Revalid side effects. Revalid - instructions for use, analogues, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, dosage, composition

Revalid is a drug from the group of multivitamins combined with other drugs that affect metabolic processes. Due to the normalization of metabolic processes, the nutrition of hair and nails improves, they become stronger, acquire a healthy appearance and resistance to adverse factors. external environment and serves against hair loss and for hair growth.


The drug includes both vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, and extracts of organic origin:

  • DL-Methionine- an amino acid containing sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, reduces blood cholesterol levels and the risk of obesity
  • L-cystine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Promotes skin elasticity, participates in the processes of digestion and detoxification, is a powerful antioxidant
  • Pantothenic Acid - Vitamin B5, participates in all types of metabolism, significantly increases the regenerative capacity of the skin and mucous membranes (also located in the "").
  • – vitamin B1, participates in the process of metabolism, conduction of nerve impulses, protects cell membranes from certain decay products. Pyridoxine - vitamin B6, regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, plays an important role in the maturation of red blood cells and hemoglobin synthesis.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid- vitamin B10, promotes the growth of the natural microflora of the human body, has a positive effect on hair and skin, has antioxidant and antiviral properties
  • Yeast– accelerate wound healing, normalize work digestive system, strengthen immunity. (There are also varieties of supplements based on brewer's yeast, in more detail.)
  • Millet extract- helps to restore the skin, retain nutrients and moisture in it, strengthens the hair.
  • wheat germ extract- provides nutrition, hydration, skin regeneration, its freshness and elasticity.
  • - important for the full functioning of the circulatory system, supplying tissues with oxygen, body growth, has an enzymatic and detoxifying effect, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair.
  • - participates in metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration, supports the function of the organs of vision and the reproductive system.
  • Copper- regulates metabolic and reparative processes, participates in hematopoiesis, oxygen delivery, improves immunity and improves skin condition.
  • Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide- able to remove toxins from the body.
  • The composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, indigo carmine and quinoline yellow.
Vitamins for hair Revalid compensate for the deficiency of the substances necessary for the body, indicated in the composition - vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. contribute to the prevention of their loss and serve to restore their growth.


Tablets (capsules) Revalid promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin - an oxygen carrier, keratin - the basis of the skin and its derivatives, collagen - a protein that provides skin elasticity. Accelerates the development of connective tissue, increasing the reparative ability of the body, protects against intoxication with free radicals. It has an immuno-strengthening and hematopoietic effect.

Indications for use

It is used both to solve problems with hair and nails, and prophylactically if you are concerned about:

  • Hair breakage
  • Structure deterioration hair
  • Hair loss(exceeding the average rate of hair loss in an adult - 200 per day) and their growth
  • For the growth (in violation) of hair and nails
  • Prevention effects on hair (and nails) harmful environmental factors(mechanical injury, chemicals, radiation)

Mode of application

Revalid is taken orally, 1 capsule during or before meals 3 times a day. With massive hair loss, the dosage is 2 capsules at a time. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months. In order to prevent hair loss, it is recommended to take no more than 2 capsules per day.

If no changes occur within 2 months, then it is better to consult a trichologist: he will prescribe the necessary studies and change the treatment regimen.

Along with taking revalid, you should review your diet, enriching it with vitamins and minerals and using oils and other folk remedies external use, as described in the video:

It is advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcohol - this interferes with the normal absorption of nutrients.

Ordinary combing has an extremely beneficial effect - it massages the scalp, improves blood circulation and thereby stimulates hair growth.

The use of firming shampoos and natural masks will not be superfluous. The implementation of these simple actions contributes to a significant increase and consolidation of the effect of Revalid.

Side effects

  • - the drug should be discontinued or used in conjunction with antihistamines (only as prescribed by a doctor!)
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhoea, nausea- for prevention, it is not recommended to take Revalid on an empty stomach, drinking plenty of water is indicated. If the patient takes 6 capsules per day, then the dosage is reduced to three.

Most of the ladies who have problems with curls have at least once heard the name Revalid - this is a complex of trace elements, vitamins, and dietary supplements. Judging by the reviews, this drug effectively fights brittleness, hair loss, strengthens their structure from the inside, relieves seborrhea, dandruff, and itching.

Hair problems are a kind of indicator of the health of the whole organism, therefore, treatment should be approached comprehensively: the use of special shampoos along with the use of microelements and vitamins inside. Revalid can rightfully be considered an excellent ally for the fight for luxurious hair. Medicine replenishes daily allowance substances necessary for the body, due to this, the curls receive all the nutrients, the hair stops falling out, the structure of each hair is strengthened from the inside.

General information about the drug

Revalid is produced in the form of gelatin capsules, the cap is dark green, and the body is light green. The contents of the capsule have a yellowish-brown color. Revalid carton may contain 3 or 9 blisters, each containing 10 capsules.

The manufacturer of the medicine is Hungary, the price of a package for 30 capsules ranges from 350 to 400 rubles, a large package is correspondingly more expensive. You can buy Revalid at any pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is not required.

Store the drug in a dry, cool place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 25 ° C. The shelf life is three years.

Attention! Before buying, carefully read the release date, an expired product should not be consumed.

Indications for use

Revalid should be taken by people who have such problems with curls:

  • baldness caused by certain medications;
  • hair loss due to various physical injuries, diseases;
  • with loss of curls during pregnancy. You can not take this drug in the first trimester, the rest of the time, be sure to consult your gynecologist before use;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals with an unbalanced diet (for example, during a diet);
  • also, the remedy is recommended to be taken with the appearance of seborrhea, dandruff;
  • problems with nails;
  • with brittle, lifeless hair, split ends.


Each drug has both positive and negative sides. Revalid has its own list of contraindications:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the drug, the appearance of an allergic reaction after taking;
  • children under 12 years of age are strictly prohibited;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • the course of chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes, etc.);
  • individual disorders in calcium metabolism;
  • increased acidity in the stomach;
  • vitamin deficiency resulting from failures in the endocrine system;
  • fungal infections on the nails.

Possible side effects

Violation of the dosage, improper intake of the drug can provoke disturbances in the work of the intestines and stomach, cause diarrhea, constipation or increase acidity. In this case, it is worth reducing the medication to 1 capsule per day. It is also worth doing if you feel a headache, general weakness of the body.

In some individuals, there is a manifestation of an allergic reaction (rashes on the skin, asphyxia, itching). In this situation, the drug should be stopped altogether.

Prolonged, uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Information on overdose of the drug has not been recorded, but too high a dose may increase the risk of adverse reactions.

Interaction with other substances

It is forbidden to take the drug together with alcohol. It is advisable to refrain from alcoholic substances a week before the start of the course of treatment and for the same period of time after it.

Revalid reduces or limits the benefits of drugs containing levodopa, sulfonamides. Before using this medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use and consult your doctor. Thus, you protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, improve the condition of your hair.

Effect on hair

Supporters proper nutrition believe that their body receives all the necessary substances from food. But few people think that our cells are able to absorb only 20% of the vitamins and microelements received. Also, some substances are not absorbed without other components. For example, calcium from cottage cheese will not be absorbed without vitamin D.

Vitamin complex Revalid eliminates the problem of absorption of nutrients, saturates the body with all the necessary minerals. Thanks to this, the curls receive a lot of oxygen, vitamins, become silky, shiny, stop falling out. In addition, this tool copes with dandruff, excessive dryness of the scalp, which in turn has a beneficial effect on every hair.

Methods for applying coltsfoot herbs for the beauty of strands are described on the page.

The composition of Revalid and the effect on the hair:

  • Revalid includes amino acids (Methionine, Cysteine), these substances protect cells from the effects of free radicals, thus slowing down the aging process;
  • B vitamins are responsible for delivering nutrients to the hair follicles. Hair loss directly depends on this process;
  • vitamin H protects the hair structure from exposure to active sunlight, damaging effects environment(low temperatures, strong gusts of wind);
  • chelating trace elements are responsible for absorption (dissolution of unnecessary trace elements);
  • medical yeast promotes cell growth;
  • the drug contains linoleic acid, vitamins of groups B, D, E, all these substances strengthen each hair from the inside, prevent curls from falling out;
  • Also, the trace elements that make up Revalid support immunity, which has a positive effect on the whole body as a whole.

Instructions for use

Any drug, if used correctly, will have the expected result. The same is true with Revalid. The right technique will save you from many problems with curls.

Adults take 1 capsule per day, before meals, drink the necessary amount of water. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. If necessary, take a break and repeat the reception. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe individual treatment. Self-medication is not worth it.

In advanced cases, appoint 2 capsules 3 times a day. An intensive course of treatment is no more than a month, then the drug is taken in the usual dosage. Be sure to visit your doctor before taking.

Within a couple of weeks after the start of taking Revalid, you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of the curls, split ends will disappear, the hair will become elastic and silky.

Revalid's analogs

If for some reason you have not found this medication or the doctor does not recommend taking it due to individual intolerance, then check out the Revalid substitutes:

  • Pharmaton Vital;
  • Perfectil;
  • Ginvit;
  • Jeriton;
  • Livolin Forte;
  • Vitrum;
  • Vitamax;
  • Aerovit with ginseng;
  • Biovital elixir;
  • Pantovigar.

Taking a complex of vitamins Revalid will significantly improve the condition of the strands, stop their loss, improve the nutrition of the hair follicle, and get rid of dandruff. See a trichologist before your appointment. Follow the correct dosage, complete the full course of treatment, then you will forget about the problem of losing curls.

Every girl dreams of thick, strong, strong, shiny hair. After all, since ancient times, the first sign female beauty was a thick and long braid. But under the influence of gross external factors, chemical (frequent coloring, perm) or physical (hair dryer, tongs) or biological (malnutrition, lack of vitamins) hair becomes thinner, loses its shine, becomes brittle.

On the issue of hair restoration and treatment is necessary A complex approach. Along with nourishing and restorative masks, using medicated shampoos or rinsing hair with nourishing decoctions, vitamins are required.

Vitamins Revalid is one of the drugs, the action of which is directly aimed at qualitative improvement general condition hair and nails.

Indications for use

  • Diseases accompanied by profuse loss, deterioration of the hair, as well as accompanied by damage to the structure of the nail plate.
  • The need to improve the quality appearance, lowering the rate of hair breakage.
  • The need for increased saturation of the hair follicles and the nail plate with nutrients.
  • Hair loss, formed under the influence of pathogenic environmental factors.

Revalid multivitamins are produced in gelatin capsules, each blister contains 10 pcs. Factory packaging contains 30/90 pieces.

The price of Revalid vitamins for 30 pieces fluctuates around 300-350 rubles, a package of 90 capsules costs 680-750 rubles.

Revalid's analogs

  • VITRUM Beauty and Beauty Elite;
  • VITRUM Vision and Vision forte;
  • Perfectil;
  • Merz.

The effect of Revalid on hair

Clinical Impact vitamin complex on hair driven by it multicomponent composition, which includes amino acids, vitamins, beneficial trace elements and natural extracts of plant origin.

Essential amino acids Methionine and Cystine:

  • promote cell regeneration;
  • protect the body from pernicious influence free radicals;
  • participate in the formation of keratin, which is a kind of brick that serves as the basis for the structure of a healthy stratum corneum of hair, skin and nails;
  • help to strengthen the immune system;
  • nourish the cells with oxygen;
  • reduce hair loss.

B vitamins:

  • provide natural shine to hair, nourish them;
  • moisturize the skin.

Vitamin H:

  • protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


  • reduce fragility of hair and nail plate and strengthen nails;
  • protect from adverse external influences.

Wheat Germ Extract:

  • natural source of vitamins A, E, K, chromium and selenium;
  • reduces the formation of dandruff, relieves itching, prevents the development of seborrhea;
  • rejuvenates the blood.

Millet extract and silicon:

  • renew the skin from the inside;
  • reduce the level of hair loss;
  • restore shine and hair structure;
  • solder split ends.

Revalid - instruction

Take vitamins by mouth three times a day, 1 pc. during or right before a meal. Treatment should continue for at least 2-3 months. It is possible to repeat the course of admission after consulting a doctor. In especially difficult situations (with an intense, ongoing rate of hair loss), the doctor may prescribe an enhanced course - 2 pcs. three times a day during the first month of treatment, and after that it is recommended to switch to the basic course of primea (1 capsule also three times a day). Treatment is carried out only strictly following the advice of a doctor.

There are no alternative ways to take Revalid. Although there are cases when, wanting to save money, girls took the drug not three times a day, but only one. The desired effect with this method of administration was not revealed.

Contraindications and side effects

Also, like any drug, Revalid has a number of contraindications:

  • Inflammatory or fungal diseases of the nails;
  • Hormonal disorders in the body leading to the process of hair loss;
  • Hypersensitivity to any constituent component.

As side effects associated with the reception of Revalid, note:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Minor digestive disorders with an enhanced regimen for taking a vitamin complex.

If a digestive imbalance occurs, the dose should be reduced to standard scheme(3 capsules of Revalid per day).

Ways to enhance the positive effect

To achieve the maximum clinical effect in the process of restoring the structure and quality of hair, a long and complex treatment is necessary. Revalid must be taken in a course lasting at least 2-3 months. And as an additional hair nutrition will help masks based on burdock, or any other nourishing oil, red pepper tincture, ginger, honey, etc.

Mask with ginger and oil

Stir to obtain a homogeneous mixture of one tbsp. a spoonful of sesame oil or jojoba oil with one tbsp. teaspoon grated fresh ginger. Gently apply the mixture on the skin and leave for about half an hour. After that, the mass must be especially thoroughly washed off. The effect is achieved due to the strong stimulating properties of ginger. The oil, in turn, protects the scalp from irritation.

Mask based on tincture of hot red pepper

To make, you will need red pepper tincture, olive oil, one egg yolk and flower honey. The components are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is applied on average for 30-40 minutes. For achievement maximum effect, it is worth wrapping your head in plastic wrap, and wrap it in a soft towel on top. Red pepper also has stimulating properties. But be careful, such a mask should not be used even with minor damage to the scalp. If, upon application, the skin begins to burn strongly, then rinse the mixture thoroughly.

Cognac mask

One st. a spoonful of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with one tbsp. a spoonful of cognac and st. spoon of flower honey. Gently apply the resulting mixture on the skin and hold for about an hour. The head also needs to be insulated.

Hair problems are a kind of indicator of the health of the whole organism, therefore, treatment should be approached comprehensively: the use of special shampoos along with the use of microelements and vitamins inside. Revalid can rightfully be considered an excellent ally for the fight for luxurious hair.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Revalid, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Revalid can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is available in the form of capsules. The composition of the drug:

  • Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1) - 1.5 mg;
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10) - 20 mg;
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - 10 mg;
  • Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5) - 50 mg;
  • Trace elements (as part of the chelate complex) - 65 mg;
  • Iron (Fe) - 2 mg;
  • Zinc (Zn) - 2 mg;
  • Copper (Cu) - 0.5 mg;
  • L-cystine - 50 mg;
  • D, L-methionine - 100 mg;
  • Millet extract - 50 mg;
  • Wheat germ extract - 50 mg;
  • Medical yeast - 50 mg.

Clinical and pharmacological group: a complex of vitamins with microelements and components natural origin to improve hair texture.

Indications for use

Revalid vitamins are prescribed to patients who are faced with the problem of excessive hair loss. The drug helps to improve the condition of the strands and appearance of a person with chronic diseases, exhaustion of the body. Doctors recommend taking vitamins for women whose body is recovering after childbirth and lactation.

The tool effectively copes with the problems of the scalp and hair, which appeared as a result of long-term use of any medications. Also, vitamins should be taken if you often encounter stressful situations.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, the Revalid vitamin complex should be taken orally immediately before meals or during meals.

  • Adults - 1 capsule 3 times / day during meals or immediately before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Repeated courses are possible after the doctor's recommendation.

In especially severe cases (with intense or diffuse hair loss), an enhanced course of treatment is offered: 2 capsules 3 times / day for the first month, and then you can switch to the usual course of treatment: 1 capsule 3 times / day, as recommended by a doctor.


You can not use the drug in such cases:

  1. Fungal and inflammatory diseases of the nails;
  2. Individual hypersensitivity to the components of Revalid;
  3. Damage to areas of the scalp or hair loss due to hormonal disorders.

Data on the efficacy and safety of taking Revalid during pregnancy and lactation are not provided.

Side effects

In the treatment of multivitamins Revalid may occur side effects:

  1. Staining of feces black. This is a completely normal reaction of the body to iron.
  2. Coloring of urine in saturated yellow color at the use of the doubled doses. It is called by the riboflavin that is part of the drug. It is not necessary to stop taking the vitamin complex.
  3. Urticaria, burning and itching of the scalp. Digestive disorders are possible. This occurs with a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance to the individual ingredients of the drug. Requires withdrawal of the drug.

Revalid's analogs

If for some reason you have not found this medication or the doctor does not recommend taking it due to individual intolerance, then check out the Revalid substitutes:

  • Pharmaton Vital;
  • Perfectil;
  • Ginvit;
  • Jeriton;
  • Livolin Forte;
  • Vitrum;
  • Vitamax;
  • Aerovit with ginseng;
  • Biovital elixir;
  • Pantovigar.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of REVALID capsules in pharmacies (Moscow) is 500 rubles.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Vitamins Aevit: instructions, reviews, analogues Vitamins Supradin: instructions, reviews, analogues Vitamins Alphabet Ointment and cream Dexpanthenol: instructions, reviews, analogues

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 06.09.2013

Filterable List

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images


Capsules 1 caps.
active substances:
DL-Methionine 100 mg
L-cystine 50 mg
calcium pantothenate 50 mg
thiamine hydrochloride 1.5 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg
para-aminobenzoic acid 20 mg
trace elements in the chelate complex 65 mg
iron 2 mg
zinc 2 mg
copper 0.5 mg
millet extract 50 mg
wheat germ extract 50 mg
yeast 50 mg
Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 4.5 mg
capsule shell: gelatin - 98 mg; indigo carmine (E132) - 0.05 mg; quinoline yellow (E104) - 0.11 mg

Description of the dosage form

Hard gelatin capsules No. 0, the cap is a transparent dark green color, the body is a transparent light green color. Capsule contents: brownish-yellow to yellowish-brown powder with lighter and darker inclusions, with a characteristic odor.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- replenishing the deficiency of amino acids, replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.


The components of the drug contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. The drug helps to improve the surface structure and appearance of hair, reduce their fragility, improve the trophism of hair follicles and nails, increase resistance and slow down hair loss as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors and undesirable effects (mechanical damage, exposure to a chemical nature - hair coloring, exposure to X-ray and UV rays).

Indications for Revalid ®

Diseases accompanied by a violation of the structure of hair and nails and hair loss.


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

hair loss or damage to areas of the scalp caused by hormonal disorders;

inflammatory and fungal diseases of the nails.

Side effects

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible. At a dosage of 6 caps. minor digestive disorders may appear per day, in which case the dose should be reduced to 3 caps. in a day.


Reduces the effect of sulfonamides.

Dosage and administration


Adults - 1 caps. 3 times a day during meals or immediately before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Repeated courses are possible after the doctor's recommendation.

In especially severe cases (with intense or diffuse hair loss), an enhanced course of treatment is offered - 2 caps each. 3 times a day for the first month, then you can switch to the usual course of treatment (1 caps. 3 times a day) on the recommendation of a doctor.

Release form

Capsules. 10 caps. in a blister; 3 or 9 blisters in a cardboard box.

Violation of the structure of the nails L65 Other non-scarring hair lossAlopecia Hair loss Hair loss due to environmental factors Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome Increased hair loss L67 Anomalies of hair color and hair shaftDiffuse hair loss of non-hormonal etiology Damage to hair and nails L73.9 Disease of hair follicles, unspecifiedHair diseases Violation of the hair structure Hair follicle lesions Hair thinning during menopause Hair thinning during menopause Hair condition after pregnancy

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