Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Cryptography - what is it? Cryptography Basics Where to study to be a cryptographer


The history of encryption, or scientific cryptography, has its roots in the distant past: back in the 3rd century BC, there were systems for encoding information.

Cryptography has developed rapidly in late XIX century in connection with the creation of radio. The importance of encryption all over the world and in Russia in particular has only increased over the years, and it became necessary to create special services. On May 5, 1921, the Cryptographic Service of Russia was created, and since then, on this day, all cryptographers in the country celebrate their professional holiday. A cryptographer is one of the rarest, most unusual and, of course, interesting professions. The information they work with is available only to a few, and their "secret language" is available to a few.

Professionally important qualities



the ability to concentrate;

analytical mind;

mathematical ability;

high level of intelligence;



Medical restrictions

diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

diseases nervous system;

diseases of the organs of vision;

diseases of the immune system;

mental disorders.

Cryptographer- Specialist in decryption and encryption of information. Why is information encrypted? So that it does not get to the enemy. Of course, this does not apply to all information, but only really important and secret.

The cipher is used when information needs to be transferred to its own, but there is a high probability that it will fall into the wrong hands. It must be protected, for example, when transmitted by radio, by e-mail. Another option: the information is stored in a secret database, but it is still encrypted in case of penetration by hackers. The "key" to the cipher is only among the initiates admitted to the secret. Information can be both military and diplomatic, and relate to state intelligence. Military cryptographers work with military information, if it concerns international intelligence and counterintelligence, this is the business of the FSB.

An ordinary cryptographer, as a rule, does not develop a cipher on his own, but he knows how to use it. In essence, it performs the role of an operator: it receives the ciphertext and, using the "key", decrypts it. Or vice versa, encrypts for further transmission. Each time a new cipher is used to send a message. An ordinary cryptographer takes it from a special encryption notebook, which is carefully guarded from strangers. Cryptographers are engaged in the development of cipher systems, encryption programs - cryptographers. This job requires higher qualifications.

The disadvantages of the cryptographer profession include increased secrecy. If a cryptographer is admitted to serious secrets of state importance, he has no right to tell anyone about his work, even about exactly what his specialty is called and in what structure he works. If a cryptographer serves in the Army, then for several years after the service he cannot travel abroad.

Vocational Education Organizations

The cryptographer specialty can be obtained in the Army. During military service you can get into the school of cryptographers at the military school. The chance increases if you have a diploma from a communications college.

You can also study on your own:

Professional activity

The profession of a cryptographer is very rare, necessary. After serving in the army, such guys can work in the military registration and enlistment office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies. In civilian life, a ransomware can work in IT services, information security departments of companies. There are no problems with further employment.


Career advancement requires higher education. A military career begins with a rank. In the future, promotion in rank corresponds to career growth. Without higher education, career opportunities are limited, but salaries are high.

Institute of Communications Cryptography and Informatics

The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (IKSI) traces its history from the Graduate School of Cryptographers, established on October 19, 1949 by the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as well as the closed department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. Subsequently, these educational institutions were reorganized into the technical faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1992, the technical faculty was transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of Russia.

Today, the Institute is a multidisciplinary educational institution that has a high reputation both among the universities of law enforcement agencies and in the system of higher education in Russia. It is the main educational institution Russian Federation education in the field of information security. On the basis of IKSI, the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the field of higher education was created in the field of higher education in the UGSN "Information Security" (hereinafter - UMO IB), which includes more than two hundred leading secondary and higher educational institutions of Russia.

At 4 faculties, 11 departments of the institute, higher education specialists are trained in 6 specialties of higher education.

Training of specialists is carried out in the following specialties:



Unified State Exam

Additional tests


Mathematics ( profile level); physics; Russian language

Information and analytical security systems

Information security of telecommunication systems

Computer security

Information Security automated systems

Countering technical intelligence

Everybody learning programs designed for 5 years of study.

In all specialties, graduates are awarded the qualification of "specialist in information security".

ICSI students, in addition to special technical disciplines, receive good humanitarian and military training. Within the walls of the institute there are excellent opportunities for in-depth study foreign languages. In specially equipped classrooms under the guidance of experienced teachers, they master the intricacies of modern military science, fire training and combat skills.

Teaching staff

More than 200 faculty members work at ICSI. Among them are more than 150 doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians and corresponding members various academies. These are qualified teachers and famous scientists. Laureates of state awards and holders of high government awards teach at the institute. The best specialists of research institutes and operational and technical units of the FSB of Russia, other ministries and departments are actively involved in conducting classes. Among the teachers are not only students of IKSI, but teachers from other leading Russian universities: Moscow State University, MEPhI, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MSTU.

The teaching staff of ICSI conducts a large educational, methodological and research work. Curricula, textbooks and study guides, developed for each of the implemented specialties, satisfy the most modern requirements Federal state educational standards of the 3rd generation.

The Institute preserves and develops the best traditions of the Higher School of Cryptographers and a special department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, whose worthy successor he is. This continuity consists in deep special training focused on solving the most complex tasks facing the practical units in whose interests specialists are being trained.

The education received by ICSI students is based on the highest achievements in the fundamental fields of science. Among them are mathematics, physics, programming, cybernetics, radio and microelectronics, communication and information theory, and nanotechnologies. The quality of education at the institute corresponds to the level of the most authoritative universities in the country.

Material and technical equipment

Due to the global development information technologies Institute pays great attention to the formation of skills and abilities to work with various types modern computing technology. The institute's diverse computer park includes a large number of personal computers, workstations and servers from well-known manufacturers. Modern material and technical base of computer classes, the latest software allow you to study the most complex aspects of the use of computing tools, the problems of building and protecting computer networks and computer security, protection against computer viruses.

The development of practical skills in the natural sciences and special disciplines is facilitated by the developed laboratory facilities of the Institute. Classes in physics, radio engineering and special disciplines are held in classrooms equipped with modern, unique devices and special equipment.

Research activities

The teaching staff instills in students the ability for independent scientific research. This is a priority area and an integral part of the work of the Institute.

Students acquire the skills of scientific thinking in the course of preparing term papers and theses conduct unscheduled scientific developments. The most interesting results are published in authoritative all-Russian and departmental scientific publications. Students who have shown the ability to research work, get the opportunity to continue their education in the postgraduate course of the Academy. Most of the graduates of the institute continue their scientific researches started at the university. Every year representatives of ICSI are among the laureates and diploma winners of the All-Russian competition of students for the best research work.

In addition, 2 scientific schools (on algebraic and radio engineering profiles) were created and supported by grants from the President of the Russian Federation at the institute. Scientific research a number of young scientists of the institute were supported by presidential personal grants.

The activity of ICSI graduates is extremely important for ensuring the security of the state. Upon graduation from the institute, graduates are guaranteed employment in the technical and scientific divisions of the FSB of Russia, other ministries and departments that ensure the country's security. High level and the relevance of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the training, allow them to be included in the work process, bypassing the period of initial adaptation. It is ICSI graduates who form the backbone of the staff of most practical departments of the corresponding profile. Many of them have been awarded high government awards and have become leading specialists and major leaders.

Pre-university training

For a number of years, the Institute has been implementing the program "Applicant".

Within the framework of this program, every year on the basis of the Institute are held:

  • written test papers in mathematics and physics,
  • Interregional Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics and Cryptography,
  • Interregional Olympiads for schoolchildren in physics and mathematics on the basis of departmental educational institutions,
  • Olympiad "Informatics and computer security".

The Institute invites all interested young people to test their knowledge, assess the level of training and, having passed entrance tests, get a specialized education at a university that has a long tradition in the field of training specialists for the security agencies of Russia.

distance learning system

A public distance learning system (LMS) has been deployed on the Olympiad website The LMS organizes courses for applicants of technical universities to help them prepare for entrance examinations on their own.

The purpose of the courses presented in the LMS is to help applicants organize a systematic repetition of the school curriculum of a course in mathematics and physics, provide the necessary advice, and also introduce the main types of tasks encountered in the entrance exams at the ICSI Academy of the FSB of Russia, and the Academy of the FSO of Russia (Orel) . Mastering the materials of these courses also contributes to the preparation for the exam.

In addition, Olympiad preparation courses are available in the SDO, which are conducted by departmental universities. Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the main ideas for solving problems of past Olympiads, which allows them to feel the specifics of the tasks and improve their level of knowledge in the main subjects.

In the online mode, schoolchildren from all over Russia can get qualified advice on solving problems and the subject of the Olympiad. Working in the LMS is user-friendly; to complete the training, it is enough to log into the system once or twice a week. The study of the theoretical part and the solution of tests in each selected course takes about 40 - 50 minutes.

Cipher - fr. chiffre - number; from arab. ifr is zero. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics and computer science (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Cryptography is cryptography. from the Greek Kryptos - secret and grapho - I write) cryptography.

Features of the profession

Why is information encrypted? So that it does not get to the enemy. Of course, this does not apply to all information, but only really important and secret. The cipher is used when information needs to be transferred to its own, but there is a high probability that it will fall into the wrong hands. It must be protected, for example, when transmitted by radio, by e-mail. Another option: the information is stored in a secret database, but it is still encrypted in case of penetration by hackers. The “key” to the cipher is only for the initiates who are admitted to the secret. Information can be both military and diplomatic, and relate to state intelligence. And it can belong to any commercial structure.

Military cryptographers work with military information, if it concerns international intelligence and counterintelligence, this is the business of the FSB. In commercial structures, it is handled by employees of information security departments.

Sometimes encryption is quite simple: with the help of a symbol, word or phrase, you can warn about some event. Everyone remembers the famous failure of the liaison Stirlitz at the safe house. Then Professor Pleischner did not pay attention to the pot with a flower put out the window - a warning that the turnout had failed, and there was no need to go there.

However, real, professional encryption is not limited to one conventional character. This is a system of signs, which is owned by both the sending and receiving parties. “Alex to Eustace...” – from the same film about Stirlitz, many people remember what encryption might look like.

An ordinary cryptographer, as a rule, does not develop a cipher on his own, but he knows how to use it. Essentially, it performs the role of an operator: it receives the ciphertext and, using the "key", decrypts it. Or vice versa, encrypts for further transmission. Each time a new cipher is used to send a message. An ordinary cryptographer takes it from a special encryption notebook, which is carefully guarded from strangers.

Cryptographers are engaged in the development of cipher systems and encryption programs. This job requires a high level of skill. The same applies to the work of a cryptanalyst, a specialist in breaking ciphers. The names of some cryptographers and security software developers are widely known. Among them is Evgeny Kaspersky, who at one time graduated from the technical faculty of the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB (now the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of Russia).

The disadvantages of the cryptographer profession include increased secrecy. If a cryptographer is admitted to serious secrets of national importance, he has no right to tell anyone about his work, even about exactly what his specialty is called and in what structure he works. The successes (or failures) of the special services may depend on his ability to remain silent, as well as on his level of qualification. If a cryptographer serves in the Army, then for several years after the service he cannot travel abroad.

Commercial information is also highly classified. In commercial structures, this minus turns into a plus: even ordinary cryptographers in the information security department have very high salaries.


The encryptor can work in IT services, information security departments of companies. Military cryptographers and federal security cryptographers are signalers. They are in the service of the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense or the FSB.

Important qualities

For successful work, perseverance, the ability to concentrate, and mathematical abilities are necessary.

Knowledge and skills

A cryptographer must be able to apply ciphers to decrypt and decrypt information. To develop methods for encrypting information, serious knowledge in the field of mathematics and programming is required.

Where do they teach

The cryptographer specialty can be obtained in the Army. For example, during military service, if you're lucky, you can get into the encryption school at the military school. The chance increases if you have a diploma from a communications college.

You can also study on your own.


Krasnodar Higher Military School named after General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko (KVVU named after Shtemenko)

Specialty "Integrated protection of informatization objects".

Qualification "Information Security Specialist".

Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) of the Academy of the FSB of Russia

Specialty "Cryptography"

To run a business you need higher education in the field of IT.

Among the best civilian universities:

Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after Bauman)

Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems.

Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics(ICSI) is a structural subdivision of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, which trains specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. ICSI is the leading educational institution in Russia for education in the field of information security.

In 1949, by a decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Higher School of Cryptographers was established, and a closed department was established at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Later, on the basis of their association, the 4th (technical) faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR was created. Since 1992, the technical faculty of the Higher School has been transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI). The main areas of training are: cryptography, applied mathematics, computer science and computer technology, electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications.

The ICSI includes the faculties of applied mathematics, special equipment, information security and the operational-technical faculty, the departments of natural sciences, special profiles and of English language, evening physics and mathematics school, off-budget research laboratory. Postgraduate courses, PhD and doctoral dissertation councils work in the Academy according to the profile of the institute.

By order of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 04/09/1996 No. 613, on the basis of IKSI, the Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation for Education in the Field of Information Security (UMO IB) was created. It includes representatives of 74 universities, as well as departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations. UMO IB develops educational standards, educational plans, educational programs, participates in licensing, certification and accreditation of universities wishing to train specialists in information security.


  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics
    • Cryptography
    • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Automation of information and analytical processes
  • Faculty of Special Engineering
    • Information security of telecommunication systems
    • Radio electronic systems
  • Faculty of Information Security
    • Computer security
    • Information security of automated systems
  • Operational and technical faculty


  • Unofficial forum of students and graduates of ICSI and the Academy of the FSB

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    The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) is a structural subdivision of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, which trains specialists in the field of information transmission, protection and processing. In 1949, by a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, ... ... Wikipedia

    Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) is a structural subdivision of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, which trains specialists in the field of information transmission, protection and processing. In 1949 ... ... Wikipedia

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A student of the specialty is trained in existing crypto schemes, as well as technologies for developing new ones. The main task of the graduate is to be able to analyze the information received, ensure proper protection of transmitted data streams, operate special technical devices to protect networks, test cryptographic protection programs, test programs and equipment for an appropriate level of protection against information leakage and malware. Also, the graduate must be able to properly encrypt and decrypt the received data. Also, the task of the graduate is to constantly improve their skills and master new, regularly appearing crypto schemes.
Graduates most often work in the computer security departments of large companies or government agencies. They hold the positions of a systems analyst specializing in the protection of commercial, state or military secrets. They can also engage in research work at institutes specializing in the development and decryption of crypto schemes.

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