Wedding dresses for a second marriage. Which dress to choose if you're walking down the aisle for the second time? Second wedding what dress

The bustle of preparation, meetings with the photographer, such sweet and touching events. Only you are no longer a worried bride, because all this has already happened in your life. And you know for sure that not every marriage is made in heaven, that anything can happen in life, that destinies sometimes intersect and, alas, diverge. But love has come around the corner again, and this time your “yes” will be said with confidence! What to wear on this significant day? What are they, wedding and wedding dresses for a second marriage?

Traditions and superstitions

Girls who remarry may have different attitudes towards signs and rituals. Some have learned from their own experience that wedding traditions and all sorts of folk wisdom have nothing to do with the strength of marriage bonds. Others, on the contrary, no, no, and even think: what if it didn’t work out the first time. The following are the options: showed the outfit on the eve of the wedding, gave the ring to a friend to try on, and so on. Such girls carefully choose a dress for the second wedding, so that everything will definitely work out in the best way from the second take. Especially for these, a small selection will accept:

  • the outfit should cover the shoulders;
  • the dress can be any color except white;
  • veil is prohibited;
  • You cannot use your first marriage ring to buy a new one or melt it down.

Actually, all other signs regarding the choice of wedding dresses and decorations remain valid. And if you try to take into account all the traditions and superstitions, you can quite complicate your life, because some of them contradict each other. Choose the dress you like, and be sure that if you look great in it, it's lucky (at least on your wedding day).

Which style to choose

Most often, a second wedding is an excellent opportunity to get something that was not available in the previous one. If you dropped into the registry office with your first husband in jeans and a T-shirt, then you will probably want to impress your second husband with a luxurious outfit. And vice versa, those who at the first wedding have already suffered with these rings, petticoats, and trains (which someone will definitely step on) are more likely to make a choice in favor of a modest wedding dress. Moreover, there are enough options. For example, in the collections of wedding designers there are the following models of wedding dresses suitable for a second marriage:

The second wedding is also a great opportunity go beyond the boundaries and wear a chic wedding pantsuit. Those who think that a suit is for the office have not seen masterpieces from Riki Dalal, Rivini, Galina Davids, Randi Rahm. At the end of the day, it's just comfortable and stylish.

Color and fabric

When choosing the color of a wedding dress for the first time, the bride essentially decides one question: whether to wear white, as tradition requires, or whether to allow herself to deviate from the canons. Oddly enough, the second time she solves the same problem. Stereotypes are still strong in our society, and if white is a symbol of purity and innocence, then be kind enough to wear it the first time, and don’t even think about it the second time. Whereas in the West, a bride is a bride, and even though she is approaching 70 and has nowhere to put a marriage stamp, she has every right to choose a long, white dress. Which way of thinking is closer is up to you to decide.

As a compromise option, you can wear a dress in light colors, especially since there are many of these in any collection. Outfits in shades such as:

  • pale lavender;
  • "ashes of a rose";
  • coffee with milk color;
  • coral;
  • light beige

Gray dresses are increasingly appearing in the latest collections of wedding fashion trendsetters. The nobility and elegance of this shade is difficult to dispute, so if you want an original and sophisticated outfit, take a closer look at this option.

In many ways, the look and main impression of the dress is created by the fabrics used in tailoring. The final result will depend on them. Modern technologies make it possible to produce materials with various effects: metallic shimmer, artificial wrinkles, multi-colored shimmer (chameleon fabric). Depending on the style of the wedding dress, the following can be used for a second marriage:

Any dress can be transformed by delicate lace. A win-win and most common option is a base made of dense material and an openwork lace fabric on top. More expensive dresses with embroidered fabrics, these models are often handmade and look simply stunning.


Wedding number two is an excellent opportunity to carefully think through your image and lovingly choose jewelry and accessories. There is no longer that desire to put on all the best at once, to amaze everyone with beauty and luxury as the first time. Moreover, remarriage is often celebrated modestly, without grandeur. And in fact, this is an excellent reason not to give up jewelry altogether, but, on the contrary, to make it the main thing in your image. What to wear to a wedding:

  • knitted beads;
  • white mittens made of thick yarn;
  • hoop self made with viburnum berries, flowers;
  • wreath.

Such decorations themselves create the atmosphere of a quiet, calm holiday, without pomp and fireworks, but filled with fun and love. Of course, this does not mean that you need to give up jewelry that is dear to your heart. On the contrary, jewelry passed down by inheritance or associated with pleasant events will be appropriate.

A very important and beautiful detail of the image is the wedding bouquet. It, like accessories, creates an atmosphere and “collects” the image together. If a trouser suit is chosen as a wedding dress, it is the bouquet that will add tenderness and charm. An original and unusual composition will highlight the bride’s individuality. Wedding florists offer such unexpected combinations as:

  • a bouquet of fir branches, cones and “frosted” berries;
  • bouquet of beads;
  • fruit bouquet;
  • composition of ribbons and jewelry.

The bouquet can either match the color scheme of the outfit, or, conversely, contrast. The latter is relevant if the dress has bright color accents.

Just like accessories, hairstyle plays an important role in a bride's look. And here again the dilemma arises: whether a veil is needed or not. According to signs and beliefs - no, it is no longer needed. But a bride remarrying can already afford to ignore all these superstitions. And if you really want to, then, of course, wear a veil. In this case, it is better not to use other hair decorations. But if a veil is not attractive, a tiara, Greek headband, or Hand Made jewelry would be a good addition to the look.

A wedding is a celebration of two lovers. The day when they confirm their desire to build a future together, and what difference does it make what each of them has in the past. You need to choose an outfit based solely on your desires. Want to wear a poofy princess dress to your second wedding? Please! Angelina Jolie did not deny herself this for the third time, and nothing. If you feel comfortable only in trousers, choose a comfortable suit, no one will judge you.

Modern wedding bears little resemblance to the rituals of the past, which secured the unification of two people into one whole - a family. But the essence remains the same - this is an event that becomes the beginning of the life of a new union, family, helps the bride and groom understand this and notifies others.

A wedding makes the couple’s relationship legitimate, that is, legalized and recognized in the eyes of society. In former times, it meant the entry of a new person - a bride into her husband's clan, but now it means the creation of a family by two people. At the same time, their parents and other relatives become relatives both to the son-in-law/daughter-in-law and to each other.

There are several theories regarding the origin of the word "wedding":

  1. This is a derivative of the name of the ancient Roman goddess of persuasion, the patroness of festivals and fun - Svada.
  2. It is formed from the verb “to reduce” in the sense of connecting, uniting into one and symbolized the formation of a family from two separate people who were previously strangers to each other.
  3. It is based on the word “holy,” which emphasizes the sacredness and significance of the union.
  4. The word comes from the word "matchmaker" and indicates important role a person who acts as an intermediary between the families of the bride and groom, a witness to the agreement between them.
  5. It consists of several words that were significant for the ancient Slavs - “Sva” (sky), “Bo” (gods) and “De” (deed) and denotes the heavenly (important, beyond the control of man) act of the gods.

What is the origin of the word "marriage"?

Having found out what is a wedding, what our ancestors put into this word and what our contemporaries put into it, let us turn to the concept of marriage. If a wedding means a certain ritual, actions that symbolize the creation of a legal union, then marriage is living together, next after the celebrations have died down. Although initially it also meant a wedding feast.

According to the official version, the word “marriage” was formed during the use of the Old Church Slavonic language and comes from the verb “to take” by adding the suffix -k to the root of this word. The validity of this version is evidenced by the stable expression “get married”, as well as the Ukrainian word “betrothed” - got married.

This symbolizes the wife's entry into new family- the family of the husband and the fact that she is taken (taken away) from her parents. Our ancestors also used the word “take” to mean “steal” or “kidnap.” And in some historical periods, this is exactly what they did to girls - they forcibly took their future husband into the house.

There is also a humorous version based on the use of the word “marriage” both in the meaning of marriage and in the meaning of a flaw or lack. Many have heard the expression “a good deed cannot be called a marriage” in this regard. According to this version, in ancient times, girls ready for marriage were called Vestas, that is, those who knew (know) all the wisdom of housekeeping and caring for children, prudent and wise. And if a marital union was concluded by a girl who was not endowed with these qualities, then she was called the BRIDE, and her relationship with her husband was called marriage.

In fact, the word "marriage" in the meaning of flaw is borrowed from German language and comes from the word brack (vice, lack) and that, in turn, from brechen (to break, break). So these words are homonyms - they are the same in spelling and sound, but they have different meaning. There are also theories about the origin of the word “marriage” from a similar-sounding word in Arabic, which means twinning.

Origin of the word "marriage"

Having found out, one cannot help but remember about matrimony, which means married life. According to Dahl's dictionary, it is derived from the word “to conjugate”, i.e. to unite, combine. Vladimir Dal calls “harness”, “yoke” and “pair” words that are similar in origin and meaning. The word "yoke" does not sound very pleasant in relation to married life; it is familiar to modern people in the meaning of an unpleasant, heavy burden. But it’s joint family life, in essence, is the long-term work of two people to improve relationships and everyday life.

Reveals the nature of marriage and another word close to it - “marriage”. This is a pair of horses or oxen yoked together to cultivate a field. Thus, marriage was understood by the Slavs as a difficult but necessary joint work of two people. Symbolically, they go through life in the same harness, plow the field (solve joint problems, improve their lives, raise children).

Some organizations and orders in Westeros require their members to remain celibate and not marry or procreate; Thus, the vow of chastity is taken by the servants of the Seven - septons and septas, maesters of the Citadel, brothers of the Night Watch and knights of the Royal Guard. Red priests and Norvosian bodyguards take a similar vow in Essos.

Ages and engagement

Nobles in Westeros tend to marry for political reasons - to create or strengthen an alliance between the ruling houses. The parents choose a bride for their son, and they also negotiate with the girl’s parents; Moreover, the bride and groom may not see or know each other before the wedding. However, an adult single man can directly ask the lady’s hand in marriage from her father.

Marriage is preceded by an engagement, which they try to conclude as early as possible - for example, the Baratheons and Starks entered into an engagement between 12-year-old Joffrey Baratheon and 11-year-old Sansa Stark. Brandon Stark and Catelyn Tully became engaged when the latter was 12 years old. Any special circumstances may force the engagement and the marriage ceremony itself to be carried out earlier - for example, 13-year-old Tirek Lannister, himself still a teenager, married the infant Ermesande Hayford: Ermesande was the last of her kind, and if she had not lived to see coming of age, the lands of her ancestors would have passed into someone else's hands. Although an engagement is considered sacred, like a marriage, it can be easily dissolved - this can be done by both the groom's and the bride's relatives. Septons, however, disapprove of the dissolution of engagements.

The marriage itself usually takes place when the bride and groom reach an age at which they are able to share a bed and give birth to offspring. For girls, this is at least the time of “blooming”, that is, the beginning of the first menstruation. Girls from noble families blossom, get married and have children much earlier than commoners - Martin noted that this was the case in the Middle Ages, probably due to better nutrition.

In the general Westerosi idea, a girl can be married off even before she blossoms - for political reasons; but the desire to sleep with such a young wife will be considered perversion. Such early weddings - even without sex - are quite rare. The wedding is postponed until the bride becomes a girl from a child.

You can already marry a girl and sleep with her... however, even then many husbands prefer to wait until their spouse reaches fifteen or sixteen years old before fulfilling their marital duty. Maesters have long noticed that excessively young mothers too often die in childbirth. Martin said so

Girls are expected to marry as virgins. A daughter's virginity lost before marriage is a blow to the reputation of her parents; A girl who has “dirty” herself can no longer count on a profitable marriage. On the contrary, promiscuity for young men is not condemned in any way, and by the time of the wedding they can even become fathers of illegitimate children - in Westeros this is considered only proof of male strength.

For boys, the age suitable for marriage is 16 years old, the time of majority. Squires generally expect to marry as soon as they receive their spurs—in other words, they are knighted. It is customary to give a dowry for the bride, which can be very burdensome for poor parents; on the other hand, a large dowry can make it profitable unequal marriage, for example, between the son of an impoverished lord and the daughter of a rich commoner.

Wedding ceremonies

In the south and central regions of the country, the wedding ceremony is performed in a sept in front of the altar, in the presence of a septon - in front of the Seven. For kings, the wedding ceremony is performed by the High Septon, and the ceremony is held in the main temple of the country - the Great Sept of Baelor. In the North, where belief in the Old Gods is strong, the ritual is performed in the godswood in front of the weirwood tree; however, northerners can perform a double ceremony, making vows first in the sept, then in the godswood. Followers of R'hlor hold a wedding ceremony in front of a lit bonfire, and the bride and groom, holding hands, must jump over the flame.

The fathers of the bride and groom must be present at the wedding, participating in a symbolic exchange of cloaks - if this is impossible for one of those entering into marriage, a father is appointed.

The bride and groom are dressed in luxurious and expensive attire for the wedding ceremony; An important element is wedding cloaks. During the wedding ceremony, cloaks play a role wedding rings- the groom dresses the bride in his cloak and puts on her cloak himself. Thus, when each of the newlyweds wears the coat of arms of the other's house, the connection between the houses is confirmed. Whenever possible, such cloaks are made from expensive material, lined with valuable fur and embroidered with gold and silver. The groom may continue to wear the wedding cloak - often hot and uncomfortable - several days after the wedding, thereby demonstrating that the marriage has taken place.

The wedding cloak should be painted in colors corresponding to the coat of arms of the house to which the bridegroom belongs, and the clasp at the throat usually depicts an armorial figure: for example, Sansa Stark was married in a gray and white cloak with a clasp in the form of a direwolf - the Stark coat of arms; Margaery Tyrell, at her wedding to Joffrey Baratheon, wore a green cloak with embroidered yellow roses - the colors of her parents, the Tyrells. As the widow of Renly Baratheon, Margaery would have worn the black and gold Baratheon cloak; Having dressed the bride in a green Tyrell cloak, the parents emphasized that she was still a virgin and the marriage with Renly was not recognized as valid. Cersei Lannister, who did not love her late husband and his relatives, dressed Joffrey Baratheon in the red and gold Lannister cloak - an old one that once belonged to Tywin Lannister, but in the case of Tommen Baratheon, at the insistence of Olenna Tyrell, the cloak was nevertheless changed to Baratheon's.

The exchange of cloaks is also accepted in the North, where they believe in the Old Gods. Even during the wedding of Sigorn and Alys Karstark, carried out according to the Glorian rite or adapted according to the faith of the red priests, cloaks were not abandoned - while Sigorn, who did not have a coat of arms, a coat of arms was invented specifically for the wedding cloak

Wedding vows in the series "Game of Thrones":

Septon: In the face of the Seven, I unite these two in marriage, that they may be one now and forever. Look at each other and say your vows.
Robb and Talisa: Father, Blacksmith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Elder, Unknown...
Robb: I am hers and she is mine...
Talisa: I am his and he is mine...
Robb and Talisa: ...From this day until the end of my days.

Series 2x10 Valar Morghulis

In other places, however, it is stated that those who marry pronounce vows before the heart-tree. It is unknown whether both Ramsay Bolton and Janey Poole brought them in a silent manner, or whether their wedding deviated from the traditional rite.

There is no divorce procedure in the Seven Kingdoms: so,

Origin of words related to the topic of marriage and family, goes back to the primitive era. After the Slavs stopped kidnapping girls near the water, and organizing a wedding turned into a complex sequence of actions and rituals, each of which is considered a guarantee of future family well-being, wedding terminology did not undergo significant changes.
Most marriage terms in Russian– original Slavic. The word “marriage” itself has a homonym - a German borrowing with the meaning of “flaw”, which made possible the emergence of modern sayings like “a good thing cannot be called a marriage.” However, the word “marriage” in the meaning of “wedding, family life” is easily etymologized on Slavic soil, as a derivative of the verb “to take” (cf. “to marry”, “to take as a wife”).
The word "marriage" is represented in a number of Slavic languages, but in none of them is it a folk word, unlike words such as “wedding” and “marriage”.
Etymology of the words “marriage” and “groom” is quite transparent - they go back to the same root as the word “wife”. This word is pan-Indo-European, it has correspondences in the ancient Indian, Avestan, Armenian, Irish, Gothic and Tocharian languages.
Distinguishing the meanings of “wife” and “woman” characteristic only of a minority of Indo-European and Slavic languages. Among Slavic languages, such a distinction is typical for Russian, Belarusian and Polish, while in other languages ​​one word corresponds to both meanings (for example, Czech žena).
The same can be said about the words “husband”, “man”. Even in Ukrainian, which is closely related to Russian, the word “zhinka” means both wife and woman, and the word “cholovik” means husband and man.
The etymology of the word “wedding” is less obvious.- in particular, due to the fact that the etymological principle was not observed in its writing. In accordance with this principle, it would be more correct to say “marriage” - after all, this word is traced back to the root “matchmaker”.
However, it is not entirely legitimate to equate the words “wedding” and “matchmaking” with each other. Rather, these are two lines of development more ancient meaning- “twinning”.
The fact is that origin of the word “matchmaker” associated with the common Indo-European pronoun *sva- / *svo-, from which the Slavic “your” comes. It’s not for nothing that people who become related through marriage are called “in-laws,” and “mother-in-law” is literally “one’s own blood.”
Moreover, the Slavic root *сђтъ with the meaning “guest” is associated with the same pronoun, preserved, for example, in the Russian word “visit”. In this sense, the word “visit” can be interpreted as “becoming one of our own.”
In contrast, the word “friend” (which only in recent decades has been replaced in the marriage ceremony by the word “witness” - also, incidentally, native Slavic) is related to the word “other”. However, we should not forget that “other” in its original meaning is not so much “different” as “second”.
Borrowed words in Russian wedding terminology are quite rare and relate mainly to relatively late elements of the ceremony. Even the specific terms of church rites are mostly Slavic (“crown”, “wedding”).
Among the undoubted borrowings one can note word " " of Turkic origin. In the twentieth century, the wedding troika was replaced in most of Russia (a word of French origin), and sometimes even a car that does not formally belong to the class of limousines is called this way. In fact, a limousine for a wedding in modern Russian is any car decorated with balloons and dolls and intended for the bride and groom.
In general, the wedding ceremony, which still retains numerous elements dating back to ancient times, is described mainly by equally ancient native Slavic words.

In battles about the origin of this, of course, the main thing, wedding-themed words are still being broken by hordes of scientists: linguists, cultural scientists, ethnologists, historians. But, since we are not faced with the task of engaging in scientific discussions here, we will choose the most beautiful and most common definition.

So, scientists have come to a more or less uniform conclusion regarding the root of the word “Wedding”. Swa is a derivative of the ancient Indian “Svas”, which means “one’s own”. This is where the word “Matchmaker” comes from and, consequently, the wedding itself, in the meaning of “appropriation”, “development”. By the way, the words “mother-in-law” and “father-in-law” (meaning one’s own blood) were formed in the same way. As our elusive Cupid asserts, Ancient Rus' the wedding was called " Sveyatboy”, and a little later they began to say “wedding”. It is in this form that this word should, in theory, exist to this day, but as a result, as pundits put it, “linguistic assimilation,” “svatba” turned into the usual “wedding.”

But a wedding would not be a wedding if even the definition of the origin of this word did not have beautiful options. So, if you break down the word “wedding” into its components, you get the following picture:

Matchmaker– heaven, light, or enlightenment

Dy– virtue, goodness, doing good, doing good

Ba- respect, reverence

The result will be “A bright blessing for a virtuous life in mutual respect.” To be honest, we really liked this option, and there’s nothing to add to it. And you?


Not very kind tongues gloatingly claim that the word “bride” comes from the expression “it is unknown who,” “ who knows who" Like, in ancient times, parents agreed on a wedding, and sometimes until the very ceremony the groom did not know who he would see next to him under the aisle. Maybe it was so, it’s not for us to judge - however, then in Arab countries the groom would be called “bride,” since there is definitely still a tradition where a girl may not know until the last moment who she is marrying. But we, the entire portal team, affirm that in ancient world there was definitely a place for love and loving couples united their hearts by mutual consent, regardless of the will of parents, elders, princes and padishahs combined!

Another interpretation of the word “bride” states that the unknown, the unexplored, which are clearly read in the word, mean a girl who “has not known”, “does not know”. In this meaning, “bride” is a sweet, pure creature that has not been touched by a man’s hand (lips and other parts of the body, by the way, either), inexperienced and ignorant. After the wedding, she will have to experience and taste the forbidden fruit. But there is something in such a definition, you must agree!


In the case of the “groom”, no difficulties are foreseen. The naked (unread and untrained) eye can see that the root of the word is wife, or woman. In ancient times they said that a groom is a man who has betrothed his bride. The word “groom” comes from the same origins and is used in the same meaning as its derivatives: “marriage”, “get married”, “get married”, etc. In any case, the most different interpretations on this matter still come down to the definition of the “groom” through his woman (bride) - the one who intends to receive (not quite beautiful word, we prefer to “conquer”, “conquer”, but you can’t remove the words from the song) your woman. Moreover, she already knows about it and is not at all against it. Because without the consent of the bride, the groom is not a groom at all, but just a banal suitor! That's it, grooms, remember: you become grooms after receiving the bride's consent. And period!

What to wear if this is not the first time you are getting married? Today, the tradition, which fundamentally prohibits the bride from wearing a white dress for the second marriage ceremony, has sunk into oblivion. A wedding dress for a second marriage is usually much more difficult to choose. The natural desire to make it better than the first time will be paramount, and the dress occupies a very important place in this matter. And the approach to its selection will also be special and careful.

The decision made about remarriage- this is the decision of mature people who are ready to take responsibility in a relationship, with a considerable baggage of past mistakes and conclusions, and are ready to build mature relationships, the basis of which will be a deeper feeling.

Very often, brides for the ceremony of their second marriage present their outfit not too lush and, of course, not white, but cream or ivory and always with a long, chic train.

The silhouette is preferably elegant, the cut can be creative, and not like in my youth - with a lot of ruffles and lace.

Second marriage is the beginning of a new one happy life and any woman wants his beginning to be original and memorable.

Often, brides choose the option of a short wedding dress, which will be a wonderful alternative to a long white dress if you absolutely do not want repetitions.

What can you wear to your second wedding?

When choosing an outfit style, focus on the features of your figure, not your age.

Most brides for their second wedding choose straight and tight dresses. for example, a mermaid.

This style is not suitable for girls whose waist is not clearly defined. A short or long wedding dress in the Empire style and in the Greek style is suitable here. This outfit will just hide your existing belly.

Allow yourself to choose exactly the dress model that you dreamed of, but could not afford during your first marriage. If you want to wear a luxurious, lush outfit, wear it and don’t listen to anyone.

Opt for a simple dress cut. Despite the brevity, it will be elegant. Add jewelry to a formal outfit. Please note that expensive lace, rhinestones and pearls will only emphasize the beauty.

If you are going to have a wedding on the same day, then pay attention to a dress with a train; this is acceptable if you have decided to completely abandon the veil.

Wear a white dress if desired. After all, the times are long gone when people were embarrassed to make a second marriage a grand celebration, and the second time the family appeared modestly and without fancy frills. Along with other prejudices, the ban on the bride's white dress was forgotten. remarriage. Perhaps because in this way the purity and purity of the bride were previously emphasized, but now it is unlikely that the choice of color should be subjected to precisely such criteria. So for a second wedding, white should not be considered a taboo color.

Sometimes the bride also refuses a white dress, citing fashion trends or age category. Then an alternative to a snow-white dress can be cream or pastel colors of the outfit, as well as ivory color. Although, in fact, the color and style of the second wedding dress is not at all important. Be yourself, follow your desires, create your own mood, create and fantasize.

As for choosing a wedding veil - wear it. Don't get hung up on all the prejudices and organize your wedding the way you want.

If you don’t want to wear a long veil, replace it with a tiara or you can weave fresh flowers into your hair - this is a very romantic alternative to a veil and many brides choose just such a decoration. On this day, it is extremely important that it is perfect. Therefore, use the services of a master who will not only create a masterpiece from your hair, but also fix it so that it remains in perfect condition until the end of the holiday.

Instead of a veil, you can also attach a wedding veil or hat to your hairstyle. She looks very beautiful and the wedding traditions will be respected.

Wedding outfit ideas

Only your own imagination will give you the most ideal answer to this burning question, but we can give you directions.

Short classic outfit mostly in light colors. If your plans only include getting married and celebrating a joyful event exclusively in the warm circle of relatives and friends, you can safely choose a short dress and not limit yourself in choosing colors. Short or middle length Dresses are usually chosen for the second (or all subsequent) weddings.

A chic evening dress with rhinestones, beads, semi-precious stones or other decorations.

A dress in the style of the 60s will look bold and festive.

You can try on a white pantsuit and a hat, and if the groom dresses the same, your suit will look very stylish.

Any of the costumes of popular people, if there is a wedding on a specific theme.

For the second wedding dress, you can choose a model with a colored belt or inserts in the dress itself or in the train.

Perhaps your chosen one will have this ceremony for the first time in his life, but for you this will be the second marriage. Remember that this is the first celebration in his life and, perhaps, he wants a real lavish wedding, observing rituals and traditions. In this case, choose lace Wedding Dress light colors.

The main thing is your comfort and the fact that you should feel like a heroine at this celebration.


Of course, an alternative solution that will amazingly replace a wedding dress is a chic suit. The bride will also look dazzling in it.

  • The most the best option Of course, there will be a suit, the cut of which will combine fabrics of different textures.
  • It will not be easy to resolve the question, what will make up the lower part of the suit? Very simple. Whatever makes you comfortable. If you want to highlight your beautiful legs, then of course a chic skirt. If you want your suit to replicate the silhouette of a long dress, choose nice trousers.
  • A jacket made of guipure in the same tone as the bottom of the suit will look chic; it will add a festive chic to the outfit.
  • The most appropriate fabrics would be jacquard, thick silk or taffeta. Just don’t forget about finishing the suit with a play of fabrics. Here you can let your imagination go free and experiment with a selection of fabrics as you please, from flying guipure to the finest wool.
  • Think over your image from A to Z. You cannot afford to look like a guest at a royal tea party, today you are the queen! Everything should be in harmony and create a solemn mood from accessories to the general surroundings. But you also can’t overload the image. Find a middle ground.

Color and fabric

We have already said that the bride can safely choose a snow-white wedding dress for her second wedding. But if you are embarrassed by the sidelong glances of strict adherents of traditions, then, of course, you should opt for a different color scheme for your outfit. Moreover, today wedding dresses are sewn in a huge range of colors and shades. In addition to light colors, you can choose bold, bright ones.

Choose the color that suits you. Golden, sky blue and peach tones suit fair girls. For brunettes, silver or white colors. Women with fiery red hair suit cream shades.

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