How Sophia Lauren takes care of her face. Charming Sophia Loren shared the secrets of youth and beauty

On September 20, the great Italian actress Sophia Loren celebrates her birthday. The film star has about 90 roles in various films. The actress’s latest work is her role in Vittorio Sindoni’s film “My House is Full of Mirrors.” Sophie is known to viewers mainly from films directed by Vittorio de Sica: “The Gold of Naples”, “Ciochara”, “Yesterday,

today, tomorrow”, “Marriage in Italian”, “Sunflowers”. The actress has honorary awards from all major film festivals around the world and two Oscars: one for her role in the film “Chochara”, and the second “for a career rich in memorable roles that gave an unfading shine to cinema.” Despite a large number of fans, Sophia Loren has loved only one person all her life - her husband, director Carlo Ponti. They lived together for almost fifty years (Ponti died in 2007, just short of their golden wedding). “Our love is a gift from God, which only a few are awarded,” Sophia Loren said at her husband’s funeral. Sophia Loren has two children: Carlo Ponti Jr., conductor of the Vienna Orchestra, and Eduardo Ponti, director, in whose film “Just Between Us” she played a supporting role.

But the beautiful Italian is known throughout the world not only as an outstanding actress. She is the author of the book “Woman and Beauty” - a collection of simple and accessible tips with which any woman can look irresistible. Written more than 25 years ago, it remains relevant today. It seems to us that the advice of a woman who, at the age of 72, was not afraid to pose completely naked, is worth listening to.

Sophia Loren on beauty:

“Fresh cheeks, a skillfully powdered nose and well-tinted eyes are not the most important thing in the art of being attractive. Beauty depends on something else - kindness, intelligence and, of course, imagination, without which you cannot become a spectacular woman.”

“To gain a bright, expressive appearance, it is necessary, in my opinion, to learn two things: first, everything is in your hands, and second, beauty is worth fighting for.”

“Self-discipline is the key to success in many areas of life. It's hard to become irresistible if you're lazy. If a young woman has an expressive appearance, but lacks self-discipline, over the years nothing will remain of her beauty. On the contrary, an unremarkable woman who takes care of herself will become interesting over the years.”

“Never explain self-neglect by lack of time or being too busy. In reality, this is an empty excuse."

Sophia Loren on hair care:

“Use shampoo carefully. Wet your hair, pour some shampoo into your palm and add a little water to thin it out. Then apply to hair and massage scalp thoroughly. Don’t scrub it like you would a dirty floor with a mop, handle it carefully so as not to damage the wet strands.”

“Every now and then you will need a penetrating balm. I am Italian by birth and that is probably why I believe that olive oil is the best balm. The effects of the oil are especially beneficial if you have to spend time in the sun. It protects the hair and nourishes it at the same time. Rub the oil into your scalp and comb your hair. After a few hours, wash your hair. Most likely, you will have to lather your hair several times to remove oil and odor, but it will give your hair a unique shine.”

“Some women mistakenly see hair as an opportunity for a complete transformation. Sometimes it pays off: you become convinced that the new hairstyle is for you. But too often impulsive decisions end in drama. Try not to rush headlong to the hairdresser under the influence of a momentary mood. Don't do chemistry if it's broken washing machine. Don't dye your hair blonde if you get fired. When you calm down, you will regret your haste, and returning to your previous appearance will take a long time.”

Sophia Loren on skin care:

“If your skin isn't that good, it's easy to fix. This is quite a rewarding activity, because the skin responds to care very quickly. By taking care of your skin today, you are working for your future, because a woman with good skin looks great at any age.”

“It's important to remember that the face changes over time, you need to monitor these changes and adjust your skin care accordingly. The most common mistake is that a woman who had oily skin in her youth continues to use strong lotions when the excess oil has long disappeared, thereby causing enormous damage to her facial skin.”

“I am convinced that the desire for flawless skin should be based on reality. Remember that the face is the mirror of the soul and reflects character. You can't read much on a boy or girl's face; youth is blessed with serenity. But time does not stand still: we ourselves are responsible for our appearance and not only in the sense of skin care. You can see everything - boredom, irritation, bad mood, complaints. The years go by, and their traces are already indelible. However, humor, kindness and tolerance also shape your face and create a look that is timeless.”

“Constantly lubricating your hands with cream is the best way to keep them looking well-groomed, even if you do nothing else. I use nail cream regularly. I advise you to get several jars and keep one in your bag,

another in the car, a third by the phone, in a word - everywhere, so that you can rub the cream into your nails as soon as you have a free minute. The cream will do wonders for your hands.”

“If you drink enough water - eight glasses a day - you will help your skin stay young and fresh. You don't have to drink plain water- mineral water, fruit juices, coffee and tea are also suitable. But please, don’t drink eight glasses of coffee a day!”

“Gymnastics is the most best medicine for skin. If the load on the body is large, the heart beats faster, blood circulation accelerates and thereby cleanses the skin. Blood seems to wash away toxins from the skin. If blood circulation is slow, this effect cannot be achieved. The blush will revive your face - the blood itself will give you an internal massage. Even if you stop doing gymnastics, its beneficial effects will be quite long-lasting.”

Sophia Loren on wardrobe selection:

“Any woman, if she has the opportunity to wear Dior or Balmain toilets, will get an idea of ​​what style is. If not, she’s just a fool!”

“There are four considerations that should guide you when planning to make any purchase. It’s about quality, color, lifestyle and self-expression.”

“If you want to look elegant, learn to distinguish quality things. Good quality is inherent not only in expensive clothes. His secret is that the fabric, cut, tailoring, color and silhouette should be the best you can afford.”

“Spend the money you put aside on fashion items according to your lifestyle: if you spend most of the week in the office - clothes business woman will absorb the bulk of the budget. Many women fall into the trap of squandering huge amounts of money on a weekend evening dress that they wear for a few hours a month or

even per year. If you rarely wear evening dresses, do not spend a fortune on them, but rather find a beautiful, elegant dress that is suitable for all occasions, and pay what you need. It will serve you for many years."

“Most women tend to know what colors suit them and buy clothes accordingly. This is far-sighted and correct. Don't be fooled by salespeople who will try to persuade you to buy something pink just because everyone is wearing pink this year."

“Clothing is the simplest means of revealing personality. Shorts, a T-shirt and tennis shoes will tell you something about a woman's character, even if you haven't had a chance to talk to her. Have fun putting your personality into your clothes. A wide scope for creativity and imagination opens up before you.”

“The most important thing: don’t go to the store without an idea of ​​what you want to buy. In uncertainty lies the root of evil and the basis of the collection of unworn items in the closet.”

“When buying, imagine your appearance as a whole. So, when paying for a new dress, you must be sure that you have shoes, a scarf, a belt, etc. to go with it.”

Sophia Loren on accessories and shoes:

“Don't make the mistake of wearing too much jewelry in the same style. The same bracelet, beads, earrings and rings often look boring. Change the combinations to keep it interesting, but don’t put too much on yourself.”

“My main advice regarding shoes is to avoid white. If a woman is wearing white shoes, you will only notice them and nothing else.”

“Let the boots be of the highest quality that you can afford. With careful care and lubrication with cream, they will last a long time.”

“Wear flats or slippers whenever possible, especially if you wear high heels at work. By changing the height of your heels, you work different muscles, which increases flexibility and gives you good shape feet."

Sophia Loren on proper nutrition:

“The way you eat is important not only for your figure, but also for your face, well-being and mood.”

“Try to eat three balanced meals a day. One coffee on an empty stomach is not the best The best way start the day. Although I usually don't have much of an appetite in the morning, I eat some fruit and bread. Lunch for me is often the only meal of the day - when I eat pasta, some meat or fish, salad and coffee. Evening food - easy option daily menu, to which wine is added. You should eat with pleasure, slowly.”

“Don't snack on the go. Piece-making is the enemy proper nutrition. Snacking not only helps excess weight, it tires internal organs. This happens because after eating, the stomach digests the food and blood rushes to the digestive tract. And if you chew constantly, the process goes on continuously, so your body gets tired.”

"Try to avoid canned food."

The legendary actress, who has won many awards and the title of sex symbol, looks incredibly attractive at 79! We decided to remember the 5 main secrets of her beauty.

Sophia Loren recommends avoiding stress and worrying less

Positive attitude

According to Sophia Loren, a good mood and positivity are the key to a happy life and external attractiveness. “I always think positively. It’s very rare to see me in a sad or melancholic mood,” says the star. – You should enjoy life, every moment. This is very important in order to make a good impression. Always surround yourself with people you love, people you enjoy talking to or learning something new with.” In addition, the actress recommends avoiding stress and worrying less: “You must take care of yourself. Relax, read, watch the sunset. Do those things that will make you happy."

Sophia Loren is sure that one of the main secrets of female attractiveness is self-discipline Photo: Splash News/All Over Press According to Sophia Loren, as you age you need to adjust your care and pay Special attention various cosmetic procedures Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

Self-discipline and self-care

“It’s hard to become irresistible if you’re lazy” - this phrase by Sophia Loren has long become an aphorism that has been passed from mouth to mouth for many years. The actress is sure that one of the main secrets of female attractiveness is self-discipline. “If a young woman has an expressive appearance, but lacks self-discipline, then over the years nothing will remain of her beauty. And if a woman with a completely ordinary appearance takes care of herself, then over time she will undoubtedly become even more attractive,” the actress is sure. One of her favorite beauty products is extra virgin olive oil, which she uses in her food, as well as adding it to her baths and applying it to her skin. According to the star, with age you need to adjust your care and pay special attention to various cosmetic procedures that help women be beautiful, but in makeup you should adhere to the principle “less is more”: “As you get older, you should use less cosmetics . This is a simple rule. It’s always noticeable when older women try to compensate for their age with a thick layer of makeup, but this does not make them more attractive.”

Sophia Loren starts her day quite early - at 5-6 am, and goes to bed at 8-9 Photo: Splash News/All Over Press Sophia Loren cannot imagine her life without her favorite job Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

Active lifestyle

According to the star, she starts her day quite early - at 5-6 am, and goes to bed at 8-9 pm. This time is enough for her to feel cheerful and look attractive. Every morning she does a light workout and walks in the fresh air for an hour, forcing herself to always follow these principles. “I always wake up early and jump out of bed, even if I don’t want to. There is no need to make excuses for yourself not to train. I walk a lot and recommend it to everyone - it’s very good for the heart and figure,” says the actress. Sophia Loren spends a lot of time outdoors with her family, and also cannot imagine her life without her favorite job: “I think I was born for this. When I had long breaks in filming, I literally could not find a place for myself and began to mope.”

Sophia Loren admits that she doesn't diet or starve, but she always watches what her diet consists of. Photo: Splash News/All Over Press

Proper nutrition

In 2006, at the age of 72, Sophia Loren posed nude for the Pirelli Calendar, and these photos created a real sensation! However, at 79, Sophia Loren also remains incredibly slim and boasts very feminine curves. The actress admits that she does not diet or starve, as she loves to eat, but she always watches what her diet consists of. “Be careful what you eat! Eat little and in very small portions, you don’t want to be fat, do you?” - says the star. Sophia Loren, as a rule, starts her day with a small breakfast, followed by a hearty lunch, and in the evening a light dinner: “I eat a lot of vegetable salads, a little meat and some fruits. This is all. But I also love sweets and pasta, so sometimes I treat myself.” The actress claims that weight was never a problem for her: “I could gain a few kilograms, but then I easily got back into shape.”

Sophia Loren is the most famous actress not only because she has starred in almost a hundred films, but also because her beauty is still something to be envied. This lady is almost 81 years old, and she still looks gorgeous. At the same time, Sophia Loren’s beauty secrets are not at all something mysterious and incomprehensible. In fact, every girl knows about them, but not everyone uses them. As Sophie herself says, laziness can kill any beauty.

The actress really constantly works on herself, both physically and mentally. In order to remind girls all over the world how to remain beautiful, or even how to become one, Sophia Loren released the book “Women and Beauty.” But it would be too much to quote the whole book, and the basic truths are always the most powerful. Sophia Loren's simple beauty secrets are available to any woman every day.

Good mood and good thoughts

Yes, yes, you heard right. Such a simple truth, but there is a lot hidden in it. Let's start with the fact that our face, while still young, cannot tell about the kind of life we ​​lead. More precisely, it doesn’t show how many experiences there were in this very life. But if you constantly walk around gloomy and sad for no reason, then in the end deep wrinkles on the forehead, swollen eyelids and gloomy folds around the mouth will give away the alarmist. But wrinkles on smiling people look much nicer. In addition, more cheerful people get sick less and suffer from various ailments.

Therefore, in order not to see strange changes in the mirror in a few years in person, focus only on pleasant thoughts. Let them become the sculptors of your future face.

Daily self-care

These are exactly the same beauty secrets of Sophia Loren that all women know, but which are sometimes neglected. Indeed, you shouldn’t be lazy to wash off your makeup, apply day or night cream, hand and body cream. You will be richly rewarded for loving yourself. Moreover, when you yourself feel good, your body and face will respond to you in the same way.

By taking care of yourself day after day, even if you are not too happy with your appearance, you will be able to shape all the unwanted and problem areas. If the problem is problem skin, then it is with it that you need to communicate every day through various care products, massages, and special creams. If you don’t like a protruding tummy or weak buttocks, then you should create a simple set of exercises that will be easy for you personally to maintain for at least 10-20 minutes a day. And most importantly, you can always track all age-related changes and immediately prevent them.

As for age, you should pay attention not only to new wrinkles or the elasticity and silkiness of the skin, but also to the means with which you take care of yourself. For each age group There are your own cosmetic procedures and creams, you shouldn’t forget or ignore them. In the same way, there is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time and switch to creams for those over 40 at the age of 20.

Proper nutrition

Sophia Loren does not claim to be a nutritionist, but her beauty advice on this matter is not without meaning. The actress advises drinking a lot of fluids throughout the day, and you don’t have to limit yourself to just plain water, as is now fashionable to think. The main thing is that the body receives enough fluid, either from juices or tea. In addition, the body itself likes to tell you what it needs, which means that if you prefer mineral water or juices - drink them. Coffee and tea lovers can be content with their favorite drinks.
Also, during the day, sometimes a completely inappropriate feeling of hunger arises, which, according to Sophie, is often confused with thirst. After all, you also noticed that sometimes as soon as you drink a glass of water or juice, not a trace of hunger remains.

The actress is a recognized lover of Italian pasta. At this stage, everyone who denies themselves flour products sadly shakes their heads and perhaps suspects Sophia Loren of expensive operations or constant visits to spas. But the most important thing here is to find yours. In addition, the nutritionists, to whom Sophie turned with the same question about why flour is harmful, just shrugged. The problem lies precisely in sweet confectionery products, so the love of pasta and spaghetti is unlikely to have a catastrophic effect on the figure.

As you can see, Sophia Loren’s beauty secrets are not at all complicated, and self-discipline will help you apply them day after day, according to the actress. When you get used to performing certain self-care rituals every day, laziness will simply evaporate. You will become uncomfortable if you don’t apply night cream at night, don’t wash off your makeup, overeat, or simply don’t do your morning stretching.

Love yourself daily!

Also watch the interview with Sophia Loren on the Larry King show. The actress talks about herself and her lifestyle, shares revelations.

To preserve your beauty. This woman has won the hearts of millions of men around the world. Despite the star's age, her skin glows with youth, and she herself is still the embodiment of elegance and charm. The actress thoroughly knows the secrets of attractiveness, which help her always and everywhere.

Sophia Loren revealed the secrets of self-care to everyone in her book “Woman and Beauty.” According to her, she always followed a non-aggressive and natural skin care program, which consisted of simple rules. Among the main methods used by the star is a rejuvenating face mask from Sophia Loren.


It will take you overnight to prepare this composition, but the delightful effect of its use can last a whole week. If yours is normal, take one small spoon of gelatin and dilute it in one hundred grams of milk. In the case where the epidermis suffers from increased fat content, it is better to use kefir or yogurt.

The rejuvenating mask that Sophia Loren came up with should be left in a cold place overnight. Over this period of time, gelatin will completely dissolve in the liquid. Then pour the mixture into a blender and add the following ingredients to it:

  • a small spoon of olive oil, it perfectly saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • the same amount of honey and dry white wine, thanks to them the dermis will receive a lot of useful substances that smooth it out, make it soft and elastic.

Then the anti-aging mask from Sophia Loren is carefully mixed and poured into a glass container. You can store this product in the refrigerator for a very long time. It does not spoil due to the preservatives contained in wine.


Gelatin, which is part of the mask, creates a lifting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in courses of 10-15 sessions. The mixture must be applied to the skin every other day. After completing one phase, a month must pass before you begin a new run. This mask will tighten sagging cheeks and help you get rid of a double chin.

It should be applied cold in the morning to “invigorate” the skin. And before going to bed, the composition must be slightly warmed in a water bath or in the microwave to enhance the nutritional effect. Attention! No need to heat up the entire composition! Each time, type only as much content as you plan to use.

How to use Sophia Loren's anti-aging mask? First, cleanse the skin of your face, neck and décolleté and apply the mixture in a thin layer. After 15 minutes, carefully rinse it off with warm running water or a napkin soaked in heated milk. Then rinse under cold running water.

Features of application

If you have oily skin, before starting the procedure, you can take a steam bath to better open and For dry and flaking-prone dermis, a warm compress is good: soak a towel in heated water or herbal decoction (for example, chamomile) and apply 2-3 times on the face.

If, while washing your face, you notice that the anti-aging mask from Sophia Loren does not come off well, then you need to choose other proportions of its components. The problem may be too much gelatin. During your next session, try adding more other ingredients to correct this deficiency.


With regular and correct use With this tool you can achieve the following results:

  1. The skin will tighten and swelling will decrease.
  2. Wrinkles will be reduced (especially for so-called crow's feet).
  3. You can apply the composition to the skin under the eyes to make your eyes look fresh and radiant (this should be done a maximum of twice a week for a month).
  4. becomes more expressive and fit.
  5. The dermis is cleansed, its surface is smoothed and softened.

The rejuvenating mask from Sophia Loren stands out among other products for its versatility. It is great for any skin. But it also has contraindications. In particular, these include an allergy to honey. In this case, this component should be replaced with one diluted in any liquid or melted vegetable oil.

At 79 years old, the famous actress Sophia Loren continues to look incredibly attractive! In her youth, year after year she was recognized as the main sex symbol not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. We'll tell you about Sophie's secrets that help her maintain her charm and beauty year after year.

Positive attitude

Sophie is sure that a positive psychological attitude is the key to a successful life, as well as beauty. “I think extremely positively all the time. It is extremely rare that you will be able to notice me in bad mood“,” says the actress, “You need to draw pleasure from every second you live.” This principle is extremely important so that you can consistently make a great impression on those around you. Let only the people you love be around you.– those with whom you always want to communicate again and again. Lauren also advises doing everything to protect yourself from nervous fatigue and stress. “Take time to relax, watch the sunset... Enjoy what brings you pleasure.”


“It’s extremely difficult to remain unsurpassed if you are constantly lazy” Lauren said many years ago. This phrase became a catchphrase and spread all over the world. Sophie is sure that a young girl who is very beautiful by nature, but does not have the discipline to work on herself, in a few years will only remember her beauty. And vice versa, not very beautiful, but A girl who takes care of herself will constantly increase her attractiveness in the eyes of others,” she says.

Personal care

Sophie is practically inseparable from olive oils. She adds them to food, baths, and directly rubs them into the skin.. The actress is sure that over the years there is a need to adjust the care of her appearance. You shouldn’t give up on all kinds of cosmetic procedures that greatly simplify the process of maintaining beauty.

Makeup, on the contrary, should follow the principle of “less, but better.” As you get older, you should reduce the amount of cosmetics you apply.. According to Lauren, today we can see a large number of older ladies who are trying to correct their age with thick layers of cosmetics. At the same time, they do not become more attractive.

Physical activity

Sophie wakes up around five in the morning and goes to bed at around eight. Nine hours is more than enough for her to get enough sleep and feel fresh and invigorated. The actress's morning begins with a light workout and an hour-long walk., no matter how much she wanted to soak in bed. “Don’t look for ways to justify yourself to skip training. I recommend everyone to go often, it helps positive influence on your figure and cardiovascular system.

The right diet

Seven years ago, 72 -year-old Lauren did a photo shoot for Pirelli calendars. She posed in the photo in the nude. Surprisingly, the actress’s photographs became incredibly popular and aroused the keen interest of millions of people. And even now, at seventy-nine, Lauren has excellent shape and has the opportunity to boast very feminine figure. She was never a fan of any diets or hunger strikes. Sophie consumes large quantities of vegetable salads and fruits and advises replacing diets with control over the quality and quantity of food. “Eat often, but in small portions. You don’t want to get better, do you?”, she asks.

Accept yourself and your age

According to Lauren, attempts to hide or deny the natural changes that occur in the human body with age are very stupid, because it is impossible to avoid them.

The actress is not trying to keep silent about her age or pretend that she is younger than her age. Unlike the vast majority of her colleagues, Sophia Loren I've never done it plastic surgery . “I love myself too much to make the decision to have surgery.”

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