Love horoscope for snake and pig. Pig Man (Boar) - Snake Woman According to the horoscope, who is stronger, the boar or the snake?

Eastern horoscope influences all areas of a person’s life, be it friendships, career or love relationship. Astrologers rate the compatibility of Pig and Snake as low due to the couple’s lack of common interests.

Opposite character traits of partners will push them away from each other, and general passivity will not allow the relationship to develop steadily. For a successful marriage, representatives of these years should work long and hard to establish mutual understanding in the couple.

Characteristics of the Pig

The boar has an ambiguous character due to the duality of nature. These individuals have the following qualities:

  • honesty;
  • tolerance;
  • prudence;
  • sociability.

Pigs are honest and gentle natures, they love a beautiful life and value family relationships. Such people rarely enter into open conflict and may give in to an argument in order to normalize the atmosphere. However, the Pig will not sacrifice his own comfort for long.

The main feature of such people is sudden and seemingly causeless departure. They do not like open conflicts, but if they feel disrespected for too long, they will stop communicating with such a person.

Characteristics of the Snake

People under the influence of this patron animal are observers, not creators. Among characteristic features This sign can be distinguished as follows:

  • ambition;
  • love of manipulation;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • jealousy and possessiveness.

Representatives of this year have innate intelligence and value knowledge and information above practical skills. Snakes are cold and reasonable; sometimes it seems that such people know how to predict the future; their advice is always right. In fact, the wards of this patron animal simply know how to analyze what is happening well and compare facts.

In relationships, such individuals urgently need support; they do not tolerate hostility well outside world. Also characteristic of these people is slowness and a tendency towards melancholy.

Snake Man and Pig Woman


Horoscope compatibility in this pair is low. A tandem can create good relationships in work and friendship, but love between representatives of these years is a rare occurrence. The reason for this is different interests and life values.

Wisdom and love of knowledge on the part of a man are unlikely to interest a straightforward and sensual girl, and the emotionality and simplicity of the Pig will irritate the Snake. Also, the man in this couple prefers to analyze every event, while the woman is gullible and naive.

A girl needs to constantly support her partner, since any losses and failures lead to melancholy. A guy’s gloominess and depression may not please his optimistic partner.


Snake Man and Pig Woman have low compatibility in love, therefore, marriage between them has no long-term prospects. The opposite characters of the partners do not complement the tandem, because of this their union does not develop.

In general, the success of such a tandem depends entirely on the guy. If he is ready to take on the role of the head of the family and guide his companion, the Pig will be able to realize himself as the mistress of the house. A woman's innate gentleness will help a man learn to show care and kindness. Snakes are good leaders, and if the husband is wise enough not to put pressure on his partner, she will follow him in any situation voluntarily.

Slowness reigns in sex for this couple. The snake has a unique energy; such men fascinate girls and know how to give them maximum pleasure. For loving women, this character trait is very attractive.

Relationship problems

Certain disagreements may arise between representatives of these years. The reasons for them are:

  1. Spouse's jealousy. The man in this tandem is the owner; he will never allow himself to flirt with the opposite sex, even for the sake of a joke. In turn, for a girl this behavior is natural.
  2. Girl's requests. Despite her outward compliance, a woman in such a marriage has her own demands on her partner and, if he is unable to satisfy them, breaks off the relationship without explanation.
  3. Lack of potential in relationships. Both signs have a passive character; they lack the dynamism for the harmonious development of a marriage.

Problems like these can be resolved through communication and compromise. The man in this couple should not expect deep-seated interests from his wife. Pig girl prefers comfortable life, and serious philosophical topics can cause her to be rejected by their pessimism.

In turn, a woman should be patient with a certain boringness of her partner and listen to his advice. Such tactics will help the marriage last a long time.

Pig Man and Snake Woman


In this combination, the compatibility of signs is much lower. The girl in the couple is prone to manipulation, which is unacceptable for her honest partner. This year's woman gives a lot, but at the same time makes high demands. This applies to any type of relationship: love, work or friendship.

A man in such an alliance does not tolerate pressure well; he is less flexible than the Pig girl. For this reason, conflicts often arise in tandem, and the couple soon disperses.


It is difficult to imagine even more incompatible horoscopes than the combination of a Pig man and a Snake woman. The wife in this marriage is an owner by nature; she entwines rings around her partner. Although the guy values ​​family first and foremost, his own mental comfort is more important to him; groundless jealousy will torment a man mentally.

The girl will want to tie her partner to her and force him to live by clear rules. Snakes are extremely ambitious, they love order in relationships. Pig men are creative and sensual natures; living by strict rules is painful for them.

In sex, the Pig man and the Snake woman also have a low percentage of compatibility. The coldness of a spouse in response to constant inclinations towards intimacy can offend a man and give him reason to think about the value of such a union.

Relationship problems

Such a couple constantly has a number of disagreements in Everyday life. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Finance. The woman in this marriage will demand material support and proper distribution Money. In turn, this will become moral pressure for her husband, since Pigs love to spend money on pleasure.
  2. Lack of mutual understanding. Different life positions and a lack of common interests will lead to a cooling of feelings. Spouses are not interested in spending time together.
  3. Unwillingness to keep a partner. A guy can just leave if he gets tired of compromising. In turn, the girl will not make any effort to return her husband.

In general, the Pig and the Snake have low compatibility rates. At the first meeting, the signs can charm each other, but after a month of dating, conflicts will arise in the couple.

Marriage between such partners rarely lasts more than 10 years. During this time, the spouses become mentally tired of the constant atmosphere of irritation and mutual misunderstanding.


The horoscope of the Pig and Snake couple speaks of average compatibility in the couple, which depends on the distribution of gender roles. With a favorable combination, such a couple can build a strong, stable relationship.

However, mutual claims and lack of common interests adversely affect marriage prospects. To achieve spiritual intimacy, representatives of these years should learn to accept their partner for who he is.

Nata Karlin

It can be difficult for the Snake and the Pig (Boar) to find mutual understanding in any relationship. In this tandem, smart and cunning The Snake will always simply take advantage of the gullible and simple-minded Pig. The latter will unpleasantly amaze the deeply aristocratic Snake with the shamelessness of her behavior and unpredictability.

By nature it is absolutely two different people. The Snake strives for self-improvement and intellectual development throughout its life.

The Pig tries to simplify the task as much as possible - having grabbed the top in everything, it ceases to show interest in the area in which it considers itself an expert

The Snake simply does not want to put up with the carelessness, unnecessaryness and indifference of the Pig to the most important things in life. In its turn, The Pig considers the Snake to be arrogant and a snob. The tact and subtle hints of the latter will never be understood by the straightforward and rude Pig, much less accepted as a guide to action.

Any relationship between Snake and Pig (Boar) is not easy

At the first meeting these two are unlikely to be interested in each other. But any rule has its exceptions, which is why such unions also happen.

Compatibility horoscope for Snake and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

A love relationship between the impulsive and sometimes aggressive Pig and the calm, balanced Snake seems simply impossible. The first one expects understanding of one’s shortcomings and responsiveness, while intelligent and balanced Snake This attitude towards life and behavior of a partner amazes.

In turn, the Pig makes vain attempts to understand with his simple mind the mysterious and mysterious Snake, which remains incomprehensible to him throughout the entire period of communication. With all these misunderstandings, partners can still find common ground and build a completely happy future. The Snake is admired by the spontaneity and childish naivety of the Pig, while the latter tries to learn stability and order from the pragmatic Snake. The most important thing for this couple is to learn to accept with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The snake remains incomprehensible to the Pig throughout the entire period of communication

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Snake and Pig (Boar)

For a marriage to take place as a happy one, the husband and wife (Snake and Pig) must fill it with love, the desire to understand each other and accept each other with all their shortcomings. Main - Don't look too deeply into your partner's soul and turn a blind eye to its obvious shortcomings.

This couple can become traditional - the woman takes care of the family and “builds a nest”, the man earns money and provides for the family. Moreover, in both cases, the right of management in family relationships must be given to the wise and calculating Snake.

The Snake and the Pig must fill the marriage with love and a desire to understand each other

Friendship between Snake and Pig according to the Chinese calendar

The Snake and the Boar will definitely be friends. This could be a friendly relationship or mutual sympathy between good acquaintances, but what is most suitable for such opposite zodiac signs is true friendship. Partners complement each other in everything, smoothing out negative character traits and maximizing the best ones.

Compatibility in the work of the Snake and the Pig tends to zero, if not to the minus mark on the scale of normal relationships.

The cold and reasonable Snake will never understand the immense generosity and simplicity of the Pig. They can’t start large-scale projects together

Compatibility of Snake man and Pig woman

So, he is the Snake, she is the Pig. What awaits this union? This tandem can only exist if the Snake guy takes all the worries of strengthening and establishing relationships onto his shoulders. At first, it will be really difficult for him to prove his good intentions to a stubborn and wayward partner. But very soon The Pig girl will appreciate that feeling of fullness of life, security and confidence in the future, which only a man of this zodiac sign can give her.

The Pig woman may well make every effort to create comfortable living conditions for her loved one. She cooks great because she she loves to eat delicious food. In this case, it is better if the spouse does not deal with financial issues at all or organize her own business. Her gullibility, frivolity and love for senseless waste of money will not lead to anything good.

The Snake man and the Pig woman will complement each other in the emotional sphere of life.. The romantic and enthusiastic Pig will help the complexed and gloomy Snake spouse find happiness even in the little things. They need to get out into the world more often or find something interesting for both of them to do together.

The Pig woman loves to eat delicious food and is an excellent cook.

Compatibility of Snake woman and Pig man

In a couple where she is a Snake and he is a Pig, an extremely contradictory situation can arise. The Snake Girl, powerful, wise and purposeful, will never be able to understand the complete lack of vanity and ambition in her partner. If the Pig guy allows himself to be pushed around and controlled from the beginning, the union is doomed to failure.

Sooner or later touchy and harsh Pig will “break out”, and the man will definitely leave, and even the wise and prudent Snake will not find a way to keep him. If a Pig man manages to gain the upper hand in a relationship, then he will always need to be careful not to lose his authority. And this requires high material wealth, which the Snake strives for.

For a couple where she is a Snake and he is a Pig, it is very difficult to achieve mutual understanding

July 25, 2018, 10:59 pm

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Pig man (Boar) and the Snake woman, this family union is quite strange, replete with problems and paradoxes.

It's always good and calm with him. He is open, generous and friendly. He is simply obsessed with the idea of ​​doing good, especially for his loved ones. The doors of his house are always open for guests and festive feasts.

The Snake woman is very smart, ambitious and resourceful. To achieve her goal, she is ready to do anything, even “go over her head.” The Snake woman is annoyed by the purity and naivety of the Pig (Boar) man.

She just can’t understand how you can trust people so much, especially after repeated deceptions on their part. But he is scared off by his wife’s cold mind, lack of warmth and sincerity. After all, he loves to live based on feelings and emotions, and she loves to live based on reason.

How the relationship in a given couple will develop, and whether it will develop in general, largely depends on the Snake woman. She is resilient and strong, patient and brave. He stands firmly on his feet and clearly knows what he wants from life.

She looks at people sensibly and can, after analyzing life circumstances, look a little ahead into the future. It is difficult for her to fully accept her husband for who he is and love him no matter what.

Usually the Snake woman manages to maintain the relationship, but how much they both need it is difficult to say. The Snake woman does not make any claims to the Pig (Boar) man, who is not ideal, in her opinion, and he does not enjoy the comfort of home, which the Snake woman so diligently makes. Indifference and formality in their relationship will be the norm.

In this union, the leader will almost always be the Snake woman. For her, this relationship will be a real test. She needs a reliable and responsible husband, but the Pig (Boar) man is somewhat frivolous and restless, so he will not be able to give her this.

Also, the superficial and emotional Pig (Boar) man cannot determine the path along which their family should move. Therefore, he will have to adapt to his soul mate, get used to the order that she has established and be completely dependent on her.

But this also has a plus. Next to her, he will feel stability and even hope for a bright future, but alas, without family happiness.

A Pig (Boar) man can become the head of a family and a respected person only in one case, if he increases his authority and, at a minimum, ensures well-being.

The Snake woman is very dependent on her financial situation, it is important to her Financial independence and stability. Therefore, the couple’s chances of success increase with good material security.

A woman with aristocratic manners, she is accustomed to being treated with respect, and the Pig (Boar) man constantly discourages her with his shameless antics.

She is also inquisitive, erudite and constantly develops her spiritual and emotional world, while the Pig (Boar) man has only a superficial understanding of all this and does not show interest.

The domineering and even despotic nature of the Snake woman also complicates the compatibility of this couple. She does not want to put up with the carelessness of her simple-minded husband, and is constantly trying to restore order and re-educate him. But this is ineffective due to different communication styles.

Often she simply simply does not understand the subtle and sophisticated explanations of the Snake woman. And his naivety and simplicity prevent him from analyzing the situation, and besides, he does not see anything wrong in his behavior.

Pig (Boar) man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

Sexual compatibility between a Pig (Boar) man and a Snake woman is controversial. On the one hand, their relationship may be without fire and passion.

On the other hand, if the Pig (Boar) man can stir up the cold Snake woman with his emotionality and tenderness, then they will find mutual understanding in bed. They will be able to guess and satisfy each other’s desires, which will make their intimate life bright and enchanting.

But, be that as it may, at the beginning of a relationship, the Pig (Boar) man will always be shocked by the intimacy with the Snake woman, since he will not see a response to his passionate desires.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple of Pig Man (Boar) and Snake Woman

According to the Eastern horoscope, it will be extremely difficult for a Pig (Boar) man and a Snake woman to build close relationships due to the difference in characters and value systems. But, as they say, when there is love, then nothing is impossible.

And the Snake woman, warmed next to a kind, gentle and devoted Pig (Boar) man, can begin to fight with renewed enthusiasm to maintain the relationship

To maintain and improve relationships, first of all, it is important to understand one thing: it is impossible to change the other, you need to work only on yourself, learn to see the positive sides in your chosen one and accept his shortcomings. Yes, it is difficult to understand the opposite view of the world, but it is worth seeing the usefulness of each other.

So, the Pig (Boar) man will benefit from the wise advice of the Snake woman, and she will learn from him how to have carefree leisure. It is also worth paying attention to common traits, such as: a craving for novelty, a taste for the good life, curiosity and excitement. This can become a reference point for building relationships. And differences in character can not only hinder communication, but also stimulate development.

Also, in these relationships you cannot rely on each other and expect that everything will happen by itself. Both spouses were born under passive signs, so you need to take the initiative yourself, and not expect something from your partner.

Compatibility between a Snake man and a Pig woman can only develop on the basis of common interests. Their relationship will most likely begin as friendship or business contacts. The main thing is that differences in characters stimulate the development of relationships, and not, on the contrary, lead to a breakup.


The Snake man and the Pig woman are by nature far from the most active people and they may not have enough potential to develop relationships. If there is no dynamic beginning, the couple may develop smooth, neutral interactions and people will remain close out of habit. The relationship can eventually become transactional and formal if each partner does not try to change this. Both a man, seeing in his chosen one something more than what is familiar to him, and a woman, trying on a new image, can bring passion and inspiration.

The wisdom and depth of the Snake man may not be appreciated by the Pig woman, and her gullibility and naivety simply surprise her partner. Out of habit, he may try to put pressure on his partner so that she begins to follow the rules of his life, but cold analysis, planning and lack of emotionality are simply unbearable for this girl. It may happen that everyone will see more shortcomings in their partner than advantages, and everything that is good in the couple is not recognized as truly significant.


Whether they can build a love relationship or not largely depends on the Snake man. He is resilient and strong, stands firmly on his feet and looks at life soberly, understands people well, is an excellent organizer and performer who sees the goal ahead and goes towards it.

The Pig girl is more superficial, sensitive and very emotional. It is difficult for her to choose in life and remain devoted to any one person or cause. Therefore, in alliance with the Snake, she will begin to get used to order and, in general, will depend on her partner. Next to this man she will feel stability, he will become her support and hope for a happy future.

For a Snake man, marriage and love with a Pig woman can become difficult if he cannot enjoy the liveliness and restlessness of her nature. Of course, frivolity and lack of integrity can be annoying, but even he is not ideal, so if you have real feelings, you need to accept your partner for who he is. The snake man is able to defend himself and guide his beloved, and she will be able to take care of her children and husband and manage household chores.

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According to the horoscope, the compatibility of the Pig and the Snake is questionable; they are not suitable for each other. Their union is specific, paradoxical. Representatives of these totem animals have nothing in common. Snakes are aesthetes; they love luxury, order, and comfort. The Pig's position in life is primitive. He is trusting, naive, and ready to compromise, which irritates the Snake.

Relationship between a Pig man and a Snake woman

Partners born under these signs have very different characters and life positions. The Boar and the Snake have nothing in common. They have no astral points of contact. A union between a Snake woman and a Pig man is possible. But their living together devoid of passion, romantic fervor. They stay together out of habit, affection for each other.

Family life

The leader in the family is the woman. But her Pig husband tests her strength every day. He is frivolous, unsystematic, and commits rash acts. And she needs a reliable partner who can provide for her family.

The boar is emotional, indecisive. He finds it difficult to manage the house. Therefore, he lives by following the rules established by his wife. The Snake wife will give a man stability, home comfort, a chance to create an exemplary family, order and consistency in marriage. Thanks to her efforts, the couple can have future prospects. But such a tandem will not have a happy relationship, understanding and passion.

Sexual compatibility

The love horoscope casts doubt on the compatibility of partners. The couple does not experience passion. The Snake woman restrains her emotions both in life and in bed. She is cold, considers sex necessary physical contact, but nothing more.

If the Pig awakens passion in the Snake, the relationship will become stronger

The Pig tries to show passion in bed. Sometimes his emotions, hot caresses, can melt the coldness of his partner. If he succeeds, the couple’s sex life will become vibrant, unpredictable, and harmonious. Partners will fully satisfy each other, fulfilling erotic fantasies. Their temperament and sexual harmony compensate for all difficulties in marriage.

Couple's difficulties

It is difficult for the Snake and the Pig to create a harmonious, strong relationship. Their natures are too different. The main difficulties that partners will have to face include:

  • trying to change each other. Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages. To achieve better compatibility, partners need to change their attitude towards each other - close their eyes to the shortcomings, accept the good sides;
  • unwillingness to adapt to your loved one. A wife should learn from her husband how to be carefree, and a man should listen to a woman’s advice - they are wise and insightful.

To avoid difficulties in marriage, young people can increase compatibility. They should not let the relationship take its course. Constant communication, compromise, the desire to improve - these are the key points that increase the chance of a happy future.

Both the Snake and the Pig commit actions that are difficult for their partner to accept. On this basis, differences are brewing between them, turning into conflict. The couple's chances of finding mutual understanding are zero.

Prospects for the relationship between a Snake man and a Pig woman

One of the most difficult alliances in Chinese horoscope compatibility is a tandem in which a Pig woman and a Snake man are united. Both representatives of these totemic signs prefer to spend time at home, in solitude. Therefore, they quickly become bored together and lack new sensations. A simple-minded, trusting girl born in the year of the Pig cannot accept the rational, insidious, calculating representative of the Snake. A man cannot understand how a woman can simply live without thinking about tomorrow, being content with what she has here and now. He tries to change her, but the girl does not understand his goals.


The compatibility horoscope of the Snake and Pig signs in marriage is initially charged with failure. Their relationship begins from common interests (group of friends, business partnership). Due to the lack of mutual understanding, their relationship develops slowly.

There is no harmony in the pair of Snake and Pig

In marriage, the Snake woman and the Pig man behave coldly, not showing initiative or romantic gestures. The eastern horoscope determines the high probability of the short duration of such a union. Due to the lack of compatibility, a marriage can last a long time if the spouses become friends, mutual support for each other.

The Pig woman and the Snake man live together more because of their interest in the opposite temperament and mentality. They can teach each other a lot, become ideal partners in business.

In bed

The Pig girl attaches special importance to intimacy with her partner. She needs manifestations of tenderness, affection, and romantic gestures. The Snake man is secretive, cold, he is not used to showing his feelings. Behind the mask of indifference lies the jealous nature of the owner, which a good-natured partner is unable to understand, therefore in bed the compatibility of the Pig and Snake signs is low.

Sexual relationship between Snake and Pig is complicated

At the beginning of a relationship, the Snake and the Pig often quarrel due to sexual dissatisfaction. But if a girl shows persistence, plunges the guy into a pool of affection, teaches him to show his emotions, they will begin to enjoy physical contact together.

Tandem difficulties

Lack of horoscope compatibility is not a reason to ignore a person. Representatives of these totem animals make reliable business partners and good, loyal friends. The first difficulties of a couple appear when a man tries to make his beloved girl his own. He does not understand the simplicity of thinking.

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