Liquid chestnut: harm to the newfangled “miracle supplement. "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss - the pros and cons of the remedy All about liquid chestnut for weight loss

Liquid chestnut, as the Internet assures, is a new fashionable panacea in the struggle for a slender and beautiful figure. But this is not at all the fruit of the chestnut tree familiar to us. The main component of the miracle remedy for weight loss is the ground leaves of the plant, whose homeland is Brazil. Is the Brazilian chestnut so effective in the field of beauty of the female figure, and how to cook it right in the kitchen - you will certainly find out in this article.

It turns out that it is possible and even necessary. After all, this plant not only helps to quickly cope with excess weight, but also brings significant benefits to the body:

  • contributes to the restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the digestibility of food and improves its further digestion;
  • accelerates the metabolism and the release of decay products from the body;
  • significantly increases performance and endurance;
  • improves memory and concentration;
  • relieves the feeling of fatigue and lethargy;
  • increases the protective properties of the body.

It must be clearly remembered that liquid chestnut is not a universal fat burner, but very good helper for the body in reducing excess cellular fat. This is due to the improvement of oxygen metabolism in human tissues and cells. The vessels are toned, and the blood is enriched with the nutrients it needs. And this, in turn, restores the work of all organs and systems, which allows the body to quickly get rid of unnecessary fat deposits.

Liquid chestnut - how to apply?

Why is chestnut liquid? But because this drug is sold in the form of a powder, from which it will be necessary to prepare a suspension. Although many sources claim that this is not necessary. You can simply drink a dry mixture of mineral clean water or freshly squeezed juice. Everything here will depend on your personal preferences. So, let's look at how to make a drink "Liquid chestnut" - a basic recipe:

  • take half a teaspoon of the dry mixture and one hundred grams of water;
  • combine these ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.

It is important to drink chestnut immediately after its preparation, otherwise it may lose its beneficial properties. And to maximize the benefits of using this drug, take liquid chestnut twice a day as follows:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before the start of the meal;
  • two hours after dinner, but at least one hour before a night's sleep.

Liquid chestnut: dosage and overdose

The daily norm of dry powder of liquid chestnut is five grams (that is, one teaspoon of the mixture). It is important not to violate the recommended dosage. This can provoke an upset of the digestive system, an allergic rash, high temperature and etc.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

In the modern world, thin girls and women, on whose body there is literally not a drop of fat, are considered the standard of beauty. However, this standard, a kind of unattainable ideal, becomes a model, the parameters of which must be reached in order to be considered beautiful. In pursuit of achieving the ideal body in their opinion, women and girls resort to a variety of means - diets, exercise and, of course, numerous supplements that burn fat and help lose weight fast. By the way, women and men who want to lose weight also resort to the help of such supplements, advertising of which promises rapid weight loss. excess weight because of its negative impact on their health status, and not for aesthetic reasons.

Currently, a very popular similar supplement for weight loss is the so-called liquid chestnut. This tool is widely advertised as an effective, natural, safe and no contraindication drug for weight loss. And the safety and effectiveness of Liquid chestnut is justified by the fact that it is made from natural raw materials. Unfortunately, this does not reflect all the properties of the drug, since any natural component can be not only useful, but also harmful or even fatal if taken in the wrong dosage or in the presence of contraindications. Therefore, in this article we will consider in detail the composition and properties of the drug, sold under the name Liquid Chestnut, and determine the theoretical degree of its effectiveness for weight loss.

Origin of the name and registration of the brand in the pharmaceutical markets of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus

The composition of the preparation Liquid chestnut contains the seeds of a tropical plant crushed into powder guarana. This liana - guarana grows in the forests of the Amazon, in the territories of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay. Accordingly, guarana seed powder is produced precisely in these countries of Latin and South America, from which it is exported to various countries where it is used in the food industry. For example, guarana seed powder is added to energy chewing gum in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK, coffee substitutes are made from it, and it is also used in the production of chocolate and the famous Guaraná Champagne Antarctica champagne. In Latin America, guarana seed powder is a very common ingredient in many products, as it is added to carbonated sweet waters, tea, hard candies, sweets, toothpaste, etc.

In many countries, guarana fruit powder is classified as a food product, and not as a drug or dietary supplement (BAA). However, in many developed countries there is sports nutrition containing guarana fruit powder as active ingredients, for example, Hardcore Strength Xenadrine RZR-X, Celsius, TightCurvesTopSecret, MaximumStrengthFatBurner, etc. These complexes sports nutrition They are classified as dietary supplements, which are registered according to the relevant regulations, and supervisory authorities control their composition and safety.

In the CIS countries, guarana fruit powder is also classified as a food substance. But the weight loss drug "Liquid Chestnut" containing guarana is not registered in the register of biologically active substances or drugs, like the sports nutrition samples given, so it can be assumed that the manufacturer classifies it as a food product. For the consumer, this means that the product will not pass tests and checks, like other dietary supplements and medicines.

The safety of the guarana powder itself does not generally require proof, since the substance is quite long time used for making food. However, as with any other substance, the safety of guarana depends on the moderation of its consumption in low dosages. In the US, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has awarded guarana the status of "generally recognized as safe", which means it is safe for humans as a food product. However, the FDA indicates that guarana does not have any medicinal properties, and therefore cannot be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any diseases.

The name Liquid Chestnut is commercial because it comes in powder form and is not made from chestnuts. However, due to the fact that the powder for taking is diluted in a liquid and a drink is obtained, the remedy received the word "liquid" in its name. And because of the similarity of the color of the powder of guarana fruits with the brown shell of chestnuts, the word "chestnut" was added to the name of the product. As a result, they got the name "Liquid chestnut" means. Marketers felt that for the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere, the name "Liquid chestnut", in which habitual and familiar plants appear, would inspire more confidence than an incomprehensible guarana.

Composition of liquid chestnut

The manufacturer of the Liquid Chestnut slimming product indicates that it contains the following components:
  • Guaranin;
  • Theophylline;
  • Theobromine;
  • Amides;
  • Saponins;
  • Resin;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Vitamin B 1.
Unfortunately, the quantitative content of each substance is not indicated by the manufacturers of Liquid Chestnut. However, given the fact that guarana fruit powder is used to produce the slimming product, it can be assumed that the content of these substances is approximately equal to their amount in other samples of crushed guarana seeds, manufactured industrially in factories in South America.

In addition to the lack of clear information about the quantitative content of the claimed substances in the Liquid Chestnut slimming product, not everything is clear with its qualitative composition. So, guaranine, theophylline, theobromine, vitamin B 1, as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium) are really part of the powder obtained from guarana fruits, therefore they are natural components of Liquid chestnut. But the situation with amides, saponins and resin is very ambiguous.

The fact is that amides is the general name for a very broad class of organic compounds with very different properties. So, some amides are harmless to humans, but also completely useless, both for weight loss and for any other purposes. But there are other types of amides that have a negative impact on the work of various human organs and systems. For example, some amides disrupt nerve transmission causing neurological symptoms, others are narcotic, others cause toxic damage to the liver, and so on. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not indicate which amides are contained in Liquid Chestnut, so one can only guess and hope that they are harmless.

Saponins- this is the same as amides, the name of a large and heterogeneous group of organic compounds with different properties. Some saponins are successfully used in medicine, being part of effective drugs. So, some saponins are used to improve sputum discharge when coughing, others - in the complex therapy of atherosclerosis, others - in the treatment of rheumatism, etc. But in addition to these useful saponins, there is still a huge number of substances belonging to this group that are not used for oral administration for any purpose. Unfortunately, Liquid Chestnut manufacturers do not indicate which saponins the product contains.

Finally, the last but most intriguing "mystery" in Liquid Chestnut is the substance resin, which cannot be found in chemical reference books. Therefore, we can assume that the word "resin" is a direct copy from English or any other language, not translated into Russian. An example of such a direct tracing paper from English is the use of the word "epinephrine" in Russian terminology. The fact is that epinephrine is adrenaline, but translators who are not familiar with medical and chemical terminology simply make tracing paper, since there is also "epinephrine" in the Russian dictionary. But as a result, the word is not translated into the form that is traditionally used to refer to this object.

Returning to resin, we can only say that it is not possible to identify exactly which substance under this name is meant by the manufacturers of Liquid chestnut. The only assumption that you can afford is a tracing paper with English word"resin", which is used to refer to the plant resins secreted by coniferous trees.

Summarizing the above, we can say that the well-established components of Liquid chestnut with known properties are guaranine, theophylline, theobromine, vitamin B 1 and trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium). In the following sections, speaking about the properties of Liquid chestnut and its effectiveness for weight loss, we will consider only the indicated and precisely identified components of its composition. After all, it is simply impossible and unethical to talk about components named so generally that it is not possible to somehow assume their properties with a high degree of certainty.

To understand how general and not carrying information about the properties of substances, the names saponins and amides can be compared with the name of any other large class of organic compounds, for example, alcohols, proteins, lipids, etc. That is, if the manufacturer indicates “proteins” in the composition of the components of any means for oral administration, then this, in principle, is tantamount to saying that nothing is written at all. Indeed, to understand the properties of the drug, you need to know the specific and exact name of the protein, and not its belonging to this class of organic compounds.

Properties of Liquid Chestnut Components

Consider the properties of such components of Liquid chestnut as guaranine, theophylline, theobromine, vitamin B 1 , potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Guaranine, theophylline and theobromine play the role of the main active substances that provide the effect of weight loss, and vitamin B 1 and minerals can be considered as auxiliary components.


So, the main active ingredient of Liquid Chestnut is guaranine, which is a common caffeine obtained from guarana fruits. Its only difference from the usual and well-known caffeine is that it is obtained from guarana, and not from coffee beans. In principle, historically, the same substance obtained from coffee was called caffeine, from guarana - guaranine, from mate tea - matein, etc. All these substances are identical in their chemical structure and properties, and differ only in traditional names. But the common name for guaranine, caffeine, and mateine ​​is caffeine. It is the term "caffeine" that refers to all these identical substances with different historical names in pharmacology.

This means that the properties of guaranine are de facto all of the properties of caffeine, without any additions or modifications. However, since Liquid Chestnut does not contain guaranine itself in the form of a separate substance, but powder of crushed guarana berries, this means that its content in the product is approximately 2-3 times higher than in coffee. In practice, this means that guarana powder in any form, including liquid chestnut, has a longer stimulating effect compared to coffee. Unfortunately, such a long-term effect of guarana powder does not relieve guarana from all the other, both positive and negative effects inherent in caffeine.

Thus, guaranine is a psychomotor stimulant and has the following effects:

  • Activates positive reflexes and enhances muscle activity, resulting in increased efficiency;
  • Accelerates reactions;
  • Provides long-term absence of fatigue;
  • Provides a surge of strength, energy and vigor;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Improves mood;
  • Facilitates the flow of thought processes;
  • Improves the construction of associative series;
  • Causes slight excitement;
  • Reduces appetite up to complete suppression.

After taking guaranine, cheerfulness appears, drowsiness disappears, and a person feels a surge of energy and a desire to immediately engage in some physical or intellectual matter, and does not feel tired against the background of intense work. This state lasts for 4 to 5 hours after taking guaranine.

In addition to these effects, guaranine causes the following physiological reactions:

  • Increased and deepening of breathing;
  • Increased strength and heart rate;
  • Increased blood pressure with hypotension (at normal pressure, it does not change);
  • Bronchial expansion;
  • Expansion of the bile ducts;
  • Expansion of the blood vessels of the muscles, heart and kidneys;
  • Narrowing of the blood vessels of the abdominal organs;
  • Reducing the tendency of platelets to stick together;
  • Moderate diuretic effect;
  • Increased secretion of mucus in the stomach;
  • An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • Acceleration of the main exchange;
  • Increased utilization of glycogen stores.
Thanks to its stimulant effects, guaranine can speed up the basal metabolic rate and increase the effectiveness of physical exercises, which contributes to relatively rapid weight loss. In addition, the ability of guaranine to increase physical endurance and performance led to the use of this substance in professional sports as a doping for athletes. The use of guaranine or caffeine has been especially popular among distance runners and cyclists. In 2008, caffeine was removed from the list of banned substances for professional athletes.


This substance is an analog of caffeine (guaranine), which has a similar, but not as strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Theophylline in Liquid Chestnut enhances the effects of guaranine and suppresses appetite.


This substance is also an analogue of caffeine and has almost identical properties with it. If theobromine is taken for a long time at 1000 mg or more per day, then an addiction similar to alcohol develops.

Vitamin B 1

Vitamin B 1 has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and heart, and also improves memory and normalizes the formation of energy from fat and glycogen stores.

Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium

Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are essential trace elements for the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, so their consumption as part of Liquid Chestnut is certainly useful and is compared with taking dietary supplements.

How Can Liquid Chestnut Help You Lose Weight?

Given the properties of the components of Liquid chestnut, this tool is rather a good and very effective stimulant of physical and mental performance and endurance. However, Liquid Chestnut can actually promote weight loss, as it has a number of effects necessary to reduce subcutaneous fat.

First, Liquid Chestnut accelerates basal metabolism, which leads to faster consumption of nutrients from which energy is generated. It is this rather large amount of energy that provides a person with a surge of strength, vigor and high mental and physical performance with a slow development of fatigue. Due to such an accelerated basal metabolism, the amount of plastic substances that enter the body after one meal and before the next is not enough to ensure this. fast metabolism and generating large amounts of energy. Thus, the body is forced to use its reserves, that is, glycogen and fat, for an accelerated metabolism until the next meal. Accordingly, if a person eats moderately against the background of the use of Liquid chestnut, then he may well lose weight.

Secondly, Liquid Chestnut suppresses appetite, significantly reducing the feeling of hunger, due to which a person begins to eat less, which, of course, contributes to weight loss.

Thirdly, Liquid chestnut, giving a person energy, vigor and strength, literally forces him to engage in any actions that, of course, can be considered as physical exercises, which, of course, contributes to weight loss. If, after taking Liquid Chestnut, a person really goes to the gym for training or engages in other types of physical activity (for example, walks, climbs several floors up the stairs, etc.), then the effectiveness of physical exercises will be very high. Thanks to the intake of Liquid chestnut before training, it will be possible to lose weight and tone muscles much faster than without this remedy.

Fourth, Liquid Chestnut normalizes stools and has a diuretic effect. Due to regular bowel movements, metabolic products are quickly removed from the body, which improves the general condition and well-being. And normal well-being is the foundation on which a person can come to grips with the issue of losing weight and organizing proper nutrition. The diuretic effect is also useful for weight loss, because when the body does not have enough water, it begins to break down fat stores in order to get the missing fluid. After all, as a result of the breakdown of lipids, a large amount of water is formed.

Fifthly, Liquid Chestnut improves digestion, as it expands the lumen of the bile ducts, through which the required amount of bile enters the duodenum. And bile is needed, first of all, for the digestion of fats.

According to experimental studies in mice, the use of Liquid Chestnut in combination with lipoic acid reduced the severity of subcutaneous fat in animals. Such data indicate that in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to combine Liquid Chestnut with the intake of any dietary supplements containing lipoic acid (for example, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Doctor'sBestAlphaLipoicAcid, NowAlphaLipoicAcid, etc.). Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Let's talk about how useful liquid chestnut is for the body, and whether this drug can be harmful.

  • For starters - about benefits of liquid chestnut.

The main benefit of liquid chestnut is its ability to promote weight loss. Everyone knows that being overweight increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, as well as diabetes. In addition, people with a normal and slender physique live longer.

In addition, liquid chestnut gives a person vivacity, which makes him move more and lead a more active lifestyle. This property of the supplement is especially important for people suffering from hypodynamia, slow metabolism, or hypotension.

An additional ability of liquid chestnut can be called the suppression of platelet aggregation, which directly affects the slowing down of blood clotting. This effect can be useful for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and even with persistent headaches - migraines.

  • Can liquid chestnut harm?

Unfortunately, any remedy that is not officially recognized as a medicinal or prophylactic agent can harm the body. The degree of such harm may depend on the dosage, as well as on the characteristics of the body of a particular person.

For example, the fact that liquid chestnut increases blood pressure can negatively affect the health of patients with a tendency to hypertension. To avoid a negative reaction, the drug should be taken in the morning. If liquid chestnut is consumed at night, then this may affect the quality of sleep.

Liquid chestnut promotes the activation of digestive enzymes. This property can be harmful if the patient has gastritis, esophagitis or peptic ulcer.

In addition, one of the properties of liquid chestnut is to slow down blood clotting. This may be dangerous for some genetic diseases associated with disorders of thrombosis, as well as anemia, thrombocytopenia, etc.

Liquid chestnut also has some diuretic effect, which with prolonged use can cause electrolyte imbalance.

The stimulating effect on the nervous system can eventually lead to apathy, depression, chronic fatigue, etc.

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The fruits of the Amazonian guarana, which are the very liquid chestnut, have long been known in South American and European countries. In Brazil, for example, guarana is valued for its stimulating properties, comparable only to coffee beans. At the same time, the tonic effect lasts longer than from drinking coffee.

Amazonian guarana is represented by the following substances:

  • polyphenols;
  • xanthines (alkaloids);
  • vitamins B, ascorbic acid and tocopherol;
  • theobromine;
  • theophylline.

These substances determine the various properties of liquid chestnut.

Theophylline is present in the leaves of the tea tree. Theobromine is most often extracted from cocoa beans. These ingredients are powerful antioxidants that help prolong youth and health.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Liquid chestnut is a weight loss remedy, the active ingredient of which is guarana. The supplement has an effect on body weight through a dual mechanism of action. Liquid chestnut suppresses appetite, and also stimulates physical activity and the central nervous system. Thus, the supplement helps a person lose weight while increasing calorie expenditure and reducing their intake with food.


Liquid chestnut is good for health, if only because with its help a person can lose weight. By reducing body weight, it will automatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The life expectancy of slender people is longer, so the health benefits of Liquid Chestnut are obvious.

The supplement also helps a person to cheer up, feel more active. Liquid chestnut improves blood circulation, so it may be useful for the prevention of cellulite. Given that the active ingredient of the drug increases blood pressure, the supplement will be useful for people who suffer from hypotonic dystonia.

Liquid chestnut inhibits platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood clotting. This clinical effect is useful primarily for elderly people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The supplement stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, therefore improving digestion. In some cases, using Liquid Chestnut, you can get rid of a migraine attack.


Any dietary supplement can be both a poison and a medicine. It all depends on the dose and individual features human body. Liquid chestnut increases blood pressure, therefore it is harmful for people suffering from hypertension. It is desirable to take it only in the morning. Otherwise, the supplement may cause insomnia.

Liquid chestnut stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. This is bad for people with gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease (a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus due to a weak cardiac sphincter). Liquid chestnut has an antiplatelet effect, therefore, increases the risk of bleeding.

Liquid chestnut enhances diuresis and increases the loss of some trace elements in the urine. Therefore, the supplement with prolonged use can cause a violation of water and electrolyte metabolism in the body. If the recommended dose is exceeded, Liquid Chestnut can depress the central nervous system, causing apathy, drowsiness, laziness, fatigue, decreased physical strength and endurance.

Side effects

Liquid chestnut rarely causes side effects. In most cases, they occur when the recommended method of using the additive is violated. Occasionally, the following adverse events may develop:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • feeling of heat in the chest;
  • sweating;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • noise in ears;
  • temporary visual impairment;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • involuntary twitching of skeletal muscles;
  • quickening of breathing.

Don't let the long list of side effects of Liquid Chestnut intimidate you. Most of them develop only with an overdose. Taking the supplement as directed, half a teaspoon 2 times a day, everything will be fine with your health. Liquid chestnut has a fairly high safety and tolerability profile.


Liquid chestnut is not suitable for all people. All effective drugs have contraindications. Liquid chestnut is no exception. It is prohibited under the following pathological conditions:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • mental illness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • transferred hemorrhagic stroke;
  • glaucoma;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the supplement.


Liquid chestnut is by no means an absolutely safe means for losing weight. It has contraindications, sometimes the supplement causes side effects. But in most cases, no complications arise when using Liquid Chestnut.

The main thing is not to exceed the dose and make sure that you do not have pathologies in which this remedy is prohibited for use. Take Liquid Chestnut according to the instructions, and in this case, you will only benefit from it.

Official site:

A source: FoodLover.Ru

Rumors about the effectiveness of liquid chestnut spread with great speed, but not everyone knows that this is a way to lose weight, and how to use it to get results. This is a dietary supplement that is made in the form of a brown powder and is taken orally for the successful correction of excess weight.

Natural Liquid Chestnut Formula

The active ingredient is guarana extract, a plant that grows in Latin America and has already established itself as a powerful dietary remedy. Penetrating into a slimming body, guaranine not only speeds up metabolism, but also provides an additional source of energy, which is needed in large quantities in order to process a lot of excess calories.

Among the additional substances in the natural composition, it is necessary to highlight theophylline, theobromine, vital antioxidants and essential minerals, in particular, resins, saponins, amides, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. This unique structure not only promotes the rapid removal of body fat, but also protects the body from the unpleasant deficiency of essential substances that often accompanies various methods of weight loss.

Indications and therapeutic effect of liquid chestnut

Simultaneously with the dietary therapeutic effect, it is obvious that liquid chestnut regulates digestion, in particular, it normalizes stools, a qualitative release from all signs of toxicosis begins.

The effect of liquid chestnut is mild, it not only has a beneficial effect on excess weight, but also on such anomalies as chronic constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, as well as vitamin deficiency, a weakened immune system and a tendency to acquired diabetes. The instructions describe the method of use and the daily dose, but before you start using it, you need to carefully study it if you want to avoid contraindications.

Contraindications to liquid chestnut

This drug is not recommended in the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are associated with heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, the food supplement is prohibited in case of extensive liver damage and kidney disease, diseases of the endocrine and urinary systems, and obvious neurological disorders.

The taboo category included pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. It is not recommended to correct weight with the help of liquid chestnut in childhood, as well as with individual intolerance to certain components of the natural composition. In the latter case, the progression of side effects requires immediate correction of the regimen or cancellation of the selected dietary agent.

Side Effects of Liquid Chestnut

The use of liquid chestnut for body weight loss is safe, however, if there is an increased sensitivity to guaranine, rashes, urticaria, edema, and hyperemia may appear on the skin. In such cases, it is useless to reduce the daily dose, it is better to choose another dietary product that does not contain the natural formula of guaranine or other allergenic component.

Among other side effects, it is necessary to highlight increased nervousness or depression, which can adversely affect the quality of life of a person who is losing weight. In any case, such conditions should be discussed with a nutritionist in order to immediately take measures to eliminate them.

Method of application and dosage of liquid chestnut

Dietary supplement "Liquid Chestnut" is intended for internal use, but before use it is very important to dissolve the concentrated composition in the liquid. Why is it necessary? Powder grains enter the stomach in sufficient quantities, and a significant part of them remain on the mucous membrane without producing their dietary effect. Therefore, brown powder should be dissolved in water, juice, green tea, broth, milk porridge and taken half an hour before the main meal. It is not necessary to drink water, but waiting for this time interval is still recommended.

When a person, after one dose of nutritional supplements, moves on to the main meal, you will notice that his appetite is not as strong as it was half an hour or an hour ago, and the desire to eat is gone. Accordingly, the amount of food is reduced, and portions will decrease in volume each time, but the feeling of satiety will still be preserved. This is the natural process of weight loss, when the body uses long-existing fat deposits of the subcutaneous layer as auxiliary sources of energy.

Guarana grows in South America and is used not only as a dietary supplement, but also as an energy drink and sports nutrition component. Its action is similar to that of the well-known caffeine, however, unlike the latter, it does not cause sudden rises in blood pressure.

To confirm the effectiveness of this method, many studies have been carried out, and even at the international level. In one experiment, participating mice were weighed after six weeks of observation; it turned out that the rodents lost 50% of their weight, while remaining active and healthy.

The experience of Torben Andersen, a scientist from Denmark, showed that in two weeks, patients receiving liquid chestnut lost 11 pounds of weight, while the rest of the patients who chose other methods of losing weight barely got rid of only 500 grams. From this, one conclusion is obvious, and the scientist stated with all confidence that guaranine contributes to fast and safe weight correction.

Currently, Americans have officially recognized guaranine as an effective dietary and, at the same time, safe component, which is present in many dietary supplements and diet pills. Liquid chestnut was no exception.

In conclusion, it remains only to add that liquid chestnut alone is not enough for effective weight loss; it is also important to adhere to the principles proper nutrition and do not eat at night, do not use various confectionery products. With this lifestyle, a dietary supplement, alas, will not save.

In pursuit of beautiful figure there are no barriers for women. Exhausting diets, constant calorie counting, exhausting physical training, forced operations - this is still an incomplete list of what people are ready to do with their bodies if they want to lose weight. Sometimes even these methods are not effective. Dietitians have been looking for a universal remedy that can help anyone lose weight for a long time; so that it does not have contraindications and side effects.

There has been some progress in the development of such a tool. Natural stimulant Liquid chestnut will help you quickly lose unwanted fat on the hips, waist and abdomen, while locking the refrigerator is not required.

The company's brand Remedio Pro "Liquid Chestnut" popularized the fruits of guarana in Russia.

What does liquid chestnut look like?

Liquid chestnut is a medicinal product made from natural ingredients. It is obtained from the fruits of guarana, which grows in the Amazon River Valley. To do this, the seeds are dried, ground and brown powder is obtained - an original weight loss remedy with a high tonic property. The composition of the drug activates the forces of the body, aimed at combating overweight and extra centimeters in problem areas.

Composition of liquid chestnut for weight loss

It is a source of guaranine, theobromine and theophylline.

  1. Theophylline. A drug that enhances the contraction of the heart muscle and stimulates the central nervous system. Due to its effect, when using Liquid Chestnut, appetite is reduced, dietary restrictions are observed without complications. Removes excess water from the body, which reduces the likelihood of edema, increases the effect of weight loss.
  2. Theobromine. The substance has a psychostimulating effect - it improves brain function, increases stamina and energy, relieves the feeling of constant fatigue, improves mood and has a diuretic effect. If the dosage is not observed, it can cause dependence.
  3. Guaranine. The action of this component is identical to caffeine, but being absorbed more slowly, it prevents irritation of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, and preserves muscle glycogen. In Latin America, tonic drinks are prepared from it. Not recommended for use with high blood pressure.

Action of liquid chestnut

The action of the components that make up Liquid Chestnut is aimed at burning calories and increasing activity, endurance during exercise.

How they work:

  • break down fat cells, which speeds up metabolism, the body spends more energy without storing it in the form of fat deposits;
  • substances of plant origin act as antioxidants, cleanse toxins and contribute to the complete absorption of healthy foods;
  • acting on the processes in the digestive tract, reduce appetite and take care of the proper distribution of nutrients;
  • dull the feeling of hunger, due to which the stomach decreases to normal sizes, the feeling of fullness comes faster;
  • increases endurance and physical activity, which favorably affects the immune system, strengthens it;
  • strengthens muscle tone, which allows the figure to acquire the desired features with a minimum amount of training;
  • safely affects all human systems and organs.

The beneficial properties of Liquid chestnut are enhanced by the trace elements (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium) and vitamins included in its composition, including group B.

Mode of application

Many are wondering - how to use liquid chestnut in order to achieve the maximum effect in losing weight?

They drink it in courses. It is recommended to use Liquid chestnut at a dose of 2.5 grams at a time, the daily dose is 5 grams. When buying a drug in a pharmacy, a special measuring spoon is included in the kit, which will not allow you to make a mistake with the right amount.

There are no difficulties with the introduction of liquid chestnut into the diet. How to prepare a tonic drink for weight loss? The powdered substance is added to tea, juice or drinking yogurt and drunk before meals.

Guarana Amazonian is an energy and tonic agent, therefore, it is impossible to exceed the dose in order to achieve a greater result in losing weight. This can only harm the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Consequences and side effects

The benefits of Liquid chestnut for weight loss are very significant. Regular proper use of the drug has the following effects on the body:

  • prevents calorie stagnation;
  • cleanses of toxins and toxins;
  • increases mental and physical activity.

Liquid chestnut contains natural ingredients, there are no chemical or synthetic substances in it. It is suitable even for allergy sufferers (excluded only in case of individual intolerance).

Thanks to this tool, you will eat less, get used to small portions and begin to move more. The body will have nothing to store fat in reserve, all calories will be used up.

Reduces blood clotting. This clinical effect is important for older people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. The supplement improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices.

Liquid chestnut is safe.

By following the rules of use and not exceeding the recommended dosages, the harm of Liquid Chestnut will be unfamiliar to you.


Not everyone can use liquid chestnut for weight loss. Side effects may occur in the form of:

  • changes in heart rate;
  • sensations of heat in the chest;
  • sweating;
  • feelings of constant anxiety;
  • sleep disturbances and increased excitability;
  • temporary loss of vision;
  • nausea and pain in the stomach.

If after using the drug you find at least one symptom, the use should be discontinued and consult a doctor. Do not be afraid of such a list of undesirable consequences - most of them only occur when the dosage of Liquid Chestnut is not followed.

In addition to the standard contraindications, such as pregnancy, lactation and guarana intolerance, the following phenomena can be added to the list, excluding its use:

  • diseases of the nervous system - taking guarana can lead to neurosis;
  • increased excitability and insomnia - threatens to aggravate symptoms;
  • pregnancy planning - the amount of caffeine, in large doses, harmful to health, should be limited during this period;
  • arthritis and any inflammatory processes;
  • cardiac problems without exception;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins.

Consult your doctor before using Liquid Chestnut.

Be careful when buying Liquid Chestnut in the markets. The original is sold only in cans in specialized stores. Powder sold in bulk or in plastic containers may be fake and harm your health.

Due to its beneficial properties, Liquid Chestnut has quickly gained popularity in the modern market for weight loss products. Scientific research showed that the use of such a drug gives excellent results almost always, because Liquid chestnut can be safely called a universal means of weight loss, suitable women and men of all ages!

It is difficult to surprise a modern woman with something. We were offered to try on ourselves the wonderful properties of a drug based on ordinary pineapple (for weight loss), then they promoted Gozhdi berries, green coffee, and, finally, appeared on all pages and forums of the Internet New Product. What is Liquid Chestnut? This is another brand that continues the activities of its predecessors, promising fast weight loss without any effort. As you know, this does not happen, moreover, if the forced rapid burning of fat reserves is possible, this is always associated with a huge risk for the body. This is how some drugs of the stimulant class work. We will tell you in detail about what Liquid Chestnut is, so that you can make an informed decision.

A miracle supplement or a useless and even dangerous product?

It is not entirely clear why this drug was so named. Probably to win over the consumer with its unusualness. It is quite difficult to imagine what "Liquid Chestnut" is, and the nutritional supplement that lies behind this name is not liquid at all, and it has nothing to do with chestnuts. Of particular interest is the fact that, according to the Federal Register of Dietary Supplements of the Russian Federation, such a remedy is " unidentified object"In other words, the product has not been certified at the state level. Sellers explain this point quite wisely: they position the product not as a dietary supplement, but as a product. This makes it possible to avoid registration in the register of dietary supplements, and also eliminates the need to confirm the composition. It is not entirely clear how a food product can dissolve excess fat and remove it from the body if a person does not follow a diet, but more on that later. we add that no food product, even with severe overeating, can harm health, but Liquid Chestnut is completely.

What do manufacturers promise?

Many women who dream of looking great in the summer, after the release of the advertisement, at least once tried to find out what Liquid Chestnut is. Manufacturers are in a hurry to convince you that this particular tool is a panacea in the fight against excess weight. You can order Liquid Chestnut without any problems through online stores, while the seller, following the manufacturer, will assure you that real miracles await you. Lightning complete suppression of appetite, high tone and physical activity, wonderful cleansing of the body - all this you get without any effort, diets and loads. Obviously, it is absolutely safe for the body and has no contraindications. The only limitation is the daily dosage of the drug: manufacturers warn that if it is increased, the process of losing weight can go too far, that is, body weight will quickly become critical. This should alert the buyer, since an anorexia-causing agent cannot be natural and safe. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Liquid Chestnut is not sold in a pharmacy, which means that the manufacturer definitely has problems with certification.

The composition of the drug

In the case of this drug, the question of the composition is very complex. Different sources give a variety of information, while the number of active substances contained in the new product remains unknown. Manufacturers call the main active ingredient guaranine. This is the strongest stimulant, which is similar in composition to caffeine, only much more powerful and longer excreted from the body. In fact, it is a drug, albeit acceptable for use. Any disease of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver is a direct contraindication to taking. It is not in vain that “Liquid Chestnut” cannot be found in a pharmacy: doctors and pharmacists know that such drugs cannot be used without the supervision of a specialist.

Instructions for use

The drug is a brown powder that must be dissolved in any liquid, except for tea and coffee. The recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per glass of drink. This daily rate, which cannot be exceeded. In this case, you can divide the reception into two times, but it is advisable to do this in the morning, for example, in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening, you should not use the drug, as this can cause insomnia. Usually the course is 2-3 months, after which you need to take a month break.

Miracle remedy "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss: truth or myth?

In fact, despite the assurances of sellers that you can lose 7 kg per month without any effort, and the rave reviews presented on advertising banners on the Internet, there is no complete confidence in the safety of this tool. And it can't be. Now let's discuss why.

You can order "Liquid Chestnut" by clicking one button on the site, but where are the clinical studies and certificates? Why does the full composition of the drug have to be collected grain by grain, from different sources. At the same time, if you look for information not on sites where the drug is advertised, but on thematic forums, then you can find information of a completely different kind. Someone did not feel any effect, while others describe various adverse reactions and complications. Let's analyze in detail what is included in this supplement and what effect these substances have on the body.

Before we proceed to a detailed examination of the composition, I would like to note the opinion of dietitians. Through numerous studies, they have proven over and over again that there are no miracle supplements that can provide fat burning without harming our health. For example, amphetamines, stimulants and drugs completely suppress hunger and spur the body. A person feels a surge of strength, but eats very little, the feeling of hunger disappears. As a result, excess weight melts before our eyes, but in return, a person pays with the years of his life. The heart, kidneys, liver wear out literally instantly, as they work at a frantic pace. All other, safer supplements do not have any effect on adipose tissue at all, and therefore cannot help to lose weight. The only way to be slim and beautiful is to eat healthy and get enough physical activity, not Liquid Chestnut. Reviews of doctors will not advise ordering this drug, which means that you need to listen to their authoritative opinion.


This substance is now part of almost all means for weight loss. Was no exception and "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss. What is it? In fact, guaranine, theine and mateine ​​are all analogues of caffeine familiar to us. At the same time, it is guarana that has the highest concentration in the world. Everyone, and if not everyone, then many people know the effect of famous energy drinks: appetite decreases, energy is added. So, the concentration of caffeine in guarana is about 3 times higher.

Extensive research on the properties of this substance has not been conducted, it has not been established that guarana is useful for improving mood or mental abilities. The effectiveness and safety of the use of caffeine or guarana for weight loss has not been proven, and the permissible dosage has not been established. In any case, you should not abuse stimulants, as this can adversely affect your health. It is “thanks” to this component that Liquid Chestnut is notorious. Customer reviews, mostly negative, are presented in large numbers today. People talk about sleep problems, anxiety, and palpitations. The comments of those who took the drug for quite a long time are especially indicative. It is addictive and psychologically addictive.

This substance has a lot of contraindications, despite the fact that "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss is positioned as safe product. The drug should not be taken at high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, glaucoma, osteoporosis, heart problems, diabetes, kidney and liver disease.


This substance is used to treat bronchial asthma, in fact, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and also has a pronounced diuretic effect. At the same time, the question regarding how much it contains "Liquid chestnut" for weight loss remains a mystery. And the dosage should be strictly individual, because he has a lot of contraindications. This is epilepsy, gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis, hypertension, arrhythmia, pregnancy and lactation.


Another component for which Liquid Chestnut is so famous. Customer reviews - negative, of course - speak of common signs of poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination. More serious consequences are cardiac arrhythmia, internal bleeding, heart attack. This is how theobromine affects the body - a substance that is a psychostimulant, increases physical and mental performance. At the same time, it is very effective in reducing the need for sleep and reducing the feeling of fatigue.

Vitamins, minerals and amides

The main emphasis was placed on them when Malysheva advertised Liquid Chestnut. At the same time, it was emphasized that the drug contains a unique set of substances that help cleanse the body and reduce weight. In fact, this is a natural "bouquet" that includes guarana, that is, A, E and the familiar minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Amides in the composition are a separate story, since it is not indicated which of these substances are contained in the preparation. By the way, amides are a huge group of organic compounds that can be both harmless and dangerous, such as the psychedelic LSD.


We continue to consider the drug "Liquid chestnut". Its components can act quite aggressively on the body, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. The next in the composition are saponins, that is, extracts of various plants. At the same time, it is not indicated which ones specifically, and it is also unknown in what dosage they are present there.


You won't be able to find this drug in reference books. There is a version that manufacturers thus designate wood resin or gum. There is an opinion that it is not absorbed in the intestines and reduces appetite. There are no reliable studies on this. Do not forget that you can buy "Liquid Chestnut" in Moscow only through a network of online stores, which means that not a single pharmacy takes responsibility for distributing an insufficiently studied drug.

Side effects

Today we are talking about whether it is worth using Liquid Chestnut for weight loss. Does this supplement really have miraculous properties? We examined the composition in detail, based on this, everyone can draw their own conclusions. Now let's take a closer look at side effects. There are many of them: arrhythmia and tachycardia, high blood pressure and stomach diseases, sleep and attention disorders, psychological dependence. At the same time, the positive effect of the drug on the body (weight loss) has not been proven, but headache, confusion and insomnia occur in the majority of respondents. The long-awaited is indeed noted with prolonged use, but even here danger lurks. This is not a decrease, but its complete disappearance, which threatens with a long treatment for anorexia.


Enough has been said so that everyone can weigh the supposed benefits and risks of taking the supplement. The opinion of doctors here is unequivocal: you can not use a little-studied drug that threatens such terrible side effects without expert supervision. And no sane nutritionist would prescribe it to his patient. Healthy eating, physical activity - this is the only way to solve the problem of how to safely and reliably get rid of excess weight.

Today, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology offer a lot of different products that promise to get rid of hated body fat quickly and effortlessly. More recently, the Liquid Chestnut drug for weight loss entered the arena. And now we will find out if this remedy is as effective as its manufacturers promise? And what components are contained in this miraculous powder?

"Liquid chestnut" - what is it?

The manufacturers of this dietary supplement promise rapid weight loss not only without harm, but also with great health benefits, because liquid chestnut is a complex of bioactive substances based on Amazonian guarana, popular in South American latitudes. In addition, on sale in pharmacies you can find the cream "Liquid chestnut for stretch marks", but there is not even a hint of guarana in its composition. In this case, the name of the drug has a marketing goal, because the brand "liquid chestnut for weight loss" is known to many.

"Liquid chestnut" - composition

The composition of the liquid chestnut slimming drug is completely natural, but it is not at all liquid and not even syrupy, but is produced in the form of a brown powder that resembles finely ground coffee in appearance. Some manufacturers, such as Super Forte Liquid Chestnut, produce this product in capsules, but its composition remains the same:

  1. Guaranine - ground guarana fruit, in which the concentration is twice as high as in coffee fruits.
  2. Theophylline is a plant alkaloid found in cocoa beans and tea. In therapy, this drug is used to treat respiratory pathologies, however, theophylline intake should be strictly dosed.
  3. Gum arabic is an extract from the juice of Indian acacia, which gives a feeling of fullness. This substance is part of many dietary supplements and is absolutely safe.
  4. Theobromine is another stimulant along with guaranine and theophylline. The use of this substance should be limited, because it is addictive and can cause poisoning, so before using it, you should consult your doctor and find out how to take liquid chestnut for weight loss.
  5. Yam root is a natural estrogen, which is so important for the normalization of hormonal levels in women.
  6. Antioxidants and minerals in liquid chestnut are designed to rejuvenate and nourish the body, increasing its resistance to negative external influences, which is so important during diets.

What does Liquid Chestnut taste like?

Today, among popular drugs, you can find many fakes. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers and not to acquire a dubious substance, it is advisable to study before buying what a real dietary supplement liquid chestnut should be:

  • finely ground yellow-brown powder;
  • neutral unexpressed smell;
  • bitter but tolerable taste, both dry and diluted.

"Liquid chestnut" - pros and cons

"Liquid chestnut" is classified as an energy tool for weight loss, the beneficial properties of which are unique:

  1. Guaranin has a stimulating effect on the brain and has the effect of coffee, but it does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Theophylline, guaranine and theobromine are natural energy drinks. They give strength and endurance.
  3. A pronounced diuretic and laxative effect, characteristic of theophylline and theobromine, allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as cleanse the entire body of toxins and toxins.
  4. "Liquid chestnut" is able to suppress appetite.
  5. Antioxidants have a rejuvenating and regenerating effect at the cellular level and also help to eliminate toxins from the body.

But it is worth remembering that any drug, along with positive properties, may also have contraindications:

  1. If dosages are not observed, the harm from liquid chestnut can be expressed in theobromine poisoning. In this case, weakness, nausea, tachycardia and headaches are observed.
  2. Do not use this drug for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension and thrombosis, of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract are a weighty argument in order to abandon such a weight loss system.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to use Liquid Chestnut together with antidepressants and sedatives.

How to take Liquid Chestnut?

Amazon Guarana should be consumed only in the first half of the day in a strict dosage: 1 measuring spoon twice a day half an hour before the morning and afternoon meals, since drinking “Liquid Chestnut” in the afternoon is fraught with insomnia at night. The powder should be diluted with yogurt, milk, smoothies, juice or water. If we are talking about capsules, then 2 capsules is the maximum daily dose that can be taken either at a time or divided into two doses.

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