its head when it saw the fragile and beautiful girl who sings such fiery songs. At that time, there was little information about her, but now we can say exactly what her height, weight, and age are. How old is Alena Apina today? It’s no longer a secret, and she doesn’t hide it. She was born in 1964, which means that she is now 52 years old, although she looks much younger. Her height is 164 cm and her weight is 54 kg, which means that the star watches her figure, plays sports and watches own weight.

Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

The biography and personal life of Alena Apina (Elena Lyovochkina) begins on August 23, 1964, in the outback of Russia, the city of Saratov, where a girl is born into the family of a young engineer and saleswoman. The child was the only one in the family, so the parents tried to indulge her whims. When their daughter turned 5 years old, they gave her a piano. It was at this time that the little girl began to try herself as a singer. She gathered all the household members, sat them down on chairs and began to sing. The audience applauded, and the girl gained confidence in her own talent.

When it was time to go to school, the parents again fell for their daughter’s whim, sending her away as if regular school, and in music. And returning from school, she first did music assignments, and then started regular school lessons.

While studying at school, teachers always set her as an example to other children, as the most successful student in studies and music. It was then, according to Alena, that she told her parents that she wanted to connect her life with music. After listening to her, they agreed to help her realize this dream.

After graduating from school, the future star immediately enters the music school, which is located in her city. And after graduation, she submits documents to the music conservatory, but then a surprise awaited her.

The competition was so high that she only manages to enter the faculty folk singing. In his free time from classes, in order to earn money, he sings in various restaurants and cafes, where he meets the young artist Valery Apin and, after a short acquaintance, marries him. After the wedding, she takes his last name, which she still bears to this day.

In the summer, Alena agrees to audition for the group “Combination” and brilliantly becomes its member. This is where the real work begins: rehearsals, tours, performances. At home, there are frequent scandals with her husband due to her constant absence. Valery is not happy with this and decides to file for divorce.

In 1991, Alexander Iratov invited her to become his wife, leaving the team and starting his own solo career. From that moment on, he becomes not only a producer for her, but also loving husband. The songs “Accountant” and “Ksyusha” began to be heard, and in 1992 the album “Dance Until the Morning” was released, which made Apina the most popular singer, and her songs took first place in the charts. Alena begins to receive awards, she is given various titles, and her career is rapidly going up.

In 2001, a child appeared in the singer’s family - the daughter of Alena and Alexander, baby Ksenia. The singer’s career began to go down smoothly; she began to appear on stage less and less, devoting more time to her family. Other performers began to replace Alena Apina and they gradually began to forget about her.

Alena, her husband and daughter moved to the Moscow region, where in 2012 the girl went to work as a music teacher at the gymnasium where her daughter Ksenia studies. There she created the group “Lyalki”, consisting of gymnasium students, for which she herself writes lyrics that are heard on local radio.

In 2016, the headlines “Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov divorce” appeared on newspaper pages; after more than 20 years of married life, the couple began to have disagreements and decided to separate.

Family and children of Alena Apina

Fans have always been interested in Alena Apina’s family and children, and the singer herself tries not to advertise this. The first time she married while still a student was a young but very talented graphic designer, Valery Apin. Their acquaintance remains a secret even for her fans.

When Alena began to gain popularity, her husband could not stand the rehearsals and her constant absences, and filed for divorce. At this difficult moment in her life, Alexander Iratov, whom she met while working in the “Combination” group, provided support. And after the start of their solo career, they became very close, and in 1991 they got married. As the singer herself says, it was happiness that her loved one was always there, both at concerts and at home. In 2001, Apina became a mother, and a daughter, Ksenia, appeared in their family. And the family becomes complete, right up until 2016, when Alena decides to leave Alexander after more than 20 years of married life.

Daughter of Alena Apina - Ksenia

Alena Apina's daughter, Ksenia, was born on December 7, 2001. Her birth was shrouded in mystery for a long time. So far, Alena herself admitted on one of the television programs that she had been trying to get pregnant for a long time, but due to a busy touring schedule and constant moving, she had several miscarriages. Afterwards she abandoned these attempts and decided to use the services of a surrogate mother. The girl was born healthy and strong. Today Ksenia lives in the Moscow region with her famous mother Alena. He studies at the gymnasium and music school. In the future, she wants to repeat her mother’s career and become a world-famous singer.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Valery Apin

Alena Apina's ex-husband is Valery Apin, a talented artist and designer whom she met while studying at the conservatory. Looking at him, the future singer saw support and stability in her life. It was with him that she wanted to return to hometown, get a job as a music teacher at school and sit at home raising their children. But everything went differently. Tours and concerts began in her life, which were a burden for Valery, since he constantly sat at home, and Alena traveled all over the country. And after their next quarrel, a decision was made to divorce. After a while, Alena erased the man from her memory, leaving only her last name.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Alexander Iratov

Alena Apina’s ex-husband is Alexander Iratov, the singer’s producer and muse, whom she fell in love with as soon as she saw her, but she didn’t have the courage to even come up to talk. She thought that he was a person, and she was a simple provincial girl to whom a man simply would not pay attention. Therefore, the girl first got acquainted with all his friends, finding out what he was up to, and then began making attempts to make him fall in love with her. And she succeeded in 1991, when they were already close. He offered her a solo career and volunteered to become her not only a producer, but also a loving husband who would always support her in difficult times. Their relationship lasted more than 20 years, they were able to build a house and raise a wonderful daughter, Ksenia. But in the fall of 2016, Alena Apina stated in an interview that they decided to break up with Iratov. She did not specify the reasons for the divorce, only said that she no longer needed him and his support.

Photo by Alena Apina in Maxim magazine

Fans of the singer’s work constantly regret that the fashion for being photographed for popular magazines has arisen recently, which means that they will not see Alena Apina’s photos in Maxim magazine or in other publications. But how sometimes you want to see a photo of a naked favorite, in order to appreciate all her charms. And all that remains is to look at the photo of the singer in revealing outfits or in a swimsuit, which, to be honest, also looks quite seductive on her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina are sources of inspiration for most young stars who, following the example of the singer’s success, will be able to reach the same heights as her.

The singer’s Instagram is more like a personal diary, which she does not forget to fill out. In it you can find both her childhood photographs, in which she is still small with her parents, and selfies of her family life, where she acts as a loving mother and an experienced mentor for her charges.

Wikipedia is a complete illustration of Alena’s life, by reading which you can learn about all her ups and downs. Estimate hard way a young girl from the provinces who managed to achieve such success on the stage and learn a lot from her experience.

"Express Gazeta" was the first to write ("EG" No. 34, 2001) about the problems that arose in star family Alena APINOY and Alexandra ISTRATOVA. The reason turned out to be the singer’s infertility. Both Alena and Sasha really wanted to have a child, but, alas, they were not given the opportunity to experience parental happiness.

And yet, fate sent the couple a daughter, Ksyusha, who, however, was born in a not entirely traditional way. The girl, as they now say, was born from a test tube. The singer spoke about how much she had to go through before she became a mother in a frank interview with our correspondent.

Alena, a year ago you hit the front pages of all popular newspapers in connection with the unconventional birth of your daughter Ksyusha. Tell me, why did you decide to immediately publicly reveal family secrets?

I was sure that if I didn’t tell everything myself right away, rumors would begin. I was silent about my first marriage, but they dug it up anyway. As soon as Ksyusha was born, all our acquaintances immediately showed up, even those whom we had not seen for a long time due to various circumstances. Remember how Bulgakov said: “I am a wanderer from Pskov, I came to see a talking dog.” Everyone came to see the test tube baby. Maybe she’s something special, maybe some kind of green color... - When Ksyusha was born from a surrogate mother, you took part in the television program “The Domino Principle”, where you boldly talked about unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant and how You and your husband still managed to have your own child. What motivated you? - This problem exists in every sixth Russian family. I know the despair women feel when they cannot become mothers. - By the way, many of our famous artists never had children of their own: were they afraid of missing out on their career “bird of happiness”? - But most still have children! Valeria has three, Kristina Orbakaite has two. Natasha gave birth to the Queen, well done! Now there are no obstacles to this! This is before - no nannies, no children's food in stores, no diapers. And now the beauty: if you can’t feed yourself, there are wonderful mixtures. No time - find a good nanny. For example, I have two nannies, plus both of Ksyusha’s grandmothers, who actively help. - There is a problem in the “Health” program surrogacy discussed in more detail. Even figures appeared - the services of a surrogate mother cost an average of 25 thousand dollars - both in Moscow and in California. Moreover, if in California the rights of biological parents are protected by law, then in Russia a surrogate mother may not give up the child she carried, and any court will be on her side. - Yes, for some the operation is expensive, but I have not become poor. The birth of Ksyusha cost us approximately the amount you mentioned. Naturally, we made sure that this woman ate very well; special people monitored her diet. This is a pregnancy caused by in vitro fertilization. It requires special injections, vitamins, and pills. Accordingly, the costs. As for the protection of my maternal rights, my protection is my name. Although, I admit that our other women may face extortion, blackmail, and reluctance to return the child. Our surrogate mother - a beautiful woman, before Ksyusha gave birth to two healthy children. The most important thing is a mentally healthy, stable person. She faces the difficult task of carrying my child to term normally, while providing financially for her two own children. This is a simple Russian woman from the provinces. My friends suggested it.

You've made nine failed attempts to carry your own child in person. Is it a trait of your character to fight to the last, or after so many attempts, thoughts like: “Shouldn’t I do like my friend Tanya Ovsienko, who took her Igor from the orphanage?” - I believed that a miracle would happen. When they suggested to us that we could use the services of a surrogate mother, I did not believe in success, although my husband believed immediately. I reasoned something like this: “If it didn’t work out for me, then some auntie won’t be able to do it.” I was already prepared to call the orphanages and look for the child. But then at the end of summer they called me and said: “Len, why don’t you send money? The child is growing up! Your child!” I immediately: “How? Didn’t anything fly out?” I started to go hysterical with happiness. - Surely, you are interested in the question: “What if the surrogate mother is unable to bear a child?” In this case, there is probably some kind of advance payment, an incentive for righteous torment? - There is a contract. Even though according to Russian laws it does not have legal force, it is still a document certified by a notary. This is a delicate matter, here, by and large, it all depends on how you agree with the surrogate mother, what you agree on with her.

Borya gave Moiseev a family

Why did you call one Borya Moiseev to be your girl’s godfather?

With the godmother, everything was clear right away - she was Tanya, my school friend from Saratov. As for the godfather, the question remained open for a long time. Why did I think then about Bor Moiseev? I remembered how we sat with him on tour and he spoke on his favorite topic - the topic of loneliness. This is only for you, for journalists, Borya is a merry fellow, Borya is wow! So I thought: we are very friends, he is soon fifty years old and we need to give him something. And I decided: “I’ll give him a family!” I called and said: “Borya, how do you feel about becoming our daughter’s godfather? The day after tomorrow is the christening, we’ve already agreed with the priest, and he doesn’t object to your candidacy.” To which Borya replies: “This will be the happiest day of my life!”

“You see how you managed to pacify Borya: he threatened that he would give birth himself to spite his enemies!”

If he wants to give birth himself, I, as godfather, will help him. I’ll find him a surrogate mother, we’ll take a donor egg... - As Moiseev’s godfather, you should, of course, know more precisely: according to some sources, he already has a son, although he is sick... - Borya is the godfather of this boy. - With what God-parents gifted your daughter?- The godmother gave me a gold cross. And Borya brought five bags of gifts - toys in unlimited quantities and bed linen, including blankets for five, seven and ten years. That is, he provided a dowry for many years to come. I asked: “Borya, where is so much?” And he answers: “How do I know what to buy, especially for a girl? I don’t really know what they look like.” To which I told him: “Please, look, this is what the girl looks like.”

Scared a maniac to death

You, Alena, are a young lady from Saratov. A popular hit says that “there are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov.” Didn't these lights, for an hour, determine your subsequent stellar destiny?

- There really are a lot of “golden lights” in Saratov. But, alas, not on the same street where I spent my youth. It bears the appropriate name - “2nd Caucasian Dead End”. The cul-de-sac itself consists of four houses and is adjacent to the city dump, railway and aircraft factory. What can happen to people from such a “dead end”? Someone drank himself to death, someone sat down.

I heard from your fellow countrymen that in your “famous” area after seven in the evening it was dangerous for a man to show his nose on the street, and even more so for a timid girl! - When I was fifteen years old, when I was studying at a music school, a terrible moment took place in my life. May, beauty, the first spring rain has passed. I go, enjoy myself, completely impressed by the philharmonic concert. And behind me is a man in a hood. When I had already gone up to the apartment and began to close my umbrella, he suddenly grabbed me from behind. I then had enough strength to scream shrilly, and a stir was heard in the apartment: they were waiting for me from the concert and were not sleeping. The man got scared and ran away. This is the result of my first rendezvous with a maniac. - Tell me how you got into the “Combination”.- I studied at the Saratov Conservatory, and during the holidays I was offered to sing in a girls’ pop group. I was skeptical about the stage, but they promised ten rubles, and I agreed. And this was suggested to me by two crazy people, in a good way. Now deceased Sasha Shishinin and now famous composer Vitaly Okorokov. It was 1988, “Tender May” was booming. We recorded our first phonograms in the basement of one of the Saratov restaurants. Sasha Shishinin immediately set his sights on Moscow: I don’t know who he gave and what kind of bribes he gave, but we immediately went on a very cool tour program “Disco on Wheels by Sergei Minaev.” In ridiculous suits with sequins, sewn by our own grandmothers. There were no decent shoes, and such concepts as makeup artists and stage hairstyles were completely absent: so, they themselves were something of a blunder. Somehow we ended up in the same dressing room with Moscow girls who worked as backup singers for Seryozha Minaev. So we, five Saratov "combined girls", looked at them tall, stylish, in foreign rags and super fashionable hairstyles with slack jaws. We understood that we cared about such girls as we cared about the Moon, but there was some wild desire to show that we were not cut out for it either. Well, then “Combination” thundered its hits throughout the country.

- They thundered all over the country, and for a long time they ended up at the Paveletsky station, then in a rented apartment...

We did not have residence permits, registrations, or even “bread” cards, which were used to sell food in Moscow stores under Gaidar. I remember going up to the cash register, the cashier was blasting a tape recorder with the song “American Fight” all over the grocery store, but she wouldn’t give me any bread! And that we lived at the station at first... It used to be that we would come to one performance in Moscow, perform, hang out at the station (things in the storage room!) and immediately leave further along the tour route. Shishinin invested all the money in our promotion: recording new songs, gifts to the right people. Then they all rented an apartment together, but soon they began to get tired of each other. When they started earning more, they rented separate apartments. -Didn’t you feel lonely in Moscow? The same Tanya Ivanova in those days was absorbed in a whirlwind romance, but you seem to not... - And I didn’t have time for novels! After all, we came to Moscow to do business, not to have affairs or look for Muscovite men. Recordings, studios, filming, tours... These are not the kind of tours that everyone has now: there were six to eight concerts a day. If we went to any city, then for at least two weeks. - Maybe that’s why you didn’t have a craving for novels, because you still had, albeit small, but still the experience of marriage with a Saratov artist named Apin.

This is just a short episode from my youth. - You worked in the “Combination” for three years, until at one of the concerts you met Alexander Iratov, who at that time headed the team of Vyacheslav Malezhik... It seems that there were a lot of grievances addressed to you together - both from the “Combination” and from Malezhik himself ... - At the dawn of “Combination,” our Sasha Shishinin ran around to famous Moscow producers and showed our records. So, producer Iratov He was immediately pleased: “Throw these records in the trash, and send your girls home to Saratov!” And already in 1991, the “girls” filled stadiums all over the country, their songs were sung on every corner, and they were invited to tour to America and Switzerland. As for me, about Apina, there in heaven, apparently, they decided: “Well, girl, you coped with this task, now let’s cope with another one - get married successfully.”

Iratov got drunk and then got married

Well, probably, love happened first, and then the process of “getting married” itself.

Naturally. Everything happened on the set in Tashkent. It immediately clicked in my head: I should be together with this person. Sasha likes to tease me that I have calculated everything, that it’s all for self-interest, that he’s a famous producer, and I’m nobody!

Oh, such lace was woven there! First of all, I got to know all his friends. I slipped him my phone and figured out that I needed some Yamaha keys. After Tashkent, we didn’t see each other for a month, although when I met his friends, I constantly conveyed greetings to him. And then our mutual friend says: “Why don’t you call yourself, he’s constantly asking about you.” I called, he made an appointment, and we went to a restaurant. I was very worried and drank a lot that evening. Sasha only drinks vodka, so that’s what he ordered. So I practically drank all this vodka along with him. He says to me: “I never thought you were such a drunk!” I answer that I’m not a drunk, but I’m just very worried. To which he said: “It’s impossible to let you go alone in this state, I have to accompany you.” The next morning we woke up husband and wife. So I got him drunk and fooled him.

This is where the difficulties began. Sasha had to decide, me or Slava Malezhik. By the way, Malezhik long years He didn’t talk to me afterwards: according to all the scenarios, it turned out that his wife pulled the capable producer away from the famous artist and onto herself. And with Sasha Iratov we lived for a very long time just like that, without a registry office. Then it turned out that my friend Tanya Ovsienko got married, Sasha and I were their witnesses Volodya Dubovitsky at the wedding. There I approached my boyfriend Sasha: “Well, when are we going?” He: “Why? And everything is cool!” And we had our first major scandal. I slammed the door and said that I didn’t want to be “just”, but I wanted to be a “pillar noblewoman”. As a result, Sasha gave in, and I became a wife and a legal Muscovite.


* A surrogate mother is healthy woman, who agrees, on the basis of an agreement (contract), after artificial insemination, to bear and give birth to a child for another family. * Conception occurs in specialized conditions medical institution(without sexual intercourse), for which the egg and sperm of an infertile couple are used. * Usually, the services of a surrogate mother are used by couples in which the wife is unable to give birth. The fertilized egg of the biological mother is transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother using a special thin catheter tube. This procedure is called IVF - in vitro fertilization.

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