Wooden karambit template small print. How to make a karambit combat knife at home without forging

Karambit is a very specific melee weapon that has become suddenly popular thanks to the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, as well as numerous negative and positive characters that appear in famous movies and TV shows. So today, a knife in the shape of a tiger's fang has become a popular toy. How to make paper karambit is of interest to many boys and their dads.

Design features

Karambit is a blade designed specifically for the Asian martial art silat. The form has a very specific, associated with the purpose of the subject. No wonder its second name is the killer's dagger. In the photo - a sample of karambit.

The knife has a curved blade and is held with a reverse grip, that is, sharpening towards you. To prevent the blade from slipping out of wet palms, a hole is provided in its handle, usually for the middle finger. The blade is sharpened along the inner fold. The handle is usually made of hard wood, the blade is fixed with a rivet.

The dimensions of the CS GO blade are small - from 3 to 10 cm, however, there are modifications up to 30 cm long. In addition, it can have 2 blades, the handle can be made without a hole, and so on.

Surprise is the main trump card of karambit in close combat. The tiny blade, 5 cm long, is completely invisible until it is put into battle. The main goal in this case is to defeat the arms and legs, that is, to disable the opponent. However, experience is needed to use weapons.

The blade, as can be seen from its shape, is intended for making ripping cuts, not stabbing, which, by the way, makes it good weapon for immobilizing the enemy, but bad for killing. When wounded, the tip of the knife cuts the skin along the surface, immediately incapacitating the whole muscle. In order for the weapon to be truly deadly, lethal poisons were previously applied to its blade.

A kerambit knife made of CS GO paper does not have such crushing properties, but it imitates them convincingly.

Materials and tools

To make a CS GO knife, you will need not only a drawing, but also certain materials.

  • A4 paper - in accordance with the thickness of the product, but taking into account the fact that the main part must be glued together from at least 30 sheets.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pencil and scissors.

How to make a paper karambit knife

The scheme of work is extremely simple. Complexity can only be a drawing, or rather, the selected model.

The game requires, however, enough beautiful model products, and its drawing, of course, will be more complicated.

  • In fact, two schemes are common on the Internet. According to the first, it is necessary to cut out all the details separately, and then assemble them according to the drawing one by one. Do-it-yourself work like this takes a lot of time. But, the truth is, the blade turns out to be textured and looks impressive.
  • The second type of scheme involves assembling the base - the blade plus the handle, and sticking the most embossed parts on it. Moreover, the part itself plays the role of a template. The assembly scheme in this case is much simpler, since it includes fewer elements. In the photo - a karambit scan.

Plastic, cardboard, and paper can be used as a material, but paper is the most affordable, and although this method takes more time to complete, it is simple and understandable.


    1. A paper karambit drawing is printed on A4 sheet, then all the details are cut out and, using them as templates, transferred to all other sheets of paper. You can do otherwise: print the templates on the required number of sheets.
    2. Then all the elements are cut out of paper with scissors. It takes about 2-3 hours.
    3. The details are glued. Glue is applied with a brush: so the work will be done neatly. For the main part - the blade and the handle, you will need at least 30 elements. It is recommended to glue them 10 at a time, and then glue 3 main ones. As a rule, the load is not required, but it will not be superfluous either.
    4. Then a large relief part is glued onto the handle - within 18–20 pieces. from each side. In the photo - the moment of sticking the details of the knife.
    5. Thinner elements are glued last - 4-5 pieces each.
    6. Ready karambit is placed under the load for at least 2-3 hours.
    7. The knife is painted in accordance with its purpose.
    8. To give the product additional strength, it can be coated with furniture varnish.

The video on how to make do-it-yourself paper karambit is described in detail.

Any children's game, and not very childish, requires certain attributes. You can imagine the circumstances - the tropics in the backyard, the labyrinth in the garage, the "terrible" dungeon in the basement, but here are the small recognizable details of the fantasy world you need to have. Weapons from popular games or films - for example, a karambit knife made of wood is just one of these attributes.

Karambit knife: features

This weapon was made popular by the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, as well as various films where good and bad heroes used karambit in street fights. The unusual shape of the weapon, the spectacular use, although not entirely true - all this made the game version an indispensable attribute of many games.

Karambit is a special dagger designed for one of the Asian martial arts. It has an unusual curved blade that imitates the fang of a tiger. The knife is held with the blade towards itself, it also has a sharpening on the inside. On the handle, in most versions, there is a hole for the middle or index finger so that the weapon does not slip out of a wet palm. On the picture - military weapon.

The peculiar shape makes the dagger a very interesting melee weapon. First of all, it is distinguished by its small size - from 3 cm, which is easy to hide in the palm of your hand, up to 10 cm. Although in games there are, of course, much larger specimens - up to 30 cm long. It is intended for inflicting ripping blows, that is, for removing the enemy from battle, immobilizing, and not killing. It is impossible to inflict a piercing deep blow with them, however, a ripping blow along the muscle completely disables this muscle.

Blows are applied to the arms and legs, where they are most effective. You can strengthen the blow if you scroll the karambit around the axis before the blow and inflict damage using the force of inertia.

The games use paper and wooden models of the CS:GO dagger. Well, how to make a karambit knife from wood can be found on the forums.

Manufacturing methods

How to make a CS GO dagger out of paper, plywood, wood or plastic is clear from the scheme used for this, of which there are many. In practice, they all come down to a few of the most popular methods, where the largest parts are made from ready-made templates and fastened together.

Game weapons, as a rule, are distinguished by their elaborate appearance and complex configuration. It is much easier to fulfill this condition using paper. But to do the same from plywood or wood, experience is required. As easy as it is to process this material, it takes a lot of experience to make thin parts.

2 methods of working according to do-it-yourself drawings are implemented.

  • In the first case, the main part is cut out of a material 12 mm thick and 2 nozzles 4 mm thick are fixed. The assembly of the product is easier, but it will take a long time to grind the blade to give it a conical shape.
  • In the second case, the CS GO dagger is assembled from 5 plates cut from a material 4 mm thick. This option exactly follows the contours of the weapon, but close up it looks far from the picture. However, the imitation of a knife in close combat fulfills its function. In the photo - a knife made of wood.

Materials and tools

In fact, a karambit pattern made of wood is quite rare. Much more often, plywood is used as a material. Firstly, it is highly durable, secondly, it has an affordable cost, and thirdly, you can always find a material of any required thickness.

So when they talk about a wooden knife, they most often mean plywood.

From the tools you will need:

  • a manual jigsaw or milling cutter, as a last one, you can use a grinder with a saw blade or a circular saw. The jigsaw is categorically not suitable for such delicate operations;
  • ballerina or pen drill for sampling holes on the handle;
  • sandpaper or a disc grinder is an indispensable participant in do-it-yourself manufacturing.

In addition, you will need PVA glue, impregnation - it is best to choose bakelite glue, and a coloring composition - use alkyd enamel or oil paint, as it is more stable.

How to make wood karambit

The manufacturing scheme is simple: you need to find a suitable drawing - there are quite a lot of them due to the wide variety of models. In addition, you need to sensibly evaluate your ability to work with wood or plywood. Then complete the blanks and fasten them.

The work is simple, but differs in a number of nuances.

  1. A drawing of a karambit made of wood is transferred to cardboard or paper - this is how templates are obtained. The number of them depends on the complexity of the model. In the simplest case, 3 parts are required: the main part of the dagger - the blade and handle, and two curly attachments that provide a recognizable karambit relief.
  2. The templates are outlined with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw or cutter. The latter takes quite a long time. In the photo - cutting with a jigsaw.
  3. The hole in the handle is cut with a pen drill. If there is no such device, you can do the work with a jigsaw. To do this, a through hole is pierced with an awl, then a file is inserted into the hole, fixed on a jigsaw and a hole is cut out.
  4. The parts cut out according to the drawing are lubricated with PVA glue and glued together. The structure is installed in a vice or clamped with a clamp until the glue is completely dry - usually a day.
  5. Then the product is cleaned with sandpaper or a grinder. The knife must be perfectly smooth. If there is a desire to make it more durable, then the workpiece is impregnated with bakelite glue.
  6. If the product is used in a role-playing game, it is dyed as in the picture.

The video discusses in detail the manufacture of kerambit from wood with your own hands.

Every CS:GO player wants a cool knife to show off to their friends.
To get a knife you need to: do, be able to trade or just buy for your money. But what if you don't feel like spending your money? That's right, you can print yourself a knife using the drawings.
Naturally, this knife will not be in the game, but at least somehow you can rejoice.

Drawings of knives

If you want to print a knife, and then draw it in high quality or make a knife out of corrugated cardboard, then we have attached screenshots for this, and with the help of them you can first print the knives, and then do what you want. I will say right away that making a real copy of a knife is not so easy, so set yourself up for the fact that you will sweat well. Having made a knife, throw links to photos in the comments and I will publish the best ones in the article.

Butterfly knife

This knife will be the hardest to make. Therefore, I advise you to first make some simple knife, for example, a hunting knife. Butterfly will be the most difficult to make, because you will need to come up with something in order for it to spin. And to do this will not be so easy.

The screenshot is made in real size, so that you do not look for unnecessary sizes. By printing the knife, you yourself can measure what you need.

hunting knife

The peculiar shape makes the dagger a very interesting melee weapon. First of all, it is distinguished by its small size - from 3 cm, which is easy to hide in the palm of your hand, up to 10 cm. Although in games there are, of course, much larger specimens - up to 30 cm long. It is intended for inflicting ripping blows, that is, for removing the enemy from battle, immobilizing, and not killing. It is impossible to inflict a piercing deep blow with them, however, a ripping blow along the muscle completely disables this muscle.

Blows are applied to the arms and legs, where they are most effective. You can strengthen the blow if you scroll the karambit around the axis before the blow and inflict damage using the force of inertia.

The games use paper and wooden models of the CS:GO dagger. Well, how to make a karambit knife from wood can be found on the forums.

Manufacturing methods

How to make a CS GO dagger out of paper, plywood, wood or plastic is clear from the scheme used for this, of which there are many. In practice, they all come down to a few of the most popular methods, where the largest parts are made from ready-made templates and fastened together.

Game weapons, as a rule, are distinguished by their elaborate appearance and complex configuration. It is much easier to fulfill this condition using paper. But to do the same from plywood or wood, experience is required. As easy as it is to process this material, it takes a lot of experience to make thin parts.

2 methods of working according to do-it-yourself drawings are implemented.

  • In the first case, the main part is cut out of a material 12 mm thick and 2 nozzles 4 mm thick are fixed. The assembly of the product is easier, but it will take a long time to grind the blade to give it a conical shape.
  • In the second case, the CS GO dagger is assembled from 5 plates cut from a material 4 mm thick. This option exactly follows the contours of the weapon, but close up it looks far from the picture. However, the imitation of a knife in close combat fulfills its function. In the photo - a knife made of wood.

Materials and tools

In fact, a karambit pattern made of wood is quite rare. Much more often, plywood is used as a material. Firstly, it is highly durable, secondly, it has an affordable cost, and thirdly, you can always find a material of any required thickness.

So when they talk about a wooden knife, they most often mean plywood.

From the tools you will need:

  • a manual jigsaw or milling cutter, as a last one, you can use a grinder with a saw blade or a circular saw. The jigsaw is categorically not suitable for such delicate operations;
  • ballerina or pen drill for sampling holes on the handle;
  • sandpaper or a disc grinder is an indispensable participant in do-it-yourself manufacturing.

In addition, you will need PVA glue, impregnation - it is best to choose bakelite glue, and a coloring composition - use alkyd enamel or oil paint, as it is more stable.

How to make wood karambit

The manufacturing scheme is simple: you need to find a suitable drawing - there are quite a lot of them due to the wide variety of models. In addition, you need to sensibly evaluate your ability to work with wood or plywood. Then complete the blanks and fasten them.

The work is simple, but differs in a number of nuances.

  1. A drawing of a karambit made of wood is transferred to cardboard or paper - this is how templates are obtained. The number of them depends on the complexity of the model. In the simplest case, 3 parts are required: the main part of the dagger - the blade and handle, and two curly attachments that provide a recognizable karambit relief.
  2. The templates are outlined with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw or cutter. The latter takes quite a long time. In the photo - cutting with a jigsaw.
  3. The hole in the handle is cut with a pen drill. If there is no such device, you can do the work with a jigsaw. To do this, a through hole is pierced with an awl, then a file is inserted into the hole, fixed on a jigsaw and a hole is cut out.
  4. The parts cut out according to the drawing are lubricated with PVA glue and glued together. The structure is installed in a vice or clamped with a clamp until the glue is completely dry - usually a day.
  5. Then the product is cleaned with sandpaper or a grinder. The knife must be perfectly smooth. If there is a desire to make it more durable, then the workpiece is impregnated with bakelite glue.
  6. If the product is used in a role-playing game, it is dyed as in the picture.

The video discusses in detail the manufacture of kerambit from wood with your own hands.

Karambit knife - drawings for making this knife from different materials.

The knife is the oldest type of weapon. The first knives were made of stone and bore little resemblance to modern knives. Knife weapons, similar to modern ones, appeared when a person mastered metal processing.

The knife is considered a fairly versatile weapon, as it can be used both for peaceful purposes and in defense, defense, as an attack weapon. There are a great many varieties of knives, but the “karambit” knife is popular with the modern consumer of such products. What kind of knife is this, what are the features of its device and whether it is possible to make kerambit on your own, according to a diagram or drawing - we will try to answer all these questions in detail in the next section of the article.

Karambit knife: what is this knife

Karambit differs from other knives in that it has a curved blade and sharpening from the inside. The length of the karambit blade can be different - from five to nine centimeters. Key Features this knife - in a small ring on the handle, which is designed to more conveniently hold the weapon in the hand and prevent it from slipping in the palm of your hand.

The historical birthplace of the kerambit knife is the island of Sumatra. Local warriors of the Minangkabau tribe used such weapons in wars with other tribes.

You can buy a karambit knife in a specialized store, or you can make it yourself, both a real knife, made of metal, and decorative karambit - made of paper, cardboard or wood. If you have not found a ready-made kit for making karambit, then for future crafts you will need to find a drawing of a karambit knife.

One of the most popular materials for making a karambit knife is plywood. A plywood knife, of course, is not a real weapon, but it can be used in martial arts to practice weapon techniques, the same weapon can also be used in fantasy role-playing games that are so popular with today's youth.

The drawings of a plywood karambit knife can be the same as the drawings of a metal knife. You just need to find a sketch of the blade and modify it to fit the finished dimensions. You can easily download drawings of a karambit knife from specific sites about weapons - there you can even find templates that are quite ready for work.

Cs Go is an abbreviated version of the famous Counter-Strike game. One of the types of weapons in this game is just a karambit knife, and therefore many fans of this military toy are interested in where to get a drawing of a kerambit knife from Cs Go?

The drawing can be found in ready-made sketches that are posted on forums and sites dedicated to this game, but you can also draw a drawing yourself. However, remember, if you have never made knives with your own hands before - do not be zealous with an abundance of details, but choosing a karambit knife from ready-made drawings - look for pictures that will clearly show all the details and marks.

You can also make drawings for a karambit knife in a graphic editor - modern programs will allow you to create a high-quality sketch of a karambit knife, even if you don’t know how to draw at all.

For karambit knives made of wood or paper, drawings can be adapted to any you like. The finished drawing of a karambit knife can be printed on the desired scale, and then made into convenient templates or simply transferred to the material to cut blanks.

You can also see how to make a drawing of a karambit knife on detailed video instructions that are posted on the sites by craftsmen who have perfectly mastered the secrets of making a karambit knife with their own hands.

Edged weapons have been attracting with their brilliance, hidden power since the time when people just started to master metal processing. Legendary karambit - knife with rich history. The first mention of it dates back to the 14th century among the Minangkbau people inhabiting the island of Sumatra. There it was used in wars with other islanders, and in civilian life it was used for household needs. How a novice artist can cope with the task of creating an image of a weapon on paper with the greatest realism, how to draw a karambit easily and quickly so that the image turns out beautiful and original, we will consider below.

Origin story

Easily recognizable due to the peculiar curved shape. On the handle, it has a hole for the index finger, and the sickle-shaped blade, ranging in size from 3 to 10 centimeters, is sharpened on the inside. In order to use a knife in combat, it is important to have special equipment. Hold it with a reverse grip, directing the blade away from you. There are three main versions of the origin of karambit, each of them is interesting. If you believe the first version of the origin, then this knife came from a sickle for harvesting crops - indeed, there is a similarity in the shape and processing of the blade. The next version says that for greater expression in cockfights popular on the island, small curved blades were tied to the birds' paws. This hypothesis is supported by the translation of the phrase Karambit Lawi Ayam - "rooster's spur". The third option claims that from the very beginning it was a military weapon, and the Indian brass knuckles served as a model for it. Without discussing the excellent qualities of these knives in close combat, it is worth noting that they are valued for the elegance of lines and external beauty. How to draw a karambit in order to fix its image on paper, consider below.

Preparation for work

It is very important to prepare for the drawing process. To engage in creativity, you should understand in what technique the drawing will be performed. Minimum set necessary materials- a sharpened simple pencil, an elastic band, a sheet of paper. Consider the instructions on how to draw a karambit step by step with a pencil.

Drawing technique

Karambits can be different. There are several modifications of classic Malay knives. How to draw a karambit that will look organic? The curved shape and the hole on the handle are its main difference. The basis of the image is a set of simple shapes.

  1. The first step is the orientation of the silhouette on a sheet of paper - we draw the contours of the future knife strictly in the center.
  2. Next, we improve the handle, carefully drawing the details - a round hole for the finger, the bulge and unevenness of the handle, the heads of the fixing bolts. With a soft pencil, add volume to the drawing with the help of shadows.
  3. The next step is the blade. In order to give the blade the effect of sharpness, use a hard pencil to draw.

The initial sketch of the image is ready.

final stage

The final stage of the description of how to draw a karambit in stages, we will consider in detail. Gently remove excess contours with an elastic band. Pay attention to the relief details - carefully blending the lines, form dark and light areas on the paper. Now that the sketch is finished, you can draw a picture with colored pencils.

The essence of phased drawing is the gradual reproduction of the image. Detailed description, which describes how to draw a karambit, is useful to a novice artist. Consider the diagram in detail, the technique for creating a drawing will become clear even to an inexperienced amateur.

I want to apologize right away for such an accordion and bearded post, because the topic is already hackneyed and everyone is tired of it. But nevertheless, I still come across questions everywhere, such as: how to make kerambit out of paper with your own hands, where to get a kerambit scan, throw off the kerambit drawings and so on. At the same time, the Internet is already bursting with all sorts of drawings of this knife, but in order to already stop these questions on our website, and just so that we also have it, I post three karambit scans in pdo execution.

The first scan of Karambit made of paper in a performance that is not quite familiar to us. It's more of a drawing. But in fact, making paper karambit with your own hands thanks to this scheme is easier than it seems. Details in such a scan act as stencils. We translate them into blueprint/cardboard/wood/plastic and cut out as many parts as needed to build up the required thickness. Then we glue the whole thing together in a certain sequence of overlays. Next, we sand the corners, finish, paint ... in general, then we already bring to mind. If you really need it, I will make a video, but without much desire, to be honest.

The second version of Karambit made of paper is already in a more familiar form for us, but the scan, to be honest, is not very good. Firstly, it is not as close to the original as we would like. Secondly, the blade, ring and lining are not connected to the handle with valves, you need to glue them yourself, pervert them. Thirdly, the complexity of the assembly is quite high, but still takes place. Well, what kind of sweep to choose to make karambit with your own hands, it's up to you.

The third unfolded drawing of Karambit paper was made and provided by the user Replica. Quite an interesting development and approach. One half is the Pepakur version that we are used to (but it seems unrealistic to glue it together), the second is a model in section, which must be assembled from parts, like the first. However, this version of the "setting plates" will turn out to be much more textured than the first option. But there are no upper linings. The ideal option is to combine the first version of Karambit and this one.

Edged weapons have been attracting with their brilliance, hidden power since the time when people just started to master metal processing. The legendary karambit is a knife with a rich history. The first mention of it dates back to the 14th century among the Minangkbau people inhabiting the island of Sumatra. There it was used in wars with other islanders, and in civilian life it was used for household needs. How a novice artist can cope with the task of creating an image of a weapon on paper with the greatest realism, how to draw a karambit easily and quickly so that the image turns out beautiful and original, we will consider below.

Origin story

Easily recognizable due to the peculiar curved shape. On the handle, it has a hole for the index finger, and the sickle-shaped blade, ranging in size from 3 to 10 centimeters, is sharpened on the inside. In order to use a knife in combat, it is important to have special equipment. Hold it with a reverse grip, directing the blade away from you. There are three main versions of the origin of karambit, each of them is interesting. If you believe the first version of the origin, then this knife came from a sickle for harvesting crops - indeed, there is a similarity in the shape and processing of the blade. The next version says that for greater expression in cockfights popular on the island, small curved blades were tied to the birds' paws. This hypothesis is supported by the translation of the phrase Karambit Lawi Ayam - "rooster's spur". The third option claims that from the very beginning it was a military weapon, and the Indian brass knuckles served as a model for it. Without discussing the excellent qualities of these knives in close combat, it is worth noting that they are valued for the elegance of lines and external beauty. How to draw a karambit in order to fix its image on paper, consider below.

Preparation for work

It is very important to prepare for the drawing process. To engage in creativity, you should understand in what technique the drawing will be performed. The minimum set of necessary materials is a sharpened simple pencil, an elastic band, a sheet of paper. Consider the instructions on how to draw a karambit step by step with a pencil.

Drawing technique

Karambits can be different. There are several modifications of classic Malay knives. How to draw a karambit that will look organic? The curved shape and the hole on the handle are its main difference. The basis of the image is a set of simple shapes.

  1. The first step is the orientation of the silhouette on a sheet of paper - we draw the contours of the future knife strictly in the center.
  2. Next, we improve the handle, carefully drawing the details - a round hole for the finger, the bulge and unevenness of the handle, the heads of the fixing bolts. With a soft pencil, add volume to the drawing with the help of shadows.
  3. The next step is the blade. In order to give the blade the effect of sharpness, use a hard pencil to draw.

The initial sketch of the image is ready.

final stage

The final stage of the description of how to draw a karambit in stages, we will consider in detail. Gently remove excess contours with an elastic band. Pay attention to the relief details - carefully blending the lines, form dark and light areas on the paper. Now that the sketch is finished, you can draw a picture with colored pencils.

The essence of phased drawing is the gradual reproduction of the image. A detailed description, which describes how to draw a karambit, will be useful to a novice artist. Consider the diagram in detail, the technique for creating a drawing will become clear even to an inexperienced amateur.

In this article, you will see drawings and drawings of a karambit knife, as well as learn about the process of making a model from improvised materials.

The knife is a curved blade with sharpening on the inside and a handle with a ring for the index finger.

The reverse grip is mainly used, designed for ripping movements. Due to its unusual shape, karambit attracts the attention of ordinary people and lovers of edged weapons, and avid gamers will immediately recognize this remarkable knife. You can make it with your own hands according to the drawings, at home.


Karambit comes from Sumatra, one of the Asian islands, where it was compared to the claw of a tiger.

Indeed, the outward resemblance of the blade is easily traced, and the blows inflicted by the weapon resemble swinging the paw of an angry animal.

Its historical origin is still not clear. There are two main options. The first - it was used in cockfights, tied as spurs so that the cock would injure the opponent.

The second one was a formidable hunting and combat knife of warriors from Malaysia. None of the options have been proven. The photo below shows what the prototype of a modern karambit looks like.

In video games

In the wider community, this knife has gained popularity due to Valve's game called Counter Strike: Global Offensive. There karambit is presented as a popular skin for a standard knife, it changes it appearance and animation.

The skin was immediately liked by the community, but most users did not have enough money for an in-game purchase. Because of this, most of the drawings are made specifically for karambit from cs go.

Here is a screenshot from computer game CS:GO showing what karambit looks like:

How to do

You can create a knife from various materials: from plywood of various millimeters, from a suitable tree, from thick cardboard. Even high density paper can be used. The method, however, is the same:

A lot of interesting coloring pages for karambit can be found in the list of skins for CS:GO.

The most popular and beautiful following color options are presented in the image below, the listing order is clockwise, starting with the knife with a white ring:

  • Autotronics.
  • Murder.
  • Hand painting.
  • Surface hardening.
  • Gradient.
  • Blood web.
  • Legends.
  • Gamma waves.
  • Tiger tooth.
  • Marble Gradient.

Please note that the knives in the photo are made of wood, and therefore, with proper practice, you will get the same quality work.

So, we examined the drawings and techniques for the production of karambit knives from various materials: wood, plywood, cardboard and even paper.

You also learned about the origin of this melee weapon, the reasons for its popularity and the most interesting colorings, which in some way are works of art. A little perseverance and practice, and you will succeed.

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