As in Chinese (basic words and expressions in Russian). Russian-Chinese phrasebook for tourists (travelers) with pronunciation How would you say thank you in Chinese

Hi Hello)- nihao
Goodbye)- zaizen
Thank you- sese
Many thanks!- Sese, feychang fanse!
Happy New Year- xing nien kwai le, Wo zhu ni xin nian,
I wish you a happy new year- Zhu xin nian kuai yu, Gonghe xin nian, Gonghe xinxi
Do you speak English?- No fuck sho inwen ma?
Please- Buyun se
Sorry- Dui buti
What is your name?- Ni jiao shemme mingzi?
Yes- Shi
Not- Bushy
Do you want to dance?- Ni xiang tiao wu ma?
I love you!- Oh no!
I AM- whoa
We- wo-man
You- neither
You- nin
You- ni-men
They are- ta-men
What is your name?-- ni-jo she me min dza?
Badly- boo hao
Wife- chi-ze
Husband- chan-fu
Daughter- new art
A son- arze
Mother- Mama
Father- dad
Friend- pani-yo


zero- lin
one- and
two- ar
three- dignity
four- se
five- woo
six- leu
seven- chi
eight- pa
nine- gio
ten- shi
twenty- ar shi
thirty- san shi
fourty- sy shi
fifty- wu shi
one hundred- and share
one thousand- and chen
million- and pai wuan

Shops and restaurants

What it is?- Jo she she ma?
I will buy this- woo-mai
You have...?- niyo-me yo...?
Open- kai
Closed- kuan
Little, little- and ti ar
Many- hen-tuo
Everybody- chuen pu
Breakfast- zao-tsang
Dinner- u-tsang
Dinner- wan-tsang
Bread- miem pao
Drink- yn-leao
Coffee- ca-fei
Tea- cha
The juice- puoji
Water- choe
Wine- gio
Salt- yen
Pepper- hu tio ju
Meat- ro
Vegetables- cai
Fruit- Shui-kuo
Ice cream- pin-chi-ling


Where- ... ... tai-nah?
How much does the ticket cost?- Che-fey tuo-sho?
Ticket- pya
Train- whoa
Bus- kum-kum chi cho
Metro- di tie
The airport- Fei-ti-chan (g)
Railway station- wo-cho-jan
Departure- chu-tien
Arrival- ru-tien
Hotel- louis quan
Room- ke fa (n)
The passport- hu-cha
How to get
- zuo
Right- yo
Straight- ji
Up- sha
Way down- sya
Long away- yuan
Close- ting
Map- di tou

Places common use and attractions

Mail- yo ji
Museum- bow wu guang
Bank- ying ha
Police- tin-cha ti
Hospital- i-yuan
Pharmacy- yo fa
Shop- tie(n)
Restaurant- tiu-lo (y)
School- xue xia(o)
Church- thio tan(g)
Toilet- ti-sho-tye
The street- tie
Area- fuon cha(ng)
Bridge- chao

Dates and times

What time is it now?- you drank "and
Day- ry tien
A week- ting-chi
Month- yue
Year- nyen
Monday- ting-chi-yi
Tuesday- ting-chi-ah
Wednesday- tin-chi-san
Thursday- ting-chi-fu
Friday- ting-chi-woo
Saturday- ting-chi-leo
Sunday- tin-chi-ry
Spring- chuen
Summer- tya
Autumn- whose
Winter- tone)

Ways to say thank you in Chinese are one of the first phrases to learn right after greetings and.

You will hear and say them dozens of times throughout the day. Despite this, Americans and Europeans note that Chinese speech in many situations sounds more abrupt and straightforward, and even somewhat offhanded to some ears. Linguist Kaidi Zhang argues that it is not customary in Chinese culture to add "thank you" and "please" to every insignificant request, especially when communicating with close friends: these words are considered too formal and create distance between speakers. At the same time, in a business setting, appropriate gratitude is necessary.

That is why it is worth remembering and having in your arsenal several options for “thank you” in Chinese for different situations.

  • 谢谢
    xie xie
    Thank you

A simple and familiar way to thank everyone. Would you like to show more gratitude? Tell 谢谢你 (xie xie nǐ ) - thank you, 谢谢你 (tai xiè xie nǐ ) - thank you very much or 谢谢 (xiè xie ní n) - thank you. The last option is used in polite communication with people with whom you must maintain a respectful distance.

谢谢您的帮助 (xie xie nindebā ngzhù )- thank you for your help

谢谢你的礼物 (xiè xienǐ delǐ wù ) - thanks for the gift

谢谢款待 (xie xie kuǎ n dai)- Thank you for your hospitality

谢谢你的忠告 (xiè xienǐ dezhōng gao) - thanks for the advice

谢谢你们的盛情款待 (xiè xienǐ men desheng qing kuǎ n dai) - thank you for the warm welcome

  • 多谢
    duō xie
    Many thanks

This way of thanking is also found in messages and emails, and is used in Everyday life, for example, when someone gave you something. Thanks can be made more specific:

(duō xie nin) - thank you very much

你的厚意 (duō xie nǐ dehòu yì) - thank you very much for your kindness

谢关照 (duō xiè guān zhào) - thank you very much for your concern

谢你的指导 (duō xie nǐ dezhǐo)- many thanks for the guide/instruction

  • 我很感谢
    wǒ hěn gǎn xiè
    I am very grateful

A rather expressive way to say thank you, which can be saved for special occasions when someone helps you out or provides assistance.

  • 非常感谢你
    fēi cháng gǎn xiè nǐ
    Thank you very much, sincerely thank you

Formal and formal gratitude, which can be applied to someone above you in rank or to someone to whom you are deeply indebted.

非常感谢你的帮助 (fēi cháng gǎ n xie nǐ de bang zhu) - thank you so much for your help

  • 感谢不尽
    gǎn xiè bù jìn
    Infinitely grateful, extremely grateful

Another polite and heartfelt gratitude for some serious work.

  • 你辛苦了/你太辛苦了
    nǐ xīn kǔ le/nǐ tài xīn kǔ le
    Thank you for what you did!/Very grateful for what you did!

A classic way to thank someone you owe someone who has done you a favor. So you can express gratitude to the one who prepared tasty dish, or school teacher, or the host with whom you are staying for a while.

  • 麻烦你了
    má fan nǐ le
    I'm sorry for disturbing

Literally, this phrase can be translated as "I bothered you with a request, bothered you." Formally, it should not be considered as an apology, but rather a way to express gratitude to the person who spent time and energy to fulfill your request. This gratitude is often found in business communication in Chinese.

  • 你想得这么周到
    nǐ xiǎng de zhè me zhōu dao
    That is so thoughtful/caring/kind/prudent of you!

Someone took into account all your wishes, attentively treated your tastes? Thank him!

  • 哪里哪里
    nă lĭ nă lĭ
    What are you, what are you; where can I go, do not exaggerate, do not, you flatter me

This is a Chinese polite response to praise or a compliment, literally meaning that you do not see what it is about you that deserves such attention. Responding to a compliment with a simple "thank you" would be too presumptuous and arrogant. This phrase refers more to more formal situations and in close communication can sound too pompous. You can modestly answer:

谢谢夸奖 (xiè xie kuā jiǎ ng) - thank you for the compliment, thank you for the praise

  • 你太好啦
    nǐ tài hǎo la
    You are the best

An informal way to express appreciation and give a compliment at the same time, which will sound great in communication with peers and friends.

How do you respond to someone saying "thank you"?

不客气 (bù ki qì)- Please! My pleasure!

不要客气 (bù yao kè qi) - Please!

不用 (bù yòng xiè) - Do not mention it!

A Russian-Chinese phrase book will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit China and be impressed by the grandeur and rich history this power. We have collected the most used words and expressions in Chinese with pronunciation. Be very careful, because intonation in Chinese plays a decisive role. A word spoken with the wrong intonation...

Travel Phrasebook

A Russian-Chinese phrase book will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit China and be impressed by the grandeur and rich history of this power. We have collected the most used words and expressions in Chinese with pronunciation. Be very careful, because intonation in Chinese plays a decisive role. A word spoken with the wrong intonation can completely change the meaning.

China is the oldest civilization in East Asia, which has absorbed a huge number of cultures over four thousand years of existence. The largest state in the world, occupying the first place in terms of population. Capital -. C is adjacent to the northeast and northwest. Borders with Myanmar , Laos and , Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea. characterized by pronounced seasonality - monsoon rains, northerly winds and minimal precipitation in winter and very rainy summers with south winds. average temperature, respectively, is -18°С and +15°С.

See also "", with which you can translate into Chinese (or vice versa) any word or sentence.

Common phrases

Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Hello! 你好! Nihao!
Goodbye! 再见! Zaijien!
Welcome! 欢迎! Huanying!
Thank you! 谢谢! Sese!
Please! 不客气! 不用谢! Bukhatsy! Buyunse!
Sorry! 对不起!不好意思! Duibutsi! Buhaois!
It's OK 没关系。 Meiguanxi
Thank you for attention! 谢谢您的关注 Sese ning de guanzhu!
Tell me, please, what time is it now? 请问,现在几点了? Tsingwen, xienzai jidien le?
Can you tell me where the toilet is? 请问,厕所在哪里? Tsingwen, zhesuo zai nali?
Where can I buy a phone card? 在哪儿可以买到电话卡? Zainar khei maidao dienhua kha?
Where can I rent a car? 在哪儿可以租车? Zainar khei zuche?
Please take a photo of us 请给我们拍一照。 Tsin gei women phai and jao
I don't understand 我不明白。 Wo bu minbai
Please repeat what you said 请您再说一遍 Tsin ning zai shuo and beep
Do you speak Russian? 你会说俄语吗? No fuck sho hey ma?
Does anyone here speak Russian? 这里有人会说俄语吗? Zheli yuzhen huisho eyyu ma?
Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? No fuck sho inyu ma?
Does anyone here speak English? 这里有人会说英语吗? Zheli yuzhen huisho yinyu ma?
You are very beautiful! 你很漂亮! Ni hen pyaoliang!
What are you, what are you 哪里,哪里。 Nali, Nali. In China, it is customary to respond to a compliment in this way, and not to say thank you.
What are you doing tomorrow evening? 您明天晚上干什么? Nin mingthien wanshan gan shenme?
Would you like something to drink? 您想不想喝什么? Nin xiang bu xiang he shenme?
I love you! 我爱你! Wow
I love you too 我也爱你。 In e ai no
I do not love you! 我不爱你。 Woo boo no
Are you/are you married? 你结婚了吗? Ni jiehunle ma?
I am married 我已婚了。 Wo yihunle
I am not married 我没结婚 Wo mei jiehun
I don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend 我是单身。 Wo shi danshen
Bon Voyage! 一路平安! And luphing an!
Goodnight! 晚安! Wan an!
Heck! 糟糕 Zao gao!

The airport

Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Can you please tell me where the international departure hall is located? 请问,国际出发室在哪里? Tsingwen, guoji chhufashi zai nali?
Can you please tell me where is the domestic departure hall? 请问,国内出发室在哪里? Tsingwen, guonei chhufashi zai nali?
Can you please tell me where is the international arrivals hall? 请问,国际到达室在哪里? Tsingwen, guoji daodashi zai nali?
Can you please tell me where is the domestic arrivals hall? 请问,国内到达室在哪里? Tsingwen, guonei daodashi zai nali?
Where is the storage room? 请问,行李寄存处在哪里? Tsingwen, xingli jizhunchhu zai nali?
Is there a lounge at the airport? Where is she? 在飞机场有没有计时休息室? 在哪里? Zai feijichang you meiyou jishi xiuxi shi? Zai nali?
In which terminal is check-in for this flight? 这个航班在几号航站楼登记? Zhege hanban zai ji hao han zhan lou denji?
Where is check-in for this flight? 这个航班在哪里登记? Zhege hanban zai nali denji?
How to get to the 1st / 2nd / 3rd terminal? 到一/二/三号航站楼怎么走? Tao i/er/san hao han zhan lou zenme zu?
Where is the taxi stand? 出租车站在哪里? Chhuzuche zhan zai nali?
Where is the bus stop? 大巴站在哪里? Taba zhan zai nali?
Where can I pack my luggage? 哪里可以打包行李? Nali khei dabao sinli?
I don't have drugs, weapons or illegal drugs 毒品、武器和违禁品我都没有。 duphin utsi he weijin phin wo dou meiyou


Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Take me here (indicate the place written on the business card) 请把我送到这里。 Tsin ba wo sundao zheli
open the trunk 请打开行李舱吧。 Tsin dakhai sinli chan ba
Turn left here 这里往左拐。 zheli wang zuo guai
Turn right here 这里往右拐。 jeli wang you guai
How much is the bus/metro fare? 公车/地铁票多少钱? Gongche/dithe phiao duoshao tsien?
Where is the nearest bus stop? 附近的公交车站在哪儿? Fujin de gongjiaochhezhan zai nar?
Where is the nearest subway station? 附近的地铁站在哪儿? Fujin de dithezhan zai nar?
What is the next stop (station)? 下一站是什么站? Xia and zhan shi shenme zhan?
How many stops is it to?.. 到... 有多少站? Dao... duoshao zhan?
Which bus goes to... 去... 乘哪趟公交车? Tsui... cheng na tang gongjiaoche?
Which subway line goes to... 去... 乘几号线地铁? Tsui... cheng jihao xien dithe?
Please tell me how to get to... 请问,到... 怎么走? Tsingwen, dao... zenme zu?
Please take me to (…) 请带我去... Tsin dao wu tsui...
...airport 飞机场。 fei ji chang
... railway station 火车站。 huo che zhan
…the nearest hotel 最近的酒店。 zui jin de jiudien
...the nearest restaurant 最近的饭馆。 zui jin de fanguan
...the nearest beach 最近的海滨。 zui jin de haibin
...the nearest shopping center 最近的购物中心。 zui jin de gou wu zhong xin
...the nearest supermarket 最近的超级市场。 zui jin de chao ji shi chang
...the nearest park 最近的公园。 zui jin de gong yuan
...the nearest pharmacy 最近的药店。 zui jin de yaodien


Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
We booked a room for two, here are our passports 我们预定了双人房间。 这是我们的护照。 Women yuidingle shuangzhen fanjien. Zhe shi women de huzhao
Do you have rooms available? 有没有空的房间? You meiyou khun de fanjien?
Is there a cheaper room? 有没有便宜点儿的房间? You meiyou pienidiar de fanjien?
I need a single room 我需要单间。 Wu Xuyao ​​Danjien
I need a double room 我需要双人间。 Wu Xuyao ​​Shuangzhenjien
I need a double room with sea view 我需要一个海景的双人房间。 Wo Xuyao ​​Yige Haijing De Shuangren Fangjien
Is there a telephone/TV/refrigerator/air conditioner in the room? 房间里有电话/电视/冰箱/空调吗? Fangjien you dienhua/dienshi/bingxiang/khunthao ma?
What floor is the room on? 我的房间在几楼? Wo de fanjien zai chi low?
Is breakfast included? 价格包括早餐吗? Jiage baokhuo zaochan ma?
What time breakfast? 早餐几点开始? Zaotshan ji dien khaishi?
My room is not cleaned 我的房间没有打扫。 Wo de fanjien meiyou dasao
I want to change my number 我想换个房间。 Wo xiang huang jien
We ran out of toilet paper in the room 我们房间没有手纸了。 Women fanjien meiyou shouzhi le
We're leaving today 我们今天走。 Women jinthien zu
We are leaving on the 5th of August 我们八月五号走。 Women ba yue wu hao zu
We want to rent a room 我们想退房。 Women xiang thui fan
The minibar was already empty before I checked into this room. 我进房间的时候迷你吧就是空的。 Wo jiu fanjien de shihou miniba jiu shi khun de
I didn't break the toilet 抽水马桶是别人打破的。 Chhoushuimathun shi biren tapho de


Shopping center

Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Where can you buy baby products? 哪里能买到儿童产品? Nali neng maidao erthong chang ping?
Where can you buy shoes? 哪里能买到鞋子? Nali nen maidao szezi?
Where can you buy women's clothing? 哪里能买到女的衣服? Nali neng maidao nu de yifu?
Where can you buy men's clothing? 哪里能买到男的衣服? Nali nen maidao nan de yifu?
Where can you buy cosmetics? 哪里能买到美容? Nali nen maidao meijun?
Where can you buy household goods? 哪里能买到日用品? Nali neng maidao jiyongphing?
What floor is the grocery store on? 超级市场在哪一层? Chaoji shichang zai na i zheng?
Where's the exit here? 出口在哪儿? Chukhou zainar?
Can I try it? 我把这个试一下,好吗? Wo ba jege shi isya, hao ma?
Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里? Shi and jien zai cash?
I need a bigger size 我需要大一点儿 Wo Xuyao ​​Ta Idiar
I need a smaller size 我需要小一点儿 Wo Xuyao ​​Xiao Idiar
I need 1 size up 我要大一号 Wo yao ta ihao
I need 1 size down 我要小一号 Wo Yao Xiao Yihao
Can I pay by card? 可以刷卡吗? Khei shua kha ma?
What is the price? 多少钱? Tuo shao tsieng?
Very expensive! Let's get a little cheaper 太贵了! 来便宜点儿。 Thai gui le! lai phieni diar
We are poor students, we can't afford it 我们是穷学生, 这个我们买不起。 Women shi qiong xuesheng, zhege women mai butsi
Is there a similar one, but with mother-of-pearl buttons? 有像这个一样,但是珠母扣子的吗?
No, we will look for 没有,那么再找一下。

grocery supermarket

Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Is this the price for 1 jin? (1 jin \u003d 0.5 kg, in China the price is usually indicated for 1 jin) 这是一斤的价格吗?
Where can you buy fruit? 哪里能买到水果? Nali nen maidao shuiguo?
Where can you buy vegetables? 哪里能买到蔬菜? Nali neng maidao shuzhai?
Where can you buy meat? 哪里能买到肉类? Nali nen maidao joulei?
Where can you buy alcoholic beverages? 哪里能买到酒类? Nali nen maidao jiulei?
Where can you buy dairy products? 哪里能买到奶制品? Nali neng maidao naijiphin?
Where can you buy confectionery? 哪里能买到糖果点心? Nali neng maidao thangguo dienxin?
Where can you buy tea? 哪里能买到茶叶? Nali nen maidao chae?
Need 1 big bag 我要大的袋子。 Wo yao tade daizi
Need one small package 我要小的袋子。 Wo Yao Xiaode Daizi
I will pay by card 我刷卡。 Wo shua kha


Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
Can you please tell me how to get to the nearest pharmacy? 请问,到最近的药店怎么走? Tsingwen, dao zui jin de yaodien zenme zu?
Please give me something from... 请给我拿一个… Tsin gei wo na ige…
...headache 治头疼的药。 zhi thoutheng de yao
... diarrhea 治腹泻的药。 zhi fuse de yao
... runny nose 治伤风的药。 zhi shengfeng de yao
...cough 治咳嗽的药。 zhi haisou de yao
I need painkillers 我要止痛药。 Wo yao zhithunyao
I need a bactericidal patch 我要创可贴。 Wo yao chhuang khae te

Cash register

Numbers and numbers

Number Translation Transcription Pronunciation
1 and
2 [er] er
3 sleigh
4 sy
5 at
6 liu
7 tsi
8 ba
9 jiwu
10 shea
11 一十一 and shi and
12 一十二 and shi er
20 二十 [er shi] er shi
30 三十 san shi
40 四十 sy shi
50 五十 ears
51 五十一 wu shi and
52 五十二 wu shi er
53 五十三 wu shi san
100 一百 and buy
101 一百零一 and bai ling and
110 一百一十 and bai and shi
115 一百一十五 and bai and shi u
200 二百 [èr bǎi] er bai
1 000 一千 and tsien
10 000 一万 and wan
1 000 000 一百万 and bai wan
Numbers greater than three digits, phone number, and the year are pronounced separately for each digit, for example, 2012 or 152002516530 二〇一二 or 一五二〇〇二一六五三〇 [èr líng yī èr] or 一五二〇〇二一六五三〇

In Chinese, a counting word is placed between the number and the subject. Different counter words are used for different objects, for example: for flat objects: 张 zhang 一张纸 or 三张地图 or one sheet of paper or three cards for books: 本 ben 一本书 one book. Also, there is a universal counting word that can be used for all objects and people: 个ge.


Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
I AM in
We 我们 wo men
You neither
You 你们 ni men
you (respectfully) ninh
He tha
She tha
They are 他们 tha men
It tha
This (this, this) zhe
That (that, that) on
Just as in the case of numerals, a counting word is placed between the demonstrative pronoun and the subject, for example: 这本书 or 那辆车 or this book or that car

Question words

Phrase in Russian Translation Transcription Pronunciation
What? 什么 shenme
Where? Where to? Where? 哪里 nali
When? 什么时候 shenme shihou
Who? Whom? Whose? shay
How much? For example, how much does it cost? 多少 like 多少钱? for example duoshao (used if the answer suggests a number greater than 10)
How much? For example, what time is it now? 几 e.g. 现在几点? for example chi (if the answer suggests a quantity less than 10)
How? How? 怎么 zenme
Why? What for? 为什么 weishengme
Which? 什么 or 哪个 or shenme or nage

Color names

The first hieroglyph denotes the name of the color, the second 色 is the word "color" itself. To say "an object of such and such a color" a particle 的 is added between the color and the object, for example 白色的裙子 skirt white, White skirt.

The word "Thank you" is just as important in everyday communication as "Hello" or "Bye". Whether you're traveling or living in China, "thank you" is the basic expression you'll use all the time.

Politeness and gratitude opens many doors. And if you make a little effort and learn how to say thank you in Chinese, and even using different phrases, then you are guaranteed a lot of smiles and compliments!

So why don't we learn thank you in chinese in 8 different ways? Moreover, the number 8 is considered lucky in China.


1. 谢谢 xièxie (sese) Thank you

The most banal and simple option. E it is a direct analogue of the word "thank you", it can be used everywhere and always.

Do you want to show more respect for the interlocutor? Tell谢谢你 xièxie nǐ - thank you, or谢谢您 xièxie nín - thank you.

If you know the person's name, use that instead你 nǐ "you".

For example, 谢谢,王明 Xièxie,Wáng Míng.

N.B.. Note that the consonant "X" in Chinese is pronounced "S" (not "ks"). Therefore, we pronounce it correctly: not “kse kse”, but “Se se” with an emphasis on the first syllable.

2. 多谢 duōxiè Thank you very much, much appreciated

This phrase is more formal and is mostly used in written language, but it can also be used occasionally in conversation.

3. 感谢 gǎnxiè Thank you very much, sincerely thank you

When a person really helped you or did something meaningful for you, it is better to respond感谢你 / 您 gǎnxiè nǐ/nín, which means "thank you very much".

Tell 非常感谢 fēicháng gǎnxiè,and express even greater gratitude: Thank you very much!

This option should be used when communicating with those who are older than you or higher in status. If you say so to a close friend, most likely this expression will sound like irony.

4. 真的很麻烦你了 zhēnde hěn máfan nǐ le I burdened you a lot (thanks for your help)

A great expression when you want to thank a person if you contacted them with a request.

Verbatim 麻烦 mafan translated as "make it difficult with a request", "disturb". This is a commonly used and favorite word many sinologists.

It can also be heard in phrases such as麻烦你帮我 … máfan nǐ bāng wǒ…- please help me ... (do something).

N.B. Please note: you do not need to say this phrase in relation to yourself:你麻烦我了 nǐ máfan wǒ le You have given me problems. This will sound very rude.

5. 你辛苦了, 多谢。 nǐxīnkǔ le,duōxiè. Thank you so much for doing so much!

Use this expression after you have been helped, or if you have completed something together.

Most likely, you will be politely answered不辛苦 bù xīnkǔ - nothing, not tired.

6. 干得好 gàn de hǎo Good job, well done.

This expression can express praise and gratitude in an informal conversation.

7. 真棒 zhēn bàng Cool, great!

This word can be used with your friends.

你真棒 nǐ zhēn bàng– “You are very cool! you are super!" sounds like praise for a job well done.

8. 太赞了 tài zàn le! Wonderful!

This is also an informal expression.zan means "praise" and is used in the meaning of "like".

Thanks to a friend, you can say:谢谢你,太赞了! xièxie nǐ, tài zàn le- Thank you, that's great!

As you can see, being grateful in Chinese is very easy!Use these phrases in daily communication, and the result will be the location of friends, colleagues and just the people around you!

多谢 duō xiè!

Successful practice!

Svetlana Khludneva

P.S. Want to know more? Pay attention to other articles in this series: "in Chinese", "!",

P.P.S. Take care of yourself!

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