Table tennis training for 6-9 year old girls. Table tennis sections for children

Table tennis (aka ping pong) is one of the most popular sports games in the world. Its rules are easy to understand, and the game process itself is very exciting.

Table tennis (aka ping pong) is one of the most popular sports games in the world. Its rules are easy to understand, and the game process itself is very exciting. Wherever they play table tennis - in parks, squares, courtyards, educational institutions, office buildings, holiday homes, beaches, gyms... The list of places where you can put a tennis table and play a game or two on it can be continued endlessly. But if you have never held a racket in your life or your level leaves much to be desired, a logical question arises - how to learn to play table tennis?

First, a little about the rules of the game. Before the start of the game, the players draw lots to determine the order of serves. It is customary to do this as follows: one of the players throws the ball on the table so that it hits one round in each of its halves. The other player, in turn, must return it. The serve continues until one of the players loses (hits past the table, fails to receive the ball, hits the net or in his own half). In this case, the one who won gets the right first serve.

There are two types of games in table tennis: short and long. The first of them is played until one of the players scores 11 points, and the second - up to 21 points. For each winning draw, the player receives one point. In this case, just like in tennis, if the score is 10:10 or 20:20, a tie-break is assigned, which is played until the gap between the opponents is equal to two points. In a short game, each of the opponents plays two serves in a row, then this is the right goes to another player. In length, accordingly, the length of this series is five innings.

The serve itself also has one simple rule: the ball, after you put it into play, must touch both your half of the field and the opponent’s. In table tennis, it is always served from the corner of the table, and the trajectory of the ball should be such that it hits the opposite square of the opponent’s side. In practice, it looks like this: if you serve from the right, the ball should hit in the square of the opponent’s left half relative to you. And vice versa: if you put the ball into play from the left, then it should land in the right square. If it hits the net, a re-serve is assigned. If the second attempt ends with the same outcome, then the point goes to the opponent, and you have one less serve.

After the serve, the most interesting part of the game begins - the fight for the point. Each player tries to hit in such a way that the opponent cannot parry the strike. In a word, everything is like in real tennis. Points are awarded if, after your strike, the ball, having flown over the net, touched half of the opponent’s field and he was unable to parry it, or if he parried it into the net or past the table.

Now, let's go over the technique of playing table tennis, or rather, the those exercises with with which it can be installed.

First of all, to master the technique of playing the game, you need to “get” your hand. It's about honing the interaction between your thoughts, your hand, racket and ball. There are several exercises that can help you with this.

Exercise 1: It's very simple. The essence of this is that you just need to take the racket in your hands, position it more parallel to the floor. Then you place the ball on the racket and try to keep it on its surface so that it does not fall. It will be great if you immediately learn how to do this exercise on the go, as it is a little more difficult.

Exercise 2: It is extremely important for anyone starting to play table tennis to feel how the ball behaves when hit with a racket. The next exercise is dedicated to working out this moment. It consists of simply stuffing the ball with a racket from top to bottom and from bottom to top. After doing this exercise for a while, and understanding how hard our ball bounces off the racket and any hard surface, start doing it, moving in space. Next, regular chasing will help you. It consists of quickly and lightly hitting the ball with a racket from bottom to top. In this way, you will develop your eye and palm muscles. Once you have mastered the normal stroke, this exercise can be performed by turning the racket over while the ball is in the air.

There is an important point with gripping the racket with your hand. Two styles are widely known: Chinese (from above) and regular (also called a handshake). You are free to use the one that is more convenient for you. It is important not to make the childhood mistake of beginners - not to hold onto the rackets with your entire palm. In this position, she will be practically uncontrollable. Try to hold it without squeezing your fingers too hard, but not in such a way that it dangles in your hand.

Exercise 3: Game with an improvised wall. Fold the table so that the opposite side is at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the kvass. In front of you there will be a kind of wall with which you can play perfectly. Here you can practice most of the things that you will need when playing: different types of shots, cuts (we'll talk about them a little later), the correct position relative to the table, reaction speed, and, of course, your movement. Movement in general is an extremely important component with which you can learn to play correctly table tennis. Standing still during the game, you will only be able to hit the balls that will fly directly at you, but the corners of the table will be completely open to your opponent’s shots, and it will not be difficult for him to get there in such a way that you will not be able to parry this strike. The ideal body position during the game is: legs slightly bent at the knees, feet springing, body slightly tilted forward.

Pay attention to professional ping-pong players: during the game they are in motion almost all the time, running from one end to the other to hit the balls flying towards them. Here is an example video from the 2008 Olympic competition in Beijing.

Well, how? Fascinated? Let’s admit: us too! Finally, we suggest you figure out how to hit the ball correctly in table tennis.

There are several types of strikes in total. Let's get to know them now.

Spin kick. This is done by rotating your wrist from side to side or up and down as you hit the ball. To counter a spin ball, you must serve the spin ball yourself. If you have time, practice this strike on a wall, experimenting with what works for you.

Smash(out). With smash shots (also called slams or spears), the ball is thrown with great force and speed, so you need to have time to react to the impact. Smash is a powerful weapon, but it can be difficult to use accurately, and you may find that your smashes initially end up on the grid, or on the other side of the table. Don't be afraid and try it. Ultimately you will succeed. It's like volleyball. Once you hit the smash, it will be virtually impossible for your opponent to keep the ball in play. This will be one of your most used skills and will frustrate your opponent.

Cutting strike. To learn how to cut, you need to move the racket from top to bottom while making contact with the ball. After this, the ball rises up, the more you spin it, the further it will fly. The slice is a defensive move that is quite difficult to attack. The force of the blow mainly depends on the oncoming speed of the ball and the distance from which you take it.

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At what age should you start exercising?

The optimal age to start classes is six to seven years. And it is better to adhere to this recommendation. On the one hand, playing tennis too early often does not bring a positive effect.

Children at the same age vary in development. Therefore, we often see how children, starting to train at the age of seven, in three or four months catch up with those with whom coaches have been working since the age of three.

But you shouldn’t wait long to choose this sport. At each age, the child is emphasized on different components of preparation.

In the first year (six to seven years of age), children are taught to be disciplined, attentive, patient, and they strengthen certain muscle groups and the entire body.

In the second year, they teach the basics of technique, the rudiments of tactical thinking - for example, the ability to “see an empty space on the court,” etc.

In the third year, the young tennis player learns to understand the game, drop shots, volleys and other elements.

How to recognize talent

Children's tennis coaches do not have universal anthropometric tests, so it is almost impossible to say anything about a child's talent when he first joins the section or when looking at his parents.

Even if tests for strength, speed, agility, and coordination are often carried out in the first year of classes, then excellent indicators are not always translated into good results in Game.

As a rule, a child’s talent begins to manifest itself during tournaments, and it makes sense to participate in them no earlier than the third year of study.

If you rush into competitive practice, while having obvious flaws in technical training, then opponents will quickly discover these flaws and will use them.


The more reputable the school, the more talented boys and girls are involved in the section, the higher the chances of your child achieving success. Practice shows that most of our stars - Myskina, Dementieva, Sharapova, brother and sister Safina and others - played successfully already in adolescence.

It makes sense to enter the strongest youth from the age of 12 into tournaments among children a couple of years older. And from the age of 16 - and to adult competitions. It is useful for girls to work in sparring against guys. By the way, in the first year of classes, girls, oddly enough, usually outperform boys of their age. There are no significant differences in the approach to the training process or in the principles of work on the court between boys and girls.

5 most interesting facts about tennis

American Venus Williams decided to play a match with a man - a little-known German tennis player. Before the game, the German trained in the heat and drank half a liter of beer. As a result, he won two sets, and then Venus gave up the fight.

Some famous tennis players play with their left hand, although in life they are right-handed. The most striking example is the famous Spaniard Rafael Nadal. He is the winner of 12 Grand Slam tournaments and the 2008 Olympic champion in singles.

The record for the most powerful serve currently belongs to Croatian tennis player Ivo Karlovic. In 2001, at the Davis Cup, he launched the ball at a speed of 251 kilometers per hour. Before this, the record belonged to Andy Roddick. In 2004, after his serve, the ball flew at a speed of 249 kilometers per hour.

Tennis is one of the oldest games. Since the 16th century, it has been played by French and English monarchs and aristocrats. William Shakespeare mentions tennis in his historical chronicle Henry V. The play describes how the French Dauphin sends the English king a barrel of tennis balls as a mockery.

The highest paid tennis player in the world is Maria Sharapova. Last year alone, including advertising contracts, she earned $29 million. A general state is already approaching $100 million.

Tennis costs

In elite Moscow schools, a monthly subscription costs five to six thousand rubles. As for equipment, a racket for a six- to eight-year-old tennis player costs about a thousand rubles, and it can last for a year with a single tension of the strings.

But in a couple of years, in any case, you will have to buy professional rackets. They cost at least three thousand rubles, and some parents buy them for eight or nine thousand, although this is not urgently necessary. The older an athlete gets, the more often his rackets break down, and the strings have to be tightened before each tournament, and sometimes before training. This procedure costs an average of 350 rubles.

Don’t forget about the cost of sportswear: 500 rubles for a T-shirt, 300 rubles for shorts, 3000 rubles for sneakers, 2000 rubles for a tracksuit.

As for going to competitions, at the age of 10-12 years old you can get by with tournaments in Moscow. From the age of 12-13 you already have to travel outside hometown. And the most talented should already be taken abroad.

Many good children's competitions take place in Turkey, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Croatia. Please note: all expenses for these trips will have to be doubled, since it is desirable that one of the parents travel with the child.

If you have a solid income, then you can think about temporarily moving to the USA or Spain, where the most famous tennis schools are located. This is exactly what Maria Sharapova’s father, Yuri, did in his time.


Parents who are trying to send their child to tennis with the expectation that he will soon “bring money into the family” should be warned against this stereotype. Athletes are usually not paid anything for victories at junior tournaments. And in adult competitions, tennis players under 18 years of age rarely achieve success.

By and large, just over a hundred athletes among men and the same number among women can be called tennis professionals. Getting into the first round of Grand Slam tournaments usually earns ten thousand dollars, but there are only four such competitions a year.

In the most modest “ten-thousand-dollar” tournaments, the prize money is generally small: for success in the first round you get about $100, and for a victory — about $1,300.

In addition, from the amount of prize money you need to subtract the costs of flights, hotels, meals, as well as coaches, managers, etc. But what is curious: if you look at Russian statistics, girls in our country have recently achieved more serious success than Guys. Accordingly, they earn more.

Typical injuries and their prevention

Children's tennis is not a traumatic sport. But the general recommendations that apply to other young athletes also apply to tennis. In addition to the usual sports medical control for a young tennis player increased attention should be addressed by an orthopedist - in terms of individual selection of insoles and instep supports for sports shoes.

Serious problems for tennis players can arise at the age of 12-14 years, when they grow by 10-15 centimeters within six months. During this period they partially lose coordination. We must try to survive this period calmly, making some adjustments in the training regime.

Here is a list of the most common injuries in tennis:

so-called tennis elbow - damage to the tendons of the elbow at the point of their attachment to the bone, accompanied by inflammation of adjacent tissues;

wrist injuries; musculoskeletal growth diseases (Osud-Schlater disease, accompanied by inflammation of the patellar ligament);

calluses on the palms.

What are the benefits of tennis?

There are many advantages that come from playing tennis. Men are real athletes, “without fluxes” (that is, without distortions - when some muscle groups are hypertrophied and others are underdeveloped). And tennis players, having excellent muscles, remain feminine. To this we add their excellent functional training, because endurance develops during training.

The official rules of competitions and the unspoken laws of tennis cultivate intelligence in athletes and even spectators. At tennis matches it is impossible to hear not only obscene chants, as, for example, at football, but even single screams.

Career Length

In tennis, it is not uncommon for older tennis players to achieve success: Billie Jean King won the Birmingham tournament at 39, Andre Agassi remained at the top of the world rankings at 33. But these are exceptions.

Athletes over 40 not only never won Grand Slam tournaments, but rarely even made it to the second round. As a rule, men's careers begin to decline after 30, and for women even after 28 years.

In this article I will talk about what it is table tennis for beginners, what important points need to be taken into account and where to start your training.

We will talk about the first most important aspects of technology and the basic nuances of selecting equipment.

Table tennis technique for beginners

The first thing to start with is definitely your racket grip.

Most beginners do not attach any importance to grip and then greatly regret it. Because the way you take the racket at the start will largely determine the possibility and speed of progress in the future.

To immediately make it more clear to you how to hold a racket correctly, watch the video that I recorded specifically for beginners in table tennis.

From this video you will learn:

  • 5 Major Mistakes in Amateur Grip
  • Do professionals make mistakes in their grip?
  • A recipe for the correct grip and a clear example

The second thing you need to master at the start of training is the correct position for the game. Professionals often call this aspect the stance.

Try to take the correct stance at the very first stages of training. This will give you the opportunity over time to learn to play more professionally and get many times more pleasure from the game than your friends at the tennis hall get.

Most beginners in table tennis play on straight legs without a specific position. This may be suitable for playing ping-pong (which is done for fun), but if you want not just to throw the ball in the Gorky Garden (it seems to me that all Russian cities have just such a park), but to feel the whole essence of table tennis, then immediately learn to play on bent legs, because:

  • This position gives the body a more elastic state.
  • Only from this position can most professional elements be performed.
  • Only this position contributes to rapid movement in table tennis.

Table tennis is an extremely fast sport. And every beginner can feel this when playing against a more experienced amateur. At such speeds one of key factors success is correct movement. And proper movement is impossible without a well-placed stance. This is a simple and at the same time key logic for every novice tennis player.

To make it as clear to you as possible what you should strive for beginner in table tennis, I recorded a special video in which I talk in detail about the 5 main aspects of the stance.

After understanding these 2 most important aspects of table tennis for a beginner, it’s worth starting to master correct technique basic elements.

4 elements of table tennis for beginners that should be learned and practiced in the first stage

1) Rolling to the right is a basic technique that should be learned first. The forehand roll is more complex than the left roll, but it is the one that should be learned first, so as not to develop the harmful habit of playing on the left at every opportunity. This may work well for a beginner table tennis player, but the game has a very low ceiling and there is virtually no development when playing this style.

So, so that the skill of playing on the left from the entire table does not become established, you must first practice a full forehand and try to apply it in the game.

2) Rolling on the left - as already mentioned, should be studied after rolling on the right. In practice, of course, it turns out that rolling on the right and rolling on the left are studied in parallel, but for a beginner it is important that the training of rolling on the right prevails over the training of rolling on the left.

I tell you in as much detail as possible about the roll on the right and left in.

Rolling on the right and rolling on the left are the first 2 attacking techniques that are necessary for a beginner. For more high level(even among amateurs) rolling is not the basis of attacking play. This is largely an element through which you learn to perform top spin in the future. But the top spin is already the main attacking link in the arsenal of every tennis player.

3) The next element necessary in table tennis for beginners is a backhand slice.

The left cut is the first technique that is performed with rotation. He is a midfielder and is used to receive serves, prepare his attack and intermediate moves.

After learning the rolling, many people begin to immediately move on to topspin, but it is better to master the cutting first, because it allows you to feel the grip of the rubber on the ball much better - most important aspect, without feeling it, you will not be able to use either a high-quality top spin or a complex serve in the future.

_4) ​​After trimming on the left, trimming on the right is studied. The left cut is easier to learn because it is always done from the same position with the right foot slightly forward.

Pruning on the right is more difficult to perform. Many people begin to do it by analogy with the left pruning and place their right foot forward. But when cutting to the forehand on a long ball, it is better to take a neutral position - this will allow you to handle the ball not too far from the body, which will provide greater control.

Cutting to the right with the right leg coming forward is also worth learning. But the most important thing to remember is that it is performed only with short balls.

Table tennis equipment for beginners

As a rule, we all start playing with the racket we need, but after talking a little with more experienced colleagues, the beginning amateur tennis player understands that he needs a more professional racket.

And here the most important question for an amateur arises: which racket to buy, ready-made or assembled.

For those who are not yet in the know, I’ll explain that all more or less advanced amateurs and professionals play as teams. That is, you buy the base separately and the pads separately.

For a person who strives for progress and has been playing for a long time, the question of choosing between the national team and the ready one does not arise. Naturally, he chooses the national team.

Ready-made rackets are made primarily for the playing of less advanced amateurs. The overlays are glued to the base with strong glue so that the overlay does not come off at the edges, for example, when transporting in a car. Rubbers are made with longevity in mind, not playability. As a rule, the racket turns out to have little control and is unsuitable for advanced elements of table tennis.

The main idea of ​​owning such a racket is to play it occasionally somewhere in the country or once a month on a lonely table in the fitness room.

In order for a beginner to successfully use the more complex elements of table tennis, he needs a suitable racket with good playing characteristics. They can only be obtained by purchasing the pads and base separately.

Sometimes amateurs who have been playing table tennis for 1-2 years ask my opinion about this or that ready-made racket, which is sold for decent money (3000-5000 rubles) and, according to the manufacturer’s promises, should not be inferior in characteristics to a prefabricated racket. To all such questions, I answer that I am definitely against ready-made rackets, since no matter what the manufacturer promises, a prefabricated racket will always have better characteristics for the game.

Many beginners who want to progress in table tennis are perplexed by the price of prefabricated rackets. The cheapest base can cost 2500-3000 rubles and each overlay from 1500 rubles. That is, the minimum price for a assembled racket is about 6,000 rubles. Not every beginner is ready to immediately part with such an amount.

On one side of the scale is money, on the other side is the opportunity to play better, progress faster and get more pleasure from new victories and from the game process in general.

I always recommend spending money and buying a good assembled racket, because the positive emotions and sensations that you will experience from victories and using new elements will more than cover the feeling of spending several thousand rubles. If you save, you run the risk of getting stuck at one level of play and never feeling the real thrill of table tennis, which comes when your arsenal is replenished with new elements, and the piggy bank of victories comes with fresh “scalps” of opponents who just yesterday were considered stronger than you.

When a novice table tennis fan realizes that he needs a assembled racket and is ready to spend money on buying it more money, a new question arises: how can I choose what I need from all the variety that is on the market?

I will write an article on this topic later, but for now you can write in the comments your questions about inventory and what you want to buy, and I will try to advise you as best I can.

Let me make a reservation right away that I am not an expert in Chinese equipment, which has poured into Russian market not so long ago. Chinese equipment is attractive in price, but the quality, in my opinion, leaves much to be desired. Most often, when buying Chinese equipment, you are buying a pig in a poke.

Personally, I don’t use it in my coaching practice; all my players play with equipment from companies that have been tested for decades. And I do not intend to change my position on this issue. That is why I cannot advise you on the inventory of inexpensive companies. I just don’t use it and don’t know it at all. Keep this in mind when writing your questions.

Tennis is a sport loved by many, which has already had more than centuries-old history. During this time, it turned from a game of aristocrats into a completely democratic sport, extremely popular all over the world.

Tennis helps to maintain excellent physical shape and improves body tone. This tennis practice strengthens muscles, develops muscle tissue, increase endurance and even increase intellectual abilities. Therefore, many parents enroll their children in tennis sports sections and take them to training. Some dream of seeing their child become a great athlete, while others simply care about his health and development.

But what does this sport really do for a child? Is tennis necessary for children, what are the benefits and harms of playing? Let's talk about it today:

The benefits of tennis for children

This sport is very beneficial for children's health. In particular, tennis is needed for children with limited good eyesight. During training, the child has to focus his vision on the ball. This trains the eye muscles.

The game is useful for very active, inquisitive children. During training, there is finally an outlet for your child’s stormy, boiling energy. At the same time, note that it is directed in the right, creative direction.

It should be noted that tennis is still an individual sport. This requires the player to be independent, make quick decisions, be able to control the game process, and quickly and accurately respond to rapid changes in the game situation.

Tennis for children is very useful look sports. After just a month of active training, your well-being and general health improve noticeably. Flexibility increases, blood circulation is activated, and reaction speed develops. During training, muscles have to actively work. Almost all their muscle groups are occupied: legs, arms, back, neck, abs are trained. As a result, it increases muscle mass. Again, during exercise, the respiratory system works intensively and the cardiovascular system is trained.

It should be noted positive influence tennis on the emotional sphere. After all, tennis is one of the most exciting sports. It has many elements of various sports competitions. There is an element of play, there are elements of strength and aerobic training. It forces a person to think and make decisions.

At what age should you start training?

As experts say, you can start playing tennis at the age of four or five. At this age, children’s coordination of movements is not yet sufficiently developed and they need to do as much physical exercise as possible, develop dexterity, and attentiveness.

At the same time, coaches recommend not limiting yourself to training on the court. At home or on the street you can perform the necessary training exercises. The child can do them himself or in pairs with a partner (which is even better). For example, in the yard you can perform very necessary and useful exercise- dribbling a tennis ball with your feet.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away either. At this age, training should not be more than 2-3 per week. At the same time, take into account the desire to exercise, how willing the child is to go to the gym.

When a young athlete turns 7-8 years old, sports loads can be increased to 4 or 5 times per week: 1 hour of individual lessons and 2 hours of group lessons.

Why is tennis dangerous for children? Harm from exercise

Like any other active sport, tennis requires the right approach and responsible attitude. Violations of the rules of training and the game itself, irresponsible attitude towards oneself and partners can cause significant harm to health. Well, for example:

It is known that a tennis ball, despite its softness and lightness (only 50 g), often becomes a source of damage and injury. When it enters the body at high speed, it causes bruises, bruises and dislocations if it hits a finger. It is especially dangerous if the ball hits your temple.

And yet, more often than not, players are injured by something other than the ball. Musculoskeletal injuries occur
apparatus - knees and ankles are damaged. This happens, for example, when there is a sudden change in the trajectory of movement. There is an increased chance of twisting your leg or stretching out in a split.

You also need to understand that during training there is a serious load on the joints of the legs and arms. And this load must be controlled to avoid injury.

Damages and injuries can be prevented or their risk can be significantly reduced with the help of a mandatory high-quality warm-up, training with a regular jump rope, and the correct selection of a high-quality tennis racket.

Medical contraindications

You need to understand that not everyone can engage in this sport. In particular, training is contraindicated for people with a sick spine, joints, as well as in the presence of a hernia or inflammation of the tendons. People with heart problems should not exercise.

There are other restrictions. Therefore, before taking your child to sports section, show it to the doctor, get a full medical examination. If there are no contraindications, but you have a desire to train, play tennis and willpower, start training.

As a reward, the child will acquire the most valuable skills and abilities that will help him not only in sports, but in any life situation.

The most important and difficult thing in learning table tennis is training. In order to quickly move from a beginner to a pro, you must measure your training, not get too tired and divide the process of mastering the technique into three stages. The first one is initial, when you are just mastering the techniques, you need to form it motor reflexes and a visual image, the second - the process of consolidating the technique has begun, you are improving your movements, eliminating inaccuracies in technique and skills. And the third stage is improving technology. Your task at this stage is not only to perfect your skills, but to develop your own playing style.

Practice signature strikes, analyze the playing style of your opponents, develop various tactics and gain experience.

Never stop training, because without it you will never succeed. Let's consider each stage of training separately.

First, before you start playing on the table, get a feel for the racket and ball, learn how to direct its flight, master initial movements. The more time you spend on initial training, the easier it will be in the future. Below is a list of recommended exercises

  1. Move around the court while holding the ball with your racket.
  2. Roll the ball over the racket.
  3. Throw the ball up with your racket and make sure it doesn't fall down for as long as possible. The exercise is done both while standing still and in motion.
  4. Dribbling (driving the ball, hitting it on the floor).
  5. Give the ball spin with your racket.
  6. Practice high and low bounce of the ball.
  7. Squat and hit balls between squats.

The most important thing is to keep the racket perpendicular to the flight of the ball, do not hit the ball above your eyes, and keep the racket near your waist. Do not reach your hand towards the ball, move your whole body.

When the first stage of training is over, you can begin the following exercises:

  1. Change sides of the racket while hitting the ball.
  2. Don't let the ball hit the floor by changing the palm or back of the racket.
  3. Play in pairs, not letting the ball hit the line drawn on the ground.

If these exercises are already easy for you, then train your motor response, movement technique and the ability to control the flight of the ball. The following set of exercises will help you:

  1. Hit the ball ten or fifteen times with the surface and edge of the racket.
  2. Throw the ball high, and then receive it with your racket without rebounding, absorbing the kinetic energy of the fall by moving the racket behind the ball.
  3. Pair exercise. From three or four meters, hit the ball at a height no lower than your shoulders. If you can't keep up with the ball, you can increase the distance.
  4. Exercise with a training wall. Move along it, sending one blow to the right, the other to the left. For example, cutting from the left one by one into 2-3 squares, drawn with chalk on the wall at shoulder level, or rolling from both sides into a target on the table.

Having mastered the strikes and stances, move on to practicing individual tactics. Carefully monitor the clarity of the stances and the direction of the blows and everything will certainly work out for you.

When playing on the table, pay attention to the correct movements. Only thanks to them and practicing the elements of the game, your muscle sensitivity, perseverance, focus and hard work, you will be able to improve your skills.

There is no need to give the ball spin, your goal is to keep the ball within the table as long as possible. And only then can you move on to the main types of feeds, rolls and cuts. Remember that an incorrectly learned technique will hinder your progress in mastering the game.

To improve your practice, set goals that you can actually achieve, just don’t strain yourself too much; overwork is a bad help in practice. But all this will help you organize your actions and the actions of your partners.

During training, try to adhere to the following sequence:

Stage 1 - Training at the wall, practicing roll-ups on the right and left, cuts, their imitation, grip training.
Stage 2 – improvement of cuts with rolls, learning serves from both hands, their improvement without rotation, rolls from both sides.
Stage 3 – cutting on both sides, improving serves with complex rotation, tactical combinations and their improvement, cutting rolls and their improvement
Stage 4 – study of top spin on the left and right, “candle” and improvement of previously mastered techniques and techniques
Stage 5 – consolidation of techniques, tactics and their improvement in games and training. Learn each tactic in this order:

  • become familiar with the trajectory of the ball.
  • mastering and practicing the “Wheel” and “Ball on a Spoke” movements, which give a complete understanding of the interaction of the racket with the ball, the dependence of the further trajectory of the ball on this, and the work of the whole body during a strike. In general, this is a whole set of exercises that will have to be practiced either alone, sometimes with a partner, sometimes against the wall, and so on.

Remember, don't stand still, always move while training. Mastering new tactics always requires repetition, so don't give up. And you will succeed. Good game!

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