St. Simeon the myrrh-streaming. Savva the Serbian and Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming

Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming is a significant figure in the Orthodox world. His image is immortalized on an icon that protects and saves from the most terrible misfortune.

The icon of Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming is known for its miraculous powers. It's no secret that prayer images are indispensable helpers in difficult life situations. But many people whose lives are marked by unbearable grief turn to the image of the saint every day. Christian believers from every corner of our country strive for this shrine. This unique icon helps people in need of help, especially married couples who cannot have children.

History of the icon

The icon was painted in honor of the King of Serbia - Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming. This was a great prince who believed in the Lord and preached the Orthodox faith to the people. He did a lot for his state, worked to unify the lands. In history, his name occupies an important place; it was Simeon who was the defender of his people from the attacks of enemies.

At the age of 82, he and his eldest son went to Mount Athos. There they led a righteous life, observing fasts in all their severity, praying with all sincerity and helping the poor and needy with all selflessness. Simeon and his son Savva, later the saint and patron of the Serbian lands, founded the Hilendar monastery, where people from all over the world later began to arrive.

Where is the image

The shrine can be found in the Moscow Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
The first icon, which is considered the original icon of Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming, is located in the Hilendar monastery on Mount Athos.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Monk Simeon in the robes of a priest. In his left hand he holds an open package. Often the saint is depicted as a wise and timid old man. The icon is literally imbued with holiness and righteousness and reflects the features of a warlike, but peace-loving and humble ruler.

There are lists where Simeon is depicted together with his son Savva. Father and son majestically and in full height appear before believers.

How does the image of Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming help?

The icon has the power and strength to convey all your prayers for children and speedy conception to Saint Simeon. The monk heeds every request, patronizing married couples, happy lives and the well-being of children. He has the power to repel the blows of fate, especially from those whose life is a test.

The God-loving ruler answers every prayer with care and tenderness. The main thing is not to stop believing and sincerely ask the saint to illuminate your life.

Days of celebration

Prayer before the icon

“Oh, Holy Simeon! I am on my knees before you in prayer! Pray for me before the Lord and cleanse my soul from earthly sins! Grant me healing and a strong, healthy child! Forgive me, a sinner, and do not let the forces leave me! Heal me from all illnesses and give me will. Deliver me from sadness, anger and resentment. May I glorify your name. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen".

The image of St. Simeon helps when worldly possibilities are no longer powerless. For a long time, pilgrims from all over the world came to holy places for his intercession with the Lord. Leaving Mount Athos, which is accessible only to men, believers were greeted with pleasant news: everyone who prayed before the holy face received what they were going for. We wish you happiness and success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.09.2017 05:38

Miracle Prayers often help in life. A little-known, but extremely effective prayer to Saint Martha will help you...

Often parents think that they know much better how their children should walk through this life. But what will bring a person real happiness - following advice that he does not like, or decisions made independently?

Rastko, the heir to the Serbian ruler Stefan, was sure that his father did not understand anything about the true purpose of his son. The young man eagerly paced the small room at the back of the castle. Rastko was waiting for the guest and hoped that the court would not notice their absence. It was the 12th century, and no one had even heard of the fact that children could go against the will of their parents. And so Rastko had to hide his intentions.

He was the youngest of Stephen's three sons and the most capable. Despite his young years, he had long surpassed his brothers in teaching and showed much more wisdom. It is not surprising that Stephen was going to place him on the throne after himself.

The young man was given the best education and raised in piety - after all, a ruler must be not only smart, but also fair. What will a prince who does not adhere to high moral principles lead his people to? Stefan, himself an illustrious ruler who rightfully earned the love of the people, was proud of his son. The boy would grow into a worthy successor, his father believed. But Stefan, completely immersed in state affairs, had no idea what his son really dreamed of.

And Rastko wanted to go to a monastery. The splendor of the princely court did not appeal to him at all, and with all his heart he sought to find out how the monks lived. That evening the young man still waited for a guest - a Russian monk. He told Rastko about Mount Athos and, seeing how his eyes lit up, advised him to go there.

At first, Rastko, like an obedient son, carefully talked about this with his father. But Stefan only got angry. Serbia cannot lose such a promising ruler! The prince almost put his son under lock and key. What nonsense will come into a young head! We need to find Rastko good wife, and other thoughts will leave him. Having decided so, the father calmed down and released his son.

Having learned about the upcoming wedding, the young man realized: he had to run, otherwise his dream would become unattainable. Pretending that he wanted to hunt, Rastko packed his things and went to see his old guest. The monk was very surprised to see who visited him. And he was even more amazed when he heard that Rastko was begging to be escorted to Athos. The young man was so adamant that the monk finally agreed...

Stefan, confident that his son had long changed his mind about becoming a monk, did not immediately come to his senses. The prince guessed everything only when Rastko safely reached the Holy Mountain. A squad was urgently sent for him. The warriors breathed a sigh of relief when they discovered that Rastko was walking around Mount Athos in secular clothes. This meant that he had not yet taken monastic vows and could be returned home tomorrow. Therefore, the squad relaxed, not knowing how much Rastko wanted to become a monk. When the warriors woke up in the morning, he had already changed his usual outfit to a black cassock...

Stefan was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He was unhappy with Rastko's action because it left Serbia without a truly outstanding ruler. But would it be of any use to him if all he thought about was monasticism? And Stefan resigned himself. All the same, if he had insisted on his own, no good would have come of it. The father accepted Rastko's decision and made his other son heir.

Rastko, a monastic Savva, was happy that he had achieved what his soul was striving for. After waiting several years, he began to write letters to his father and tell him how good monastic life was. Stefan read them with trepidation. The stern monarch softened in last years and was finally ready to listen to his son. In his messages, Savva urged him to renounce wealth and devote the rest of his life to God. Impressed by the spiritual joy of his son and inspired by his example, the elderly prince transferred the throne to his middle son and accepted monasticism with the name Simeon. After that he went to Athos.

Savva was incredibly glad that he and his father were now united by the monastic rank. Together they began to build the Serbian Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos. However, Simeon did not live long after the completion of construction work. The years took their toll, and the elder died peacefully.

Having buried his father, Savva, remaining a monk, continued the work of his father-monarch. In Serbia, he reconciled the warring older brothers and contributed to ending the war with Hungary, and created an independent Serbian Orthodox Church.

Many great deeds glorified Savva. But he never forgot how it all began, how he ran away from home to become a monk. He decided to violate his father’s will because he was convinced that this was how he fulfilled the will of God. A difficult decision made in his youth led to the holiness of not only Savva himself, but also his father. The relics of Father Simeon are endowed with the rare gift of myrrh-streaming, and the tomb bears fruit - a grapevine grows from it for many centuries, through the clusters of which the Lord brings healing from infertility to thousands of married couples from all over the world.

From the editor. In continuation of the material about the shrines of Athos, at the numerous requests of friends of our museum website, especially readers, a short note about the miraculous vine of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming in the Serbian monastery of Hilandar ( see photo). She became famous for her healing power to resolve infertility of spouses, which has become a mass phenomenon these days, as evidenced by the crowds of suffering women at the waist Holy Mother of God, brought to Russia from Holy Mount Athos:

It should be noted that both the “belts” of the Virgin Mary from Vatopedi and the vine seeds of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming of Hilandar can be completely freely received as an Athonite blessing by all who hope to get rid of their illness, if you send your petition by mail to the address of these monasteries ( see below).

Blessing of the Serbian Royal Lavra, HILENDAR monastery. Holy Mount Athos

On the southern side of the Hilendar Cathedral Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, every pilgrim is struck by a highly grown and highly branched vine, bent down and forming, as it were, a gazebo from its branches ( see photo). Its stem comes out of the wall at a height of one and a half meters from the ground, from the tomb of St. Simeon (Stefan Nemanja), which is located next to the same wall, on the inside of the temple ( see photo).

The Hilendar legend about this 800-year-old vine reads: “When seven years had passed since the death of Saint Simeon (February 13, 1200) and when Saint Sava came from the Kareya cell to the monastery in order to prepare the transfer of the relics of Saint Simeon to Serbia, so that To promote the reconciliation of their warring brothers, the monks of Hilendar cried inconsolably. Then Saint Simeon appeared in a dream to Abbot Methodius and said that his relics needed to be transferred to his homeland, but as a consolation to the Hilendar brothers, a vine would grow from his empty tomb; and as long as it bears fruit, his blessing will rest on Hilendar.”

The fact that this vine has survived to this day and that every year, without exception, it bears rich fruit, although it receives no other care other than pruning, and no measures are taken against Phylloxera or other diseases and pests, is a great thing. The miracle of God is the greatest moral consolation and spiritual encouragement for our Hilendar brotherhood and for all believing Serbs in general.

But this is not the only reason why this vine is exceptional. It also has another property. Its fruits resolve the infertility of spouses who, through faith and prayer, take this miraculous remedy. .

The oldest surviving legend about this dates back to 1585, when a Turk brought his first-born son to leave him in Hilendar to serve God, for he received him, like his other children, after eating the grapes of Saint Simeon.

From then until now, our holy monastery has been constantly distributing this miraculous grape to pilgrims or delivering by mail to those who contact it with a letter. Once upon a time, pilgrims from Russia came in droves to the Holy Mountain and asked for these grapes in large numbers. Now they are asking for it from all over Greece, because, especially recently, the results from its use are amazing.

Here it will be useful to cite one incident, instructive for those who want to someday taste the grapes of St. Simeon. We will talk about Mrs. Catherine R. from Thessaloniki, who suggested that her husband ask for St. Simeon’s grapes from Hilendar. But he did not agree to this, because he lacked faith. However, his wife took the trouble to obtain these grapes herself in other ways and began to follow the instructions about its use, fulfilling that part of the duties that, according to the instructions, her husband was also supposed to perform. When the Lord blessed them with the first conception, this woman told her husband about her deed; and since then this family, driven by a feeling of gratitude, has maintained constant contact with our monastery.

And the Serbs, since ancient times, when the Khnlendar monks walked among their people, knew about this miraculous grape. In our Hilendar, manuals for its use printed in old times have been preserved to this day. But in recent decades, the Serbs have not asked for it, and younger generations no longer even know about it.

After the screening of the “Film about Hilendar”, our compatriots both at home and abroad have recently again learned everything they need to know about the vine of St. Simeon. The first person who, after watching this film, asked for grapes from this vine, and then received children, was Brother Nicola J. from Worcester (England).

Since the demand for St. Simeon’s grapes has now increased from the Serbian side, the administration of our monastery decided to new form publish that old manual about the use of this miraculous grape

Since the people of our time have weakened in faith, and every miracle, not excluding this one, manifested through the grapes of St. Simeon requires strong faith, then before consuming this miraculous grape you need to prepare yourself for it accordingly.

Here is just one example of this. Recently, again in Thessaloniki, such a case occurred. One priest, who had no children, took some of Saint Simeon’s grapes while passing through our Hilendar, but hesitated in consuming it. One day a certain parishioner asked him to get her some of these grapes, and he willingly gave her his. Some time later, on one of Sundays, after the Holy Liturgy, this woman, all illuminated with joy, again thanked this priest for that gift. "... If I had faith I would have children today “, this priest told us just recently when he passed through our monastery again.


There is no better textbook for teaching faith than the Holy Scriptures, and there is no best place and time to live by faith than our daily life. Our Lord Jesus Christ always asked the one on whom he performed a miracle of healing: “Do you believe?” Or after healing He said to the healed person: “Your faith has saved you!” So, our faith is always a precondition for the Lord to show His power over us.

We recommend, therefore, to teach faith, reading chapter 11 of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews, which especially talks about faith, its power and its significance in our lives. You should also read the parallel passages given in the margins of this chapter.

But since our faith is supported and increased by fervent prayer, then we need to devote our attention to it. Special attention. Those who live in prayerful communion with the Lord take His promises from Holy Scripture, as in, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7) or “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you” (Mark 11:24), and they ask the Lord - but they ask stubbornly! - so that He would fulfill these promises on them. And He, being our Heavenly Father, always willingly does this to us, for the Lord Jesus Christ tells us in the Holy Gospel: “So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him? "(Matthew 7:11).

And our holy fathers Simeon and Sava were moved by strong faith to leave worldly glory and come to the Holy Mountain and from their Hilendar, again with faith, to revive their entire Serbian people, serving them to this day before the Lord. Let them serve as an example and encouragement for you, infertile parents, to believe in the fulfillment of your parental desire to have children. Pray to them that they will support your faith and complement your prayer with their intercession before the throne of the Most High Life-Giver.

We beg the spouses whom the Lord, after eating the grapes of St. Simeon, blessed with children, inform our Office about this, so that from time to time printed messages about this will strengthen the faith of other childless spouses.

Those who, by God's blessing, wish to have the fruit of their womb should turn with prayers to Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming, who, after leaving his Serbian kingdom, was an ascetic on Holy Mount Athos. He built the Hilendar monastery, in which, after many great labors during his godly life, he died; and for this he received from God the gift of working miracles: resolving the infertility of those spouses who resort to him with faith.

To do this, take grapes and twigs from that grapevine, which miraculously grew from the very tomb of St. Simeon. You need to take three grapes and one piece of cut vine. This piece is dipped in half an oka (650 grams) of blessed water, and both spouses drink this water on an empty stomach for 40 days. Then the husband eats one grape, and the wife eats the remaining two. During these 40 days, the spouses must adhere to the following rule: eat only fast food and perform fifty prostrations daily: 25 in the morning with the prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us” and 25 in the evening with the prayer “Reverend Father Simeon, pray to God.” about Us". Anyone who wishes can double the bows, i.e. add another fifty bows a day with the prayer “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.” During this entire time, the spouses must have a separate bed. After these 40 days, the spouses must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and then the Lord according to their faith with His blessing He bestows the fruit of their womb.

After conception, throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, spouses must completely cease marital relations and live in purity. From the life of the prophet Samuel, we see that his mother Anna nursed her son Samuel for three years, living all this time separately from her marital bed in purity, and after that she had more children, although everyone considered her barren, for “everyone wants God, the order of nature is overcome,” and the birth of children is a gift of God, and not a human invention, for the Lord says: “I am the creator of man and the spirit in man.” The Apostle commands parents to remain in fasting and prayer and to subordinate marital pleasures to higher purposes, so that “those who have wives may be as if they had not” (1 Cor. 7:29). After this, he convinces the spouses not to be slaves of the flesh, but to live in the spirit, for all Christians are called by God not to impurity, but to holiness.

Let's look at animals, which, according to the law of nature given to them by God even at the creation of the whole world, and to this day strictly observe this law with absolute accuracy, for after the conception of the fetus they do not allow copulation, not only after birth, but also during the entire period of feeding the baby . But man, as you can see for yourself, becomes to some extent a beast and, indulging in passionate lusts, forgets about his dignity given to him by God, Who created him in his own image and in his likeness - and thereby violates the law God damages nature and thereby evokes the righteous wrath of God on his offspring. The consequences of God’s righteous wrath are also the following: infidelity of spouses, frustration and all kinds of sorrow, incurable diseases from which children suffer, early and untimely death of a husband or wife, as well as children dear to them. And who could list the terrible manifestations of God’s wrath over spouses who have lost the fear of God and moved along the path of carnal wisdom, which is the enemy of God, and over those who do not submit to God and His law. Such kill their children and their offspring up to the third and fourth generation and deprive themselves forever of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spouses must, even before the resolution of their infertility, strictly follow the church rules and fulfill the church rules established for spouses, namely: marital beds must be separated from one another on the night before holidays and Sundays, on the eve of Wednesday and Friday, during all four established The Church fasts, especially during the Great Pentecost, i.e. Great Lent. The rest of the time they can use in chastity and fear of God for married life. For the Lord gave man a wife as a help for life together, and blessed them, and said: “Grow and multiply”; but not for the sake of lustful sensuality, which knows neither time nor measure in its intemperance.

Therefore, we ask you, blessed Christians, our spiritual children in Christ Jesus and dear brothers in baptism: keep your holy marriage in all purity and righteousness of God, following all the commandments of God, and then the Heavenly Doctor of soul and body will resolve your infertility, and you will see the blessing of the Almighty to your family. And for doing works of your mercy to needy brothers in Christ, you will not only receive the gift of having children, but also inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, promised to those who love God, and you will be in communion with all works of mercy that pleased God, in which may our True Lord Jesus Christ help us , through the intercession of His Most Pure and Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, through the prayers of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streamer, the Wonderworker, and all the saints of Mount Athos: may we all inherit the blessed end of life and move from this temporary life to eternal life, where we will glorify the All-Holy Name of the Most Holy, Life-Giving and Undivided One forever Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

(Published by the Hilendar Monastery. Holy Mount Athos. 1966)

Hilandar Monastery Address: MONASTERE HILANDAR 63086, KARYES, MOUNT ATHOS, GREECE Phone: 8-10-30-23770-23797

In order to receive the berries of the healing vine, you just need to write a letter to Mount Athos and indicate in it the names of the spouses in Holy Baptism. The monks do not need any money - it is completely free. In about a month and a half, an envelope with 3 berries will arrive from Athos, with detailed instructions in Russian how to eat them and with the message that the brethren of the Hilandar monastery began to intensively pray to God for the suffering for 40 days, so that the Lord would relieve them of the burden of this illness. The only thing you need to do is pay for the postal parcel (within a dollar) upon receipt at the post office. And the Hilandar brothers also ask that when your baby begged from God is born, you inform them about it and, if possible, send a photo (see video:

Stefan Nemanja was first a zupan, that is, the ruling prince of a small principality, then he became the great zupan of Serbia, and finally united under his rule all the lands where the Serbs lived.

Like his father, he was somewhat dependent on the Byzantine emperor, but then became a completely independent ruler of Serbia. All this happened in the 12th century.

As for the religious dependence of Serbia, it should be noted that Serbia was at first dependent on Rome in ecclesiastical terms.

But then Stefan Nemanja saw that Catholicism, the further time goes, the more and more it becomes an obstacle to both Orthodoxy and the free development of its people. Having recognized this, he decided to break all ties with papism and carried out his intention.

First of all, he solemnly accepted a second baptism according to the Orthodox rite. In the future, he firmly adhered to Orthodoxy, thanks to which he acquired the universal love of the Serbs who adhered to the Orthodox faith. Therefore, when he was attacked by zhupans hostile to him, as well as by his own brothers, the people took his side.

In this struggle, God did not leave Stephen without His heavenly help. So, when one day the brothers brought Hungarians, Germans and Greeks against him, one priest had a vision that consoled Stefan Nemanja. A certain warrior appeared to this priest at night and when the priest asked who he was, he answered: “I am Christ’s servant George, I was sent to help your sovereign Stephen.” And indeed, Stefan won a brilliant victory over his enemies. Thanks to this victory, his brothers had to humble themselves and renounce all relations with the Pope.

The pious Stephen showed no less persistence in the fight against Arianism, which had taken root in Serbia. He convened a council at which Arianism was condemned. Stefan Nemanja also fought against the Bogomil heresy and the remnants of paganism that still persisted in the remote places of Serbia.

Thanks to the efforts of the pious prince, the unity of the holy faith was established in Serbia. Pure Christianity infused life, order and strength into the political body of Serbia. Stefan returned to Serbia the indigenous Slavic settlements occupied by the Greeks and elevated the Serbian people, although this cost him a long struggle.

Loving the holy Orthodox faith, Stefan Nemanja zealously built hearths and strongholds of the Christian faith - monasteries. St.'s concerns Stephen also extended this to the parish clergy.

The essence of the activities of this pious prince was especially well presented by his son St. Savva. The latter wrote to Stephen, his father: “Moved by the Apostolic spirit, you enlightened your people with Orthodoxy, destroyed heresies, overthrew demonic temples and erected churches to God. Now all that remains for you is to fulfill the words of the Son of God, who says in the Gospel: “If anyone wants to come after Me, deny yourself (that is, do not think about your own benefits), take up your cross and follow Me.”

Stefan took these words to heart and decided to put this advice into practice. He gathered nobles and people chosen from the people and announced to them his desire to leave the world and take monastic vows; he passed the throne to his eldest son Stephen, who later became the First Crowned King of Serbia. In vain they tried to persuade Stefan Nemanja to reverse his decision; he was adamant. Soon Stefan was, to his joy, tonsured a monk with the name Simeon; his wife followed suit.

St. Simeon first labored in the Studenitsa monastery, then moved to Athos to join his son. Here he settled in the Vatopedi monastery. Together with his son, he underwent various ascetic deeds, fasted and often prayed to God. Soon a happy thought came to his mind - to build a monastery on Mount Athos where only Serbs could become monks. Choosing a place for such a monastery, St. Simeon and St. Savva came across the deserted Hilandar monastery. The Greeks, however, did not want to give it to them. Then Savva turned to the abbot of the entire Holy Mount Athos, and he provided them with Hilandar. The Hilandar monastery was quickly rebuilt and soon received the rights of an independent monastery. There was no shortage of Serbian monks.

But St. did not have to live long. Simeon in Hilandar: only 8 months old. Feeling the approach of death, he asked the brethren of the monastery to pray for him, to transfer his body to Serbia and not to forget the Serbian land and the Church. At midnight, despite his weakness, he received Holy Communion and was dressed in all his monastic attire. The great moment has arrived. Having said: “Thank God for everything,” he fell into oblivion. In the morning, the brethren came to the sick man to check on him. Surrounding him, they wept, but the monk with a joyful face looked at the image of the Savior and whispered: “Let every breath praise the Lord.” The Monk Simeon died peacefully on February 13 (26), 1200, at 86 years of age.

His relics were discovered a year after his death. His marble coffin was filled with fragrant myrrh. Everyone who saw this was amazed and exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!” The sick, possessed by evil spirits, being anointed with myrrh, received healing. Therefore St. Simeon is called in ancient monuments only as the “myrrh-streamer.”

In 1202, when internecine warfare was devastating Serbia, the Hungarian king Emeric invaded the country with his army. He granted Vukan (one of the sons of Stefan Nemanja, who rebelled against his older brother Stefan) the grand-ducal throne and gave his consent to his coronation and elevation to royal dignity, but on the condition of recognizing the supreme power of the Hungarian king over Serbia; at the same time, Emeric added the title of King of Serbia to his title.

The bloody war devastated Serbia, Stefan fought back with difficulty, and at this time he turned to his brother, Saint Sava. Stefan asked Sava to bring the relics of their father, Venerable Stefan Nemanja, to Serbia to save the country. Stefan wrote:
“My brother neglected the will of his father and his master - he brought foreigners to his fatherland, took it and devastated it, without obeying the commandment of God: honor your father and mother. But we did not trust in our weapons, but in the power of the Lord, the Savior Jesus Christ. And they were not deceived in their hope. Having overthrown them by His power, the Lord returned them to His fatherland. I ask you, Reverend Father Savva, bring the fragrant relics of the saint. After your departure, our land became desecrated by our iniquities, drenched in blood, captured by foreigners, our enemies overpowered us, and out of mutual hatred we became a laughing stock for our neighbors. Perhaps, through your holy prayers, your coming to us, the all-merciful God will have mercy on us and will gather together those who are scattered and put our opponents to shame.”

Saint Sava heeded Stefan's request and arrived in Serbia with the relics of his father. Vukan, out of respect for his father, came to meet the relics, and having witnessed miracles from them, according to Savva, he swore an oath not to disturb his brother in his legal rights.

Thus, the transfer of the relics of St. Simeon served to establish peace on Serbian land. The holy relics of St. Simeon were placed in the Studenica Monastery, where they rest today.

Troparion of St. Stephen, in monasticism of Simeon, King of Serbia, the myrrh-streamer, tone 3

Having been enlightened by divine grace, / and after death you show the lightness of your life, / you exude the fragrance of myrrh / flowing to the race of your relics, / and you have guided your people to the light of God’s understanding, / Simeon our Father, / pray to Christ God / to grant us great mercy.

The monastery of Hilandar, the sacred builders / and the lamps of Athos, the praise of Serbia, / the greatest Simeon, the venerable majesty, / and his wonderful family, the saint, - I say, - Savva, / come according to the honors, saying: / pray to Christ God / for your flock, blessed ,/ and about the Church being freer from circumstances.

Common Troparion of the Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-Breaking One and his son, Saint Sava the First, Archbishop of Serbia, tone 1

Who are the warm intercessors in sorrows and misfortunes, / Simeon the God-Bearing and the High Hierarch Savva, / let us fall to him with faith, / as through their prayers we deliver from misfortunes, / according to the duty of good

Let us glorify the Savior and God, saying: / glory to Him who gave you strength, / glory to Him who glorified miracles, / glory to Him who delivered us from sorrows through your prayers.

Kontakion of St. Stephen, in monasticism of Simeon, King of Serbia, Myrrh-streaming, tone 6

Having loved the life of angels on earth, / worldliness and the world abandoned, / you followed Christ, Simeon, with fasting, / you apostolically instructed those who love you without courage, crying: / love God as He loved us.

The general kontakion of the Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-streaming and his son, Saint Sava the First, Archbishop of Serbia

Having loved the life above, glorious, / despised the life that exists on earth. / For this reason, in the highest, the Angels are always rejoicing, / pray for us all.

Kontakion of St. Stephen, in monasticism of Simeon, King of Serbia, Myrrh-streaming, voice 2

The yoke of Christ was received, Simeon, / and the Cross followed Him, / planted in the house of the Lord, prosperous, like a date, / like a cedar, like in Lebanon, you multiplied your children, / a man of spiritual desires, a miracle worker who appeared, / Pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

General kontakion of the Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-streamer and his son, Saint Sava the First, Archbishop of Serbia

Today Simeon and Savva, blessed, have come in the spirit, / saving their flock from the circumstances: / these who preached the Trinity of the One God, / the affirmation appeared to the Church, / the Myrrh-streamer in the saints and the miracle worker in the saints: / these, even in the battles of the insurmountable defenders, appeared, / Praise of Mount Athos and the Serbian people's fortress.

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Life of St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming (in the world of Stephen)

Born in 1114 from zhu-pa-na Da-vi-da, Stefan (Si-me-on in mo-na-she-stve) was the youngest of the four-you-reh sy-no-vey. Even at an early age he ruled so wisely and blissfully that after the death of his father he was given -le-shaya most of the country; and then all his life he suffered from the wrath of his brothers. God consoled him by giving him the wife of Princess An-nu, the daughter of Vi-zan-tiy im-per-ra-to-ra. And they, having acquired holiness themselves, brought into the world two sons, who also became saints. Trying to turn Serbia into a right-glorious kingdom, the venerable Si-me-he raised and maintained many the number of churches in Serbia itself and throughout the Christian world. The crown of his life was the birth from the throne, when he succeeded his son, the saint. Lyu Sav-ve, aged 82 years. Together they visited the Holy Mountain, having founded the Serbian Khi-lan-Dar Monastery here. With a face like the axle of heavenly light, the venerable Si-me-he thought of Bo-z at the age of 86 years. His powers remained soft and warm and gave off a gentle peace. When Saint Sav-va returned to Serbia, he brought with him the relics of his father, and all the people were witness -due to the fact that Simeon's body was still warm and you looked alive, he seemed to be sleeping. At the present time, his relics remain in the Stu-de-nits-com monastery, which he erected and in -then began his mo-na-she life. And to this day they offer God’s blessings to everyone who receives healing and consolation.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming

Enlightened by divine grace,/ and after death you show the brightness of your life,/ you exude the fragrance of myrrh/ flowing to the race of your relics,/ and you guided your people to the light of God’s understanding ,/ Our Father Simeon,/ Pray to Christ God // to grant us great mercy .

Translation: Having been enlightened by divine grace, even after death you show the lightness of your life, for you exude a fragrant fragrance to those who come to the shrine with you, and you direct people to the light of God's understanding, Simeon our father, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Troparion to Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming and his son, Saint Sava I, Archbishop of Serbia

The monastery of Hilandar, the holy builders/ and the lamps of Athos, I praise Serbia,/ the great Simeon, the blessed one,/ and his wonderful family, the saint, - I say, - come to Sabbas,/ according to the verb: / pray to Christ God / for your flock, blessed one ,// and about the Church being freer from circumstances.

Translation: The monastery of Hilandar, the sacred builders and Mount Athos of lamps, the praise of Serbia, the greatest Simeon, the venerable adornment, and his amazing relative, Saint Savva, come unanimously to honor, crying out: “Pray to Christ God for yours, blessed ones, and for the Church to be free from disasters "

Troparion to Saint Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming and his son, Saint Sava I, Archbishop of Serbia

And warm intercessors in sorrows and misfortunes, / Simeon the God-bearing and Savva the High Hierarch, / let us fall to him with faith, / as through our prayers we deliver them from misfortunes, / according to duty First let us glorify the Savior and God, saying:/ Glory to Him who gave you strength,/ Glory to Him who glorified miracles, // Glory to Him who delivered us from sorrows through your prayers.

Translation: Having zealous defenders in and around us, Simeon and Savva the High Hierarch, let us turn to them with faith, so that through their prayers we can get rid of temptations, as we should glorify the Savior and God in the Orthodox way, crying out: “Glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him who glorified you with miracles, glory to Him who delivered us from sorrow through your prayers.”

Kontakion to St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming

Having loved the angelic life on earth, / the world and the world forsaken, / you followed with mercy to Christ, Simeon, / you apostolically instructed those who love you, crying: “Love God as He loves us.

Translation: Having fallen in love with the angelic life on earth, your passion for the worldly and the world itself, leaving the world itself, you followed Christ with fasting, Simeon, and you apostolically directed those who loved you to Him, crying out: “Love God, just as He loved us.”

Kontakion to St. Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming

The yoke of Christ was received, Simeon, / and the Cross followed Him everywhere, / planted in the house of the Lord, prospering like a phoenix, / like the cedar tree in Lebanon, you multiplied your children, / the man you desired of the spiritual, the miracle worker appeared,/ / Pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Translation: Lifting the yoke of Christ, Simeon, and taking His Cross (), followed Him, planted in the house of the Lord, blossomed like a palm tree and like a cedar of Lebanon (), you increased your children, a man of spiritual aspirations, for you appeared as a miracle worker. Pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Kontakion to the Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming and his son, Saint Sava I, Archbishop of Serbia

You have loved the life on high, the glory, / despised the life on earth. / For this reason, in the highest, the Angels always rejoice, / / ​​pray for us all.

Translation: Having loved heavenly life, you glorified ones, you have despised earthly life. Therefore, always rejoicing in Heaven with the angels, pray for all of us.

Kontakion to the Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming and his son, Saint Sava I, Archbishop of Serbia

Today Simeon and Savva, blessed ones, have come in spirit, / are saving their flock from the circumstances: / for these preached the Trinity of the One God, / the affirmation appeared to the Church, / in the venerable Myrrh-streaming and miracle worker of the saints:/ this is why even in the battle of the unconquerable defenders she appeared, // Praise of Mount Athos and the people of the Serbian fortress.

Translation: Today Simeon and Sava, the blessed ones who came spiritually, are saving their flock from disasters, for they preached the One God Trinity, becoming the power of the Church, the myrrh-streaming venerable and miracle-working saint, for they became invincible defenders in battles, the honor of Athos and the strength of the Serbian people.

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