Hours and time in Polish. Notation of time in Polish

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watch- watch … Nanai-Russian Dictionary

watch- a device for measuring the current time (in seconds, minutes, hours). Ancient man was guided in time by the Sun. Naturally, the first hours were sunny. In the simplest sundial, time was measured by the position of the shadow from the rod ... Encyclopedia of technology

WATCH- WATCH. The simplest and oldest clock is the sundial. They were a tall pillar (even an obelisk) placed vertically. From the shadow of the obelisk (length and position) and the dial drawn on the ground, the time of day was determined. For changing… … Brief Encyclopedia household

watch- noun, pl., use very often Morphology: pl. What? hours, (no) what? hours for what? hours, (see) what? watch what? hours, what? about watches 1. A watch is a device, usually round or square, with which you determine the exact ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

watch- watch. Among the items household items watches are distinguished by a particularly large variety of shapes, appearance, sizes, used finishing materials. The most common table clocks are alarm clocks, in which, in addition to the main clock ... ... Encyclopedia "Housing"

watch- ov; pl. A device, a mechanism for determining the time within a day. Gold watches. Pocket watches. Wall watches. Ch. struck midnight. Clock face. Ch. run (hurry). ◊ Hourglass. The device for counting ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Watch- Watch. Electronic (men's and women's) and electronic-mechanical watches. CLOCK, a device for measuring the current time. To read time in hours, constant periodic processes are used: the rotation of the Earth (sundial), fluctuations ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

WATCH- a device for counting time. The clock uses constant periodic processes: the rotation of the Earth (sundial), pendulum oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic clocks), tuning fork (tuning fork clocks), quartz plates (quartz clocks), ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

watch- the first, third, sixth and ninth hours, from sunrise, at which the ancient Christians converged for prayer; the church combined the psalms, verses and prayers of the first hour from matins, the third and sixth with the liturgy, the ninth with the evening (Dal, hour) See ... ... Synonym dictionary

WATCH- CLOCK, a device for measuring time. In the oldest structures for counting time, there were no moving parts. An example is the Neolithic stone pillars and the sundial of the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians also used water clocks, ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

WATCH- We are crucified on the clock face. Stanisław Jerzy Lec Clock hands are two hands that take our time. Grzegorz Stanczyk Listening to the ticking of the clock, we notice that time is ahead of us. Ramon Gomez de la Serna Broken clock shows twice a day ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms


  • Clock, Agatha Christie. It happens that the famous detective has to investigate a case that has already been 'solved'. That's what happened with murder. elderly woman in the novel `Miss McGinty is dead`, and Poirot will ...
First of all, the question is how to ask a passerby what time it is? The easiest way is to ask: « Któ ragodzina, of course, with all the accompanying forms of politeness, such as "".
In order to answer this question (or understand the answer), we need to understand four basic situations.
Situation #1. When the time is "smooth". In other words, when the clock is exactly two, three or eight o'clock.
In Polish, the ordinal number in the feminine form will be enough for us.
Teraz jest trzecia godzina.
Moreover, the word godzina is almost never used, and often we can omit the word teraz and even teraz jest.
Finally, to the question któ ra godzina in this situation we will most often hear
or simply
Situation #2."Half". In other words, when, as we were taught in childhood, the big arrow is on the gear, and the small one ...
In this case, we need the expression wpół do + ordinal number in the form .
(Teraz jest) wpół do drugiej.
Please note that Polish is not “in half”, but “half”, despite the insidious “ w» ahead.
Situation #3. When the minute hand is on the right side of the dial. In this situation in Russian we say, for example, "twenty past twelve", but in Polish the phrase will be arranged a little differently:
(Teraz jest) dwadzieścia po jedenastej.

What does it literally mean "twenty minutes after eleven o'clock". This is exactly what the Polish phrase sounds like in full "Dwadzieścia (minute) po jedenastej (godzinie)". By the way, in this form it is easier to remember it, because the whole logic of the phrase is visible, but over time, the words in brackets began to be implied, but not pronounced. So today there is only dwadzieścia po jedenastej.

Situation number 4. When our arrow is on the left side of the dial. In Russian, it is customary for us to say in such cases " ten to two", For example. And in Polish:
(Teraz jest) za dziesięć druga.
The full (original) phrase sounded once " Za dziesięć (minute) druga (godzina)", which literally means " Ten minutes two hours later". If you have been reading this site for some time, then you probably remember that the preposition za just means “through”, but not always. When exactly, you can remember.

And further. In many textbooks, in the topic of time you will find the word kwadrans- quarter - Teraz jest kwadrans po szostej. But hand on heart, answer yourself: do many of your acquaintances use the word quarter in their most ordinary life? I doubt. In Russian, as in Polish, this sounds somewhat anachronistic, although sometimes it can be stylistically justified. In short, be careful with him.

And there is one more mistake to be aware of. From experience, it doesn't happen very often. Carried away by patterns (phrases), we can get something like za pięć dwudziesta. We don't speak Russian five to twenty", even if "it was in the evening." So in Polish, even if the clock is 19:55, then this za pięć osma, not za pięć dwudziesta, be careful.

Frankly, time, like numerals in general, sometimes causes fear and awe, but ..., in my opinion, in vain. If you understand the logic of notation of time in Polish and load yourself with practice, there should be no problems here.

Russian-Polish phrasebook - a cheat sheet for tourists traveling in Poland. A short phrasebook with pronunciation includes commonly used words and phrases that solo travelers may find useful for navigating cities, communicating in a hotel, restaurants and shops.

First of all, it is worth noting for yourself and remembering politeness phrases - their use will allow you to win over the interlocutor. Please note that contact strangers follows in the third person (pan / pani).

If you are going to visit non-touristic eateries and restaurants where mostly locals dine, be prepared for the fact that the menu may be exclusively in Polish. In this case, not only a phrasebook, but also a wider list of main dishes with explanations in Russian will be very useful.

Some words in Polish may seem similar in spelling and sound, but their meaning will not always be predictable. For example, Polish pierogi are dumplings that can be filled with a variety of fillings, while sklep is a regular store. There are quite a lot of such cases, and the Polish phrasebook, supplemented by an offline dictionary, will help to avoid translation incidents if possible.

The table below shows the original spelling of words and phrases, as well as approximate pronunciation based on transcription.

Common phrases

Hello ( Good morning, Good afternoon) dzień dobry j "en kind
Good evening dobry wieczor good evening
Good night dobranoc dobranots
Hello Czech cheschch
Goodbye do widzenia to vizen
Thank you dziękuję / dziękuję bardzo j "enkue / j" enkue bardzo
Sorry przepraszam psheprasham
Bon appetit smacknego savory
Yes so So
No nie Not


Station stacja station
Stop przystanek pszystanek
Train Station dworzec kolejowy duvoets koleva
Airport lotnisko letnisko
Bus station dworzec autobusowy bus couple
Transfer przesiadka pshezadka
Luggage storage przechowalnia bagazu baggage storage
hand luggage bagaz podręczny checked luggage
Arrival przybycie pshibyche
Departure odejscie clothes
Cash register casa kasa
Ticket ticket ticket
Can you call a taxi? Czy moze pan(i) przywolac takso'wke? Chshi mozhe pan(i) pshivolach taksufke?

At the hotel

In a restaurant, canteen, shop

Soup zupa Zupa
Snack przystawka pshibet
hot dish danie gorace Dane Goronets
Garnish dodatki appendages
Beverages napoje drunk
Tea herbata herbata
Coffee kawa kava
Meat mieso menso
Beef wołowina whoa
Pork wieprzowina Vepsovina
Chicken kurczak kurchak
Fish fish fish
Vegetables warzywa important
Potato ziemniaki countrymen
The check, please Prosze o rachunek Ask about rahuneck
Shop crypt crypt
Market rynek market
Dining room jadalnia yadalny
What is the price...? Ile kosztuje...? Ile cost...?


Days of the week


0 zero zero
1 jeden eden
2 dwa two
3 trzy tshi
4 cztery chters
5 pięć pench
6 szesk sheshchch
7 siedem we are happy
8 osiem oschem
9 dziewic j "vench
10 dzesic j "eschench
100 sto one hundred
1000 tysiac thousand

As much time as Giuseppe Conte, the president did not even devote to Trump

Vladimir Putin's talks with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, inexperienced in big politics, lasted about 6 hours - the president did not devote so much time even to Merkel and Trump. However, the guest did not bring any positive news to the Kremlin. Italy, according to him, will persuade EU partners to abandon anti-Russian sanctions, but is not going to use the right of veto when voting for their extension.

Unlike their foreign counterparts, Italian politicians rarely stay in high positions even for the standard 4-8 years. After World War II, when Italy became a republic, 70 cabinets changed there, and the current prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, is already the seventh head of government with whom Vladimir Putin has to deal.

However, relations between Russia and Italy have always developed in a constructive manner. And with Silvio Berlusconi, who, by the way, managed to stay in office for all the prescribed 5 years, Russian President strong friendly relations have developed - they recently celebrated the 66th birthday of GDP together in Sochi.

But Giuseppe Conte is a different story. Unlike his predecessors, he was never a professional politician. And he did not even take part in the parliamentary elections, as a result of which he headed the government in the spring of 2018.

His candidacy was the only compromise for the two parties of eurospectives (the League and the Five Star Movement), which were unable to form a coalition government within three months. , rarely flashes on TV screens and practically does not give interviews.

At a bilateral meeting with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, Giuseppe Conte modestly sat down on the edge of a gilded chair and so clumsily searched for the pre-prepared text of the welcoming speech with his eyes that it seemed that he was about to develop a squint.

The Italian prime minister said that the main purpose of his visit was to explore the potential for developing bilateral cooperation and invite Putin on a return visit so that the Italians would not feel deprived of his attention. "Despite the delicate international context, we manage to maintain the quality and scope of our ties and relations," he stressed.

Regarding the context, Vladimir Putin had something to present to the Italian guest: once in power, the Eurosceptics, contrary to their promises, stopped demanding the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions. And Conte himself has already stated that he will not use the right of veto in December, when the next EU vote for their extension will take place. In addition, the refusal of the Italian "Eni" from a joint project with "Rosneft" on the Black Sea shelf was an unpleasant surprise.

But Vladimir Putin did not overshadow the moment of the first meeting with Conte with fair reproaches. And he only lamented that Italy had lost its positions on Russian market: in terms of turnover, it now occupies only the sixth place.

However, as it turned out during the talks, not all Italian businesses share Eni's fears. Many companies want to increase cooperation with Russian partners, and in order to circumvent sanctions, they are ready to look for new niches. Such, according to the Italian prime minister, could be medicine and high technology.

Via video conference, Conte and Putin took part in the opening of another joint venture in Chelyabinsk, which will be engaged in the production of powerful electric motors. According to the Russian leader, they are supposed to be used in the construction of main pipelines, and in the future they will be installed on tankers and other ships plying along the Northern Sea Route.

GDP stressed that economic topics were key in the negotiations with the Italian prime minister. "We expect to return to the indicators of previous years, when the trade turnover between Russia and Italy amounted to more than $50 billion, which is twice as much as now," he said.

Italian journalists obviously did not expect that they would have to spend a whole day in the Kremlin. According to the schedule, it was assumed that after 3 pm they would go for lunch, and from there to the exhibition of Venetian artists in the Pushkin Museum. But Vladimir Putin, as you know, does not like to stick to a schedule.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when the poor Italians were already dreaming of pasta and aperol, he, along with Conte, had just started watching the trailer for the film shot by Andrei Konchalovsky about Michelangelo. As it turned out, Italian actors play in it, and leading Italian art experts acted as consultants.

Already at a press conference, the President admitted that the joint negotiations were not limited to one economy and cultural projects. We also talked a lot about sensitive issues. international politics- in particular, about Libya, Syria and Ukraine.

Answering a question from journalists about the prospect of the US withdrawing from the INF Treaty, Vladimir Putin said that Russia would be able to quickly and effectively respond to this decision. At the same time, the territory of Europe, first of all, is at risk.

"What will the United States do with new missiles? If they are delivered to Europe, but this territory will be under the threat of a possible retaliatory strike. In fact, we will return to the situation with Pershings," VVP warned, noting that such a situation is unlikely to meet the interests of Italy and other states.

It would seem a banal question that each of us meets several times a day. But for beginners in learning the Polish language, it causes not only difficulties, but also confusing situations. The fact is that even knowing the numbers, it is not always possible to navigate the question or answer. In the Polish language, there are different forms of constructing questions and answers related to the theme of time. Let's take a look at them!



There are 2 ways.

1. Official(simply numbers are spoken; it is most often used when announcing the schedule, for example, at the station, in the cinema, on TV, etc.).

For example: 15:30 - piętnasta trzydzieści

2. Informal(are used various designs; used in normal conversations

For example: 3:30 p.m. — wpół do czwartej


Total exist 4 designs, with which we can tell what time it is. They depend on the position of the minute hand on the dial (that is, on the minutes).

1. If now there is an even number of hours, without minutes, i.e. the minute hand is at zero, for example 14.00 then we say "druga".

Attention to ending -a , it is assumed that this is "godzina druga", only the word "godzina" may not be used if desired.

Also note that in the informal designation of time, there are only 12 hours .


12.00 — dwunasta (twelve)
23.00 — jedenasta (eleven)
14.00 — druga (two)

2. If now the big hand is at 6, i.e. half of some hour (for example 16.30 ), then we use the construction "wpół do""wpół do piątej" . In Russian it sounds like "half past five".

pay attention to ending -ej .

Theoretically, this shortened form from "wpół do piątej godziny" , but again, we say the word "godzina" at will.


19.30 — wpół do osmej (a half past seven)
15.30 — wpół do czwartej (half past four)
5.30 — wpół do szostej (half past five)

Now let's talk more about possible time .

Mentally divide the clock face into 2 halves:

a) up to 30 minutes
b) after 30 minutes

Depending on which half of the clock the large (minute) hand will be located, two designs are distinguished:

3. If the minute hand is in the first half of the dial (up to 30 minutes) "po"("after"). For example, 17.15 - “piętnaście po piątej” .

Again this short form from the construction "piętnaście minut po piątej godzinie", which can literally be translated as "fifteen (minutes) after the fifth (hour)".

Pay attention to the fact that it is necessarily said in this order: the number of minutes » the preposition "po" » the number of hours with the ending -ej.


18.10 — dziesięć po szostej
7.05 — pięć po siódmej
3.17 — siedemnaście po trzeciej

4. If the minute hand is in the second half of the clock face (after 30 minutes) , the construction with the preposition is used "za"("without"). For example, 17.45 - “za piętnaście szósta”.

And again, this is a short form of the construction "za piętnaście minut szósta godzina" which translates as "fifteen (minutes) to the sixth (hour)".

Pay attention to the fact that it is necessarily said in this order: the preposition "za" "number of minutes" number of hours with the ending -a.


16.45 — za piętnaście piąta (fifteen minutes to five)
10.55 — za pięć jedenasta (five to eleven)
8.35 — za dwadzieścia pięć dziewiąta (twenty five minutes to nine)

You need to understand and remember only 4 constructions, and you can always answer the question “Która godzina?”

1) 14.00 - druga (if 00 minutes)
2) 15.30 - wpól do czwartej (if half of an hour)
3) 19.15 - piętnaście po siódmej (if up to 30 minutes)
4) 23.40 - za dwadzieścia dwunasta (if after 30 minutes)

Quite often in Polish, expressions such as "północ" (midnight) and "południe" (noon) .

2) Just like in Russian, "15 minutes" can be replaced by the word kwadrans (quarter) .


9.15 — kwadrans po dziewiątej (quarter past nine)
13.45 — za kwadrans druga (a quarter to two)

There are more complex constructions for designating time, for example (the word "jest" can be placed before the time, or it can be skipped):

12.01 - Jest minuta po dwunastej (one minute after twelve)
12.31 - Jest minuta po wpół do pierwszej (one minute after half past one)
12.25 - Jest za pięć wpół do pierwszej (5 minutes to half past twelve)
12.59 - Jest za minutę pierwsza (without a minute the first hour)

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