Personnel assessment. Personnel assessment methods (2)

- this is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of the position or.

Objectives of personnel assessment

Administrative purpose is achieved by making an informed administrative decision (promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, referral for training, dismissal) based on the results of the assessment of personnel performance.

informational purpose is that both employees and managers have the opportunity to obtain reliable information about the activities. Such information is extremely important for the employee in terms of improving their activities, and gives managers the opportunity to make the right decision.

motivational goal is that assessment itself is the most important means of motivating people's behavior, since adequately assessed labor costs will ensure the further growth of workers, but only if the work of a person is evaluated according to his expectations.

Tasks of personnel assessment:
  • assess the potential for promotion and reduce the risk of promotion of incompetent employees;
  • determine the cost of training;
  • maintain a sense of justice among employees and increase labor motivation;
  • organize feedback with employees on the quality of their work;
  • develop programs and staff development.

Personnel assessment subjects:

  • line managers. As a rule, they are the main actors in the business evaluation of personnel. Responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base for the evaluation, conduct evaluation conversations;
  • workers;
  • Colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with those being assessed;
  • persons who are not directly related to the assessed employee. Among them are independent experts and evaluation centers.

All subjects of evaluation are divided into formal and informal. TO formal subjects of evaluation include managers and employees of personnel management services. It is they who have the right to make an administrative decision based on the results of the assessment.

Informal subjects of evaluation- colleagues, independent experts - only give their opinion, which is taken into account by the formal subjects of assessment when summarizing information for making management decisions.

Recently, in practice, a combined assessment is often used, when the appraiser is not one subject, but several at once.

Personnel assessment object

Object of assessment- one who is evaluated. The object of assessment can be either individual employees or a group of employees identified according to a certain attribute (for example, depending on the level in the organizational structure or on a professional basis).

It is quite simple to evaluate the results of the labor of workers, especially pieceworkers, since the quantitative and qualitative results of their labor are expressed in the quantity of products produced and their quality.

It is much more difficult to evaluate the results of the work of managers and specialists, since they characterize their ability to have a direct impact on the activities of any production or management link.

Personnel assessment subject

subject of evaluation The results of the labor of personnel are the personal qualities of employees, and the effectiveness of labor.

Classification of factors taken into account when assessing personnel

natural biological

  • Age
  • Health status
  • Mental capacity
  • Physical ability
  • Climate
  • Geographic environment
  • Seasonality, etc.


  • The state of the economy
  • State requirements, restrictions and laws in the field of labor and wages
  • Qualification of employees
  • Labor motivation
  • Standard of living
  • The level of social security, etc.

Technical and organizational

  • The nature of the tasks to be solved
  • The complexity of labor
  • The state of the organization of production and labor
  • Working conditions (sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, etc.)
  • The volume and quality of the information received
  • The level of use of scientific and technological achievements, etc.


  • Attitude towards work
  • Psychophysiological state of the worker
  • Moral climate in the team, etc.


  • Development of a mixed economy
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Level and scope of privatization
  • Independent choice of wage system
  • Price liberalization
  • Corporatization of organizations
  • and etc.

Personnel assessment criteria

To obtain reliable information, it is necessary to accurately and objectively identify the indicators for which the assessment is made. In this case, it is important to establish clear and thoughtful criteria for assessing personnel.

Evaluation criterion personnel - the threshold beyond which the state of the indicator will satisfy or not satisfy the established (planned, normalized) requirements.

Such criteria can characterize both general points that are equivalent for all employees of the organization, and specific norms of labor and behavior for a particular workplace or a particular position.

There are four groups of criteria that are used in any organization with some adjustments:

  1. professional criteria personnel assessments contain characteristics of professional knowledge, skills, professional experience of a person, his qualifications, labor results;
  2. business criteria personnel assessments include such criteria as responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;
  3. moral and psychological criteria personnel assessments, which include the ability to self-assessment, honesty, fairness, psychological stability;
  4. specific criteria assessments of personnel, which are formed on the basis of the qualities inherent in a person and characterize his state of health, authority, personality traits.

Evaluation of the results of personnel work

Evaluation of the results of labor must be carried out for all categories of workers, but, as noted above, it is easier to evaluate the results for the category of workers and much more difficult for managers and specialists.

Two groups of indicators used in assessing labor productivity:

  1. direct indicators(or quantitative) are easily measurable, can be fairly objectively quantified, and are always predetermined; on their basis, the degree of achievement of the goals set is determined;
  2. indirect indicators characterizing the factors that indirectly affect the achievement of results; they cannot be quantified, as they “characterize the employee according to criteria corresponding to the “ideal” ideas about how the job duties and functions that form the basis of this position should be performed.”
List of indicators for evaluating the results of work for some positions of managers and specialists


List of indicators for evaluating the results of labor

Head of the organization

  • Profit
  • Profit Growth
  • Profitability of production
  • Capital turnover ratios
  • Market share
  • Product Competitiveness

Line managers (heads of production, workshops, foremen)

  • Fulfillment of planned tasks in terms of volume and nomenclature
  • Dynamics of production volume
  • Dynamics of labor productivity
  • Reducing production costs
  • Number of complaints and their dynamics
  • Product quality indicators
  • The magnitude and losses from downtime
  • Staff turnover rate

Head of Human Resources

  • Labor productivity and its dynamics
  • Reducing the standard labor intensity of manufactured products
  • Share of technically sound norms
  • The level of wages per unit of output and its dynamics
  • Staff turnover rate and its dynamics
  • Number of vacancies
  • Indicators for training and advanced training of personnel
  • Personnel costs in production costs ( specific gravity and dynamics)

HR manager

  • Number of vacancies in the organization
  • Number of applicants for one vacancy
  • Turnover rate by personnel categories and departments

Assessment steps:

  1. description of functions;
  2. definition of requirements;
  3. assessment by factors of a particular contractor;
  4. calculation of the overall score;
  5. comparison with the standard;
  6. assessment of the level of the employee;
  7. communicating the results of the evaluation to the subordinate.

main character in personnel assessment is line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the ongoing periodic evaluation, and conducts an evaluation conversation with employees.

The task of the personnel service The task of evaluating candidates for employment is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, assessment at admission is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the organization's human resources.

Although there are a large number of different approaches to evaluation, they all suffer from a common drawback - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who it uses as an expert.

Necessary conditions and requirements for personnel assessment technology:
  • objectively- regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;
  • reliably- relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly random);
  • reliable in relation to activities- the real level of skill proficiency should be assessed - how successfully a person copes with his business;
  • predictive- the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;
  • complex- not only each of the members of the organization is evaluated, but also the connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;
  • process assessment and assessment criteria should be available not to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to appraisers, observers, and the appraisers themselves (that is, to have the property of internal evidence);
  • carrying out evaluation activities should not disrupt the work of the team, but be built into common system personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

Personnel assessment methods

Classifications of assessment methods:

  • assessment of the employee's potential;
  • business appraisal.

Methods for assessing the potential of employees

1. Personnel assessment centers. They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. Usage a large number different methods and the mandatory evaluation of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increases the predictability and accuracy of the assessment. It is especially effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (promotion) and in evaluating management personnel (for more details, see clause 8.3).

2. Aptitude Tests. Their goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform a certain activity. 55% of those surveyed use tests that are in some way similar to the job that the candidate will have to do.

3. General Ability Tests. Assessment of the general level of development and individual features of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

4. Biographical Tests and Biographical Studies. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of the intellect, sociability. They also use the data of a personal file - a kind of dossier, where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee's development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

5. personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed. 20% of the respondents answered that they use various types of personal and psychological tests in their organizations.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate that, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

7. Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations come from and how they are framed. Well-known and reputable companies are especially demanding on the execution of such documents - in order to receive a recommendation, information is required from the immediate supervisor of the person to whom this recommendation is presented. Recommendations are made out with all the details of the organization and coordinates for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from a private individual, attention should be paid to the status this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very famous in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more reasonable.

8. Non-traditional methods. 11% use a polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress test, tests for honesty or attitude towards something set by the company. 18% use alcohol and drug tests for candidates. Typically, these tests are based on urine and blood tests, which are part of a routine pre-employment medical examination. None of the organizations surveyed use AIDS tests for their candidates. 22% use some type of psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations.

Results of the comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Methods of business assessment of personnel

Business appraisal of staff in progress labor activity can be done in the following ways:

Methods of individual assessment

1. Questionnaires and comparative assessments

2. Preset Choice Method- a questionnaire in which the main characteristics are set, a list of options for the behavior of the person being assessed. The importance scale evaluates in points a set of characteristics of how the assessed employee performs his work.

3. Behavioral Attitude Rating Scale- a questionnaire that describes the decisive situations of professional activity. The rating questionnaire usually contains from six to ten decisive situations with a description of behavior. The person conducting the assessment notes the description that is more consistent with the qualifications of the person being assessed. The type of situation correlates with the score on the scale.

4. Descriptive evaluation method is that the evaluator is asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the employee's behavior. Often this method is combined with others, such as attitude rating scales.

5. Critical Situation Evaluation Method. To use this method, specialists prepare a list of descriptions of the "correct" and "wrong" behavior of employees in certain (decisive) situations. These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work. The assessor prepares a journal of records for each assessed worker, in which he enters examples of behavior under each rubric. This journal is then used to evaluate performance. As a rule, the method is used for assessments given by the manager, and not by colleagues or subordinates.

6. Behavior Observation Scale, as a method of assessing the decisive situation, is focused on fixing actions. To determine the behavior of the employee as a whole, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one way or another.

Group assessment methods

Group assessment methods make it possible to compare the effectiveness of the work of employees within the group, to compare employees with each other.

1. Classification method: the evaluator must assign all employees in turn, from best to worst, to any one common criterion. However, this is quite difficult if the number of people in the group exceeds 20 people, it is much easier to single out a successful or unsuccessful employee than to rank the average one.

The way out can be found by using alternative classification method. To do this, the person conducting the assessment must first select the best and worst employees, then select the next ones, and so on.

2. Pair comparison makes the classification easier and more reliable - each is compared with each in specially grouped pairs. At the intersection of surnames in a pair, the surname of the employee who is considered the most effective in this pair is noted. Then the number of cases when the employee is the best in his pair is noted, and based on this, an overall rating is built. Evaluation can be difficult if the number of employees is too large - the number of couples will be too large and the questionnaire will become tedious.

3. KTU (labor participation rate) was widespread in the 1980s. The value of the base KTU is equal to one.

In the United States, the geographic rating scale method is most commonly used. The descriptive method and questionnaires are widely used. The share of other methods is no more than 5%. Classification and comparison by pairs are used by 10-13% of employers.

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the context of the company's strategic objectives.

During the assessment, the employer compares the employee holding a particular position with a specialist ideally suited for this position.

In the West, formalized valuation appeared in US companies at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the 1960s, a new methodology appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objects) - the personal achievements of each employee were evaluated.

In the 1980s, a technique called Performance management (PM) was created - performance management. Not only the result is evaluated, but also the ways to achieve it. Assumes large-scale feedback from the employee. It can serve as a predictive tool for future professional development employee and planning his career in the company.

In the 1980s - 1990s, the objectivity of the assessment increased with the advent of new technology- "360 degrees", which involves a systematic survey of people (manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients) with whom the employee works.

At the same time, the Assessment Center (Assessment Center), which involves a comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to enjoy popularity. It was mainly used in the evaluation of senior managers for the purpose of appointment to these positions and for enrollment in the personnel reserve of companies.

In Russia, attestation is considered the traditional way of assessment.

Modern valuation methods have appeared in Russia recently, with the arrival of Western companies on the Russian market. The number of companies using RM, Assessment Center, including internal, "360 degrees" is growing, but not as fast as we would like. The main obstacle is the Russian mentality of the continuity of Western technologies, distrust of them, as well as a craving for stability and conservatism.

Consider the main methods of personnel assessment used in Russian companies.


The certification procedure is set out in officially approved documents. In the absence of such, the organization must have a "Regulation on the certification" of the company's personnel approved in the prescribed manner. The procedure and all regulations are agreed and approved by the first persons of the company.

Attestation is the right of the company administration, which can be exercised in relation to all or certain categories of employees. Employees who have worked for less than one year, pregnant women or those with children under three years of age, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessment.

Certification is carried out once, twice or three times a year. It may be by decision of the administration of the regular or extraordinary.

Certification evaluates qualifications, work results (evaluation sheet or on the recommendation of the manager), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard exam), business and personal qualities.

The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and positions.

An attestation commission is being created from middle-level representatives, personnel officers, and trade union members. The number is usually determined by an odd number of participants in the amount from 5 to 11. The commission, in the presence of the employee, considers all the data and makes a decision on the future fate of the employee in the organization.

The results may be the basis for the dismissal of an employee in accordance with Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
In case of disagreement with the decision of the certification commission, the employee has the right to appeal to the labor dispute commission at the enterprise or go to court. The Commission must provide reasons for its decision.

It consists in the joint setting of tasks by the manager and the employee and the evaluation of the results of their implementation after the reporting period (usually the end of the financial year).

The assessment affects all categories and positions of the company.
1) A list of tasks is compiled:
a) the manager himself sets tasks, and then brings them to the employees. Then there is an adjustment taking into account the suggestions of the employee;
b) the manager and the employee set tasks independently of each other, and then agree on them at the interview.
2) Criteria for completing tasks are determined (coefficient, weight as a percentage of the overall success for each task) in accordance with the company's strategy.
3) The success of the task is determined. The opinion of the manager is considered a priority or a higher manager is involved in the decision.
4) Measures are outlined to improve the quality of work.

Evaluates the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies areas for development, plans an employee's career. Participation is accepted by all categories and positions of the company. The emphasis is placed on the feedback of the leader with the subordinate in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).

Task-setting interviews and a final interview (conducted jointly by the manager and subordinates) take place once a year, where the employee is given Feedback on his work and develop ways to develop his success and quality of work. The results of work on tasks and competencies are evaluated, areas are identified and plans for employee training and career development are drawn up.

"360 degrees"

Competency assessment performed by people who work with the employee on a regular basis.

It is used both for individual personnel tasks and as an addition to the main system. The employee himself can initiate this method of assessment in order to determine his areas of development.

An opinion about an employee is made by four parties: a manager, subordinates, colleagues and clients (from above, below, next to and around) in the amount of 7 - 12 people. It is desirable that people evaluate not only positively, but also critically.

Competencies assessed:

People management
Organizational skills
Ability to make decisions

The data of completed surveys and questionnaires is collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to achieve complete confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). Only the leader can show his assessment, thus providing feedback.

The results of the assessment (usually on a five-point scale) are received by the employee and his manager.

Assessment Center

1) Preparatory stage:
- determination of the objectives of the assessment;
- development (updating) of the competency model. The model should be consistent with the overall strategy of the company and include the competencies necessary to perform a specific task. To develop competencies, business leaders and preferably the first person of the company are necessarily involved. Competences are prescribed by levels.

2) Development of the Assessment Center procedure:
- development of a plan-scenario (timing and logistics of the event);
- modeling and/or adaptation of exercises;
- determination of the set and sequence of evaluation methods;
- training of experts, training of observers;
- familiarization of assessed participants with the Assessment Center program.

3) conducting the Assessment Center:

- conducting a business game, case studies, group discussions in which the selected competencies are manifested. The topic can be anything, and does not have to correspond to the content of the employee's work. Each case provides an opportunity to assess several competencies in different combinations. Exercises are performed in a group or in pairs. The behavior of employees is monitored by specially trained observers - external consultants, employees of the HR department, representatives of business units;
- individual interviews, tests (for intelligence, personality) with each participant according to the results of the game;
- overall assessment of the game participant (integration session)- summarizing assessments. All observers express their opinion about human behavior during business games and discuss overall rating each competence;
- drawing up a report on the results of the Assessment Center;
- providing feedback to the participants of the Assessment Center. It is very important that the consultants/observers who give feedback are extremely tactful and cautious. Often ambitious employees with high self-esteem are evaluated in Assessment Centers. After giving feedback, they should leave a positive impression.

Also, evaluation methods can be informally dated coaching, which is not basic, but gives more detailed information about the employee - his potential, motivations, intentions, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a strong motivating and initiating employee responsibility method for their activities, therefore, at all stages of an employee’s work, it can be used both as an assessment method, and as a development method, and as a way to motivate an employee.

Comparative characteristics of various methods, stages of implementation of the assessment system in the company, as well as the difficulties that arise in this.

Determination of the need for personnel assessment
The company must evaluate, and the consultant can help in this by informing (pros and cons of each valuation method), which valuation method is acceptable for the company and whether it is necessary at all, based on an analysis of the following factors:
The date of the last assessment.
Company age.
To what extent the company is financially prepared for the implementation of the assessment activity.
Have a strategy and mission.
How developed is the corporate culture of the company and what are its features.
Company size.
The scope of the company, the nature of the products or services provided.
Socio-psychological atmosphere in the company.
Stage of work of employees to be assessed and other factors.

To determine the actual need for an assessment, the consultant and the customer need to understand the reason for contacting a consulting company, because the wishes for an assessment can be very different, from the real need to identify the level of success of the company to the assessment as a tribute to fashion. The last wish is not a need for an assessment, and its implementation can start the irreversible process of the company's collapse. Therefore, the process of determining the true intentions, where a clear goal, result and specific tasks of the company are built, is the first and most important stage in the actual assessment of the personnel.

Each stage of an employee's work in the company involves the use of certain assessment methods

Can only be used in combination with other methods
+ - can be used separately

At the end of the probationary period, evaluation interviews and tests on knowledge of the subject of activity are used.

Benefits of an assessment

Benefits of valuation for a company
1. Determining the results of work, the level of knowledge and skills of the company's personnel.
2. The possibility of personnel rotation and the creation of a personnel reserve.
3. Creation of purposefully personnel development program.
4. Staff motivation.
5. Building a corporate culture.
6. Organizational development.

Benefits of assessment for an employee
1. Determination of the place and role of each employee in the company - horizontally and vertically.
2. A clear understanding of the tasks set, the criteria for the success of their implementation, the dependence of wages and bonuses on the results of work.
3. Opportunity to receive feedback from the immediate supervisor.
4. Ensuring that achievements are not left without attention (if the system works effectively).
5. Opportunity for professional and career growth.

The place of personnel assessment in the process of personnel management
Training. Personnel assessment helps to identify the needs of employees for training, as well as to determine the effectiveness of the training programs used.
Personnel planning. Evaluation of performance indicators allows you to determine both the current and future quantitative and qualitative need for staff.
Personnel selection. Information from the performance appraisal is used to improve the recruitment and selection methods used.
Employee development and career planning. Evaluation of performance indicators allows you to assess the potential of an employee and outline ways to perform more complex and responsible work.
Stimulation and motivation of work. Performance appraisal helps to improve the effectiveness of the motivation and incentive system by providing feedback to employees, evaluating their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and department.
Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Evaluation of the work and working behavior of employees underlies the formation of a reserve and determining the effectiveness of its preparation.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system in the company

The implementation of the assessment system in the company takes place in several stages:

1) Deciding on the creation of an assessment system in the company by top management and the HR department of the company. Actions at this stage:
Determine the goals of the assessment and its impact on the motivation of employees (previously conduct a survey of employees).
The HR function should make a presentation to senior management about the advantages and disadvantages of various evaluation methods.
Deciding on the implementation of the assessment system in the company as a whole and on its method of implementation.
The decision to create a working group.

2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and company employees. The group provides senior management with a detailed action plan for the creation and implementation of the system, and a budget, if necessary.

3) Selection of assessment methods and development of the first version of the system. Stages:
a) development of a system of corporate competencies.
b) the organizational structure of the company and linear subordination are specified to clarify the cascade of the hierarchy.
c) the evaluation system correlates with the business planning system in the company and KPI
d) the evaluation system should fit into the entire range of HR tools.
e) review and clarify job descriptions.

The result is a final decision on the assessment method, the structure of the assessment system, a set of competencies, an assessment scale, options for forms and forms.

4) Refinement of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: assessment regulations, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

5) Information support of the system within the company, conducting training for managers (evaluators) according to the plan: explaining the benefits of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, the structure of evaluation forms and how to fill them out, training in setting goals and relating them to the business plan , a story about the consequences of the result for employees and the company, training in the skills of conducting an evaluation interview with employees.

6) Refinement of the system, taking into account the wishes of middle managers.

7) Conducting training for staff.

8) Conducting an assessment.

9) Summing up, analysis of successes and failures.

Mistakes and difficulties in the implementation of the assessment system
Inconsistency in the method of assessing the degree of maturity of the company.
Negative attitude of employees to any assessment of their work.
Evaluation of the personal qualities of employees in isolation from job duties and competencies.
The evaluation system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.
Managers feel they don't have time to evaluate.
Participation of employees in setting tasks is minimal.
Managers give bad feedback, and employees don't know how to take it.
Low or high self-esteem of employees.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment


1 -1

For the successful development of an organization, it is necessary to know its prospects, correct mistakes, and continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved with the help of personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR departments to more effectively conduct personnel policy, and managers to make competent management decisions aimed at improving staff performance. How to apply personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

The assessment is used both in relation to working employees and in relation to applicants. One of the tools that will help to conduct a qualitative assessment is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each head of the department may have their own ideas about this.

Personnel assessment: what is it for?

After the manager has decided to conduct a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, on its basis, choose the one that will be applied. Next, you need to create a working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include the development of an action plan for the development and implementation of the assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare documents:

Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the review process.

regular interview.

Method #4

Pairwise comparison method

Often used for group assessment. At the same time, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample, and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are changed and the comparison is made again. As a result, a total is summed up for each participant, it is determined how often he was the first in his pair, and according to these data, a rating of his success is compiled.

Method #5

Method of decisive situations

This term usually denotes typical working moments in a particular position. During the evaluation process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in this situation, and to assess the correctness of his decisions. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the evaluation is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the immediate supervisor of the employee. Moreover, this can be done even in working order, without informing the employee.

Method #6

Comparison Method

Often used in evaluation, it is very useful and important in the case when it is necessary to assess how an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list with the criteria that this employee must meet. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for evaluation. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to take a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among the specialists of the same position by a simple comparison.

Method #7

Observation Method

Behavior tracking can be more effective than other methods of assessing management and rank and file workers. But its implementation requires much more resources, since the observer will have to perform this evaluation work for a rather long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that in such a study, cases are tracked when the behavior of an employee was somewhat specific, and both positive and negative points are important. The minus of the technique is spending a lot of time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of the observer's attention.

Method #8

Situation Modeling Method

Creation of close to real working conditions and management situations, for example, development of draft documents, selection of business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the ability of the employee to organize work, plan. Work style, flexibility, resistance to stress are also evaluated.

Method #9

Psychological methods

ratings are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can conduct and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests, exercises, assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in employees. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are evaluated here, but the potential of the employee. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

Method #10

Case interview method

employees are given descriptions of identical situations, and then asked questions about their solution.

There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

  1. 360-Degree Evaluation Method. The employee must be assessed not only by colleagues and immediate supervisor, but also by customers, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out the same assessment forms, which then undergo computer processing.
  2. Business game method more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Employees are given a virtual task to which it is necessary to choose solutions. So in a playful way, a variety of work skills and professionalism are evaluated.

use the results of personnel assessment? directly depends on the goals and objectives of the employer. As a rule, the primary tasks are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, develop new technological systems, and increase staff motivation. With the help of the results of the assessment, the potential of employees with the necessary skills and abilities for career growth can be identified.

PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

You can promote excellent students based on the results of the assessment. If it is thoughtful and complex

After all, the assessment reveals the real achievements of employees and their competencies. When running an assessment center, meet four requirements. First: establish qualitative evaluation criteria, link them to the strategy and corporate culture companies. Second, carefully prepare the evaluators so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it dismissively and will not open up. Fourth: consider the personal characteristics of people. For example, extroverts often take advantage of business games and group assignments. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which the employee himself, and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist in the HR department are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the employee and the manager have the greatest differences, comments and suggestions are spoken out.

The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or the appointment of an allowance is negotiated.


Evaluation begins with the recruitment of a person. At present, it is not uncommon for a person to be hired, guided solely by intuition, the advice of acquaintances, directions from the employment and employment bureau, and the external data of the applicant. The lack of proven recruitment practices means that some firms are unable to find suitable candidates for a particular vacancy for a long time due to fear of hiring the wrong person.

For the correct selection of a candidate for a job, it is first necessary to establish the range of functional duties that the future employee will have to carry out when taking up the position, as well as to determine what qualities, knowledge and skills the applicant for the specified job must have in order to successfully perform it. Only after this should a competition be appointed to fill a vacant position. The result of the selection will be positive if the administration of the enterprise has correctly built a model of the future employee, and competently conducted a study of all candidates for this position, choosing the most worthy.

Responsibility for the selection of employees falls entirely on the shoulders of employees of personnel departments, or personnel managers. The process of studying and enrolling employees is quite complicated, due to the fact that it is one of the components of management activities. At this stage, it is especially important to fully and correctly determine and explain to the applicant the essence of his future work, otherwise there is a possibility that conversations with candidates for a vacant position will be just conversations without visible results.

As a result of this, we can conclude that for the correct and fruitful selection of personnel, an expert assessment is necessary, which is formed as a result of the application of various theoretical methods of study and analysis used in management activities. However, their use is advisable not only at the stage of personnel formation, but also already in a well-formed and efficient team to evaluate the activities of each of its employees, which is necessary for the correct management of the enterprise's personnel policy.

Types of personnel assessments

At a modern enterprise, the assessment of personnel performance is carried out in two directions:

  • accounting for the results of labor (direct assessment);
  • analysis of the business and personal qualities of the employee that affect these results (indirect assessment).

Direct types of assessments require that the manager and subordinate together determine agreed specific goals, which will subsequently be used as a standard for future assessments.

Indirect assessments are traditional, they are focused on such traits of an employee's character as initiative, ability to work well with a team, reliability, attitude towards people, i.e. the personal qualities of the employee are considered in comparison with the duties assigned to him.

Let us consider direct and indirect performance evaluations in more detail.

A direct type of personnel performance evaluation can be provided as a system for evaluating the results of work and management by goals. The procedure for evaluating the results of the work of personnel is rather complicated and in many respects resembles the procedure for conducting a qualitative assessment of work. The difference lies in the fact that in the second case, the work itself is taken as the basis for evaluation, and in the first case, its performance and the business qualities of the staff. By evaluating the results of work, it is determined how effectively the employee performs his work in comparison with the ultimate goals of the organization (this procedure is applicable only to permanent (full-time) employees).

For performance appraisal to be effective, it must:

  • establish "standards" of labor productivity for each workplace;
  • establish a procedure for evaluating labor productivity (when, how often and who evaluates, criteria and methods of evaluation);
  • encourage assessors to collect information on employee performance;
  • discuss the results of the assessment with the employee;
  • make a decision and document the assessment.

Accounting for the results of labor in one form or another is practiced in relation to almost all personnel, since it is the basis of remuneration. For workers and part of employees, the results of labor are expressed in the establishment of clear and precise target indicators, which the employee must reach after a certain period of time. For those categories of personnel whose work cannot be strictly regulated, the main criteria for the effectiveness of their work can be:

  • labor productivity;
  • compliance with predetermined goals for a certain period.

Performance in this context refers to the quantitative and qualitative results of the work of personnel for a certain period.

Works of a certain type and quality can be measured in terms of the number of services provided per unit of time. The commensurability of various types of labor results and their quality can be ensured by comparison with the standard.

The result of labor in principle depends on the productivity of the worker, the productivity of the factors used and working conditions.

The objective factors of productivity include means of labor (machines), auxiliary and production materials, methods and organization of production, organization of the workplace and working conditions, time and structure of labor.

Subjective performance factors can be rooted in the employee himself (ability and desire for productivity) or in social structure enterprises (relationships between superiors and subordinates, industrial climate, climate groups). Productivity is determined by abilities (body type, giftedness, education, experience) and productive capabilities at a given time (health, fatigue, biorhythm). The desire for productivity constantly depends on the subjective assessment of the incentives for activity (satisfaction from work), and factors of remuneration, development opportunities, participation in decision-making, working conditions, safety, etc. play an important role.

For a simple evaluation of performance, performance indicators can be used (for example, for piecework). In case of a differentiated assessment of an employee's Performance, the assessment should include, first of all, his performance (the quantity and quality of the results of labor or the achievement of the goal of the Work, achievements as a person), his behavior when performing work (in relation to the staff of the enterprise and outsiders, compliance with instructions and instructions , reliability, handling of objects) and its suitability for use in work (independence, flexibility). Individual criteria can be assessed using a weighted scoring scale.

The criteria by which the participation of employees in the result can be measured are:

  • work performed by the employee (hours, quantity of production, quality);
  • social status and affiliation of the employee to the enterprise;
  • participation in value creation;
  • position with orders;
  • turnover development;
  • the result of the enterprise;
  • profit distribution.

The criteria can be relatively objectively determined by the organization's accounting system (for example, the annual balance sheet).

Management by Objectives (MBM) is a well-known management process that relies on the achievement of set goals for the enterprise as a whole, for each department, for each manager within each department, and for each employee. The UOC is not a measure of the performance of employees, it is a measure of the contribution of each employee to the success of the organization.

Management by goals - a system of planning and control. Evaluation of personnel performance in achieving goals is effective only if individual and organizational goals are compatible and integrated into a single system, which involves the creation of a mechanism for the interaction of a formal corporate planning process with a system of individual responsibility and incentives for employees.

Assessment by objectives consists of the following steps:

  1. Definition of several main duties (functions) of the employee.
  2. Specification of each of these functions in certain economic indicators (profit, costs, volume, timing, quality, etc.).
  3. Establishment of units of measurement (percentages, days, tenge) and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (reduction of terms, reduction of marriage, profit growth as a percentage of the previous year - for managers, etc.)
  4. Setting minimum and maximum “performance standards” for each indicator.
  5. Correlation of the maximum and minimum performance results with the accepted standards (above the maximum, at its level, below the minimum) and derivation of the evaluation score.
  6. average rating for all indicators.

Since the position of an employee in the enterprise is determined by his workplace or position, his contribution to the activities of the hotel should be based on how well he copes with his duties.

The analysis of job requirements and the content of work in the workplace is fundamental to setting goals. It should be done in this order:

  1. Consider the need or expediency of a particular type of labor activity and its contribution to the results of the unit (or organization).
  2. Identify the key aspects of this activity on which the success of achieving the final goals depends, and rank them in order of priority. If the goals of the activity are diverse and numerous, they should be ranked in such a way that it is clear to the employee what requires priority efforts and special attention.
  3. Justify the norms of labor behavior that reflect the desired result. It must be acceptable to the organization, i.e. meet its requirements for the performance of official duties in certain workplaces.
  4. Choose a system of units of measurement for assessing employees. (It is necessary to develop indicators that allow to quantify even those aspects of the activity or qualities of employees that are difficult to measure).
  5. Determine what is required to improve the work and the way it is done, and how this can be achieved by the employee over a certain period.

Analysis of the activities of employees, based on the quality of performance of functional duties, allows you to establish the reasons or "bottlenecks" that caused the failure to fulfill the planned goals. However, the possibility is justified. To distribute responsibility between managers and subordinates appears in the event that, despite the effective work of the performers, the general tasks of the organization are not fulfilled.

To control the progress of achieving goals, it is necessary to focus on the standards. As a normative, such a level of performance of duties is taken that is considered an acceptable stalemate or other workplace as agreed between managers and subordinates. Relative to the normative actual results, differentiation can be assessed in the form of the level of achievement of goals.

When forming standards, you can be guided by the following general settings for:

  • analysis of performance results for a number of previous periods;
  • assessment of the feasibility of the proposed standards;
  • determination of the difference in the levels of labor activity in the form of a deviation from the standards on one side or the other;
  • assessment of the impact of the content of functional duties on the standards and the elimination of unnecessary, unproductive elements of work or ways of doing it.

The content and structure of the requirements for employees in the workplace affect the standards of labor activity. Fixing the wrong methods of performing work as normative can lead to a distortion of the expected results, therefore, the analysis of the content of the functions performed should precede the rationing of labor operations. The participation of employees in the development of proposals for improving the functions performed, their simplification, combination or separation is an indispensable condition for improving work efficiency.

At present, performance appraisal is turning into one of the main tools for the formation and development of the workforce. Deep knowledge in this area is one of the main components of the leadership style of the modern manager. Speaking about the assessment methodology, HR specialists emphasize the importance of the so-called feedback, i.e. bringing its results to the workers themselves, so that they can compare their successes with the results of others. Publicity is one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of any evaluation systems. Performance appraisal requires managers to collect information about how effectively each employee performs delegated responsibilities. By communicating this information to his subordinates, the manager gives them the opportunity to correct their behavior if it does not correspond to the accepted one. At the same time, performance evaluation allows management to identify the most outstanding employees and really raise the level of their achievements, transferring them to more attractive positions.

In addition to the direct manager and the personnel service, the assessed themselves and their colleagues are increasingly involved in the assessment. Self-assessment must necessarily be taken into account, since the information reported by employees not only gives a more accurate picture, but also significantly improves internal industrial relations. In addition, individual self-esteem contributes to the development of the employee.

To achieve maximum accuracy in assessing the results of labor activity, it is desirable that the interview be two-way.

And finally, the manager should try to perceive the work of subordinates as objectively as possible.

When, for example, a manager is asked to evaluate his subordinates according to some properties of their character (reliability, relationships with people, etc.), then the “halo” effect appears in the ratings, i.e. some person receives the same marks for all character traits, although some of his features are more pronounced, and some are not.

It is now recognized that performance appraisal is a necessary, but clearly insufficient, condition for making personnel decisions. The assessment of business and personal qualities revealed in the labor process itself has acquired no less importance. This type of assessment characterizes the worker's activities according to criteria that correspond to the ideal ideas about the performance of their duties and the necessary qualities to achieve maximum labor productivity. These qualities include, first of all, professional skills, as well as psychological abilities.

Assessment of business and personal qualities for all categories (from skilled workers to managers) can be carried out on the following factors:

  • knowledge of the work, whether the employee has a clear understanding of the content of the work and its goals;
  • the need for control over his actions by the boss (how diligent he is when performing tasks, whether he observes labor discipline - lunch time, breaks, etc.);
  • style of work (does he always make thoughtful decisions, is he prone to introspection, is he able to bring things to the end);
  • initiative (does he have a desire to take on additional responsibility, how he perceives new tasks, is he ready to take risks);
  • propensity to cooperate (does he show willingness and ability to work together with colleagues and subordinates, is he able to maintain a favorable psychological mood in the team).

Each factor is evaluated on a 5-point scale. Moreover, the manager is required to confirm the assessment - to disclose in writing the specific actions of the Employee, the attitude to the performance of duties in a given situation, and also indicate the specific results of the employee's activities that would confirm the assessment.

Evaluation of business and personal qualities is practically not applied to low-skilled workers and a number of office workers, i.e. those categories that can be easily replaced in the labor market. In other words, the "quality score" is directly related to the duration of the worker's employment.

Personnel assessment methods

An assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee can be carried out using rating methods focused on comparing the behavior and labor achievements of employees with each other (relative rating system) or on comparing the performance of each with the standard (absolute rating system). Other rating methods are focused on assessing the performance of employees (result-oriented systems).

The simplest type of absolute rating system is the narrative essay, in which the rater describes the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of the employee and makes suggestions for improvement. This approach involves a direct application from the appraiser, whose knowledge of the employee's performance is well established.

If essays are well prepared, they provide detailed feedback to subordinates regarding their performance. On the other hand, comparison between people, groups or departments is next to impossible, as different essays deal with different aspects of each worker's performance. This makes it difficult to use this information for personnel decisions, as subordinates are not compared objectively. Methods that compare employees to each other require only one thing: that the evaluator consider all employees - from the highest to the lowest, from the best to the worst. An alternative classification requires the appraiser to first list all employees on a piece of paper. From this list, he selects the best worker, then the worst worker, then the second best worker, then the second worst worker, and so on, moving from top to bottom on the list until all the workers have been classified.

The ultimate method of comparing workers to each other is "strength" distribution. As the name suggests, the overall distribution of ratings is forced by force from normal to the assumption that a relatively small group of workers are truly outstanding, a relatively small part are unsatisfactory, and everyone else is in between.

This approach is used when many workers need to be evaluated. One of the most popular rating methods is the behavioral checklist. The evaluator collects information that describes work-related behavior. Its task is simply to "verify" this information. With this approach, appraisers do not so much give an assessment as describe: labor behavior. Descriptive ratings seem to be more acceptable than evaluative ratings (good vs bad). In this method, the declarative statement is scored in categories such as "always", "very often", "fairly often", "sometimes" and "never". Each category is "weighted", for example, from 5 ("always") to 1 ("never") if the statement describes the desired behavior. In general, the numerical ratings (or scores) for each worker give a total, which is then checked against each item.

A special type of behavioral checklist is known as a force choice system. This technology was developed specifically to reduce the leniency of assessors and to provide an objective assessment of standards for comparing individuals. To do this, the items on the checklist are arranged in groups, from which the evaluators select statements that best or least describe each employee. The overall rating for each worker is obtained using a special score key to the grader's description.

The force choice method is little used (and may even have a negative effect) in evaluation interviews, for evaluators who do not know the level of performance. Critical case methods can be used to overcome these difficulties.

Critical cases are short reports on the effectiveness of the work performed. They focus on the big picture, not the details.

Critical cases are also attractive in evaluation interviews because supervisors may target current work behavior more than vague underlining.

Like other rating methods, critical cases have their drawbacks. First, evaluators may decide that recording incidents from subordinates on a daily or even weekly basis is too burdensome. Second, appraisers set the standards by which subordinates are judged; however, motivation will be higher if subordinates can participate in setting the standards by which they will be judged. And the third - the narrative form does not allow to compare the worker and the organization. Graphical rating scales can be used to overcome these problems.

Graphic rating scales can be as deep as essays or critical cases, and results can be accurately quantified, and because the scales are standardized, comparisons can be made between workers. Graphical rating scales are often criticized, but when compared to the more falsified "power" choice scales, the graphical scale convinces with its validity and is more acceptable to raters.








Quality of work

Number of work

Relationship with people

Job Knowledge

Today, four main methods of comprehensive assessment of work performance are used: scoring, systems for comparing the characteristics of workers,

The last two methods are the most widely used.

Scoring methods for evaluating work performance involve comparing work performance indicators and business characteristics of employees with predetermined standards. For this purpose, the assessment factors and the number of degrees of each factor, as well as their assessment in points, are carefully selected. Two large varieties of scoring systems are used - graphic scales and multi-degree scales. Both varieties are characterized by the use of rating scales as a means of technical calculations. If, with the graphical scale method, the number of degrees is predetermined (as a rule, 4-5 in the form of numbers - quantitative scales, in the form of alphabetic letters - alphabetic scales, in the form of percentages - percentage or in descriptive form - bad, satisfactory, normal, good and excellent , then with the method of multi-degree scales, the number of degrees is differentiated and is not defined in the diagram.

The control sheet method is used independently and in combination with the methods of graphical scales. With this method, detailed questions are recorded in special checklists about various factors in assessing the performance of work and the business qualities of employees, to which the person giving the assessment must give answers and conclusions.

The purpose of such checklists is not only to find out in which merit bonus group a particular job or employee should be assigned, but also to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the employee in order to achieve greater efficiency of his work.

The nature of the work performed can differ significantly compared to the same innovative structures. Therefore, completely new qualities (for example, innovation, enterprise, etc.) will be needed, the presence of which can only be assumed. As a result, a well-established employee will be unsuitable for a new job. At the same time, the best way to identify the potential of an employee is to observe (and evaluate) him in a new production environment, in a new place. This refers to a probationary period, the rotation of young personnel in the divisions of the company, temporary replacement, which allows developing abilities for specific types of work. For the same purposes, a short-term involvement of young workers in the work of the target innovation group is practiced. For managers of different levels, temporary work at small enterprises located in the “zone of interest” of the company is extremely useful, where the ability to make independent decisions in critical situations increases dramatically. True, there is a danger that the necessary qualities will not have time to manifest themselves. The same lower target structures as quality circles make it possible to identify the potential of an employee without changing labor functions, since innovative activity is carried out in parallel with the main one.

The main requirement for any appraiser is the ability to monitor the performance of the work within a certain period (for example, 6 months). The following categories of personnel can act as possible evaluators:

1. The immediate supervisor, who is more familiar with individual performance and has a better opportunity to evaluate the current performance of the work of the staff. In addition, it can best link individual performance to organizational goals. Since he is also responsible for rewarding (reprimanding), it seems only logical to make the line manager responsible for evaluating performance as well.

2. Equal in position (colleagues). In some types of work, such as outside sales, legal work, and training, it is rare for a manager to observe the specific activity of an employee. Sometimes obvious metrics, such as the number of items sold, can provide useful information for evaluating performance, but in other circumstances peers' opinions are even better. Colleagues may hold performance perspectives that distinguish them from direct supervisors.

3. Subordinates. Evaluation by subordinates can be used in the development of the immediate supervisor. Subordinates know the amount of authority they actually have, how good their connections are, the type of leadership style, their ability to plan and organize.

4. Self-esteem. The following arguments speak in favor of the widespread use of self-assessment: the opportunity to participate in the performance assessment process, especially if assessment is combined with goal setting, improves motivation and reduces resistance during the assessment interview. On the other hand, self-esteem leads to more indulgence, less diversity, more exposure to influence, less agreement with the opinions of others. Since employees tend to rate themselves higher than their supervisor, self-assessment is more applicable to consultation and development than to HR decisions.

5. Clients. In some situations, the "buyers" of individual or organized services may have a unique perspective on performance. In modern business, customer evaluation is a very important aspect. While the goals of the client and the hotel cannot be expected to be exactly the same, feedback from the client can be useful in making personnel decisions such as promotion, relocation and training needs, as well as a basis for self-development.

Thus, several different sources of valuation information can be used, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Sources of use of estimates




Personnel decision


Personnel Research

Quantitative and qualitative results of labor, on the one hand, and business and personal qualities, on the other, are assessed separately in the current plan. Together they (as well as personal data) are summarized on the basis of a single score - certification, which also has the common name "merit assessment". In most cases, certification is carried out once a year; in some companies, if they apply very simplified assessment procedures, every six months.

Certification of an employee of an organization is understood as the determination of his qualifications, level of knowledge or feedback on his abilities, business and other qualities. Certification is a form of assessment of a person that can only be given by another person (as opposed to a technical device, the parameters and technical characteristics of which can be measured by technical means). Therefore, the result of the certification of a person by a person is always subjective, since it bears the imprint of the personality of the one who certifies. Obviously, a contradiction: the desire to objectively evaluate what cannot be objectively assessed.

However, the evolution of the certification procedure is obvious, and its implementation in developed firms is not a formal event, but the basis of personnel dynamics.

In world practice, the certification of "white collars" is the most common. Features of the work of managers and specialists, firstly, are related to the subject of their work - information; secondly, their work contains a creative component; thirdly, the result of labor may not depend on the duration of performance; fourthly, there is a "delayed result" - the prolongation in time of a specific embodiment of the generated ideas.

The development of certification systems follows the path of greater validity of the expert assessment of the employee. The easiest way to evaluate the contribution of a leader or specialist is to his immediate superior. Only he knows that this worker was entrusted, in what conditions he works, how his work was controlled, stimulated, what help was given to him or what obstacles he had to overcome. However, close interaction between the boss and the subordinate may not lead to the emergence of negative relations between them, which makes the affairs of the boss more or less biased.

Research shows that the longer an employee works in the same job, the lower his grade. One of the reasons is the expectation that over the years the employee will do his job faster and better. If this does not happen, then the disappointed manager underestimates the employee. Often the cause of underestimation is the leader's irritation at the lack of enthusiasm among veterans for innovations.

The attestation procedure should limit this subjectivity in a certain way. The evolution of the development of the procedure shows how it happened in practice: from the personal subjective assessment of the boss to expert group assessment methods (there are many technologies, the “commemoration group” technique is most often used), to fully automated certification of managers and specialists.

Of undoubted interest is the experience of German firms, which, on the basis of regular certification of personnel, allows not only to motivate personnel, determine their wages, but also visually plan the career of employees.

The essence of the methodology is to determine those priority qualities of employees that are most valuable from the standpoint of achieving the ultimate goal of the company.

World practice does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what personal character traits of employees should be assessed when analyzing their activities. Often offered for attestation assessments such traits of employees as interest in work, initiative, attentiveness, tact, loyalty, the ability to adapt to changing working conditions, diligence, and even appearance.

In the methodology under consideration, all employees, specialists and managers are evaluated in terms of certain criteria (requirements) necessary in a particular field of activity. The criteria are ranked according to their importance by the expert group, as a result of which each criterion is assigned a weight of significance and a corresponding score in points.

To develop the types of criteria and their corresponding features, the expert group compiles a dictionary of business characteristics covering all specializations (or the one whose specialists are being certified). Features are ranked within the limits corresponding to each criterion.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that the assessment of the staff is carried out to determine the compliance of the employee with a vacant or occupied position, which is carried out in three ways:

1. Evaluation of the employee's potential. When filling a vacant job, it is important to establish the professional skills, knowledge, production experience, moral and business qualities of the candidate, his psychological characteristics and outlook.

2. Evaluation of the individual contribution. When using specially developed methods, it allows you to establish the quality, complexity and effectiveness of the work of a particular employee, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion regarding his compliance with the position held.

3. Certification of personnel. This method is a kind of complex assessment that takes into account both the potential business opportunities that a person has and the contribution he actually made to the final result.

The evaluation methods listed above are widely used by employees of the personnel departments of various enterprises and organizations to optimize the management and workforce. Thus, their use is justified in the hotel industry, and, as a result, in Akmo-Laturist OJSC, as a subject of this industry.

The management of the organization, along with a competently and well-organized system for recruiting qualified personnel who can further lead the company to prosperity and universal recognition, must first of all take care of its employees, making working conditions comfortable and convenient, which has a positive effect on the results of work. However, the selection of employees for work is the primary task of forming a workforce, and the future of the company depends on how correctly this work is carried out.

List of sources used

1. G.A. Papiryan "Management in the hospitality industry" - M.: Eko-nomika, 2000

2. M.V.Kaming "Theory and practice of personnel management" - M .: News, 1995

3. Voyle P. "The art of management. New ideas for a world of chaotic change" Translation from English - M .: News, 1993

4. N.I.Kabushkin, G.A.Bondarenko "Management of hotels and restaurants" Minsk: New knowledge, 2000

5. John R. Walker "Introduction to hospitality" Translation from English M .: Unity, 1999

6. A.D. Chudnovsky "Tourism and hotel industry" - M .: Ekmos, 2000

7. I.V. Bizyukova I.V. "Personnel. Selection and evaluation" - M .: Moscow worker, 1984

8. I.A.Skopylatov, O.Yu.Efremov "Personnel management" Reference publishing house of Smolny University, 2000

9. Yu.G. Odegov, M.F. Zhuravlev M.: Finstatinform, 1997

10. Ya. Kibinov "Personnel management in the organization" M.: Economics, 1994

11. R. Marr, G. Schmidt "Personnel management in a social market economy" - M .: MSU, 1997


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The efficiency of any enterprise depends on how competent its staff is. In order to establish the effectiveness of the performance by each employee of the company of their duties, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team, as well as to fulfill the requirements for confirming the qualifications of employees, it is necessary to assess the personnel. To this end, the enterprise should develop a personnel assessment system that allows not only to assess their skills, abilities, experience, but also to draw up a program to improve work with personnel, improve their qualifications, professional selection and create a personnel reserve.

Personel assessment. Why is this needed?

In the process of working at the enterprise, each employee not only applies his existing skills, but also gains experience that is necessary to solve new, more complex tasks. Accordingly, it is necessary that the assessment of personnel be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the study of the features of a particular labor process. This allows you to determine, first of all, the compliance of an employee with his position, and also helps to identify his potential, which should be rationally used to solve the main goals and objectives set for the company.

An employee is hired in accordance with certain requirements established for qualifications and experience, which are confirmed (or not confirmed) exclusively during labor activity. Already in the process of joint cooperation, the skills of the employee declared upon admission to work, additional knowledge are revealed, the characteristics of his personality are manifested. Only in practice it is possible to determine how these data correspond to the criteria of the organization's production goals.

It is also important that the employee himself evaluates his abilities on his own. As a result of such an analysis, it will be possible to establish how the real abilities of employees coincide with the needs of the enterprise, and what contribution to its success can be made by the activities of each individual.

Only carrying out a personnel assessment allows you to create a rationally working structure, distribute the company's labor resources in the most efficient way, and also increase their efficiency. Constant monitoring and opportunities that open up for each employee as a result of assessing his work allow optimizing the work of each member of the team, stimulating them to perform their work duties with great zeal.

To evaluate the work of employees, you can use not only programs for monitoring working hours. A multifunctional DLP system helps to see who and what is doing during working hours .

Objectives of personnel assessment

Evaluation of the work of personnel allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • match costs, aimed at performing a specific amount of work, and funds allocated for the maintenance of the employee, his workplace. If a certain specialist has low labor productivity, his content becomes unprofitable for the employer. In this case, it is necessary to reshuffle personnel as soon as possible so that this employee takes a job in accordance with his real capabilities and skills;
  • reveal functional role specific employee throughout the organization according to his skills. There is a possibility that a certain employee does an excellent job of working in a team, actively develops, strives to show his best working qualities. Such a person can become a valuable link in a certain direction of the company's activities. This can positively affect the economic component of the success of the enterprise, if the appropriate conditions are created;
  • assess the potential of an employee, which can be applied in favor of the enterprise without additional investments. A certain number of ordinary employees over the years of work acquire experience, knowledge, and skills that are important for the company, which become a strong base so that such people can work effectively in leadership positions. In this case, the owner of the enterprise does not need to spend money on finding and training new management personnel.

Tasks of personnel assessment

During the assessment of personnel performance, important production tasks are solved:

  • a strong personnel reserve is created, consisting of full-time employees of the enterprise, which reduces the cost of recruiting new personnel;
  • training of specialists with a high professional level is carried out, potential middle managers are identified directly within the company, their retraining or advanced training is carried out;
  • methods of enterprise management are being improved, control of production discipline is being strengthened, the interest of personnel in increasing labor productivity is increasing;
  • the staffing table is optimized due to the rational distribution of functions and responsibilities based on the results of the assessment: transfer of employees to other positions, reduction in accordance with the negative indicators of labor productivity identified during the assessment of work;
  • introduction of additional motivational levers capable of stimulating employees to improve their production competence and qualifications. The result may be career growth, improvement of financial situation, realization of the potential of employees in terms of implementing their proposed projects.

Evaluation of the work of the company's personnel performs administrative, informative, motivational functions.

  1. Administrative function is performed to close vacancies by means of personnel reshuffling, as a result of which:
  • the employee can be transferred to another position in accordance with the results of the assessment;
  • an employee is promoted;
  • a vocational training plan is drawn up;
  • a decision to dismiss is made;
  • workers are rewarded.
  1. informative function is implemented to improve management methods for working with personnel by informing about the existing requirements for qualitative and volumetric labor indicators. In this direction:
  • the degree of loading of production personnel is revealed;
  • the effectiveness of his work, the degree of compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the company is determined;
  • opportunity to increase wages.
  1. Motivational function allows you to increase the interest of each member of the team in increasing labor productivity. Evaluation of production personnel has a positive effect on the development of not only each employee, but also the company, since the presence of feedback is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

As motivation, stimulating levers of influence are used:

  • career growth;
  • the possibility of self-realization.

When is a staff appraisal needed?

In order for the personnel assessment system to give a significant result, it is necessary to determine before its development and implementation:

  • what parameters will be evaluated, on what scale to measure them;
  • what methods to use to collect realistic information;
  • to whom to entrust the work of personnel assessment, whether there are competent employees for this;
  • what to do with non-measurable aspects of processes;
  • how to avoid the influence of personal sympathies.

The need for personnel assessment with the development and implementation of the system is most often caused by:

  • the appearance of a stable outflow of personnel;
  • lack of a personnel assessment system at the enterprise;
  • the need to make management decisions on the company's HRM;
  • planned more intensive development of certain areas in the company's work with the allocation of investments for these purposes;
  • change (shift planning) of the team of the management sector of the enterprise;
  • change (planning change) of strategic directions in the work of the company;
  • the need to form a project team designed to solve strategic problems;
  • the emergence of legal priority grounds for the movement of employees within the company;
  • changes in the structure of the enterprise, optimization by reducing the number;
  • the importance of optimizing processes in the company;
  • the need to restructure the company;
  • the need to understand for the formation of the program and training plan how competent the staff is;
  • the need to form a personnel development plan, create a reserve of personnel;
  • decrease in indicators of labor discipline;
  • increased conflicts between employees;
  • complaints of the company's employees against the employer to the relevant inspections;
  • the need to change or create an incentive system for employees.

Personnel assessment methods

To assess the working staff, a variety of methods are used to evaluate each employee most accurately. These methods include:

  • documentation analysis: familiarization with resumes, written recommendations, documents on education, qualifications, characteristics of managers, etc. The reliability of the submitted materials is assessed based on the determination of actual performance indicators related to the duties performed, skill level, experience, achievements, etc.;
  • analysis of established requirements regulatory documents, standards, requirements for internal processes production, the quality of manufactured products and the fulfillment of these requirements by personnel. To do this, a standard rating scale is being developed;
  • psychological testing to obtain the results of the assessment of personality characteristics in a quantitative and descriptive way. By quantitative results, it is possible to compare the specific qualities of employees. A survey on personality tests can be conducted by a specialist familiar with the methodology, the processing of the results should be carried out by a specialist trained in the methodology of using specific questionnaires;
  • assessment of working behavioral characteristics, an interview with an employee for his assessment;
  • professional testing for specific working professions, positions, basic skills and knowledge. The development of tests is usually entrusted to the immediate supervisors of the assessed personnel, it is possible to involve external experts who are specialized specialists;
  • business essay- assessment of the possibility of solving a certain production problem in a limited time period, identifying the employee's strategic vision abilities, the ability to find an algorithm for solving specific work issues;
  • ranging- holding comparative analysis employees in a specific division, between structures connected in processes, building a rating chain in accordance with pre-selected criteria;
  • assessment of personnel by competencies- selected characteristics of behavior, showing how well the tasks are performed in a particular position at the enterprise;
  • 360 degrees- processing information about the actions of the employee in the natural working environment, the presence of the necessary business qualities. This data comes from employees, clients, colleagues, subordinates, etc.;
  • comprehensive assessment of competencies according to the Assessment-center method, at which a set of positions is evaluated. The monitoring team monitors the performance of the group's various tasks. During this process, the actions and behavior of each member of the group are evaluated against pre-prepared, work-related scenarios of behavior. The results obtained are discussed jointly, after which decisions are made;
  • MBO (Management by Objectives)- management by goals, involving joint (boss-subordinate) setting of key goals for an employee for a certain period of time (from six months to a year). The number of goals should not be large, the main thing is that they reflect the most significant tasks inherent in the position of the employee for the planned period. It is necessary to adhere to certain criteria when setting goals - specificity, measurability, significance, time orientation, achievability of the tasks assigned to the employee;
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) evaluation of personnel performance according to the main performance criteria. It is necessary to establish how this assessment works as a monitoring of results and improving the performance of staff. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main goals of the enterprise, the evaluation criteria should be understandable for any employee for whom this method of evaluation is applied;
  • personnel audit- allows you to assess the state of human resources at the enterprise, how effectively the personnel management system works in terms of implementing the strategy, tasks, achieving the goals set for the company. This method also allows you to identify areas of risk and development;
  • attestation- it is assessed to what extent the employee's activity meets the standard requirements for performing work at a particular workplace in accordance with the position held;
  • test cases- a methodology that is a structured description of a specific production situation that an employee must analyze in order to find the most acceptable solutions. This allows you to train or evaluate an employee on certain parameters. In this case, the real state of professional knowledge, skills, competence, personal characteristics is determined.

The choice of personnel assessment method depends on the motivation system that is implemented in the organization. On the theory and practice of employee motivation ...

What is the use of personnel assessment in an organization

The results of the assessment of personnel performance should be systematized, structured in order to obtain a real picture of the state of human resources in the organization. This procedure allows:

  • establish the current state of personnel competence;
  • determine the compliance of the qualifications of labor resources with the tactical tasks and goals of the enterprise;
  • evaluate the professional contribution of staff to the effective operation of the organization;
  • to apply in adequate amounts the remuneration of employees in accordance with their qualification level;
  • identify the compliance of the employee's area of ​​responsibility with his job duties;
  • identify the functional imbalance of the organization in terms of human resources;
  • define priority tasks during the next performance appraisal;
  • identify possible legal risks (labor disputes, penalties from inspecting authorities) in accordance with certain regulations;
  • analyze weaknesses and strengths procedures used for personnel assessment;
  • develop recommendations to eliminate the violations identified during the assessment;
  • develop recommendations for improving work on personnel training;
  • outline directions for development, pay attention to risk areas of human resources in the organization.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system: mistakes and difficulties

During the implementation of personnel assessment, it is necessary to choose the right methodology, since often the chosen methods in practice do not correspond to the level of maturity of the organization. Often the assessment system is not tied to the system of motivation - material and non-material. In addition, employees may have a negative attitude towards the implementation of these activities, and managers do not want to spend time on their implementation. Often, the feedback from the managers conducting the evaluation with the employees is low, and the latter cannot perceive it. Some employees have overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify real skills and competencies.

The implementation of personnel assessment measures is a serious step that allows you to optimize the activities of the enterprise in each of its areas. As a result, the efficiency of the work of employees and their motivation increase, the staff becomes more competent and productive.

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