What carbohydrates can be eaten when there is a daily rate and a list of products. Carbohydrates "at night" what is better for the night of fats or carbohydrates

Pegan and) to the "bicycle", which offers alternate days with a lower and higher content of carbohydrates. And now I am increasingly popular with food practices with a slimming sight, in which the daytime rate of carbohydrates is recommended to eat in the afternoon, and even better - for the night.

Sounds great, right? But although we are not so long ago that carbohydrates, if the breaks between their techniques are not too small, you can eat at least in the morning, at least in the evening, nutritionists are still not sure that this approach can be considered correct.

According to Health.com, the theory of "carbohydrate reverse load" is based on the connection between carbohydrates and hormones, such as insulin and cortisol, which affect the ability of our body to burn carbohydrates or store them - either in the form of glycogen in muscles or in the form of fat. Supporters of the system believe that transferring the main part of carbohydrates (and at the same time) for the evening optimizes carbohydrate treatment, preventing them to convert them into fatty tissue.

At the same time during the day, the adepts of the diet warn, you will have to limit carbohydrate consumption by very strict 30 grams. But before you inspire the idea of \u200b\u200bto eat for dinner, we recommend that you look more closely to explore the nutrition approaches, making sure that not everything is so rosy and magical.

Without going into details research on this is very limited. Some studies referred to in support of the theory are either insufficiently representative (if, say, 8-10 people took part in them), or the consumption of carbohydrates in them does not quite correspond to the diet plan. Other studies are based on methods that are difficult to call ideal - especially when measuring the amount of fat in the organisms of participants. Plus, some studies were carried out on which, which is logical, other metabolic profiles and hormonal indicators than in active people with normal weight.

The second important point is the people who are suitable for "reverse loading of carbohydrates", usually deal with high intensity training. So if your goal is to feel good, have a balanced relationship with food and, but at the same time not too digest on the gym, it is obviously not your option. "And I am quite sure that the nutrition strategy will be risky for people who have a story or alcohol dependence," adds a Cynthia Sass (Cynthia Sass).

One of the advantages of the diet is that right after workout you can enjoy, milk cocktails and desserts, without worrying about what we eat too much. But here is the problem: supporters of this type of power say that at the same time it is worth navigating on 2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body mass. So if you are a woman who weighs 65 kilograms, you will not be able to eat everything listed without prejudice to the shape.

"It's stupid to think that every gram of carbohydrates that you eat will automatically turn into fat if you do not start eating carbohydrates in the evening. You can lose weight or keep weight, choosing high-quality carbohydrates, such as beans, movies, oatmeal, as well as "explains Sass.

This is confirmed by numerous studies, but the expert adds that it is constantly faced with something similar in his medical practice. "I helped customize meals like ordinary people and professional athletes. And, according to my observations, the first group easier to reduce fat deposits and strengthen the muscles without special manipulations with carbohydrates, "she says.

The truth is that many people eat too many carbohydrates in principle, creating that turns into fat, provoking weight gain. The cause of unnecessary kilograms can also be a quantity, but quality of carbohydrates: with a greater probability will lead to problems with weight than apples and pears. And this is what it is important to remember first.

Can I use carbohydrates for the night? This question is asked millions of people who want to lose weight. Seeing a mess that currently exists about this, we decided to describe this topic as widely as possible to explain it to you.

The first thing we should understand that in the ratio of reasonable macroelements, any calorie deficit will force us to lose weight.

Depending on the ratio of macroelements, this weight may be:

Good (lose only fat)
Satisfactory (lose fat and muscles)
Painful (lose only muscles)

Confusion with the fact that they should be avoided at night, due to the belief that not used carbohydrates during sleep is moving into fat. Summing up, whenever a personal coach or nutritionist supports this statement - keep your ear in acute.

Your body will not say: - "Already 10 pm, and you eat, then I accumulate them in fat," it will increase the metabolism instead, the level of insulin, the number of thyroid hormones, will reduce lipolysis (use of fat), and so on. In addition, believing that we will not use energy during sleep is erroneous, since at this time they strongly use the brain (1).

Fructose does not increase insulin, but it goes directly into the liver and is accumulated in the form of glycogen or used to synthesize triglycerides (lipids). Therefore, there is a fruit! Generally, With normal consumption, even if we consume them for dinner, it will not accumulate subcutaneous fat.

Is it useful to use carbohydrates for dinner?

Daily rhythm can be summarized by biological clock - 24 hours or a scheme of life. Our body is ready to look for more energy in the morning and, as a rule, sleep more at night. This is reflected in the first hours of the morning, where we have a higher testosterone and cortisol , or at night, when above melatonin (sleep hormone).

These biological clocks constantly manipulate us, for example, when changing "time zones" or even with light (northern countries extend the cycle). Power plays an important role in this cycle. When food is consumed at the optimal time of the day, the peripheral watches of the body found in all cells outside the brain are synchronized with the body's core frequency located in the brain.

Using them in food for the night, the oxidation of fat stocks increases, the feeling of satiety is increasing due to, the sensitivity to insulin increases, and the levels of Grechin are growing (2).

In the case of athletes, it is of great importance, as using small amounts during the day, muscles are more sensitive to insulin, so at the end of the workout, they will absorb most of the glucose due to the increase in the level of glycogen in the muscles.

This phenomenon is known as.

As we see in the figure, the right group that ate most of all carbohydrates for dinner has better sensitivity to insulin. This effect is questionable because it may also be associated with one reception during the day.

However, in the picture above it is seen that at the end of the experiment, people who swallowed carbohydrates for dinner reduced the level. Fat people have higher leptin levels, but yours does not understand that they are satisfied.


Dinner with carbohydrates or fruits is not only not harmful to loss of fat, but it can even be one of the best options if we get carbohydrates in our diet. Unlike the fact that we have always heard about it: - "Eat breakfast as a king, lunch as a prince and dinner, as a beggar", the truth is quite different ...

Our body has more effective metabolism when we synchronize our circadian rhythm (depriving it of simple energy during the day) and introduce it to dinner. As we said at the beginning of the article, this is one of many ways to lose fat, remember that the main thing here to have a calorie deficit.

1. Metabolic Rate and Fuel Utilization During Sleep Assessed by Whole-Body Indirect CalorimeTry.Katayose Y, Tasaki M, Ogata H, Nakata Y, Tokuyama K, Satoh M.
2. Greater Weight Loss and Hormonal Changes After 6 Monhs Diet With Carbohydrates Eaten Mostly at Dinner.Sofer S, Eliraz A, Kaplan S, Voet H, Fink G, Kima T, Madar Z.

The Golden Freeding Rule in Bodybuilding is to reduce carbohydrates and their complete exception to the diet in the evening. This is a truly working technique. And there is a lot of scientific confirmations, justification, as well as many years of experience of athletes.

Many hype at one time had a study that was widely distributed in the form of followers and adepts. It was held in 2011 on Israeli police officers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The study involved 78 men who were divided into two groups. One group adhered to traditional nutrition with the distribution of carbohydrates during the day, the experimental group consumed carbohydrates only for dinner. Six months participants followed the same calorie diet (from 1,300 to 1500 kilocalories per day). That is, the conditions of fat burning were identical. After all, we all know that the basic rule of weight loss is the calorie deficit. But just a manipulation with macronutrients, and to be accurate and, with carbohydrates and the time of their consumption, showed very interesting results.

Researchers measured the level of hunger, the weight of the participants and the level of hormones at different points throughout the entire period of the study. Those who eating carbohydrates for dinner lost on average by 3 kg more than their research colleagues. Participants in the second group also reduced 36% more fat and got a little waist girth for several centimeters. What is the most amazing, they experienced a smaller sense of hunger during the day.

As this could happen, "from the words of the main scientist of the Ministry of Education of Israel, Zeharia Madara, the experiment was initiated after familiarizing with Muslim's nutrition during Ramadan. Changes were demonstrated in the secretion of leptin during the post, when fasting is fasting during the day, and high-carbonic food is used in the evening. And these data aroused a scientific interest for further experiments. In previous issues, we told you about hormones regulating hunger and appetite - leptin and Grehyna. Briefly remind about them. Leptin signals about saturation, Grejn, on the contrary, helps to feel a feeling of hunger. When we cut calories to lose weight, the level of Great is increasing during the day, while the level of leptin falls. It is just forcing us to experience a constant feeling of hunger during a diet.

Day consumption of carbohydrates increases the level of insulin in the blood, which increases the release of Great. But when receiving carbohydrates for the night, the study demonstrated the opposite effect. Hard hormone remained low during the day and increased only in the evening, just when the carbohydrate meal was provided. In addition, the experimental diet led to a decrease in insulin concentration during daytime and improving insulin resistance.

Thus, dietary manipulations with nutrition that will support higher daytime concentrations of leptin in the bright time in the course of weight loss can be useful. Scientists believe that it was this modification of the secretion of hormones that helped participants to experience great satiety during wakefulness, it is easier to adhere to a diet throughout the whole time and in the end the best results.

Immediately prompted to agree with skeptics. Yes, such studies are not enough to make any conclusions. And these results in no way are the truth or an example of the fact that most feeds incorrectly. Moreover, the sample is very small. But let's think about how similar research and experiments tell us? Only that our body works very difficult. Therefore, various techniques are quite eligible for life. This approach is not so unusual. Someone may be more comfortable during the day to be on a low-carb or a fermented diet, when the basis of the diet is proteins and fats, while training in the evening and main carbohydrates after training. Folded in a circle of family, sitting with friends ...

From the point of view of psychology it can also work. And will work! Another question is that no one has canceled sufficient calorie intake, BPA balance, as well as competent training and restoration to those who are training in the morning and during the day, such a system may not come up. Although everything is very individual and depends on the purposes. Runners are definitely better running on an empty stomach. But the heavy power training should be fitted with carbohydrates.

Experiment and try something new is always interesting. And sometimes very useful. Moreover, there is a scientific base for such experiments. Try this approach, if it does not contradict your goals and feelings, first of all examine your body in new conditions. In addition, it can become more comfortable than the traditional diet. Well, in the end, sometimes you just need to relax from what we followed a long time. So why not try to eat all your carbohydrates in the evening?

8 Recent years, experimental nutrition techniques appear increasingly. One of them is a "warrior diet", which involves the main consumption of carbohydrates in the evening. The creator of this approach is Orofmecler, former Israeli special forces. The author of the book is not a professional nutritionist or doctor. He is an artist. And the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a book just appeared in the process of his service in the army. In this book, the idea of \u200b\u200btemporary was first widely distributed

The starvation we wrote about in previous issues. Also in it, the main carbohydrates and generally eat food are eaten in the evening. But, unlike the study described above, some vegetable and fruit snacks are assumed there during the day. This method of nutrition has thousands of followers worldwide.

Can I have Carbohydrates at night?

Already everyone learned by heart that Carbohydrates at night It is impossible. Well done!

Now let's quickly learn, in what cases carbohydrates on Night can be And you need!

NATE MIYAKI, the author "Intermittent Fast" very correctly noticed that carbohydrates can benefit or harm depending on the context (situation). On the one hand, carbohydrates help recover after severe anaerobic (attention! Power or sprint / vite) training, on the other hand, in case of insufficient activity, excess carbohydrates (what did not go to energy) will go into fat.

Simple words, if you train intensively and regularly, then you need to regularly fill the glycogen reserves, which you will spend during these workouts.

If you are sitting in the office and 2 times a week go to Pilates (count to lie on the rug), then you Carbohydrates at night Strictly contraindicated. And in general, in general, during the day, the abuse of carbohydrates will give the same result - a set of fat.

How many carbohydrates too much is another question. Now we are about the time of their reception, and not about the quantity!

Your body is a car. If you are constantly using it, then the tank (glycogen reserves) is pretty quickly. If your car is in the garage, then refuel it often simply no need. Attempts to pour gasoline to the full tank will end in that the fuel is perceived through the edge. That is, carbohydrates for lack of space (free glycogen depot) will be converted to stocks (fat).

In general, in general, the consumption of too much calories and carbohydrates creates overweight problems. Instead of paying attention to the time of day, it is better to focus on the total consumption of carbohydrates and bring it into line with age, weighing, type of physique, level of activity, and so on (this is the question of the quantity that we will talk about in another article ).

Excessive consumption the number of carbohydrates At any time, the day can lead to weight gain and unwanted changes in the proportions of the body. All sorts of diets of the "-60" 6 where in the morning you can eat everything in unlimited quantities initially give girls an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bhow the body works.

And now, to whom and when you can

1 / if you sleep badly

Carbohydrates at night Help better falling asleep (especially if you hold the low-carb power option during the day)

There is a simple mechanism: admission to the body of carbohydrates (without any difference in sweets, even rice) automatically leads to the production of the pancreas of the insulin hormone. The task of this hormone is to remove excess sugar from the blood (glucose). Along the way, insulin "takes" from the blood is also all indispensable amino acids other than tryptophan. Triptophan is the predecessor of serotonin (hormone joy as well as fatigue and lethargy). As a result, after Kasya, you will sleep with a sleeping baby.

2 / if you have power training In the morning, it is much more efficient to boot from the evening. If the power in the evening, then to fill the carbohydrate window you can easily eat Carbohydrates at night.

3 / If you regularly train, your workouts are anaerobic (power and vite), you have a temperate subcutaneous fat percentage (no higher than 25%), you do not abuse carbohydrates during the day, then you You can carbohydrates At night (and not only after training, but in general it is possible!)

You can, even if you have a life-burning program!

And now to whom and when it is impossible

1 / If you have a high percentage of subcutaneous fat (above 25%)

2 / If you do not train in the hall, and in place we go to Pilates and "Power" training in group programs (which actually - Cardio)

3 / If you have insensitivity to insuline (Insuline Resistance)

in this case, you are not carbohydrates for the night, in general we must very carefully enter into your diet!

Bodybuilder receive carbohydrates directly depends on the time of day. So, for example, most of the daily dose consumed in the morning. The fact is that overnight the glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted, which leads to a lack of energy. To ensure that the proper energy level, the body begins to extract it from muscle tissue. Thus, in the event of insufficient consumption of carbohydrates in the morning, the loss of muscle mass may be observed.

Before training, it is also customary to take a certain number of "slow" carbohydrates. They will ensure the continuous flow of energy into the athlet organism and make training more efficient. After training, glycogen reserves are again depleted, which contributes to the release of catabolic hormones, the purpose of which is the destruction of the muscles. That is why the reception of "fast" carbohydrates immediately after training is capable of blocking catabolic hormones, and this plays a crucial role when typing muscular mass. And now about the most important thing. Is it possible to take carbohydrates for the night?

If in the day you consumed their sufficient amount, then the reception of carbohydrates before bed will lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat. Experts note that it is possible to consume carbohydrates no later than 4 hours before sleep. Such a conclusion was confirmed by a group of scientists who undertake to investigate this problem.

It turned out that the body temperature and the heart rate rate directly depends on the reception of carbohydrates. Those athletes that loaded themselves with carbohydrates 2-3 hours before sleep, slept much worse, since the temperature of their body was raised, and the heart beat more often. The good sleep is accompanied by reverse processes: reduced body temperature and low heart rate. In this sense, the advantage had those athletes that abandoned the use of carbohydrates for the night, eating most of them for breakfast. Their dream was significantly better, and the subcutaneous fat did not accumulate overnight.

Not in the evening carbohydrates (or not in the evening at all), because all the eaten will not have time to spend on energy and go into fat, - so far one of the most popular myths of weight loss.

On the one hand, the metabolism in the first half of the night (the first half of your sleep) is indeed decreasing by 35% (1). But in the second half he significantly grows. Because of these attacks and drops of metabolism, the average energy consumption during sleep is not much different from day rest (2).

A recent study conducted at Jewish University in Jerusalem and published in Obesity magazine studied the question of evening carbohydrates.

Participants were divided into two groups - control and experimental. Both groups were planted for six months on the same calorie deficit with the same number of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. One group ate carbohydrates during the day, and the second - 80% of all carbohydrates ate for dinner. The results showed a greater weight loss, the abdomen circle and a decrease in body fat, greater satiety and a smaller sense of hunger in the second group.

Of course, despite the fact that this group lost more fat and had the best health markers by the end of the study (the best insulin sensitivity, the growth of "good" cholesterol and a decrease in "bad"), it is too early to say that it is so necessary to eat for rapid weight loss . We need more research. But one we can endure out of it: carbohydrates for dinner themselves do not make a man Tolessev bypassing the daily calorie rate.

The diet with the abandonment of carbohydrates after x hours looks good in theory, but it works badly in the real world.

If most of the food is transferred to the first half of the day, it will be difficult to fight with evening hunger. And he will surely come, because it is impossible to nourish once and for the whole day, no matter how much you did not eat.

Food in the evenings is part of the culture of our society. And live in a world where you can not dine in a restaurant with friends or home with family, hard. This is one of the reasons why so many people hate diets.

Sequence and patience - the two most important points of diet that few people are discussing. Instead, we are concerned about the use of carbohydrates, the ratio of macronutrients in a plate, a glycemic and insulin index and other things.

The rules help organize food, but unnecessary unreasonable restrictions make a little compatible diet with life. Great freedom in choosing how and when you eat, it is more likely to stay on a friend can be longer.

The diet "Does not eat after x" cannot fit all, because each has its own way of life, its own routine of the day and its own level of activity. Selecting the frequency of food intakes and distribution of products during the day should be realistic and convenient for you.

A separate question: Do I need after evening workout if you want to lose weight? Or need to go to bed hungry so that the body burns more fat?

Carbohydrates are energy. If you train in the evenings, it has a direct meaning to move the carbohydrates to the evening: using them to workout, you provide yourself with energy for quality work. Using them after training, you accelerate the restoration of the body.

Sensitivity to insulin is high after workout (7, 8), so worrying that everything eaten will turn into fat, it is not worth it. Especially, it is not possible on the calorie deficit.

For many, more efficient to lose weight can be the transfer of most calories for the evening.

First, it is a full dinner with family or in a restaurant instead of lettuce leaves on a plate.

Secondly, many work during the day and forget or do not have time to eat normally. Or it is easier for them to distract from thoughts about food while there is a lesson. In the evening, when all things end up, and a person remains granted to himself, to refuse food very difficult - the refrigerator is manitis, sucks under the flag, and nothing distracts anything from the hunger thoughts.

Thirdly, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the last eating helps to fall asleep faster (and with a falling asleep on a diet there are often problems).

We can argue about the optimal dietary approaches, but the amount of calories will always be based on weight loss. This does not mean that the composition of the food is not important, but calories is still more important.

Being the fact that the food for the deficit of calories will be depicted in fat, meaningless. After each meal, anabolic phase occurs when the food begins to be absorbed. Nothing eaten remains in the bloodstream, during the day you can or in the evening.

And then everything is determined by the fact that you have a calorie deficiency during the day or not. If there is, the postponed will be extracted and goes to energy. If not, it will remain about the stock and replenish, if you are a fan to eat at night and do not follow the nutrition.

Food in the evenings does not make a person thicker. Thiccier it makes too much food (calories) throughout the day. Excess weight depends on how much you eat, and not on when.

Can there be carbohydrates for the night?

Already everyone learned by heart that it was impossible for the night carbohydrates. Well done!

Now let's fast memorize, in what cases carbohydrates can be and necessary for the night!

NATE MIYAKI, the author "Intermittent Fast" very correctly noticed that carbohydrates can benefit or harm depending on the context (situation). On the one hand, carbohydrates help to recover after severe anaerobic (attention! Power or sprint / vietit) training, on the other hand, with insufficient activity, excess carbohydrates (that, it went to energy) will go into fat.

Simple words, if you train intensively and regularly, then you need to regularly fill the glycogen reserves, which you will spend during these workouts.

If you are sitting in the office and go to Pilates 2 times a week (sittai to lie on the rug), then you are picked up with carbohydrates for the night. And in general, in general, during the day, the abuse of carbohydrates will give the same result as a set of fat.

How many carbohydrates too much is another question. Now we are about the time of their reception, and not about the quantity!

Your body is a car. If you are constantly using it, then the tank (glycogen reserves) is pretty quickly. If your car is in the garage, then refuel it often simply no need. Attempts to pour gasoline to the full tank will end in that the fuel is perceived through the edge. That is, carbohydrates for lack of space (free glycogen depot) will be converted to stocks (fat).

In general, in general, the consumption of too much calories and carbohydrates creates overweight problems. Instead of paying attention to the time of day, it is better to focus on the total consumption of carbohydrates and bring it into line with age, weighing, type of physique, level of activity, and so on (this is the question of the quantity that we will talk about in another article ).

Consumption of excess carbohydrates at any time of the day can lead to weight gain and unwanted changes in the proportions of the body. All sorts of diet type "-60" 6 Where in the morning you can eat everything in unlimited quantities initially give girls an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bhow the body works.

And now, to whom and when you can

1 / if you sleep badly

Carbohydrates on the night help better falling asleep (especially if you hold the low-yummy food option during the day)

There is a simple mechanism: admission to the body of carbohydrates (without any difference in sweets, even rice) automatically leads to the production of the pancreas of the insulin hormone. The task of this hormone is to remove excess sugar from the blood (glucose). Along the way, insulin "takes" from the blood is also all indispensable amino acids, except for tryptophan. Typtophan is the predecessor of serotonin (Goroman Joyful6 as well as fatigue and lethargy). In the end, after kansy, you will sleep with a sleeping baby.

2 / If you have a power training in the morning, it is much more efficient to boot from the evening. If the power in the evening, then to fill the carbohydrate windows, you can easily eat carbohydrates for the night.

3 / If you regularly train, your workouts are anaerobic (power and vite), you have a temperate subcutaneous fat percentage (no higher than 25%), you do not abuse carbohydrates during the day, then you can carbohydrates for the night (and not only after Training, but in general it is possible!)

You can, even if you have a life-burning program!

And now to whom and when it is impossible

1 / If you have a high percentage of subcutaneous fat (above 25%)

2 / If you do not train in the hall, and set this to Pilates and "power" training in group programs (which actually - Carlyio)

3 / If you have insensitivity to insuline (Insuline Resistance)

in this case, you are not carbohydrates for the night, we need to be very careful to enter into your diet!

It is often believed that food adopted 3-4 hours before sleep leads to a weight gain. Partially it is true - in the evening the metabolism slows down, and during sleep, a body fabric, synthesizing the hormone leptin begins to play a key role in metabolism. In fact, the presence of carbohydrates in the stomach can adversely affect the possibilities of body burning existing fats. In other words, food at night is full.

On the other hand, the human body, in fact, is indifferent for how many hours to sleep concrete food was eaten - ultimately the body is important only the total calorie nutrition. Theoretically, if you even approximately follow the daily calorie rate, the average portion of useful food even in 20 minutes before bedtime will not change the situation and does not turn you into the fat man.

In reality, the quality of food in the evening - first, you must avoid fast carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Fitzien has already published a complete list. Secondly, for dinner, it is preferable to eat as much of all possible vegetables and useful for digestion and normalization of glucose levels in the blood of fiber.

Best food for dinner

Since, during sleep, the body literally works on free fatty acids, the quality of dinner oils and fat is playing a decisive role in the struggle for health and physical shape of the body. It is important to minimize saturated animal fats (oil, fat), as well as limit refined low-quality vegetable oils.

The most useful choice for dinner will be a portion of food with an energy value of 450-500 kcal, containing approximately 25-35 g of protein, 15-25 g of fats (mostly useful omega-9 fatty acids in the form of olive oil) and 50-75 g of carbohydrates (of which 8-10 g and no more than 7 g of sugars) - that is, about 150-200 g of low-fat meat with a garnish of 50-70g buckwheat and a portion of green vegetables.

Metabolism after six in the evening

Scientific studies show that human biological watches are closely related to the rhythms of the change of day and night. That is why the brightness of light affects not only the level of sleep hormone, but also for many other metabolism parameters. For example, we all noticed, in the dark, the work of the digestive system and the stomach slowly slows down.

However, it is extremely difficult to name a specific hour in which these changes begin. In fact, it is not entirely clear where he came from remembering the rule "not after the six evenings." Most likely, this is affected by the sunset time - that is why Ayurveda, the traditional Indian health doctrine, does not recommend eating after sunset.

Do you harm carbohydrates for the night?

During sleep, the metabolic rate decreases by about 15-35% (1), the level of glucose (and insulin) in the blood drops, thus increasing the level of growth hormone. Also, during sleep, the process of metabolism is actively involved. In fact, at night, the body minimizes the processes of digestion.

In addition, at night, the body activates the use of existing fat as fuel - while the presence of a large amount of food in the stomach definitely causes the imbalance of these processes, forcing the body first of all to burn calories just eaten dinner. And the more simple carbohydrates will be in such a food, the worse.

Habit is in the evening

The main problem of "Evening Calories", according to nutritionists, is not at all in the time of food use - and, above all, in a banal overeating. If a person had no opportunity to have a normally breakfast and dine, then it is obvious that he is very hungry for dinner - and, in the end, will eat more calories than he needed.

Unfortunately, this is a very typical case. For most workers, it is the evening that is becoming the main day of food for the day, and they physically can not afford to dine 3-4 hours before sleep. The situation is aggravated by the fact that attempts to reduce the size of food eaten in the evening are often poured into uncontrolled nightliness.


Although the awakening of the feeling of hunger and the uncontrolled night hike to the refrigerator for searching for food is found only in 1-2% of the total population, for a quarter of people suffering from obesity, this is a completely normal phenomenon (2). Such behavior is caused by violations of the nightly oscillations of leptin and, as well as the inadequate reaction of the body to insulin.

In order to avoid nightliness, it is important to saturate the body with the right energy during dinner - that is why it is necessary not just to sit on the diet and try to reduce the size of the portion, but to use as much useful fiber as possible (in the form of green vegetables) and vegetable fats. Avoiding sugar and other quick carbohydrates.

Despite the fact that from the theoretical point of view of "calories is always the same" (that is, in simple words, there should be an important time for their use for the body), in practice, the habit of doing dinner is most often associated with a set of excess weight. As we mentioned in the material "", the fat at the same time is absorbed mainly in the abdomen.

That is why the best time for evening food will be a period 3-4 hours before the waste to sleep - this will allow the body to digest and fully assimilate carbohydrates, facilitating the smooth transition to the night mode of using free fatty acids as the main source of energy. If you go to bed at 23.00, dinner should be no later than 9 pm.


From a theoretical point of view, for the body there should be no difference between the "morning" and "evening" calories - however, in practice, this difference is still quite noticeable. That is why in order not to not gain excess weight in the abdomen, it is really best to dine in 3-4 hours before going to sleep and do not argue overnight.

Scientific sources:

  1. The Impact of Sleep Disorders on Glucose Metabolism,
  2. Fat Circadian Biology,

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