Tasks for practical work in the section “Adverbs. Aronian secretly hoped for Grischuk's mistakes in Opening II

    The authors of the longest game of the Tal Memorial were Alexander Grischuk and Hikaru Nakamura. Russian position for a long time was lost, the chess "Fish" assessed it as "-6.26" (which means White is hopeless). However, Grischuk’s daughter Masha, who was present at the game, asserted over and over again: “Dad will not lose.”

    After the game of the seventh round of the Tal Memorial against Alexei Shirov, Alexander Grischuk noted that the “two against one” rook endgame that appeared on the board had already been encountered in his practice. He played exactly the same position (“one-on-one,” Grischuk emphasized) last year at the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk. In order to remember this, Alexander needed sixteen minutes out of the remaining twenty.

    The fastest match not only in the tour, but in the entire Tal Memorial was the meeting between Shirov and Aronian. The chess players played a variant of the Marshall attack in the Spanish game, in which they had a heated discussion not for the first time, and did not find anything better than to repeat the moves.

    The Azerbaijani won another victory over Wang Hao. According to Mamedyarov, the Chinese did not make one blunder, but was simply gradually outplayed.

    And yet, if we highlight one moment in the game, then it is worth noting the unsuccessful move 22...Bh5, suggested Shahriyar.

    This is precisely the statement made by the American chess player in on his micro-blog Twitter shortly after the end of the game of the ninth round of the Tal Memorial with Alexander Grischuk. What happened in that fight Nakamura called "one of the most disappointing mistakes of my career."

    The match of the fourth round of the Tal Memorial between Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and Levon Aronian ended in a draw. Both chess players shared surprising information with reporters: during the game, each of them thought that they had an advantage.

    The game between Grischuk and Wang Hao ended faster than others in the third round of the Tal Memorial. Alexander called the variant of the Slavic Defense found in it “Chinese,” hinting that the move 7...Nb6 is used more often than others by Chinese chess players.

    Such a quick agreement to a draw can obviously be explained by the fact that Grischuk called his move 13.Be2 “very stupid.”

    In the fourth round of the Tal Memorial, Boris Gelfand and Alexander Grischuk signed a peace agreement after repeating their position twice. Formally, this does not comply with the “anti-draw” rules of the competition, and the judges tried to hint to the players to follow the rules. But, as Gelfand said, repeating the perpetual check three times is an outrage against common sense.

    Karjakin - Kramnik

    A change of generations is inevitable. It is difficult for experienced chess players to fight against young chess maniacs, armed to the teeth with computer-generated variations, possessing excellent memory, accurate counting and a large reserve of strength.

    Levon Aronian immediately after defeating Boris Gelfand in the third round of the Tal Memorial noted that Black's move 14...Bc7 should be considered a big mistake. After this, according to the winner, Black's position is hopeless.

The army team, who had not lost a single match in the first round of the playoffs over the previous three seasons, conceded only one goal in four meetings with the “red-whites” (6:0, 1:0, 3:1, 1:0). CSKA and Spartak played each other in the playoffs for the first time in KHL history.

From the ship to the ball

“Let’s hope it will play into our hands that the Olympians from CSKA have been very busy over the past week. It would be nice if they were taken to concerts even longer,” the head coach of Spartak said the day before the start of the series.

The army hockey players spent the week after their victory at the Olympics at receptions, award presentations, concerts and rallies, and the opening match of the series with Spartak was the first after their return for defenders, forwards, etc.

CSKA did not have any problems; the army team outscored the opponent 39-22 and sent six unanswered goals into the “red-white” goal. Maxim Shalunov, who scored a double, was the most zealous. "God grant that I continue like this. Missing the Olympic Games I was motivated, let’s assume that’s the case,” Shalunov said after the match.

“We didn’t fulfill the setup, what was asked of us, and in the end this was the score. We lost because of our mistakes, we lost the match ourselves. We had only glimpses of attack, nothing more, there was no fire, there wasn’t enough of it. We were too They didn’t climb the gates enough, there should be more aggression. Bad game, not Spartak’s day, but tomorrow is a new match, everything will be different,” said Spartak defender Alexander Osipov.

CSKA respects Spartak, but...

Before the second match, Spartak sent a defender and a defenseman to the reserves, and Vsevolod Sorokin and Alexander Kuznetsov came on instead. According to the head coach of Spartak, Koltsov was not included in the lineup due to rotation, but rather the reason for this was the effective mistakes of the defender in the first game.

However, even without Koltsov, Spartak had room for mistakes - in the sixth minute, Red-White defender Ville Lajunen lost the puck behind the goal, and Kaprizov found Shalunov rolling in the center with a pass, on which another Spartak defender, Vladislav Provolnev, did not play.

Shalunov scored in the sixth match in a row, scoring nine goals in these games. "Handsome Max, the main thing is to continue in the same spirit, to score. My pass? I just saw that Shalunov was rolling in and passed it. Of course, I want to score in every game myself, but so far it’s a little bit impossible. Today I had “I have two moments, but Spartak goalkeeper Nikita Bespalov played great,” said Kaprizov after the match, who at that time had scored one goal in his last 18 matches.

The final score in the second match (1:0) was much more modest than the day before, but in terms of shots (41-19) and chances, CSKA's advantage was even more impressive. However, the head coach of the army team was dissatisfied with his team's performance. “We, of course, respect Spartak, but you can’t give your opponent so many chances. It’s not enough to just play with discipline, you need to not give your opponent chances, and we gave them enough,” said Igor Nikitin.

Spartak scores the first and last goal

In the third meeting, the army team again scored a quick goal - in the seventh minute the CSKA captain opened the scoring, after which the puck hit the shoulder of Spartak goalkeeper Nikita Bespalov and parachuted down behind his back. In the second period, Lajunen gave CSKA another goal, losing the puck near his goal - he scored.

“Such mistakes are, of course, a disgrace. Because of such mistakes, apparently, Layunen did not go with the Finnish team to the Olympics,” Epanchintsev commented on the episode.

CSKA sent the third puck into Bespalov's goal in the power play in the 31st minute, after which Spartak released goalkeeper Alexander Trushkov. The 21-year-old goalkeeper received a significant less work than his partner: in the first two periods, CSKA outscored Spartak 36-9, and in the third they lost 2-11. “We played carelessly in the third period, incorrectly, and that’s why we conceded the first goal in the series,” Andronov said.

In the 58th minute of the game, Spartak forward Ilya Talaluev scored Spartak’s first goal in the series, stopping the dry streak of Olympic champion Ilya Sorokin at 211 minutes 38 seconds and his team’s goalless streak in games with CSKA at 254 minutes 40 seconds."

In the fourth match of the series, Spartak had more chances than ever to cling to the game, but every time Sorokin stood in the way of the puck, and as a result of the meeting, he chalked up the third clean sheet in this series. CSKA won the match and the series by the defender in the 31st minute.

“For me, Sorokin’s game is just nonsense, he did incredible things,” - “You can score goals from ricochets, but he caught everything. How did he deflect a shot in the first period? In all matches we had chances to score, catch on, but Sorokin played fantastically. He was the main key to CSKA’s victory. Honestly, no matter how many matches we played with CSKA, with Sorokin’s performance we still would not have been able to win.”

“Thanks to our goalkeeper Ilya Sorokin, he helped us out a lot in this series. In the fourth game we endured, made it to the end, but realized that there was something to work on. There was resistance in the series from Spartak, but we didn’t play the fool, we all coped with “We made the first step towards our goal, now we need to move on,” CSKA forward Roman Lyubimov summed up the results of the series.

CSKA will play in the semifinals of the Western Conference against Jokerit Helsinki if the Finnish club beats Sochi in the series. The matches of the second round of the playoffs, in which the army team will have home-court advantage, will be held on March 16, 17, 19, 20, and, if necessary, on March 22, 24 and 26.

1. Commented letter (Ex. 196).

Explain spelling Not.

2. Individual tasks.

Ex. 167, 174 (1-10 sentences), 174 (11-20 sentences).

3. Independent work (Ex. 206).

Read the text. Name the work from which this excerpt is taken and the author.

Write down the words from Not And neither.


Lesson summary Not How to write with Not words that are without

are not used? Not How do you spell

are not used? Not with verbs and gerunds?

are not used? Not with adjectives, nouns and adverbs?

with participles?


2. Learn the lesson material.

Lesson 30Not Particle discriminationneither


Lesson objectives: Not Consolidation of spelling neither And

with different parts of speech, development of coherent monologue speech.

IDuring the classes .

Implementation Not Consolidation of spelling neither homework

1. Talk about spelling with different parts of speech.

2. Checking progress

home management 205.

What proverbs on this topic have you picked up?

Explain spelling Not And neither.

3. Vocabulary dictation.

He didn’t hide his surprise; perplexed; could not meet; harbor hatred; to be indignant with indignation; Not wooden house

II; not cheap; undisciplined student;

the river is not wide, but cold; to be unwell for a long time; not distant, but close; not sixty; unspoken law; unburnt fire; not fulfilling the plan, not reaching the shelf; show distrust; Not And neither nothing to write with; there is no one to run after; not eating enough; shortly before the meeting; a real touch-me-not; not disguised by anyone;

unmemorable face; sloppy appearance; neither show inappropriateness; hater of ignorance; feel awkward; no one came; neither fish nor fowl.

. Work on the topic of the lesson Particle discrimination (page 95 of the textbook). Single or double enters into stable rotation: out of nowhere, as if nothing had happened, at all costs, neither fish nor meat, neither alive nor dead, neither two nor one and a half, neither this nor that, neither give nor take. Combinations should be distinguished: no one

(nobody) -

not alone

(a lot of); never(never) - never not once

(many times).

III. Check of knowledge. Practicing skills and abilities

1. Explanatory dictation.

1) Wherever he turned! 2) Wherever he applied, there was a refusal. 3) None of the sunrises are similar to another (

K. Paustovsky


IV4) The boundless noise of the sea did not stop for a minute. 5) If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either (Proverb). 6) No matter how long you have to live in the world, you will never cease to be amazed by Russia (

). I


7) There are men who are superior in eloquence to women, but not a single man has the eloquence of a woman’s eyes.

2. Assignment based on options.

Option I - ex. 197.

Option II - write down sentences with these phrases, inserting the missing letters:

(N..) saying (n..) to whom (n..) words; (n..) money, (n..) tickets; (n..) can (n..) help; (n..) answer (n..) hello; (n..) heard (n..) words; (n..) who to replace; (n..) how (n..) can you help;

where (n..) come from.


You can't n..(15) admire the sunset.

He n..(16) never n..(17) was n..(18) only wounded, but even scratched.

He didn’t..(19) had no..(20) what position, n..(21) received n..(22) a penny salary, however, he found means for entertainment.

K. Paustovsky

2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21.

Option II

Mark the spellings neither.

1) N.. for what to thank, 2) n.. for what I did not thank, 3) no.. to ask, 4) saw no.. other than a classmate, 5) told no.. other than the dean , 6) no..no one else can, 7) no..what to buy, 8) no..where to get it, 9) the building was nothing other than a university, 10) no..nothing else can explain it , 11) never asked, 12) never answered.

K. Paustovsky

with participles?

Ex. 198 - home test.

Lesson 31

Spelling adverbs


Consolidating adverb spelling skills; developing the ability to form adverbs and use them in speech.

with different parts of speech, development of coherent monologue speech.


I Work in groups


Parsing the sentence:

Come and have lunch with us.

Answer: Come to us lunch easily .

Answer:(wake-up, non-sun, simple, single-stage, o/l [

Answer:], extended, complete, uncomplicated) to us- simple v. predicate, expressed by ch.

Answer: imperative mood. lunch(For what?)

Answer:- circumstance of the goal, expressed by the infinitive. Come(How?)

- a circumstance of a course of action, expressed by an adverb.


Come and have lunch with us.

- adverb of place, expressed by a personal pronoun with a preposition. 2nd group

Morphological analysis of the adverb is easy.


- adverb.

Come (how?) easily: adverb of manner.

Come (how?) easily (in a sentence it is a circumstance).

3 group

Vocabulary dictation:

Easily, on the go, a little, indiscriminately, tightly, in mockery, in German, rashly, side by side, barely, at first, abroad, as before, less, exactly, to pieces, wide open, red hot, occasionally, entirely, from the outside, forever, longer, in a big way, still, hot.

Checking vocabulary dictation. Name the spelling patterns that you used when writing adverbs.

II. Spelling adverbs

1. Spelling adverbs traditionally causes the following difficulties:

Not And neither Vowels in suffixes at the end of adverbs;


at the end of adverbs after sibilants; in consoles; Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs.

The rules apply to adverbs formed in the prefix-suffix way. In their formation, these adverbs go back to short forms adjectives..

The rules apply to adverbs formed in the prefix-suffix way. In adverbs with prefixes short forms in-, on-, for-.

a letter is written at the end

O from-/is-, to-, from- A

Write on the board and in notebooks:

). I

Consolidation of this material: ex. 189. -A.

Yellow..-pale face, red-hot.. hot ball, go around to the left.., go to the right.., start over.., finish the work in the dark.., wash it white.., quarrel rashly.., turn left.. .

Option II (or exercise 192)

Form adverbs with suffixes from these words of this material: ex. 189. -A and with prefixes in-/in-, on-, for-, with-, from-/is-, before-.

Come up with and write down sentences or phrases with these adverbs.

White, distant, late, dark, oblique, well-fed, united, deaf, fast, alive, simple, dry, naked, rare, hot, light, new.

3. After the hissing ones f, w, h at the end of adverbs it is written 1. Spelling adverbs.

Exceptions: I can’t bear to get married.

4. In negative adverbs under stress it is written Not-, without accent - no-: no way, nowhere.

5. After adverbs that sibilate at the end under stress it is written adjectives., without accent - e: hot, fresh, melodious, But more!

III Consolidation

Reinforcing this material can be organized by options or groups.

1. Ex.

191. 2. Selective dictation

(the teacher dictates sentences, students write out adverbs for sibilant). Near the hotel there was a new two-story house, the doors below were wide open ( I. Goncharov Near the hotel there was a new two-story house, the doors below were wide open (). One day only their monotony was broken by a truly sad incident (). One day only their monotony was broken by a truly sad incident ( Filofey swung his hand several times ( I. Turgenev). Tatyana, at the behest of the lady, was married to a drunkard shoemaker (). Deaf, deserted, deserted, the steppe completely half-dead. The rider got off his horse and silently set to work ( A. Maikov ).).

They endured it for a whole month, but when it became unbearable, they suddenly sent me: give me money (

A. Pushkin


Come and have lunch with us.

And I was thrown over backwards by a blow and fell back into the stream without memory ( A. K. Tolstoy

). A minute later, three horsemen were galloping along the road (

N. A. Ostrovsky 3. Complicated cheatingWrite down the pronouns in the phrases first, and then the adverbs. Explain the spelling of these parts of speech.

(No, not) where there is no housing visible. (No, no) nothing can measure the expanse of the fields. (Not, nor) when I didn’t imagine that (not, nor) I wouldn’t be afraid of anything, (not, nor) wouldn’t agree with (what). (No, no) it was impossible to move. There was no waiting for letters (not, not) from anywhere. 3. Complicated cheating Adverbs:

3. Complicated cheating nowhere to be seen, never imagined, never managed to get going, nowhere to wait.


No accent

In adverb suffixes

Example of a completed table:

3. Complicated cheating nowhere to be seen, never imagined, never managed to get going, nowhere to wait.


No accent

In suffixes and noun endings

In suffixes and endings of adjectives

In adverb suffixes

Checking the completion of tasks.


What part of speech is called an adverb?

Tell us about spelling oh oh at the end of adverbs.

Tell us about spelling soft sign at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

Tell us about writing not-, neither- in negative adverbs.

Tell us about the spelling of vowels at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

with participles?

1. Repeat rules pp. 93, 95.

Lesson 32 (26)

Spelling adverbs


Strengthening the skills of writing hyphens in adverbs; consolidation of skills of fused and separate writing

with different parts of speech, development of coherent monologue speech.

Iprefixes in adverbs.


Checking homework

Not 1. Survey.

Not Talk about spelling

with nouns, adjectives, adverbs; with participles, negative pronouns.

2. Commented reading

ex. 25. 3. Vocabulary dictation:

Open the door wide, walk away, rush off at a gallop, close it completely, get married, never argue, nowhere to wait, nowhere to be found, there was no time to come in, there’s nothing to do, he spoke in a sing-song voice, state in general, move awkwardly, go around to the left, start over, close it tightly, go to the right, ask again.

(42 words)

II. Work on the topic of the lesson Continuous writing of adverbs 1. Adverbs formed by combining prepositions-prefixes with short and full adjectives, adverbs, collective numerals are written together (except for formations with the preposition by: twos, threes

), pronouns: rashly, anew, hard-boiled, blindly; completely, from now on; four, three; with might and main, why..

Exceptions: to the side, to the world, to the back Note: pretext V.

written separately if the word begins with a vowel: openly

2. Adverbs formed from nominal forms that are not used without prepositional prefixes are written together: in the dark, down the drain, to pieces, to the ground.

Exceptions: 3. Adverbs with spatial and temporal meanings are written together: down, up, first. such adverbs should be distinguished from nouns with a preposition, which, as a rule, have explanatory words: run into the distance(adverb),

into the distance seas (noun with preposition). 4. Adverbs formed from nouns with a prepositional prefix and without explanatory words in this use are written together: go towards(adverb), go

to the meeting

with the writer (noun with preposition). Separate writing of adverbs

2. Adverbs formed by repeating nouns with a preposition are written separately: word for word, soul for soul, side by side, point to point, from day to day.

Exception: exactly the same.

3. Adverbs formed by repeating nouns are written separately, with the second being in the instrumental case: fool by fool, honor by honor, eccentric by eccentric.

4. Adverbs formed by repeating nouns beginning with a vowel are written separately: alone, tirelessly, point blank.

5. Adverbs formed by repeating plural nouns are written separately: in the legs, in front of the eyes.

Exceptions: It is necessary to remember the spelling of nouns with a preposition that have an adverbial meaning: to the point, on the fly, in appearance, to glory, on the run, miraculously, according to conscience, with knowledge, on a grand scale, to the conscience.

Hyphenated spelling of adverbs

1. Adverbs formed from adjectives and pronouns using a prefix are written with a hyphen By- suffixes -mu -him, -ski, -tski, -i:

Exceptions: a) an adverb is written with a hyphen in Latin(not to be confused with a prepositional noun): will get excellent in Latin- he knew in Latin; By- b) if an adverb with a prefix formed from an adjective with a hyphen, the hyphen is written only after the prefix:

non-commissioned officer - in non-commissioned officer. 2. Adverbs formed from ordinal numbers using a prefix are written with a hyphen in-/in-: secondly, fifthly. Forms such as are written with a hyphen

twenty-fifth. 3. Adverbs formed through repetitions, combinations of synonyms, and words that are associated associatively are written with a hyphen:

quickly, quickly, unexpectedly, quietly, quietly. 4. Indefinite adverbs with particles are written with a hyphen

-that, -or, -something, -something, -yet, -ka: sometime, from somewhere. 5. Technical term on-mountain

(nobody) -

written with a hyphen.

1. Note cases of continuous spelling of adverbs:

K. Paustovsky

1, 3, 5-11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24.

1) Play (in) a draw, 2) go (in) nobody’s apartment, 3) be (on) alert, 4) act (in) open, 5) act (at) obliquely, 6) be (at) a distance, 7 ) (s)awake, 8) get into (a) mess, 9) play (to)evil, 10) scream (to) catch up, 11) be (at) the top of bliss, 12) be (your) way, 13) ( apparently, 14) lean (on) side, 15) turn (on) side, 16) tightly, 17) from the bay (floundering), 18) (in) ridicule 19) (in) installments, 20) (c) half-voice, 21) (c) tight, 22) (c) half-turn, 23) dressed to the nines, 24) (c) loose, 25) visible (invisible).

1) (to) rise high, 2) to fly (to) the heights of heaven, 3) (to) never forget friends, 4) (to) the age of computerization, 5) to go (to) the end of the corridor, 6) (to) the end to be offended, 7) (to) draw a slant, 8) (to) wear a cape, 9) (to arrive on time), 10) (to) the time of trials, 11) (to) the time to sew a suit, 12) to speak (to) stretch, 13) give the boots (in) stretch, 14) (in) secretly prepare a surprise, 15) (in) the secret lies the answer, 16) spread out (in) the width, 17) (to) raise your head up, 18) attach ( to) the top of the door, 19) (to) climb to the top, 20) to climb (to) the top of the mountain, 21) (to) tomorrow there will be a holiday, 22) (to) postpone things (to) tomorrow, 23) hope (for) luck, 24) It snowed (in) the morning, 25) make plans (for) the morning.

K. Paustovsky

2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25.

3. Complicated cheating

He was (in) a fighting mood, sat (cross) cross-legged, acted (like) a snake, lived (in) every way, chatted (like) friends, (first) spoke (in) Moscow, lie down (somewhere), (a little) it was a little dawn, he knew (in) Latin, to leave (in good) health, he did (topsy-turvy) topsy-turvy, (at) thirty (sixths), (badly) poor.

... By Russian language 10 -11 Class. – M., 2011. Egorova N.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Zolotareva I.V. Lesson development By Russian language. 10 Class. – M., “VAKO”, 2006. Work programs By Russian language. 5-11 classes ...

  1. Now(walked) When?; n. f. - Now
  2. From below(walked)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (came) from where?; n. f. - from below

    By the wall(walked)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (walked) How?; n. f. - wall

  3. Barely(managed)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (managed) in what degree?; n. f. - barely
  1. (Lit) reluctantly - adv.; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers a question (lit) How?; n. f. - reluctantly; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  2. (It became) easier - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (became) How?; n. f. - easily; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in comparison Art. (simple form); in a sentence - the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.
  3. All of a sudden(I hear) How?; n. f. - all of a sudden; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  4. (I hear) closer - adv.; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (hear) Where?; n. f. - close; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of place; used in comparison Art. (simple form); in a sentence - a circumstance of place.

  5. (Nods) more prim - adv.; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (nods) How?; n. f. - primly; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in comparison Art. (compound form); in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  6. (Nodded) usually - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (nodded) When?; n. f. - usually; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of time; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.

  7. Long time(step)- adv.; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers the question (step) how long?; n. f. - long time; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of time; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  8. Farthest(penetrates)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (penetrates) Where?; n. f. - far; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of place; used in superlative art. (compound form); in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  9. It is forbidden - adv.; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers the question How?; n. f. - it is forbidden; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a predicate in an impersonal sentence.
  10. (Work) Fine How?; n. f. - Fine; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.

    (Work) better - adv.; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers the question (work) How?; n. f. - Fine; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in comparison Art. (simple form); in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.

  11. (Sings) in the spring When?; n. f. - in the spring; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of time; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  12. (Sings) differently - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (sings) How?; n. f. - differently; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.

  13. Everywhere(it smelled)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (smelled) Where?; n. f. - everywhere; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of place; in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  14. Amazing(sincerely)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (sincerely) how much?; n. f. - amazingly; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of measure and degree; in a sentence - a circumstance of measure and degree.
  15. By chance(came)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (occurred) For what?; n. f. - by chance; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of purpose; in a sentence - a circumstance of the goal.
  16. In the heat of the moment(grabbed)- adv.; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers the question (grabbed) Why?; n. f. - in the heat of the moment; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of reason; in a sentence - a circumstance of reason.

Exercise 86

Without waking up, without asking, without getting tired, shoot straight ahead, at the expense, at the expense, in mockery, at a stretch, in a draw, in an embrace, in the bleeder, in a tight fit, forever and ever, outwardly, fully armed, with might and main, secondly, alone, for the first time, truly, willy-nilly, in retaliation, half-heartedly, half-turned, truly, rightfully, closely, squatting, close, half-starving, for future use, as opposed to, however, in vain, five times, fifthly, discordantly, in installments, scattered, in -seventh, sevenfold, sevenfold, all without fail, to your heart's content, blindly, soft-boiled, dry, thirdly, threefold, threefold, exorbitantly, point-blank, empty, dry, until dark, completely, until then, until I drop, completely, again, at the same time, for midnight, often, on the sly, from time immemorial, crosswise, crosswise, stand at attention, vying with each other, by eye, tightly, smash completely, head on, ready, in two, surprisingly, for a long time, alone, on the run, on the back, to the ground, to act out of spite, to go to the rescue, to stand at attention, naked, to measure by eye, tightly, point blank, vying with each other, in opposition, with a gun at the ready, to the contrary, at the beck and call, on the spot, to do for show, to do half, in half, right through, recklessly, completely, equally, on the back foot, on bail, to the right, for rent, all day long, to go ahead, recklessly, along with successes, forcibly got rid of, at a gallop, through and through, extremely boring, little by little, bearishly, a lot, in vain, pretend, by hearsay, for real , at first, in our way, involuntarily, little by little, (smoke spreads) below, in the present, one by one, in the autumn, one by one, in the afternoon, as before, in an empty way, in vain, in a childish way, in a familiar way, in the middle , in the old-fashioned way, in the old way, to the extent, humanly, from bottom to top, again, blindly, in front, early in the morning, on the right, from the run, strictly, straight away, quietly, immediately, exactly, tightly -tightly, honor by honor, honor by honor, side by side, from side to side, a long time ago.

Exercise 87

Rise high - fly into the heights of heaven, never forget a friend - in the age of scientific and technological progress, get completely offended - run to the end of the alley, wear a coat saddled - dress in a silk cape, say stretch - give your shoes to stretch, enter on time - in time of war, the suit fits me - in the time of distant youth, to secretly envy - the answer lies in the secret, to spread out in breadth - into the vastness of the steppe fields, to raise my head up - to attach it to the top of the door, to lower my head down - to place it at the bottom of the closet, to go up - to rise to the top of the slope, tomorrow there will be a holiday - put things off until tomorrow, there was a mistake - a shadow fell on the face, as far as one can judge - how much is this amount less than necessary, shoot at random - hope for luck, meet halfway - go to meet your son, the next morning snow fell - make plans for the morning, show up at the wrong time - this issue should be resolved not during classes, draw a line on top - walk along the top of the fence.

Exercise 88

1. Machine Note: download 1. Spelling adverbs 3 rushed along the edge of a deep beam. 2. At six o’clock in the morning the tavern’s hall is completely clean 1. Spelling adverbs was full of a frock-coated audience. 3. The bullet hit him and he staggered and fell on vznich 1. Spelling adverbs. 4. Lizaveta Ivanovna came out behind mu and for your very kind adjectives. he's young adjectives. th person. 5. I become a master nev I'm patient and. 6. Before on stitch 1. Spelling adverbs open door The owner himself stood in the stables. 7. The blow was strong, not feminine, on wave 1. Spelling adverbs. 8. Nadya was happy, she wanted to take him to her room and talk before full in-, on-, for- 3. 9. It was a long time ago, but I remember everything before clean in-, on-, for-. 10. French on They were soon warmed up, fed and clothed. 11. Pakhomov is braid in-, on-, for- looked at Nevskaya. 12. There was a hut behind new adjectives. covered with reeds adjectives. m. 13. In the fall, the owner ordered to score on deaf adjectives. dacha 14. And the young guardsman groaned With light, swayed, fell behind dead adjectives.. 15. And how will I have to sy znov in-, on-, for- turns on 1. Spelling adverbs with the whole household, so not up to there will be laughter. 16. Tears from rarely in-, on-, for- 3 dripped onto her work. 17. IN a lion adjectives. blurry from the trail in-, on-, for- then the outlines of the tower became clear nn y p in-, on-, for- zalin. 18. He laughed as he had not laughed for a long time. 19. Here- 3 were supposed to bring the wounded. 20. Some-where women appeared from the windows of village huts 1. Spelling adverbs and heads in scarves. 21. Little by little malu trees 1. Spelling adverbs I started e child, and Vladimir drove out of the forest. 22. Where should we go By-English and ruin 1. Spelling adverbs Xia! If we were P o-rus With At least you're full. 23. F And tilek razg adjectives. rushed barely-barely. 24. Manager I manager leaves cross-on cross, he offered surgu h to the fire. 25. Romashov By hastily, with everyone By-boyish and 3, snuck in for a visit n wow. 26. He headed to the okra And Well, Krasnodon, to my friend By former e mu 3 desks And lordship 27. Elizaveta Alekseevna sat silently opposite Volodya, who By-previously e Mu 3 didn't sleep. 28. Let's decide that everything By-its e mu are right. Everyone sings By its e mu voice 29. Ksiądz By the then custom of blessing adjectives. pitched me. 30. Old men of ra With kissed right there on the streets e, and then everything went from there honor honor 1. Spelling adverbs Yu. 31. I will tell you, father, And read now By-home e mu, do it n but this way By- friendly and... 32. The fish was rare T Naya, amber amber. 33. I crawl away a little- a little on back 3. 34. Meanwhile adjectives. line of Andrei Gavrilovich hour from It got worse by 3 o'clock. 35. Gold on Vetluga, I tell you, apparently-invisible. 36. Without wasting time By empty By- friendly and yes By Let's just talk to you. 37. We are pr And We were going to bring Troyekurov into possession of Kirill Petrovich and ask others to get out I'll pick it up building adjectives. row. 38. Time from At times his attempts became weaker. 39. These words first on I'll learn it first. 40. Maslyanikov strictly on strictly forbade his wife and brother to take the census s wat 1. Spelling adverbs Xia. 41. If wild 1. Spelling adverbs was not wounded and Pegaz was sent By-empty, he was returning That hour. 42. There are only university students in our district - on there's only one you. 43. I didn't write to you, in-first, By because I had no time for you, in-secondly, in the absence of the right case. 44. Okay, having cut down your quota of coal, go out on-mount and washed 1. Spelling adverbs soaking in steamy water in a hot e th bathhouse. 45. On end, ped in-, on-, for- Our gog wanted to learn Vukol By-Latin And, but there was no Latin book. 46. ​​Count, write and find at the end After all, the costs are outrageously high. 47. Father was getting worse 3, By this is what the family tried to say e then we went on ts s kidneys.

  • Jump up(rushed)- adv.; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (carried) How?; n. f. - gallop; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  • (To talk) satiated - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (talk) To what extent?; n. f. - satiated; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of measure and degree; in a sentence - a circumstance of measure and degree.
  • Occasionally(dripped)- adv.; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (kapali) When?; n. f. - occasionally; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of time; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  • Exactly(bring)- adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (bring) When?; n. f. - exactly; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of time; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  • Boyish(sneaked)- adv.; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (quick) How?; n. f. - boyish; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  • (By) still(partisanship)- adj.; denotes an attribute of an object, answers a question (on partisanship) which one?; n. f. - former; rel.; used in units h., Wed. r., D. p.; in a sentence - definition.
  • (Crawling away) back - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (crawl away) Where?; n. f. - back; unchangeable word; rank - adverb of place; in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  • (Health was becoming) worse - adj.; denotes a sign of an object, answers the question (health became) what?; n. f. - bad; quality: yes art. compare (worse) calves. f. (bad); used in comparative art. (simple form); in a sentence - the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.
  • (Father was becoming) worse - adv.; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (became) How?; n. f. - Badly; unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in comparison Art. (simple form); in a sentence - part of the predicate in an impersonal sentence.

Exercise 89

1. And d you on backtracking was already pos. d But. 2. Trouble remained alone with her on one. 3. The car was racing Note: blind. 4. It's foggy all night, and By morning weight n The air seems to be dying. 5. He read With started on black adjectives., fast adjectives. talkatively, and behind I read the same verse on white adjectives., thunder adjectives. publicly, with extraordinary n sameness n news 1. Spelling adverbs Yu. 6. And on four he deer section And yells. 7. Rifle, pouch, against adjectives. gas and bread pound on two. 8. On at all behind How should I sell it? 9. The alarm sounded under morning. 10. They're coming By two, By three, finely moving their bare feet. 11. More e by now breathes bliss in empty chambers and gardens. 12. Posh e l train, and everything left on ass, on always, irrevocably. 13. On fight tomorrow! There are a thousand of them h heels 1. Spelling adverbs ten, and there are barely fifteen thousand of us in total h. 14. He, tea, has long been out of the gate; Love on I'll save it tomorrow. 15. They will be gnawed by longing if tomorrow is not similar on today, and after Tomorrow - on Tomorrow. 16. The word “faded” 1. Spelling adverbs"Xia" means With destroy, destroy 1. Spelling adverbs Xia, get off, so to speak, on No. 17. He behind does carpentry and carpentry work for nothing. 18. What will be will be, try it on maybe. 19. Today for the sick on much better 3 than yesterday. 20. I left at Easter on for many years in the province. 21. I didn't expect help from outside and didn’t hope for a moment T lush case y. 22. In the tents meanwhile l 1. Spelling adverbs I have wine and it goes Note: circular 23. Kretov Podosh e l Note: close to Shumilov. 24. Most often the contractions ended Note: nothing 1. Spelling adverbs Yu. 25. Dobrat 1. Spelling adverbs I'd like to see you for the night, but hurry up on side. 26. He could not enter without an escort Note: dark room. 27. - On“As far as I know,” Lermontov said calmly, “you only play Note: dark. Well then, with s let's play Note: dark. 28. Exp e the diction has gone astray. I had to d tee on computer in-, on-, for- su on I'll delete it. 29. Happened good people who advised me to go on world 30. Shouting and flapping with whips, they hardly ra With parted the herd on two. 31. We need before lunch By alone. 32. Having formed into platoons, By two, the detachment went out onto the road and formed a colony here n us By four. 33. IN The three of them with Andrey talked about their newspaper. 34. We walk on a knife's edge, and if you're careful n, then be careful n in three. 35. For now we will have police officers behind one with thieves, until he is caught. 36. Petka, like a true athlete, improved himself Note: alone. 37. The soldiers began to run across By two and By alone until the next ditch. 38. Our differences here are not at all at how.

Exercise 90

1. Mi l The officer knelt down, raised his rifle and with the third shot put down Dymka on death. 2. The fight was still not for life, but on death. 3. Himself Note: secretly aware that the owls e resolves the error. 4. They loved each other, they in-, on-, for- given in silence Note: secrets e. 5. They are all open-minded adjectives. torture as they look on a significant face, they looked at him. 6. There are forty musicians alone on the face consisted. 7. Alexey crawled By that when- That was a village street. 8. But I did no harm to people, and By Therefore, my affairs are not of much use to you to know. 9. Co l it's already shining With side. 10. Wound Note: side was cm e rtelna, and he chu Note: felt that the mind And yells. 11. Romashov watched Note: side, and it seemed to him that no force in the world could force him to move e sti eyes. 12. People walk on both sides of the road, waddling sedately With side on side bl e standing rooks. 13. Acute pain space e I hurt my ankle and my grandfather fell on side. 14. Kazanok sh e l nearby, bowing on side of a white head in an American cap e. 15. Side adjectives. side by side with Kurchatov he is slower n but rolled along the tr And boone 16. Girl adjectives. Don't lie to us about nonsense, that's all Note: stva By side. 17. On this day, Uncle Yuzya was very nervous, without smoked late. 18. The lecturer finished his lectures in-, on-, for- phenomena, showing under end, how to use 1. Spelling adverbs against adjectives. gas. 19. IN end both With Strongly, I threw away the shovel. 20. Bykov past e l pr adjectives. spect from end Note: end. 21. At the end I finally quit working on the book. 22. Andrey Ilyich! On end- That you have come to us. 23. There is snow on Tverskaya on half melted, and the runners of the sleigh kept slipping e they walked on the stones of the pavement. 24. He is pr And sat down on half of your height. 25. I am always like snow on head. 26. K in-, on-, for- expedient e the movement under the command of Colonel Molchanov was on head broken n in-, on-, for- rtisans. 27. Zakhar opened Note: half the door, but did not dare to enter. 28. Fili pp Fedorovich posh e l along length n nogo, Note: half the length of the workshop, a table against the wall. 29. He entered Note: the time of youth. 30. The face is too thick 1. Spelling adverbs. like this Note: it's time to e rpm reap! 31. From I've never seen anything like this in my family e home cemetery. 32. Rostislav shes T When he was eleven years old, he dropped out of military school and e l to war. 33. The drake quacked, tr e I watched it carefully Note: top. 34. Cloud With at the top before downstairs e the silver was fraying yang om light. 35. Tomorrow I had to travel Note: the depth of the steppe is one hundred and two kilometers d twenty five. 36. All the windows in the room were dark, except the last one on top, covered with a curtain. 37. Stretched evenly Note: the smoke of the factory rises high. 38. And this name is destined on eyelids to strengthen behind the lost creature.

Exercise 91

1. I read and read, but that’s all without to no avail. 2. Right there To stat And The cook’s son also settled down at the same time. 3. We drove briskly, With move forward adjectives. Chile advanced posts. 4. He spoke without shut up. 5. Under He also had a bride. 6. But the fishing village burned down before tla. 7. Alexander put it down under mouse and put him on his feet. 8. Now he was wandering on guess 9. We went into battle With go. 10. He talks e feces of some tankman standing in front of him on hood. 11. And the priest I important on running grabbed the bunch and juicy st e bley. 12. Pr e under in-, on-, for- research was carried out on gossip on memory. 13. And at this moment the stump e turned into a sitting person on squat ah man. 14. - We stopped by e mouth on Easter cake, - muttered the brother. 15. And what a day it turned out to be today! - Note: hearts in adjectives. called Yakov Lukich. 16. If he knew what he was doing adjectives. goes, he never even Note: Just kidding, I wouldn't say that. 17. Both him and Pavlusha on the view was no more than two d twenty years old 18. Prokhor was in such a hurry that on I hit the stirrup with the toe of my boot. 19. Pop and d 1. Spelling adverbs yach adjectives. to were under become each other. 20. By quietly from my mother I began to save money adjectives. nki. 21. What about And do you want to answer this? I became Note: dead end. 22. In total they had Note: will: of land, forests, and water. 23. Gregory Note: emphasis absorbing I Affairs Aksin e in the eyes. 24. Troubles and wars of the 17th century Note: the root was loosened National economy. 25. - Start it up! - Note: Sobolkov's voice shouted. 26. - Without k adjectives. Don't shoot manda! - almost Note: rumor ordered Sobolkov. 27. You never know what a person will say Note: hot 28. I have time Note: sawn-off shotgun 29. Awakened rooks Note: flying alone above the ground. 30. Stolz is only German Note: half, on his father's side: his mother was a With sky.

Exercise 92

  • Where where?; n. f. - where; local-verb, interrogative; unchanged; in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  • You(you know); You(can't wait)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Who?; n. f. - You; local-noun, personal; 2nd l., pl. h. (used in relation to a code person as a form of politeness); used in the form I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • How(name) How(speaks)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question How?; n. f. - How; local-adv., relative; unchanged; in a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.
  • me(name)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whom?; n. f. - I
  • Who(does not know)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Who?; n. f. - Who; local-noun, interrogative; used in the form I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • you(does not know)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whom?; n. f. - You; local-noun, personal; 2nd l., pl. h. (used in relation to one person as a form of politeness); used in the form of R. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • Here - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Where?; n. f. - Here; local - adverb, demonstrative; unchanged; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  • yours(image)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whose?; n. f. - mine
  • (under) him - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question under what?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., m.r., etc.; in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  • their(poetry)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whose?; n. f. - mine; place-adj., possessive; used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - an agreed definition.
  • (on the) this(once)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Which?; n. f. - this; local-adj., demonstrative; used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - part of the adverbial tense.
  • I(I'm sorry), I(Want), I(I'm not in a hurry) I(forgot)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Who?; n. f. - I; local-noun, personal; 1st sheet, unit h.; used in the form I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • He(said), He(not a foreign tourist) He(rights) He(pretends) He(speaks)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Who?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., m.r., I.p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • no(not a foreign tourist)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Which?; n. f. - no; place-adj., negative; used in unit form. h., m.r., I.p.; in a sentence - an agreed definition.
  • So - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question How?; n. f. - So; local - adverb, demonstrative; unchanged; in a sentence - a circumstance of measure and degree.
  • nowhere - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Where?; n. f. - nowhere; local-verb, negative; unchanged; in a sentence - adverbial place.
  • This What? which?; n. f. - this; local - adj. (in this context acts as a place-noun), demonstrative; used in unit form. h., Wed. r., I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • (moved over) to us - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question to to whom?; n. f.- we; local-noun, personal; 1st letter, plural h.; used in the form of D. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (Ask) him - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers a question from whom?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., m.r., r.p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • You(you think) You(believe) You(can you hear)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question Who?; n. f. - You; local-noun, personal; 2nd sheet, unit. h.; used in the form I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • myself(thought)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the questions Which? Who?; n. f. - myself; local - adj. (in this context acts as a place-noun), attributive; used in unit form. h., m.r., I.p.; in a sentence - the subject.
  • to me(believe)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question to whom?; n. f. - I; local-noun, personal; 1st l., unit. h.; used in the form of D. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (hissed) to him - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question to whom?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., m.r., d.p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (ask) something - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question What?; n. f. - something; local-noun, indefinite; used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (we'll delay) his - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whom?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., m.r., V.p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (stood) near her - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question near what?; n. f. - He; local-noun, personal; 3rd l.; used in unit form. h., w. r., r. p.; in a sentence - a circumstance of place.
  • some kind of(little book)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question which one?; n. f. - some kind; place-adj., indefinite; used in unit form. h., w. r., V. p.; in a sentence - an agreed definition.
  • (sorry) vme- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whom?; n. f. - I; local-noun, personal; 1st l., unit. h.; used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • our(spore)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whose?; n. f. - our; place-adj., possessive; used in unit form. h., m.r., r.p.; in a sentence - an agreed definition.
  • (introduce) myself - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whom?; n. f. - myself; local-noun, reflexive (no I. p. form); used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • (introduce) to you - local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question to whom?; n. f. - You; local-noun, personal; 2nd l., pl. h.; used in the form of D. p.; in a sentence - an addition.
  • my(card)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the question whose?; n. f. - my; place-adj., possessive; used in unit form. h., w. r., I. p.; in a sentence - an agreed definition.
  • those(confused)- local; indicates an object, sign, quantity without naming them; answers the questions which? Who?; n. f. - That; local - adj. (in this context acts as a place-noun), demonstrative; used in plural form. h., I. p.; in a sentence - the subject.

Exercise 93

Not for what to thank not for that I didn’t thank you; Not when to chat; Not who to ask; saw Not none other than the father; neither I didn’t see anyone else; Not to whom to report; reported Not to anyone else, like the director; neither to anyone else Not Is it possible to report; Not where to rush; neither where I found no peace; This neither how impossible; neither what gratitude; not on what to buy; not at all what to ignore; Not where to expect help; Not things to do; the building was Not nothing other than a university; neither I couldn’t explain it in any other way; neither when I wasn't late; neither where I was in no hurry; neither to what I didn’t touch; neither I didn’t expect news from where; neither how much Not would have guessed; I'm here not at all how; it is his neither no matter how much it took; neither whose puppy; whatever neither became; neither which one I didn’t agree with.

Exercise 94

1. N And who did not object to him, but And who and not d held him. 2. On his shoulders hung e what, let me remind you And wearing a jacket. 3. He neither when there's nothing And who did not refuse, but also neither what he didn’t give. 4. Pr And fights about this, about that, and more often and to what. 5. He didn’t drink, didn’t wander around the village and And when n and with no one with With yelled. 6. We are dressed up to know the city together, but it seems that we don’t e for than to watch. 7. And again Sagittarius and with how. 8. They really suffered and for What. 9. Every house has a e nothing more than a settled unit. 10. Makar Semyonov stood like n and in no matter what happened. 11. I'm n and in what is not to blame for him, I didn’t do n And what's wrong with him not in than to reproach me. 12. N e when and n e why was there a ъ make it clear to Lizka, and behind one thing for the guys, By why he put the hut aside. 13. And everyone seemed to become stricter: after all Not Where someday, and yet we entered the Atlantic. 14. - Behind than And were you walking? N and for how. Etc And just walked like that. 15. N eza Why start such a dangerous conversation? 16. And the mother’s tears are not here at all and at how. 17. Yes he is IPO what I don’t admit, at least the director 1. Spelling adverbs his! 18. I haven’t heard what he’s doing someday or whom someday complained. 19. And that's it -yes the worst thing was yet Note: in front. 20. His eyes looked around for someone -That. 21. Could anyone -or think about it? 22. The major managed something with who will make friends 1. Spelling adverbs Xia and something with someone to quarrel with. 23. And I some I think I know which of you. 24. Behind whatever you go, you will find. 25. Behind Why are we bothering so unfavorably, judging everything... 26. By this sign and By the fact that the lower part of the barrel obg adjectives. Rela, I figured out the origin of the pit. 27. Leontyev was passionate T avid amateur fisherman. By For this purpose he chose the most wooded area. 28. From I was humbled by the fact that I heard distant stomping. 29. From the one who is not nice, and the gift is hateful. thirty. At At the same time, the heat subsided a little. 31. At I and the school are located in the same factory. 32. You have solid work experience, at than in the field of restructuring and the search for new forms. 33. Here I am not at all whatever I will remain is true. 34. There is another reason, By what she won't wait for. 35. By What exactly do you conclude about the child’s illness?

Exercise 95

Freeze rush write speak- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; sleep spend the night- Nesov. c., non-return, non-transition; calculate pay off- owls c., return, non-transition; count- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; ask- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; ask ask- owls c., non-return, transfer; to us- Nesov. c., non-return, non-transition; get a tan- owls c., non-return, non-transition; sunbathe- Nesov. c., non-return, non-transition; catch fire- owls c., return, non-transition; take- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; undertake- Nesov. c., return, non-transition; take- owls c., non-return, transfer; undertake- owls c., return, non-transition; speak- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; speak- owls c., non-return, non-transition; talk- Nesov. c., return, non-transition; say- owls c., non-return, transfer; captivate- owls c., non-return, transfer; captivate- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; captivate- owls c., non-return, transfer; captivate- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; investigate marry- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), return, non-transition; marry- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), non-return, transition; research- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), non-return, transition; to arrest- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), non-return, transition; order- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), non-return, non-transition; Attack- two-species (sov. century and non-sov. century), non-return, transition; ask- Nesov. c., non-return, transfer; order- owls c., non-return, transfer; order- Nesov. c., non-return, non-transition.

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