The very best Zodiac sign: what makes you better than others? The most dangerous zodiac signs The sexiest zodiac sign.

It’s impossible, so you have to deal with shortcomings on your own, but it’s always nice to get a hint about the character of the person you’re going to communicate with. And the most difficult people to communicate with are distributed according to their most pronounced signs - one might even say that each category has its own worst sign.


There is nothing worse than communicating with an irritable interlocutor who is ready to explode with indignation at any moment. Perhaps this is the worst trait in long-term communication, and most often it manifests itself in Aries, an aggressor by nature and vocation, Virgo, a brawler and bore, prone to constant showdowns, and Capricorn, a personal police gendarme, ready to crush you with authority at any moment . Starting an argument with a representative of one of these signs is a pointless exercise, since such an argument will not lead to anything good. However, some signs get along well with them - for example, Leo simply does not pay attention to this, while Taurus has the patience to return the conversation to a calm direction.

Signs that lie most often

In second place in the ranking of negative qualities is the inability or unwillingness to tell the truth. The palm goes to Pisces who fully correspond to their image - always being somewhere close to the truth, but never voicing it. They do it naturally, even sometimes without malicious intent. Scorpios lie deliberately and, as a rule, use deception as a tool to achieve their goals - their nature requires intrigue, scandals and investigations, and the role of the first violin or eminence grise fits organically into the scale of life values. The best life with them is for Gemini, who still did not listen to their stories, and for Libra, who, in principle, do not like to make decisions for themselves.

The most jealous signs

Another quality that has ruined more than one unit of society is jealousy and possessiveness. And here Taurus differ, accustomed to holding on to their own and not giving anything to anyone. Their down-to-earth nature and tendency to simplify often leads to scenes of jealousy and either-or choices, when they have to choose between Taurus and something, or even someone else - friends, hobbies, career. Another owner is Capricorn, who knows exactly how to do it and will not allow their family members to challenge their opinion. Next to them are, as a rule, Sagittarius with their cheerful positivity, and Aries, who know how to stand up for themselves and fight back in any dispute.

Of interest is not only the description of each zodiac sign, but also its representation in the world. Who can boast of the largest “group”? Which month has the highest birth rate?

It should be noted right away that no one keeps general statistics around the world. And that the differences in data for each zodiac sign are not so great that it is possible to identify an undisputed leader or an outsider. However, some trends can still be traced. For example, there are traditionally fewer Scorpios, Sagittarius and Capricorns than Leo, Virgo and Libra. This is due to several reasons.

Firstly, the intense rhythm of work in the spring and autumn often does not allow women to become pregnant. This is especially true for those countries where the agricultural way of life still predominates. All efforts go into cultivating the fields and sowing various crops. However, even in highly developed capitalist countries, women do not relax: many devote themselves entirely to office careers.

Secondly, the period from February to March is characterized by general exhaustion of the body after winter and traditional vitamin deficiency. Testosterone production in men does not occur as quickly.

Thirdly, it is new year holidays characterized by the most suitable atmosphere for performing a miracle. All people's eyes glow with happiness and a desire to love each other appears. The body is still full of summer vitamins and is not afraid of colds. Many people take vacation during this time and create additional reserves. The quality of seed in cold December is significantly higher than in any other month of the year. Therefore, it is absolutely not worth being surprised that there are so many Virgos and Libras. Besides New Year is a worldwide holiday.

Aquarius, Pisces and Aries can also boast of large numbers. The conception of these signs occurs during the summer vacation period. Every woman probably dreams of getting pregnant on an exotic island. But even an ordinary holiday outside the city in warm time promotes loving relationships.

There are quite a lot of Taurus, Gemini and Cancer people in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, where the climate is radically different from the northern one. Differences in weather conditions level out the overall statistics in the zodiac circle.

Lately, the event factor has intensified. For example, thanks to the popularization of football, the corresponding World Cup becomes a global holiday. During its passage, a boom in conceptions is observed throughout the world. In the opposite way they act on mass consciousness various tragedies. The media widely spreads negative news, significantly reducing people's sense of libido. A nervous state in women has a negative impact on their fertility. For example, after September 2011, there was a worldwide decline in the birth rate of Gemini and Cancer. Over time, these statistics will, of course, level out.

Some astrologers also identify the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus. It spans a little over two weeks in early December. Therefore, the number of signs will a priori always be inferior to any other.

Astrologer Nikolai Kholod

The stars know about compatibility in relationships born of love. The zodiac signs of the partners will tell you whether they are suitable for each other in love, whether their marriage will be happy, and with whom from the zodiac circle love and a strong family will not develop.


It is extremely important for you to create a relationship with a partner who will balance your fiery explosiveness. However, on the other hand, you need a person with a core. You can only be influenced by the power of authority. You will be able to build harmonious relationships with Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Libra. If you happen to fall in love with Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer or Pisces, you will only dream of peace. IN family relationships With these signs you will feel like you are on a battlefield.


Heaven has given you the ability to sympathize, empathize and find yourself in the right time and space for your loved ones. Therefore, relationships with you are always reliable, and marriage is desirable. Your union will be most successful with zodiac signs that have the same life priorities and values. Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer will become a reliable support for you in life. You should not expect sincerity and loyalty in love from stubborn Scorpios, unceremonious Leos and categorical Aquarius.


Your diversity (at times reaching the point of theatricality) and frequent improvisation in the form of unpredictability are not understandable to everyone. Therefore, only Libra, Leo, Aquarius will be able to feel and understand the full depth of your nature. With them, both love and family relationships will be filled with understandable, pleasant and accepted content for everyone. You shouldn’t expect understanding and a “single wave” from signs that value balance and evenness in life. Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces will not be able to get along with you.


Being an extremely sensitive nature, you don’t just fall in love, you literally “get sick with love,” surrendering to the feeling to the last drop. Not everyone can handle the tons of love you are capable of. Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Cancer can accommodate the breadth and sincerity of your soul. It is unlikely that you will be able to build mutually beneficial relationships, much less start a family, with Virgo, Libra or Capricorn. They, fed up with love that is too sweet for them, will run away or, if the circumstances require it, they will remain insincere with you.


You cannot lack calmness, although many, behind the feigned menacingness, are not able to discern your inner docile cat. All air signs can kindle the fire of peaceful love passion in you. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius will be able to develop harmonious relationships with you. Your alliance will develop no less favorably with Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. But with Scorpio and Taurus, instead of “making love,” you will only practice stubbornness. Also, don't plan for a happily ever after. family life with Capricorn and Virgo.


Your character, it would seem, contains the most strong qualities- intelligence, reliability, empathy, hard work. However, even they do not help you easily make contact with your chosen one. And no matter who he is in the zodiac circle, no one will have an easy relationship with you. Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn have a greater chance of success in love. Perhaps Cancer will also fall into this favorable zone, unless it spoils your relationship with him through boredom and indecision. The stars categorically do not see your happy union with Aries and Sagittarius.


Balance in everything is your life credo. You don’t understand people who first burn with love, and then are capable of hating their lover with the same intensity. Even your passion is balanced by common sense. That’s why you look for partners with a similar attitude. Fire signs will speak the same love language with you: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. Aquarius or Gemini can also make you fall in love with them. But with water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - you risk going down in family relationships. Neither will they for you ideal partners Capricorn and Taurus.


The stars have endowed you with tenacity bordering on stubbornness. Walking through life with the motto “Song of Love on the Battlefield,” you stubbornly fight battles in relationships, which for you are an indispensable sign of love. You shouldn't get into love with an Aries, Leo or Aquarius. They are not ready to compromise with you, because they themselves are stubborn. You shouldn’t get close to another Scorpio either - you’ll poison each other’s lives. But with Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo and Capricorn, you will be able to build relationships leading to the registry office.


Optimism runs like a red line throughout your life. Therefore, you are looking for a partner for life with similar qualities in character. Leos, Aries, Scorpios, Cancers, Aquarius will become reliable companions for you. However, with each of them you will have to tame your vanity and desire to prevail. It is this feature of yours that will prevent you from developing love relationship with Pisces and Virgos. They will not forgive you for your assertive dominance in the family. The stars advise you to create an alliance with easy-going, “positive” people who are able to recognize your desire for leadership and freedom.


You are a sign of extremes: from manic secrecy to frantic self-dispersal, from callous indifference to wild jealousy, from puritanism to blatant debauchery. At the same time, you manage to create a surprisingly stable family life with your partner. This is easy for you with Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios, Pisces. They are able to balance your emotionality. But a marriage with Gemini and Cancer will be doomed to an inevitable break. You will not have any relationship with them.


An angel and a demon coexist peacefully in you, but you are old-fashioned in family matters. An open relationship or a fashionable guest marriage is unacceptable to you. You are sentimental, vulnerable and sensitive. “Fall into love” with Cancer, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo. They won't let you crash. And do not trust your heart to Pisces, Capricorn and Taurus. The relationship will be a test for both parties.


You tend to understand everyone and everything except yourself. But you are looking for a partner who is not afraid to plunge into your depths. You will find such a person among Scorpios, Taurus, Capricorns, Cancers, Leos. You are very loyal, flexible and tolerant. However, the stars warn you to sacrifice the bird in your hands for the sake of that very pie in the sky. Don't see yourself for illusory family happiness with Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra or Aries.

The debate about which people are the most beautiful has been going on for decades. They try to measure physical attractiveness and link it to various social groups, explain by nationality, profession, even zodiac sign. In the latter case, you should trust the opinion of astrologers. True, it is ambiguous. Experts do not single out any one zodiac sign as the most beautiful. But they immediately talk about three signs under which the most people were born, whom the whole world admires.

What are the most beautiful women of the zodiac signs?

Who else should take first place in the beauty contest and our ranking, if not the Lionesses? These are real queens, majestic and brilliant. True, they captivate people not only with their luxurious appearance, but also with their bright charisma and unsurpassed charm, which Lviv endowed with their heavenly patron, the Sun. The lioness literally sparkles, no matter whether in her own home or at a gala reception. Her secret weapon is a smile. A lioness only needs to smile once to enchant people. And not only men who are greedy for beauty, but also other recognized beauties.

Many universally recognized beauties were born under the sign of Leo. From Russian stars It is worth noting Nyusha, Dasha Astafieva, Ravshana Kurkova, Yulia Menshova. Among the foreign ones are singers Whitney Houston, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and actresses Hilary Swank, Sandra Bullock and Melanie Griffith.


Nature generously rewarded these ladies with beautiful bodies that even the winners of beauty contests would envy. But their advantages are not limited to their striking appearance. Libra women are smart, have a sense of beauty, and are very talented. They are well aware of their advantages, so they are demanding when choosing a partner. A man must be on the same level as Libra, only then can he attract the attention of such a luxurious woman. True, ladies of this zodiac sign rarely openly show sympathy; they may even seem withdrawn and closed - but only in order to force the suitor to show a little imagination. A sensitive man will understand the hint and accept their game. And he will not regret it: he will receive a worthy reward for his initiative!

Among the famous beauties born under the sign of Libra, there are many beauties, equally striking in appearance and talent: Chulpan Khamatova, sex symbol Monica Bellucci, modern star Kim Kardashian, the legendary Sigourney Weaver and many others.


To say that Aquarius ladies are beautiful is to say nothing. Men constantly follow them with their gaze, because such girls are the real ideal of femininity. Nature gives these ladies magnificent forms, thick shiny hair, smooth skin. In addition to external attractiveness, Aquarians have an incredible attractiveness and a whole range of positive qualities: kindness, loyalty, reliability. This combination of appearance and inner world makes such women the longed-for dream of millions of men. However, women of this zodiac sign are in no hurry to commit themselves to a specific man. Because of their gullibility, they often accumulate negative experiences, which is why they are picky in choosing a companion.

Among the popular Aquarius beauties, it is worth noting the Russians Ekaterina Klimova, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vera Brezhneva. And also foreign stars: Nastassja Kinski, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Paris Hilton.

Men of which zodiac signs are the most beautiful

It is impossible to imagine ugly Taurus, because they are protected by Venus and the Moon. Almost any Taurus has a luxurious appearance, with his beautiful features he belongs on the cover: an ideal oval face, deep eyes, a sensual lip line, fluffy eyelashes. Taurus is not deprived of physique. Of course, not everyone can preserve their luxurious natural gifts as they age. But the consequences of your love for delicious food Taurus compensate with their innate charm. The charisma of these men invariably attracts ladies; crowds of fans swirl around. Of course, Taurus people are aware of their attractiveness. However, despite this, an inferiority complex is often found among them.

This zodiac sign has given the world many popular handsome men: Danila Kozlovsky, George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Helmut Thom, Enrique Iglesias.


Men of this zodiac sign cannot be called stunningly handsome. They rely not on external data, but on their charm. Geminis know how to hide flaws and emphasize strengths. Many women, fascinated by such a man, claim that his beauty is not in the correct facial features and ideal body, like Apollo. Geminis have an innate charm and vibes flow around them. That is why women flock to them so much. However, the sweet fairy tale does not last forever. Over time, a woman may come to her senses and realize that she has become a victim of an alpha male, adding to his endless list of love victories.

Under the sign of Gemini, many handsome men were born who took the hearts of millions of women. This and Russian actors Alexey Guskov and Gosha Kutsenko, and their foreign colleagues: Chris Evans, Mario Casas, Colin Farrell, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Depp.


Sagittarius men fought with Scorpio men for first place in the ranking. They are no less charming, but their beauty is somewhat otherworldly, unearthly. Therefore, most ladies still choose Sagittarius. Typically, such representatives of the stronger sex are quite tall, have graceful facial features and slim figure. The look of their beautiful eyes seems to see right through you. It is impossible to remain indifferent at the sight of such a man.
Especially when a man of this zodiac sign connects with sexuality, which he is fully endowed with by nature. However, Sagittarius's loyalty is not a constant value. You can find out whether a man will be faithful to you only by entering into a relationship with him. Of course, it is very pleasant to become the partner of such a man, it is a kind of honor. But Sagittarius is frivolous and very amorous. He may be faithful to you, but it is possible that within a day he promises his loyalty to another woman.

Among the famous Sagittarius who won the hearts of women: Maxim Averin, Vladimir Mashkov, Anton Makarsky, Brad Pitt, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, Danny de Vito, Jake Gyllenhaal, Woody Allen, Kirk Douglas, Ian Somerhalder, Brendan Fraser, Don Johnson, Til Schweiger .

What zodiac sign is there more people in the world? who has statistics about this and got the best answer

Answer from Lilya[master]
I think it's a fish)

Answer from Alien.[guru]
No, not fish! On the contrary, there are few fish... Least of all Virgos and Capricorns Most of all Aries, Taurus, Leo, Cancer

Answer from @ [guru]
It also seems to me that there are a lot of Pisces.

Answer from NikCooL Stoiero[guru]
Everyone is wrong - most of all are Scorpios and Libra, a little less than Virgos, and Pisces and other signs are not as common as these

Answer from Galina Vishnyakova[guru]
According to statistics, most people are born under the signs of Taurus and Gemini. Count back nine months from May-June and you will understand why. Weddings take place in the fall. There are many Aquarius in Russia, because many marriages take place on Krasnaya Gorka. Krasnaya Gorka is a Russian holiday, and Aquarians are typical Russian people. However, in recent decades, these statistics are not as clear as before. The reason is not only social (family planning, contraception, a large number of illegitimate children), but also purely medical (the problem of infertility, abortion, treatment, etc.) So, there is a tendency to equalize the number of people born in different months of the year.

Answer from Kasatkina Natalia[guru]
I heard that these are Virgos - the children of the New Year.))

Answer from Javid[active]
Alien. Sage (15650), I think that you are right Most of all Aries, Taurus, Leo, and especially Cancer in Dota

Answer from Margarita Artemyeva[active]
It seems to me that there are a lot of Geminis, Cancers, Taurus, and maybe even Virgo. And least of all Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, + possibly Pisces.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What zodiac sign are there more people in the world? does anyone have statistics on this?

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