New information methods for neutralizing stress. Techniques for quick stress reduction


Learning objectives:

Issues covered in the topic

Self-test questions



God grant me

Emotion-oriented and problem-oriented methods.

Stressors that are beyond your control

Many people experience significant physical and emotional stress trying to change events or control those that are beyond their control. Some people, for example, find driving very stressful and become irritated when other drivers drive inattentively or, in their opinion, inappropriately.

Examples of techniques that can be effective in focusing on emotions include:

deep breathing;

progressive muscle relaxation training;


Psychological help with traumatic

Stress. Methods and techniques of psychological


Learning objectives:

Give an idea of ​​psychocorrectional approaches to stress. Together with students, determine the main features of counseling families where children have experienced PTSD.

Issues covered in the topic

Methods for neutralizing stress.

Emotion-oriented and problem-oriented methods.

Features of assistance with stress depending on the time of its onset.

Self-test questions

1. List physiological methods of stress relief.

2. Describe what the essence of autogenic training is.

3. List the cognitive postulates of rational therapy.

4. What connection exists between the method of neurolinguistic programming and the teachings of I. P. Pavlov?

5. List four main groups of stress reduction methods that differ in the nature of their anti-stress effects.


1. Bleikher V. M., Kruk I. V., Bokov S. N., Clinical pathopsychology / manual for doctors and clinical psychologists /, Moscow - Voronezh, 2002, p. 512

2. Gremling S.E., Auerbach S.M. Workshop on stress management. St. Petersburg, 2002. – 235 p.

3.Grinber D. Stress management. St. Petersburg, 2002. – 451 p.

4. Sobchik L. N., Methods psychological diagnostics, M, 1990, issue 2, p. 88

5.Tarabrina N.V. Workshop on the psychology of post-traumatic stress. St. Petersburg, 2001.

6. Shcherbatykh Yu. Psychology of stress. - M.: Eksmo, 2006.


1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

The lecture was discussed and approved at the department meeting. psychology.

Protocol No. dated “__” _______________200_g.

God grant me

humility to accept what I cannot change,

courage to change what I can,

and wisdom to distinguish one from another.

Methods for neutralizing stress.

There are many methods for correcting psycho-emotional stress, and the task is to choose those that would answer, on the one hand, individual characteristics a specific person, and on the other hand, the real conditions existing in a given place and at a given time.

♦ autogenic training;

♦ various relaxation methods;

♦ biofeedback systems;

♦ breathing exercises;

♦ inclusion of positive emotions in a person’s life;

♦ music;

♦ physical exercises;

♦ psychotherapy;

♦ physiotherapeutic measures (massage, sauna, electrosleep); acupuncture, etc.

The choice of a method of stress correction should be determined by the body system whose indicators deviate most strongly from normal values.

American psychologist Joseph Wolpe, in turn, believes that there are only three activities that are incompatible with tension: sex, food and relaxation exercises.

♦ communication with nature;

♦ music;

♦ alcohol;

♦ pets;

♦ communication with friends;

♦ extreme physical exercise; -f sex;

♦ steam bath;

♦ watching a good video;

♦ reading a book;

♦ playing sports, etc.

At least two classifications of stress neutralization methods can be distinguished. The first classification is based on the nature of the anti-stress effect: physical, chemical or psychological, the second classification is based on the method of introducing an anti-stress attitude into consciousness - independently or with the help of another person. Let's take a closer look at them.

First classification. If we start from the lowest levels of organization of matter, then the simplest will be physical methods for reducing stress - exposure to high or low temperatures, light of different spectral composition and intensity, etc. Numerous observations prove that hardening, sauna and Russian steam bath are excellent anti-stress methods that have been used for centuries in folk medicine and have not lost their significance to this day. Sunbathing (tanning) in moderate doses also has a beneficial effect on mental and physical health.

Research in recent years has proven that not only the intensity of light, but also its spectral composition also affects a person’s mental state. Thus, when a group of subjects observed the color red, obtained using conventional projection lamps with additional filters, their perception was associated with negative emotions: limitation, a feeling of cramped space, headache.

Next group biochemical methods of stress relief include various pharmacological drugs, medicinal plants, drugs, alcohol and aromatherapy. The last method is to manage mental state humans through scents.

Among the many essential oils There is a set of substances that have good sedative and anti-stress properties. The most well-known and proven soothing properties are those of valerian, lavender, lemon balm, ylang-ylang and neroli; however, when using aromatherapy, individual odor tolerance and previously formed olfactory associations should be taken into account.

Physiological methods of stress regulation involve direct influence on physiological processes in the body, in particular on the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems. These include massage, acupuncture, exercise, muscle relaxation and breathing techniques.

Psychological Stress reduction techniques will be discussed in more detail below, so we will not go into them in detail at this time.

Second classification. You can regulate your stress level yourself, with the help of another person, or with the help of technical means.

Practice shows that the most effective way regulation of stress levels is external - with the participation of a psychologist, psychiatrist or any other positive person. This includes all types of psychotherapy, emotional participation of a loved one, competent advice knowledgeable person, sex, sports games, massage, etc.

Stress levels can be regulated using technical means:

· a tape recorder on which autogenic training formulas are recorded;

· a video recorder, with the help of which pictures of nature are reproduced;

· educational computer programs for relaxation;

· various biofeedback devices.

  • Administrative and economic methods of environmental management.
  • Administrative management methods: possibilities and limitations of use
  • Unpleasant signs of stress (increased excitability, inability to concentrate, feeling unreasonably tired, etc.) appear instantly and are visible, as they say, to the naked eye. “Don’t be nervous, relax,” people around us advise. Yes, we would be glad not to be nervous, but it doesn’t work out. A stressful situation grabs us and doesn’t let go: unpleasant thoughts “crawl” into our heads, harsh words come out of our mouths of their own accord...

    Can anything be done about this? It is possible, but only if three essential conditions:

    1) a clear understanding of the nature of stress and the stages of its development;

    2) a clear understanding of the limits of possible influence on the course of a stressful situation;

    3) readiness for active efforts to achieve one’s emotional stability.

    What is emotional stability? This is a personality trait that ensures the stability of emotional arousal under the influence of various stressors, the predominance of sthenic emotions over asthenic ones in this situation, the reliability of activity, and the preservation of high mental and physical performance under stressful conditions.

    Indicators of emotional stability, which we characterize in everyday life as self-control, endurance, composure, are: maintaining an optimistic mood in a person, absence of feelings of fear, confusion, depression, and so on when any threatening situation arises (or the person remains able to control these emotions) . If there is emotional stability, a person does not experience excessive excitement or apathy, stiffness, leading to deterioration of mental abilities, impaired coordination of movements, loss of strength, and deterioration of well-being. On the contrary, emotional instability is characterized by a predominance of negative emotions, overexcitation, apathy, exhaustion of the nervous system, etc.

    Emotional instability is the result of forms of human activity that lead to chronic under-restoration of the nervous system (to varying degrees of exhaustion). Exhaustion of the nervous system occurs as a result of an excessively strong or prolonged (sometimes constant) stressful situation that is not balanced by full restoration of strength. At the same time, emotional stability decreases in the absence of sufficiently large emotional experiences that have a training effect on the psyche. After all nervous system is as trainable as muscle strength or physical endurance. It can be maintained in good athletic shape, or, on the contrary, it can be systematically weakened.

    The table presents a classification of the most common methods of dealing with stress, aimed specifically at training general emotional stability and balance, which make stress bearable for us.

    Methods for preventing stress

    Method name Characteristics of the method
    Planning It is necessary to plan the solution of problems (personal or work) for the next day or the near future. Plans must balance personal goals with organizational goals.
    Physical exercise Physical exercise and exercise during the day can help avoid stress, as they are a good outlet for negative energy and have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body.
    Diet Prolonged stress can lead to vitamin deficiency, weakening of the body and ultimately to illness. In addition, during times of stress, normal eating habits are disrupted. Therefore, you need to choose together with your doctor proper diet
    Psychotherapy It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist who will recommend special exercises taking into account the current stressful situation and recommend a professional specialist based on psychoanalysis to carry out intensive one-on-one work
    Meditation and relaxation Autogenic training, neuromuscular training. Meditative relaxation techniques. Far Eastern methods of meditation (a state of internal concentration, concentrating attention on something). Yoga, Zen Buddhism, religion, prayer.

    Let's look at a few simple ways to overcome the consequences of a stressful situation.

    To relieve stress:

    – try to focus on controlling your actions;

    – do everything as accurately as possible;

    – strive to control not only yourself, but also those around you, the situation as a whole;

    – try to see yourself from the outside;

    – try to imagine the whole situation from the outside;

    - do not give in to emotions, order yourself to think about your task, to do this, ask yourself three questions: “Who am I?”, “Where am I?”, “What is my task (what should I do)?”;

    – to come to your senses, try out loud (if possible) to describe to yourself the situation in which you find yourself, but do not give it emotional assessments;

    – try to perceive everything around you as a whole.

    In a situation of extreme stress:

    – if you have lost sensitivity to external influences for some time or cannot cope with the emotions of fear or panic, hurt yourself and concentrate on the feeling of pain;

    – if you are overcome by confusion, try to feel the position of your body in space, focus on the sensations that come from the position of the body, air temperature, pressure of surrounding objects;

    – if you can’t gather your thoughts, call yourself by name, try to solve a few simple mathematical problems.

    Thus, the proposed recommendations contain the minimum of “practical psychology” that a driver must master to ensure a certain level of personal safety and maintain psychological stability while driving.

    1. Scientific understanding of the essence of conflicts. Conflict Management

    2. Essence, factors and methods of neutralizing stress

    Conflicts are integral part any production process. The basis of any conflict is the discrepancy between the actual situation and expectations.

    Conflict– a manifestation of an objective or subjective contradiction, expressed in a confrontation (clash) between the parties in order to resolve it.

    From the conflict formula one can judge its components:

    Conflict = Conflict situation + Incident. A conflict situation is formed, firstly, due to the contradictory positions of the parties; secondly, as a result of striving for different goals; thirdly, when the interests of the parties do not coincide. An incident is a state of intensification of the activities of one of the parties in a conflict, if the other party considers this intensification as a threat to its own activities.

    Conditions necessary for a conflict contradiction to develop into a conflict situation:

    The significance of the situation for the participants in the conflict interaction;

    The presence of an obstacle erected by one of the parties;

    Exceeding the tolerance level.

    The subject of the conflict is one of the participants in the conflict interaction (intermediaries are not included in their number). The object of the conflict is the subject of the dispute, the possession of which deprives one of the parties of a noticeable advantage. At the same time, the subject of the dispute is, as a rule, indivisible, and the desire of the participants to continue the conflict is constant.

    One of the key points in the emergence of conflict is the insufficient level of trust between managers and subordinates, which is often expressed in an insufficient amount of information.

    ^ Typical causes and types of conflicts

    Among the objective conflicts, there are a number of reasons for their occurrence:

    1) production reasons:

    Lack of labor organization;

    The irregularity of the production process and the declaration of days off as working days; omission in technology;

    Lack of resources;

    Inconsistency of rights and responsibilities;

    Lack of honesty in the division of responsibilities;

    Low level of labor and executive discipline;

    The presence of conflict-prone units in the structure of the organization;

    Conflicting relationships and goals of technological and economic services;

    2) erroneous actions of managers:

    Violation of official ethics;

    Violation of labor laws;

    Unfair assessment by the manager of the work of performers. Types of conflicts are variants of conflict interaction depending on a number of factors. The emergence of conflicts is inextricably linked with various aspects of human activity, and therefore their number and variety is quite large.

    In order to more easily navigate the multitude of conflicts and be able to choose an adequate method of influencing, diagnosing and managing them, there are classifications of conflicts:

    According to the methods of their resolution - antagonistic, compromise;

    By the nature of occurrence - social, organizational, emotional;

    According to the direction of impact - vertical, horizontal;

    By degree of expression - open, hidden, potential;

    By the number of participants involved in the conflict - intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup.

    ^ The role of the manager in conflict resolution, conflict management

    Any leader in the event of a conflict must take measures to localize it, since the escalation of the conflict takes place according to the following scheme: an interpersonal conflict turns into an intergroup conflict, and then into a general collective one. This is a consequence of each side attracting sympathizers.

    The main actions of the leader:

    Identify the participants in the conflict and the problems that led to it;

    Determine the possibility of eliminating the subject of the dispute or the possibility of obtaining additional resources in the near future;

    Maintain tact and restraint;

    Development of measures to localize the conflict by involving public structures in its resolution. Conflict management is a targeted impact on eliminating (minimizing) the causes that gave rise to the conflict and (or) correcting the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

    Conflict management methods can be presented in the form of several groups, each of which has its own area of ​​application:

    Intrapersonal, i.e. methods of influencing an individual. They consist in the ability to correctly organize one’s own behavior, express one’s point of view without causing a defensive reaction on the part of the other person;

    Structural, i.e. methods for eliminating organizational conflicts. They are associated primarily with changes in the structure of organizations, redistribution of powers, innovations in labor organization, in the adopted incentive system, etc. Such methods of conflict management include: clarification of work requirements, coordination and integration mechanisms, development of organization-wide goals, rational reward systems;

    Interpersonal methods or styles of behavior in conflict. They are used when a conflict situation arises and the individual needs to choose the form and style of his further behavior;


    At the beginning of the conflict itself, its participants determine how to behave further, so that this has the least impact on their interests. American experts K. Thomas and R. Kilenn identify five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation:






    ^ 2.

    The essence, factors and methods of neutralizing stress

    The many conflicts that accompany our lives often lead to additional nervous stress on a person, stressful situations, and the need to manage stress.

    The concept of “stress” was borrowed from the field of technology, where it refers to the ability of various bodies and structures to withstand load. Any structure has a strength limit, exceeding which leads to its destruction. Transferred to area social psychology, the concept of “stress” includes a whole range of personal states caused by a variety of events: from defeats or victories to creative experiences and doubts. Some experts believe; that stress is that pressure in the world that leads to a state of emotional discomfort. Others believe that emotional discomfort is stress caused by pressures or conditions called stressors. In general, stress is a common phenomenon. Minor stress is inevitable and harmless, but excessive stress creates problems for both individuals and organizations.

    Stress refers to a complex of physical, chemical and psychological reactions of a person to stimuli or stressors in the environment. At the same time, environmental forces throw a person’s physiological and psychological functions out of balance.

    Stress factors at work are the reasons that cause a state of tension in a worker.

    The main factors of stress at work and its possible sources at work: overload (long work) or underload (boredom); lack of support system ( Feedback) from the manager and (or) work colleagues; incorrect definition of the scope of work (task) - a discrepancy between the employee’s abilities and the consumers of the work; ambiguity or uncertainty of assigned tasks; unreasonable policy in the movement of personnel; poor working conditions: noise, dirt, etc.; unfavorable social environment - work alone, constant pressure from others, inability to work in groups; employee's inability to cope conflict situations and so on.

    Stress neutralization methods are ways to adapt the individual to a stressful situation. The first way to neutralize stress is carried out at the organizational level - as a result of changes in policy, production structure, development of clear requirements for employees, evaluation of their activities. Such changes eliminate the source of stressful situations. The second way to neutralize stress - at the level of the individual - is to learn to cope with stress individually, using special stress neutralization programs, including meditation, training, exercise, diet and sometimes prayer. They help a person feel better, relax, and restore their strength. In the practice of foreign management, similar programs exist and are applied at the level of the entire organization, especially many of them have been developed in last years at enterprises of countries Western Europe and the USA.

    Topic 13. Assessing the effectiveness of personnel management

    Lecture questions:

    1. Assessing the performance of HR departments

    2. Assessment of staff turnover and absenteeism

    Assessment of the activities of HR departments- this is a systematic, clearly organized process aimed at measuring the costs and results associated with the activities of personnel services, as well as correlating these results with the results of the organization’s activities in the past, with the results of the activities of other organizations. The assessment of the activities of the organization's personnel service is based on determining how much the personnel component contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals and the implementation of relevant tasks.

    The assessment results serve as final indicators that focus attention on the main problems of working with personnel, such as the quality of work performed, employee satisfaction, performance discipline, and staff turnover.

    Performance indicators of personnel management units are evaluation criteria expressed in objective indicators of production development.

    ^ Criteria for assessing the performance of HR departments are divided into the following groups:

    Indicators themselves economic efficiency- the ratio of the costs necessary to provide the organization with a qualified workforce of appropriate quantity and quality, and the results obtained;

    Costs for individual areas and programs of activity per employee;

    The effect of individual personnel programs on the performance of employees and the organization as a whole;

    The ratio of the budget of the personnel management unit to the number of personnel served;

    Indicators of the degree of compliance - the number of employees and the number of jobs (quantitative staffing), personnel structure to the classification of management workers established for the organization (structural staffing), professional and qualification characteristics of workers to the requirements of workplaces, production as a whole (quality staffing);

    Indicators of the degree of employee satisfaction - work in this organization, the activities of personnel management units;

    Indirect performance indicators - staff turnover, level of absenteeism, labor productivity, product quality indicators (percentage of defects, complaints), number of employee complaints, level of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

    ^ 2.

    Assessing staff turnover and absenteeism

    The main indirect criteria for the effectiveness of personnel management services are indicators of staff turnover and absenteeism.

    Turnover is one of the most common organizational forms of personnel mobility. In practice, turnover is usually considered dismissal, as at will, and at the initiative of the administration in connection with absenteeism of workers, systematic violations of labor discipline, etc. In this regard, it seems legitimate to consider staff turnover as a movement of labor caused by the employee’s dissatisfaction with the workplace (working conditions, living conditions, etc.) - the so-called “active” turnover and the organization’s dissatisfaction with this employee (e.g. indiscipline, systematic failure to fulfill duties without valid reasons). reasons, etc.) - “passive” fluidity.

    Turnover costs include:

    A) losses caused by equipment downtime due to the formation of empty jobs, a decrease in the quality of products, deterioration in equipment maintenance and the output of employees before they leave the organization;

    B) losses due to reduced labor productivity during the period of adaptation to a new workplace, temporary absence of moving workers in the field of social labor;

    C) growing costs for unemployment benefits and severance pay;

    D) excessive costs for recruitment, selection and training of personnel, registration of hiring and dismissal of workers.

    Absolute turnover rates are measured by the number of employees leaving at their own request, as well as at the initiative of the administration (for a certain period).

    The relative indicator of turnover - the staff turnover rate - is defined as the ratio of the number of employees who quit for reasons attributable directly to turnover (at their own request, for violations of labor discipline) to the average number of employees.

    Organizations can reduce the turnover rate through the following measures: improving the organization of work and production; reduction of monotonous, low-skilled labor; improvement of working conditions; elimination of discrepancies between the content of work in the workplace and the qualifications, individual abilities and interests of workers; organization of professional advancement of personnel and a developed system of advanced training; improvement of housing and other living conditions; improving remuneration and labor incentives; special measures for adaptation of young workers.

    Turnover indicators internally correlate with absenteeism indicators - the number of unauthorized absences of employees from work.

    Absenteeism results in significant costs, which include:

    A) a number of payments that are mandatory regardless of the actual presence of the employee at the workplace;

    B) payment of overtime work to an employee replacing an absentee;

    C) losses associated with equipment downtime, a drop in labor productivity, etc.

    Evaluation based on opinion survey

    The degree of employee satisfaction is assessed based on an analysis of employee opinions. Such opinions are identified through a survey through questionnaires or interviews to express the reaction of employees to the personnel policy of the organization and its individual areas.

    Surveys can cover a wide range of questions relating to various aspects of job satisfaction in a given organization: overall satisfaction; satisfaction with the competitiveness of the organization’s products, labor organization, labor productivity, remuneration, etc.

    The effectiveness of HR departments when surveying employees can be assessed based on the following subjective criteria: the degree of cooperation of various departments and services with the HR service;

    Opinion of line managers about the effectiveness of the HR service;

    The readiness of the personnel management service to cooperate with all employees in solving personnel problems;

    Trust in relationships with employees;

    Speed, quality and efficiency of fulfilling requests addressed to the personnel management service, and services provided by this service to other departments;

    Assessing the quality of information and advice provided by the service to senior management.

    The data obtained from the employee opinion survey is analyzed and the results are compared with the results of past surveys to find out whether there are positive or negative changes. Responses from different departments are compared to determine whether some are favored over others.

    Characteristics of economic and social efficiency of improving personnel management

    Ensuring economic efficiency in the field of personnel management means using personnel to achieve the goals of the enterprise's business activities (for example, increasing production volumes) with limited relevant labor resources. Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the enterprise's employees.

    Calculation of economic efficiency

    Organizational projects to improve the personnel management system

    Calculation of the economic efficiency of organizational projects for improving the personnel management system provides for three types of project effectiveness:

    Commercial (financial), taking into account the financial consequences of the project for its direct participants;

    Budgetary, reflecting the financial consequences of the project for the federal, regional or local budget;

    National economic economic, taking into account the costs and results associated with the implementation of the project, going beyond the direct financial interests of the participants investment project and allowing for cost measurement.

    The commercial effectiveness (financial justification) of a project is determined by the ratio of financial costs and results that provide the required rate of return. It can be calculated both for the project as a whole and for individual participants taking into account their contributions.

    Budget efficiency indicators reflect the impact of project implementation results on the revenues and expenses of the corresponding (federal, regional or local) budget. The main indicator of budgetary efficiency used to justify the federal and regional financial support measures provided for in the project is the budgetary effect.

    The budget effect for the implementation of a project is defined as the excess of revenues from the corresponding budget over expenses in connection with the implementation of this project.

    Indicators of national economic efficiency reflect the effectiveness of the project from the point of view of interests National economy in general, as well as for regions (subjects of the Federation), industries, and organizations participating in the project.

    Calculation of costs associated with improving personnel management

    Costs for improving the personnel management system are divided into one-time and current. Often these costs are significant, so they must be taken into account when assessing the cost-effectiveness of improving an organization's personnel management system.

    Characteristics of the economic and social efficiency of improving personnel management. Assessing the economic and social effectiveness of projects to improve the system and technology of personnel management. Personnel audit. Analysis of existing approaches to measuring the economic and social efficiency of personnel management. Methods for calculating economic efficiency. Classification of production and non-production factors. Methods for calculating the results and costs associated with improving personnel management.

    Methodology for assessing the economic and social efficiency of improving the organization's personnel management. Directions for improving the methodology.

    Section 4. Independent work

    4.1.Tasks for independent work students

    1. Finalization of lecture notes;

    2. Studying recommended literature on the topic of the lesson;

    3. Performing given exercises and solving problems;

    4. Carrying out calculation and graphic work;

    5. Analysis of specific production situations;

    6. Solving specific situational production problems;

    7. Preparation for participation in business games;

    8. Independent work with a computer database;

    9. Participation in research educational work;

    10. Carrying out bibliographic search;

    11. Preparation and writing scientific reports, abstracts and essays;

    12. Preparation for execution practical tasks(repetition of the theoretical material covered, transformation of theoretical knowledge into its practical application);
    13. Independent preparation of answers to questions for repetition.

    ^ List of example test questions and tasks

    For independent work on each topic

    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 1:

    1. Determine the subject of the discipline “Human Resources Management”.

    2. Define the concept of “personnel” of the organization.

    3. What are the main characteristics of the organization's personnel?

    4. Explain your understanding of the organization's personnel structure.

    5. Classic management theories about the role of a person in an organization.

    6. Theories of human relations, their main content.

    7. Theories of human resources, their characteristics.

    8. Why is the role of sociology and psychology increasing in personnel management?

    9. The main factors influencing the organization's personnel.

    10. Define the essence of social and labor relations.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 2:

    1. The essence and purpose of the personnel management system.

    2. List the main functions of the personnel management system.

    3. What do you understand by personnel policy?

    4. Describe the content of work on hiring management and personnel accounting.

    5. Features of work on managing labor relations in an organization.

    6. Working conditions and their management.

    7. Explain the essence and content of work on personnel development management.

    8. Describe the main theories of personnel motivation

    9. Explain the content of work on managing social development.

    10. Determine the features of work on managing the development of organizational management structures.

    11. Contents of work on managing the legal and information support of the personnel management system.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 3

    1. Formulate the basic requirements for the organization and personnel management system.

    1. What are the main patterns of development of the personnel management system?

    2. Describe the basic principles of personnel management.

    3. Define the essence of the principles of personnel management.

    4. Reveal the essence of the basic principles of personnel management

    5. Determine the basic conditions for the effective implementation of human resource management principles in an organization.

    6. Determine the essence of the organization's system of personnel management methods.

    7. Explain the essence of administrative methods of personnel management and their conditions effective application.

    8. Explain the essence and content economic methods personnel management and conditions for their effective use.

    9. Explain the essence, content and conditions for the effective use of socio-psychological methods of personnel management.

    10. Determine the main trends in the development of the system of personnel management methods at domestic enterprises in modern conditions.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 4

    1. Determine the place and role of the personnel management subsystem and its divisions in the enterprise management system.

    2. Describe the main functions of the subsystem of strategic personnel management and personnel policy.

    3. Describe the main functions of the recruitment and personnel records management subsystem.

    4. Describe the main functions of the labor relations management subsystem.

    5. Describe the main functions of the working conditions management subsystem.

    6. Describe the main functions of the personnel development management subsystem.

    7. Describe the main functions of the motivation management subsystem labor activity, management of social development.

    8. Describe the main functions of the subsystem for managing the development of organizational management structures.

    9. Describe the main functions of the legal support management subsystem of the personnel management system.

    10. Describe the main functions of the information management subsystem of the personnel management system.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 5

    1. Determine the essence of staffing the personnel management system.

    2. Define the essence and explain the content of the organization’s personnel policy.

    3. Determine the essence and content of the organization's management strategy.

    4. Determine the essence and content of the personnel management strategy.

    5. Formulate the essence and determine the main indicators of the criteria for choosing a personnel management strategy.

    6. Determine the essence and content of information support for the personnel management system.

    7. Determine the essence and content of the technical support of the personnel management system.

    8. Describe technical means collection, registration, accumulation, transmission, processing, output and presentation of information.

    9. Determine the essence and content of the legal support for the personnel management system.

    10. Describe the sources of legal support.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 6

    1. Explain the essence of analyzing the organization's human resources potential.

    2. Formulate the tasks of analyzing the organization’s human resources potential.

    3. Determine the essence and content of ensuring and maintaining a rational personnel structure.

    4. Determine the essence and content of the work to create a cohesive team.

    5. Determine the essence and content of ensuring the functioning of the organization by employees in the required quantity and appropriate quality.

    6. Formulate the essence of personnel planning in an organization.

    7. Explain the goals and objectives of workforce planning.

    8. Describe a typical HR plan in an organization.

    9. Determine the essence of quality personnel needs.

    10. Determine the essence of quantitative personnel requirements.

    11. Describe the main methods for determining qualitative and quantitative personnel needs.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 7

    1. Define the essence of a business career.

    2. Describe the main types of business careers: intra-organizational career, inter-organizational career, specialized career, non-specialized career, vertical career, horizontal career, stepped career, hidden career.

    3. Determine the essence and content of planning and control of a business career.

    4. Determine the essence and content of business career management.

    5. What stages of a business career do you know?

    6. Formulate the essence of career and professional advancement.

    7. How do you understand the term “personnel rotation”?

    8. Determine the essence and content of planning career and professional advancement.

    9. Describe the main stages of career and professional advancement of employees.

    10. How do you understand the problem of personnel reserve?

    11. Determine the essence and content of personnel reserve management.

    12. What sources of personnel reserve formation do you know?
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 8

    1. Determine the essence and content of personnel marketing.

    2. For what purposes is labor market research organized?

    3. Determine the main sources of personnel attraction.

    4. Determine the essence and content of the personnel recruitment policy.

    5. For what purposes is personnel selection carried out?

    6. Define selection criteria and indicators.

    7. Objectives of the job description.

    8. Describe the main methods for assessing applicants for a vacant position.

    9. Explain the features of organizing the reception of personnel.

    10. Determine the essence and content of professional orientation of employees.

    11. Formulate the goals and objectives of career guidance.

    12. Determine the essence and content of career guidance management for employees.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 9

    1. Formulate the essence of the system of continuous personnel training.

    2. Determine the nature and content of lifelong learning planning.

    3. Determine the essence and content of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

    4. Explain the purpose and content of continuing education.

    5. Determine the essence of the principles, methods, forms and types of training and characterize them.

    6. Determine the essence and content of a business assessment.

    7. Formulate the goals of business assessment of personnel.

    8. Determine the essence and content of personnel certification.

    9. Formulate goals and define tasks for personnel certification.

    10. What basic methods of business assessment and personnel certification do you know?
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 10

    1. What is the essence and content organizational behavior?

    2. What types of organizational behavior do you know?

    3. Define the essence of motivation as an internal psychological process.

    4. Determine the essence and content of motivation as a personnel management strategy.

    5. Describe the main theories of the content of motivation.

    6. Describe the main process theories of motivation.

    7. What is the classification of motives and incentives?

    8. What do you understand by incentive systems in an organization?

    9. What is the role of staff remuneration in stimulating their work activity?

    10. Define the essence and content government regulation wages.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 11

    1. What is the essence of labor adaptation of workers?

    2. Explain the main directions of labor adaptation.

    3. Formulate the goals and objectives of labor adaptation.

    4. What main types of labor adaptation do you know?

    5. Determine the essence and content of production adaptation.

    6. Determine the essence and content of non-production adaptation.

    7. Describe the factors influencing employee adaptation.

    8. What forms of adaptation work do you know?

    9. Determine the essence and content of labor adaptation management.

    10. Determine the main conditions for successful adaptation of personnel in the organization.
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 12

    1. What do you see as the essence of the conflict?

    2. Classify conflicts.

    3. What, in your opinion, are the main causes of conflicts?

    4. Define constructive and destructive conflicts.

    5. What strategies of human behavior in interpersonal conflicts do you know?

    6. Formulate your understanding of the essence of the conflict management process.

    7. Name the main methods of conflict management, give them brief description.

    8. What do you understand by stress, what is its nature?

    9. What do you understand by stressors, give them a classification.

    10. Describe the main methods of neutralizing stress.

    11. What are the main directions of ensuring the security of an organization?
    Questions and tasks for self-control for topic No. 13

    1. What is a systematic approach to diagnosing the functioning of a control system?

    2. Define the essence of job analysis and job description.

    3. What indicators are studied when assessing staff performance?

    4. What indicators are studied when assessing the performance of organizational management units?

    5. What indicators are studied when assessing the performance of HR departments?

    6. What indicators are studied when assessing the organization's personnel costs?

    7. What indicators are studied when assessing the economic and social effectiveness of projects to improve the system and technology of personnel management?

    8. What do you think are the main tasks of personnel audit?

    9. Formulate the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of work carried out by the organization’s HR departments.

    10. Describe the main methods for assessing the effectiveness of the management system.

    ^ 4.2. Approximate topics tests for part-time students

    1. The essence and content of personnel management in an organization.

    1. Development of theories of personnel management in the twentieth century.

    2. The concept of personnel management of an organization, its essence and purpose.

    3. The organization's personnel management system, its functions, place and role in the enterprise management system.

    4. Principles of personnel management, their characteristics

    5. Personnel management methods and conditions for their effective application

    6. Development of goals for the personnel management system.

    7. Application of a program-targeted approach in building the organizational structure of the personnel management service.

    8. Designing the relationship between the HR service and external organizations(consultancy firms, training centers, regional labor management bodies).

    9. Designing options for the organizational structure of the personnel management service depending on the type, scale and capabilities of the organization.

    10. Development of a methodology for analyzing the human resources potential of an organization.

    11. Designing the relationship of the HR service in general organizational structure management of the organization.

    12. Development of organizational and economic conditions for development creative activity and personal self-affirmation.

    13. Development of organizational, social and economic problems of the relationship between the manager and the team.

    14. Development of a system of balanced communications and managerial relationships within various organizational structures.

    15. Organizational design of the personnel management system..

    16. Personnel and documentation support of the personnel management system.

    17. Regulatory, methodological and legal support for the personnel management system.

    18. The essence and content of the organization's personnel management strategy.

    19. Personnel marketing.

    20. Organizational personnel management technology.

    21. Technology for managing the development of organizational personnel.

    22. Motivation and stimulation of work activity of personnel.

    23. Conflict management in the organization.

    24. Organizational culture and the main directions of its development in modern conditions.

    25. Socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel.

    26. Scientific foundations of personnel business career management.

    27. Personnel reserve management as a problem and task.

    28. Pedagogical basis for training the organization's personnel.

    29. Evaluation of the performance of the organization's personnel.

    30. Management of innovations in personnel work.

    Sample list of questions to prepare for the test

    1. Characteristics of scientific schools of personnel management.

    2. Human resource management concept.

    3. The concept of “personnel” and its structure in the organization.

    4. Functional-target model of the organization's management system, the composition of its subsystems.

    5. The place and role of the personnel management subsystem in the organization's management system.

    6. Object and carriers of personnel management functions.

    7. Principles and methods of constructing a personnel management system.

    8. Principles and methods of personnel management.

    9. The main goals of the organization's personnel management.

    10. Composition of functional subsystems and functions for personnel management.

    11. Organizational structure of the personnel service of organizations in different fields of activity.

    12. Personnel, regulatory and methodological, legal, information support of the personnel management system.

    13. Personnel policy of the organization, its main directions.

    14. Organization's personnel management strategy.

    15. Personnel planning in the personnel management system: tasks, place, directions, information.

    16. Methods for determining quantitative personnel requirements.

    17. Characteristics of quality personnel needs.

    18. Purpose and typical structure of a job description.

    19. Purpose and structure of personality specification.

    20. Objectives, external and internal factors taken into account when conducting marketing activities in the field of personnel.

    21. The main directions of marketing activities in the field of personnel.

    22. Sources and ways of attracting personnel to the organization. Their advantages and disadvantages.

    23. Stages of selection of applicants for a vacant position.

    24. Types, tasks of interviews and recommendations for their successful conduct.

    25. Business personnel assessment: objectives, indicators, methods, organizational procedure.

    26. Personnel certification, its goals and stages.

    27. Essence, forms and management of career guidance of personnel.

    28. Types and organization of personnel adaptation management.

    29. Principles and directions of rational use of personnel.

    30. The essence of theories of work motivation.

    31. Classification and essence of motives and incentives for work activity.

    32. Managing the social development of an organization.

    33. Causes and types of conflicts.

    34. Conflict management in an organization, ways to resolve them.

    35. Stress management.

    36. Goals and types of personnel training: retraining, initial training, advanced training.

    37. Cyclic model of personnel training.

    38. Personnel policy of the organization and its directions.

    39. The concept and types of a business career, the main stages of its planning.

    40. Management of the business career of employees of the organization.

    41. Formation of a personnel reserve in the organization.

    42. Managing the release of organizational personnel.

    43. Organization of work of management personnel: principles, methods of studying the content of work and analyzing working time.

    44. Ethics of business relations: principles, directions.

    45. Assessment of the activities of human resource management departments.

    46. Characteristics of the economic and social efficiency of improving personnel management.

    47. The essence of the concept of state personnel policy and its directions.

    48. Characteristic state system management of labor resources of the Russian Federation.

    49. Relationship government agencies human resources management with the organization's personnel management services.
    50. Concept civil service RF.

    Stress, as is known, is a complex of physical, chemical and other human reactions to stressors (or stimuli) in environment, the action of which unbalances his physiological and mental functions. Stress can have both negative and positive meanings for a person. Under certain conditions, it helps to mobilize the employee’s efforts to solve production problems or achieve personal goals. Changes at work and in the family, especially unforeseen ones, can throw a person out of balance and lead to a discrepancy between his state and the environment. This discrepancy, in turn, gives rise to fatigue, a sense of danger, weakening of mental abilities, growth blood pressure, passive attitude to work, decreased level of organization, violation of labor discipline, etc. This leads to losses in the organization due to an increase in the number of accidents, a decrease in the quality of work, an increase in staff turnover, and premature death of workers.

    To avoid the harmful effects of stress, you need to learn how to cope with it. There are methods for neutralizing stress (Table 3). Taking them into account, individual stress neutralization programs are drawn up. At the organizational level, they conduct seminars, teach employees relaxation techniques, ways to change behavior, and identify individual stress.

    Table 3. Stress neutralization methods

    Method name

    Characteristics of the method

    1. Planning

    It is necessary to plan the solution of problems (personal or work) for the next day or the near future. Plans must balance personal goals with organizational goals.

    2. Exercise

    Physical exercise and exercise during the day can help avoid stress, as they are a good outlet for negative energy and have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body

    3. Power mode

    Prolonged stress can lead to vitamin deficiency, weakening of the body and ultimately to illness. In addition, during times of stress, normal eating habits are disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right diet together with your doctor.

    4. Psychotherapy

    It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist who will recommend special exercises taking into account the current stressful situation and a professional specialist (psychologist) to carry out intensive individual work

    5. Meditation and relaxation

    Far Eastern methods of mediation (a state of internal concentration, concentrating attention on something). Yoga, Zen Buddhism, religion, prayer

    Zhdanov Oleg Igorevich

    Techniques for quickly neutralizing stress are based on the difference between facts and meanings (their interpretations). Facts are events that actually happen. Meanings are the result of their interpretation.

    Stress, unless it is associated with a direct physical threat, is a reaction not to a fact, but to the meaning attributed to it. Change the meaning and you will change your reaction to what is happening. The techniques outlined below are simple and effective for relieving the effects of the stress you are experiencing.

    So, for example, in order not to get angry about your child’s noisy behavior, take his playfulness as a sign of good health, and in order not to get irritated while waiting for your wife to get ready, take it as her trying to look attractive.

    Stress hurts, and a long trail of experiences associated with it can simply overwhelm you. Therefore, it is important not only to protect yourself from stress itself, but also to free yourself from its possible consequences - to break the last connection of the vicious circle of destruction.

    The most dangerous consequence of stress is fixed tension.

    No tension - no flight. If you want to act successfully, you must mobilize. No tension - no action. But if there is no action, then why tension? The stress of a civilized person is dangerous not so much because of the tension it causes, but because of the blocking of the action that realizes this tension.

    Tension is a natural prelude to purposeful action . But when this action is delayed or suppressed, undue tension is created. Such accumulated tension blocks energy and depletes life potential. Containing this energy only increases its destructive powers.

    Being unhappy is hard work. Think about the constant flow of energy it takes to keep your body in a charged state for hours. The muscles are mobilized, but this mobilization does not result in anything. This is reminiscent of a car slipping in the mud - the wheels are spinning, but the car does not move. This is both tedious and useless. Figuratively speaking, a person spends more effort to frown than to smile.

    The tension experienced during stress often persists even after the event that caused it has passed. It is, as it were, “built into” the structure of your personality and holds you in its grip as long as you are able to withstand it. This tension then transforms into neurotic behavior and illness. “Unresolved” stress underlies most of our ailments.

    Breathing technique

    The following breathing technique is an effective way to restore the natural biorhythm of a healthy body.

    It is based on the fact that tension and relaxation are integral elements of breathing. Inhalation is a contraction of the intercostal muscles and expansion of the chest, stretching the lung tissue. Exhalation is their relaxation. In this case, you “pick up” these natural processes and strengthen them physically and mentally.

    So, sit up straight and exhale all the air from your lungs. As you exhale, relax. Firmly grasp the edges of the seat with both hands and, as you inhale, pull it up, as if trying to lift a chair.

    Tighten your arms, stomach, and the rest of your body muscles as you continue to lift the chair you're sitting on.

    While maintaining tension throughout your body, hold your breath.

    Exhale slowly through your nose, relaxing your body and letting go of the seat. After exhaling, relax completely. There should be no tension anywhere in the body.

    Perform three to five such cycles. Determine the time of inhalation, exhalation and breath holding in accordance with your state of health and your breathing rhythm.

    While doing the exercise, imagine a personal meter measuring your tension and relaxation. This meter can be any measuring instrument that has a scale, like a thermometer, barometer, voltmeter, and so on. When you tense as you inhale, “observe” how your tension indicator increases; when you relax as you exhale, “observe” how it decreases. The more you manage to “swing” the tension-relaxation indicator between its polar values, the more effective the exercise will be.

    If you suffer from hypertension, then practice only a relaxing breathing method, without a tense phase during inhalation. Then, with each exhalation, free yourself from the remaining tension in you, as if “blowing off” its reading from the scale of your personal meter.

    Rhythmic breathing and mental cleaning

    An effective way to relieve the effects of stress is rhythmic breathing.

    Long rhythmic breathing with natural alternating relaxation and tension is a kind of massage of the body from the inside. It speeds up blood circulation and ultimately ensures lasting health. The natural rhythm improves blood circulation in all parts of the body and gradually relieves fatigue.

    This way you prevent exhaustion of the body. If you are not exhausted, you do not become restless at the slightest thing; if you are not worried, your consciousness is in a stable, calm state. With this attitude, you feel ready to cope with any external difficulty that arises.

    To free yourself from the mental toxins of stress, you need to do some kind of "mental cleaning"

    To do this, “go back” to a moment in the past where you were not entirely happy with your behavior, and relive it again, but not in the same way as you did then. Renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir calls this “coming back and seeing with new eyes.” From the perspective of the present, understand what you lacked then for more successful behavior.

    Having new resource, “go through” the occasion several times until you are satisfied with your reaction. Achieve a change in your understanding of what happened so that it no longer serves as a source of stress for you.

    By giving a memory the characteristics of a strong positive experience, you not only protect yourself from the trace effects of stress, but also gain confidence that in the future this memory will have a positive influence on all subsequent events. Although you are aware that you yourself have created it due to its properties, it nevertheless has the unconscious force of an actual occurrence.

    The techniques outlined are simple and effective for relieving the effects of the stress you are experiencing. It is important that you remember to use them from time to time and always feel good.

    How to make this a habit, remember this throughout the day? Here are some tips to help you remember to relax amidst the many worries of everyday life. Most of them work by sending a signal that will get your attention.

    For example, a note with the words: “Relax” or “Remember!” will help you. Attach it to your desk, mirror, refrigerator or car dashboard. Place it in your wallet so that every time you take out money you can see it.

    If you are used to making entries in your calendar, then write down this message to yourself on each page for two weeks in advance, preferably in bright ink.

    Switch watch hands, put on or take off a ring on your finger, or move your comb to a different location. Tell yourself that whenever you notice a difference, you need to remember your “emotional barometer” and consciously relax.

    Adapt the technology we offer to your lifestyle so that it becomes natural and convenient for you, and use it for your health.

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