Social science presentation on the topic of political system. Presentation on the topic of the political system of society

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    The state as an element of the political system of society

    The state is an organization political power, promoting the primary implementation of specific interests (class, universal, religious, national, etc.) within a certain territory. The state is part of the political system, its element that concentrates a variety of political interests. It occupies a leading place in the political system of society. A political system is a holistic, ordered set of elements, the interaction of which gives rise to a new quality that is not inherent in its parts.

    The main elements of the political system are political institutions: 1. state;

    2. political parties;

    3. public organizations and associations;

    4. institutions of direct democracy (elections, referendums, demonstrations, rallies, etc.).

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    The functions of the state are classified: according to the sphere of public life: internal and external; according to duration of action: permanent (carried out at all stages of the development of the state) and temporary (reflecting a certain stage of development of the state); according to significance: basic and additional; according to visibility: explicit and latent, according to their impact on society: protective and regulatory.

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    The main classification is the division of state functions into internal and external.

    Internal functions of the state: Legal function - ensuring law and order, establishing legal norms regulating social relations and the behavior of citizens, protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Political function - provision political stability, development of program-strategic goals and objectives for the development of society. The organizational function is to streamline all government activities, monitor the implementation of laws, and coordinate the activities of all subjects of the political system. Economic function - organization, coordination and regulation of economic processes, through tax and credit policies, planning, creating incentives for economic activity, and implementing sanctions.

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    Social function- ensuring solidarity relations in society, cooperation of various layers of society, implementation of the principle of social justice, protecting the interests of those categories of citizens who, for objective reasons, cannot independently provide a decent standard of living (disabled people, pensioners, mothers, children), support for housing construction, healthcare , public transport systems. The ecological function is to guarantee a person a healthy living environment and establish a regime for environmental management. The cultural function is the creation of conditions for satisfying the cultural needs of people, the formation of high spirituality, citizenship, guaranteeing an open information space, and the formation of state cultural policy. Educational function - activities to ensure the democratization of education, its continuity and quality, providing people with equal opportunities to receive an education.

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    External functions of the state:

    Foreign policy function - development of diplomatic relations between states, conclusion of international treaties, participation in international organizations. The function of ensuring national security is maintaining a sufficient level of defense capability of society, protecting territorial integrity, sovereignty and security of the state. The function of maintaining world order is participation in the development of the system international relations, activities to prevent wars, reduce arms, participate in the solution global problems humanity. The function of mutually beneficial cooperation in economic, political, cultural and other spheres with other states.

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    The word “politics” comes from the Greek politike, which means “state affairs”, “the art of government”. Politics is an activity government agencies, political parties, public associations in the sphere of relations between social groups (classes, nations, states), aimed at integrating their efforts with the aim of strengthening political power or conquering it. The category “political system” reflects the purposefulness of the political process. The purpose of the functioning of the political system is to ensure power in society.

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    The political system includes four components: 1) political organization of society: the state, political parties and movements, public organizations and associations, etc.;

    2) socio-political and legal norms regulating the political life of society and the process of exercising political power; political relations;

    3) political ideology: political consciousness, characterizing the psychological and ideological aspects of political power and the political system;

    4) political practice, consisting of political activity and cumulative political experience.

    Slide 10 The structure of a political system means what elements it consists of and how they are connected to each other. There are different political systems. The basis for the classification of political systems, as a rule, is the political regime, that is, the nature and method of interaction between government, the individual and society. Let's call them without disclosing the content: = distributive type, market, convergent, = liberal-democratic, totalitarian, authoritarian, = open and closed, etc. plays the role of the state, ensuring the political organization of society. Many scientists cite a number of arguments to justify the dominant place of the state in the political system of society: “The state solves the general problems of the country.

    » It is the only sovereign organization throughout the country.

    » It determines the main directions of development of society in the interests of each and every person. » Is the official representative of common interests and goals both within the country and abroad. Slide 12

    The political system of society is a category that reflects

    political activity and emphasizes the systemic nature of the political life of society. Political science identifies four main elements of a political system, sometimes called subsystems: institutional, communicative, normative and cultural-ideological.

    The institutional subsystem includes political institutions (organizations), among which the state occupies a special place. Among non-governmental organizations, political parties and socio-political movements play a major role in the political life of society. Elements of the political system

    Normative subsystem. Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms). Political norms and traditions that define and regulate the political life of society constitute the normative subsystem of the political system of society. The most important role is played in it by legal norms (constitutions, laws, other legal acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are regulated by their statutory and program norms.

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    The cultural-ideological subsystem of a political system is a combination of different contents political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process functions at two levels - theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). The forms of manifestation of political ideology include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and political psychology includes feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions, but in the political life of society they have equal rights. In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex of ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientations, and political ideas typical for a given society.

    Political culture is the experience of political activity passed on from generation to generation, which combines knowledge, beliefs and behavior patterns of individuals and social groups.

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Topic 5 Political system of society Study questions: 1. The concept of a political system and the history of the problem. 2. Structure and functions of political systems. 3. Types of political systems.

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CONCEPT OF POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY Political system is a set of state, party and public bodies, organizations, individuals participating in the political life of the country Type of political regime authoritarianism, democracy, totalitarianism Form of government monarchy, republic Relationship of power of the party, government Form of social and political representation pluralism, corporatism Universality Control Legitimacy “Democracy is the fooling of the people, by the people, for the good of the people” (Oscar Wilde, British playwright) 2

THEORY OF THE SYSTEM APPROACH BY T. PARSONS The purpose of the political system is to ensure integration, development and implementation of common goals The economic subsystem is responsible for meeting people's needs for consumer goods The political subsystem determines collective interests, mobilizes resources to achieve them The social subsystem supports an established way of life, transfers it to new members of society norms, rules and values ​​that become important factors in motivating their behavior The spiritual subsystem integrates society, establishes and maintains bonds of solidarity between its elements A systemic approach was applied for the first time Each system has four main functions: adaptation, goal achievement, integration, preservation of the existing order ( latent function). Thus, the system must adapt to the environment, achieve a goal, have internal unity and be able to maintain this state, reproduce the structure and relieve tension in the system. 3

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D. EASTON'S SYSTEM APPROACH This is a series of interactions, abstracted from general social behavior, through which values ​​are distributed in society. Has a “reactive” “self-regulating” potential that protects it from self-destruction. A mobile phenomenon, it is able to support itself, preserving character traits that determine its appearance. It is an open system that can be changed under the influence of factors. external environment Can remain stable if there is an appropriate balance between “incoming” and “outgoing” factors Requirements Support Decisions Actions Based on authoritarian distribution of values ​​Ideological Structural Personal 4

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STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH G. ALMOND “A political system is a system of interaction existing in all independent societies that performs the functions of integration and adaptation (within society, outside it and between societies) through the use of legitimate physical coercion” (Gabriel Almond, American political scientist and sociologist ) All political systems have their own structure All political systems perform similar universal functions necessary for social life, functions are performed by different structures of the system and with different frequencies All political systems are mixed in a cultural sense The difference between simple (traditional) and developed systems lies in the differentiation of functions and specialization of structures, these systems are similar in functions, but differ in structural characteristics The political system is multifunctional. It is based on an analysis of the target behavioral aspect of the structures of the political system. Study of the situation and taking into account its features when making decisions. Political solution to identified problems 5

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POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY (structural-functional approach) The political system of society is a set of institutions ordered on the basis of law and other social norms, within the framework of which the political life of society takes place and political power is exercised 6

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INSTITUTIONAL SUBSYSTEM The set of institutions (institutions, organizations) associated with the functioning of political power - the political sphere of society “The withering away of the state will not come through the weakening of state power, but through its maximum strengthening” (Joseph Stalin, Soviet statesman and party leader) OWN POLITICAL organizations that directly and directly exercise political power - the state (the core element of the system), political parties and individual public organizations of a political nature NON-PROPOLITICAL trade unions, youth, veterans, business unions, environmental movements, etc. NON-POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS organizations that have only a minor political aspect in their content 7

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IDEOLOGICAL SUBSYSTEM A set of political ideas, views, perceptions, and feelings of participants in the political life of society that are different in content Individual ideas and views Theoretical Political ideology Empirical Political psychology STRUCTURE LEVELS Class (group) views Universal (interclass, group) ideas Views Principles Ideas Slogans Ideals Theories Feelings Moods Prejudices Emotions Opinions Traditions “An old idea, even when it is nothing more than a word, a sound, a mirage, has a magical power that can still subject us to its influence” (Gustave Le Bon, French psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist) 8

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NORMATIVE SUBSYSTEM Political norms, moral principles and traditions that define and regulate the political life of society STRUCTURE Legal norms Norms of activity of public organizations Unwritten customs, traditions Ethical and moral principles and norms Constitution Regulatory acts Laws “In politics, slow perseverance always prevails over unbridled force, a carefully worked out plan over an improvised impulse, realism over romance” (Stephan Zweig, Austrian writer) 9

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COMMUNICATIVE SUBSYSTEM A set of relations and forms of interactions that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in organizing the implementation and development of political power in connection with the development and implementation of policies Main types (according to social orientation) Political relations aimed to strengthen the existing political system Political relations expressing the interests of opposition-moderate or revolutionary forces “A politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month and in a year. And then explain why this did not happen” (Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister) 10

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CULTURAL SUBSYSTEM An integrating factor of the political system, a complex of ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of political ideas, value orientations and political behavior typical for a given society. The strength of the social base of the political power of the ruling elite. The unity of various segments of the population through the establishment of connections between participants in the political process both “horizontally” and and “vertically” in accordance with the hierarchy of the political system. The ability to foresee the population’s reaction to political and managerial decisions through the creation of conditions for effective development political system and society as a whole, ENSURES the stability of the political system of society through the achievement, on the basis of generally accepted political and cultural values, of consent within the framework of the existing political system and the political system chosen by society. Reproduction of the political life of society on the basis of continuity “If correctly understood interest constitutes the principle of all morality, then it is necessary , therefore, to strive to ensure that the private interest of an individual coincides with universal human interests" (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, politicians) 11

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Political relations are the relationships that develop between classes, social groups, nations, states regarding their participation in the organization, exercise and development of political power. The political organization of society is a set of political institutions, including the state, political parties and movements, mass public organizations, through whose activities political power, political leadership and management of social processes Political consciousness awareness of the sphere of politics by social subjects (individuals, social groups, the whole society) Political and legal norms constitutional provisions, state laws, statutory norms of political and public organizations, traditions and customs that act as a regulator of those existing in society relations and establishing the basic principles of the activities of their subjects “Politicians are the same everywhere. They promise to build bridges even where there are no rivers" (Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet politician) 12

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Political leadership of society, determination of strategic goals and prospects for social development - a function of goal setting; Regulatory ordering and regulation of political behavior and political relations in a state-organized society Legitimation achieving the minimum required degree of compliance of real political life with generally accepted legal and political norms Consolidation of the socio-political system ensuring the existence of society as a single whole - an integrative function Mobilization ensuring the maximum use of society's resources Distributive distribution of resources and values ​​between members of society 13

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TYPOLOGY OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS Source of political power Attitude to reality State of the political structure Nature of the political process Democratic (constitutional) Conservative Anglo-American Command Autocratic Reform Continental European Competitive Progressive Pre-industrial (partially industrial) Socio-conciliatory Reactionary Totalitarian Interaction with the external environment Open Closed “I” I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend to the last drop of blood your right to express your own point of view” (Voltaire, philosopher) 14


Goals and objectives:

1) introduce the typology of political systems, show the main features of political regimes;

2) Develop the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic problems, reveal the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities using examples, participate in discussions, work with documents;

3) to form students’ attitude towards political systems.

Lesson plan:

1. Political system: general characteristics

2. Political systems of dictatorial type

3. Political regime

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time: Solution of the assignment on the topic: Social structure.

A wise man was asked the question: “What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?” To this the sage, after thinking, replied: “Democracy is when the people openly show dissatisfaction with their government. Dictatorship is when the people openly show dissatisfaction with someone else’s government.”

How true is the story told?

What is a “political system and political regime” and what role do they play in our society today we will try to understand.

New material:

1. Political system: general characteristics

– a set of norms, institutions and organizations that together make up the self-organization of society.

POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY is a system of institutions within which the political life of society takes place and state power is exercised.



Structural elements:

Organizational, regulatory, cultural, communication.


Functions of the political system

American scientists D. Easton, K. Deutsch, G. Almond represent the political system (PS) as a system of interactions between subjects of political action, one of the subsystems that performs the functions of integration and adaptation to the requirements of the environment. The relationship between the PS and the environment is presented in the form of input-output.

System requirement

Citizen support for the system

At the input there is a wide range of requirements. Overloads should not be allowed. This work is carried out by parties, generally. organizations, statesmen. People's support is important.

Specific political actions and decisions. They influence the state of the external environment itself.

The ability to respond flexibly and quickly to new requirements is the key to the viability of the system as a whole. Failure to give an adequate response leads to the collapse of the system.

The most common division of all political systems according to the methods of organizing power and management: democratic political systems and systems of dictatorial (non-democratic) type.

2. Political systems of dictatorial type

"Dictatorship"(from Latin dictatura - unlimited power).

Common features of dictatorial regimes:

rejection of democratic principles of governance

lack of guarantees of political freedoms

lack of a system of separation of powers and the principle of the rule of law

Within political systems. dictatorial type is usually distinguished authoritarian and totalitarian political systems.

Working with the textbook: analysis of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes

The main features of a totalitarian regime:

1. Recognition of the leading role of one party and the implementation of its dictatorship;

2. The dominance of one official ideology in the spiritual sphere and its forced imposition on all members of society;

3. The existence of general control over the behavior of individuals and the use of repressive methods;

4. Universal control over the media;

5. Centralized economic management.

1. Autocracy (from the Greek autokrateia) - autocracy, monarchy, autocracy or a small number of power holders (tyranny, junta, oligarchic group).

2. Unlimited power, its uncontrollability by citizens. At the same time, the government can rule with the help of laws, but it adopts them at its own discretion.

3. Reliance (real or potential) on strength. An authoritarian regime may not resort to mass repression and be popular among a wide range of the population. However, he has sufficient power to force citizens to obey when necessary.

4. Monopolization of power in politics, preventing political opposition and competition.

5. Recruitment of the political elite through co-optation, appointment from above, and not on the basis of competitive political struggle.

6. Refusal of total control over society, non-interference or limited intervention in non-political spheres, primarily in the economy.

3. Political regime

Points of view:

political system = political regime

political system = form of government

political regime - ways and means of exercising political power

Political regime– a type of political power with characteristic ways, forms and methods of its implementation, reflects the ways of relationships between government, society and the individual.

Political regime- this is a system of methods for exercising power in society, which is a set of certain rules of the political game, political values ​​and political norms, as well as corresponding political institutions and structures intended for their implementation in political practice.

Working with the textbook: Comparative characteristics political system and
political regime

Classification of political regimes:

By form of government (monarchical, republican)

By the nature of the formation of the ruling elite (open, closed)

According to the composition of the ruling circles (military, civilian, theocratic...)

By dominant methods of exercising power (dictatorial, liberal)

Summary of lessons:

Analyze the above statements by B. Mussolini and I. Stalin. What do they have in common? Can they be considered an expression of the essence of a totalitarian regime? Give reasons for your answer.

“Everything is in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” (B. Mussolini).

“Our democracy must always put common interests first. The personal is almost nothing compared to the public” (I.V. Stalin).

- Can authoritarian and totalitarian regimes play a positive role in history? Give examples.


Learn concepts

Answer the questions:

1. What common features do dictatorial regimes have?

2. What do you see as the main differences between totalitarianism and authoritarianism?

3. Why do you think totalitarianism and its communist varieties have gained significant popularity in the world? Give reasons for your opinion.


1. Social studies. Textbook for 11th grade. edited by L.N. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, K.G. Kholodkovsky (profile level), M.: Education, 2008.

2. Sorokina E.N. “Lesson-based developments in social studies.” (To help

school teacher). Profile level, Grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2009.

3. for

Src="" alt="> POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY Presentation of some issues in the “Politics” section of the Codifier on"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА ОБЩЕСТВА Презентация некоторых вопросов раздела «Политика» Кодификатора по обществознанию 2010 год (подготовка к ЕГЭ) Автор Сафонова Н. С. , учитель истории и обществознания Лицея № 7, г. Саяногорск!}

Src="" alt="> CODIFIER QUESTIONS 1. Concept of power 2. Political system 3. Typology political regimes"> ВОПРОСЫ КОДИФИКАТОРА 1. Понятие власти 2. Политическая система 3. Типология политических режимов 4. Демократия. Ее основные ценности и признаки 5. Государство, его функции 6. Гражданское общество и государство 7. Политическая элита 8. !} Political parties and movements 9. Media in the political system 10. Election campaign in Russia Not considered 11. Political process 12. Political participation 13. Political leadership 14. State bodies. authorities of the Russian Federation 15. Federal structure of the Russian Federation

Src="" alt="> THE CONCEPT OF POWER Power is opportunity and Power is relationships"> ПОНЯТИЕ ВЛАСТИ Вла сть - это возможность и Власть – это отношения способность осуществлять свою «господства – подчинения» волю, воздействовать на возникающее между людьми. деятельность и поведение Одни главенствуют, проявляя других людей свою волю, другие подчиняются этой воле. Источниками власти (по М. Веберу) : Насилие (физическая сила, оружие, организованная группа, личностные характеристики, угроза применение силы) Авторитет (семейные и социальные связи, харизма, экспертные (специальные) знания, вера) Право (положение и полномочия, контроль над ресурсами, обычай и традиция!}

Src="" alt="> POLITICAL SYSTEM, ITS COMPONENTS 1. Organizational ="> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА, ЕЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ 1. Организационный = 2. Коммуникативный институциональный (политические отношения (государство, партии, по поводу гос. власти) !} social movements) The political system of a society is a set of organizations and institutions that carry out government activities. power and business managers 3. Normative society 4. Cultural (political norms: (political ideas, customs and traditions; political views, legal; corporate; political culture, moral - regulate political ideologies) political relations)

Src="" alt="> TYPOLOGY OF POLITICAL REGIMES As a result of interaction"> ТИПОЛОГИЯ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ РЕЖИМОВ В результате взаимодействия указанных компонентов ПС, складывается 1 2 3 4 определенный политический порядок или режим, т. е. способ функционирования политической системы. Система методов осуществления власти. Демократия. Авторитаризм. Тоталитаризм. Демократический Авторитарный Тоталитарный политический режим В переводе с греческого Функции власти Политическое "демократия" означает сконцентрированы в господство группы лиц, "власть народа" (demos руках группы лиц, либо возглавляемых - народ, cratos - власть). одного человека. лидером, тотальный контроль за жизнью Выучить характеристику режимов общества!}

Src="" alt="> DEMOCRACY AND ITS BASIC PRINCIPLES Democracy is a political regime in which"> ДЕМОКРАТИЯ И ЕЁ ОСНОВНЫЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ Демократия – политический режим, при котором народ является источником власти Д Я -Народовластие -Принцип большинства, воля большинства выявляется Е через выборы и референдум П -Уважение прав меньшинства – право меньшинства на М оппозицию Р О -Парламентаризм – гос. власть, в которой ведущая роль И принадлежит народному представительству - парламенту К -Политический плюрализм (многообразие): Н Р многопартийность, многообразие политических идей, Ц СМИ и т. д. А -Гласность – открытость деятельности политических И институтов, доступность информации, свобода слова Т -Правовое государство, основой которого является П И верховенство закона и гарантия прав и свобод граждан Ы!}

Src="" alt="> DEMOCRACY AND ITS FORMS Direct (immediate) Representative power is exercised by oneself"> ДЕМОКРАТИЯ И ЕЁ ФОРМЫ Прямая (непосредственная) Представительная Власть осуществляется самим Осуществление власти народом без политических представителями народа – посредников. Как? депутатами ØОбязательно наличие ØВыборы на основе всеобщего представительного избирательного права законодательного органа – ØРеферендумы ПАРЛАМЕНТА ØСходы и собрания граждан Ø процессе В ØОбращения граждан в органы представительной власти демократии участвуют ØМитинги, демонстрации профессиональные политики!}

Src="" alt="> THE CONCEPT OF “STATE” G O"> ПОНЯТИЕ «ГОСУДАРСТВО» Г О С Это политическая организация власти, Важнейший У действующая на территории страны; политический Д имеющая специальный институт аппарат управления; А обеспечивающая безопасность населения Р С Т СТРАНА= ГОСУДАРСТВО В О!}

Src="" alt="> STATE: SIGNS, FUNCTIONS, FORMS 1. Territory"> ГОСУДАРСТВО: ПРИЗНАКИ, ФУНКЦИИ, ФОРМЫ 1. Территория 1. Внутренние: Различают Формы Признаки Функции 2. !} Public power-economic 1. Forms of government 3. System of law -social protection 2. Forms 4. Sovereignty - taxation state power devices - protective 5. Exclusive (legality and 3. Forms the right to collect taxes state order according to political 6. Single monetary 2. External: regime system defense, m/n (democratic, cooperation and authoritarian , other totalitarian)

Src="" alt="> THERE ARE STATES IN THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT Monarchy (unity) - form"> ПО ФОРМЕ ПРАВЛЕНИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА БЫВАЮТ Монархия (единовластие)- форма Республика – форма правления, при которой источником и носителем гос. власти является один носителем гос. власти является человек, занимающий престол по праву народ и выборные органы- рождения парламент и президент Абсолютная Конституционная Парламентская: (неограниченная) (ограниченная) Верховенство парламента единоличное монарх царствует, Прав-во ответственно перед правление но не правит Парламентом Премьер-министр формирует ивозглавляет прав-во Президентская: Президент – глава государства и прав-ва Смешанная (парламентско- Президент избирается населением или президентская): Сильный выборщиками парламент и сильный Прав-во ответственно перед Президентом президент; баланс полномочий!}

Src="" alt="> FORM OF GOVERNMENT Unitary Federation - form Confederation - state -"> ФОРМА ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УСТРОЙСТВА Унитарное Федерация – форма Конфедерация – государство – форма гос. устройства, при форма гос. устройства, при котором устройства, которой его части территориальные добровольное являются части являются гос. объединение административно- образованиями- независимых стран территориальными субъектами или республик, единицами, не имеют федерации (Россия, которые сохраняют статуса Германия, США, суверенитет государственного Мексика) (Евросоюз, СНГ, образования (Япония, США до 1865) Украина, Польша) ****** * * *!}

Src="" alt="> CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE STATE Civil society is a set of non-state"> ГРАЖДАНСКОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО И ГОСУДАРСТВО Гражданское общество – это совокупность негосударственных общественных отношений и ассоциаций (объединений), выражающих разнообразные интересы и потребности членов общества.!}

Src="" alt="> Becoming civil society associated with the establishment of the rule of law. A rule-of-law state is unthinkable without "> The formation of civil society is associated with the establishment of a rule-of-law state. A rule-of-law state is unthinkable without a developed civil society. Civil society is possible only in a democratic regime, a rule-of-law state. A rule-of-law state is a type of state whose activities are actually limited by law, and there is a division authorities (legislative, executive, judicial), guarantee of individual rights and freedoms and control over power by society

Src="" alt="> Signs of a rule of law state The rule of law in society Submission to the law"> Признаки правового государства Верховенство права в обществе Подчинение закону всех граждан и самого государства, его! органов и должностных лиц Права человека, их охрана и гарантированность В правах человека выражена его свобода, но она не может! быть абсолютной. Принцип разделения государственных властей Принцип взаимной ответственности государства и личности(ответственность правительства перед представит. ! органами, юридическая ответ-ть гос. лиц перед законом, импичмент)!}

Src="" alt="> POLITICAL ELITE The political elite is a group or"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ЭЛИТА Политическая элита – группа или совокупность групп занимающих привилегированное престижное положение в обществе, в связи с участием в принятии решений, связанных с использованием государственной власти Теория элит Г. Моска и В. Парето: 1. Общество делится на класс правящих и класс управляемых; 2. Элита – это люди, способные к управлению другими людьми, они обладают моральным, материальным, интеллектуальным превосходством 3. Кроме правящей элиты образуется оппозиционная элита – контрэлита, она стремиться к власти и когда наступает упадок правящего класса, происходит смена элит. Состав: главы государств, правительство, руководители парламента, лидеры партий и др. 4. Главный признак элит – оказание постоянного влияния на принятие политических решений!}

Src="" alt="> PARTY (partis, pars - part, group) - group"> ПАРТИЯ (partis, pars – часть, группа) – группа единомышленников, объединенных в политическую организацию, с целью выражения и защиты интересов определенной !} social group societies SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS - solidary (joint) activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal Polity Initiative Clubs Union group goal MOVEMENT PARTIES Community of ideology No common ideology Expression of certain interests They do not set the goal of social groups coming to power Mass base The struggle for the conquest of the political After achieving the goal, the authorities - claims to power can disintegrate, or they can turn into participation in power - the most important feature of a party

Src="" alt="> CLASSIFICATION OF PARTIES Those in power"> КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ПАРТИЙ Находящиеся у власти Консерваторы Левые Социал-демократы Центр Либералы Правые Коммунисты Фашисты По отношению к власти: правящие и оппозиционные По организационной структуре: массовые и кадровые По программным установкам: крайне левые, центристские, правые, крайне правые Функции партий: 1. Связь гражданского общества и государства 2. Электоральная – участие в выборах 3. Политическая социализация граждан 4. Воспитание политических элит!}

Src="" alt="> POLITICAL LEADERSHIP Political leadership is the personal ability to influence"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ЛИДЕРСТВО Политическое лидерство – личностная способность влиять на политическое поведение и политическую деятельность людей в группе, организации или обществе Настойчивость, воля, мужество Имидж, ораторские способности Характеристики Команда помощников !} political program leader Expression of interests def. groups Support for the authorities and the masses

Src="" alt=">TYPES OF LEADERSHIP ACCORDING TO M. WEBER Traditional leadership, based on traditions ( tribal leaders, monarchs)"> ТИПЫ ЛИДЕРСТВА ПО М. ВЕБЕРУ Традиционное лидерство, основано на традициях (вожди племен, монархи) ПРИВЫЧКА Рационально-легальное лидерство– лидерство, осуществляемое на основе и в рамках законов, принятых современным демократическим обществом. РАЗУМ Харизматическое лидерство основывается на вере в необыкновенные, выдающиеся качества вождя. Это лидеры по призванию, народные вожди «от Бога» . ВЕРА!}

Src="" alt=">GOVERNMENT BODIES">!}

Src="" alt=">FEDERAL STRUCTURE OF RUSSIA Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and amendments to the Constitution Russian Federation includes "> FEDERAL STRUCTURE OF RUSSIA Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and amendments to the Constitution, the Russian Federation includes 83 constituent entities of the Federation. RUSSIA = 21 republics + 46 regions + 9 territories + 1 autonomous region + 4 autonomous districts + 2 cities of federal significance (Moscow and Accepted December 12, 1993 in St. Petersburg) referendum results (popular vote

Src="" alt="> POLITICAL PARTICIPATION These are the actions of a citizen in order to influence the development, adoption And"> ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ УЧАСТИЕ Это действия гражданина, с целью повлиять на разработку, принятие и реализацию гос. решений, выбор представителей в институты власти Политическая элита (профессионалы) Рядовые граждане Признаки участия Прямое 1. конкретное (непосредстве нное) участие действие 2. добровольность 3. участие является Представительное действительным, а (опосредованное) через избранных не фиктивным представителей!}

Src="" alt=">MEDIA IN THE POLITICAL SYSTEM Media - means of creating, replicating and distributing information"> СМИ В ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЕ СМИ – средства создания, тиражирования и распространения информации в массовой аудитории Пресса Важный социальный Радио Каналы институт, распространени ТV инструмент я информации управления Интернет поведением людей Функции: 1. Информационная; влияние на избирателя 2. Политическая социализация 3. Представление различных общественных интересов 4. Формирование !} public opinion

Src="" alt=">ELECTION PROCESS IN RUSSIA The election process is a set of actions in"> ИЗБИРАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС В РОССИИ Избирательный процесс – комплекс действий в процессе выборов Выборы Этапы: v. Всеобщие v- Организационный v. Равные v- Выдвижение и регистрация v. Тайные кандидатов v. Прямые v- Предвыборная агитация v- Голосование и определение его Активное Пассивное результатов v- Обнародование итогов избирательн ное право Абсентеизм – уклонение от Лоббизм (лобби)= группы участия в выборах давления!}

Src="" alt=">LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN THE RF 1. Legislative initiative 2. Discussion 3 . Adoption"> ЗАКОНОТВОРЧЕСКИЙ ПРОЦЕСС В РФ 1. Законодател ьная инициатива 2. Обсуждение 3. Принятие (внесения з/п в ГД з/п в ГД) 4. Принятие 5. Подписание з/п в Президентом и Совете обнародование Федерации (опубликование)!}

Sections: History and social studies

Lesson type: lesson lecture, with elements of laboratory work.

The purpose of the lesson: During the study new topic Students systematize their knowledge of political science and master the concept of “political system.”


  1. In the process of studying a new topic, students learn the concept of “political system,” its structure and functions.
  2. Students develop structural analysis skills using examples of political institutions.
  3. Students improve their skills in group work and practical application of knowledge.

Equipment: presentation lesson, multimedia, screen, documents.

This lesson is the first in the topic “Introduction to Political Science”, therefore it is taught in the form of a lecture.

Lesson plan:

  1. Motivational and organizational stage.
  2. Updating.
    – What is politics? What is the system?
  3. Studying new material - lecture.
    – What is a political system.
    – Structure of the political system.
    – Institutions of the political system.
    – Political relations.
    – Political culture.
    – Political norms and values.
    - Political regime.
  4. Laboratory work on documents and statements.
  5. Generalization: discussion of documents and student opinions.
  6. Summing up - highlighting problems for preparing creative projects - advanced homework

During the classes

I. Organizational and motivational.

Teacher's opening speech: What role do you think politics plays in modern human life?

Students' answers are discussed.

– Can a person not depend on politics in his life?

A mini-discussion is held, students come to the conclusion that modern society and people depend on politics and the political system in which they live. Therefore, it is necessary to study the structure of the political system and its various types.

II. Main part.

Working with a presentation ( application) – cluster method.

What is a political system?

POLITICAL SYSTEM is a holistic and interconnected complex of all elements. The concept of “political system” received deep justification and widespread use only in the middle of the twentieth century, which was generated by the logic of the development of political science, which led to the need to describe political life from a systemic perspective. A political system is a universal control system of society, the components of which are connected by political relations and which ultimately regulates the relationships between social groups, ensuring the stability of society and a certain social order based on the use of state power.

An analysis of the diagram from the presentation is carried out - The structure of the political system.

The characteristics of the institutions of the political system are given.

1. The state as the main institution of the political system (form of state). The state is an organization of political power that has special mechanisms for governing society: the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. In special cases, the state uses such measures as coercion - violent agencies (army, security agencies).

2. Parties.

3. Public organizations. (slide no. 9, 10, 13)

1. Regulatory subsystem

An essential element of the political system are political and legal norms that exist and operate in the form of constitutions, charters and party programs, political traditions and regulatory procedures political processes. They form its normative basis. These include:

  • legal norms
  • moral standards
  • political traditions
  • corporate standards

2. Communication subsystem, it includes political relations

– interaction of social groups, individuals, social institutions regarding the structure and management of society. Depending on the subject composition, they can be divided into three groups.

The first group is relations between classes, large social groups, nations and states. Interclass, intergroup, intraclass and interethnic relations form the basis of the political system and are reflected in the functioning of the relevant political organizations and their relationships.

The second group consists of relationships that develop in the process of exercising political power, the influence of higher and local authorities leadership and management on socio-economic, political and cultural processes.

The third group of political relations can include the relations that develop between political organizations and institutions.

3. Cultural-ideological subsystem

Being a reflection and, formed primarily under the influence of specific social and political practices, the ideas, value orientations and attitudes of participants in political life, their emotions and prejudices have a strong impact on their behavior and all political dynamics. Therefore, in the process of leading and managing society, it is important to take into account the political mood of the masses.

The importance of political ideology is great, which occupies a leading place in political consciousness and serves as a determining factor in the change and development of the field of political psychology. Political ideology in its most concentrated form expresses the fundamental interests of social communities, substantiates their place and role in social development, in the political system of society in particular. She serves conceptual basis programs of socio-economic and political transformations advocated by the relevant social forces. Influencing the choice of strategic course, the development and adoption of political decisions, the political views and behavior of individuals and social communities. Political culture is a set of typical for a given society or social group, ingrained patterns (stereotypes) of political ideas, value orientations, attitudes and political behavior. The significance of political culture lies primarily in the fact that it helps ensure the stability of the political system. Although in a socially heterogeneous society the existence of a counterculture is inevitable, which is directed against the dominant system of power and plays a destabilizing, destructive role.

Political culture performs very important functions for the political life of society. Its regulatory function is manifested in a direct or indirect influence on the behavior of people and their organizations, their perception of political events, assessment of existing and current political systems and their individual elements politicians, officials of the management apparatus, as well as the process of preparing and making political and managerial decisions, etc.

4. Functional subsystem.

Lesson stage III

The class is divided into 6 groups, each group receives a task:

1 gr. – explain the statement: “Politics is a gambling den in which spectators risk losing just like players” G. Mably

2 gr. – explain the thesis “Man is a political being...” Aristotle

3-6g. - work with documents.

Stage IV of the lesson – Reflection

– discussion of the results of the groups’ work using the spinner method.


Prepare design work by topic:

  • “Russian political parties are my choice”;
  • “The electoral system in the Russian Federation – its pros and cons”;
  • "The work of organs local government in our village."

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