What does vitamin A contain? Vitamin A (Retinol)

If vitamins were given awards for their degree of usefulness, vitamin A, without a doubt, would be in first place: its impact on human health is truly colossal.

will introduce you to the main features of such an important element, and will also explain in detail how to properly “build a relationship” with this vitamin so that its use brings maximum benefit to the body.

Vitamin A is listed at the very beginning of the “vitamin alphabet” for a reason: it was the first of its fellows to be discovered by scientists. Why does the body need this element so much?

Multifunctional doctor Range useful properties Vitamin A is truly impressive in its vastness: when it enters the human body in sufficient quantities, it works wonders. One of his most famous superpowers is vision support and restoration : we have been told from the very beginning that we need to eat carrots rich in carotene as often as possible. early childhood . Vitamin A fights the occurrence of cataracts . In addition, vitamin A guards the health of the skin: with its help get rid of acne and psoriasis , he's excellent heals wounds and burns , activating accelerated

restoration of the epithelium. Separately, it is worth noting the direct effect of vitamin A on the immune system: if a person consumes this element in sufficient quantity, it immunity strengthens almost before our eyes. The mucous membranes of the body become more resistant to various viruses , and in the respiratory tract, genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract no infections occur . Needs vitamin A and thyroid

- deficiency of this element in the body can trigger the development of leukemia and other diseases of the endocrine system. Those people who regularly face diseases cannot do without vitamin therapy. gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Vitamin A active fights atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and hypertension growth of new cells and improves metabolism; healthy teeth and bones- also his handiwork.

Another valuable benefit of vitamin A is its antioxidant properties: with their help, this element significantly slows down the aging of the body and increases resistance to cancer. It is this vitamin that builds active protection from the negative effects of stress and eliminates the consequences of contact with polluted air. In addition, vitamin A is vital for normal functioning of the gonads and even capable protect against infertility.

Where to look: main sources of vitamin A

It is immediately worth noting that the human body receives vitamin A of two different sources: animal products saturated retinol, whereas vegetable - carotene(provitamin A). Each of these elements has great value for the body, but it is always necessary to remember that The vitamin activity of carotene is approximately 3 times weaker than that of retinol. And since carotene contained exclusively in vegetables, fruits and herbs, their amount in the human diet should three times the volume of animal products, saturated retinol.

So what foods should you eat regularly to get your required dose of vitamin A?

To prevent your body from knowing what a lack of retinol is, be sure to include it in your daily diet butter fat content more than 82% and others dairy(the shorter their shelf life, the better). In addition, you should regularly consume beef liver and cod liver, and egg yolks and kidneys. But at the same time, we should not forget about moderation: if the body experiences a constant excess of retinol, the chances of encountering oncology and cardiovascular diseases will increase significantly.

As for eating foods high in carotene, you can rest assured: you can eat them in almost any quantity - the more, the better. Particularly valuable sources of carotene are apricots(both fresh and dried) and carrot(especially the carotel variety, which gave the name to provitamin A). Emphasis should also be placed on the use yellow and orange vegetables and fruits, all types cabbage(especially broccoli) and potatoes. Plus, it is considered a real storehouse of carotene greenery(parsley, watercress, etc.) and lettuce.

Important nuances: how to properly consume vitamin A?

If everything is very simple with retinol, then carotene requires a special approach. The thing is that this vitamin is fat-soluble - in other words, in order for the body to absorb it normally, fat must be present in the dish. It is important to maintain a balance: recent studies have shown that provitamin A is best absorbed when it is combined with a very small amount of vegetable oils.

Also carotene loses its beneficial properties during heat treatment of foods and deteriorates if left in the open air for a long time.

What is the daily requirement for vitamin A?

Numerous studies of health professionals have shown that adult men need approximately 900 mcg of vitamin A per day, while for women it is about 700 mcg. For children, the norm can be safely divided by two. Nutritionists recommend including in your daily diet 2 raw carrots(the dish “Korean-style carrots” is ideal for these purposes), and 200 g broccoli, one serving of beef liver And handful of pumpkin seeds– this combination will provide an ideal balance of vitamin A in your body.

Those people who have hard, exhausting work, weakened immunity and experience constant stress. In addition, a lot depends on climatic conditions: Residents of hot, sunny countries, where the incidence of cancer is many times higher, should consume vitamin A in much larger quantities.

About deficiency: how do you know if your body doesn’t have enough vitamin A?

The most common sign of vitamin A deficiency has always been considered vision problems. If you begin to notice that it has become more difficult to see and read in low light, your eyes regularly feel dry and stinging (as if sand had entered them), and watery eyes appear in the cold air, then it’s time to reconsider your diet. In addition, vitamin A deficiency is one of the main enemies of beauty: the skin becomes dry, premature wrinkles appear on the face, hair dries and splits, dandruff and itching of the scalp occurs, tooth enamel is destroyed.

Other organs suffer no less - a lack of retinol and carotene provokes serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, and also leads to protracted and complex colds, sleep and mental balance disorders, general weakness.

What causes this deficiency? First of all - poor nutrition. Most often, such problems are encountered by people who consume too little fat, protein and foods containing vitamin E - a deficiency of the latter leads to accelerated oxidation of vitamin A in the body. Those who decide to completely give up fats are in a separate risk zone, because they help carotene to be absorbed.

About overdose: symptoms of excess vitamin A

First of all, it should be noted that ordinary food products are practically not capable of leading to an overdose of vitamin A: if the diet is balanced, the body will take from it only what it needs, and the rest will simply be eliminated. But who you should be wary of is pharmacies vitamin complexes, containing synthetic vitamin A - if used incorrectly, it can easily accumulate in the body in unacceptable amounts, causing disruptions in the functioning of many vital organs and systems. So, excess synthetic vitamin A in the body entails problems with the stomach and intestines, enlarged spleen and liver, nausea, pain in bones and joints. In addition, nails become brittle, skin becomes dry, itchy and pigmented, and hair begins to actively fall out.

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Unless you eat large amounts of northern bear or whale liver, an overdose is unlikely under normal circumstances.

Combination with other food components

When using retinol, you should also remember about its interaction with. It prevents retinol from oxidizing, but, on the contrary, promotes its rapid absorption. It is also worth paying attention to how much zinc enters the human body, since zinc helps retinol convert into active forms.

Also, while taking this vitamin, you should refrain from consuming alcoholic drinks, since the interaction of alcohol and retinol can disrupt liver function, which will lead to serious consequences.

Do not forget that vitamin A is better absorbed when eating foods with fat, such as butter, for example. As a result, the bioavailability of vitamin A depends on whether oil is added to the carrots or not.

Products containing Vitamin A should be stored in a dark, cool place where ultraviolet rays cannot reach, because they can have a negative effect on the products and significantly reduce the level of vitamins in their composition. Accordingly, fewer useful properties will remain. It is also worth hiding food from the wind.

Our health and life expectancy depend 80% on ourselves. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this when you are young.

Scientists have proven that vitamin A affects almost all organs and systems of the human body, and its deficiency negatively affects our health.

It is important for every person to know which foods and in what quantity contain vitamin A in order to properly organize their diet.

Vitamin A includes a whole group of substances with similar chemical properties. Two of them are considered the most common:

  1. Retinol is often called the “correct” vitamin A due to its high biological activity, and therefore it is considered the most valuable in nutrition.
  2. Beta-carotene is vitamin A that has not yet been prepared for absorption by the body. The use of this substance by the body is possible only after conversion into retinol.

In order to always know exactly where A is contained, you need to remember that retinol is usually contained in large quantities animal foods, while sources of beta-carotene are found in plant foods.

Daily norm

Retinol is known to many as a substance that promotes the growth and development of bone tissue. It is for this reason that experts recommend consuming foods with vitamin A for children.

In order to avoid vision problems, improve immunity, and take care of heart health, it is important to know which foods contain vitamin A and beta carotene in sufficient quantities. If there is a lack of retinol in the human body, there is a risk of early aging, vision “falls”, color perception deteriorates, skin rashes appear, excessive hair loss is activated, increased tooth sensitivity occurs, and immunity problems are typical.

The daily requirement of vitamin A for an adult is 1500 – 2000 mcg. For children depending on their age daily norm within 375-700 mcg. Doctors recommend one third daily norm, consume in the form of complete retinol, and the rest from foods high in beta-carotene.

In products


Fish oil is the leader in retinol content, 100 grams contain 1900 mcg, followed by beef liver - 8000 mcg, pork and cod liver - 4000 mcg each. Eggs contain much less retinol - 400 mcg, dairy products: butter - 400 - 500 mcg, and milk - only 25 mcg. Not all types of milk contain retinol, but only milk from cows whose diet consisted of grass and hay. Due to the high content of beta-carotene in cow feed, in summer or autumn the proportion of retinol increases significantly both in the milk itself and in the butter. It is thanks to retinol that milk (as well as butter) acquires a characteristic yellowish tint, indicating a high content of beta-carotene in animal nutrition.


Beta-carotene is found in plant foods. The most beta-carotene is in carrots - 8320 mcg, red hot peppers, green onions - 2000 mcg each, pumpkin - 4750 mcg, apricots - 1600 mcg.

Large amounts of beta-carotene are found in almost all orange or dark green vegetables, potatoes, carrots, mangoes, cabbage and other foods. To convert beta-carotene into full-fledged retinol in our body, it is necessary to have a small amount of fat in food. Fat is needed for the secretion of bile in the digestive tract. Eating beta-carotene without fat leads to its loss - almost 90%. To synthesize finished vitamin A from beta-carotene, the body also needs a number of other substances, including tocopherol and choline. Therefore, nutritionists recommend seasoning vegetable salads with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Quantity in food products: table

Employee research Russian Academy Medical sciences do not recommend exceeding the daily requirement of vitamin A. Using the table of retinol content in food, you can adjust your diet by choosing the necessary food sources.

Retinol in products mcg per 100 g
Cod liver oil 30000
Poultry liver 3300
Beef liver 8000
Pork liver 4000
Cod liver 4000
Chicken yolk 630
Cheese 270
Cream 380
Butter 500
Cottage cheese 120
Cow's milk 25

How to Increase Absorption

  1. By destroying the shell, you can increase the absorption of beta-carotene from products of plant origin. For example: vegetables can be boiled or eaten chopped raw.
  2. Boiled carrots contain more biologically available beta-carotene compared to raw carrots, but it must be remembered that boiling or frying some other vegetables (for example, cabbage), on the contrary, reduces the level of nutrients.
  3. Heat treatment of products containing retinol leads to loss of the vitamin by an average of 20-40%.
  4. Our body is able to store small amounts of vitamin A in the liver (and sometimes in tissues) and use it as needed.
  5. Products containing beta-carotene and tocopherol are best cooked together. Vegetables containing beta-carotene must be eaten with some fat for best absorption.

A balanced diet is a guarantee of our health and well-being. Knowing which foods contain vitamin A in sufficient quantities, you can adjust your daily ration, avoid the lack of this important substance in the body.

During the research, the main vitamins were identified, the lack of which leads to a significant deterioration in well-being. Familiarization with the properties and features of taking foods rich in valuable minerals will create favorable conditions for the normal functioning of vital systems.

We will tell you further about which foods contain which vitamins and in what quantities, how they affect the body and much more.

General table of product contents:

Vitamin A (retinol)

Refers to a fat-soluble type of microelements. To increase the quality of digestibility, it is recommended to use it with a certain amount of fat-containing products at the rate of: 1 kg of weight – 0.7 -1 grams of fat.

Effect of microelement on the body:

  1. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the visual organ.
  2. Normalizes protein production.
  3. Brakes aging process.
  4. Participates in the formation of bone tissue and teeth.
  5. Boosts immunity, kills infectious bacteria.
  6. Normalizes exchange functions.
  7. Affects production steroid hormones.
  8. Affects to restore epithelial tissue.
  9. Creates conditions for embryo development, promotes fetal weight gain.

The most common products contain the valuable mineral in sufficient quantities:

  • carrot;
  • apricot;
  • spinach;
  • parsley (greens);
  • Cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • milk (whole);
  • cream;
  • butter);
  • eggs (yolks);

The daily intake of the vitamin is:

  • for women 700 mcg;
  • for men 900 mcg;

An overdose has unforeseen consequences and can manifest itself in the form of various disorders, hair loss, joint pain, etc.

Vitamin deficiency leads to the following disorders in the body:

  1. Deterioration of vision as a result of low production of tears as a lubricant.
  2. Destruction of the epithelial layer, creating protection for individual organs.
  3. Slowdown in growth rate.
  4. Decreased immunity.

B vitamins

Group B consists of the following useful microelements:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • nicotinic acid (B3);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • biotin (B7);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • cobalamin (B12);

Microelements of group B are of great importance for the body, since almost no process can do without these organic compounds.

Among the main ones:

  1. Job nervous system is normalized as a result of the formation of high molecular weight carbohydrates glucose with the participation of vitamin B.
  2. Improved functioning gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Positive Impact on vision and liver function.

Organic compounds of group B are found in products:

  • sprouted wheat, liver, cereals, beans, potatoes, dried fruits (B1);
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, nuts, green vegetables (B2);
  • hard cheese, dates, tomatoes, nuts, sorrel, parsley (B3);
  • mushrooms, green pea, walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli (B5);
  • bananas, cherries, strawberries, fish, meat, yolks (B6);
  • cabbage, legumes, beets, green leaves, yeast (B9);
  • meat of animals and birds;

The daily intake of group B microelements is determined by the purpose:

  1. To normalize work nervous system 1.7 mg B1.
  2. For the exchange process cells 2 mg B2.
  3. To improve performance digestive system 20 mg B3.
  4. In order to strengthen immunity 2 mg B6.
  5. For cells bone marrow 3 mcg B12.

The prescribing approach is individual in each individual case.

A lack of microelements can negatively affect work:

  • central nervous system;
  • psyche;
  • exchange functions;
  • digestive system;
  • visual organs;

When there is a deficiency of group B minerals, symptoms appear:

  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of weight control;
  • difficulty breathing, etc.;

Vitamin C

Even kids are familiar with ascorbic acid. When diagnosing a minor cold, the first step is to eat more citrus fruits, rich in mineral content. It will not be possible to stock up on vitamins for future use; the body is unable to accumulate it.

The functions of organic compounds in the body are multifaceted:

  1. As the most effective antioxidant, promotes cell renewal and inhibits aging.
  2. Normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Improves vascular condition.
  4. Strengthens immune system.
  5. Fills you with energy, gives strength.
  6. Combined with other elements normalizes blood clotting.
  7. Promotes better absorption of iron and calcium.
  8. Removes tension during stress.

Sources of healing minerals can be:

  • red pepper;
  • black currant;
  • strawberry;
  • citrus;
  • rose hip;
  • Rowan;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • pine needles;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, etc.;

The daily norm of an organic compound is 90-100 mg. The maximum dose for exacerbations of diseases reaches 200 mg/day.

Microelement deficiency in the body can provoke:

  • decreased protective functions;
  • scurvy;
  • decreased tone;
  • memory impairment;
  • hemorrhage;
  • significant, dramatic weight loss;
  • development of anemia;
  • swelling of the joints, etc.;

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol)

The only vitamin with double action. It has an effect on the body as a mineral and as a hormone. It is formed in the tissues of living organisms under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

WITH The following processes occur with the participation of cholecalciferol:

  1. Controls level of phosphorus and calcium (inorganic elements).
  2. With the active participation of vitamin calcium absorption increases.
  3. Stimulates growth and development of the skeletal system.
  4. Participates in metabolic processes.
  5. Warns development of diseases transmitted by inheritance.
  6. Helps absorption of magnesium.
  7. Is one of the components of the complex used in preventive measures in oncology.
  8. Normalizes arterial pressure.

To replenish the body with a valuable mineral, it is recommended to regularly eat foods rich in vitamin D:

  • milk and derivatives;
  • eggs;
  • cod liver, beef;
  • fish fat;
  • nettle;
  • parsley (greens);
  • yeast;
  • mushrooms;

Also, the sun's rays are a source of healing microelements. It is recommended to stay outside for at least half an hour every day.

Daily microelement norm:

  • for adults 3-5 mcg;
  • for children 2-10 mcg;
  • for pregnant and nursing mothers 10 mcg;

Microelement deficiency in the body can cause serious illnesses: softening of bone tissue, rickets.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • burning in the larynx and mouth;
  • decreased vision;
  • sleep disorders;
  • sudden weight loss not justified by the use of diets;

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate)

The mineral belongs to the group of antioxidants. It is fat-soluble, which means it can be combined with fat-containing foods. A healthy diet uses foods rich in tocopherol.

Functions of vitamin E in the human body:

  1. Affects for reproductive activity.
  2. Improves circulation.
  3. Removes pain of premenstrual syndrome.
  4. Prevents anemia.
  5. Improves vascular condition.
  6. Brakes formation of free radicals.
  7. Prevents blood clot formation.
  8. Creates protection other minerals from destruction, improves their absorption.

The action of a valuable microelement cannot be determined by specific functions. It really is involved in almost all biological processes.

Sources of tocopherol are the following products:

  • green vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils (unrefined);
  • egg yolk;
  • meat, liver;
  • hard cheese;
  • beans;
  • kiwi;
  • oatmeal, etc.;

The daily intake of tocopherol is 10-15 mg. For pregnant and nursing mothers, the dose is doubled.

A lack of vitamin E in the body can cause a number of disorders:

  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • infertility;
  • liver necrosis;
  • spinal cord degeneration, etc.;

It is worth noting that vitamin E deficiency occurs infrequently. This is due to regular consumption of vegetable oils.

Vitamins are low-molecular organic compounds that ensure the normalization of the body's metabolic functions, the biosynthesis of intestinal flora, organ development, and other equally important chemical processes.

The most valuable microelements are found in fresh foods. Natural ingredients significantly increase the absorption of nutrients. The daily requirement of a certain vitamin or complex can easily be found in healthy foods and make up for the deficiency.

Vitamin A was the very first to be discovered. That’s why it got its name according to the first letter of the Latin alphabet. This vitamin is very important for humans. Products containing vitamin A are not only tasty, but also healthy. This vitamin is a representative of a group of beneficial substances that dissolve in a fatty environment. Well, where vitamin A is found and in what forms, you can find out from this article.

Vitamin A is presented in two forms: original (retinol) and provitamin (carotene). They are considered strong antioxidants that can slow down the aging process in the human body.

“Growth vitamin” is the same as retinol. Some of its beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body include:

  • maintaining vision;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • ability to prevent cancer;
  • skin cell regeneration.

To test the “miraculous” effect for yourself, it is worth knowing which foods contain vitamin A. Below we provide a list in which they are presented.

What products contain

It is worth noting that animal products are considered the source of vitamin and provitamin A.

Retinol is found in large quantities in the liver and fat of mammals, as well as marine inhabitants. For example, halibut occupies a leading position - its liver and fat contain the most of this natural vitamin. In second and third places are cod and salmon, respectively.

The percentage of vitamin A in products is clearly demonstrated by the table:

Retinol is also found in medical fish oil. It contains 100 g. weight contains 19 mg of natural component.

Vitamin A is found in the liver of polar animals. But such products are poisonous. Therefore, it is not recommended to use “second heart” polar bear.

The amount of retinol contained in animal products directly depends on the food they eat. A striking example of this is medical fish oil. Its vitamin content is much higher compared to pet products, as the table demonstrates. This is due to the fact that the plankton that fish feed on also contains retinol.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are not direct sources of vitamin A. But some of them contain beta-carotene. It, in turn, promotes the production of retinol when it enters the body.

Most of this element is found in products that are naturally colored green, orange, red and yellow. These include:

  • tomatoes, carrots, Bell pepper, spinach, broccoli;
  • pumpkin, watermelon, melon, red apples, apricots, pears.

Exotic fruits are the main sources of provitamin and original vitamin And are oranges, pineapples, kiwis and pomegranates.

Spectrum of action of retinol

The importance and role of this natural element is so high for the human body that it is recommended to be used for various diseases. Products containing retinol and stimulating its production are considered irreplaceable for children and adults of any age. This useful element also has a beneficial effect on the body in the form of a prophylactic agent.

Once you know which foods contain the most vitamin A, you can constantly supply it to your body. The sources of such a natural element, which the table shows, can be eaten:

Products of plant and animal origin (table above) that contain retinol are important for pregnant women to consume. Vitamin A and beta-carotene, contained in large quantities, contribute to the normal development of the fetus. His nutrition in compliance with the daily norm expectant mother will be balanced.

Typically, lack of weight in a newborn indicates that the young mother did not supply the body with the proper amount of retinol.

Dose required for a person

To calculate the required daily dose of vitamin A, the help of a specialist will be mandatory. His individual approach, based on many factors, will help determine the specific amount of retinol. He will also tell you what to eat to increase the content of this natural substance.

Based on the overall picture, the following table suggests the daily dose for the average person.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if an acute deficiency of this natural component is detected in the body. Typically, in such situations, the daily dose is prescribed by specialists from 1000 to 3000 mcg.

If you do not eat meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, which contain such beneficial components as retinol and carotene, you can seriously harm your body.

The consequences of a lack of useful components and elements in it can affect:

  • eyes - in the form of blurred vision;
  • teeth - as destruction of enamel;
  • hair - it will become dry, dandruff may appear;
  • skin;
  • work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genitourinary system;
  • "women's" health;
  • mental state;
  • general health (dizziness, weakness).

It is also important to know which products contain the most retinol and carotene in order to increase their effect. This is possible with the simultaneous use of elements such as phosphorus, zinc, potassium, vitamins B, E, D.

Compatibility is best observed with natural elements A and E. The latter, in particular, is necessary for good absorption of retinol. As for the rest, they act as the main “builder”. In other words, if the body lacks the nutrients presented in the list above, then retinol simply will not be formed. It is worth remembering about contraindications. After all, such an element as retinol, contained in many products, is not compatible, first of all, with alcohol. The list of such substances is supplemented by retinoids, which cause unfavorable processes in the body. In general, it is worth remembering that natural components obtained by humans from natural meat, fish, fruits and vegetables are the most the best medicine. Therefore, take a little time and familiarize yourself with which products contain retinol to improve and strengthen your health.

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