Schnittke Institute Entrant Entry Schedule. Moscow College of Music as part of the Moscow State Institute of Music named after

: 55°47′37.3″ N sh. 37°29′09.8″ E d. /  55.793694° N sh. 37.486056° E d.(G) 55.793694 , 37.486056

Moscow State Institute of Music named after Alfred Schnittke (MGIM named after A. G. Schnittke)- a multi-level educational complex that carries out educational activities under the programs of additional, secondary, higher and postgraduate vocational education. The fruitful activity of all the main links of work - educational, scientific and concert - is ensured by a true constellation of talented teachers in the person of well-known figures in education and culture. It was they who made the institute the way it has become today - dynamically developing, having a unique look, its own priorities, and a rich history.


The Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke today is a multi-level educational complex that carries out educational activities under the programs of additional, secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education. The fruitful activity of all the main links of work - educational, scientific and concert - is ensured by a true constellation of talented teachers in the person of well-known figures in education and culture. It was they who made the institute the way it has become today - dynamically developing, having a unique look, its own priorities, and a rich history.

And it began at the beginning of the last century. The official opening date of the 1st Folk Music School at the University. A.L. Shanyavsky is considered May 28 (15), 1918. Huge contribution Nadezhda Yakovlevna Bryusova (sister of the poet V.Ya. Bryusov) and Boleslav Leopoldovich Yavorsky contributed to its organization. At the school, basic, additional and special general courses were opened. music education, as well as the department of Russian folk instruments (1921). The first director of the educational institution was A.G. Kokorina.

In 1921, the school separated from the university, and until 1923 it was called the Folk Music School of the Krasnopresnensky District. In 1923, along with the instructor-pedagogical and children's departments, a vocal department was opened at the school. A significant place was also given to the training of personnel in choral conducting.

From 1923 to 1925 the school was called the Krasnaya Presnya Music School. In 1924, a domra playing class for adults was opened, which trained teachers and leaders of domra orchestras (teacher - Konstantin Alekseev). The school becomes the first educational institution in Russia where learning to play folk instruments takes place on a professional basis.

In 1926, the educational institution received the name of the Musical Instructor College. Krasnaya Presnya. In 1927, V.A. Revich became the director of the technical school.

In 1929, the technical school named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov was attached to the technical school, and the educational institution was transformed into the State Musical Instructor College named after. October revolution. Since that time, the technical school included the following departments: choral, piano, folk, bow and wind instruments, vocal, theoretical, as well as ethnographic and department of children's musical education. In 1936, S.N. Abakumov, a graduate of the choral department of the Moscow Conservatory, was appointed director of the technical school.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, many teachers and students of the school were mobilized into the army. Three front-line brigades were created at the school, which during the war years gave over a thousand concerts at the fronts, in hospitals and liberated cities.

In 1942, the educational institution was transferred to the Department of Culture of the Moscow City Executive Committee and received a new name, the Musical College named after the October Revolution. All departments are preserved in the school, except for the ethnographic department. I.P. Musin becomes the director. After the war, in 1946, B.A. Fridman was appointed director of the school.

In the period from 1946 to 1949, the school included folk, conductor-choir, vocal departments, a class of wind and percussion instruments, and a department for the disabled.

In 1949, A.N. Lachinov was appointed director of the school. In the period from 1949 to 1968, only two departments functioned in the school - folk and choral. At that time, from 1949 to 1953, the outstanding contemporary composer A.G. Schnittke, whose name the institute bears.

In 1968, E.G. Mukhin, who headed the educational institution until 1982, was appointed director of the school. At this time, the theoretical, vocal, pop departments and the department of musical comedy are opened.

In 1982, A.A. Burmistrov was appointed director of the school. In the same year, the Department of Musical Comedy and the Variety Department were transferred to the Musical College named after. Gnesins.

In 1983, the department of wind and percussion instruments was opened. Admission to the theoretical department is temporarily closed, which resumes work in 1990. In 1989, V.I. Gorlinsky was elected director of the school.

In 1992, the school was reorganized into the Moscow Higher School of Music (college). In the same year, a structural subdivision of the college becomes Children's Music School No. 22 named after. Yu.A.Shaporina. G.V. Kanayan was appointed the director of the school.

In 1993, the educational institution was reorganized into the Moscow State College of Music(university). The Department of Special Piano was opened. With the advent of the university level, a three-stage system of continuous vocational training has developed: school - college - university.

In 1996, the educational institution was renamed the Moscow State Institute of Music (MGIM). In 1997, the Department of String Orchestral Instruments was opened.

In 1998, a new educational building with rehearsal rooms, a hostel, and a canteen was put into operation.

In 1998, the Schnittke Center was formed.

In 1999, by the Decree of the Government of Moscow, the institute was named after A.G. Schnittke. The first Alfred Schnittke Museum in the world was opened at the institute.

In 2005, the name of the educational institution was established: State educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke".

In 2006, A.L. Degtyarev was elected rector of the institute.

In 2007, MGIM them. A. Schnittke received a license to conduct educational activities in the direction of training "certified specialist" and in the educational program of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies) in the specialty 13.00.02 (theory and methods of training and education (music)).

Institute structure

  • administration
  • office
  • Training Division
  • preparatory department
  • industrial practice sector
  • research department
  • "Schnittke Center"
  • educational and methodical office
  • student creativity center
  • department of information and technical support
  • library
  • editorial and publishing department
  • Human Resources Department
  • accounting
  • department of operation of educational buildings
  • hostel

The institute has:

  • School them. Yu.A. Shaporin.
  • MGIM College named after A.G. Schnittke.
  • MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke
  • Postgraduate.

Institute today

Educational activities

Department of Folk Instruments /KNI/

The Department of Folk Instruments includes sections and subject commissions of stringed folk instruments, as well as button accordion and accordion.

Among the first teachers of the Department of Folk Instruments were famous performers D.P. Aleksandrov and G.G. Mikhailov, an outstanding balalaika player, conductor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR N.P. Osipov, guitarist P.S. Agafoshin, well-known in the 1920s.
Over the years, the following people worked at the department: Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR, organizer of the first domra orchestra in Moscow P.N. Alekseev, as well as K.S. Alekseev, long years head of the music school. October Revolution Russian Folk Orchestra; the author of the "School of playing the three-stringed domra", the first teacher of the three-stringed domra at the school A.Ya.Alexandrov; his students - A.N. Lachinov and S.N. Lachinov; outstanding virtuoso performer on the three-stringed domra, National artist Russian Federation A.A. Tsygankov; balalaika players: Honored Artist of the RSFSR B.A. Romanov, M.V. Vladimirov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, A.S. Ilyin, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, laureate of all-Union and international competitions V.I. Rozanov, Honored Artist RSFSR M. G. Filin, People's Artist of the USSR P. I. Necheporenko.

Among the graduates are People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company N.N. Nekrasov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation A.V. Tikhonov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.A. Zozulya, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, guitarist, composer, conductor and teacher A.M. Ivanov-Kramskoy, guitarist and composer V.A. Ditel, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions E.R. Shabalin and many others.

Learning to play the button accordion also began when he was at the Musical College. Krasnaya Presnya. Remarkable teachers S.P. Belikov, A.A. Nabatov, N.K. Otdelenov, V.Ya. Pereselentsev, V.I. Rozanov, P.N. The Institute is rightly proud of the first domestic laureate of the international competition A. Rezchikov, conductors A. Lazarev and V. Fedoseev, composer V. Temnov.

Over the years, the performing elite of bayan art was adorned with the names of graduates of the school B.Tikhonov and V.Galkin, S.Slepokurov and Y.Prokhorov. V.D.Nakapkin made a huge contribution to strengthening the professional basis of the accordion class. A bright page in the history of the educational institution was the creation of an orchestra of timbre harmonics under the direction of V.G. Somorov. A significant contribution to the development of the specialty was made by Professor AI Ledenev. In the 90s, well-known musicians were invited to the Bayan and Accordion Department: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor F.R. Lips, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor V.A. Semyonov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Yu.A. Vostrelov.

Currently, the department is headed by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor V.B. Boldyrev.

Head of Department:
Boldyrev Vladimir Borisovich

Chairmen of subject committees:
Boldyrev Vladimir Borisovich
Ledenev Andrey Ivanovich

The composition of the department:
Baskakova Lyubov Viktorovna - Associate Professor (accordion class); Belov Rudolf Vasilyevich - Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (domra class); Bobysheva Valentina Antonovna - Associate Professor (accordion class); Boldyrev Vladimir Borisovich - Professor, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia (balalaika class); Vostrelov Yury Alekseevich - Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (accordion class); Gorobtsov Mikhail Anatolyevich - Professor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (domra alto class); Elovnikova Galina Georgievna - teacher (domra class); Zhuk Lyubov Yakovlevna - Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (gusli class); Komoliatov Nikolai Andreevich - Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (guitar class); Kuznetsov Vadim Alexandrovich – associate professor, laureate of All-Russian and international competitions (guitar class); Tatyana Surenovna Lachinova - teacher (ensemble class); Ledenev Andrey Ivanovich - Associate Professor, full member of the International Academy of Informatization (accordion class); Lips Friedrich Robertovich - Professor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (accordion class); Lukashchuk Arkady Anatolyevich - Associate Professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (accordion class); Lukin Sergey Fedorovich - Professor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (domra class); Nedosekin Vyacheslav Alexandrovich - senior teacher (accordion class); Om Galina Moksanovna - Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (domra class); Osokin Sergey Viktorovich - teacher (accordion class); Purits Natalya Vasilievna - teacher (practice class); Semenov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich - Professor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (accordion class); Sudarikov Alexander Fedorovich - teacher (accordion class); Surkova Evgenia Klavdievna - Associate Professor (domra class); Shabalin Evgeniy Robertovich – senior lecturer, laureate of the All-Russian and international competitions (balalaika class).

Department of Orchestral String Instruments /KOSI/
The Department of Orchestral String Instruments is one of the youngest. Its opening after a long break took place in 1997. And the origins of learning to play bowed string instruments lie in the distant 20s of the last century, when he was the State Musical Instructor College named after. October Revolution: then violinist V.A. Revich, violist N.B. Sokolov worked at the department of string instruments; symphony orchestra in different time the teachers of the Moscow Conservatory N.P. Anosov, K.S. Saradzhev, V.S. Smirnov, Yu.N. Timofeev were in charge.

After opening in 1997, musicians of Moscow orchestras L.Ya.Kaplan, A.A. Zemlyanoy worked at the department. Currently, the following people work at the department: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor V.A. Pikaizen, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor R.I. Gabdullin, Associate Professor V.I. Rudenko and many other famous musicians. A large educational and concert work is carried out by the symphony orchestra, led by the famous conductor S.I. Kazyulin.

Over the years, the department was headed by: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor M.A. Kuritsky (1997-1998), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor L.B. Evgrafov (1998-2001), Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra D.O. ).

Since 2003, the department has been headed by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor I.I. Boguslavsky.

Boguslavsky Igor Isaakovich

The staff of the department: Boguslavsky Igor Isaakovich - Honored Artist of Russia, professor, academician of the International Academy of Informatization at the UN (viola class); Evgrafov Lev Borisovich - Honored Artist of Russia, professor (cello class); Pikaizen Viktor Alexandrovich - People's Artist of Russia, professor (violin class); Gabdullin Rustem Iskanderovich - People's Artist of Russia, professor (double bass class);

Kuritsky Mikhail Lazarevich - Honored Artist of Russia, professor (cello and quartet class); Igolinsky Vladislav Grigorievich - Honored Artist of Russia, professor (violin class); Rudenko Vladimir Ivanovich - Associate Professor (methodology and musical performance class); Kalashkova Dagmara Oyarovna – associate professor (violin class); Podgornaya Lyudmila Vasilievna - Associate Professor (harp class); Mamonova Oksana Gennadievna - teacher (violin class).

Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments /KDI/

The history of the department of orchestral wind and percussion instruments is closely connected with the early period of formation of the educational institution. In 1929, at the State Musical Instructor College named after. The October Revolution (as the educational institution was then called) classes for wind and percussion instruments were opened. The first teachers were famous musicians M.I. Tabakov, V.N. Soloduev, A.A. Shchetnikov and others.

Among the graduates of the department of the pre-war period, who left a noticeable mark in the history of the domestic performing art of playing wind instruments, are People's Artist of the USSR, horn player B.V. Polekh, for a long time worked as a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre.

During the Great Patriotic War due to the departure of the majority of students to the front, teaching to play wind instruments ceased and was resumed only in 1983 at the initiative of the deputy director of the school. October Revolution I.A.Ziks.

With the transformation of the October Revolution School in 1993 into the Moscow State College of Music (VUZ), the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments was founded. Students receive the practice of collective playing on wind and percussion instruments in a brass band led by Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor A.M. Pautov. Graduates of the department work in the best orchestras and educational institutions in Russia. Well-known musicians work at the department: Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor I.F. Pushechnikov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor I.P. Mozgovenko, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Yu.S. .Izmalkov and others.

Since the day of its foundation, the department has been headed by Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Professor V.I. Degtyarev.

Head of the Department and Chairman of the Subject Committee:
Degtyareva Valentina Ivanovna

The composition of the department:
Belenov Leonty Dmitrievich - Associate Professor, Candidate of Art History (horn class); Vorontsov Yury Sergeevich - Professor, Honored Art Worker of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia (saxophone class); Gorbenko Vasily Alekseevich - teacher, Honored Artist of Russia (tuba class); Degtyarev Alexander Leontyevich - Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (ensemble class); Degtyareva Valentina Ivanovna - Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia (flute class); Izmalkov Mikhail Akimovich - teacher, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia (trombone class); Kapustin Alexander Grigorievich - teacher, (bassoon class); Krasilnikova Lyudmila Ilyinichna - Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture R.F. (class of percussion instruments); Krichevsky Vladimir Borisovich - Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (trumpet class); Lebedev Viktor Afanasyevich - teacher (trombone class); Maslov Razmik Avraamovich - Professor, Doctor of Arts (clarinet class); Mozgovenko Ivan Panteleevich, professor, People's Artist of Russia (clarinet class); Pautov Anatoly Mikhailovich - Associate Professor, Candidate of Art History, Honored Worker of Culture R.F. (pipe class); Prokopov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Professor, Honored Artist of Russia (trumpet class); Pushechnikov Ivan Fedorovich - Professor, Honored Art Worker of Russia (oboe class).

Department of Special Piano /KSF/
The Department of Special Piano (CSF) of the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke was founded in 1993. Dynamically developing, having a highly professional teaching staff, the department has managed to achieve significant results over the past years.

Many students of the department have become laureates of international competitions, and teachers are permanent members of the jury of prestigious international and regional competitions, scientific and practical conferences, participants in master classes in Russia and abroad.

During the period of its existence, the department was headed by: D.G.Galynin (1992-1995), A.V.Mozdykov (1995-1998), O.Ch.Musorin (1998-2002), G.V.Dzyubenko (2002-2003) , B.A. Pechersky (2003), N.A. Gorlinskaya (2003-2004).

Since 2005, the department has been headed by the Honored Worker of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor V.B. Nosina.

Head of the Department: Nosina Vera Borisovna

Chairman of the Subject Committee: Mozdykov Alexander Viktorovich

The staff of the department: Aleshina Olga Alexandrovna - teacher, Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region (accompanist class); Bagratova Elena Budimirovna – Senior Lecturer (accompanist class); Brodskaya Elena Mikhailovna - teacher (teaching practice); Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Esakov - senior lecturer (head of the section of the chamber ensemble); Kotlyarevsky Igor Leonidovich - Professor, Honored Artist of Russia (accompanist class); Kuznetsov Vladimir Igorevich - teacher, laureate of the International Competition (special piano, piano ensemble); Kuritsky Mikhail Lazarevich - Professor, Honored Artist of Russia (chamber ensemble); Leonova Lyudmila Nikolaevna - teacher (pedagogical practice); Masychev Sergey Vasilyevich - teacher (special piano, history of piano art); Mozdykov Alexander Viktorovich - head of the subject-cycle commission of the college, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences (special piano); Musorin Oleg Charovich - associate professor, soloist of the Mosconcert (special piano, chamber ensemble); Nosina Vera Borisovna - Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Kyrgyzstan (special piano); Petrenko Tatyana Ivanovna - Associate Professor (Methodology); Stupakova Olga Yakovlevna - teacher, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (special piano, piano ensemble); Tsypin Gennady Moiseevich - professor, doctor of sciences, honored worker of higher education (piano performing arts and pedagogy (XX century), the basics of research work in the field of musical culture and pedagogy); Shirinskaya Galina Sergeevna - Professor, Honored Artist of Russia (chamber ensemble); Yushina Yulia Natanovna – teacher (special piano, piano ensemble).

Information for Parents of Applicants Applying to College Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

We invite you to draw up contracts according to the following schedule:

07/16/2018 (Monday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

07/19/2018 (Thursday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

25.07 .2018(Wednesday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

26.07 .2018(Thursday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

30.07 .2018(Monday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

13.08 .2018(Monday) - from 10.00 to 13.00

14.08 .2018(Tuesday) - from 14.00 to 18.00

cab. 204 B

You must have with you: the applicant's passport, passport and TIN of the parent (legal representative) of the applicant.

a) the rules for admission to the structural unit of the State Budgetary educational institution higher education of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke" College of Music in 2018 (download⇓)

b) (download⇓)

c) (download⇓)

d) (download⇓)

e) (download⇓)

f) (download⇓)

h) (download⇓)

i) Admission Requirements entrance examinations creative orientation (download⇓)

The number of places for admission to the first year in each specialty

Specialty code

Name of specialty

Number of seats

Number of seats funded by budget appropriations

Moscow city

Number of seats funded by appropriations

federal budget

Number of places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

Total Seats


Instrumental performance

(by types of instruments)






Orchestral string instruments

Orchestral wind and percussion instruments

Folk orchestra instruments


vocal art academic singing






solo and choral folk singing
Solo folk singing






Choral conducting






music theory





Rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations (download);

Information on the availability of a hostel and the number of places in the hostel allocated for non-resident applicants:

MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke has a hostel with 32 beds. Quota for 1st year students - 8 seats. Hostel address: Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10.

MGIM them. A.G. Schnittke also has a dormitory for the RSSU. Quota for 1st year students - 50 seats. Dormitory address: Sokol metro station, Baltiysky lane, 6/21.

For the period of entrance examinations, applicants are provided with a hostel.

Sample contract for applicants to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

subject to self-payment of tuition (sample)

subject to tuition fees legal entity( sample)

subject to tuition fees individual( sample)

Schedule of entrance examinations (download)

The procedure for admission to the College of Music of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for teaching educational programs secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in 2018

1.1 Admission of students for training in programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out in accordance with the Admission Procedure approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2014 No. A.G. Schnittke in 2018, approved by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke.

1.2. Admission to the first year of the College for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out on a competitive basis on the basis of applications from persons with basic general education, or secondary general education, or secondary vocational education, or higher education, taking into account the results of entrance examinations, which require the applicants to have certain creative abilities.

1.3. According to license Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science (series 90L01 No. 0008761, registration No. 1740 dated 05.11.2015) and the Certificate of state accreditation (series 90A01 No. 0002820, registration No. 2688 dated October 18, 2017) the College carries out educational activities on educational programs secondary vocational education in the following specialties:

53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instruments):


Orchestral string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp);

Orchestral wind and percussion instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion instruments);

Folk orchestra instruments (accordion, button accordion, balalaika, guitar, sonorous harp, domra, domra-alto);

53.02.04 Vocal art;

53.02.05 Solo folk singing;

53.02.05 Choral conducting;

53.02.07 Music theory.

1.4. For those entering the first year of the College for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following entrance tests of a creative orientation are established:

Specialty 53.02.03 Instrumental performance (piano, orchestral string instruments, orchestral wind and percussion instruments, folk orchestra instruments):

  • special tool (program execution);
  • solfeggio (written and oral).

By specialties 53.02.04 Vocal art (academic singing) and 53.02.05 Solo folk singing:

  • solo singing (program performance);
  • solfeggio (checking musical data, orally).

Specialty 53.02.06 Choral conducting:

  • conducting and performing the program on the piano;
  • solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral).

Specialty 53.02.07 Music Theory:

  • solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral);
  • musical literature (oral) and performance of the program on the piano.

1.5. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

1.6. The results of entrance examinations are evaluated according to the credit system.

1.8. When applying to the rector for admission to the first year of the College for study in educational programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the applicant submits, at his discretion, the original or a photocopy of the following documents:

Document proving identity and citizenship (to be presented personally by applicants);

State document on education (certificate of basic general education);

- four 3x4 photos.

If necessary, create special conditions during entrance examinations - disabled people and persons with handicapped health additionally - a document confirming disability or limited health, requiring the creation of these conditions.

1.10. The number of places for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is established for each academic year and published on the official website no later than June 1.

1.12. The order on the enrollment of persons for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is issued after the execution of the contract and payment of the cost of education in accordance with the terms of the contract.

The list of specialties for applicants for the first year of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018

  • 53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instrument: piano). Qualifications: artist, teacher, accompanist;
  • 53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instrument: orchestral string instruments). Qualifications: artist, teacher;
  • 53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instruments: orchestral wind and percussion instruments). Qualifications: artist, teacher;
  • 53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instruments: folk orchestra instruments). Qualifications: artist, teacher, accompanist;
  • 53.02.04 Vocal art (academic singing). Qualifications: artist-vocalist, teacher;
  • 53.02.05 Solo folk singing. Qualifications: artist-vocalist, teacher, leader of the folk group;
  • 53.02.06 Choral conducting. Qualifications: choir conductor, teacher;
  • 53.02.07 Music theory. Qualifications: teacher, organizer educational activities.

Duration of study 3 years 10 months

Requirements for the level of education for applicants to the first year of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018

Admission to the first year of the College for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on a competitive basis on the basis of applications from persons with basic general education, or secondary general education, or secondary vocational education, or higher education, in accordance with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the College of Music of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke independently (introductory tests of a creative orientation) in order to determine the possibility of applicants to master the relevant basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education.

The list of entrance tests of a creative orientation for each specialty for applicants to the first year of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018


List and form of entrance examinations

(by type of instrument: piano, orchestral string instruments, orchestral wind and percussion instruments, folk orchestra instruments)

1. Special tool (program execution);

2. Solfeggio (written and oral)

53.02.04 Vocal art(academic singing)

1. Solo singing

(program execution);

2. Solfeggio

(music data check, verbal)

1. Conducting and performing the program on the piano;

2. Solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral)

53.02.07 Music theory

1. Solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral);

2. Musical literature (oral) and performance of the program on the piano

The knowledge of applicants is assessed according to the credit system

Forms of conducting entrance examinations of a creative orientation for applicants to the first year of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018

53.02.03 Instrumental performance

1. Special instrument (execution of the program - listening);
2. Solfeggio (written and oral)

53.02.04 Vocal art(academic singing) 53.02.05 Solo folk singing

1. Solo singing (program performance - audition);
2. Solfeggio (checking musical data, orally)

53.02.06 Choral conducting.

1. Conducting and performing a program on the piano (listening);
2. Solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral)

53.02.07 Music theory

1. Solfeggio and musical literacy (written and oral);
2. Musical literature (oral) and performance of the program on the piano (listening)

Information on the submission of documents for the first year of the College of Music Mgim. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018 in electronic form

Acceptance of applications and documents in electronic digital form at MGIM them. A.G. Schnittke is not provided.

Features of conducting entrance examinations for applicants with disabilities for the first year of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in 2018

In accordance with the specialized focus of education at the College for educational programs of secondary vocational education, the limited health capabilities of the applicant should not be related to auditory data and the performing apparatus.

When conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are met:

a) entrance examinations are held for persons with disabilities in the same classroom together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the entrance examination;

b) the presence of an assistant who provides applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual features(take workplace, move around, read and complete the assignment, communicate with the examiner);
c) applicants are provided with instructions in printed form on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations;

d) applicants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need in the process of passing the entrance test;
e) the material and technical conditions should ensure the possibility of unhindered access to the classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, in the absence of elevators, the audience should be located on the first floor; availability special chairs and other devices).
Additionally, when conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured, depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:

a) for the blind:

tasks to be performed at the entrance examination, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are drawn up in Braille or in the form electronic document, accessible using a computer with a specialized software for the blind, or read by an assistant;
written tasks are performed on paper in Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

applicants for the assignment, if necessary, are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in Braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;
b) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux is provided;
Applicants to complete the task, if necessary, are provided

magnifying device;

tasks to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are drawn up in an enlarged font;
c) for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (severe disorders of the motor functions of the upper limbs or the absence of upper limbs):
written tasks are performed on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;
At the request of applicants, all entrance examinations can be conducted orally.

These conditions are provided on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.

Information about the need (lack of need) for applicants to pass the mandatory preliminary medical examination(surveys) in 2018

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. No. 697 "On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training upon admission to training, for which applicants undergo mandatory medical examinations (examinations)" and the Rules for Admission to Study Programs of Secondary Vocational Education at the College of Moscow State Institute of Physics and Technology named after A.G. Schnittke passing a mandatory preliminary medical inspection not provided .

License for educational activities dated January 31, 2012 No. 2443
Certificate of state accreditation dated May 25, 2012 No. 1702

Moscow College of Music is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Institute. A. Schnittke. The educational institution provides services in the field of graduates of secondary vocational education. The institution trains future performers of musical works, orchestra artists, vocalists of various choirs, music theorists, conductors, music teachers, organizers of educational activities. The college implements the state program, which is based on the classical Russian education in the music field.

Duration of study

For students who master the specialty of instrumental performance, vocal, conducting and music theory, the training period will be 3 years and 10 months on the basis of a complete primary education.

Student leisure

Student life in a music college is associated with participation in all kinds of concert programs, charity events, music competitions, conferences, round tables and other cultural, entertainment and scientific events. It is impossible to separate student leisure from rehearsals and performances. However, many students, in addition to professional hobbies, are actively involved in sports, participate in olympiads and thematic competitions.

After college

After graduating from the Moscow College of Music at the Moscow State Institute. A. Schnittke, a graduate can continue his education in a supervising higher educational institution or any other relevant institution.

However, not everyone continues further education in their specialty. Many graduates after graduating from college become artists, accompanists, vocalists, teachers, leaders of musical groups, and theorists of the music industry.

Form of study: Full-time, Part-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 35700 - 47200 rubles per year

Education is based on 9 or 11 classes

Supervising university: Moscow State Institute of Music. A. Schnittke


073101 Instrumental performance 073401 Vocal art 073403 Solo and choral folk singing 073502 Choral conducting 073002 Music theory

Exam subjects:

mathematics, Russian language, creative test

to the College of Music of the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke in 2017

Applicants under the age of 18, it is also necessary to sign the parents' consent to the processing of personal data.

Without it, submit documents to admission committee it is forbidden.

List of specialties for applicants to the first year of the College of Music of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke

Education Level Requirements required for admission

Admission to study under the programs of secondary vocational education is carried out only based on document about basic general education

(certificate of 9 classes).

Conditions for admission to study under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

List and forms conducting entrance tests of a creative orientation in each specialty

Information about the possibility of accepting applications and required documents provided for by the Admission Procedure, in electronic form

Features of conducting entrance examinations for persons with disabilities

Information on the need (lack of need) for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination) in 2017

Admission requirements for creative entrance examinations

Tuition fees for secondary vocational education programs

Number of places for admission to study programs of secondary vocational education

Number of seats for admission to study under the programs of secondary vocational education by budget levels

Rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations

Information about the hostel of the Musical College of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke

Regulations on entrance examinations to the College of Music of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A.G. Schnittke

Sample statements:

Application for admission to study

Statement about revocation of documents

Application for Appeal

Consent to the processing of personal data

Consent to the storage of documents in a personal file

Conclusion of contracts for the provision of paid educational services

will be carried out according to the following schedule:

25 July - from 12.00 to 15.00

11 august - from 12.00 to 15.00

12 august - from 12.00 to 15.00

14 august - from 12.00 to 15.00

15 august - from 12.00 to 15.00

Aud. 204 B

For training in educational programs of secondary vocational education:

  • subject to self-payment of tuition by students (SPO-2) (sample)
  • subject to payment for the training of a student by an individual (SPO-3fl) (sample) download sample)

Upon successful completion of the entrance examinations and enrollment at MGIM them. A.G. Schnittke must be providedmedical certificate according to the form 086/U

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