Review of peptide drugs npcriz: properties, application, results. The best peptide drugs Medicines with a peptide structure

An ancient truth says:
“Strong is not the one who copes with illness, but the one who treats his health wisely”

Since ancient times, scientists have tried to understand why the body ages. By nature, a person has a life expectancy of 110-120 years. Aging begins gradually: first, a decrease in various biochemical reactions begins, the functions of the brain, heart, liver, etc. decrease. And already when symptoms appear, i.e. the appearance of wrinkles, graying, problems with joints, these are already consequences.

Life exists thanks to two molecules: peptide proteins, which carry information, and DNA, which is a matrix and is not active in itself. When peptides are combined with one or another section of DNA, i.e. with a section of a gene, the synthesis of specific proteins occurs, and life arises.

Peptides are very short proteins. They are only 1 nm in size, so they are rightfully classified as a nanoworld. As you know, proteins consist of amino acids, like a chain of links, and come in different lengths: long ones - they contain dozens of amino acids and short ones - having only 2-3 links. These are peptides. In the body, peptides are “information” messengers; they carry information from one cell to another so that everything in the body is done on time and well.

Cells produce certain types of proteins. The cell works well, and therefore the entire organ works well. If a malfunction occurs, then the entire organ goes astray, which leads to illness. Of course, you can treat diseases, introduce missing substances into the body, but then the cell will become completely lazy and stop working altogether. Therefore, it is necessary to send messengers - peptides, they will force it to work, the body will heal itself. Each organ has a supply of reserve stem cells. If this reserve is evenly realized, then a person lives to be 100-110 years old.

All peptides have their own narrow specialization. Only a different peptide is suitable for each tissue: for the lungs - pulmonary, for the liver - hepatic, for the brain - brain. The peptides are the same for all mammals. Therefore, if you take calf peptide and inject it into a person, our body will accept it as family. The main problem was to learn how to isolate peptides from animal organs. And this technology was invented back in 1971 at the Military Medical Academy by professors Vladimir Khavinson and Vyacheslav Morozov.
(material borrowed from the article

Medicines were created, then dietary supplements were made based on them, since dietary supplements are easy to use.

Studying the aging process and ways to influence it, employees of the Institute of Gerontology in St. Petersburg came to the conclusion that by including peptides in the diet of an experimental group of mice, their life expectancy increases by 30-38%.

Then studies of peptides were carried out on elderly people at the Kiev Institute of Gerontology and in St. Petersburg. This contributed to a decrease in mortality by almost 2 times, which indicated the high geroprotective activity of the peptides.

Thus, Russia developed new technology bioregulation. And no one in the world has similar drugs.

Video message from V. Khavinson to NPTsRIZ partners

About the company NPTsZiZ

The discovery of peptide regulators is equivalent to the launch of a satellite. Experiments have confirmed 40 times that the basis of aging and diseases, including tumors, is the regulation of protein synthesis.

During the experiments, they took frog eggs and dripped one of seven drugs, and the one that was dripped, that tissue began to grow: if they dripped, for example, liver peptide, liver tissue began to grow.

In the experiments, the number of cell divisions was increased - the Hayflick limit - when the cell stopped dividing after 47 times, the peptide was dropped and the cell again continued to divide up to 67 times, which is an excess of the Hayflick limit by 40%. In the Geneva independent experiment, this experience was rechecked 5 times. The peptide enters the DNA helix, restores protein synthesis and regulates.

The annual course of complex use of preparations of the thymus, brain, blood vessels, liver, cartilage tissue, thyroid and pancreas led to a significant decrease in mortality by almost 2 times or more, which was associated with improved function of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, and brain , increasing bone density.

Many years of study and use of peptide drugs have shown their high effectiveness in patients of various age groups, but particular effectiveness was noted in older people (over 50 years old). The undoubted advantage of peptide bioregulators is the absence of any adverse reactions. Over the course of 26 years, more than 15 million people with various pathologies received the drugs. The effectiveness of application averaged 75-95%.

For any person 35-60 years old, two courses of peptides per year are enough to support the vital functions of their body. In order to be young and healthy - no matter how trite it sounds - you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. With age, even in a healthy person, the involution of vital body systems begins. They are all gradually aging. The first, as a rule, to fall under the pressure of external and internal factors are the immune, neuroendocrine and central nervous systems.

Therefore, after 35 years, it is reasonable to think about preventing age-related changes in your body, properly organize your regime and choose a program for restoring and rejuvenating the body based on peptides, because the use of peptide bioregulators is the path to active longevity.

Today, the third generation of drugs has been created - 11 peptide complex bioregulators. These are geroprotectors that help slow down aging. You can start using it at 25-30 years old, and at 40 it is simply necessary.

Peptide bioregulators should be used (quote by D.A. Gorgiladze - Vice-President of NPTsRIZ for Science): "..without pampering, for a long time, so that there is no return to aging, the previous state of the body." And active aging of the body begins at a fairly young age. Stress, intense exercise, and aging all contribute to a decrease in protein synthesis.

Peptide deficiency, which develops with age and pathology, significantly accelerates tissue wear and aging of the body. The fact is that for adequate functioning of cells and tissues, an adequate amount of peptides is needed, which, in turn, support the functioning of genes in an optimal mode. Peptides that work in cells specific to them are synthesized in them. Therefore, with pathology, as well as with age, the work of cells is disrupted, therefore the reproduction of peptides is disrupted, and after this, for the second time, cell function again suffers. Tissue degeneration progresses, which ultimately manifests itself clinically. Therefore, the use of short peptides is one of the main innovations in medicine and can significantly slow down the rate of aging by stimulating tissue proliferation and regeneration, as well as increasing their cellular resource. Another important advantage of peptides is their pronounced antitumor effect.

Today, the use of peptides is the best and uncompromising solution in the field of revitalization (rejuvenation of the body) and prevention of cancer, since it allows cell and tissue renewal not only through the regulation and synchronization of all cyclic processes, but also by expanding the possibilities of cell division without atypia (“Atypia” is abnormal cell structure, non-compliance with the norm).

How to overcome old age? Interview with V.Kh. Khavinson -

Professor VLADIMIR KHAVINSON is known primarily as one of the authors of the theory of peptide regulation of cellular systems and body functions, as well as the creator and developer of a fundamentally new class of geroprotective drugs - peptide bioregulators, the use of which makes it possible to effectively prevent premature aging and treat diseases associated with with age.

Vladimir Khatskelevich Khavinson- Vice-President of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the section of the European Branch of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, chief specialist in gerontology and geriatrics of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Author of more than 600 publications scientific works, including 26 monographs, 165 domestic and foreign patents.

Graduated from the Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirova, retired colonel of the medical service.

The main scientific interests are related to the study of aging mechanisms, the creation, experimental and clinical study of peptide bioregulators-geroprotectors, as well as the development of theoretical and practical foundations of bioregulatory therapy.

Vladimir Khavinson is the author of 39 bioregulators and 6 drugs, which are included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, are produced by the pharmaceutical industry and have been successfully used (since 1982) in medical practice in the CIS countries (the drugs have been used to treat more than 15 million patients).

1. You need to realize: health is in your hands, you don’t have to wait for the state to take care of you.

2. Follow a daily routine: early to bed, early to rise. Disruption of the natural biorhythm is extremely dangerous. For example, it has been proven that women who work night shifts are much more likely to develop breast cancer.

3. Think about a balanced and moderate diet: all expensive foods (caviar, smoked meats, fatty fish, sweets) are harmful. What grows in the region is useful - beets, carrots, cabbage, apples, currants, etc., bananas and kiwi - not for us, ours digestive system not adapted to them. Meat in old age is also not very healthy, the most you can afford is a piece of boiled lean meat, or even better - fish, again not exotic, but caught in local waters. We must not forget about the benefits of onions and garlic (both contain antitumor substances), and about simple cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat (contain sorbents). Elderly people need lactic acid products (but not whole milk!), especially cottage cheese. For sweets (if you don’t have diabetes), you can eat honey, homemade jam, dried fruits, but cakes - only for holidays. If you can’t give up flour, give preference rye bread with grain additives.

4. Be concerned about the quality of the water you drink: if possible, take water from sources, if not, buy it good filter.

5. Physical activity is required, but within your capabilities. Popular tennis is not the best choice for people who have crossed the forty-year mark. Boris Yeltsin, for example, played tennis and suffered health complications, because tennis is a rather traumatic sport. For the same reason, judo and karate are not suitable. It’s better to stop walking (walk more and don’t use public transport and elevators), swimming, cycling. But everything is in moderation!

6. It is advisable to take bioregulators.

Ideally, Vladimir Khatskelevich Khavinson believes that every person over the age of 25-30 should have a personal genetic passport in order to know in advance the more vulnerable places of their body. Not everyone has the opportunity to have such a passport due to various circumstances.

Program "School of Health".
Professor V.Kh. Khavinson answers questions about peptides

video part1 video part2

Application: 1.5-2 months (until the bottle runs out) drip and rub liquid peptides into the wrist (the inner part of the arm in the area from the beginning of the palm to the bend of the elbow). Liquid peptides act transdermally, enter the lymph through the skin, then through the lymphatic system to the desired organ. The working dose is 4-6 drops.

Then we move on to encapsulated peptide bioregulators: VLADONIX + the second organ in focus as in scheme No. 1, 20 days, 1 capsule 2 times a day, break for 20 days and repeat 20 days, 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Liquid peptides act quickly, while encapsulated ones are already “polished” with additional amino acids, vitamins and microelements.


    Animal raw materials - only young healthy animals, this is advisable for obtaining high-quality peptides. Animals only from Russia, veterinary control at all levels. Technology and production conditions do not allow bacteria to survive.

    Amino acids, mineral composition encapsulated peptide bioregulators - in biologically bound form.

    These dietary supplements are tested for safety as medications.

    Infectious safety: absence of prions - proteins that cause slow infections.

    There are no side effects.

    No overdose.

    Compatible with any medications and dietary supplements.

(pregnancy and lactation for a short period, no special studies were conducted)

Shelf life: 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Until recently, not everyone could afford to use peptide drugs. Many people have been using peptides for a long time. famous people, here are some of them: UAE Minister of Energy Sheikh Saeed; pilot-cosmonaut G.M. Grechko; artists - Valery Leontyev, Elena Stepanenko and Evgeny Petrosyan; Maya Plisetskaya; Academician Zh.I. Alferov. Bypassing many intermediaries, the unique developments of the Institute of Gerontology and NPTsRIZ directly reach the consumer, which could not affect their price - they have become absolutely accessible.

NPCRIZ is the exclusive distributor of peptide drugs of natural origin from the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, as well as the co-author of a new exclusive line of short peptides and cosmetics based on them, which guarantees the quality of the drugs and protects the consumer from counterfeiting. The team of NPTsRIZ professionals has also developed and prepared for implementation several unique lines of revitalization products based on various classes of gero- and oncoprotectors.

The St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology and the Research and Production Center for Revitalization and Health (NPCRIZ), being strategic partners and co-authors, offer a unique, scientifically proven program of comprehensive rejuvenation.

The opportunity to control the human aging process is real.

Natural peptide bioregulators, action:

    Restoration of impaired functions of organs and tissues

    Regulation of gene activity: short peptides bind to strictly defined regions of the corresponding genes, initiating the unwinding of the DNA molecule and reading information from it

    Cell division without atypia (“Atypia” is abnormal cell structure, non-compliance with the norm).

Natural encapsulated peptides:

Mesothels - geroprotectors (basic agents of class 1):
based on choline and colloidal silver
, the composition of which is enriched with zinc and vitamins
, which includes, in addition to all of the above, also resveratrol (phytoalexin, one of the most important components of red wine extract)

New episode cosmetics

A series of creams has been developed for skin care COMPLIMENT, the effectiveness of which as therapeutic and cosmetic products has been confirmed by tests,
carried out by leading dermatological clinics in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Range of creams COMPLIMENT contains a complex of physiologically active peptides that have a combined effect on various skin cells.
The physiologically active components in the creams of this series are short peptides isolated from animal tissues.
Peptides are able to restore metabolism in skin cells and maintain it at an optimal level. The effectiveness of peptides has been shown in numerous experimental studies. Peptides included in creams COMPLIMENT so small that they penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.
Peptides consist of a unique chain of amino acids that act as “information carriers”: penetrating into skin cells, peptides stimulate the synthesis of the required amount of active substances in the desired biological rhythm, depending on the individual characteristics body.
They transmit information to cells and trigger self-regulation processes, which weaken due to age-related changes and aggressive influence of external factors.
Due to its unique composition, creams COMPLIMENT guarantee high efficiency when used: the natural components of the cream base, in particular olive oil, ensure the transport of active substances to the layers of the skin that need them.

It is advisable to use four types of creams sequentially:

1st month:
day cream (under makeup) – “Compliment restoring” cream
night cream – cream “Compliment strengthening”

2nd month:
day cream (under makeup) – “Compliment regenerating” cream
night cream – cream “Compliment intensive”

Thanks to the use of creams
Gradually day after day it is moisturized and rejuvenated
skin, the aging process slows down and returns to you
youth and beauty!

The main partner of the Center for Revitalization and Health in the production of products is the Chemical-Biological Association at Russian Academy Sciences "Firm "Vita". It is here that peptide bioregulators are manufactured - Cytogens and Cytomaxes, liquid peptide complexes (PC), cellular cosmetics products of the Reviline series, a series of creams for facial skin care "Compliment", external Mesothels, decorative cosmetics, a series of hair care products, a series of hair care products oral care product Revidont Professional, as well as some exclusive dietary supplements (dietary supplement "Panaxod").

M. S. Borts (General Director of CHBO RAS “VITA”, Candidate of Technical Sciences): “One of the aspects of cooperation with the Center for Revitalization and Health is the use of ginseng derivatives, complexes isolated from ginseng in cosmetic products and in some dietary supplements of the Center for Revitalization and Health. We are grateful and grateful to the Center for Revitalization and Health for the fact that it allows us to spread knowledge about these products more widely and have a very large evidence base and, in turn, meet the demand large quantity population in original, truly important and truly interesting products.”

The Research and Production Center for Revitalization and Health presents new cosmetics as part of the unique anti-aging series REVILAB evolution. In addition to the anti-wrinkle serum No. 7, three more innovative cosmetic products have appeared: a hydrating serum (ultra-hydration), an eye serum and a lip serum.

Each product has a unique, carefully developed composition; the effectiveness of all components is confirmed by research in the best cosmetic clinics in Europe.

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Peptides, or short proteins, are found in many foods - meat, fish, and some plants. When we eat a piece of meat, the protein is broken down into short peptides during digestion; they are absorbed into the stomach, small intestine, enter the blood, the cell, then into the DNA and regulate the activity of genes.

It is advisable to periodically use the listed drugs for all people after 40 years of age for prophylaxis 1-2 times a year, after 50 years of age - 2-3 times a year. Other medications are as needed.

How to take peptides

Since the restoration of the functional ability of cells occurs gradually and depends on the level of their existing damage, the effect can occur either 1-2 weeks after the start of taking peptides, or after 1-2 months. It is recommended to carry out the course for 1-3 months. It is important to consider that a three-month intake of natural peptide bioregulators has a prolonged effect, i.e. It works in the body for about 2-3 months. The resulting effect lasts for six months, and each subsequent course of administration has a potentiation effect, i.e. the effect of enhancing what has already been received.

Since each peptide bioregulator targets a specific organ and does not affect other organs and tissues, the simultaneous use of drugs with different effects is not only not contraindicated, but is often recommended (up to 6-7 drugs at a time).
Peptides are compatible with any medications and biological additives. While taking peptides, it is advisable to gradually reduce the dose of concomitantly taken medications, which will have a positive effect on the patient’s body.

Short regulatory peptides do not undergo transformation in the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be safely, easily and simply used in encapsulated form by almost everyone.

Peptides in the gastrointestinal tract break down into di- and tri-peptides. Further breakdown to amino acids occurs in the intestines. This means that the peptides can be taken even without a capsule. This is very important when a person for some reason cannot swallow capsules. The same applies to severely weakened people or children, when the dosage needs to be reduced.
Peptide bioregulators can be taken for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

  • For prevention dysfunctions of various organs and systems, it is usually recommended to take 2 capsules 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 days, 2 times a year.
  • For medicinal purposes, to correct disorders functions of various organs and systems, in order to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of diseases, it is recommended to take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days.
  • Peptide bioregulators are presented in capsulated form (natural Cytomax peptides and synthesized Cytogen peptides) and in liquid form.

    Efficiency natural(PC) is 2-2.5 times lower than encapsulated. Therefore, their use for medicinal purposes should be longer (up to six months). Liquid peptide complexes are applied to the inner surface of the forearm in the projection of the veins or on the wrist and rub until completely absorbed. After 7-15 minutes, the peptides bind to dendritic cells, which carry out their further transport to the lymph nodes, where the peptides undergo a “transplant” and are sent through the bloodstream to the desired organs and tissues. Although peptides are proteins, their molecular weight is much smaller than that of proteins, so they easily penetrate the skin. The penetration of peptide drugs is further improved by their lipophilization, that is, their connection with a fatty base, which is why almost all peptide complexes for external use contain fatty acids.

    Not long ago, the world's first series of peptide drugs appeared for sublingual use

    A fundamentally new method of application and the presence of a number of peptides in each of the drugs provide them with the fastest and most effective action. This drug, entering the sublingual space with a dense network of capillaries, is able to penetrate directly into the bloodstream, bypassing absorption through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and primary metabolic decontamination of the liver. Taking into account direct entry into the systemic bloodstream, the rate of onset of the effect is several times higher than the rate when taking the drug orally.

    Revilab SL line- these are complex synthesized drugs containing 3-4 components of very short chains (2-3 amino acids each). The concentration of peptides is the average between encapsulated peptides and PC in solution. In terms of speed of action, it occupies a leading position, because is absorbed and hits the target very quickly.
    It makes sense to introduce this line of peptides into the course initial stage, and then switch to natural peptides.

    Another innovative series is a line of multicomponent peptide drugs. The line includes 9 drugs, each of which contains a number of short peptides, as well as antioxidants and building material for cells. An ideal option for those who do not like to take many medications, but prefer to get everything in one capsule.

    The action of these new generation bioregulators is aimed at slowing down the aging process, maintaining a normal level of metabolic processes, preventing and correcting various conditions; rehabilitation after serious illnesses, injuries and operations.

    Peptides in cosmetology

    Peptides can be included not only in medicines, but also in other products. For example, Russian scientists have developed excellent cellular cosmetics with natural and synthesized peptides, which have an effect on the deep layers of the skin.

    External skin aging depends on many factors: lifestyle, stress, sunlight, mechanical irritants, climatic fluctuations, fad diets, etc. With age, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses elasticity, becomes rough, and a network of wrinkles and deep furrows appears on it. We all know that the process of natural aging is natural and irreversible. It is impossible to resist it, but it can be slowed down thanks to revolutionary cosmetology ingredients - low molecular weight peptides.

    The uniqueness of peptides is that they freely pass through the stratum corneum into the dermis to the level of living cells and capillaries. Skin restoration occurs deep from within and, as a result, skin for a long time retains its freshness. There is no addiction to peptide cosmetics - even if you stop using it, the skin will simply age physiologically.

    Cosmetic giants are creating more and more “miracle” products. We trustingly buy and use, but no miracle happens. We blindly believe the labels on the cans, not realizing that this is often just a marketing technique.

    For example, most cosmetic companies are busy producing and advertising anti-wrinkle creams with collagen as the main ingredient. Meanwhile, scientists have concluded that collagen molecules are so large that they simply cannot penetrate the skin. They settle on the surface of the epidermis and are then washed off with water. That is, when buying creams with collagen, we are literally throwing money down the drain.

    Another popular active ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics is resveratrol. It really is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant, but only in the form of microinjections. If you rub it into the skin, a miracle will not happen. It has been experimentally proven that creams with resveratrol have virtually no effect on collagen production.

    NPCRIZ (now Peptides), in collaboration with scientists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, has developed a unique peptide series of cellular cosmetics (based on natural peptides) and a series (based on synthesized peptides).

    They are based on a group of peptide complexes with different application points that have a powerful and visible rejuvenating effect on the skin. As a result of application, skin cell regeneration, blood circulation and microcirculation are stimulated, as well as the synthesis of the collagen-elastin framework of the skin. All this manifests itself in lifting, as well as improving the texture, color and moisture of the skin.

    Currently, 16 types of creams have been developed, incl. anti-aging and for problematic skin (with thymus peptides), for the face against wrinkles and for the body against stretch marks and scars (with peptides of bone-cartilaginous tissue), against spider veins (with vascular peptides), anti-cellulite (with liver peptides), for eyelids from swelling and dark circles (with peptides of the pancreas, blood vessels, osteochondral tissue and thymus), against varicose veins (with peptides of blood vessels and osteochondral tissue), etc. All creams, in addition to peptide complexes, contain other powerful active ingredients. It is important that the creams do not contain chemical components (preservatives, etc.).

    The effectiveness of peptides has been proven in numerous experimental and clinical studies. Of course, to look great, creams alone are not enough. You need to rejuvenate your body from the inside, using from time to time various complexes of peptide bioregulators and micronutrients.

    The line of cosmetics with peptides, in addition to creams, also includes shampoo, mask and hair conditioner, decorative cosmetics, tonics, serums for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, etc.

    It should also be taken into account that the sugar consumed significantly affects the appearance.
    Due to a process called glycation, sugar has a damaging effect on the skin. Excess sugar increases the rate of collagen degradation, which leads to wrinkles.

    Glycation belong to the main theories of aging, along with oxidative and photoaging.
    Glycation - the interaction of sugars with proteins, primarily collagen, with the formation of cross-links - is a natural for our body, a constant irreversible process in our body and skin, leading to hardening of the connective tissue.
    Glycation products – A.G.E particles. (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) - settle in cells, accumulate in our body and lead to many negative effects.
    As a result of glycation, the skin loses its tone and becomes dull, it sags and looks old. This is directly related to lifestyle: reduce your consumption of sugar and flour (which is also good for normal weight) and take care of your skin every day!

    To combat glycation, inhibit protein degradation and age-related skin changes, the company has developed an anti-aging drug with a powerful deglycating and antioxidant effect. The action of this product is based on stimulating the deglycation process, which affects the deep processes of skin aging and helps smooth out wrinkles and increase its elasticity. The drug includes a powerful anti-glycation complex - rosemary extract, carnosine, taurine, astaxanthin and alpha-lipoic acid.

    Are peptides a panacea for old age?

    According to the creator of peptide drugs, V. Khavinson, aging largely depends on lifestyle: “No drugs can save you if a person does not have the knowledge and correct behavior - this means observing biorhythms, proper nutrition, exercise and taking certain bioregulators.” As for the genetic predisposition to aging, according to him, we depend on genes for only 25 percent.

    The scientist claims that peptide complexes have enormous restorative potential. But elevating them to the rank of a panacea and attributing non-existent properties to peptides (most likely for commercial reasons) is categorically wrong!

    Taking care of your health today means giving yourself a chance to live tomorrow. We ourselves must improve our lifestyle - exercise, give up bad habits, eat better. And of course, whenever possible, use peptide bioregulators that help maintain health and increase life expectancy.

    Peptide bioregulators, developed by Russian scientists several decades ago, became available to the general consumer only in 2010. Gradually everyone will know about them more people worldwide. The secret of maintaining the health and youthfulness of many famous politicians, artists, and scientists lies in the use of peptides. Here are just a few of them:
    UAE Minister of Energy Sheikh Saeed,
    President of Belarus Lukashenko,
    Former President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev,
    King of Thailand
    pilot-cosmonaut G.M. Grechko and his wife L.K. Grechko,
    artists: V. Leontyev, E. Stepanenko and E. Petrosyan, L. Izmailov, T. Povaliy, I. Kornelyuk, I. Wiener (rhythmic gymnastics coach) and many, many others...
    Peptide bioregulators are used by athletes of 2 Russian Olympic teams - in rhythmic gymnastics and rowing. The use of drugs allows us to increase the stress resistance of our gymnasts and contributes to the success of the team at international championships.

    If in our youth we can afford to do health prevention periodically, whenever we want, then with age, unfortunately, we do not have such luxury. And if you don’t want to be in such a state tomorrow that your loved ones will be exhausted with you and will wait impatiently for your death, if you don’t want to die among strangers, because you don’t remember anything and everyone around you seems strangers to you in reality, you We must take action from today and take care not only of ourselves, but of our loved ones.

    The Bible says, “Seek and you will find.” Perhaps you have found your own way of healing and rejuvenation.

    Everything is in our hands, and only we can take care of ourselves. No one will do this for us!

    Among the products used in cosmetology for anti-aging effects, peptides and products based on them have become especially popular. They have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, not only but also significantly improve the condition of the epidermis. For a noticeable effect, it is better to use them comprehensively: outside and inside.

    What it is

    They are proteins that are produced in the body but have shorter molecular chains. A chain of protein links consists of amino acids; long chains can consist of a dozen links, while short chains consist of only 2-3 links. These small chains are called peptides. They may contain several amino acid residues, but they all serve as signal signals that are responsible in the body for correcting the functioning of cells.

    Peptide links – connect protein chains, helping them carry out energy metabolism. Proteins that are important for youthful skin are collagen and elastin; over time, their natural reserves become insufficient, and then there is a need to introduce additional peptide-based products under the skin that would stimulate the production of these beneficial substances.

    Composition and mechanism of action

    Peptides are responsible for the production of genes that promote rapid cell reproduction, due to which skin renewal occurs at an accelerated pace and its rejuvenation becomes noticeable. Amino acids included in peptide units act as conductors of beneficial substances from cosmetic products into the skin. Peptide molecules are so small that they easily penetrate into the epidermis to stimulate cell restoration processes. They perform this work taking into account the human biorhythm and the characteristics of its tissues.

    Peptides have the power to have several types of effects on the body at once, they can:

    • accelerate the removal of decay products from the body;
    • restore damaged areas of vessel walls after disruption of blood microcirculation;
    • protect the body from the negative influence of the external environment;
    • accelerate recovery after illnesses and injuries.

    When peptides are consumed, the human body does not form antibodies, so they do not cause allergic reactions.

    Popular manufacturers and products

    Liquid peptides

    Here are the most popular products, which are sold in glass bottles of 10 mg, there are 10 of them in a package, the price is indicated for one such container.

    NameActionCost, rubles
    Prevents the formation, relieving muscle strain. The protein catecholamine it contains reacts with skin receptors and blocks them.1500
    MatrixylA peptide that is involved in the restoration of skin building proteins, thereby improving the condition of the skin and its appearance.1400
    RiginThe substance inhibits the action of inflammatory mediators, which become more numerous with age. It optimizes their quantity and thereby rejuvenates the epidermis.1500
    SNAP-8This peptide is used for facial rejuvenation, as it has a muscle relaxant effect on them, is active, and.1400
    BiopeptideIt restores the integrity of the epidermis, reduces the number of wrinkles and makes them less deep, and increases the regenerative functions of cells.1200

    Material based products

    There are entire lines of products and creams based on peptides; when used regularly, they are not addictive, but they eliminate age-related changes on the face.

    NameActionPrice, rubles
    Resist intensive repair creamIn addition to peptides, this cream contains green tea extract, adenosine, hyaluronic acid and vitamins. Their action is aimed at nourishing and renewing the skin. After nightly use of this cream, fine wrinkles are eliminated, it does not form a greasy film, but it does not need to be applied under makeup.850
    D.N.C.In its structure, this product is more like a gel, due to which it is perfectly absorbed by the skin and effectively smooths out wrinkles, strengthening the contour of the face. It contains no harmful emulsifiers or fragrances.340
    EchoiceThe Korean product gives an excellent effect, but it must be used with caution, since the composition contains thickeners and parabens, although the product is positioned as natural.430
    "Laura"A product from a domestic manufacturer, a universal cream for day and night use. Along with peptides, it uses vitamins and. It is used for skin with fine wrinkles.400
    Idealia from VichyThe company's products are considered natural; the cream with peptides has a pleasant texture and quick absorption. It acts against deep wrinkles.1300

    Comparison with other materials of this type

    Peptides and products with them are used in mesotherapy, along with such a well-known anti-aging serum based on hyaluronic acid, they also rejuvenate the skin. There are products that include both peptides and this acid, which makes their use more effective.

    They are also used for biorevitalization, but unlike peptides, they do not create a “mask” effect on the face; after injections with them, a person’s facial expressions do not suffer.

    Use in cosmetology and plastic surgery

    After 40 years, all people experience a decrease in the production of melatonin, the main hormone responsible for youth; to compensate for this, it is imperative to start taking peptides. When they enter the body, they normalize the production of this protein and stop the influence of age-related factors.

    For cosmetic purposes, complexes with peptides are used to:

    • strengthen hair follicles and accelerate their renewal;
    • inhibit the formation of new wrinkles and reduce existing folds;
    • relax facial muscles;
    • moisturize and tone the skin (on the face and neck);
    • have a powerful antioxidant effect on the skin.


    Despite the fact that only natural peptides are used for cosmetic purposes, there are still restrictions on their use, so those who have:

    • infection;
    • diabetes;
    • oncological diseases;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • severe weight gain;
    • personal intolerance to the components of the selected peptide complex.

    Features of use

    The effect of the peptides used is observed only after at least two weeks, in order to achieve the desired results: noticeably and permanently improve the skin, they should be used for at least a month, it is advisable to extend their use in any form for up to 3 months.

    • Skin peptides can be used not only as injectable creams or serums, but also internally. If they are used for preventive purposes, then it is necessary to drink 2 capsules per day on an empty stomach for 30 days, the course should be carried out twice a year.
    • For medicinal purposes, to improve the functioning of a particular organ, they are drunk three capsules a day for a whole month.
    • The effectiveness of liquid peptides is higher than encapsulated ones, but it is better to use them in combination.

    This video covers the topic of peptides most honestly and objectively:

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    The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    general information

    Today, residents of large cities, as a rule, cannot boast of good health. Deterioration of environmental factors, stress, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity - all this gradually reduces health reserves and provokes early aging. People have already become accustomed to the fact that youth is a fleeting gift of life that disappears irrevocably. But now, thanks to the achievements of Russian researchers, a new type of drugs has appeared on the drug market, the action of which is aimed not only at improving health, but also at preventing early aging. These drugs are called peptide bioregulators.

    Peptides- These are very short proteins. Proteins, as we know, are a chain of linked amino acids. They come in different lengths: long ones include dozens of amino acids, while short ones contain only a few links. The short proteins were called peptides.

    The cells of the human body must regularly and uninterruptedly create proteins of a certain structure. If a cell effectively performs its functions, the entire organ functions well. If the cells of an organ for some reason begin to work incorrectly, the entire organ suffers, which, in turn, leads to disease. Of course, it is possible to fight diseases through replacement therapy: artificially introducing substances in which the body is deficient. But this method has a downside: gradually the cell ceases to perform its functions. And if you introduce the necessary information molecules into the body, the cell resumes normal activity, and the body restores itself.

    Regulatory oligopeptides (short peptides) are organic molecules consisting of amino acid residues united by special peptide bonds.

    An amino acid is the simplest organic compound in terms of the complexity of its structure. Amino acids are both acids and bases, due to which they are able to bond with each other, creating fairly stable, and at the same time functionally mobile compounds. To date, scientists have discovered about 250 amino acids. Only 20 of them are used in living organisms. It seems incredible that only 20 varieties of amino acids form such a vast diversity of living organisms. They make up all proteins, which are the building blocks of all living beings.

    Each tissue of the human body corresponds to certain peptides: for brain tissue - brain peptides, for kidneys - renal, for muscles - muscle, etc.

    The peptide molecules are identical in all mammals. Therefore, if a cow peptide is introduced into the human body, it will be perceived as its own.

    Being in nature

    Most of the principles of the structure and functioning of living systems are the same for the simplest living organisms (single-celled) to higher ones (vertebrates, mammals). Therefore, it is not surprising that organic compounds that function as information carriers and regulators of various functions turned out to be mostly identical for organisms of the entire evolutionary series.

    Basic short peptides are found in crustaceans, insects, fish, reptiles, etc. Moreover, they perform the same physiological functions, because Animal organisms function according to the same principles. All of the above species have a nervous system, heart, respiratory and excretory systems. And the basic biochemical mechanisms are generally identical.

    History of discovery

    People have been trying to create an elixir of youth since ancient times. Alchemists unsuccessfully continued to try to create a substance that could turn back time, restoring youth to old people. Centuries passed, and science did not stand still. Today, nanotechnology is considered one of the most promising areas of science, including medicine. More recently, drugs based on short peptides have been created that can prevent early aging of the human body, prolonging youth for many years.

    Until recently, people were not able to extract peptides from animal organs. However, such technology was discovered in 1971 at the Leningrad Military Medical Academy by two outstanding Soviet scientists - Vladimir Khavinson and Vyacheslav Morozov.

    Scientists were given the task of producing a drug that can increase the endurance of soldiers in extreme conditions.

    Khavinson and Morozov proceeded from the fact that aging is a continuous process stretched over decades, during which there is a slow failure of all organs and systems of the human body.

    One of the main aspects of the aging process is a decrease in the rate of protein production. Researchers believed that these rates could be restored by influencing the body with peptide regulators.

    Scientists have discovered the most optimal way to restore the body’s natural synthesis of peptides in optimal quantities by discovering a technology for extracting endogenous bioregulators (peptides) from animal tissues, identical in structure to the tissues of the human body.

    A few years later, the hard work of the researchers bore fruit. A new type of drugs has been created that can increase life expectancy - peptide bioregulators. Research has demonstrated the possibility of preventing premature aging, as well as preventing and treating diseases associated with the aging process.

    Pharmaceuticals were developed, and then based on them, since dietary supplements are more natural for the body.

    Studying the aging process and methods of preventing it, scientists from the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (St. Petersburg) came to the conclusion that when experimental mice are given the developed drugs in their food, their life expectancy increases by 30-40%.

    Later, the properties of peptides were studied in elderly and senile people at the Kiev and St. Petersburg Institutes of Gerontology. As a result, mortality was reduced by 50%, which demonstrated the high geroprotective properties of the peptides.

    Long-term clinical practice of using bioregulatory peptides has demonstrated the high effectiveness of this type of medicine for various diseases and painful conditions, incl. for pathologies that cannot be treated with other medications.

    Homeostasis and homeokinesis

    More recently, scientists have identified a class of so-called universal regulatory peptides that are capable of normalizing the activity of both individual cell types and entire organs and systems. Tests carried out by scientists and doctors around the world prove that regulatory short peptides are responsible for a wide range of different physiological phenomena in the body. As a result, they are applicable in the treatment of a number of diseases of varying origin and severity.

    It is not individual regulatory peptides that participate in the emergence and development of certain diseases (including systemic ones), but their entire system.

    Regulatory peptides ensure harmony in the functioning of individual cells, organs and systems of the body. From this point of view, the disease develops when an imbalance occurs in their integral system, the natural ratio of their quantities is disrupted.

    Regulatory oligopeptides are one of the most important particles responsible for the body’s self-regulation function (homeostasis). Homeostasis is a delicate balance in the functioning of all cells, organs and systems of a living organism. As scientists realized the complexity of the structure and functioning of the human body, another concept appeared in medicine - homeokinesis. Homeokinesis is the process of changing the functioning of the body, aimed at establishing homeostasis (the so-called mobile equilibrium). Millions of homeokineses occur simultaneously in the human body. And short peptides, in turn, are the main representatives of these processes.

    In all cells, a series of sequential chemical transformations is carried out, activated by special enzymes (peptidases), as a result of which short peptides are formed. They are characterized by increased biological activity and are considered regulators of a wide range of microbiological reactions. All cells of the body continuously create and maintain a certain, required level of regulatory peptides. But if homeostasis is disrupted, the rate of their formation (in the entire body or in certain tissues) increases or decreases. Such fluctuations occur in certain situations:

    • the body must adapt to new conditions (adaptation);
    • physical, mental or psycho-emotional work is performed;
    • the occurrence and development of any disease - when the body tries to protect itself from a violation of homeostasis.

    An illustrative case of ensuring balance is the regulation of blood pressure. There are groups of bioregulatory peptides that are in constant “competition” - some reduce, others increase blood pressure. In order to run, walk quickly uphill, take a steam bath, or engage in mental or emotional activity, an increase in blood pressure is required to a certain level, depending on the load. But as soon as the load is over and the body needs to relax, peptides are activated, ensuring the heart slows down to a normal pace and blood pressure normalizes. Vasoactive regulatory peptides continuously compete to ensure that pressure increases to the required level (not higher, otherwise negative consequences, including stroke, are possible), and to ensure a normal rate of heart contraction and a normal diameter of blood vessels at the end of the work.

    Mechanism of action

    Peptides are true representatives of the nanoworld, since their length does not exceed 1 nanometer.

    In the human body, the peptide serves as an information molecule, delivering information from one cell to another. Once inside a living cell, the peptide causes the synthesis of active substances, normalizes metabolism and activates the recovery process. Thus, peptides cause massive tissue rejuvenation - that is, they actually act as an elixir of youth.

    These molecules are the same for all mammals. For example, a peptide extracted from lamb or calf liver will be accepted by the human liver as its own. Each organ and system of the human body corresponds to a specific type of regulatory oligopeptides: for arteries and heart, bone tissue, nervous system, immune system, pancreas, thyroid gland, etc. Advances in modern medicine make it possible to extract peptides from mammalian tissues and introduce them into the human body, activating tissue repair processes.

    Peptide bioregulators affect the body in the following areas:

    • rejuvenate body cells;
    • increase cell resistance to oxygen starvation;
    • increase cell resistance to toxins and other harmful substances;
    • optimize tissue metabolism;
    • optimize the absorption of nutrients by tissues and the release of breakdown products;
    • optimize the functional activity of cells and cellular metabolism;
    • optimize the regeneration processes of all tissues of the body.
    Peptides not only slow down aging, but also restore damaged body functions, because We are all constantly exposed to the negative influence of both time and negative environmental factors.

    Today the mechanisms of this regulatory system are already known for certain. The main specificity of the effect of regulatory peptides is mitosis and maturation of cells of certain tissues. Regulatory peptides directly regulate the ratio of multiplying, maturing, working and utilized cells, i.e. provide an optimal rate of replacement of old cells with new ones. Moreover, they increase cell stability and reduce the rate of programmed cell death, both in the normal state of the body and during diseases; this occurs due to the activation of nonspecific protective and regenerating intracellular mechanisms.

    It is thanks to their action at a fundamental level that regulatory peptides corresponding to specific tissues are effective in such a wide range of diseases. Short regulatory peptides differ from all modern medications and bioactive supplements that are so popular today. All that the drug market offers today is chemistry and biochemistry. Peptides, in turn, do not act chemically. They carry information contained in the amino acids that form them.

    Another positive property of bioregulators is that they exhibit antioxidant activity. In addition, short peptides are able to determine the direction of differentiation of stem cells. Thus, they activate the reserve potential of each tissue and restore it even with very serious damage.

    Dosage forms

    Preparations containing bioregulatory peptides are available in a variety of dosage forms. One of the latest such forms, which is becoming widespread today, is dietary supplements. In addition to oligopeptides, their composition includes a number of useful components - vitamins, microelements, etc.

    Nanocosmetics are becoming very popular today - anti-aging creams, solutions and masks, the effect of which is achieved thanks to the microscopic size of peptides: tiny proteins easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, activating the functions of epithelial cells, increasing their resistance to the adverse influence of external factors.

    The achievements of modern nanomedicine make it possible to create toothpastes and solutions for oral care - effective means for the prevention of caries and gum disease. A dosage form such as liquid peptides is applied to inner part forearms. Absorbed by the skin, nanoparticles enter the bloodstream and lymph flow, and then into the cells, organs and systems for which they are intended.


    Nanomedicine experts claim that regular use of drugs based on short peptides can not only prevent early aging, but also significantly increase life expectancy - by 20-30%. Oligopeptides have virtually no contraindications, so they are recommended to all people who want to maintain their health and well-being. Doctors advise using oligopeptide bioregulators starting from 25-30 years of age. This will significantly slow down the aging of the body as a whole.

    There are also specific indications for the use of medications based on oligopeptides - the presence of disturbances in the functioning of any organ or system of the body. An essential factor in prolonging youth is the restoration and strengthening of the immune system, the functioning of which is largely determined by the condition and functioning of the thymus. It is thanks to this gland that our body effectively protects itself from pathogens. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the course of anti-aging therapy drugs aimed at restoring and regenerating thymus cells.

    Below is a short list of diseases for which bioregulatory oligopeptides are indicated:

    • diseases of the circulatory system;
    • pathologies of the endocrine glands;
    • pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system;
    • deterioration of skin condition, wrinkles;
    • drop in vitality.
    It is necessary to understand that the treatment of each disease from the above list requires a special approach - each disease corresponds to an individual drug.


    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;


    Modern science knows for certain that the aging process is also an information phenomenon. It can be imagined this way: as if the cells are given instructions to slow down and then stop dividing altogether. Perhaps in the future, in 1-2 decades, information therapy will prevail in medicine. Following instructions from the outside, the body itself will eliminate atherosclerotic plaques from blood vessels, remove toxins, destroy malignant cells, etc.

    Influencing the body with the help of short regulatory peptides is one of the first methods of influencing the body through information. To influence these substances on certain tissues and systems of the body, specialists from the National Research and Production Center for Rejuvenation Technologies (St. Petersburg) have developed a transepidermal method for their administration (through the skin). Thanks to special substances, peptide regulators are transported through the skin layers.

    The convenience and versatility of using these drugs allows them to be used at home. It is enough to apply 12-15 drops of the peptide preparation to intact skin once a day and rub in lightly until completely absorbed. Within 10-15 minutes. oligopeptides, through the bloodstream, reach the cells to which they correspond.

    Many people around the world have already solved their age-related problems through the use of bioregulatory oligopeptides. Many of them, being already over 70 years old, look 10-15 years younger.

    The results of using these drugs are amazing. In addition, their important advantage is that short peptides are completely safe and have no contraindications or side effects. The effects of treatment have a positive effect on almost the entire body. This allows us to talk about the systemic effect of these drugs, providing protection of the genetic apparatus of cells, optimizing energy, metabolic, physiological and information processes in the body; at the same time, regenerative and restoration processes are activated.

    Bioregulatory peptides help restore health and prolong youth without surgery or side effects. At the moment, these are primarily drugs for rejuvenation and disease prevention. By restoring each organ, the functions of which fade over time, you can enjoy the high vitality and excellent health that young cells give our body for many years. However, we should not forget that, in addition to using peptide drugs, we must lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Synthetic peptides

    Today, peptide preparations produced from the organs of young animals and plant materials have not yet received mass distribution. The fact is that the use of such drugs is associated with some risks - in particular allergies and viral infections. For these reasons, the European Parliament adopted a number of serious restrictions on their sale.

    Scientists have developed methods for creating artificial peptides. It consists of a sequential connection of amino acids. As a result, a new type of medicine was created - peptide regulators, consisting of three consecutively connected amino acids. Such drugs are recognized as analogues of natural bioregulators extracted from animal organs, but, unlike the latter, they are completely safe. However, they are inferior in effectiveness to natural peptides.

    Review of drugs

    Today, there is only one large company on the drug market that produces medicinal peptide bioregulators. This is the Research and Production Center for Revitalization and Health. All drugs are produced using patented technologies.

    Cytomax's natural peptide complexes include oligopeptides extracted from the tissues of young animals as the main active substances.

    List of cytomaxes:

    • Ventfort – vascular bioregulator;
    • Vladonix is ​​a bioregulator of the immune system;
    • Svetinorm – liver bioregulator;
    • Sigumir is a bioregulator of cartilage and bone tissue;
    • Suprefort – bioregulator of the pancreas;
    • Thyrogen – bioregulator of the thyroid gland;
    • Cerluten is a bioregulator of the brain and nervous system;
    • Pielotax is a bioregulator of the kidneys and urinary system;
    • Stamacort is a bioregulator of the stomach;
    • Visoluten is a bioregulator of the visual analyzer (eye);
    • Endoluten is a complex bioregulator obtained from the pineal gland of young animals;
    • It has a general healing, optimizing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
    Cytogens are synthetic analogues of natural regulatory peptides. They are considered less effective in comparison with natural peptides, therefore they are recommended in the initial stages of peptide therapy, as well as for short treatment courses and prevention of aging.

    List of cytogens:

    • Vezugen – vascular regulator;
    • Kartalax – regulator of cartilage and bone tissue;
    • Christagen – regulator of the immune system;
    • Ovagen – regulator of the liver and digestive tract;
    • Pinealon is a regulator of the brain and nervous system as a whole;
    • Honluten is a regulator of the lungs and mucous membrane of the bronchial tree.
    Liquid peptide complexes
    These complexes are based on peptides obtained from organs and tissues of young animals. The solution is applied to the inside of the forearm and rubbed in with light massaging movements. The effect of a 2-4 month course lasts up to six months. Then it is recommended to repeat the course.

    List of liquid peptide complexes:

    • PC1 – for blood vessels and cardiac muscle;
    • PC2 – for the nervous system as a whole;
    • PC3 – for the immune system;
    • PC4 – for cartilage tissue (joints);
    • PC5 – for bone tissue;
    • PC6 – for the thyroid gland;
    • PC7 – for the pancreas;
    • PC8 – for the liver;
    • PC9 – for the male reproductive system;
    • PC10 – for the female reproductive system;
    • PC11 – for the kidneys and urinary system.
    There are also a number of cosmetic series based on peptide bioregulators from the Research and Production Center for Revitalization and Health. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    The group of inventions relates to the treatment of neurological diseases of the central nervous system. A method for treating a neurological disorder of the central nervous system in a patient involves administering therapeutically active amounts of a composition comprising: a) at least one complex comprising a therapeutic polypeptide and a block copolymer, wherein said block copolymer includes at least one water-soluble nonionic segment and at least at least one polyionic segment, wherein said polyionic segment includes at least one charge opposite to that of the therapeutic polypeptide, wherein said complex has a core-shell morphology, wherein the core comprises a therapeutic polypeptide and a polyionic block copolymer segment, and wherein the shell contains a water-soluble nonionic block copolymer segment, and b) at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, wherein said at least one complex crosses the blood-brain barrier. A method for treating a neurological disorder of the central nervous system in a patient involves administering therapeutically active amounts of a composition comprising: a) isolated cells containing at least one complex comprising a therapeutic polypeptide and a block copolymer, where said block copolymer includes at least one water-soluble nonionic segment and at least one polyionic segment, wherein said polyionic segment includes at least one charge opposite to that of the therapeutic polypeptide, wherein said complex has a core-shell morphology, wherein the core contains the therapeutic polypeptide and the polyionic segment of a copolymer block, and wherein the shell contains a water-soluble nonionic a block copolymer segment, and b) at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, wherein said cells cross the blood-brain barrier. An isolated cell that contains at least one complex containing at least one protein and a block copolymer, wherein said copolymer includes at least one water-soluble nonionic segment and at least one polyionic segment, wherein said polyionic segment contains at least one charge opposite to the charge of said protein, wherein said complex has a core-shell morphology, where the core contains a therapeutic polypeptide and a polyionic block copolymer segment, and where the shell contains a water-soluble nonionic block copolymer segment. A composition containing said isolated cells and at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Method of delivering protein across the blood-brain barrier to the central nervous system comprising administering said composition to a subject. A method of delivering a protein across the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system, comprising administering to a subject a composition containing: a) at least one complex comprising a therapeutic polypeptide and a block copolymer, wherein said block copolymer includes at least one water-soluble nonionic segment and at least at least one polyionic segment, wherein said polyionic segment includes at least one charge opposite to that of the therapeutic polypeptide, wherein said complex has a core-shell morphology, wherein the core comprises a therapeutic polypeptide and a polyionic block copolymer segment, and wherein the shell contains a water-soluble nonionic block copolymer segment, and b) at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The group of inventions improves the effectiveness of treatment of neurological diseases. 6 n. and 33 salary files, 23 ill., 14 tables, 12 pr.

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