Sassi water for weight loss. Drink Sassi water and lose weight - an effective and affordable remedy! Cynthia sass flat belly

What should be the ideal weight loss product? Simple. Effective. Relatively fast. Safe. Penny. Do you think this hasn't been invented yet? You are wrong. Sassi water for weight loss meets all these requirements fully. An easy-to-prepare and pleasant-tasting drink will help you tighten your figure, make your stomach flat and improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract. And the world has not yet come up with anything simpler than drinking water and losing extra pounds.

Cynthia Sass and her miracle water

The creator of the original drink is American doctor and professor Cynthia Sass. Initially, the woman selected the optimal ratio of components for her vitamin and mineral cocktail, which was supposed to be an addition to her “Flat Tummy” diet. Sassy water normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins, breaks down fats, reduces gas formation, improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

The process of losing weight with this drink is considered a “side”, but very useful effect. That is why Cynthia’s invention is popular among women who dream of correcting their figure. In order to lose extra pounds, you should drink water according to a specific program, which is proposed by the author of the method:

  • stage 1. Duration - 4 days. We drink 8 or more glasses of the drink every day. The daily dose should not exceed 4 liters - this is an additional burden on both the kidneys and the heart. We reduce the calorie content of the diet to 1400 kcal, which we distribute between 6-8 meals. The first glass of water in the morning must be drunk on an empty stomach;
  • stage 2. Duration - 4 weeks. We drink the same amount of water, but the caloric content of the diet should be 1600 kcal, and this figure is evenly divided between 4 meals. It turns out that for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dinner we eat 400 kcal meals. During this period, we try to avoid consuming salt, caffeine, tea, soda, sweets, juices, coarse fiber, dairy and fermented milk products, and black bread.

You cannot drink Sassi water for weight loss if you have the following contraindications: allergies to the components of the cocktail, renal failure, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, hypotension, pregnancy and lactation, nervous excitement.

Popular recipes

The Sassi drink is not an expensive weight loss drug sold in pharmacies or in “underground” online stores. You prepare water at home from available and common ingredients.

Classic Sassi cocktail. We take 2 liters of water (ideally spring water, but you can get by with bottled drinking or filtered tap water), crushed ginger root (a tablespoon), slices of one fresh cucumber without peel, peppermint(10 leaves). Place all components in a large container, fill with water and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This time is necessary for diffusion to occur - microelements and vitamins, which the selected ingredients are rich in, will mix with water and you will get a refreshing, pleasant-tasting and healthy drink.

Citrus Sassy water. To the same two liters of water add finely chopped citrus (orange, tangerine, lemon or grapefruit), mint, lemon verbena, and a few sage leaves. We leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight, and then drink it and lose weight.

Important, without the above-mentioned diet and daily moderate sports loads, Sassi Water itself practically does not work.

Cynthia Sass is a renowned nutrition expert in the United States, she has a bachelor's degree in nutrition from Syracuse University and is a certified specialist in sports dietetics. She splits her time between New York and Los Angeles, works as an author and columnist for the New York Times and is a very frequent guest on all kinds of television programs and shows.

Not long ago, Cynthia published the book “Flat Belly Diet”, which very quickly became a bestseller; it is about diet, more precisely, about how to get rid of belly and sides. According to Sass's research, if you really want to lose weight, then you need to work not in all directions, but “spot on” - with problem areas. Such a problem area, as a rule, is primarily the stomach and sides.

So, Cynthia Sass suggests dividing the struggle with the stomach into two stages.

The first stage lasts four days, during which daily calories should not exceed 1400. In addition, you should exclude from the diet anything that can cause flatulence in the stomach. You should also add fatty acids like fish and flax seeds to your diet as they burn belly fat.

The second stage of the diet lasts 28 days, during which you can receive 1600 calories daily. Here you should distribute the caloric content of meals approximately equally - so, it is better if all four meals per day “weigh” approximately 400 calories each.

In her book, Cynthia offers all sorts of recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and also recommends or advises eliminating certain foods, and those who have followed her program assure that belly fat really goes away.

For breakfast, rice balls, a glass of skim milk, a little pineapple, and 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds are perfect.

For lunch, you can prepare yourself a carrot salad, 100 g of fish and a piece of cheese.

For dinner, 100 g of poultry, a bowl of vegetable salad and two tablespoons of rice will be enough.

The drink deserves a special mention - Cynthia recommends preparing it like this: 2 liters of water, half a lemon, half a cucumber, mint leaves and a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger. Prepare a mixture of lemon, cucumber and ginger in a blender, leave until morning, then strain and drink instead of tea or coffee all day.

Like many other nutritionists, Cynthia completely excludes any fast food and sweets. By the way, this diet is not suitable for everyone, only for those whose lives are not very active; Thus, athletes would be better off choosing a diet with a lot of protein, while Cynthia Sass aimed her complex at housewives or office workers of all kinds.

Of course, like any other nutritionist, Cynthia Sass has repeatedly defended her vision of diet, because there are a lot of opinions in this area, and sometimes they are diametrically opposed to each other.

Be that as it may, Cynthia Sass has repeatedly said in interviews that when approaching the development of her diet, she was guided by one question: What do Women Want? And only after answering it, she sat down to write her book.

Former editor of Shape USA magazine, registered dietitian and author of numerous books, Cynthia Sass knows a lot about marketing. And her latest work on calorie restriction is selling much better than similar books by other authors. What's the trade secret? Probably for long years By answering questions like “in 6 weeks,” Cynthia understood what women wanted. They, despite the propaganda and agitation of numerous “strong” bloggers in the West, want to train “ problem areas”, and not the whole body, and they believe in a miraculous diet from these very zones.

    In short, the Flat Belly Diet book for reducing belly and sides offers healthy eating and.

How does the Cynthia Sass Belly Diet differ from other “low-calorie” diets?

First of all, Cynthia believes that proper diet for the stomach, be sure to exclude products that provoke flatulence. So if you like cabbage, beans, legumes, soy, fresh milk and sour juice with your lunch, this diet is not for you. The author of the system is sure that the convex spherical belly is not due to weakness of the muscles of the center of the body and lack of communication between muscle groups, but precisely from these products. Want to slim stomach– exclude them.

Anti-Belly Diet Principles from Cynthia Sass

"The most effective diet for the abdomen and sides,” like most popular “dietary” diets, consists of two stages.

Stage 1 of the anti-belly diet lasts 4 days

During this short period you limit your diet to 1400 kcal, and exclude everything that causes flatulence. In addition, sources of essential fatty acids (,), which, according to Cynthia, help burn belly fat, are added to the diet.

Sample diet menu for the belly from the book strikingly different from domestic “low-calorie” ones:
Breakfast: Rice balls or crackers, skim milk, pineapple chunks, and 1 teaspoon shelled sunflower seeds
Lunch: 90 g tuna with carrot salad (fish in own juice, carrots with butter) and 1 piece of cheese
Snack: 150 ml 0% milk, fresh pineapple pulp and 1 tsp. flaxseeds
Dinner: 90 g white meat poultry, 2 tablespoons brown rice, cup steamed leafy vegetables.

Stage 2 of the diet – 28 days

At this stage, calorie content increases to 1600 kcal. The caloric content of meals should be distributed equally. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner “weigh” 400 kcal, and an afternoon snack - 300 kcal. The diet eats “regular healthy foods” plus avocados, seeds and nuts.

Sample diet menu:
Breakfast: oatmeal with apple, cinnamon, almonds
Lunch: grain bun with lean ham, low-calorie cheese and lettuce
Snack: bell pepper with pine nuts
Dinner: Salmon steak with lemon juice, hummus and vegetables.

Pros and cons of Cynthia Sass's belly fat diet

First of all, you will actually lose weight on this diet, especially if your current weight is more than 65 kg. The principles of this diet are quite healthy - the exclusion of fast food, fried, salty, and sweets along with flatulence provocateurs, and the inclusion in the diet of what is usually missing on the diet - food sources of essential fatty acids. Actually, if you need more simple system with a list of “what to eat and what not to eat”, you can look at the similar “”.

The disadvantages of Cynthia’s program are also obvious - it is not suitable for athletes, since it will only satisfy the protein needs of a person who does not train very intensively. In addition, some food combinations are quite controversial from the point of view of combating flatulence. The same pineapple with milk can cause a disorder accompanied by violent gas formation.

The menu is more reminiscent of a typical American rather than continental diet. It is not entirely clear why, in order to lose belly fat on a diet, you need to eat balls and cereals, and not porridge, and bread, and not a whole grain carbohydrate side dish. In general, the principles are healthy, but the diets themselves are not for everyone.

Fitness trainer Elena Selivanova - for.

Probably, almost every woman has tried to lose weight at least once in her life. There are many ways to struggle with calories, the most common of which is diet. However, not everyone has the willpower to deny themselves certain foods. In addition, not everyone manages to achieve the desired results following a dietary course. Or the result is achieved, but the lost weight quickly returns as soon as the transition to a normal diet begins. Therefore, many women have discovered another way to lose weight - drink sassy water and lose weight.

Many people will like this method, because you won’t have to limit yourself in consuming all sorts of goodies - drink Sassi water, that’s all! Moreover, in just one month you can get rid of 10-12 kg of excess weight.

This miracle water is the invention of the American journalist Cynthia Sass (probably there is no need to explain why the water received this name). Cynthia, being a nutritionist by training, was faced with the problem of excess weight after childbirth. In an attempt to say goodbye to extra pounds, she became seriously interested in nutrition, trying to invent a universal method for losing weight. As a result, she invented water, which Cynthia initially tried on herself, and, having convinced herself of its effectiveness, patented it as an effective dietary product, thanks to which you can lose from 10 to 12 kg in one month. Today, Sassi water can be purchased in many specialized stores, as well as pharmacies. In addition, Sassi water can be easily prepared independently at home.

Ingredients for preparing Sassi water

  • 1.5-2 liters of clean (filtered or boiled) water;
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root;
  • 1 small fresh cucumber;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 5-7 fresh mint leaves (or 1 teaspoon of dried plant leaves).

Grate the ginger onto fine grater and add to water. We also send cucumber and lemon there, pre-cut into slices. Then add mint to the water and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. The water should sit in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

What do we get as a result? A pleasant-tasting, light and refreshing yellowish drink that should be drunk in full throughout the day.

The ingredients of Sassi water together perfectly perform the function of a fat burner, although individually they do not differ in any special way. dietary properties. There are no special recommendations for the use of Sassi water, the only thing is that you should drink the drink in small portions throughout the day so that it lasts until the evening. You can drink this water both before and after meals. At the same time, there are absolutely no restrictions regarding nutrition - eat what you want and when you want, rapidly losing weight!

Cynthia recommends always storing Sassi water in the refrigerator, removing it from there only to pour it into a glass, since the ingredients of the drink can only retain their fat-burning properties at low temperatures.

  • Lemon for weight loss. How does lemon water and...

Among the variety of weight loss products, you can get confused and not pay attention to the most useful and valuable ones. The article will talk about Sassi for weight loss - a special miracle drink.

What is the water with the unusual name Sassi? How to use it, what is its effect on the body, how to prepare a Sassi drink.

According to the minimum volume of liquid that a person should drink per day, it is from one and a half to two liters per day. Of course, we are talking about plain, non-carbonated water. Teas, milk, coffee and juices are not included in this volume.

If you add several healthy natural ingredients to the water you drink, the benefits of such liquid will become much greater.

Inventor healthy drink Nutritionist Cynthia Sass was the first to select a set of ingredients for it and test it on herself.

The goal was to find a recipe that would help to properly cleanse the body and eliminate unnecessary deposits in the abdomen and waist. It is in this segment that a malfunctioning body accumulates the most fat. Unburned calories, toxins, and other unnecessary things settle on our waistline in the blink of an eye.

Sassy water is good for everyone. It is easy to prepare and tastes good.

How to cook Sassi

It is necessary to prepare water in the evening so that you can start drinking it in the morning. Products must be as fresh as possible.

Sassi water - recipe

In order to prepare the Sassi drink, you need:

  • 8 regular glasses of purified, cool water;
  • 1 fresh thin-rind lemon;
  • 1 large fresh (preferably not hothouse) cucumber;
  • 1 ginger root;
  • several sprigs of fresh mint (if unavailable, you can replace it with dry or frozen mint).

Cooking process

  • Peel the cucumber and chop into thin circles;
  • Wash the lemon thoroughly and cut into circles along with the peel;
  • Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater;
  • Rinse the mint under cold running water;
  • place all ingredients in one container (glass jug, regular jar);
  • Fill everything with water and leave it on the refrigerator shelf overnight.

How to drink Sassi water

This drink was developed by a nutritionist specifically for the flat belly diet. Therefore, there are special rules and drinking regime. In the first four days of this or another diet (if you follow your diet), you should drink at least eight glasses of Sassi per day. Dietary recommendations these days: eat more avocados, fatty sea ​​fish, nuts.

  • drink volume - 2 liters per day;
  • one and a half liters must be drunk before four o'clock in the afternoon;
  • drinking regimen - one glass every two hours;
  • The last portion of the drink should be drunk an hour and a half before going to bed.

What are the benefits of the drink?

Sassi water has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The functioning of the stomach and intestines improves, stool improves, and the processes of fermentation and gas formation are reduced. Weight loss is more effective, fat breakdown is accelerated due to an increase in the speed of metabolic processes.

It cannot be said that Sassi water will help in the process of weight loss if you eat buns, cakes and sausages. Therefore, a prerequisite for the Sassi water diet is moderate nutrition with the exception of harmful products. The emphasis should be on vegetables, fruits, herbs, lean meats, and poultry. And under no circumstances should you eat enough before going to bed.

Sassi diet - nutrition for a flat tummy

Along with drinking the Sassy drink, you should adhere to the flat belly diet, developed by the nutritionist of the same name Cynthia Sass and the editor of a glossy publication about a healthy (correct) lifestyle, Lisa Vaquerielo. This type of diet was developed back in 2008. Together they published a book describing a dietary menu for thirty-two days. The essence of nutrition is to consume so-called “healthy” fats and reduce the amount of “harmful” ones. By eating this way, a person will lose weight precisely in the abdomen and waist. The diet excludes fasting, allows chocolate, and is quite easy to follow.

The basis of the entire dietary diet is five products: dark (natural) chocolate, nuts, seeds and three vegetable oils(flaxseed, olive and regular sunflower). These foods are rich in acids that can affect cholesterol levels. Monosaturated fats should make up about thirty percent of all calories consumed per day. Approximate total number calories per day - 1600.

What else is the advantage of eating these foods? They maintain a feeling of satiety in the body for a long time, so those who are losing weight will not feel hungry.

Diet stages and menu

The first stage of the diet lasts only four days. This time is devoted to improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The body is cleansed of unnecessary ballast and prepared for the second stage of the diet. All four days during meals you should drink Sassi water, prepared according to the recipe described above.

You should also limit your caloric intake to 1200 calories per day for all four days. There should be three meals.

Indicative menu for the first stage of the diet

  • Breakfast: drink one glass of drink on an empty stomach, oatmeal with low-fat milk with the addition of nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds.
  • Lunch: half a salmon steak, potatoes in skin. Bake everything in the oven with herbs.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with a dressing of lemon juice or pomegranate sauce.

Low-calorie fruits are allowed as dessert.

Rules and menu of the second stage of the diet

The duration of the second stage is twenty-eight days (4 weeks). At this stage of the belly fat diet, you already have four meals a day. You need to consume foods that destroy fats. The calorie intake should be 1600 Kcal.

Group of products that are the basis for the second stage of the diet:

  • all types of nuts: walnuts, almonds, pine, hazelnuts;
  • oils: olive, sunflower, linseed;
  • flour products: bread made from whole grain flours;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, zucchini, carrots, celery, apples;
  • greens: all types of lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill, cilantro;
  • fruits: .

Indicative menu for the second stage of the diet for the belly

  • Breakfast: cocktail of cottage cheese, milk, walnuts and peach.
  • Second breakfast: salad of carrots, apples and celery.
  • Lunch: vegetables with chicken breast, stewed without oil.
  • Dinner: light salad cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, olives with dressing from lemon juice, cream from . Steamed tilapia.

Sassi water: doctors' reviews, contraindications

Doctors' opinion about the drink is quite positive. They recommend it not only as an addition to the diet, but also as an independent cocktail that you can drink when thirsty during the day. After all, the drink contains a minimum amount of calories and many useful natural ingredients.

But there are still some contraindications.

  • The drink should be consumed by people with an increased allergenic reaction to the components.
  • Pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding should be careful when consuming the drink.
  • Those suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers should take the drink with caution.
  • If there are any chronic diseases It is recommended to consult a doctor.
  • If there are disturbances in the functioning of the renal system, you should not drink the amount of liquid that is provided for on the Sassi diet.
  • Also, close attention should be paid to ginger root. It is this that often causes unwanted reactions in the body. Ginger is prohibited for liver diseases. It is also contraindicated for high blood pressure. The root also affects the action of certain medications.

Analyzing the contraindications, the question arises: is Sassi ginger needed in the cocktail? Is it possible to replace mint or lemon with something? It's very simple: just reduce the amount of the ingredient or eliminate it.

How much to drink Sassi water

If you do not plan to adhere to the special Sassi diet for a flat stomach, then the following drink intake regimen is recommended:

  • Stage 1: drink water for four days;
  • Stage 2: break lasting five days;
  • Stage 3: drink water for four weeks.

If any changes in your health occur, you should immediately stop taking the drink.

Water Sassi: reviews and results

The results from taking this wonderful drink are really quite good. In one course of using the drink you can get rid of seven centimeters from your waist. The results are stunning. Not every pharmaceutical dietary supplement can boast of such an effect.

Lera (27 years old): “I can’t say that I have a big excess weight. But there is still fat in the waist area. The belly hangs constantly. The trainer at the fitness center gave me the recipe for the Sassi drink. I do it every evening, I’m not lazy. So far, after two weeks of taking it, I’ve only minus two centimeters in my waist. But for my height and weight this is normal. The waist is already small, 57 cm.”

Anya (34 years old): “I am constantly struggling with excess weight. More precisely, with the absence of a waist. I’ve been drinking sassi for a week now and haven’t seen any significant changes. But something unusual happens to the body. I go to the toilet a lot, I feel indescribably light and cheerful.”

Veronica (36 years old): “I’ve known about this drink for several years. I carry it with me to work, to training, and for a walk with the dog. Everywhere with a bottle. Some of my friends already drink Sassi, I taught them. It helps me fight hunger. And you don’t need to buy all sorts of harmful carbonated drinks and sweet juices.”

Irinka (19 years old): “We managed to lose 12 kg in a year. The Sassi diet and cocktail helped. I didn't even expect it good results. I gained excess weight when I entered college. Apparently because of nervousness... It’s a very tasty drink and the diet is also good.”

Step-by-step recipe for making Sassi weight loss drink - video

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