Shawarma business plan. How and where is it better to open shawarma in your city

Selling shawarma, or shawarma, is popular for small businesses in the catering industry. Its weak link is high competition, but despite this, such a business usually pays off quickly. Starting a shawarma stall does not require a lot of start-up capital, and the demand for shawarma, like pizza, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and other street fast food, always remains high. People can eat these meals on the go as a quick option for a snack or lunch. Let's see how to open such a business.

Read also about opening a pancake cafe.

  • 1 Shawarma business: cooking technology
  • 2 Business format
  • 3 Shawarma as a business: important points
  • 4 Shawarma business plan
  • 5 Project Summary
  • 6 Production plan. What equipment is needed for shawarma
  • 7 Financial plan. The cost of shawarma equipment
  • 9 Risk analysis
  • 10 Kiosk staff
  • 11 What you need to open shawarma: a checklist of 10 points
  • 12 How to open a shawarma tent: a list of documents
  • 13 Cost of 1 shawarma

Shawarma business: cooking technology

Shawarma is a famous Turkish dish. In the classic Middle Eastern version, it consists of an Arabic flatbread stuffed with minced meat, as well as chopped vegetables and sauce. AT Russian version for shawarma, they take translucent pita bread, which is stuffed with grilled meat.

The technology is simple: the meat is cut into thin pieces, fried and strung on a rotating skewer. When the meat is ready, take a sharp knife and cut off pieces, which are then placed in thin pita bread. A salad of vegetables is also laid out there: they can be both fresh and pickled.

In addition to meat, pita bread and vegetables, the composition of the dish may include cheese or chips. A mixture of finely chopped meat with vegetables is poured with ketchup and/or mayonnaise sauce, wrapped and packaged. Cooking takes only a few minutes. There is a variety of shawarma for vegetarians - without meat.

Business format

There are two formats for doing business: it is a mobile van or an ordinary stall. In any case, water and gas supply must be connected there.

The advantage of a trailer or trailer is mobility and the ability to move. This is especially important during folk festivals. On it you can quickly find yourself in a place of maximum concentration of people. Such a stall can be bought or rented.

You can buy a stall with all the necessary communications inexpensively, for about 150 thousand rubles. But the location of the tracker must be agreed with the city administration, and this is not always easy. Sometimes it is more profitable to buy a stall with an approved location, or to sublease the place.

The main fans of fast food are students and youth. They prefer to eat on a budget and quickly, so good option for the location will be the proximity of any educational institution or hostels. For the same reason, it's important to style your outlet in a modern style. It is important that it be in plain sight, in a place with good pedestrian traffic. You can also place it near the train station and shopping center, in the business center or next to the park.

The stall should have windows through which customers can watch the shawarma cooking process. You need to think about good lighting for the dark time of the day. In case of vandalism, it is better to insure the stall and all the property inside.

Shawarma as a business: important points

First of all, it is important to remember about the location of the point. A big plus for buyers will be the proximity to their places of work, study, because such food is usually bought in the middle of the day and on the go. Affordability is also important. The usual cost of one full meal at a street food point is no more than 300 rubles. including drink. You need to cook food in front of customers: the technology must be debugged.

When preparing to launch a business, it is important to choose the right location, find personnel for work and suppliers, determine the pricing policy, and only then proceed to purchase equipment. To properly plan your project, you need to draw up a business plan.

Shawarma business plan

The shawarma business plan includes several sections. A sound plan will help you evaluate the prospects of the project and, if necessary, attract investors.

Project Summary

The first section includes a description of your business. There you need to specify which format you will choose (mobile and stationary), where the stall will be located, who your competitors are and what your advantage is. The summary also includes an analysis of the street food market and the target audience for which you will work.

Production plan. What equipment is needed for shawarma

The production plan contains a list of equipment. This list includes a gas or electric grill - a stainless steel cabinet that also includes reflectors, heating elements, skewers and clamps, as well as a drip tray. Gas grills are economical and do not require an electrical connection. But electric grills allow you to reduce cooking time.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Power - from 3 kW. For high speed operation, a power of at least 7 kW is required.
  2. Capacity - from 20 kg of meat.
  3. Number of skewers. This criterion affects the depth of meat frying, and also allows you to cook different types of meat.
  4. Is there a drive to rotate. It is better that the skewer rotates - this helps to evenly fry the meat from all sides.

Also you will need:

  • industrial vegetable cutter for fast cutting of vegetables and to it - slicers of different thicknesses for cutting different types vegetables. Usually food processors break down quickly, and it takes too long to cut vegetables by hand. An industrial vegetable cutter costs from 25 thousand rubles and has a capacity of approximately 300 kg per hour.
  • tabletop or floor fryer if french fries are on the menu. They also come in gas and electric, but it is better to choose an electric one. The cost is from 3 thousand rubles.
  • refrigerated tables so that vegetables are always at hand and do not deteriorate. Price - from 50 thousand rubles. In order to save money, you can choose a refrigerator, which will cost 10 - 15 thousand.
  • immersion blender for mixing sauces. This is needed when in large numbers orders: a blender will allow you to make a homogeneous sauce in a few seconds. Its price is from 2 thousand.
  • microwave oven or contact grill for heating.
  • Often, novice businessmen choose inexpensive equipment from China. Look at performance first. A Russian-made grill costs more than a Chinese one, but about one and a half times cheaper than a European one - with the same performance. It should have GOST certificates, be easy to clean and be comfortable for the cook.

Financial plan. The cost of shawarma equipment

The financial plan includes a list of all expenses: both start-up and fixed, as well as an analysis of income. Let's calculate the average costs.

The amount can vary significantly depending on the type of equipment chosen:

  • Grill - 20-30,000 rubles.
  • Vegetable cutter - from 25,000.
  • Deep fryer - from 3,000.
  • Blender - from 2,000.
  • Microwave - from 5 000
  • Washing - 3,000.
  • Refrigerator products - from 10,000.
  • Refrigerator for cold drinks - from 15,000.
  • Workplace equipment - 5,000.

The purchase of equipment will cost 80-90 thousand rubles. Another 30,000 must be paid for a cash desk with a terminal for accepting non-cash payments. About 20-40 thousand will be spent on additional expenses, including setting up a business, obtaining the necessary permits, printing flyers and sewing uniforms for sellers.

The total investment at the start, taking into account the lease, purchase of equipment, necessary ingredients and raw materials, will be from 200,000 rubles. If you buy a kiosk, the amount will rise to 300 - 400,000 rubles.

Regular expenses - from 120,000 rubles per month. This amount includes:

  • rent,
  • communal payments,
  • taxes,
  • purchase of products
  • wages of two employees with contributions to the pension fund and the social insurance fund.

In a good walk-through place, it’s realistic to sell 100 pieces of shawarma per day. Then the monthly revenue only from the sale of shawarma at a serving price of 150 rubles will reach 450,000 rubles. Add here income from the sale of drinks, french fries, chips, ice cream and related products - we get a net income of 100,000 rubles. Investments can be recouped in three to six months.

Such a business does not require serious marketing costs. People decide to buy shawarma if it is well located. It is enough for the owner of the point to choose the right place and raise a good sign. At the beginning, you can order the printing of advertising flyers and leaflets and distribute them to passers-by, as well as arrange them in nearby offices or educational institutions.

Risk Analysis

The main risks in this project:

  • lack of customers - mainly due to the wrong choice of point location;
  • the appearance of competitors near your point;
  • the risk of rising prices for raw materials;
  • non-compliance with production technology.

At the stage of starting a business, it is important to have a reserve that will be your "airbag", help you survive possible difficulties and work at least for 2-3 months in the absence of sufficient profit.

Kiosk staff

For the operation of one kiosk, one cashier and a cook will be enough. As a rule, a cleaner is not hired at a shawarma stall: at the end of the shift, the seller himself must clean up workplace. The function of the cashier can be taken over by the owner of the business. To resolve the issue with taxes, it is enough to hire an accountant who will check and send reports once a month.

What you need to open shawarma: a checklist of 10 points

The checklist for opening a point is as follows:

  1. Writing a business plan.
  2. Search for a place to open a stall.
  3. IP form.
  4. Obtaining permits
  5. Drawing up a lease agreement or buying a stall.
  6. Purchase and installation of the necessary equipment.
  7. Hiring employees.
  8. Distribution of leaflets, installation of signs.
  9. Purchase of ingredients and products.
  10. point opening.

How to open a shawarma tent: a list of documents

First of all, you need to register an IP at the place of residence. You can apply UTII - single tax on imputed income or another simplified tax regime. When choosing UTII, you can pay a fixed tax of about 6,000 rubles per month.

If you have gas equipment installed, you need to register with the gas technical inspection of the Housing Inspectorate and a conclusion on technical inspection. For stationary stalls you need a BTI passport. In different regions, the list of documents may vary slightly.

Cost of 1 shawarma

For a standard shawarma, you need a sheet of pita bread, 50 g of meat and about 40 g of vegetables, as well as 10 g of mayonnaise and ketchup. On average, it turns out 35 - 40 rubles per serving of shawarma, and its retail price is usually at least 120 rubles.

Although shawarma is not considered a seasonal product, the maximum demand for it is observed in autumn and winter. During the summer, demand drops slightly due to the heat and the holiday season. If you are starting a business outside of resort town, it is better to open a stall in September.

In this material:

What does it take to open a shawarma and ensure an influx of profit? The fast pace of modern life does not always allow you to devote enough time to lunch, so many are content with quick snacks on the run, preferring hearty and tasty fast food. Everyone will like fried meat mixed with chopped vegetables, delicious sauce and various seasonings, carefully wrapped in pita bread. Nutritious and satisfying shawarma is sold out quickly enough, so you should think about opening your own business in this area.

Choosing a place for implementation

This type of entrepreneurial activity does not require exorbitant capital investments. Significant demand for shawarma contributes to an increase in the number of goods offered, income will increase over time. The advantage can be considered the mobility of the point of sale, usually a mobile tent or a stationary stall is chosen for the sale of goods. You can develop a profitable project with the help of a specialist, and if you have certain knowledge and skills, it will not be difficult to handle it yourself.

Opening your own outlet is possible in the following formats:

  • mobile tent, which allows you to change the location;
  • the kiosk is a fixed point;
  • a mini-snack bar where, in addition to shawarma, various drinks or other types of fast food are offered.

The territorial location of the future stall plays a big role in the success of sales. It is better to sell products in crowded places where there are many potential buyers. These can be places of arrival and departure of people, educational institutions, stops, commercial buildings, parks and attractions.

It is possible to organize the sale of shawarma in the market itself or near it, but there will be a decrease in the number of buyers since the market closed. You can rent premises inside shopping centers, but in this case you will have to make a decent financial investment in renting a pavilion, which will also reduce profits. Close to other places offering fast food, it is better not to install a stall, as the sales volume will be lower.

Documentation and necessary permissions

Before registering a business, you need to decide what documents you need to have to open shawarma. Having collected all the documentation, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The former is preferable due to cost and time savings. If you want to sell alcoholic products in conjunction with the sale of shawarma, it is better to register as a limited liability company.

Having decided on the location of the future business, it is necessary to obtain permits from the SES and the fire service, confirming the fulfillment of all regulatory requirements. With these government agencies, you will first have to conclude a service agreement. Failure to meet all the conditions for obtaining permits entails a long paperwork, this can postpone the opening of your own business for many months.

Be sure to check the conditions under which the products used for cooking are stored before visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station. The entire list can be provided by the SES in person. Before checking, you must pay the state duty. Permission must be obtained from environmental service. If all the requirements are met, it takes a small amount of time to complete the documents.

Purchasing equipment and hiring staff

The costly stage is the purchase of equipment for the preparation of fast food, storage of raw materials and finished products. To organize a point of sale for the sale of shawarma, equipment is needed:

  • an electric grill for roasting meat and a burner for it; a gas grill can serve as an alternative;
  • refrigerating chambers purchased taking into account the requirements of the SES;
  • microwave oven for heating the finished product;
  • cash machine.

To organize the working space, you need to purchase a table, cabinets, necessary kitchen utensils. In advance, you should make sure that electricity and water are connected to the outlet. When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the comfort and safety of use, functionality. The cost of purchased equipment will depend on these criteria.

You should not overpay foreign suppliers if there is a high-quality analogue on the domestic market that is several times cheaper.

Chefs are required for high-quality and productive work. You need to hire at least two, replacing each other. They need to undergo a special medical examination and hygienic certification, the results of the check will be indicated in the medical books. The profitability of the enterprise as a whole will largely depend on their experience and professionalism, therefore it is desirable that they have the appropriate education and at least some experience in cooking shawarma.

Purchase of raw materials and payback

It is impossible to open a shawarma making business without the necessary raw material. Therefore, planning also includes finding suppliers of tasty and high-quality raw materials. Large purchases require a permanent supplier who can provide small discounts and bonuses to a loyal customer. Within half a year from the beginning of the activity, the invested costs will be gradually reimbursed, and then the period of receiving net profit from the sale of shawarma.

Street food around the planet is represented by a great variety of options. In Russia, a huge number of dishes of this direction are known. Shawarma can be called one of its brightest representatives.

Reasons for the popularity of shawarma and business features

The dish itself came to us from Turkey. Born on the shores of the Black Sea, it is distinguished by its special ease of preparation. It combines delicious meat, fresh vegetables, pita bread and sauce. So useful, simple and at the same time inexpensive food could not go unnoticed by entrepreneurs. In order to set up a shawarma stall, a complex business plan is not needed, since the simplicity of creating a dish miraculously combines with the absence of any difficulties in creating your own business.

Another reason for the popularity of this dish can be called an increased calorie content. So, one serving of shawarma can easily replace a full meal.

Depending on the region, the dish may have certain differences. These include:

Replacing Armenian lavash with tortilla;

Sauce options (from tomato to balsamic);

Various meats (there are recipes for cooking from pork, lamb, beef, chicken).

So, in order to open shawarma, a business plan should include the features of the taste preferences of the selected region. This is a prerequisite.

How to draw up a primary shawarma business plan with calculations

The first step is to designate the area in which the product will be sold. It should be understood that we are talking about a dish that they prefer to eat as a substitute for a full meal. Therefore, the best place for implementation will be sites with a large accumulation of people flows. For example, in major cities it can be:

Areas near educational institutions;

Squares and embankments;

Places of congestion of people, the way of work of which implies the frequent purchase of fast food (bus terminus and so on);

Playgrounds near any sports facilities.

Having chosen a place, we enter it into a ready-made business plan, for which shawarma is the basis for further calculations. The next step is to analyze the flow of people - this will help determine the possible daily profit. Please note that in some places the trade may be seasonal. So, for example, the embankment will be the most relevant place of sale in the spring and summer.

If you are thinking about how to open a shawarma, a business plan, the costs of which must be strictly planned, should include rent or purchase of premises. Most of the already existing points of sale rely on the implementation of activities in the stall. Its design allows you to create compliance with the requirements of SanPIN, as well as intelligent use of space, minimizing the cost of renting an area.

The next step is equipment

How to draw up an actual shawarma business plan? A sample from which, by making various adjustments, a calculation can be made based on the characteristics of each locality, will always include several main points. However, it should be clarified: the equipment in almost all cases will be standard.

The main list includes:

- Rotisserie for frying meat. This equipment, although highly specialized, is available for purchase in all cities. There are skewers from different manufacturers, but the principle of this type of stove is always the same.

- waffle iron. This conditional term is a device with which the finished shawarma is pressed, followed by frying. The waffle iron's ribbed surface creates a signature grill-like pattern on pita bread.

- Refrigerator. The refrigerator will store meat, vegetables, sauces, etc. It is necessary to clarify the possibility that, from the point of view of the correctness of storage of products, the inspecting authorities do not have any questions. If you need to create a distinction, you will need to purchase two refrigerators.

and inventory

All of the above equipment is not sufficient to make a full-fledged business plan for a shawarma tent. In addition, the following kitchen utensils should be added:


Cutting boards;

storage containers;

You also need to think about the delivery method. In most cases, it occurs by packaging in a disposable plastic bag, which is complemented by a napkin. In other cases, the finished dish is served on a plate. It should be understood that a full-fledged serving will be impossible, since we are talking about a dish that is mainly consumed on the go.

Communication and Conditioning

To prepare shawarma, in addition to the simplest equipment and a few related equipment, you only need electricity. Other communications are connected at will. Speaking of a full-fledged production process, water supply should be taken into account - without it, it will not be possible to work with food on site. Fortunately, in modern world summing up communications is a fairly simple matter. Connecting electricity, of course, is much faster than connecting water supply, however, both manipulations are performed at fairly budget prices and in a short time.

Design features

Since the main direction that the business plan adheres to is shawarma, one should rely on stimulating appetite. If we consider this issue from the point of view of psychology, the red color has an amazing effect on perception. It causes a feeling of hunger, increasing the desire to shop. No wonder the word "red" means "beautiful"!

A little advice: in no case should you copy brands already known in the field. In addition to the stupid attempt to live up to someone else's ideals, you can get sued for using someone else's work for your own selfish purposes. Since the only thing our business plan considers is shawarma, it would be appropriate to create an attractive sign showing delicious product implemented in this location. It is worth hiring a team of professional photographers and designers to create your own style - such costs will pay off completely, since its future fate will depend on the initial external attractiveness of the business you present.

Drawing up a list of expenses

So, a business plan (shawarma is a product that we will produce and sell) consists of the above parts, the analysis of the cost of which can reveal the secret of the full list of costs for the implementation of the business. The main parts of the standard calculation will be as follows:

Stall rental - 10-50 thousand rubles per month, depending on the location;

Purchase of a stall - 130-250 thousand, depending on the area, as well as the place of trade;

Land rent - 2-5 thousand rubles per month;

Acquisition of basic equipment: a frying oven - 100 thousand, a waffle iron - 35 thousand, a refrigerator - 30 thousand, kitchen utensils - 5 thousand;

Additionally, it may be necessary to purchase furniture (tabletops, chairs), the average cost of which varies from 10 to 40 thousand rubles;

Conducting communications - 5-10 thousand rubles.

Additional costs may be:
- design creation - from 5 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the idea being implemented.

You should immediately be ready to purchase the necessary raw materials (about 5 thousand rubles). If you plan to hire staff, you should take care of the upcoming wages(about 20 thousand rubles), since the first month of work will be held in test mode and, most likely, the profit will not be sufficient to fully cover the costs.

Thus, the most budgetary opening plan implies expenses of 227 thousand rubles. The maximum option, which does not include rent, but the purchase of a stall, will include 600 thousand rubles.


Calculating payback is an extremely difficult task, since everything is tied to providing up-to-date data regarding possible level business popularity. As an evaluation criterion, you can take as a basis an existing business in this area, which has been operating for a certain period of time in a place whose traffic is similar to yours. When calculating, you should remove about 20 percent, since this amount is profit from regular customers. The new business will accumulate them in about a year.


The success of this business depends entirely on integrated approach. Its implementation will be successful only if the calculations for the creation of the start are guaranteed, as well as if the quality standards are met. If you produce a truly delicious shawarma, buyers will turn a blind eye to not quite well-thought-out design, as well as flaws. interior decoration stall. Act wisely and you will succeed!

Thus, the shawarma fast food dish can be a brilliant start to creating an amazingly productive business. As for the prospects, in the future it is possible to open a network of kitchens in which shawarma, which has already managed to fall in love with many, will be produced. And by adding zest to your dish, you can truly win the hearts of lovers of this oriental dish, which takes its roots from the distant shores of the Black Sea.

Perhaps a stall or a mobile trailer with shawarma can be attributed to the most low-cost types of business, but you should not expect fabulous profits either. This is a fairly stable small business, which, with the opening of several similar points, goes into the category of medium. Having established the work of several stalls with shawarma, you can earn 500,000 rubles or more monthly. At the same time, product suppliers will be common to the entire network, which will positively affect the operation of all your outlets.

You need to start production and marketing from one kiosk, especially if this business is new to you.

There are 2 options for the premises for the shawarma trade: stationary stall and mobile trailer trailer. First you need to decide which one you will use for the production and trade of shawarma. Both options can generate income, but have their pros and cons.

The trailer is advantageous for its mobility. It can move during holidays and important events to a place with a large crowd of people, thereby increasing demand. The shawarma stall has a good permanent customer base. Having "lured" the buyer, he will have a regular, stable sale of his products. A stall purchased or rented is used. You can also rent a larger room, but then you will need many other goods.

Next, you need to think over the assortment, since the execution of documents that need to be prepared early depends on this, since this process can take up to 3 months. If you plan to trade in alcoholic beverages along the way, you need to register your company as an LLC, if there are none, then the most suitable option is an individual entrepreneur. While the papers are wandering through the authorities, you will have time to go through all the other preparatory stages before opening the shawarma.

Investment size

The advantage of a business built on the shawarma trade, that the return of funds with a profit will go from the first day. Leaving funds “just in case” is not necessary, although cautious entrepreneurs try to insure themselves in case of equipment breakdown or food spoilage.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, documents are drawn up and the issue of rent is resolved. The range is defined in detail below. Usually, in addition to shawarma itself, such catering establishments sell hot and cold drinks, ice cream, and sometimes other baked goods: sausages in dough, rolls, pancakes, hot dogs, spiral chips, etc. Shawarma should be offered in assortment. Make different portion sizes. Offer the buyer a small and a large shawarma. So you can provide customers with the convenience of consumption, which is only a plus for your institution.

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish, which, under other names, is common both in Europe and beyond the Urals. It is prepared from meat, pita bread, vegetables and sauces. Toppings and seasonings may vary.

The meat is grilled, then chopped and wrapped in pita bread together with vegetables. Used chicken, turkey, veal, lamb. In non-Muslim countries, shawarma is also prepared with pork. All this diversity will expand the range. In the course of trading, it will be clear which types to cook more, and which ones are better to exclude altogether.

Meat will be brought daily, it is easier to buy already wound on a spit. Some prefer grills equipped with skewers, on which individual carcasses or pieces of meat are strung. The chef will have to mince the meat after grilling it himself. Now it's time to get the equipment. You will need:

  • Grill (electric or gas).
  • Grill burners.
  • Refrigerator.
  • Washing.
  • Desktop (metal).
  • Hood.
  • Chef's tool.
  • Cash machine.

In order to save money for the first time, you can do without a freezer and microwave oven- they are not required for shawarma, but later it is advisable to purchase such equipment for related products. It all depends on the number of buyers, demand and assortment. Shawarma equipment at the beginning can be bought with simpler modifications, Chinese or used. Subsequently, it is desirable to replace it with reliable and modern units of well-known brands.

It is also necessary to buy a uniform for sellers, napkins, bags, gloves, disposable and professional tableware.

Recruitment is based on an interview. Work experience and compliance with medical indicators is important. Goodwill and correct behavior of salespeople are no less relevant, therefore, when choosing a candidate for a position, it is worth evaluating his stress resistance and ability to smile. The shawarma kiosk hires 1-2 employees, depending on the point's work schedule. Cleaners are not required, as the shawarma sellers do the cleaning at the end of the working day. At night, as a rule, shawarma is not sold, because it is not profitable.

Shawarma kiosk should be located in a crowded place. There should be a train station, park, metro, shopping center or stop public transport. The biggest fans of fast food are students who prefer to eat fast, tasty and inexpensive, so you can choose a place for a shawarma stall near an educational institution (technical schools, universities, colleges, training centers) or hostel. The kiosk or trailer should be visible, otherwise you will have to place a lot of bright signs and pillars.

Since mostly young people eat shawarma, it is advisable to decorate the room in a creative, modern style.

The room itself should have large windows.- people will see the process of cooking, which will inspire confidence in its quality and entertain them while waiting for their order. At night, the illuminated stall will be visible from afar, which will attract additional customers to it. Such outlets have never attracted lawbreakers, because at night there is no money or valuable equipment that can be quickly sold. Therefore, you should not be afraid of large windows, although there is a risk of vandalism, but such cases are extremely rare. It is easier to insure the kiosk and equipment.

The documents

Opening a shawarma is not difficult, but you will have to collect a lot of documents and permits. First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and register with tax authority. A single tax on imputed income is usually applied to such establishments, but in Moscow it is the simplified tax system or OSN (the simplified tax system is more profitable). An individual entrepreneur is registered at the place of registration, and not at the place of activity. You can set up a kiosk anywhere in the territory of the Russian Federation, after coordinating this with the local authorities. Next, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Permission for the production and trade of shawarma (municipal authority).
  • Permission to open a shop certain territory(Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological condition (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • List of manufactured products (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Agreement with the laundry and dry cleaners for the laundering of uniforms.
  • Quality certificates.
  • Agreement on disinfection, deratization, disinfestation.
  • Ventilation contract.
  • Contract for the export and disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement for the removal of garbage (household and organic).
  • Staff medical records.

In addition, it is required to draw up a production control program (PPK), which should reflect the points on laboratory research, visual control of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, organization of measures to eliminate inconsistencies, etc. Permission from the fire service and SES is required. Medical books must have unexpired marks on examinations by specialists.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Let's calculate whether it is profitable to open shawarma. To do this, we will compile a list of expenses and income for a month in a rented stall without selling alcohol, subject to an average flow of visitors. The expenditure and income item for products is very relative, since everything depends on the turnover and assortment.


  • Kiosk rental - 20,000 rubles.
  • UNDS tax - 6,000 rubles.
  • Insurance premiums for employees - 2,000 rubles.
  • Food and drinks - 50,000 rubles.
  • Garbage removal, laundry, utility bills - 5,000 rubles.
  • Disposable tableware, napkins, bags, etc. - 2,000 rubles.
  • Salary to employees - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 115,000 rubles.

Modern people constantly have to hurry somewhere. In the daily routine, it is difficult to find time for a full meal, and therefore fast food comes to the rescue for many.

Shawarma is a famous dish from Turkey, consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fried pieces of meat, which are wrapped in thin pita bread. The demand for this dish is extremely high.

The current shawarma is classified as a universal type of dish that has historical roots, but at the same time instantly adapts to the needs of the present, changing the design and ingredients of the filling.

At some points, fitness shawarma is sold, which does not contain meat, and the filling consists exclusively of vegetables. In European countries, the product is often served with pork, which in general contradicts all the origins of the dish, but fully satisfies the demand of the buyer. Large chains of fast food restaurants offer so-called rolls stuffed with meat, which are wrapped in a flatbread made from wheat flour.

As you can see, shawarma easily changes ingredients, satisfying market demand and saving the main advantages - the uniqueness of taste, the rapid satisfaction of hunger, the uselessness of cutlery and the budget cost.

Therefore, this is an extremely profitable business niche that does not require large investments for a successful start. It remains to understand how to open a shawarma sale.

Initially, you need to determine the location of the stall. Such a decision is of great importance, because if you make a mistake with the choice, you can be left without profit. To sell shawarma, it is better to choose places where streets cross, at public transport stops, or not far from educational institutions. In large cities, it would be logical to install a stall near the metro station. A walk-through place for a kiosk is the first step so that the shawarma business idea does not burn out.

You will also need to conclude a contract for the lease of a place for trade. For a stationary stall, the rental amount can be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition to renting a place, you will need to take care of obtaining permits from the SES authorities and fire authorities. The preparation of such a package of documents will cost approximately at 10,000 rubles.

The next step is to purchase the required equipment:

  1. Grill gas or electric type - the cost varies between 35-45 thousand rubles.
  2. Grill burner - price equals RUB 5,000
  3. Refrigeration equipment - the cost is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Hood - the price fluctuates within 5-8 thousand rubles.
  5. Grill contact type (heating products) — from 3000 rubles.
  6. Dishes - at least 2,500 rubles.
  7. Washstand - the cost is about 2,000 rubles.
  8. Tables for production operations - the price is 12-15 thousand rubles per unit.

Important!The above prices are indicative. The cost of the necessary equipment can be significantly reduced by purchasing Chinese products, or significantly increased by purchasing high-quality branded equipment. The price directly depends on the country of origin.

The last step is to decide whether you will trade yourself or hire a qualified salesperson. If it is planned to hire an employee, then his salary must be included in the associated costs - not less than 30 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget about paying for electricity - about 4000 rubles per month.

It so happens that in order to open your own business for the sale of shawarma, at the first stage you will need about 130 thousand rubles (the seller's salary is not included). This amount will be much more if you buy shawarma products in batches, and not buy them daily.

Also, the cost of legalizing a business, that is, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, will need to be included in the amount of initial costs. Here, everyone decides for himself.

It should be noted that the payback of such a business is quite fast - with the right organization of the business All costs will pay off in 3-5 months.

How much does it cost to open a shawarma? You can roughly calculate the payback period. When the kiosk is functioning, for example, 12 hours a day, selling 10 units of shawarma per hour with a price tag of 70 rubles, daily profit will be equal to 8400. Will stay clean 6500-7000 rubles (deduction for spent products). In a month it will be possible to earn 195 thousand rubles. Of these, you will need to pay taxes, rent a place or premises, an invoice for consumed electricity, a salary for the seller, purchase a new batch of products and leave a certain amount at the kiosk cash desk (for unforeseen situations and issuing change to buyers). About 100 thousand rubles will remain net for the owner.

The amount of net income can be reduced if the owner rents the stall or takes out a loan.

At the first stage, it is necessary to legalize the shawarma business. For this case, the best option is opening an IP - will cost the owner only 800 rubles for paying the state fee.

You can also open an LLC, it will cost a little less, but it will take at least 2 times more time to open it. It is recommended to open an LLC when you are planning a serious expansion of your business, which involves attracting third-party investors to open a whole network of stalls.

Important! For a business selling shawarma, it is recommended to use the UTII taxation system, it is extremely simple and transparent.

After registering the legal form, you need to conclude an agreement for the lease of a place for trade or premises. At the next stage, permits are obtained from the SES authorities and the fire service.

A good income can bring a stall with shawarma. The business plan shows this. To open such a business in 2017, the following documents are required:

  1. Business license.
  2. Company details.
  3. Certificate of decision on tax accounting.
  4. A contract for the lease of a place or premises.
  5. Permitting documents SES.
  6. Permits from fire departments.
  7. Seller's medical record (in the absence of one, one's own).

As mentioned above, at first you can open a cheap shawarma stall. Subject to the purchase of Chinese or used equipment, without buying a new kiosk (used rental) and without hiring employees. In this case, opening a point will cost approximately at 130 thousand rubles.

If the seller is hired, this amount will increase for 30-35 thousand rubles., subject to the purchase of a new or restored stall - for 300-350 thousand rubles., and when buying high-quality branded equipment for 100-140 thousand rubles.

Plus, this will need to include the opening of a legal form and the payment of taxes for the first month of activity. For a place near an educational institution, shawarma will be an excellent product. It will not be possible to open a business from scratch, there are costs.

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