Ox and Rat Compatibility. Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope Rat and Ox (Ox) Rat bull Libra Aquarius their compatibility

The compatibility of the Ox and the Rat, which practice and the zodiac signs show, is quite successful. The Ox is a leader by nature, and the Rat is looking for protection, so the union promises mutual understanding and love.

General characteristics of the couple

Women and men Bulls

The Ox attracts a partner with the aura of protection that he demonstrates through communication and personal attitude. Bulls are caring, with their shoulder, whether it be a woman or a man, they close their soulmate from all troubles and problems. They have no equal in resolving issues of a different nature so that neither friends nor relatives know about them and do not worry. But the Bulls prefer to lead rather than be led. They are very practical, spend money economically, often reach significant career heights. They will forgive a lot to their soulmate, even betrayal.

Excellent interlocutors and listeners, surprisingly reliable people, strong defenders and real support. Behind their external calmness there is a concrete wall that cannot be broken through either by persuasion, or by criticism, or by tears. The bulls are principled, and if they have conceived something, then no one can force them to retreat from the idea. This behavior is especially typical for men, women of this zodiac year are a little softer and make concessions.

Rat women and men

The rat is very dynamic, sociable and easy-going. Her energy envelops everyone around, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the Rat. Rats always lobby for their interests, and will do anything to extract their own benefit. Rats cannot be called mercantile, most often their relationship is built on love. But if the partner cannot give them a certain degree of comfort, the couple breaks up. Under favorable conditions in family life Rats show their best qualities:

  1. Cleanliness, characteristic of men and women. Rats are capable of cleaning several times a day, but will demand the same attitude to order from their partner.
  2. They are fond of children, this quality is especially pronounced in women.
  3. Creating a family, the Rat will equip your home in a cozy, comfortable and stylish way.

Representatives of this zodiac year cannot be called faithful. Rats are prone to fleeting love, but due to attachment to family and home, they rarely terminate relationships with a permanent partner.

Sexual Compatibility Ox and Rat

In the sexual life of the Ox and the Rat, everything is also rosy. Impulses come from the Rat, she sets the stimulus and variety in close relationships. She is able to liberate a shy and practical partner, which is very important for this couple.

The fact is that the Bulls push back sexual relations into the background, and can only relax with the person they really love. Therefore, the sexual combination of the Rat-Ox pair will also be ideal, but on one condition - the Rat will not cheat on the partner.

Bulls rarely forgive betrayal, and most often forever break off relations even with the most beloved person.

Compatibility Rat Woman and Ox Man

The Rat woman and the Ox man are an almost perfect zodiac combination. The Rat is very sociable, she is looking for material and spiritual benefits, which a man born in the year of the Ox may well provide to her. This couple seeks constancy and stability from marriage and love, they want to build a cozy nest.

Coming together, this couple does not need to remake themselves and adapt to each other, the woman gives impetus, and the man gives calmness and stability. These are just the relationships that are considered to be harmonious.

Such a couple may be faced with the fact that a woman will feel insignificant, but this feeling will soon pass, and she will feel the beauty of her position. During quarrels, a woman should be the first to stop and apologize, otherwise the man’s resentment can develop into a negative attitude towards the other half.

Marriage Compatibility Rat Woman and Ox Man

The Rat will create the necessary family atmosphere for the Ox, will maintain order, take care of the family, and will reject attempts to drive the spouse into the framework she needs. If a man is financially stable and does not refuse a woman her little whims, then she will not look for luck on the side.

For Bulls, this relationship is a way to strengthen their masculine self. Bulls are in love with their capricious and demanding spouse, but they enjoy taking care of her. They try to adjust the wife to their requirements, but most often the attempts end in failure.

Such a man will help the Rat feel real woman, covering her from adversity with her shoulders. In addition, he will give her the opportunity to reveal her best qualities and talents. He will gladly provide material and moral support in studying, finding a job or a profession, give advice and do everything so that his woman realizes her potential.

This couple is not even connected by passion, but by spiritual unity, they just feel that they need each other.

A very well-coordinated and correct combination, usually their affection does not decrease even after 10-20 years of marriage.

Compatibility by horoscope

It will be good to combine a couple in which the female Rat is Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra. And the Bull man is Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Aquarius.

Compatibility in love and marriage of the Rat man and the Ox woman

An often occurring love combination, but everything is not so perfect here. The Ox woman is also distinguished by stubbornness and leadership qualities, and the man will try to subjugate her. Usually, in such a pair, it is the wife who becomes the breadwinner and a strong shoulder, and her husband’s claims simply annoy her. When mutual displeasure reaches a certain point, a scandal can erupt, but Rats hate to sort things out.

After a quarrel, a man may not forgive a woman for a long time, fall into a state of thoughtfulness and melancholy. All this also annoys the Ox, as a result of which the relationship can simply break due to mutual misunderstanding. The Ox woman and the Rat man can create an alliance with mutual fidelity and the ability to listen to each other. They cannot be called careerists, so the couple rarely reaches high material heights. And if a man easily spends what he earns on all sorts of little things, then a woman zealously adds up income, and a scandal can develop on this basis.

Compatibility of a couple according to the horoscope of a male Rat and a female Ox

Of course, the compatibility of a couple also depends on the signs of the zodiac. So, for example, a woman Aquarius, Pisces or Cancer will get along well with a man of the sign Libra or Virgo, who are distinguished by accuracy and economy. But a pair of Rat Ox under the zodiac signs Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aries converge hard, strong-willed character and perseverance prevent them from building a lasting marriage.

The compatibility of the Ox and the Rat is very good. The Chinese horoscope foretells this couple a long and happy marriage. There are contradictions between partners, but they are not so significant as to spoil the relationship. Partners complement each other well, everyone contributes to this union.

Character Features

The Ox and the Rat have almost perfect compatibility according to the horoscope, although their characters are different. What are the characteristics of these signs?

Ox character

People born in the year of the Ox are solid natures, have a tenacious mind and practicality. They do not have pronounced qualities of a leader, but their opinion is always listened to. Bulls are devoted to their family, faithful in love. Here are the features that the eastern horoscope endowed them with:

  • solidity;
  • thoroughness;
  • reliability;
  • conservatism;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance;
  • practicality;
  • performance;
  • loyalty.

The negative features of the Ox include excessive conservatism, the representative of the sign does not recognize any innovations. Achieving his goals, he goes ahead, does not notice alternative solutions. In relationships with the opposite sex, the sign lacks romance.

Rat Character

Smart and charming Rat quickly wins sympathy. She becomes the soul of the company and the ringleader. He knows how to set goals and work hard to achieve them. Prefers to use his head rather than his hands. Here are some character traits inherent in people born this year:

  • purposefulness;
  • charm;
  • energy;
  • activity;
  • dexterity;
  • sociability;
  • organizational skills;
  • practicality;
  • realism;
  • thrift.

This sign also has negative traits. Rats are skilled manipulators who care primarily about their own interests. They love to weave intrigues, they are selfish, they will never miss their own benefit. The passion for hoarding often turns into pathological stinginess.

General Compatibility Ox and Rat

Both of these signs are practical and purposeful. They realistically look at the world, rarely hover in the clouds, soberly assess their own strengths. A serious and solid Ox brings stability to relationships, confidence in the future. An active and energetic Rat helps her partner see new perspectives, she always knows how to find a workaround in solving any problems. Together, partners do not care about any difficulties, they are successful in business and happy in love.

In a pair of Ox and Rat there is no pronounced leader. At first glance, it may seem that the leader in the union is the Ox. In fact, the Rat knows how to defend its interests, skillfully achieves goals. She is a subtle manipulator, the straightforward Ox is unable to unravel her intrigues. But the trust that the Bull inspires with its behavior levels out the intriguing nature of the Rat. She understands that next to such a reliable partner she will achieve a lot.

Rat and Ox have compatibility in love and sex is also good. It is unlikely that there will be a lot of romance in these relationships, but they cannot be called dry, stingy with feelings. The Rat will bring emotions, a little fiery temperament to such a union, and the Ox will bring loyalty and longevity. In bed, partners feel great. The Rat has a wild imagination, the Ox gladly satisfies her whims. Problems in love relationships arise when one of the partners is too fond of intrigues and manipulations, and the other does not want to change and recognize innovations, fixated on their own conservative views.

Compatibility of Ox Man and Rat Woman

The Ox guy and the charming Rat girl will understand at the first meeting that they are made for each other. To outsiders, it may seem that they are completely different. In fact, there is a lot in common between these signs, and opposite features serve as a great addition. A man likes the activity, energy and practicality of a woman. She is passionate about his reliability, next to such a husband, the Rat can always be confident in the future.

The Rat woman, the Ox man, is a reliable and stable couple. They achieve great success in life and material well-being. The Rat next to the Ox can feel like a real woman who is cared for, admired and loved. The husband in such a marriage takes responsibility for the material support of the family, he solves large-scale tasks, makes strategic plans. The wife takes care of current affairs, realizes her creative and career ambitions, and helps her husband solve complex problems. She knows how to save and increase money.

So that the Rat woman and Ox man do not lose compatibility, they should not forget about romance. A man needs to pay attention to little things, the Rat is very sensitive to them. A small gift for no reason, a bouquet of flowers can dispel any doubts and discontent of a partner. A woman should not get carried away with manipulations, it would not hurt her to be more frank, because the straightforward Ox hardly understands hints and understatement. He is honest and expects the same behavior from others. Deception can be a real blow to love between these signs, therefore, in the marriage of a woman of a Rat and a Bull of a man, fidelity and mutual trust should be put in the first place.

Rat Man and Ox Woman Compatibility

Rat man and Ox woman are very happy in love and marriage. They are able to maintain their relationship all their lives and will never cheat on each other. A woman will become an excellent housewife. She will provide a reliable rear for her husband. A rat man will feel how his wife has a calming effect on him, because he likes to be nervous for any reason. The wife will also take a lot from such a relationship. She is flattered by the attention that a man pays to her, his loyalty, reliability and emotionality.

The family compatibility of the Ox woman and the Rat man is largely based on material things. Both value stability, strive to achieve financial success. The husband perfectly knows how to earn money, never spends it in vain. The wife also likes to have a reserve for a rainy day. If she buys something for the house, then this thing will be of high quality and really necessary. The couple is united by children, both signs are excellent parents. They have a good relationship in bed, the sexual energy of a woman, multiplied by the wild fantasy of a man, allows the spouses not to lose interest in intimacy even in their mature years.

The Rat and the Ox may lose their compatibility in marriage, despite the strong attraction to each other. A woman often believes that her husband is not serious enough, so she tries to subdue and lead him. The Rat man is very active, he sets ambitious goals for himself, devotes a lot of time to his career, friendship with the right people. The Ox woman does not always like this behavior, she tries to tie her husband to the house. The second problem is the Rat's tendency to criticize the Ox. The wife endures nit-picking for a long time, and when they accumulate, she breaks down. The anger of the Bull is very scary, it is better to never see it. If partners take into account these nuances, work on themselves, they will be truly happy in marriage.

The Ox-woman and the Rat-man have very positive compatibility. They are a couple that can achieve incredible success in love and marriage. According to the eastern horoscope, these signs are destined to be together, despite the existing barriers.

Characteristics of the male Rat

People born in the year of the Rat have a special charm and aggressiveness. Initially, they seem calm and balanced. But this is absolutely not true. Behind the apparent serenity of men lies nervousness and constant anxiety.

A man is able to create confusion and scandals. Rats do not disdain gossip, so they have more acquaintances than friends. Rats rarely trust anyone. From everything they derive personal benefit and profit - these are friends, acquaintances, their own or others cash. A man does not want to limit himself to anything, although he constantly worries about his future.

The rat can set a goal and move clearly in its direction. For this sign, one of the first places is occupied by mental activity, therefore scientists are often obtained from them.

The main character traits of the Bull Woman

People born this year are balanced. A woman has an original mind, which she hides under her appearance.

Despite the apparent calmness, Bull is a choleric. The anger of a woman is rarely manifested, but it can even frighten others.

Despite the absence leadership qualities in the character of the representative of this sign, others very often listen to her opinion.

The woman is a homebody who constantly takes care of her home. She is a very attentive hostess, and often it is she who leads the family forward. The compatibility of these two seemingly different signs is very high.

Compatibility of Ox Woman and Rat Man

Women born under the sign of the Ox are among the strongest in the eastern horoscope. These are strong-willed and strong natures. Usually women take care of almost everything: home, family and work. They bring all their undertakings to completion, overcoming all sorts of obstacles in their path. A woman can perform even the most difficult tasks.

She has good organizational skills, she makes high demands on herself and others. A representative of the Ox sign can act both as a boss and as an executor. Sometimes she replaces work with home and family. The main goal of her life is the organization of life, housekeeping and raising children. A woman is ready to completely abandon her professional career if her husband can provide for the family financially.

They have a docile nature, a calm and balanced nature. In the family, a woman will not allow betrayal and deceit by her husband. This makes her angry.

Thanks to positive qualities partner marriage compatibility Bull women and Rat men are just wonderful.

The companion of life is active and energetic. The man is talented, endowed with intuition and ingenuity. He easily gets out of the most difficult situations. The Rat is creative in solving his problems, he always knows exactly what he needs and how to achieve it. He can easily realize his abilities in commercial activities and in art.

The man is in a state of movement and development. He has a large number of necessary acquaintances and connections, easily performs the tasks assigned to him. A real earner, able to provide for his family financially.


The Rat Man has an innate nervousness and constant anxiety. The Ox Woman, thanks to her poise and solidity, will help him calm down and become self-confident. The wife will be able to direct the ebullient energy of her husband in the right direction.

Usually, after a romantic period, the Ox woman takes on the main role. She enjoys raising her husband. If the Rat can get used to the constant moralizing of his wife, then the marriage will last a long time.

A woman is able to free a man from the worries of housekeeping, while providing comfort and the necessary rear. In return, the Rat will fully provide for the family financially. At the same time, he is completely sure that in the event of various critical situations, a woman will go to work and provide the necessary emotional support.

A calm and slow spouse will be able to receive from her partner a charge of the energy she needs and a new impetus for development. As a result, the woman will become more active, and the Rat will make her life truly bright and rich. At the same time, a man will show sensitivity and attention to his wife so that his wife does not feel unhappy.

Due to their common character traits, the compatibility of the Ox woman and the Rat man in love and marriage is high. They feel comfortable in each other's company. Relationships are calm and easy.

The main place in the family life of spouses is occupied by children. As caring and loving parents, they will be able to provide them with everything they need for proper development. Mom will be able to give her child the necessary education, and dad will organize bright trips and new interests for him. With the right upbringing of children, they will become the pride of their parents.

Compatibility in love

Between the Ox-woman and the male Rat, love relationships are based on strong feelings and sex. Their love is full of passion and vivid relationships. A man surrounds his chosen one with romance, tender care and attention. The Ox Woman joyfully accepts courtship from her partner.

Despite the stinginess, for the sake of his beloved, a man can spend the last. If a woman finds herself in a difficult situation, then he will do everything to solve all her problems. The girl will definitely appreciate the responsiveness of her partner.

One of the main components will be intimate life. The compatibility of the Ox and the Rat in a love relationship is truly beautiful. Both partners are able to give each other joy and pleasure. A man in the sexual area is responsible for diversity, imagination and fantasy, which completely suits a woman.


There is complete harmony in the friendly relations of partners. They complement each other with those character traits that are necessary at a certain moment. The Ox and the Rat have complete compatibility in friendship. They are passionate about similar ideas and value similar things. Friends spend all their free time together.

When a woman lacks self-confidence, a man will gladly support her. If the Rat has problems, the Ox girl gladly comes to the rescue.

Business cooperation will surely lead to success. If the Ox woman occupies a leadership position, then she will definitely pull the Rat along with her. Together they, complementing each other, are able to create a masterpiece from the smallest details.

After all, they make up an ideal union not only for friendship, but also for love and marriage. Friends find a lot of positive things in each other's character traits. Together they can move mountains. Therefore, the Ox and the Rat have complete compatibility in work.

The compatibility of the Bull and the Rat according to the horoscope is high. Usually their union is strong and prosperous. Each of the spouses in marriage will be able to receive everything necessary for the implementation of their life plans. Spouses can perfectly complement each other. In order for their union to fully take place, they should constantly express admiration for their other half, as well as be interested in all its problems and look for ways to overcome difficulties together.

The Rat Man should not constantly criticize his companion. A woman will be able to endure criticism for a long time, but if she does not stand it, then this can lead to the termination of the relationship.


The compatibility of the Ox-woman and the Rat-man is high, which gives them hope for a common future. To do this, they just have to learn to listen to each other, as well as calmly perceive criticisms and always find a compromise. Only in this way will they be able to create an ideal marriage that will last their whole life.

The compatibility of the Rat woman and the Ox man is one of the most successful in the Chinese horoscope. Representatives of these signs differ in characters and temperaments, but together they create such harmonious relationships that others can only envy them.

Ox Man and Rat Woman: General Compatibility

Emotionally, the Ox man is very reserved.

The Rat and the Ox complement each other in an amazing way, adding the missing qualities to the partner and strengthening it. strengths. Their relationship develops well on absolutely all fronts - they are excellent friends, colleagues and lovers.

If the Rat were a man, and the woman was a Bull, then there would be much more problems and contradictions. In our scenario, the couple can be called almost perfect. In marriage, they will not have to break themselves, sacrifice their own dreams and ambitions. They easily agree among themselves, and do not conflict over trifles.

A man and a woman are well aware of what marriage is. Therefore, they enter into relationships with all responsibility, without abusing the trust of the spouse. There is no leader in this family. Each of them acts according to his chosen role, which is fully consistent with their talents and qualities. Due to the good compatibility of the Ox and the Rat, the relationship between them is a holistic, harmoniously working mechanism that is not easy to break through various troubles.

Ox Man and Rat Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Bull Man takes care of all financial matters in a relationship.

The life of a couple is not without disagreements and petty quarrels, but there is much more pleasant in this union. The lightness of the Rat woman and the talent to adapt to any difficulties delight the Ox man. By nature, he is slow, too conservative in the implementation of plans, so the flexibility of his wife becomes his salvation in some important situations.

Ox and Rat can become an excellent team, both in family life and in the professional field. They are both practical and decisive, boldly go to their goal. The only difference is that the Bull goes ahead of her. He moves in the usual way, guided by proven methods and often does not notice alternative solutions to problems. The rat, on the contrary, is able to look at the situation broadly, find unusual and more effective ways. In addition, she has good intuition, knowing when to act, and when to quit altogether.

The Ox man is attracted to the Rat woman by housekeeping and organization in household chores. In the house of the Rat, everything is taken into account and calculated, stocks must be replenished in advance. The Ox takes responsibility for the financial side, and makes sure that the family does not need anything. This state of affairs pleases the Rat, and fully satisfies her need for a prosperous life. Actually, because of the ability to give her stability and material well-being, she chose this man as her husband.

In the measured and too regular everyday life of the Ox man, she brings a little positive chaos. The Rat Woman becomes a real muse for him, inspiring him to new victories and supporting him in career matters. Her vigor and creativity adds carelessness to the stern Ox. He also gives her confidence in the future, making her calm and cheerful. With him, the Rat woman does not need to constantly worry about her position, because men are simply not to be found more reliable and more accurate than the Ox.

Ox Man and Rat Woman: Compatibility in Love

Attraction between signs arises very quickly. The seriousness and severity of the Ox man adds to his appearance of solidity. He gives the impression of a solid, stubborn person, and fully corresponds to this image.

The Rat Woman is a seductress and a skilled manipulator. She knows how to win a man and achieve with his help what she wants. Such a woman is very popular with the opposite sex, but she will not bind fate with anyone, so you cannot call her windy.

The compatibility of the Ox man and the Rat woman in love is excellent, but their relationship will most likely begin with her filing. The bull shows absolute stupidity in courtship, and is in no hurry to take decisive action. Fortunately, the Rat woman is used to taking the initiative. She has a unique talent to seduce men, and in such a way that they look like conquerors.

The Rat woman is unlikely to wait for romance and violent passion from her partner, but she is attracted by his reliability and practicality. She feels that together with such a man they can achieve a lot.

Of course, she will also have to take on the emotional and sensual side. The Bull Man is usually very reserved and even harsh. It is not so easy to liberate him, but the Rat woman usually succeeds. With her, he becomes softer and more open, capable of something that he himself could not imagine. The rat feeds his inner strength, making him invincible and even more purposeful.

The Ox man relates to sex simply and without much imagination. Too sophisticated experiments are not to his liking. In intimacy, as in life, he does not burn with passion, remaining focused and even dry. The Rat Woman is more temperamental and sensual. She will bring variety to his sex life and add fire to it. Oddly enough, the Ox will not resist this, and will try to fulfill all her fantasies.

Despite the differences in characters, the Ox and the Rat get along well together.

The compatibility of the Bull and the Rat in love and marriage is simply excellent. This is one of the few alliances where differences in characters are mainly beneficial, and do not contribute to discord. But even in such a marriage there are disagreements.

The excessive resourcefulness of the Rat woman can annoy the Ox man. Straightforward and solid, he does not understand its changeability. Conservative by nature, the Bull does not like to change plans or go untested paths. Here both will have to make concessions. A woman will need more humility and compliance in response to her husband's persistence. He should at least sometimes accept the bold proposals of his wife. In the end, in the ability to survive and stay afloat, the Rat has no equal, and the Ox can learn a lot from her.

IN life together they will not have to radically reshape themselves for the sake of their beloved, but some habits, nevertheless, should be changed. The bull, for example, should moderate its categoricalness and stubbornness. It is worth understanding that his opinion is not necessarily the most correct, and the chosen decisions are not always correct. It is difficult for him to realize, and even more so to accept his mistakes, but there are situations in which this is indispensable.

The Rat woman, in alliance with the Ox man, should not be such a gossip and talker. Her man really does not like it when the details of his life are discussed all around. In relations with the Bull, she should also avoid understatement, obvious tricks and tricks. Next to her is a man who directly expresses what is on his mind and demands revelation from loved ones. He is unlikely to tolerate a double game and manipulation. And the rage of the Bull crushes everything that stands in his way. With intrigue, dishonesty and other bad habits Rats should be more careful.

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When considering the compatibility of the Ox and the Rat, there may be a feeling of bewilderment. Initially, it seems that such symbols Eastern horoscope They don't match at all because of their different personalities. Since these signs are able to complement each other, their union can last until the end of life.

Ox character

According to the eastern horoscope, the positive qualities of the character of the Ox include purposefulness and perseverance. People born under this symbol of the eastern horoscope never stop halfway. In most cases, they calmly withstand criticism and have prudence. If they are offended, then calmness and understanding are replaced by aggression. Understand your partner and be patient with him.

Other character traits include:

  • ability to listen: such people will never refuse to help others;
  • conservatism: they always achieve great success, not stopping there;
  • integrity: this sign of the horoscope prefers to take a leading position both in work and in the family, he will never agree to a secondary role;
  • the ability to forgive: even the strongest grievances will be forgiven by the owner of the sign and will never tell a third person about an unpleasant situation.

Rat Character

If a person is born in the year of the Rat, he initially has such character traits as charm and sociability. By nature, such individuals are cheerful and always become the soul of the company. Thanks to their wisdom and erudition, people born in the year of the Rat are able to support any conversation and help in a difficult situation.

Those born in the year of the Rat tend to accumulate money. If a situation occurs when a loved one needs financial assistance, this sign of the eastern horoscope is ready to give away their accumulated material possessions. Outwardly, such people are attractive and sociable. They just need to make new friends. The nuance of such a relationship lies only in the fact that the Rat will always seek benefits, therefore, useful relationships are important for her.

Bull Man and Rat Woman

Compatibility with the Ox and the Rat according to the horoscope will always be crowned with success. For a harmonious relationship, a couple must initially distribute family responsibilities among themselves so that everyone feels comfortable.

A woman will need to accept the fact that caring for her family will fall on her fragile shoulders. She should always support her partner. The man will be engaged in financial security and will allow his companion to realize himself in life.

love union

In love, they have every chance. Both partners perfectly complement each other and try to find a compromise in difficult situations. There will never be any misunderstanding between them. It is important for them that the partner feels care, mutual assistance and understanding.

In this pair, the man takes the first step. He is quickly attracted to the outgoing and cheerful Rat. The union in love will last a long time if there are no betrayals in the couple, although a man is always ready to forgive his companion if she correctly describes to him the essence of the problem that has occurred.


Marriage is conservative. A woman should take care of household chores and raising children. There will be at least three children in this marriage. To keep the idyll, a man will have to fulfill all the whims of his woman. Since the man is ready for any sacrifice, the girl will successfully use the position. It is important for her to be beautiful, she is not ready to save on cosmetics, clothes and accessories.

The Ox, who is married to the Rat, dreams of home comfort. It is important for him that when he comes home from work, he finds delicious food cooked and order in the house. If a woman refuses to fulfill her direct duties, he is ready to do it himself. Only in this case, the woman will have to go to work and provide for her family.

sex life

In bed, these signs are able to achieve complete harmony. A man and a woman will never hide their desires from each other. Each of them is ready for any experiments. Self-expression in sex is not infringed, which suits both of them.


All is well in friendship. Because each partner loves funny companies and fellowship, they're easy to find mutual language between themselves. The Ox man and the Rat woman always have mutual understanding. Both the guy and the girl are looking for useful connections and like-minded people. Each of them is able to give it to a partner.

Constant partying, extreme travel and entertainment are an integral part of the friendship of these two. Each of them is ready to help if a friend needs it. The Ox man and the Rat woman always have common topics for communication. This only strengthens their friendship, which can last for many years.

business area

Considering the compatibility of the Ox man and the Rat woman in business, one can understand that these people harmoniously complement each other. The guy will hold a leadership position and control the entire process of processing the transaction.

A woman in such an alliance plays the role of an assistant. She is able to give good advice regarding the transaction, but will never be held responsible for the negative outcome of the situation.

Ox Girl and Rat Boy

In order for the compatibility of the Rat and the Ox in such a union to be ideal, the man will have to come to terms with the fact that the woman will dominate the relationship. She is full of judgment and self-confidence, which will lead to a minimum number of errors in decision making.

A man will act as an assistant and adviser, although only in rare cases is a woman ready to listen to him.

Love relationship

Compatibility between the Ox and the Rat in love is quite difficult. Due to the fact that a woman dominates in relationships, sometimes she is not satisfied with the behavior of her partner. As a result, periodically she wants to change it.

If a man loves his partner very much, he will change, but in most cases, guys are not satisfied with this situation, and they break off love ties.

marriage ties

The marriage compatibility of the Bull and the Rat is full of idyll if a woman is periodically ready to listen to her partner. In marriage, she will have to calm her temper a little and sometimes do household chores.

In most cases, the partner does all the housework, and the woman does the work and financially provides for the family. Since a man born in the year of the Rat is not ready to become a gigolo, he will also try to earn money for the general budget.

So that harmony in love is not violated, a man must learn to adapt to his woman. In return, she will idolize him. The guy must learn to accept his partner for who she is, without changing her character. If there are constant complaints about this, the woman will not put up with it and will quickly file for divorce.


These are sensual signs in nature. For them, the main thing in sex is to get pleasure and provide such an opportunity to their partner.

None of them will pull the blanket over themselves. Both the guy and the girl are ready to sacrifice pleasure for the sake of the second half. If one of the partners commits treason, then it is impossible to immediately say that the relationship will end. It all depends on how much they love each other. It also affects which

friendly connection

Rat and Ox can be friends long years. A thoughtful woman feels comfortable with the cheerful Rat, and a man feels protected when he is with his partner.

For the friendship of these signs to be long, the Rat will have to accept his partner as he is. If a guy periodically shows how dear a girl is to him, then she will completely give herself to this relationship.

Work relationship

In order for the union of the Rat and the Ox to bring pleasure and success, partners must achieve equality in business relations. Girl - to deal with complex matters, solving problems. The disadvantage of a woman is only that she is not ready to waste her time on small things.

At such moments, the sociability and balance of the Rat will help as well as possible. A man born under this horoscope symbol is ready to spend a lot of time on small assignments that will help achieve profit in a big business.

Common Causes of Conflicts

The misunderstanding between the Rat and the Ox arises for several reasons.

  1. Infringement of the Rat. Since the girl prefers to take a leading position and earn money, his partner will be uncomfortable in such a relationship.
  2. A woman is never ready to change, even if her loved one asks for it.
  3. Love of the Rat. Due to its inconstancy, this symbol is able to periodically cheat on its partner. To save the union, she needs to learn to control her character and express concern for her soul mate. If necessary, you will have to show your feelings in public so that the woman is confident in the mood of her partner.
  4. Misunderstanding between the Rat and the Ox in the financial sector. Unlike a man, a woman here will never save on herself. It is important for her to feel independence, which is why she makes a lot of rash spending.

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