All about running in the morning. How to start running in the morning? Simple tips for beginners from a practitioner

It is believed that the hours when training has the best effect on the body are the intervals from 6 to 7 am, from 9 to 12 pm, and from 5 to 7 pm. But not everyone has the opportunity to run at such a time. Study, work, and sweet Dreams often interfere with freeing up these hours for sports loads.

To understand when running is best for you, you should think about such a thing as your own biological clock. Each of us has them. Some people consider themselves larks, others are night owls, and others are far from ornithologists; they can get up and go to bed at any time, adapting to their work schedule.

If you are a morning person, then morning running will not be a problem for you. You wake up full of energy, and an additional boost of vigor and good mood will only improve your day. But in the evening, when you are tired and dream only of relaxation, the need to go for a run can make you sad and turn you away from it of the most useful kind training.

But if you are a night owl, then for a morning run you will not only have to get up earlier, but also push your half-asleep self out of a warm house into the street, experience stress and feel like tired muscles all day. But in the evening you run the required distance with the ease of a seasoned athlete, return home and feel great the whole next day.

Comparison of morning and evening

For those for whom it is not particularly important to live according to the regime of a night owl or a lark, we can say the following. Running in the morning is good because you feel energized all day. Jogging in the morning mobilizes you, improves your overall tone and mood. But, according to researchers, morning exercise is often stressful for the body, which has not yet woken up.

An evening jog allows you to relieve stress that has accumulated during a hard day at work. Your muscles relax, you go to bed feeling refreshed, and then you sleep well. Evening running can help you cope with insomnia.

Some people claim that only morning jogging can help you lose weight. Others say the same thing, but about an evening run. One thing is certain: despite any authoritative statements, everyone benefits from running, both those who run in the morning and those who run in the evening.

It is best to study at a time that seems most convenient to you. The most important thing is the regularity of jogging. It is regularity, and only regularity, and not the ideal time of day for running, that will allow you to get in great shape and feel great.

Not many people know the difference between regular morning running and running for weight loss. In order to give exercise fat-burning properties, you need to know a few secrets.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about losing weight

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but there is either no result, or the weight keeps coming back. I used to tell them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better solution - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg in a month absolutely naturally without diets or exercise. loads This is a completely natural remedy that is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health status. IN this moment The Ministry of Health is holding a campaign “Save Russian Residents from Obesity” and every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug FOR FREE

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What is the best time to run?

If you are planning running as a means of losing weight, then it is best to run early in the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, you will have to get up an hour and a half earlier than usual in order to have time to swing, warm up, run and take a shower before breakfast. I love running in the morning when the city wakes up. The street is very quiet and there are no prying eyes.

If running in the morning for weight loss seems too difficult because you get up early, run at any other convenient time, as long as there is an optimal temperature outside (for me this is from minus ten to plus thirty degrees).

In some regions of Russia in early spring, as in winter, jogging may not be possible due to large quantity puddles or low temperature.

How to run correctly

Even something as simple as running in the morning can be harmful to your health—everything needs to be done correctly.

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally I was able to get rid of excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffees, liquid chestnuts, chocoslims. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found it young man, who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and methods for losing weight, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

Remember the basic rules:

  • You need to land on your toes, but not on your heel. This will protect you from problems with joints and ligaments;
  • the legs should soften the impact of the weight on the ground, making a slight shock-absorbing movement;
  • arms should be bent at the elbows and move in rhythm with the legs;
  • Do not hold your breath under any circumstances, you need to breathe deeply but evenly;
  • do not lean forward or backward while running;
  • Avoid running in winter if the air temperature is below ten degrees Celsius.

Tips for beginners:

  • running with an mp3 player becomes much more fun and interesting, but be extremely careful if you have to run across roads and driveways;
  • if you have a strong need for water, then take a small bottle with you, but keep in mind that running with it will be inconvenient;
  • you don’t need to take your phone on the road, and you can hold the keys in your hands;
  • early in the morning the city is empty and you can run anywhere, but in the evening it is better to do it at the stadium;
  • advantages of any sports activity undeniable for health, laziness will always find a bunch of excuses for not doing anything;

Running in winter

In my opinion, even running properly in winter is not a good idea, but perhaps I think so because I live in Siberia. In winter it is very cold and snowy here. I tried to run several times in the cold, but the pleasure is rather dubious, and this is reinforced by the ice and snow underfoot. Not only is it slippery, but your face is covered with frost, it’s hard to breathe, and there’s a high chance of catching a cold in your throat.

In addition, in our city the stadiums are not cleaned, and in winter you have to run on well-trodden sidewalks. Things may be different for you, in this case you just need to have a great desire and warm sportswear.

A good alternative to this activity in winter is running up the stairs in the morning. The entrance is warm, almost everywhere is light and safe. Just keep in mind that your legs will be subject to quite a serious load, and if a regular run takes half an hour, then on the stairs you should reduce this time by at least half. You also shouldn’t be surprised by pain in muscles unprepared for sports, but it usually goes away after a few days.

Another disadvantage of running stairs can be considered the surprised looks of neighbors.

Running in the morning in winter in other latitudes may not be so problematic. Dress warmly, cover your ears and neck. Your feet should be wearing wool socks and warm sneakers. It would be nice to wear thermal underwear. The tracksuit and jacket should be windproof; if you feel even a slight breeze on your skin, change your clothes.

If we summarize everything that has been said above, then in winter it is quite possible to run, but for this you need to dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

Stories from our readers

I lost 15 kg without dieting or training in a month. How nice it is to feel beautiful and desired again. I finally got rid of my sides and belly. Oh, I tried so many things - nothing helped. How many times have I tried to start working out in the gym, but it only lasted me for a month at most, and the weight remained the same. I tried different diets, but I always fell for something tasty and hated myself for it. But everything changed when I read this article. Anyone who has problems with excess weight should read it!

Read the full article >>>

Would you like some advice: gather a team of like-minded people and find a free gym where you can play football, basketball or volleyball for a nominal fee. Every city has gyms that are rented by the hour.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. People visit swimming pools GYM's. However, many still ignore the most accessible form of fitness - regular running. It is difficult to overestimate its benefits, but it is also difficult to force yourself to run. To make it easier, we will tell you the benefits of running, how to run correctly in the morning and how to use it to lose extra pounds.

What are the benefits of running?

Running like any other exercise stress, accelerates metabolic processes. Because of this, food is absorbed better, a person is filled with energy faster, and excess calories are not stored as fat. After two to three weeks of regular running, you will notice that your muscles have become denser and your overall body tone has improved.

There is no more affordable way to lose weight than running. In half an hour of continuous exercise, about 300 kilocalories are burned. With the right approach, it is quite possible to lose 1–2 kilograms per week.

One to two years of regular running can give you excellent cardiovascular training. Due to pumping a large amount of blood and an intense pulse, the elasticity and volume of the heart increase, and the capacity of blood vessels also increases. Thus, the heart will pump more blood per beat, the number of contractions will drop, and therefore the wear and tear on the main muscle of the body will decrease.

Running improves your mood. Of course, you can’t say this when you’re going for a run, but once you step on the path, you realize: from that moment on, everything changes. During physical stress, happiness hormones are released - endorphins. A person experiences the same condition when he eats chocolate, but, unfortunately, he only adds kilograms.

Jogging alone in the fresh air is a great way to immerse yourself, meditate, and get rid of negative thoughts. Anxiety and irritation disappear while running.

Regular running strengthens willpower, because not everyone is able to exchange a warm bed for several laps around the stadium. Such people are persistent and know what they want to achieve not only from jogging. It is easier for them to set priorities, solve everyday problems, set goals and achieve them.

As a classic aerobic exercise, running increases endurance. If in the first weeks a person gets tired after 5-10 minutes, then after two to three months half an hour of exercise will seem like a warm-up. This has a positive effect on performance in everyday life.

How to start running in the morning correctly

When is the best time to run? In the morning, as this will help you set yourself up for a productive day and recharge your batteries. At this time in the summer it is not so hot on the paths less people, and the air is not yet filled with exhaust smoke.

What time is best to run? Between six and eight o'clock in the morning, blood glucose levels are at their lowest, so the body will have to burn fat for energy.

Running rules for beginners:

  1. Let yourself wake up. Take your morning routine and leave after 30 minutes.
  2. Before leaving, drink a glass of water to thin your blood a little. This will reduce the load on the heart. If losing weight is not your goal, you can have a light breakfast with coffee or sweet tea.
  3. When you go for a run, be sure to stretch your joints and do some stretching. Special attention pay attention to ankles, knees, hip joints, as well as the muscles of the thigh and back.
  4. Start your run with a quick walk, then speed up and start jogging.
  5. Maintain a comfortable speed. At first, the main thing is to prepare the body for stress. Over time, the speed will increase, but you should not force this moment.
  6. Alternate running with fast walking: 1 lap of running - 1–2 laps of walking. Next, reduce the number of “easy” laps and increase the duration of the run.

People suffering from excess weight, depending on the extent of the problem, should start with brisk walking or long walks. Also, before you start running, you should consult a doctor and check the condition of your heart and joints.

Running Equipment

Choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. For the warm period this is a T-shirt, shorts; in the cool season - pants, a long-sleeved jacket and a windbreaker.

Run in special running shoes as they reduce stress on your legs and spine. This is especially true if you run on concrete. For unpaved roads, regular sneakers will do.

Who shouldn't run?

Jogging is contraindicated for people with diseases of the heart, joints and spine, insufficient blood circulation, hernias and mitral stenosis. Running is dangerous for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from exercise during acute respiratory infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to run in the morning to lose weight

Everything mentioned above is true for fat-burning runs. However, there are nuances that help you get rid of extra pounds more effectively. So, how to run to lose weight:

  1. First of all, no food before your run. Even sweet tea or juice will reduce the effectiveness of weight loss by at least 50%. While running, calories from food will be burned, and fat will remain in place.
  2. If you want to lose weight, jogging should last at least 5–20 minutes. During this period, fats disappear more intensively. The longer you run, the more fat you will burn.
  3. Fat burning will stop if you don't provide oxygen to your body, so run at a moderate speed. If you start to choke, slow down and restore your breathing.

Running technique

Try to maintain your posture, do not slouch or throw your body back. You must keep your head straight, do not strain your neck and shoulders. It is equally important to distribute your weight evenly while jogging; your entire foot should touch the ground. There are also techniques: foot-heel and heel-foot. When running, the inner surfaces of the feet should be in line to avoid swaying of the torso.

To avoid exhaustion ahead of time, watch your breathing. It should be uniform, without delay. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

How to finish a run

Don't stop right away, first go to a fast pace, then slow down. At the same time, perform exercises to restore breathing; Raise your arms, taking a deep breath, and as you exhale, lower them sharply. Next, do static muscle stretching, holding each group for 30–40 seconds.

When you get home, take a contrast shower. It will improve blood circulation, relieve soreness and speed up recovery processes. Have breakfast half an hour to an hour after your run.

A little about nutrition

No matter how much a person runs, without proper nutrition you won't be able to lose weight. The basis of the diet should be protein foods and vegetables. It is better to take carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and completely eliminate them from your diet in the evening. Consume sugar and fats with great caution. Fried and sweet foods should be taboo for those who want to burn fat.

“Life requires movement,” Aristotle said. However, in modern world with activity big problems. Running is almost the only way diversify sedentary lifestyle life.

Is it possible to run every day? Yes, if you don’t overload the body and give it time to recover. Everything needs to be approached wisely, and jogging is no exception. Exercise regularly, and the results will not be long in coming. Do you like to run?

Seven runners who start the day before 70% of other people by running in the morning share personal experience how willpower can overcome laziness.

“We all have the same amount of time. The question is, what do you do with yours?” - sounds motivating, right? People who manage to go for a morning run by 10, eat two meals and work productively cause a mixture of admiration and irritation among many. “I couldn’t do that,” you think, and you continue to wake up everything in the world.

We asked fellow runners about how they manage to start their day early and run in the morning and gleaned some useful tips from their answers.

Honestly answer the question “Why?”

Armen Petrosyan, publisher:

For early rises, I follow simple conditions. Firstly, I must clearly understand why I need this. What benefit and joy will the things I can get done by starting the day earlier bring me?

It makes no sense to wake up earlier and fight sleepiness all day. If I change my daily routine seriously and for a long time, then I need at least 7 hours of sleep a day. Here the sleep timing in the Jawbone bracelet helps me out. I sleep for an hour and a half during the day. My proven ways to get into work mode when waking up early are freewriting and the Surya Namaskar complex. Running early in the morning didn't work out for me.

I regularly hear about the desire to wake up earlier, but rarely about plans to go to bed earlier. Sleep and rest are underrated. It took me experiencing injury and overtraining to understand the importance of recovery.

Laziness occurs where there is a desire to achieve something, but there is no understanding of why you need it.

My trick to combating laziness is simple: I write down the reasons in favor of completing the upcoming task. It doesn't take much time. I imagine the joy of the changes that action will bring. The most important step is to start doing at least something in the direction of the formulated changes.

After all, laziness is like a swamp: the more you stay at one point, the more you plunge into it.

Try to go to bed earlier

Daniil Vakhovsky, PR manager of Ukrazaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railways):

The best rule for getting up early is to go to bed earlier. Before going to bed, you need to make a certain ritual. Biologically, people are designed in such a way that bright light stimulates our brain to produce special substances that keep us alert longer. The body perceives bright light, including mobile phone, tablet, and TV screens, as daylight, so if we spend the whole evening on devices, falling asleep is much more difficult.

My ritual looks like this: I don’t turn on my laptop after 10 pm, and I don’t read e-books on a tablet an hour before bed, I use dim, diffused light in the apartment. Every person needs a certain amount of sleep, for me - at least 7 hours. Therefore, if I don’t go to bed earlier, then I won’t be able to get up either.

My life hack: sometimes I allow myself to succumb to laziness. There are days when you are really very tired, and you simply don’t have the resource to pull yourself together. If the batteries are not charged, I can move the workout up a day. Sometimes I do it differently: when I don’t have the strength to get ready and run in the morning, I can get up for a morning walk and run in the evening. We need to find a balance between maintaining a training schedule and abusing the body. If he is not ready for the load, then the training is unlikely to be effective.

Nothing helps better than a challenge

As much fun as running can be, getting up early can be difficult. There is only one way that works for me: set the alarm for the right time and go ahead. And then it’s time to fall asleep on time. It can be difficult in the first days, so some people find it easier to adjust gradually. I often think out a cool route in the evening with beautiful views so that in the morning there is less time for internal dialogues.

My laziness likes to progress when there is no strict plan for the marathon. Favorite excuse: “I’ll start next week.” That’s why I came up with the “30 morning runs” challenge, where you had to run for 2 months early morning 30 times, share the results on Facebook, and at the same time show the morning city and favorite routes through the eyes of a runner. Deadlines, schedule, reporting, and even beautiful - everything I love. It’s not a fact that it will work for everyone, but with such a challenge it was definitely easier and more fun for me.

Create a comfortable schedule

Denis Tkalich, e-commerce manager at Petcube:

To prevent the work-training-family triangle from turning into a Bermuda triangle, you need to have time to train before work. My working day is shifted relative to the standard from 9 to 6, I come to the office around eleven and work until eight in the evening, sometimes later. Accordingly, evening training would rather be at night, and I would spend my family weekdays I saw it sporadically.

Therefore, I have developed this regime for myself: in the morning I get up at 6-7, if I’m training near my house, or at 5-5:30, if I have to go somewhere. I return before 9, have breakfast and go to work. After work, I always try to spend a couple of hours with my family.

If I run on my own, sometimes I set the alarm clock to an hour in the morning to sleep longer, especially in winter, when it’s dark and nasty outside. But if you agree with someone to run in the morning, then you must be there.

Fight laziness for what you love

Anastasia Bereza, journalist:

I always woke up early and, it seems, I was even late for school once or twice in 10 years. I am an adept of running in the morning: after working out before work, you can easily drink a glass of wine with friends, stay late at a birthday party, or have a hearty dinner. An evening workout will keep me on my toes all day.

Now I run around six in the morning: not hot, not crowded, little traffic, quiet and fresh at any time of the year. Even in winter, at this time it is brighter and safer than in the evening. To wake up at five, I just try to fall asleep around 11. Anyway, at this time you can’t be busy with anything other than surfing the Internet and watching movies and texts that can be put off until the morning. At first, the alarm clock helped me a lot, but now I easily wake up on my own.

You can also train yourself to get up early to train while on a business trip or on vacation in another country. There is a pity for time to sleep and I really want to take a better look at everything, but there is not always enough time for this. Morning running - a great opportunity get to know a new city.

My method for fighting laziness is to remind myself that I don't have to do it, but I feel better if I run in the morning. This line of reasoning doesn't just apply to running. And if it doesn’t work, then maybe you don’t like it so much?

Work is a bad excuse to skip a workout

Dmitry Molchanov, nurse:

I wake up at 3:30 and don't drink coffee. No, I'm not a zombie. It’s just that my working day starts at 4 am. All my adult life I was a night owl until I moved to America a year and a half ago.

I adapted to the change in time zones quite quickly, and later got a job in a medical facility. Everything about this job was good, except the schedule: 3-4 times a week you have to work from 04:00 to 19:00. For the first two months, my body took this change very hard, because out of habit I went to bed at 11:00 p.m., and had to get up four hours later.

I didn’t oversleep even once during my entire work, even if I barely slept at night. The motivation here is simple: if you didn’t come, you didn’t receive the money. Music helps me turn on before work, but I can’t “sway” for half a day, because I work with patients and a lot depends on my concentration. Due to accumulated fatigue and lack of sleep, my routine gradually changed. Now, after a working day, I can go to bed at 8 pm and sleep for 12 hours if I have a day off tomorrow.

Although my routine may be intimidating to many, I have found a way to balance training and work. I bought a running backpack, with which I sometimes run 8 km from work to home, and often ride my bike to work.

I can’t say that I’m completely used to my routine - I still have 5 alarms on my phone, and a couple of times I was so tired that I wanted to quit this job altogether.

Every time I see photos and posts from friends about how they got up early and already managed to run, I imagine to myself that I would need to get up at 2 am to repeat their feat! 🙂

Running is probably the most popular sport in the world due to its many benefits. It is accessible to absolutely everyone, does not require financial investment, involves almost all the muscles of the body in work, and promotes effective fat burning. Morning jogging is considered especially useful, with which many adherents start the day. healthy image life. And if you also decide to do them, then you should first evaluate all the existing pros and cons of running in the morning.

Is it good to run in the morning? Definitely yes. Many experts consider the optimal time for it to be early in the morning, when the air is still clean, fresh, and not polluted by an abundance of cars and industrial exhausts, city dirt and dust. Thus, by running in the morning, you can not only strengthen your body and muscles, but also get enough of the fresh, cool air, moistened with morning dew. This will be beneficial, and after a few days of such jogging you will feel more energetic and cheerful.

One of the important benefits of running is its accessibility. He does not require any financial investment at all: no need to buy a subscription, pay for a trainer, or acquire additional equipment. All you need is comfortable shoes and clothes designed for running. It is recommended to run on a smooth and level surface - this will help soften the load on the feet. As for running shoes, it is recommended to purchase a special model for running, which will create a shock-absorbing effect with every step you take.

Speaking about the benefits of running in the morning, one cannot fail to note that during the activity it uses almost all muscles. Beginner athletes often think that running only works their legs, but in fact, during jogging, the buttocks, arms, as well as the back and abs are also actively worked - this helps to achieve a harmonious result. The more muscles are used, the more energy is expended, the more calories you burn, and the more better results your activities. By running regularly, you can strengthen your muscles, as well as ligaments and joints, preventing the risks of various injuries. During jogging, many of those muscles are worked that are not used in any way in ordinary life - this allows you to improve the tone of the whole body.

What happens if you run in the morning? You you can strengthen your immune system, since regular physical activity increases resistance to various viruses and infections. Running in the fresh air is a kind of hardening that improves the condition of the immune system. This is especially true for those who run not only in the warm season, but also in the cold season.

Run helps normalize blood circulation in organism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This helps to supply all internal organs and systems with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is delivered to the cells along with the blood. When running, you must adhere to a certain breathing pace, which perfectly trains the lungs and respiratory system as a whole. But again, to get maximum benefits, it is recommended to run in places with clean air.

When we run in the morning, we actively initiate sweating processes, which helps cleanse the body. It gets rid of waste and toxins accumulated in pores and tissues.

After running, it is recommended to immediately take a shower and use a body scrub - this will certainly help eliminate all possible sources of contamination. Speaking about the benefits of running in the morning for women, it should be noted that accelerated blood circulation has a positive effect on the skin, moisturizing and smoothing it, giving it a healthy appearance. Regular jogging is an excellent prevention of cellulite.

Is running in the morning good for men? Yes, because it improves everyone's performance. internal organs and systems, helps prevent problems with potency, and also promotes the development of such important qualities for the stronger sex as determination and willpower.

Another The advantage of running in the morning is its ability to influence our mood. Regular jogging promotes the production of endorphins, which improves your emotional state and good mood. Running normalizes sleep, fights insomnia, and helps normalize mental activity.

Also, the benefit of a morning jog is that it helps the body finally wake up, recharge itself for the day ahead with energy, vigor and good mood. It also triggers metabolic processes, which will work more actively throughout the day, contributing to your weight loss.

Is it bad to run in the morning?

There are also negative opinions regarding whether running in the morning is beneficial. If we talk about its opponents, then as an argument against morning running they cite the fact that the body is not yet prepared for active loads in the morning. Immediately after waking up, all processes have not yet started, and the body does not work in full force. During this period, he needs to adapt to new conditions and begin to produce energy for running in an increased volume. This can be very stressful and can negatively affect your heart function. That's why It is recommended to run not immediately after you wake up, but after some time so that everything internal processes came back to normal and prepared. If you're a night owl and find it incredibly difficult to get up in the morning, you might be better off running in the evening.

In addition, running can have a negative impact if you choose the wrong place to run. Try not to run near chemical plants, industries, and factories that emit toxic waste. Then running may not only not strengthen the body, but even provoke various diseases. But you can and should run in environmentally friendly areas: parks, squares, forests, the sea coast - you will get both benefits and pleasure.

When considering the benefits and harms of morning jogging, keep in mind that there are those for whom running is, in principle, contraindicated. These are people with diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, lower back injuries, serious visual impairments, heart problems and respiratory system, high blood pressure. Some contraindications are absolute, some are relative, so if you have any doubts, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to run in the morning with maximum benefit

So what is more about jogging in the morning - benefit or harm? There are definitely many more benefits if you are convinced that there are no contraindications and do everything wisely. Experts recommend following these recommendations:

  • You will need comfortable shoes. These should be sneakers or running shoes with flat soft soles, comfortable inside, equipped with shock absorbers on the heels, springy and breathable.
  • Clothes should be comfortable made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement. Girls will need a special sports bra. It is also important to dress appropriately for the weather to prevent overheating or hypothermia.
  • When it comes to food, it all depends on when you wake up. You can't run on a full stomach- this is discomfort for the body. You can run on an empty stomach or have a light snack 30-60 minutes before your workout. You can limit yourself to a glass of natural juice or a protein shake.
  • It is recommended to increase the load gradually. Always start with a brisk walk or light jog. Interval running is good for weight loss.
  • For beginners you can start running from 15-20 minutes every 3-4 days, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of training. For good health and weight loss, it is recommended to run from 35 to 60 minutes. But regarding whether it is beneficial to run in the morning every day, experts give a negative answer - the body needs time to recover, so a couple of days a week can be taken as a well-deserved weekend or devoted to another type of activity.
  • Running try not to strain your hands- swing them freely as you run to the beat. Keep your body straight, do not bend or tilt your lower back forward, and do not throw your head back. It is also important to look forward and not at the floor.
  • Another An important point is proper breathing when running. You need to breathe deeply and steadily, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  • When you finish your run, do not stop abruptly. The speed should be reduced gradually. First, walk at a fast pace, let your breathing and heart rate recover.

For weight loss, as already mentioned, interval running is useful. Alternate moderate loads with intense ones: slow running with fast walking and sprinting for short distances. Do several accelerations for 1-2 minutes.

Do a short warm-up before your run. Do it simple exercises for stretching - bending, turning, squatting, and so on. This will help prepare the body for further stress and prevent injury to muscles and joints. Also try not to overdo it so that your morning run doesn't tire you out. Remember that you still have the whole day ahead of you, and you need to save energy to spend it productively.

Now you know the benefits and benefits of running in the morning. It has a lot of advantages. It may be hard for you at first to get up a little earlier and go for a run, but over time you will get used to it and will no longer be able to imagine yourself without this part of your life. To make your workout more enjoyable and productive, run to your favorite music, rhythmic and dynamic. If there are no contraindications and all necessary rules are followed, regular morning jogging will be extremely beneficial.

Useful video about running in the morning

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