Radish with cough honey - preparation and treatment. Green and black radish with cough honey Radish with cough honey

Radish with cough honey - folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases, which perfectly treats cough and has been used for decades to treat patients.


  1. They take one medium-sized black radish, wash it thoroughly and cut off the top, which will later serve as a lid. For this, a thin and sharp knife is suitable, with which not only the top is removed, but also part of the pulp is removed from the middle.
    As a result, a small pot is formed inside the vegetable, which is filled with two teaspoons of honey. Cover the radish with honey with a lid on top.
    Honey should be taken a little so that it does not cover the entire recess and leave free space for the resulting juice. Then wait about twelve hours. This time is enough to extract the juice from the root crop. Usually the remedy is done in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning it is used.
    Adults take black radish juice with honey three times a day before meals, one tablespoon. For children, the therapeutic dose of this remedy is one teaspoon. The cooking procedure is repeated every evening before going to bed, adding a new portion of honey. A new root crop is taken after three days.
  2. An easier way to prepare a cough remedy from black radish with honey: take a large black radish, wash it and peel it, then rub it on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice through gauze and mix with two tablespoons of honey. The tool is almost immediately ready for use, as honey quickly dissolves and mixes with juice.
  3. Take a few medium fruits, wash, peel and cut into small slices. Then put in a pot and pour honey. After twelve hours, a lot of juice will stand out from the vegetable, which is consumed before meals in a tablespoon three times a day.

    This method is economical because the root crop does not dry out.

  4. For those who are allergic to honey, the radish is sprinkled with sugar and cough medicine is prepared in the same way or baked in the oven. To do this, take the root crop, wash, peel and cut it into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar on top and put in a saucepan with a lid. Bake at 100 degrees for about two hours. When the dish has cooled, the juice is collected, and the rest is thrown away. Take two teaspoons three times a day before meals.
  5. Treatment of children with radish with honey is carried out very carefully. Begin treatment with one drop three times a day. With a normal reaction, add one drop daily, bringing up to a tablespoon per day.
  6. Fresh black radish juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions and taken first in the fourth part of the glass, and then in the third part up to six times a day. This remedy is effective for bronchitis, whooping cough, acute respiratory diseases and tuberculosis. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

Useful properties of radish with honey

This cough remedy is natural, contains no chemical additives and has no side effects. That is why radish with honey can be used even by pregnant women and children.


It is known that black radish is used for the preparation of a healing agent, since it contains the maximum amount of essential oils and vitamins compared to other varieties.

  • Essential oils have a bactericidal effect similar to that of antibiotics.
  • vitamins various groups help the human body to cope with a variety of inflammatory processes. So, the root crop contains a lot of vitamin C, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after an illness.


Honey is indispensable in the treatment of cough due to its special properties:

  • antibacterial,
  • immunostimulating,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • tonic.

It saturates the body with energy and vitamins to fight infection.

For the preparation of medicines, honey can be taken any. However, experts say that it is best suited for cough treatment, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
The interaction of the main components of the drug enhances its therapeutic effect tenfold. Whatever the recipe for preparing a remedy from radish and honey, the intake regimen remains as follows: three times a day, before meals, for an adult - a tablespoon, for a child - a teaspoon.
This miraculous mixture has a healing effect on anemia, dropsy, kidney and bladder stones, liver diseases, gout, flatulence and malignant tumors. Radish juice with honey is used as a milk extractor and antihelminthic.
Treatment of cough with radish with honey is one of the most common folk antitussive methods. In addition, this drug is very tasty and cheap. For its preparation, only black radish, harvested in a new crop and not having any diseases, is used.

You should buy a root vegetable in rural markets, as such a vegetable is most likely grown without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers.

If the cough becomes painful and does not go away for a long time, then such folk treatment is unlikely to help. In this case, you should consult a doctor and take all necessary measures in time so as not to aggravate the course of the disease, because coughing is a symptom that indicates serious disorders in the respiratory system.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 09-06-2019

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The popularity of natural and time-tested cough remedies continues unabated. Their safety for the body, productivity, lack of side effects and good tolerance (in most cases) are in demand. all year round. Among immunostimulants and bactericidal drugs natural origin black radish with honey occupies a special place. This recipe is passed down unchanged from generation to generation, providing excellent results - a quick cure.


Healing properties of black radish with honey

The composition of the healing mixture determines its special properties. Black radish is able, in combination with honey, to defeat both a cough with a mild cold and chronic bronchitis. Whooping cough, hoarseness, other disorders in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract are also indications for the use of this drug.

Black radish contains a large number of calcium, potassium, iron and essential oils, which determine its bactericidal action. Lysozyme destroys the cell walls of some microorganisms, relieves inflammation, thins sputum, and also promotes its excretion. Vitamins C and B6 help with coughs and relieve colds.

Honey is a well-known and recognized natural immunomodulator, its antioxidant and antimicrobial effects do not need advertising. It is able to activate the separation of saliva and mucus, which has a softening effect on the wall of the nasopharynx. Glucose also helps produce opioid substances that suppress the source of the cough.

For the treatment of cough, it is best to purchase May honey, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The radish should be fresh, a new crop, ideally grown in a private backyard without the use of industrial doses of fertilizers, herbicides and other synthetic chemical compounds.

In addition to fighting cough, black radish with honey is used as an antihelminthic and milk extractant, it also effectively helps to heal other health disorders:

  • anemia;
  • stones in the bladder, kidneys;
  • dropsy;
  • gout;
  • liver disease;
  • flatulence;
  • prevent the development of malignant neoplasms.

Recipes and rules for cooking black radish

All recipes for making a tasty and effective medicine come down to getting fresh radish juice and diluting it with honey in a certain proportion. It is permissible to add other active ingredients or food products that have healing and supporting properties for the human body.

Classic black radish recipe

Radish - 1 pc.
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Thoroughly wash the radish, put it in a small container with water, spine down. Cut off the top, partially remove the core, pour honey into the recess so that there is room for juice. Put the cut off top on the radish, using it instead of a lid. After 12 hours, the medicine will be ready. In this case, it is necessary to periodically add the consumed amount of honey to the well. You can use the root crop for 3 days, after which it must be replaced with a new one.

Economical black radish recipe

Radish - 1 pc.

Peel the root crop and cut into small pieces, put them in a ceramic or glass jar, pour honey and mix gently. After 8-10 hours, the radish should release enough juice to drain it, and pour honey into the remaining mass again. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Radish prepared in this way does not dry out and gives a large amount of juice.

Video: Making radish juice with honey

A quick recipe for cooking radish with honey

Radish - 1 pc.
Honey - 2 tsp

Wash the radish well, peel and grate on the smallest grater. Using gauze, squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, mix with honey. As soon as it dissolves completely in the drink, the product can be considered ready for use.

Antitussive recipe with radish, raspberry and honey

Medium size radish - 1 pc.

Wash the radish, gently peel and grate on the smallest grater. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting mass and raspberries, add 2 teaspoons of honey, mix thoroughly.

Roasted radish cough medicine recipe

Radish - 1 pc.

Wash the radish, peel and cut into small cubes; put them in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Close the pan tightly with a lid, bake the contents at a temperature of about 110 ° C for 120 minutes. Cool the radish, strain its juice, consume 1-2 teaspoons before meals three times a day.

Warning: It is important to strictly observe the dosage in the treatment of cough with radish juice with honey and not exceed it: this can have serious consequences.

An adult is shown taking syrup in the amount of 1 tablespoon, a child - 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. The remedy with raspberries is used 3-4 times a day before meals or immediately after it, the dose is 1 teaspoon. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 21 consecutive days for adults, 1 week for children.

The introduction of radish juice with honey in the diet of young children

When a cough occurs in a small child, parents should first consult a pediatrician. Only after the diagnosis is made and the doctor approves the idea to use folk remedies for treatment, you can start preparing a healing drink. Children easily agree to take healthy radish and honey syrup, because it has a pleasant sweet taste.

For the first time, treating young children with radish and cough honey should be done with great care. Start it with just one drop of the drug three times a day. If juice is well tolerated, add 1 drop daily during treatment, gradually increasing the amount consumed to 1 tablespoon per day.

Video: School of Dr. Komarovsky. Cough: means and methods of its treatment


Radish with honey for the treatment of cough, prepared according to any recipe, is a potent drug. Care should be taken in its use and possible contraindications should be observed:

  • allergy to the components of the mixture;
  • early infancy (up to 1 year);
  • ulcer duodenum, stomach;
  • inflammation of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental illness, tendency to depression;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • pregnancy.

Most often, an allergic reaction occurs to bee products in the mixture. In this case, it is permissible to use sugar instead of honey or juice from baked radish in recipes.

Radish is a unique product, the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times. The composition of the root crop includes many useful substances, which determines its medicinal properties. This vegetable with a specific flavor is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases of the respiratory tract. The root crop is very useful, but when it is supplemented with honey, this benefit increases many times over. The recipe for radish with cough honey has been passed down from generation to generation.

What kind of radish to use

Radishes and cough honey have been used to treat adults and children for many decades. Modern doctors also often prescribe this remedy, replacing them with expensive cough medicines.

For medicinal purposes, black radish is most often used.. This vegetable has a lot of useful substances - it is essential oils, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron, vitamins of groups A, C and D. What can I say, almost the entire periodic table is present in radish in a certain amount.

Radish juice can treat many diseases of the respiratory tract, which occur with a cough of varying intensity. This is possible due to the anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. In addition, radish improves immunity.

Black radish is a kind of natural antibiotic that can be used to treat many infectious pathologies that occur with a cough.

What is useful radish with honey

Black radish with honey is a natural remedy that does not contain any additives and almost never leads to side effects. That is why medicinal composition based on this root crop, it is allowed to use for the treatment of pregnant women and children.

To understand the benefits of taking radish syrup, it is worth considering separately the beneficial properties of the root crop and honey.


For the preparation of cough medicines, black radish is most often used, since it contains the most useful substances compared to other varieties. This unique root crop has the following beneficial properties:

  • Helps to increase immunity and has a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • It helps well in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, laryngitis and other pathologies that occur with a strong cough.
  • The root crop is a natural antibiotic. It contains active substances that have a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic bacteria, but also on viruses.
  • The vegetable contains a lot of phytoncides. According to their content, radish is not at all inferior to onions or garlic.

Radish has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Thanks to this product, you can quickly cure colds and strengthen the immune system.

Radish with honey is inexpensive, but very effective remedy from a violent cough. In its action, it is not inferior to expensive drugs.


Probably, there is no such person who would not know about the benefits of honey. This sweet product is a real gift of nature. It contains many trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances. Honey is recommended for use against colds and infectious diseases, as well as to strengthen the vitality of the body. Beneficial features of this beekeeping product can be distinguished as follows:

  • It has a powerful antibacterial effect. Especially useful is honey from linden, buckwheat and acacia..
  • Helps strengthen immunity.
  • It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Well tones the body and has a general strengthening effect.

Honey quickly saturates the body with vitamins and energy, which is essential to fight infection.

Honey with radish is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic. This healing composition can be used by nursing mothers to increase milk production. A vegetable with honey is used for anemia, as well as for some diseases of the kidneys and liver.

To prepare a cough medicine, you need to take a fresh harvest radish. The root crop should be without any damage.


Black radish with cough honey may not always be used. There are a number of contraindications to be aware of. You should not resort to treatment with root syrup in such cases:

  • If you are allergic to radish or any bee products.
  • With individual intolerance to individual components that are part of the medicinal drug.
  • With some diseases of the digestive tract - stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and other pathologies in the acute stage.
  • With acute pancreatitis.

You can not use the root crop with honey and with some heart diseases. So, after a heart attack, radishes with honey should also be discarded.

Do not abuse radish with honey for pregnant women. The root contains a lot of essential oils that can cause uterine tone.

At what age can you take

Younger children's age is not a contraindication to taking radish with honey, so this remedy can even be given to a small child. But it is not recommended to give such a drug to children under six months of age, as digestive problems may occur.

Babies older than six months can be given a little radish syrup, but only if the baby is not allergic to bee products and does not have diathesis. Otherwise, such treatment should be abandoned.

Treatment of young children should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and in compliance with all recommendations of a specialist!

How to cook

Treatment of black radish with honey can be prescribed for colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other pathologies of the respiratory organs. There are quite a few interesting recipes based on radish and honey, they all have a similar effect.

Classic recipe

This cough recipe was used by our grandmothers. It is carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. A medicinal drug is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Take one large black radish. The root crop must be whole, without any flaws and signs of disease. Wash vegetables well running water brush and rinse with boiling water.
  • Blot the vegetable with a paper towel or cotton napkin.
  • Next, the top is cut off from the root crop and the middle is carefully hollowed out. The hole in the radish should be large enough to fit a tablespoon of honey, and there is still room for the syrup to form.
  • Honey is placed in the middle and covered with a cut off top.

Leave the drug to infuse for 5 hours. Ideally, you need to fill the vegetable with honey in the evening, and start taking a healing potion in the morning. It is desirable to fill a hole in a vegetable with linden or acacia honey, but if there is no such product in the house, then any May honey will do. It is in the composition of such sweet products that the maximum amount of useful substances is contained.

Such a drug helps to thin the sputum and easy coughing. After a few days, the intensity of coughing attacks will decrease and the patient will recover.

If the honey has not completely dissolved during the infusion, then you need to carefully mix the vegetable juice with a sweet product and leave for another couple of hours.

How to use

In the form of syrup with honey, black radish is taken for cough by children and adults. Take this composition should be a teaspoon, three times a day. For younger children, the dosage may be reduced by half. The duration of treatment is 10 days, but the course can be either longer or shorter, it all depends on the patient's condition.

As needed, honey is added to the radish and again left to infuse. Every three days, the root crop is replaced with a new one.

This tasty medicine is taken with great pleasure by small children. They do not even need to be persuaded to take radish syrup.

When to take green and white radish

Folk healers for the preparation of cough medicine are advised to take exactly black radish, since this variety of vegetable has the richest composition. But in some cases, white and green radish are used to prepare a healing potion.

An interesting fact is that green radish with the addition of honey also helps to eliminate bronchospasm, but it has a milder effect. Such a root crop does not have a pronounced taste and smell, so it does not have such a strong healing effect as black radish.

A medicine is made from white and green root vegetables according to the same recipe as from black radish. Such a drug can be taken for coughing for people who have problems with the digestive tract, as well as for those who have just developed cold symptoms.

Such a folk method can be supplemented with medication prescribed by the attending physician.

More recipes

There are many more interesting recipes that folk healers recommend using for wet and dry coughs. All potions contain radish and honey, but if necessary, the beekeeping product can be replaced with sugar. This is especially true for people who suffer from allergies.


They take a large root crop, wash it well and peel it. The vegetable is cut into small cubes, which are covered in layers with a jar, smearing each layer with honey. When the jar is filled almost to the top, it is covered with a piece of bandage, folded in half, and placed in a room to infuse for a day.

After a day, the composition is considered ready. It is taken in a teaspoon several times a day. Indications for use are colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and other pathologies.

Radish syrup with honey gently envelops the mucous membrane, eliminates irritation and reduces the intensity of coughing attacks.

Quick Recipe

If a person has a debilitating cough that completely disrupts the usual way of life, then there is no time to infuse the root crop with honey. In this case, resort to a quick recipe based on grated radish.

Take a large radish, wash and peel. Rub the vegetable on a fine grater and add a tablespoon of honey to the resulting slurry. Everything is mixed well and left for 20 minutes to completely dissolve the sweet product.

After this time, the composition is considered ready for use. It is necessary to drink such a syrup for a teaspoon for children and for a dessert spoon for adults. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day. The duration of such treatment should not exceed two weeks. Do not exceed the dosage of radish syrup. This is a very strong remedy, which, if overdosed, can lead to dyspeptic disorders.

Peel from the radish should be removed in a thin layer, since most of the nutrients are concentrated under it.


You can supplement the treatment with a warming compress of radish, honey and aloe juice.
. To do this, take a medium-sized root crop, an incomplete tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of aloe juice.

Vegetables are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. Honey and aloe juice are added to the resulting slurry, everything is mixed well. A piece of gauze, folded in half, is placed on the back of the patient, and the resulting slurry is evenly spread on it. From above they are still covered with a piece of gauze, then with cellophane. Secure the compress with a woolen scarf.

The duration of the procedure is 2-3 hours. This is the time for the patient to lie down in bed. After the compress, the skin is wiped with a dry towel and a cotton T-shirt is put on.

After the compress, you can not go out for several hours and be in a draft.

You can mix root syrup with fresh carrot juice, in a 1: 1 ratio. This composition is taken every 2 hours, a teaspoon. Thanks to this simple recipe, you can quickly cure a cough.

A walk in a light sweater often ends with malaise: despite the hot sun, in the evening you feel dizzy, itchy in your throat, and your nose runs. Radishes with honey can easily help relieve cold symptoms and cure a bad cough. So that the disease does not gain momentum, there is no need to postpone treatment for "later" - it is better to take the remedy as soon as possible.

Radish with honey: features

At the first sign of acute respiratory infections, our grandmothers resorted to folk methods treatment and prepared warm milk with soda or honey, ginger tea, a solution for gargling - even before buying the necessary medicines, any of the recipes alleviated the condition and instantly put me on my feet.

Why do we cough? The answer is simple: to get rid of the infection, the body pushes out bacteria and accumulated phlegm in the lower respiratory tract. Cough is caused by special "bristle" on the mucous membrane, the bronchi are compressed, pushing out pathogenic microbes. If the sputum does not come out well, expectorant drugs are prescribed.

Not all medicines can cure a tearing cough, but radish is a truly unique vegetable. To soothe a sore throat, it is best to use black radish juice (it contains more vitamins), the green variety will have a milder effect.

Composition of radish

The juice and pulp of the vegetable contain extractives, saponin, essential oils, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, zinc, potassium, iron, pantothenic (vitamin B5) and folic acid necessary for pregnant women. The antibacterial agent lysozyme destroys the cell walls of bacteria, thins the mucus and improves its discharge. Black radish contains vitamins: riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E), vitamin A, phylloquinone, protein, fiber, starch, fats, carbohydrates, water.

Radish with honey is a natural antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and tonic effects. Radish not only treats a sore throat, but also removes bad cholesterol and excess fluid from the body, stimulates the bronchi, strengthens the immune system, increases the production of gastric juice and reduces internal inflammation. Why is honey useful? Honey accelerates the release of juice from the vegetable, softens the walls of the throat, reduces irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane, relieves fever and quickly lowers the temperature. Drinking radish juice with honey with a wet cough is not worth it, folk recipe suitable for the treatment of dry, frequent cough with difficult expectoration and chest pain. The preparation of the medicine is not difficult, and children will like it for its sweetness.

Radish with honey: recipes for dry cough

Do not buy too large a vegetable. The benefits of a radish do not depend on its size at all. Choose a medium-sized root vegetable that is free of damage, cracks, or ruts. Rinse the radish thoroughly and cut off the tail along with part of the pulp - about a quarter of the fruit (2-3 cm). Put the hat aside, it will still come in handy. Use a knife to cut a hard core in a circle, scrape out the remaining pulp with a spoon. Make small cuts on the walls and coat them with honey (40-50 g). You can just put 1 tsp on the bottom. honey. Return the tail to its place, put the radish in a deep container and wait for the juice to accumulate (it will take no more than 10 hours). As it fills, the juice is drained with honey, new cuts are made, which are again smeared with honey. Sometimes the radish is turned upside down so that the tail remains in place and the liquid flows into the dishes. The vegetable is thrown away when it begins to shrivel and dry out.

The second option: the radish is peeled, cut into medium cubes, mixed with honey and left in a deep bowl overnight. By morning, a lot of sweet juice will gather. The medicine is poured into a glass, the cubes are again mixed with honey or sugar, you can add a little lemon juice. This can be done several times (no more than three).

The third option: just grate the radish, transfer the vegetable gruel to gauze and squeeze the juice into a jar. Mix the juice with a tablespoon of honey. The medicine is ready.

In any of the options, you can add fresh berries, such as grated raspberries, sea buckthorn berries or currants. Important! Choose only natural and fresh honey product. Candied honey will not give a therapeutic effect.

How to drink medicine

Eat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infused juice in the morning, afternoon and evening before each meal. For adults, the dose can be increased to six doses. Young children are given 1 tsp. juice, twice a day. Duration of admission - no more than three weeks for adults and 7 days for children. Radish with honey is not the main treatment. If the cough does not go away within 3-4 days, a doctor's consultation is required. If the child is small, then the remedy should be given 1-2 drops. Bee products often cause allergies, it is better to do a reaction test before use. If there is an allergic reaction, then you can cook radish with sugar: cut off the tail of the vegetable, pull out all the pulp, sprinkle the walls with sugar (2 tablespoons). Return the tail to its place, and send the vegetable to the oven (preheated to 100 degrees) for two hours. After baking, drain the juice into a bowl. You can not bake the radish, but just wait until the juice stands out.

For the treatment of dry annoying cough, people use a lot of different means. Healing recipes are passed down from generation to generation, corrected and tested by time. Their main purpose is to soothe irritated and inflamed throat mucosa. Honey is a big hit. All kinds of combinations of the bee product allow you to increase the effectiveness of therapy and supplement it with other useful qualities.

In the treatment of wet cough, the main task is to quickly remove sputum from the respiratory tract. Black radish has a good expectorant effect. This product can be purchased at many grocery stores and markets. Affordable treatment shows good results in infectious and inflammatory diseases respiratory system.

The composition of black radish makes this root vegetable incredibly beneficial for health. Its action is put on a par with the healing properties of onions and garlic. When ingested, the radish gives a bactericidal effect - it destroys the pathogenic flora that appears in the human body. Lysocin, glycosides and essential oils of the root crop help to quickly cure coughs of various origins.

Enhances the healing effect of root honey. This bee product contains many vitamins, nutrients and organic acids. Honey has a calming, softening, regenerating effect. In combination, a natural antibiotic helps to cure both chronic and acute symptoms.

Radish with cough honey gives the following effect:

  1. reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  2. eliminates the aggressive action of viruses and bacteria;
  3. prevents further spread of infection;
  4. speeds up metabolism;
  5. increases immunity, activates the protective functions of the body;
  6. thins thick mucus;
  7. promotes easy removal of bronchial mucus.

Indications for use

Black radish with cough honey is used for diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract. A folk remedy is indicated for pathologies of the bronchi or lungs: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, COPD.

A proven medicine is also actively used for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, accompanied by a dry cough and irritation of the larynx.

Grandma's recipe also helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. The use of radish and honey is also shown for the treatment of concomitant diseases, for example, tracheobronchitis, rhinopharyngitis.

Despite the benefits and recognized effectiveness of a folk remedy, in case of diseases of the respiratory system, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the patient will need more complex therapy, and getting rid of the pathology with the help of a root crop will not work.

Effective Recipes

The traditional recipe for preparing a natural medicine is to fill the root crop with a beekeeping product. It is necessary to rinse the radish with running water and cut off the top. Carefully take out part of the core with a spoon, then put honey inside.

It is important to leave some space for the resulting juice. In this form, the root crop is placed in the refrigerator overnight. After 10-12 hours, you can take the prepared medicine.

There is also an alternative recipe. To implement it, you need to clean the root crop and cut it into small cubes, place the mass in a jar and pour honey. You need to insist the remedy for 2-3 days. If urgent cough treatment is required, then this method becomes impractical. It is much faster to cook a radish according to a traditional recipe.

In case of emergency, you can speed up the process of extracting juice from the root crop. To do this, the radish is grated, placed in gauze and squeezed. Honey is added to the resulting liquid. The substance must be mixed, after which you can immediately begin treatment.


Black radish with cough honey should not be taken thoughtlessly or in unlimited quantities. It is important to follow the recommended proportions and terms of treatment. It cannot be assumed that a folk remedy is safe, and the use of large volumes will speed up the healing process. For children and adults, the volume of sweet juice is set individually.

The medicine should be taken after meals. Compliance given condition it is necessary for the emollient to envelop the mucous membrane of the larynx and have a beneficial effect on it.

Children should be given the product in a teaspoon no more than 3 times a day. Adults can take a tablespoon up to 4 times. Natural sweet medicine is quite easy to take: it does not cause discomfort, does not taste bitter. Children drink root vegetable honey juice with pleasure.

Treatment with radish with honey lasts 7-10 days. If there is no improvement, do not increase the dosage.

Deterioration of well-being obliges a person to seek medical help.

Body reactions

Black radish with honey shows good results in cough therapy. Sore throat and sore throat disappear, and thick sputum becomes thinner and is easily coughed up. However, not for all patients, a folk remedy is useful. Just like synthetic drugs, it can have negative effects and cause side effects.

Allergy becomes a common reaction of the body to the use of honey radish. Most often it occurs in children. In case of skin rash, swelling and other manifestations, the use of the product should be discontinued.

Large volumes of the product may cause liver toxicity. Therefore, the recommended doses should not be exceeded.

Another negative effect can be called dyspeptic disorders. Honey is able to change the acidity of gastric juice, which is accompanied by heartburn, abdominal discomfort.

Also, the root crop can provoke stool changes and nausea. Radish has a well-known property to provoke gas formation. It should not be surprising if during treatment the patient develops abdominal rumbling, bloating and increased flatulence.

Contraindications for use

Despite the illusion of safety, some people are better off not taking radish with honey. Do not use the product for coughing if:

  1. expectoration accompanied by sputum with blood impurities;
  2. the patient's body temperature rises to 38 degrees or more;
  3. during forced expiration there is pain in the sternum;
  4. exhalation is difficult, and the cough is more like a spasm.

It is contraindicated to give radish and honey to children under the age of 3 years. For babies of the first year of life, such a remedy can be completely dangerous.

Under no circumstances should you resort to this method treatment during pregnancy. At any time, radish can cause problems, as the body future mother experiencing a double burden. During lactation, it is necessary to refrain from a natural antibiotic and, of course, not to use honey.

People with acute liver and kidney diseases should not take radish. It is necessary to consult a doctor and get an individual consultation for patients with ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, gastritis of any form, as well as inflammation of the intestine. A person with a tendency to flatulence or dysbacteriosis should refuse this type of treatment.

Some cardiovascular diseases and heart attack are a contraindication to the use of a natural antibiotic.

The process of cough treatment is quite complicated, and requires integrated approach. It is necessary not only to eliminate the disturbing symptom, but to find out the nature of its origin. Eliminating the cause that caused the cough is a direct path to recovery. The use of radish with honey is not an alternative drug treatment. You should not independently replace the prescribed pharmaceutical preparations in the folk way.

What is the treatment for cough? Black radish with honey.

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